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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Gargargh the Path of Destruction
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=25211
25211, (DELETED) [None] Gargargh the Path of Destruction
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Mar 4 02:08:07 2004

At 1 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 24th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Gargargh perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

25217, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gargargh the Path of Destruction
Posted by Sastine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Gargargh a lot. I thought he was really three dimensional and fun, which really surprised me since most orc rp is really boring to be on the receiving end of. Even though I can definitely take to heart your concepts for orc rp, I really didn't enjoy the crude, sexually explicit nature of him.

Well done.
25218, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gargargh the Path of Destruction
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad you liked him. I tried really hard to give him, and orcs, more depth than what we've seen so far. I got to thinking that part of why orcs weren't really seen as a "race" like the others, is because they had no sense of culture. I don't mean cultured orcs, but customs and such of their people. So I tried to bring out more of that.

The crude, sexually explicit nature was also something I tried to bring out. I WANTED it to be unsettling and disturbing. Too often you see an orc acting more like a hormonal 12 year old, which I suppose many of them are played by. I wanted it to be a little darker than that, and I'm glad you picked up on that.
25212, My single most frustrating CF experience to date.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well a few months ago I had the bright idea to try out orcs. I figured they couldn't be as bad as everyone said. On some levels I was right, and on some I was very VERY wrong. I suppose if I were more of the mindset of the majority of the current playerbase, I'd have enjoyed the class a lot more. I'm just still too set in my ways and prefer to do my PKing alone. I just really don't get the way things are now, and the mindset of people who just can't do anything on this game without someone there holding their hands.

Early on I lost the ability to warcry. My warcry was deemed to be offensive. On some level, I agree it WAS offensive. However, orcs aren't friendly. They aren't nice. They are going to kill you, and if you are lucky they'll do it BEFORE they #### you. I played my orc like I always pictured them to be. Primal urges only. We're born, we fight, we eat, we ####, we die. However, any mention of sex in any fashion within the game is a huge no-no. Sure, killing someone repeatedly is fine, but if you screw someone, then you're just a bad bad person. Which led to something else I took issue with.

I was warned by "an immortal" that one of my emotes, specifically that of flipping someone over after spinebreaking them and giving them one up the ass, was bad and if I did it again I would get denied. I see the orc mentality as something of the way someone who lives in a prison enviornment would be. I didn't do it often, and didn't do it to people I knew I would beat. I did it to people who had made great pains in the ass of themselves (hence the irony) and who were going to most likely kill me. It wasn't a sexual act, it was a display of power. It was me saying "You may be able to kill me, but you have to live on knowing you took one up the ####ter from an orc". I think I can understand the points of view of the immstaff, but I still think maybe we're taking PCness a little too far.

Overall I enjoyed the character, but the last month or so of his life was just beyond frustrating. This was a learning experience for me, and were I to have known then what I know now, I think I would have played differently. My only comment on the orc class is this. It was a class seemingly desighed for permaing with other orcs. But permaing is bad. So WTF?

Not too many goodbyes.

Thrak. Always top notch immteraction. You rock.

Scarab. I don't think I ever really appreciated you until I played this class, knowing it was your handiwork. I had a lot of fun with it. Thanks.

To basically everyone in the Fortress. Grow some balls. Learn to fight alone. Not every single situation calls for helpers.

Come to think of it, the playerbase as a whole needs to learn a thing or two about fighting alone. I could probably count the number of solo fights I had on one hand. When the orc is the one who is fighting alone and you're the ones ganging him constantly, somethings ####ed up.

25227, explicit emotes :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I used to have a fire giant that no one would remember
who would throw in pretty harsh emotes usually on say elven mobs.
but the reaction i got from group mates was such that i could almost see the player cringe at the keyboard. some of the characters laughed or chuckled but then made it VERY clear this was hard core no no land.
but he was a sick bastard and was played that way. i ended up cutting out the emotes and the guy just wasn't fun anymore. so i deleted him.
I think this is why i can never pull off evil well. The only way i could do it is to give it all where the other players are going 'holy **** this guy is SICK.'

But in any case i came to see a few points on both sides, though the points FOR acting sick are by far outweighed by the ones against.

for: well it adds an interesting atmosphere to your vile character.
puts in some 'realism' folks think they are always looking for.

against: just on the off chance some lady is mudding because she was a rape victim and is now agoraphobic or something, and you emote rape her character. umm ouch.. any other variation there, bob's wife was raped last month. jim has led a very sheltered life, and just freaks out when exposed to this kind of thing.
one major thing for me, my son is likely to start playing.
(yeah yeah he hears all kinds of junk at school already, that doesn't mean i want to add to it. besides i'd never hear the end of it from my ex if he starts telling a story about a character in cf .. and then grugnuk cranialed elespethia and just started humpin' away in front of her friends.. what mom? oh this was at dad's... )
It's hard for me to keep in mind there are likely a pile of 12-18 yr olds who play, it explains alot, but it is still hard to keep in my head.

as for ganging, *shrug* dunno what to tell ya there.
if its in the rp of your character do it, if not don't etc..
if it is done to you get up.. hrm while i can still get past the cents i can get that ring, then i'll scoot on over to.... etc..
or whatever is appropriate for your char.
what did you want to live forever? :)
and besides sometimes one bad *** player(or a lucky one) will whip a gang. and worse a mediocre pker who gets his *** handed to him by the same guy all the time is going to keep dying until he does come at the guy with a group.
keeps the gear circulating too.
but if you think bob is a dork who just found some nice gear and that is the only reason he won that fight, and you gang him and take his stuff, and 20 minutes later he takes you down with camelot junk and takes his stuff back, umm let him keep it hehe and when ya see him on eastern just get teleportation sack;quaff teleportation. better odds of surviving.
hrm note to self, take that advice.

okay back to the good-bye, ya had a nice orc there.
i liked tibi better, but i had more interaction with him.

25251, RE: My single most frustrating CF experience to date.
Posted by Nimuweh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad you got warned about those kind of emotes, they aren't for everyone, not by any means 'most' people, and they offend a large amount of people... including me. That's just tasteless in a way that does offend people. You can be an orc and be classily rude, that would go much farther.

Nimuweh says: I really had no idea Brulig was there. I swear.

Good luck on your next.
25281, RE: My single most frustrating CF experience to date.
Posted by Thrak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't really interact with you much as our times did not seem to overlap. The few times I did see you I was impressed and I seem to recall being annoyed that there weren't any elves in your range so I could get a tattoo on you. I have made some minor tweaks for orcs that should help them do better both as solo artists and in groups of orcs, but we won't see too much of that until the playerbase grows. Sorry you didn't make chief - I think you would have been quite happy with the chief powers as they truly make an orc able to fight alone. Good luck with the next.
25287, But you did tat me! I was like lvl 20 or so. nt
Posted by Vlad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
25288, RE: My single most frustrating CF experience to date.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I was warned by "an immortal" that one of my emotes,
>specifically that of flipping someone over after spinebreaking
>them and giving them one up the ass, was bad and if I did it
>again I would get denied.

Personally, I consider that well within the RP boundaries of an orc. My problem with it is that you're doing something that should have game-mechanics repercussions "for free" because its in an emote. It would be like me emoting "bends down and repeatedly stabs you in the gut." Could my character do that? He could at least try, yeah, but you'd better bet it would initiate combat. If it initiated combat (and lagged you some) then I'd be fine with you buggering people.
25293, If I got violated by an orc...
Posted by Big Dex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd delete. omg. :D

25314, Theres a completely different stigma attached to that type of thing.
Posted by LazyDrekten on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now I'm not saying murder is all lovey-dovey, but think about video games. Killing is almost cliche in video games - just look at rpgs. Cecil's(ff4 referance ;) attack does 250 damage to harpy! Harpy is dead! Nobody blinks and eye. But if you saw Cecil whip it out and ram it in said harpy animated in 8-bit glory...people are going to take offense, I'd take offense.

CF is an adult game, but there ARE people as young as say 10 playing... Your slash DISMEMBERS mister 10 year old is a gruesome thought, but do you actually think about it their flesh being rended, organs spitting out bodily fluids? No, you think "hm that did about 30 damage, he should have about 200 hp left..thats gushing right? I should flurry now.."

So in our little cyber-society we're all desensitized to murder and death, but I don't think *anyone* can say their desensitized to rape.

Seeing mister orc take out his ten inch "lil' Thrakburzug"(Thats what I'd call *mine* if I was an orc) and analy violate your beloved char that you've spent 200 hours cultivating is going leave an impression, and not a good one. That might be enough to make me delete. What can you do? Pretend it didn't happen...? Thats not good rp...start role-playing a rape victim? That doesn't sound like much fun...you're basicly *forcing* roleplay on a char by doing something like this...and thats not very nice.

In cf, when you die...you come back, no lasting affects other then losing your pretty set and 1/3rd of a con point. You don't come back after being raped.

And the *most* important argument to get into is the whole females playing this game thing. They have a bloody right to be pissed at anyone who would RP something like rape, to them rape isn't just a game, its something they have to worry about whenever they walk down the street alone, or set their drink down for a moment. It might be all "blah" for you to emote rape some girl, or some annoying shifter, but its not to them.