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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) <BATTLE> Katisae the Knight Hero
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=2514
2514, (DEL) Katisae the Knight Hero
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Sep 2 08:28:06 2001

12 o''clock PM, Day of the Sun, 6th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness on the Theran calendar Katisae perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:70% (closer to 100% is better)

2515, RE: (DEL) Katisae the Knight Hero
Posted by theNINE on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I suppose you could call this a rage deletion, though not totally without grounds. I rolled katisae determined to get a battle berserker after so many failed attempts (I cant remember how many giant wannabes Ive had, all deleted usually because they have all been necromancer bait for the lvl 30 sitting necros, and I wouldnt use flowers).

So I got in, and was well pleased, and I have to thank Intronan for giving me the chance. Katisae was very much a learning character, there were so many places I wanted to explore (believe or not I could only get into the underdark before now, not out again) and did so. Once I had done this, there only remained the everyday business of cabal wars.

Its become ridiculous, exactly how Cranikun describes. Nobody walks out of their cabal alone, mostly everyone full loots. I had a blast for a while, ragers were in power and I was probubly as bad as anyone else in the gang bang scheme of things. Someone was being attacked, I would run to their aid like a bitch and justify it as battle tactics, which it was but it didnt make me any less a bitch.

Then it settled down recently, my range was actually normal again. I was outnumbered sometimes, and I was well up for the fight because I really hadnt enough experience in big fights at cabal guardians. Unfortunately the lag set in badly, I dont know how it is for anyone else, but I cant remember the last time I died that wasnt due to lag.

Invoker and warrior attack giant, I thirst and type in dash e lash invoker. Review the entire fight of me standing there like a prune for 15 rounds of lag whilst I sit at the altar. (Fully looted of course).

I see mage at inner guardian. I go to guardian. Lag for 20 rounds of me miraculously tanking lion and inner guardian. Wimpy kicks in and it unlags, I manage to run to safety with 100 hp.

This is not the occasional lag that sets in (I can live with that). This is incessant and completely unexplainable lag that was uncanny how it would kick in just as I would run into trouble.

I would fight others out side of the cabal halls of course (where it wouldnt lag up), unfortunately this goes back to the gang bang thing, noone left with at least one bitch to group with. Another reason I didnt complain when Selfren summoned Hejduk to us. (Yes we were raiding, no we didnt ask Selfren to summon, No I wasnt surprised when Selfren summoned him, Yes I was spamming murder/entwine for when Hejduk would walk in to defend, Yes I am glad selfren summoned him, Yes I did know Hejduk would have teleported and hid/quit if we didnt summon and kill him).

Overall though, a good experience, and certainly learned a lot with this char (not least of which how to fight necros better).

Ill mention a few names, if I forget anyone im sorry, theres quite a few:

Intronan: Best battle leader ive ever had to deal with (and not just because he would be on the same sort off times as me, and not just because he inducted me either :p). Hope I havent let you down too much.

Loborguz;Kazander;Nerylana;Tobeldest;Lots more: I had a blast, thanks.

Warlock Conjurers: I cant think of any that werent pathetic. At least I lost con points before I deleted because I died.

All other warlocks: You stuck together and I cant blame you for that, I had some fun fights with you and overall didnt have too much trouble.

Maran/dawnites: Was good fun raiding warlocks wondering if you were going to defend or not (got pretty hairy sometimes), overall though met some good chars and feel better for the interactions. Special mention to Ispard for being really quite cool.

Meridius;Chawnyth;Burtykin: Special mentions too these two assassins and one invoker who would dare fight alone, your have far more courage and probubly would have made far better ragers than I.

Theres lots more I have to say, and so many people I didnt mention, so long and thanks for all the fish.

2518, *tip*
Posted by Intronan (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked watching Katisae go from average, to extremely competent, almost before my eyes. I watched you a good bit, as I do a lot of villagers, hiding in the shadows while they go about their business. Your knowledge of the lands increased, your knowledge of fighting got better, and it was great to see. Was good fun fighting along side you... roll another villager... things are slowly changing for the better in the village... the emphasis on courage is coming back, albeit slowly.
2519, heh
Posted by One of the warlocks, namely Modion (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Beeing arcane fighting a villager berserker really is just THAT fun.
2521, A bit of battle and something else.
Posted by Soren (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure must be, eating deathblows and cast the evil spell slow must kick ass. Makes all the hours in Duo well worth it just for that chance. Why anyone play arcane is just beyond me. On a side note, I do not think battle is on the raise seems to be trillions of rangers and other wardens wannabes but then again I am not interviewing for battle. I hope Intronan will put some more of the guts-brave players in charge for as it is now it's just foolish. I just want to pound myself when I can no longer tell what cabal channel I am on.

(INSERT CABAL NAME HERE): Player X:Help, I am sleept by a bard

This seems to go for all cabals except scarab and then perhaps because there is only one scarab on.

2520, RE: heh
Posted by Katisae (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh yeah, I should have mentioned you. I raped Modion everytime I met him, and I felt sorry for him. Mainly because I didnt have to do anything, just stand there and let the deathblows flow, hell the two times I remembered fighting him you did your bone spell thing and you died two rounds later.

Am I some fantastic PK machine thats makes Nepenthe shudder? Hell no, Im the guy that kicked dirt at an earth shielded shaman 5 times before I realised it wasnt gonna work....

There is just something lacking in the arcane trannys that make them basically meat. Sure, they can be bad asses in the right hands, just as gnome warriors can be, but theres just something so wrong with a class I can beat without even trying.

Since im replying, I thought id mention Igakaie, the only mage I was scared off....(we had some cool fights)
2517, RE: (DEL) Katisae the Knight Hero
Posted by KatistrofiK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boy, was I pissed at you when you rejected my longish note about whips. You pissed me off in the interview too. I honestly didn't know what the hell you wanted me to write, and even got more pissed when you told me you couldn't add anything to it, because it was complete. I soon got over that when I got in. We went ranking together a few times and my image of you changed quickly. I had a blast with you, and am sorry to see you delete. I'm also a novice to the Battle cabal and sort of felt the same way you did at first. Thanks for everything.

2516, *tips his hat...as well*
Posted by MInyar (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man,
I agree with Intronan completely. I totally saw you grow into your power as a rager berserker. The first few times we fought I took you down alone, but then...all of a sudden you started kicking my arse and I had better gear. I won't forget that fight in the clouds when you killed me alone and that little punk took all my stuff. So i followed you about and took all yours when you died to that ram that you talked about. I felt bad, but then again, Meridius wasn't all about being the "nice" guy. However, he did always like a "fair" fight and that was Katisae's downfall. I hated being jumped by a few ragers. I know Intronan didn't jump me everytime, but there were times when he did. However, you tended to jump me a lot, and that was kind of upsetting, because you certainly ahd the power to take me down alone. I'm sorry to see you go, and it looks like its rager deletion time in thera. (that's a whole nother gripe, but hey, everyone wants to be in power right?) Sometimes, I wish that the immortals would make it so you can only have one char, and that each char has a set path...just so we could have some "real" cabal wars. There were times back in the days of the Village in Arkham where it would actually be 10 masters verses 10 ragers and we would have some "awesome" battles. I loved those times, and I miss them quite a bit.

Great job though, keep it up,

Intronan, when you die, you better le me know who else you have played in the past.