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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Jarsharlax Orepic the Master of Steel, Veteran of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=25120
25120, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Jarsharlax Orepic the Master of Steel, Veteran of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Mar 1 13:18:45 2004

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Grand Struggle
on the Theran calendar Jarsharlax perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic

25121, buh-bye
Posted by jarsharlax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well hmm i am sure this is a little unexpected for most people. In essence i just kinda got bored with jarsharlax. Arvam thanks for the tat, also thanks for veteran ordasen.

I was largely unimpressive but if my opinion means anything to you just say hey and i will respond.

basic info
crashing legacy

basic idea was battle powers let me beat mages so pick specs and legaccies to fight warriors

past chars
zashiere ternah
and now

25122, dot dot dot
Posted by Jaalek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well first interacted on you with Jaalek seemed pretty relaxed. Then I interacted on you with "the bard maid" too bad we didnt get to finish up the interaction... DOH
25123, haha
Posted by jarsharlax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hope you liked my little quest, sorry i deleted before you could get my rec but i had 3 stages of testing and i tried to make the quest part something where a person can really do a lot or a little and still have fun, rather then gather me an item that represents magic.

too bad that chicken decomposed.

I am a village player so i will likely be back soon , i got about 3 ideas for villagers i am tossing around.
25125, RE: buh-bye
Posted by Tiynal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you did really well, I may be thinking of a different char who interacted with you, but I think Tiynal was the one. I remember I zoomed past you and ranks but I watched you when I had twenty or so titles on you tear down some people in Galadon with the same axes I gave you at rank 20ish and I thought...damn, he still hasn't lost them. Well done, and luck on the next
25127, RE: buh-bye
Posted by jarsharlax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
actually i lost the axes pretty fast just got new ones that were similar. you had an interesting char and yeah i logged off one day we were both 20 i logged on like the next and you were 40, i was like damn.
25128, RE: buh-bye
Posted by Romanul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seeing your character titled Veteran of Battle was possibly one of the funniest moments I have ever had in CF.
25131, RE: buh-bye
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Another one bites the dust...

Take care man.
25138, Advice/Observations
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't take this as anything but some advice given in goodwill, please.

From my perspective, you seem to play characters that are designed/focused on getting imm rewards. I suggest that when you're planning your next character, not to decide that you want a rager that will get Sebeok's tattoo, but think of a cool idea for a character, something you will enjoy playing, and if you get recognized by the imms or fit into something like a religion or cabal, it's a bonus.

Just a suggestion that may help you from getting bored with your chars.
25140, you know whats funny
Posted by jarsharlax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have not sought out immteraction at all with my last 2 chars. I mean it all just happened to me, i never sought it, i really didn't even encourage it. I just thought it would be interesting to do a sphere passion in the village. I got bored with this char because well i was in a position where the char had gotten kind of old from literally trying to run to a person to get an attack before they teleport and then on the flip side getting ganked.

I just never fully connected with this char like some of those in the past. I gave up with trying to get immteraction a long time ago, i just come across it regularily somehow it seems now.

on a side note i find it amusing that this is the second time that a day after i gave up on trying to get a tat i got it. very funny in my book.
25142, I didn't like you
Posted by Baendra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, I presented my side of the story in such as fashion as to try to get you the greatest punishment possible, but Baendra felt it justified because of the scorn she felt towards someone who would spring a trap like that and fail to succeed. However, my ooc distaste of your actions diminished when a subsequent conversation revealed that you had what sounded like an original role, as opposed to a cookie-cutter one.

For Jinroh's interest, the truth is shown in the log below. Not as I told it to you, but equally not something I felt makes someone deserving of respect.

<100%hp 38%m 100%mv 6889tnl, 1 AM, indoor wilderness> You tell Jarsharlax 'Greetings sir'

<100%hp 38%m 100%mv 6889tnl, 1 AM, indoor wilderness>
*24 Human Nec* (PK) Baendra the Bringer of Plague
<23 W-Elf Ran> (PK) Wertigar the Ranger of the First Circle
<24 Human Thi> (PK) Silmehr the Lookout
<26 Svirf War> (PK) Jarsharlax the Greater Demon Slayer
<18 Svirf War> (PK) Oplinki the Dragoon
<18 Cloud War> (PK) Anduras the Dragoon

Players found: 6

Jarsharlax tells you 'hail'

You tell Jarsharlax 'would ye care to travel?'

Jarsharlax tells you 'i am out of foot strength in silverwood'

You tell Jarsharlax 'when ye recover, perhaps?'

Jarsharlax tells you 'but umm like killin dryads?'

You tell Jarsharlax 'I think we'd do better to kill pawns'

Jarsharlax tells you 'aye then i will meet you in the ashes'

Jarsharlax tells you 'get another'

You tell Jarsharlax 'we should find another first, aye'

Jarsharlax tells you 'i can manage them alone easily enough'

You tell Anzarah 'Greetings lady'

Anzarah tells you 'Hello'

You tell Anzarah 'join Jarsharlax and I?'

Anzarah tells you 'Where are you two?'

You tell Anzarah 'I am sure he would appreciate your prayers'

You tell Anzarah 'we have not met up yet'

Anzarah tells you 'I will join you'

You tell Anzarah 'but we will be heading to the chessmasters'

You tell Jarsharlax 'Anzarah joins us'

You tell Anzarah 'I am a long way off, but I come'

** The healer and I meet up.

Anzarah whispers 'let the slave gnome come to us here'

You say 'another group is slaying the jade elves'

You say 'they are far above us in rank'

You say 'we cannot harm them'

** we pass through Hamsah.

You tell Jarsharlax 'come down and join us?'

Jarsharlax tells you 'bah thats a long walk back here'

Jarsharlax tells you 'i will just rest here and see about getting a white sword'

You tell Jarsharlax 'but we can do it together'

You tell Jarsharlax 'aye then'

Jarsharlax tells you 'if i am sleeping yell at me and i will unlock the door'

You say 'about as long a walk as you ever get'

<100%hp 67%m 55%mv 6861tnl, 9 PM, outdoor wilderness> People near you:
(PK) Anzarah Outside the passage
(PK) Baendra Outside the passage
(PK) Jarsharlax A black square

You yell 'Hail'
Jarsharlax yells 'hail!'

Jarsharlax yells 'um different room?'

** You must think I was born yesterday if you expect me to meet you in the other room.

In a strange room
Stepping through the portal, you are almost blinded by the light. This room
is totally different from the hallways you have been walking through.
Soft lighting (now that you are used to it) fills the room, and it looks as
though this is relaxation room. Soft chairs and couches line the walls,
and there is no sign of dust or dirt. A steep staircase leads up to the
ceiling where you can see the outline of a trapdoor.

(Invis) (White Aura) Anzarah is here.

You yell 'aye, the other room'

Anzarah sits down and rests.

Anzarah calms her adrenaline and takes a nap.

You yell 'in case there was a problem'

Anzarah whispers 'good, i like how you think.'

You tell Jarsharlax 'we're on the west side'

You grin evilly.

Wimpy set to 50% of max hit points.

You slowly float to the ground.

Jarsharlax yells 'ahh this one?'

The trapdoor opens.

Jarsharlax has arrived.

Jarsharlax closes the trapdoor.

Anzarah stands up.

** I start spamming in case he closes the second door.

The portal is already opened.

Jarsharlax locks the trapdoor.

<100%hp 78%m 78%mv 6861tnl, 12 AM, indoor civilized>
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Jarsharlax!'
Jarsharlax's cleave misses you.
Jarsharlax is in perfect health.

<100%hp 78%m 78%mv 6861tnl, 12 AM, indoor civilized>
The portal is already opened.
Jarsharlax is in perfect health.

<100%hp 78%m 78%mv 6861tnl, 12 AM, indoor civilized>

You fade into existence.
Jarsharlax dodges your stab.
Jarsharlax's cleave DISMEMBERS you!
Jarsharlax's cleave DISMEMBERS you!
Jarsharlax's cleave DISMEMBERS you!
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Jarsharlax is in perfect health.

<49%hp 78%m 78%mv 6861tnl, 12 AM, indoor civilized> Jarsharlax gets in one more shot as you flee.
Jarsharlax's parting blow DISMEMBERS you!

** heal a little.

<62%hp 78%m 75%mv 6861tnl, 12 AM, outdoor civilized> You quaff a potion of recall.
City Hall

A plaque shines here, waiting to be read.
A poster marked "Wanted-Information!"
A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
(Ghost) Nakulaka is resting here.
(White Aura) A healer is here selling his spells.

<62%hp 78%m 37%mv 6861tnl, 12 AM, indoor civilized>
Anzarah tells the group 'kill him'

<62%hp 78%m 37%mv 6861tnl, 12 AM, indoor civilized>
Anzarah tells the group 'damnit'

<62%hp 78%m 37%mv 6861tnl, 12 AM, indoor civilized>
You tell Anzarah 'I expected something like that'

<62%hp 78%m 37%mv 6861tnl, 12 AM, indoor civilized>
Anzarah has arrived through a gate.

You tell Anzarah 'I am a tribunal'

You tell Anzarah 'I cannot strike him in town'

** I was an applicant at this stage.

You tell Jarsharlax 'pathetic'

Anzarah tells the group 'wait, i require rest'

You tell your group 'aye'

Anzarah tells the group 'i am most displeased'

You tell your group 'I bring a zombie'

You tell Jarsharlax 'what courage'

** I promptly get attacked by an aggro mob that isn't where it normally is.

<87%hp 41%m 57%mv 6859tnl, 6 AM, outdoor civilized>
You tell your group 'he comes'

<87%hp 41%m 57%mv 6859tnl, 6 AM, outdoor civilized>
Dragon Road

A bone golem has arrived.

<87%hp 41%m 57%mv 6859tnl, 6 AM, outdoor wilderness>
Anzarah has arrived through a gate.

<87%hp 41%m 57%mv 6859tnl, 6 AM, outdoor wilderness> People near you:
(PK) Anzarah Dragon Road
(PK) Baendra Dragon Road
Nakulaka City Hall
(PK) Jarsharlax Harbor

<87%hp 41%m 57%mv 6859tnl, 6 AM, outdoor wilderness>

Anzarah closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You are surrounded by a white aura.
You say 'aura please'

<87%hp 41%m 57%mv 6859tnl, 6 AM, outdoor wilderness> You are affected by:
Spell: 'armor of living bone' modifies armor class by -20 for 25 hours.
Spell: 'invis' for 23 hours.
Spell: 'lesser golem' for 22 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 2 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 2 hours.

You say 'I am in fine shape, tired and could use a rest.'

Anzarah closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Your feet rise off the ground.

You lurch as your body becomes insubstantial.

<100%hp 35%m 88%mv 6859tnl, 7 AM, outdoor wilderness> They aren't here.
Jarsharlax has arrived.

<100%hp 35%m 88%mv 6859tnl, 7 AM, outdoor wilderness>
Jarsharlax yells 'Die, Baendra, you sorcerous dog!'
Jarsharlax's legs buckle slightly, but he fights off your spell!
Jarsharlax mauls you.
Jarsharlax wounds you.
Jarsharlax is in perfect health.

<88%hp 32%m 88%mv 6859tnl, 7 AM, outdoor wilderness>
Jarsharlax's kicked dirt misses you.
Jarsharlax is in perfect health.

<88%hp 32%m 88%mv 6859tnl, 7 AM, outdoor wilderness>
You fade into existence.
Your stab wounds Jarsharlax.
A bone golem fades into existence.
Jarsharlax's cleave wounds you.
Jarsharlax has a few scratches.

<82%hp 32%m 88%mv 6859tnl, 7 AM, outdoor wilderness>
Jarsharlax deflects your spell!
Jarsharlax's spellbane injures you.
Jarsharlax decimates you!
Jarsharlax mauls you.
Jarsharlax wounds you.
Jarsharlax has a few scratches.

** ouch.

<59%hp 32%m 88%mv 6859tnl, 7 AM, outdoor wilderness>
A bone golem's pound decimates Jarsharlax!
Jarsharlax parries your stab.
Jarsharlax's cleave mauls you.
Jarsharlax's cleave mauls you.
Jarsharlax's cleave mauls you.
Jarsharlax's cleave mauls you.
Jarsharlax has a few scratches.

<34%hp 32%m 88%mv 6859tnl, 7 AM, outdoor wilderness>
Anzarah closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Jarsharlax has a few scratches.

<34%hp 32%m 88%mv 6859tnl, 7 AM, outdoor wilderness>

Jarsharlax gets in one more shot as you flee.
Jarsharlax's parting blow mauls you.
Dragon Road

A man with a huge smile is standing here.
You flee from combat!

<28%hp 32%m 87%mv 6859tnl, 7 AM, outdoor civilized> You aren't fighting anyone.

<28%hp 32%m 87%mv 6859tnl, 7 AM, outdoor civilized>
You quaff a potion of teleportation.
The First Level of Kiadana-Rah

You tell your group 'his spellbane is more than I can cope with'

25143, Heh.
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a very similar interaction with him as Tchzarch. Offer to group, meet up, attack.

I just thought it was some old newbie not having the PRIDE it takes to be a villager but a spellbane later I realised he was indeed inducted.

I am probably wrong, but I think a true villager should not resort to deceptions such as that. Unless perhaps they are evil.
25148, See my above post ;) (nt)
Posted by Romanul_01 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
25144, Thanks for this
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At least I know the truth now. That is some shifty roleplay for a rager, but he did never join you in a group. Although he did agree to travel with you without the exact words, which is, I think, lacking pride in the village ways. But some people believe this kind of deception is okay, personally I don't, I think it just degrades the path they have chosen by hiding it and showing that they can't hunt their prey down. Perhaps its a lazy man concept I don't like. Oh well. Granted the story you told me was an outright lie as well, Jarsharlax's story was at least closer to the truth. :)

25149, RE: Thanks for this
Posted by jarsharlax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
actually its not bad role play at all. I answered every question truthfully. I never lied. my role was a passion for battles and if you would come to me all the better. as a side note i got so pissed off that people could not break away from the cookie cutter idea of deception that i did not do it again. and i had more pride in the ways of the village then most, hell i accepted every challenge to fight, i let victims heal before a fight if they were badly wounded, i defended against bad odds. i defended half naked, i always supported my brothers, all of it.

and jinroh if that little thing is bad then perhaps you should take into consideration the one recomendation i did make.
25145, Humph
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did well as far as I could see. I had really only one complaint is that you took upon yourself the mantle of interviewing scouts to get into the village. Yet, at a time where I can count members on both of my hands, you took almost a month, supposedly interviewing, with five or six people stating they talked to you, yet no scroll to me about your views on any of them. Whatever interview process you were doing was insanely difficult, which I found unfair on people seeking the village. Interview processes should be difficult, but they should not extend for a month or more real time. You should consider people playing this game at some points of the induction process.

Good luck with your next and look forward to you returning to the village.
25147, RE: Humph
Posted by jarsharlax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
first off ordasen, the god, said i would interview all scouts.

second my tests were very simple you just had to approach me on 3 different days. since i logged in pretty much every day that should not be a big problem. first day was a simple quest, second was general knowledge and third was going to be discusion of basic tactics. Nobody had the patience to go through it.

side note i never asked to be vet i never was asked even to accept it, i was told to make sure everyone was well qualified and right after they just purged the village cause standards were too low i think my testing was appropriate.

you make a good leader, i just disagree with how you just became leader by default. It seems the days of the rites are over. keep up the good work
25150, Side Note
Posted by ordasen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, the days of the rites are not over. However we are just waiting for our numbers to increase back up and then there shall be the rites once more.
25158, You are neglecting something major here
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One, not everyone plays at the times you play. Therefore when they get on, and you are not there for day "2" of testing, they are screwed until they see you again. There was one applicant seeking to become a scout that sought it for one month and almost one week. He was level 28 and still there was no word from you about any of the applicants. In addition, there was never one scroll about any recommendation or lack of there of during the whole time you were veteran of scouts. Some communication would have been nice and if it existed I would not of had a problem, but it didn't.

Perhaps your tests were not difficult, but when I have five or six scout applicants stating they talked to you over a month period and you have not said one word to me, I and them get tired of me saying, "speak with Jarsharlax". And finally when I wrote a note to you to tell me what is going on with your applicants, did you finally communicate something to me, and then you summarily deleted.

That is my only beef with your character, all in all a pretty good character. As for the leadership position being given to me, it was there choice, I didn't seek it, and Ordasen is right, because it was my statement, is that when the village is strong enough to support rites, I'm going to hold them. But do take into consideration I have beaten every villager in a duel, including you. If that adds anything to my leadership position.