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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Vexoffesz the Weaponsmaster, Veteran of Battle
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25091, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Vexoffesz the Weaponsmaster, Veteran of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Mar 1 01:27:58 2004

At 1 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 21st of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Vexoffesz perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic

25119, Hurumph
Posted by Jaalek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interacted with you on two char. Jaalek being one, the other shall remain anonymous for now. I agree with jinroh 100 percent about the bandage/note things. Sometimes I cracked up when someone would die or do something stupid and id have a note in my inv and just laugh at it . Im glad you got Vet, you were always a very good rager and whenever you were around i was confident in raiding/not dieing. I believe you saved my ass 3-4 times atleast with bandage and poultice. Good job Silencer
25135, RE: Hurumph
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you! You were one of the better giants, so I overlooked it most of the time. Hmmm, now to ponder on the mystery character.... :)
25100, Well played
Posted by Zhaorayne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I found out the hard way that you had a perfect combo to put an asswhooping on a bard. I didn't even notice the entwine until you hit me in the throat and I tried to flee.
If it makes you feel any better I got Thorogarn right after they finished you off. Good luck with your next one.
25106, RE: Well played
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got lucky with the timing of ticks on that one, which I'm thankful for, because Ordasen was watching. Empire seems to be in a bit of a slump right now, good luck with pulling through.
25092, At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eh, Vex was an asshole, generally, if he wasn't a prick to your face he was to your back. A terrible rager, I couldn't believe how I got inducted--the day before Flaerglum (who was General at the time) wrote my reco note I had raided with the Scions while Zylundak and other ragers were there. Thought my spec/legacy combo was neat...I liked it more when I could use faerie fire, heh. Eventually Vex became a good rager because he had been killed so many times by the opposition, but generally the whole goal of joining the village was for protection, and I had been trying to get into the Chasm at the same time. I thought playing a mute character would be fun. I was right. Oh, why was he mute? Well, he was born that way. I answered that question in whichever way I thought was most strategic (ie telling ragers that it was taken by magic, yada yada), but yeah, just born like that. In real life, few people are mute. Most people that can't talk can't because of brain damage or because they are deaf.


Immortals: Vex cursed the gods for his fate, so I didn't have much to do with you. To the Imm that gave me the Con boost after the heroimm talk: thanks. I decided a week after that conversation that I didn't really have the time/interest to try and imm, so I didn't pursue it (not that I would have been selected anyway. It's hard to cultivate rp opportunities when your character can't talk and is a spiteful bastard).

The Zwick: You were cool man. I remember you telling me how displeased you would be if Sharidum got inducted into Battle while I was an applicant and courting the Chasm too. Very mysterious, wish you'd stuck around.

Zhelrantix: I think we had mutual contempt for each other? My comments about your poor leadership and stuff were totally in character, I had no problem with you OOC. It wasn't fun being the only hero in the cabal for that spell when you didn't log in much.

Kackrik: Arrr, the first of the duergars that came to be favored by Vex. Good job.

Rahno: Next in line, wish things hadn't worked out the way they did.

Betraal: You were next. Had some fun today, would have had more in the future probably.

Jinroh: Vex was sphere Envy, so when you got Commander I had to work at keeping his envy under wraps. If I could have wielded it, I would have killed you and taken your dagger. Damn that thing is nice. Thanks for Veteran man. I don't quite understand why someone would punish themselves by solo ranking to hero, but then again, some people might say that about my choice not to speak. I had the feeling that sometimes you would think to yourself "what the hell is he doing?" such as Umalilith in the Frigid Wastes, heheh.

Sabiene: Neat area.

Etarekoth: You were the only one to assassinate me: I think you got me 5 times? Near the end those deaths were a blessing--it took me so long to lose my last few points of Con!!!

Ilivarra: Remember when I tried to start something with you, back when I was level 25 or so? I wish you'd pursued that more, heh, though my character would have turned out a lot different.

Kwalin: hurl th kw;entwine;art and then do 'hits' as you roll your eyes and sneer. I don't know that I ever got you, I'm sure you got me.

Refulingan: GRRRRRR. Ram/Porcupine is not fun to deal with.

Janakt: You look promising, good luck.

Zentilsh: I wanted to fight you that other day, but that other paladin and cloud giant kept attacking me.

Nhiala: Fighting you was not fun...I couldn't really do anything except stay for two rounds and then run.

Njaal: Wow, I'm really surprised you died in that raid. The Destructor was really helpful :)

Dryzzel: I died to you quite a few times thanks to your WarMaster powers and a bug with Balance of the Sisters. Not sure if I died afterwards, or if I ever killed you.

Alright, enough rambling. I can be reached at lick0018@umn.edu

Vexoffesz, previously known as Derdhuin and other characters of no consequence
25094, Mute: That explains it
Posted by Drokk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did wonder why you never said _anything_. Not that I said
anything to you that warranted a response.

I guess anything is possible: Raid the cabal one day
and get inducted the next. Good work there.

Well, we didn't interact much. But thanks for the fun yesterday.
25107, RE: Mute: That explains it
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would have liked to fight you more, but we didn't see each other that many times and you seemed to have plenty of enemies. Cheers.
25096, You were a pain, though never did enough damage to kill me before I fled nt.
Posted by Kazadan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
25109, RE: You were a pain, though never did enough damage to kill me before I fled nt.
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember one day you were trying to retrieve...I think I probably threw 10 knives in your throat but you always got away...
25097, Well quite strange
Posted by Crerigord on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well now I get why you stood so long.. could not figure out why you did not try to run more.
Did not attack you at first because I was out hunting someone else.. and I did not see you as a threat to me at that time.

Luck with the next one....
25110, RE: Well quite strange
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I had been running around looking for someone to fight for quite some time, and I knew I stood no chance against you two. Cheers.
25098, I used to find notes I think you'd written
Posted by Baendra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think they were for an apprentice of some sort, so I'd leave them in the tribunal pit for our magi to read about your tactics.

Note sure if they were definitely you, but they dealt with the dagger spec and it seemed to be fairly likely that a mute might have written them.

Were they your notes?
25103, RE: I used to find notes I think you'd written
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was probably a conversation he and I had when I first got the spec and was frustruated about how everything kept failing and I would be getting reamed...
25111, RE: I used to find notes I think you'd written
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Likely. My notes had a nasty habit of ending up in the hands of people they shouldn't. I remember Zwick being the clever guy he was had held on to one of my notes from a long time ago (or something along those lines) and gave them to the leaders of Battle after I had been inducted. That was an interesting situation.

You were cracking me up the other day, when you kept warning me and calling me sir.
25099, Very good character.
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, you played a great conceptual character and pulled it off well. Not only did I like that you were a mute, but also a dark elf, so it was almost like you were a ghost haunting the village. At one point you would suddenly show up and look at me, then before I could look back, gone. Sneak and mute was a great combo.

Second, we thought a lot a like on a lot of things. How to fight, where to fight, and tactics. You were a great defender, one of those no one has to ask for a bandage, because it was already on them. I do wonder how much max mana you had as a dark elf, share if you would like.

Third and finally, you deserved veteran status more than anyone else in the village. You rumbled, you died, you pulled of some sweet things (like the Njaal raid at the end there), good stuff. Sometimes I would laugh outloud when you would hand me a scroll after situations and it would read exactly what I was thinking.

My first experience with this were we were thinking the same thing is when Zhelrantix, fully geared and equipped, was a ghost and instead of waiting to unghost and facing the two imperials together with you, he wispies by the centurions, stands outside of the Palace and unghosts and promptly gets killed leaving you high and dry at centurions, where the ram/falcon got you. I was there lower level just shaking my head at the terminal. A day later, you write a scroll to me that just mirrored my thoughts.

Anyway, good luck and take care, always good to have people show that defenders are not wimp support guys all the time.
25117, RE: Very good character.
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Max mana...about 600. I don't remember there ever being a time when I wanted to bandage somebody but couldn't. It really grated on Vex when people he was tending to would ask for a bandage, as some of the giants found out, heh.

I counted on people being able to predict what I was thinking, and you did that very well. Thanks for your kind words.
25101, Great Job, I'll never forget the note.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I won't say it here, as this is a family game! It was funny though to have you pen me a note. I could always count on you to fight, and taht I admired. You were tough. Sometimes you kicked my butt rather quickly. Sometimes things went a bit more my way. That time in the past where I missed like four entwines was really annoying, cause you kept running off and healing, and I was hamstrung, so I just had to wait. I'd say it wasn't just my powers as War Master, I'd like to think I do alright without those too. :) You were great though, great roleplay and must have been hard to do.

Good work,
25112, RE: Great Job, I'll never forget the note.
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, I'm sure you'd do quite well without the War Master powers, but I was a slippery bastard and some of those times I would have fled rather than died. That time in the Past was the closest I got to killing you I think, and I was very lucky with the entwines missing :) I have to say, if I were to make another character (I'm taking a break) I would likely make a Blade.

25137, The note
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You wouldn't mind sending me a quick email if you have that note and the situations around it logged, would you? lick0018@umn.edu If not, no worries.
25102, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thought you had a great char. I never asked why you were mute, but everyone always kept asking if the gods were going to give you back your voice, that I thought they took it from you for some reason.

Anyways, I always had a blast having you sneak up on me and becon me to follow you. I knew that we'd have a good two hour run of raiding and gearing with a large smattering of bandages thrown into the mix.

Last night was a fun night. Exploring the night before was interesting too. It's hard to understand someone who doesn't say a damned thing when exploring...

Too bad you didn't have more con, I sure can use a sneaky dark-elf to help me regear all the time!

See you around!
25113, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I was content being mute, but people asked if I was trying to get it fixed (due to the different ways I had told people I'd lost my voice) so I told them I was asking the gods to heal my voice. I never did though (not that I can recall). I expected people to be thinking along the same lines as Vex, which most duergars seemed to pretty fine, you included. Hated giants though, slow-witted beasts! :) I was pretty careless with my Con except for the last 3 points, I could have been around longer, but real life needs some lovin' too.
25104, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Nhiala: Fighting you was not fun...I couldn't really do
>anything except stay for two rounds and then run.

Pretty much. That's why I tried my hardest to fight you alone instead of with a gang at my back. With the latter I'd have stood a much better chance of getting you, but it would have been less than satisfying. I figured I'd give you the chance to mess up and die, but if you managed not to then more power to you.

Personally, if I were you, I would have made it a point to just be annoying. Choke and tell some random enemy where you left me. Or get me bleeding and flee. At least that would have assigned some "cost" to my attacking you.

Side note: Is there a muteness epidemic going around in Thera?
25116, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, thanks for fighting me alone too.

I tried choking you, but every time I'd initiate an attack, you'd counterattack with a three hit beat-down on me. And I tried making you bleed and you kept dodging my skills somehow (I have no idea how paladins work). Even if I had choked you, there was no way for me to tell anyone where you were anyway, so I usually took that opportunity to scamper off, as you weren't one of my ordered enemies anyway.

I made Vex way back at the beginning of October, so I'm laying claim to the first char in the muteness epidemic. Maybe there's some sort of virus going around? :)
25105, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Kackrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, too bad this had to happen. Great character and a good PK'r. When Kackrik was up and running, you and me would just completely own our respective PK ranges. I will never forget that day when you and me hunted and killed 5 people. You were definately a good defender and the spec/legacy/race combo was excellent for what you chose.. I dread for the enemies that would have to face you as a scout. Regardless, you were the perfect combo for Kackrik (defender/berserker) and it showed in how much ass we kicked. I remember when you left for like a month and I was alone, then one day you came outta nowhere and we just started immediately kicking some hard ass. Word. I'll shadow Jinroh and repeat "Good to see Defenders can kick some ass too". Great character, good luck on your next for sure! :P

- Jaynus
25115, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. Kackrik was definitely my favorite ally, as you know. I need a break from CF...I'm suddenly important in real life for some reason, go figure.
25108, Fun
Posted by CorrGuardHrej on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good stuff. I caught a whiff of the betrayal side of you, there was a time you were mysteriously with a scion and scions knew where to go or something like that, but it only happened once so I regained trust for you pretty quickly. And it never happened with Guard or Hrej.

Like others have said you performed defender duties exceptionally well, rarely needing to be asked for bandage or poultice, and you seemed perfectly happy helping people level with your double blocking.

There were several times I gnashed my teeth at being unable to communicate with you from a distance, but them's the breaks.

Good job.
25114, RE: Fun
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Hrej a lot, I'm having trouble remembering Guard though...sorry! Double blocking: I was sick of being the only one to fight the bloody heroes! I needed some meat shields around me, hehe.
25118, RE: Fun
Posted by Me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Correllia, Guardlon and Hrejial. Guardlon deleted before getting over 30 so you wouldn't have spent much time with him, though he did watch you and the other heros, of course.

With Correllia I remember going to the place that replaced gehenna (can't remember it's new name) a few times to check for the swords. You were a good guy for coming along. thanks again.
25136, RE: Fun
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah yes, now I remember. Gehenna was a fun place to go to...helped by a bug with doubleblock too, hehe. Cheers.
25124, A shame...
Posted by Woopy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had alot of fun fighting you. I do hate strip though, especially when that bug on strip never failing to catch was around...It was fun fighting a dagger spec, given I had axes and yet you'd sometimes push me back. Hope you come back from your break and have better luck with your next.

25129, RE: A shame...
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, brain damage here, but I don't remember fighting you! Eeeh, I'm sure I must have since you did hunt Villagers. Well, I'm glad to hear that I didn't fare too poorly against you. Thanks.
25126, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Eta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Etarekoth: You were the only one to assassinate me: I think you got me 5 times? Near the end those deaths were a blessing--it took me so long to lose my last few points of Con!!!

Heh, it was only four times, but I bet it seemed like more since I only missed on you once ;) I guess I saw this coming, but damn man I was hoping you would last long enough for me to slip the note I got from your corpse the last time to Jinroh. The last time I got you was my favourite, I'll post it below ;)

<867/867hp 819m 772mv | civilized 7 PM> They aren't here.
An enormous jaette soldier shivers and suffers.
An enormous jaette soldier's poison mauls him.
An enormous jaette soldier is DEAD!!
An enormous jaette soldier's heart is torn from his chest.

<867/867hp 819m 772mv | civilized 7 PM> <50 Svirf War> (PK) Qirinor Qelich the Master of War
<46 Duerg War> Jinroh the Master of Adamantite, Commander of Battle
<48 Gnome Shf> (PK) Pombe the Grand Elder of Changelings
*51 D-Elf Asn* (PK) Etarekoth Xelthzus the Chancellor of the Eternal Night
<51 Dwarf War> (PK) Brulig the Weaponsmaster
<44 Svirf War> Jarsharlax Orepic the Master of Steel, Veteran of Battle
<51 D-Elf War> (PK) Vexoffesz the Weaponsmaster, Veteran of Battle

Players found: 7

<867/867hp 819m 772mv | civilized 7 PM> People near you:
Radycec Onyx Road
(PK) Etarekoth The south half of a warehouse
Janakt The north half of a warehouse
(PK) Vexoffesz The north half of a warehouse

<867/867hp 819m 772mv | civilized 7 PM> They aren't here.

<867/867hp 819m 772mv | civilized 7 PM> n
assassinate Vexoffesz
The north half of a warehouse

Janakt is here.
Vexoffesz is resting here.
Galbrin stands here shouting at the inexperienced warriors.

<867/867hp 819m 770mv | civilized 7 PM> Quickly stepping in front of Vexoffesz, you see the surprise on his face.
With a swift, fluid upswing you slice Vexoffesz's abdomen open.
Collapsing with shock and horror, Vexoffesz watches his entrails spill onto the ground.
Gripping your sword with both hands you quickly drive it through Vexoffesz's back as he falls.
As Vexoffesz gasps his final breath, you extract your sword.
Vexoffesz is DEAD!!
Vexoffesz's fingers are sliced from his dead body.

<867/867hp 819m 770mv | civilized 7 PM>
Janakt scans south.

<867/867hp 819m 770mv | civilized 7 PM> get all.coins corpse
get all corpse
put all charms
get all corpse
You step out of the shadows.
You get 8 gold coins from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get 467 silver coins from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get 122 copper coins from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets a demonic-looking mask from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets the slavemaster's insignia from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets a small silver anklet from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets a battle-hardened breastplate from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets a drake-scaled flail named, 'Crimson Slumber' from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets a dragon dagger from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets a golden lion's wrath ring from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets gauntlets of ogre power from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets the Bracelet of Longevity from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets an Eagle Embroidered Silk Robe from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets a phylactery of fortitude from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets a girdle of giant strength from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets some worn studded leather leggings from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets the dagger of Yog-Sothoth from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets a granite ring from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets an ancient Ranger Lord Stetson from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
Janakt gets a sapphire bracelet from the corpse of Vexoffesz.

**I miss all the good stuff :(

<867/867hp 819m 770mv | civilized 7 PM> You get an amulet of the Viper from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get a dragon dagger from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get a demon whip from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get an adamantite-tipped long spear from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get a travel stained backpack from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get a dagger named 'Feathered Death' from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get a kayak from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get a cruel dark-elf whip from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get an envenomed dagger from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
An ash wood pen: you can't carry that many items.
A metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt: you can't carry that many items.
An elegant, beautifully written scroll: you can't carry that many items.

<867/867hp 819m 770mv | civilized 7 PM> You put an envenomed dagger in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a cruel dark-elf whip in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a kayak in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a travel stained backpack in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a potion of teleportation in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a potion of teleportation in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a potion of return in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put an everfull skin in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a feather of levitation in the Bracelet of Charms.

<867/867hp 819m 770mv | civilized 7 PM> You get an ash wood pen from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt from the corpse of Vexoffesz.
You get an elegant, beautifully written scroll from the corpse of Vexoffesz.


<867/867hp 819m 701mv | civilized 3 AM> exam scroll
You wish to be a Defender of the Village then.
I find your outlook on life to be rather naive, but if you wish to fool yourself into thinking such it is your right.
It does seem a philosophy that would lend itself to self-reliance and a long service in the Village, which is what I'm looking for.
Ah, the Commander is here. Should you play your cards right you may see yourself in the Village soon.
You have read all of the Village in the Lyceum? I do not find much value in it, but the others seem to stress it for some reason.
Well, the Commander's arrogance is limitless it seems at times, but you may try him without going there first.
The Inn is fertile hunting grounds at times, do not forget that.
Now, on to strategy. Tell me what your future in the guild is, and then tell me how you would fight each of the mage guilds as a hero Defender.
Hold, I suspect there is an assassin stalking me outside the guild. Take this gold and get much food, for yourself and myself, for I gave you my last.
I disagree with the necromancer, though I have yet to fight a formidable one myself so this is not tested.
I would go first for the throat, then to gouge an artery, and then change to the spear. It should be able to be done very quickly, and in case the mage gets away it will have to deal with bleeding.
Your spears are sorely needed though, there are many porcupines the Village fights these days.
I would also give thought to the Outcry of Steel and the Harmonious Equilibrium.
The first, so you can strike like a snake. The second, so you may flee and tend to the wounds of your brothers.
But the choices you've listed have merit as well.
An elegant, beautifully written scroll is a parchment, made of paper, and weighs 1 pounds 0 ounces.
25134, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Agh! I was really worried that would get to Jinroh. I would have traded any of my eq for that note. It would not be the first time my notes end up in the wrong hands. I took to burning them eventually.

I just knew you were out there, but I figured I was safe. Getting the guildguard to die without me noticing was good work. Very smoove.

Right before you assassinated me, I had a premonition that something bad would happen. I frowned, Janakt asked me what was wrong, and I shrugged, then you immediately assassinated me. Timing was perfect :)

Very shortly after you assassinated me there, I think I turned middle-aged and was walking around with 3 con, hehe.

That one time on the river outside Tar Valon I was so surprised to see you show up on 'where' and had just typed in 'ham etar' when you assassinated me.

I really wonder how Vex would have turned out as a Scion, you seem like a cool cat, it would have been interesting. Cheers.
25159, Oh you are in trouble now!
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehehehe. I'm arrogant, when did that happen?

Good stuff.
25166, It's not my fault!
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My notes were full of little things like that to make people I was envious of look worse in others eyes. Heh. It would have been interesting to see your reaction to that, but I'd had it happen enough times with other people that I was pretty good at avoiding the situation. Not sure how I would have avoided that situation though...hmmm... hehe
25146, Didnt know you, but I wouldnt have attacked you if you hadnt started it
Posted by Thorogarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hope I was your con death though, too bad that damn bard got me.

nice try
25152, RE: Didnt know you, but I wouldnt have attacked you if you hadnt started it
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were my con death, and that's what I was looking for at that moment. I would have attacked the mage, but I'm not so good with porcupines :)

25154, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Ghullth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ACK!! No props to the long lost gnome friend who backed you all the way? I was the one pulling for you the whole time! Hehe, anyway. I haven't played for awhile and I started up an invoker, heroed him, thought he sucked, and now I'm coming back for more warrior action. Anyway, sad to see you go I liked the whole note/deaf/mute thing that must have been hard. But it's hard to tell your attitude towards something when looking at words on a piece of scroll.
25155, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey! Yeah, you were pulling for me all the time, and no doubt helped me get in. I wish you hadn't deleted when you did, it was shortly after I got in the Village, wasn't it?
25162, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Hutto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The Zwick: You were cool man. I remember you telling me how
>displeased you would be if Sharidum got inducted into Battle
>while I was an applicant and courting the Chasm too. Very
>mysterious, wish you'd stuck around.

Great character, and congrats on Veteran. Was fun sending notes back and forth across Thera trying talk, or set up a pk (I think that was you?). I can sorta relate about the whole mute thing. Sometimes it is nice to ignore people, especially when I could help out but didn't particularly want to, but most of the time it just bites.

Zwick knew you were entertaining the idea of joining Battle, or at least telling some of Battle that much, and figured he would use that to his advantage to take care of Sharidum. Mostly because Sharidum knew I could talk, and I didn't want that secret to spread through Battle, which eventually led me to be nice to Sharidum after he did make it into Battle in hopes he wouldn't rat.

And yes, Zwick did try to get you kicked out of Battle. I had held onto the notes to try to prove my resourcefulness to the Scion leaders as I thought you were going to try to get inducted into Scion. Then you turned around and actually joined Battle, so, being the evil bastard Zwick was, he tried to screw you. The main motivation for that was two things,

1) Zwick was Orderly Evil. It is one thing to want power, it is another to not have a somewhat clear path for achieving it. Without knowing what exactly you were planning, after you joined Battle, there was no hope. He viewed you as far too reckless and indecisive to be trusted. Maybe if I had been NE or CE.

2) One of the first times I came across you after you were inducted, you had no head and were trying to retrieve. Meaning, you had made it clear to Zwick you wanted power, but then here you were with less power than before. And I couldn't resist trying to kick you while you were down. I still almost died. I have the log. I didn't realize you had Balance of the Sisters: You entwine, I dirt kick, and think, "No primary, he's dead if I keep dirt in his eyes." That's when the dagger specs stuff started going off, and I paniced. Then I quickly run through my list of like 5 combat commands, "hmm, he's already dirt kicked... I can't flee, shouldn't kick or trip, oh yeah! disarm!" and manage to disarm you. That saved me. I still almost died to the bleeding. Fun stuff.

I was never sure if anything came of that note I gave to Kackrik though. I gave it to him, even though he was a non-leader, because he was duergar and figured he would better 'understand' the situation. I guess he did do something. Cool. Scion Thief of Secrets, ;)

As for sticking around, I think I'm gone for good this time. I tried to quit back in July, managed to stay away 40 days before coming back and playing two more characters. But the second, Zwick, was such a disappointment, it has made it easy to stay away since. Was just what I needed.

Zwick, Ulzoth, Punblinpo, Yror, Krogum, Holtzendorff, etc

Hutto, the Sleepy Nitpicker

'Sorry, I'm not 72323slhlst. Or however you say Elite'
25167, RE: At long last, my wretched existence is ended
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, you were Punblinpo! I really liked playing with you with Derdhuin.

Anyway, it's cool to hear some of your justifications and thoughts. By the way, I knew you could talk and spread it through Battle. You had read a scroll in front of me one of the first times we grouped together :)