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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Lerrik the Weaponsmaster, Seeker of the Clarion
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=24814
24814, (CON LOSS) [None] Lerrik the Weaponsmaster, Seeker of the Clarion
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Feb 20 05:37:51 2004

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 23rd of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Lerrik perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

24823, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Lerrik the Weaponsmaster, Seeker of the Clarion
Posted by Dindon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was a small part of that crazy eastern road night (I played Silmareen) and I interacted with you with another character after that towards the end of your life, i'm still around so I won't say I guess...needless to say you are one of the funner CF players out there.. No matter what we did it was a good time. I can't tell you how funny it was talking to you with my new character and getting the same Har! response. It's sad to see Lerrik go but i'm sure you're next one will be just as good and with just as few regrets..I'm amazed you kept on after the enemies we had made for ourselves when it was you mak and sil against the entire empire..or so it seemed....
Well done.
24817, Wheeew, gonna be kinda long...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After having a character like this.. I have to say this is the best I have felt about someone dying.

To the imms. most of the changes y'all are making now are awesome.
the colored room bit, outfit for higher lvl folk etc.. and the shortened names think Woo hooo!

Vynmylak: What can I say. You cannot imagine how glad I was when I saw that you returned. I may not have been the best follower and all, but thanks for making time for me.

Obaznuk: always a pleasure.
Soucivi: One of my regrets is the damned teapot and the cheese
it was camel wasn't it? not goat?

Don't think I interacted with any of the rest of you directly.

umm let's see..
I started out with this guy acting like a paladin, one even nicer than Dimion of all things. *shudder* but apparently I can only keep that up for 200 hours or so.
something went wrong I'm guessing it was mid forties? not sure.
not even sure what changed.. he just 'felt' different'
the duel with Njaal tonight was the first pk related thing that my girlfriend didn't psychicly 'know' i was busy so of course she wanted ice-cream, or a backrub, or the oil changed in the car at 3 am or some other thing like that, since about 48th level. Every damn time!!
How do they know??? it's just .. wrong.. hehe. but she finally went back to work tonight muhuhahaha.

somewhere after 40 there was never again a pk ending with is dead. it was always you have been killed. was pretty depressing. apparently i just suck with upper level warriors.. but hell it's fun.

I know I'm gonna forget some folk but here goes.

pre forties I was a crazy bastard.
empire has the orb. me and thal only goodies about.in our range maybe 1 neutral.
loads of imperials.

Thalric says 'You think we have a chance of recovering the orb?'
You say 'No way in hell, Wanna do it anyway?'
(nice character by the way Thal)

:) glaub showed up in a bit. first time i met him. good fella.

Fight with Kulkah in Udguarrd .. damn that was a close one.
saw DEAD flash by and paused for a second waiting for
you have been killed. :) yep that close.
now THAT was a fight. was hopin for food actually. :)
but the thief got your bag. I rarely loot except for cash.
but I really needed some clothes. and the two gold was
an accident, I didn't scroll back to see how much I had gotten
:) 10 copper. Forgot I had just sold something so I gave ya what
was over what i 'thought' i had. but I figured what the hell you needed
food and stuff now anyway. I had some leggings finally :) so it worked out.
to the thief kayshe grrrr.. I needed food almost starved to death there.
and here you were an elf. thanks alot.
Kardok kudos to you on so many levels
njaal - what can i say. loved your char ooc. that song though kept me from deleting in a fit of depression sorry if it offended you ooc in any way. Lordy did I EVER win a fight with you?

yanacek- hehe the fight i am sure i have a log. i wasn't fast enough with the whole trustall bit.
as soon as i saw i was filled with holy might or whatever.. knew it was over. and you said bye
as soon as the fight started up again.. nice touch. made me laugh.

The 'road' crew: Hahaha. that whole night was a blast.

Jinroh: Ya know I was about to offer a duel to ya just before Njaal showed up, figured for whatever reason he wasn't going to, and he popped in just before it. I know we had different sets of honor, but i thought you were okay anyway. I never did figure out why we never fought, It was always off after someone else on either of our parts and passing comments of a maybe later thing. I think we always intended to duel and just had too many other things going on.

Rugassin Brat.. :) I really should have spent more time on ya. damn me for giving ya that rod. Did ya at least think about what we talked about??? (oooh that will add to the list of regrets..)

Nimuweh: sorry for messin up all them snares :)really cool character ya have there.

Nhiala: What can I say, Had a grand time every time we ran off somewhere.

Mairra: Hehehe.. What else is there to say? *rofl*

Refulingan: you cretin :) most obnoxious shifter i ever met. But my god ram's scare the piss outta me now.

Drokk: Another one I should have spent more time trying to get to see the 'light' .. bah why'd ya do it man?

Malkhar: Ambush, impale, snare, stun. Damn we played a hard game of tag. You always came out on top though i think. or on the few times i managed to get the upper hand ya got away.

Tibintuk: you are right, we each came close but never once killed each other that i recall.

Bremas: something about you didn't sit right ooc, but Ic well lerrik wasn't about to let ya down if he could help it.
Brulig, Hykroln, and Glaubarsto: thanks for being with me there at the end.

Etarekoth : I was gonna keep goin out on the road that day, but illademn walked up wearing chains, so i sat with him instead. Was gonna say yer hard to kill but hell you were hard to even hurt.

Gahlerikath : always wondered how many bits of my soul ya got... damn nightwalkers for not being stunnable.
Grurk: another ooc problem. probably nothing you did on purpose, but i tried to avoid you because of something i can't really define. a feeling i guess.
Icliob: loved the character.. hehe great guy.
Illivarra: oooh, nasty wench, great job all around though.

Jaegrudai: Well cap'n right after the comment about my armor i went and got spruced up.. never got a chance to show you after that though.. :) hehe.

Laes: nice job ya sneaky bastard. :) best assassinate I have seen. just wish it had been someone else.

Tyffudheu : god you were annoying. how many return potions did ya get off me anyway? haha

Sherman : Keep it up.. not so sure about the whole what's up thing, but i say things that may be out of kilter too so what the hell.. :) It just throws me when you did that. rock on with the rest of it though.
several of the younger folk who followed Vynmylak I had things to say to as well, but I'm tired and the hangover is kickin in while i am still up and that just sucks.

To those already dead: I likely said what i needed to in your goodbye threads..
to the folks i missed: sorry i am tired, and yer lucky i remembered as much as i did.

Ohh before i forget Hykroln I was wrong here are my regrets:
That damned teapot. Killing Mal when he was link dead. (the one time I started with bash.bash bash.. and thought you didn't flee because of it. still it sucked and i regret it.) That trasmuter fella who cast the spell on me right after nim put him out of the group. Sorry the name escapes me at the moment. started with a T
Travanth! that was it. That made me sick irl... I remember your end of it as vanadulin though.. A couple of lightwalking mobs hrm forgot it was three. always from someone else in the group and i didnt flee fast enough. And the changes in Lerrik towards the end there. killed some neutral mobs for quick gear or money, or to get the key to the midnight dragon.. he never used to do that. but no one lef the key lying around anymore .. and like i said he just became less of a nice guy towards the end. didn't do it alot i think.. but that was too much anyway.

All in all it was a great life though. Had a blast. even if i didn't remember ya at this moment, I don't think there was an interaction I didn't enjoy on one level or another.

Take care everyone.
24820, RE: Wheeew, gonna be kinda long...
Posted by Eiaron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, sad to see you go... I only knew you in your thirties... Was a fun time thoug... High spirited crazy man at those ranks... We didn't get to do much fighting other than ranking together.

Well well, see you in the fields in your next reincarnation I guess :)
24834, ahh whatever happened to you thrun and the rest??
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
??? Never saw ya much towards the later 'years'

we did have a blast eh?
It wouldn't have mattered what ya said either.
you say: do you think we can take X
ler's response: Let's give it a whirl.. or something like that.
he would have taken blows, tried to rescue, get everyone out, die and then hrm.. okay maybe we can't do that.
but we got out alive, and ya said it is injured think we can take it now? ... once more into the breach dear friends. hehe.
24894, RE: ahh whatever happened to you thrun and the rest??
Posted by Tirach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got bored of the character... Not much more to look forward to after the archon stuff... I was waiting for a mage cabal but none whowed up and finaly I just deleted... I'm sorry im such a warlock in heart that none of the cabals in the game looks interesting for me.

I really tried but there is a new man in town now and he is soon hero now... Found something more interesting that I have to hero to test fully.

The conjurer really started as an experiment since I havent played one before. It was stupid of me not heroing him though.. I had the best friends in the world with that character, and I could have had a blast at hero range aswell... I am not sure about Thrun though, I suspect he is still around since I got hauled greatings after greating when I entered to delete.

You should continue play chearfull, it gets you friends... I would rather group with a crazed sucker who can give me a good laugh than a powerranker who sits silent in a corner. Makes the trip more enjoyable and less proned to delete that way...

I tried to be a little funny/noobish with the character... Tried to seem like I didnt remember anything to make it a more interesting player for my friends to interact with... Guess I succeeded at some of it since I didn't have problems at all getting groups.

If it meens anything to you... Keep your smiles into your chars.. Makes things way more fun. And your wildness made grouping with you a little more adrenalin friendly. I mean I wasn't just about to fall asleep with you around... Never knew what or who you were going to hit next hehe.

Eiaron or better known as Tirach....
24895, know what's scary??
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If the people i was with were thought of as 'friends' (almost anyone he grouped with) Ler would have done anything they were willing to/ready to flee from. While I didn't mind dying so much, I'd hate for the folk with me to suffer for my... impulsiveness, So i never flat out decided to do things. I either waited for a suggestion of do we want to try something harder, or after getting bored enough i would drop a hint to try something a little less 'safe'.
'course I started acting a little different as I got older. I never talk much while ranking anymore, seems to piss people off more than anything. else there would be loads more emotes/talking.
well in any case you sure were fun. and you pulled off being fairly new very well. :)
It's always a blast when it comes to X tells the group do you think we can take the Y's ?
gt Let's find out.;impale Y

24821, Glad to see you stuck it out to hero
Posted by Athinarisa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You probably have a lot more patience than I have .. Or perhaps I'm not crazy enough :).

Lerrik was a fun character, was always a pleasure helping you out with regearing and stuff like that, and just hanging around.

I look forward to meeting you with whatever else is next.

24833, OMG how could i have forgotten ya..
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ath was awesome. :) I am thinking next time be more reserved
early and go balls out at the end.. more con to spare that way.
hehe. Maybe i'll throw everyone and play someone who is serious.
I laugh alot irl and am generally a happy person so i mainly
play overly-jovial characters, as when I find my self laughing
behind the screen i make my character laugh or something at the
same time. Considering how much lerrik laughed, smiled, and grinned happily, ya have to figure i'm just well.. i dunno... a happy fella.
for me not deleting would have been like tipping over your king early because you are sure you are going to lose. It doesn't matter at that point, you keep playing and you will see different moves, some that you will remember for the next game. and yes I play chess like that too. other fella says come on man it's mate in 4 give it up i'm hungry, tired etc.. well i have to see the last 4 moves dammit.. hehe.
24837, Well done
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was very, very impressed by this character. You were easily in the top three of the foes I respect the most. You just kept on going, no matter what. I don't know if all of your characters are this way, but you are the type of player that truly makes this game fun. Someone who doesn't need to know that he is going to win a fight before he enters into it. I truly believe you fought me a little bit better every time we fought. Kudos on a well played character.
24845, Thankee
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) about keep on comin, hehe got a log somewhere that might fit that well. no not all of my characters are this way, but in a way I am like this IRL, and the only characters of mine who seem to make any impression are this way... maybe it is something in my personality that screws up any other type of character. even when i played Xargnorek, he ended up being more like one of my 'die hard' characters.. hrm make that 'die alot' :)

:) haha most of the time I knew i would lose a fight before entering it. Then there were times where I had a pile of preps in inventory that I just didn't stop to use. after i would be like 'what the hell? i was carrying blah blah' :) But that fit in with the character, he really wouldn't have stopped to quaff quaff eat eat.

and yeah I'd like to think I fought a little better each time.
it was more along the lines of combination lock theory.
001 die, hrm that didn't work.. 002 ouch really bad..

the impales btw- were for lowering your dex, and in case you were hasted. I don't think I ever fought anyone who was hasted though.
but i have been on the other end of impales while hasted. OMG the bleeding is insane. of course i never drank (a certain) potion if i knew i was up against a spear or dagger fella either. so maybe that was it.

Ler wasn't supposed to be an explore character, but I think I saw more of thera this time than ever before. I went places on a regular basis that i used to view as, 'i've heard of it' or 'someone took me there once' and of all things found myself leading groups in places
that a couple of characters ago i was saying 'If i lead we die'.
so now I am gonna take all i learned this go round, play a new character, and maybe when i run into a spear/hand spec i might 'appear' to be a mean nasty fella. :)
I think enough of the spear hand combo. haven't learned everything I need to there, but I'm tired of it for now, wanna do something new.

24839, So long
Posted by Mairra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you are gone now but I still have to live with the consequences of cheering you up for a lot longer. :) I could tell that you were pretty upset about that death, so I'm glad I was able to help you through it. We didn't really hang out much after that for some reason. I wish you the best on your next!
24844, Great song though :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never did figure out why we didn't run together more after.
timing? not sure... I spent much of my time alone.
so maybe that was it. When i knew someone would be after a goal
I agreed with, I would usually offer a spear. but if for instance
I didn't know someone was in fort and they didn't have to orb or something, or that they had a beef with someone specific that i did as well, I just didn't holler much.
mostly I talked to those of the dark I think, many trying to 'understand' or to swing to the light. (failing miserably each time)
well maybe it just came down to you didn't holler at me i didn't holler at you. :)
if you'd have said: hey want to come help me do blah blah?
I'd have said sure why not? no matter how crazy it seemed.
24840, Don't sweat it.
Posted by Malkhar. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Link death is part of the game. Sure, I want to rage delete every single time following a ld, but luckily when it happens, I usually can't log back in for a while afterwards, giving me time to put everything in perspective :) Frankly, it's too much to expect another player in the heat of fighting you to realize that you aren't doing anything. It's definately not something that should rise to the level of a regret.

Now that that's done with, I think you had a cool character. I think it took a lot of cajones to play a good align warrior at hero range and not join the Fortress - I think that was cool. I liked that you stunned me multiple times and didn't call in a gang. I hated having to rest off your impales for 15 hours while you got away free as a bird. I liked how you never took the easy way out.
24843, as to the fort.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
been trying to join since level 20.. hehe
spoke to jirash, and got interupted by a raid.
he stepped down, never saw lariya, then jaeg and i talked a couple of times. as near as i can tell i just had to answer one more question.
and never got the oppourtunity to do so. since the timing never worked out i just figured it was meant to be and really didn't pester him much. I kept 'trying' because it was part of the character.
but yeah after about 45th, i was having fun not being caballed.
i'd have felt like i 'had' to call someone in if i had been.
Hehe, I have no idea how many times I wanted to call folk in on various stunned folk. occasionally, if i was too beaten up to continue, i'd blaze off and holler to an ally who would be interested where someone was stunned. (by the time i hollered they were likely waking up anyway.)
I loved the snare bit and yelling about how i had to sit there and wait for you to ambush me. :) later I stunned ya and thought hrm...
wanted to yell TAG! you're it. but figured it wasn't a good ic thing to do. :)
impales on a thief or assassin kept me alive many a time.
keep moving after and when i thought it might be close to an hour start doing where or if i thought they were near try to strike when they bled. :)