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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectNo more skulls to the throne....
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=24740
24740, No more skulls to the throne....
Posted by Jormundgaand on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a long ride with ups and downs. Reached hero when the war with empire broke out. The villagers were slaughtered for months and left my con quite low for the last ranks (around 12), many of my ranking buddies deleted at that time and left me alone.
NEVER practised with him except around 48 when i needed to get hand to hand to 90% so i could get my second spec. Picking sword as my first spec was excellent, i tanked very well and it gave me time to work on flurry and riposte while ranking. Legacies was Chilling and soul of mountain.
Well, due to recent changes in the village i woke up to be inducted into none. No disrespect, but it should have been done in a different way. At least send a note to all those who are purged. I had the opportunity to join as scout or defender, but it was not tempting at all after what we had experienced.

A few goodbyes;
Kardok- dont let the hard times get to you. You are a beast.
Dryzzel- good fights
Woopoga- good luck with your char, it seems you have nice thing going.

Zhelrantix- You deserved so much better than this...when you as a player put so many hours into interviewing all the applicants, teaching newbies, etc then get treated like you did right now...damn
Jinroh- one of my recommendations in my youth. You will do well.
Rahno- you filthy little duergar with woman skin. You were cool to hang around.

Assortment of paladins- there was no end to how you raped the paladin code. Not that it mattered to me though.
All the bardgirls- thanks for the fun ;).

I am certain i have forgotten many, so if feel free to post.
24801, You were a beast and good to have around.
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope at some point you return to the village and I hoped our talk at the giant with Zhelrantix gave you something to hold on to. Unfortunately you deleted, so I guess it didn't. Good luck with the rest and thanks for the kind words, hopefully this pledge can make good on your recommendation.
24796, er... ouch..
Posted by Lerrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
my two fights with you were both like this *blink* you have been killed. :) just... ouch....
The second one was .. well one of the rare occasions I didn't feel like shrugging of death.
hope you have fun with another.
24790, I had a good time traveling with you.
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good luck on your next.

24789, Aiite man, good try, village is goin under a test.. Laters nt
Posted by Rahno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
24774, Liked everything except one incident.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I bet you know the one. Where the three wildmen called you in and you came and attacked me with them. THen you took all of Kardok's things, or a good many of them. Oh, he was supremely pissed at you after that and made it a point to kill you often. Everytime we would both be on and you were about, he would basically make it known to me he wished to hunt you down. Heh, oh well, you were great I thought. Not sure what happened to ragers, but I hope its good inthe long run.

24766, Well I can't blame you
Posted by Vronwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to agree, the Immstaff or whoever specifically was in charge of the whole battle fiasco screwed the pooch with a sand paper condom. One reason why I said they obviously don't understand or empathize with players enough. The crappy part is I'd died just about forty minutes before I got kicked out recovering from Laes and Vivinxa at centurions. So getting kicked out without explanation and then being told I'm not fit was insult to injury. They can take the Destructor and shove him up the orifice of their choosing and the rest of the mud with it.

You were fun to have around, mainly cause I knew I had time to regear or work on skills or hunt with you around cause odds were no one was going to raid. I think it's a given that the result of the village's new Imm is that he's just managed to make it suffer all the more for his 'timely' arrival. What happened to Zhelrantix?
Good luck if you continue,
24757, Maan
Posted by Jaalek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know I got a cloak from that IMM but im kinda glad jaalek con died. Id be pretty pissed if I fought as much as you did only to wake up to be uninducted seems pretty crappy to me. Right when the Village starts getting into power after that whole Empire period when it was pretty much u and me dieing every day
24759, RE: Maan
Posted by Jorm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, it was the days of skull rings and rainbow swords :). First time in my cf time that the village has been raped over such a long periode. Good times.
24755, Riiiight.
Posted by Jaegrudai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because in the paladin's code it says, "Don't kill Villagers that say they don't have a fight with you. Ignore the fact that they indiscrimantly kill lightwalking mages."
24760, RE: Riiiight.
Posted by Jorm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its more like dont leave your friends behind to die, do not gang , do not lie, etc.
Not saying it was just you, but you obviously you felt nailed.
24806, Well..
Posted by Jaegrudai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every time I fought you it was alone, so I never left anyone behind to die nor did I gang you.
24754, RE: No more skulls to the throne....
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Other than our last interaction, I was not too disappointed in you. I had to read my screen three times before I believed that a villager had told me that he would not fight me without the head though. For about two hours, Carrick and I held the head with you and Vronwei, and the two of you never made a go for it, didn't even try, didn't even try to tiger claw the Centurions or anything. Honestly, it's not like I ever even loot anything. So I'm thinking to myself, OK, he's poorly equiped, I'll give the guy a chance, and I agree to fight you without preps, so I go and kill the giant to get you to come out and fight me, and the two of you jump me, and you aren't poorly equiped at all, as a matter of fact, you riposted me for a ***DEVASTATES***, and I'm thinking to myself "This guy is hitting that hard, and he won't even fight me, Bah!" Don't get me wrong, I saw some good things out of you too, but I saw some bad things too, well, I'm off to bed, as I just got home from work, heh.
24758, RE: No more skulls to the throne....
Posted by Jorm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, what dreamworld are you living in? Try running stealthy through balator as a criminal...
Take your losses in a better way and you will do a lot better, buddy. Dont break char and such....
24809, What are you talking about?
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Take your losses in a better way and you will do a lot better, buddy. Dont break char and such....

A. I didn't lose anything, I don't even have any clue what you are talking about with losses.

B. As for "Don't break char and such...." I have even less of a clue of what you are talking about.
24765, RE: No more skulls to the throne....
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off it was total news to me that you were there to fight him unprepped and so forth. Secondly, you didn't kill the giant. Thirdly, the biggest reason more full-on recoveries aren't attempted from Imperials has nothing to do with what imperials you face, and everything to do with centurions. Being cornered in a section of the mud where your foe can run and heal while you have to fear even resting is a huge deterrant and one reason why I think centurions is a #### power. Had I known you were coming to fight one on one I'd have stayed out of it but no one told me. As soon as you left we did recover even though Favtov hopped on, Carrick never showed up even when we raided. Thems the breaks...
24802, I, wholeheartedly second what is stated here. n/t
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
24811, RE: No more skulls to the throne....
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'll just repeat what I wrote on your graveyard note. It is very good on your character that you didn't know anything about what was going on with Jormundgaand and I. What really bothered me about the whole thing was Jormundgaand's blatant statement that he would not fight me if he did not have the head, basically no matter what. Next, do you realize that many rank fourty people can easily kill Centurions by themselves? I have seen solo people take them out in less eight rounds. What I am trying to say is, while I am not saying village powers are overpowered, deathblow has easily resulted in far more deaths than Centurions, and is far easier to use. Now, this part is directed more to Jormundgaand, you do realize that those watchmen who were keeping you from raiding are about level 30 mobs that you could most likely kill in one to three rounds each?
24742, Please please please
Posted by Guesser on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tell me: were you Juktar?