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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
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24704, (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Feb 18 14:51:29 2004

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Vronwei perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

24794, I have a question...
Posted by Lerrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though I only knew you for one brief bit...
What made you ask me about the cents?

24795, RE: I have a question...
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not a hundred percent sure what you're referring to. If it's what I think it was, ie. when Laes and Vivinxa were around. I was asking if there are more than the single set of centurions I got killed at trying to recover the head. Primarily because I wanted to know if we were going to have to deal with another set before we could make it to the actual palace. If I'm mistaken let me know...
24807, maybe i was wrong.. hehe it was a 'someone' who called me over...
Posted by Lerrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
to the cents in the first place. guess it was someone else.
hell at first i thought it was laes..
:) was a bit worried over that.
24750, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Verv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn it. Now I have to find another arial to gnaw upon.
24763, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry Verv, but you kitty cats are too fickle for me to keep up with and my feathers are more orderly now. ;) Good luck with finding a new gnaw toy and enjoy your character, was fun.
24707, Yep, first you didnt give me a good bye, and second I agree with you, a lil nt
Posted by Rahno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
24708, RE: Yep, first you didnt give me a good bye, and second I agree with you, a lil nt
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you Rahno, but also I got the impression you were kind of in it for the con die. Don't get me wrong, I understand in some cases dying from con-loss is an indication of diehard fighting, which I approve of. But likewise, I don't know.. your impression on me was lessened because you tended to talk like Kackrik and I wasn't sure if that was an affectation you developed before or after Kackrik's death. Also, a pet peeve of mine is villagers who die and then drop-link rather than quitting, which you did but aren't the only one who does. All in all I liked Rahno's personality, just think you thought you were a tad more invincible than you were, though likewise that makes for fun playing sometimes.

What the Imms don't seem to understand, or understand only to a very relative degree is that players who do grab onto something and hold fast to it feel monumentally betrayed when they're cast to the winds and it wasn't based on a screw up they did. I hope you make it back into the village, but here again, the village that's there now isn't one I'd wanna be in. Good luck regardless
24709, Got me ALL wrong bud
Posted by Rahno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never dropped link after pking, I would quit. If I died and my link dropped it was cuz my cpu crashed. The only time I remember of my link dieing was when Verizon died for like 15 minutes and I had ran into the ruins to fight 3 tribs that was after some rager. I am not trying to con die, I got plenty. I just like to fight like 1v2 mebbe 1v3 depends on the people I'm fighting. I just dont like the massive gankage. Laters man
24710, Oh and I always talked that way, before I even knew Kackrik nt
Posted by Rahno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
24705, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well so much for that. I can honestly say that I will not be returning to CF ever again. The immortals clearly either don't understand or evidently don't care about the effort a player puts into a character. Abitrary actions that don't make any difference to immortals do make a huge difference to some players, I'm one of those. Having the 'supposed' god of Pride and Courage piss on me for defending against never less than 3 enemies and more often than not falling because once you bloodthirst, it's in for a penny in for a pound just pisses me off to no end. I had to fight the urge to voice my real opinion of said imm. With regard to the village, I enjoyed my time with some of you, many of you I was more than a bit disgusted with, though I was trying to work from within to effect change.

Basically all I got out of this character in the end, thanks to the ever helpful Immstaff, is 213 hours of uselessness. I've got no reason to return to a game with a staff that has no discernable measure of empathy for its players.

Marballa, you have more balls than most villagers and definately more than any of our foes, good luck and I'm sorry that the new village imm made me returning an impossibility.

Jinroh, I respect your strength and your dedication. I have a huge problem with standing by while one villager fights an enemy and you don't assist, knowing full well that another foe is bringing up the rear. That time when Rahno died (granted he wasn't being smart) and then Yanacek showed up to work with Dryzzel to kill you, I felt was poetic. You can't expect enemies to live by your standard, and while I likewise understand you can't give them the victory of changing how you live and your standards, in times of war, kill'm dead and that's the only standard you should hold to.

Ranak, you were/are a beast. Be around more if you can and kick some ass for me.

Jorm, same as Ranak, I always liked you.

Vex, ballsy for a dark elf but I can tell that since you're on death's door you're losing interest. I understand that as well...

Jarsharlax, remember that actions speak louder than words. You're a tough little bastard and you know a bunch, teach them by what you do.

Akrian, work at it a bit, you've got potential.

Krodren, please just delete. You're way too worried about a nice set of gear as opposed to doing something solid.

Zhelrantix, no clue if you're still in the village but if you are you should have stepped down to let someone else lead, or made an effort to be around more often long ago. The village has been consistantly getting stomped hard and in my 100 or 200+ hours of playing I've seen you online 4 times total. Twice as an applicant and twice during my 100 hours within the village. I don't know you well enough to make a judgement on you, but as a leader a player has to reconcile themselves with the fact that they 'need' to be around as often as possible.

That's it for now, I'll respond to specific posts but I can honestly say I'm so disgusted with at least one particular Imm on CF that I won't be returning. Likewise, I hope that Imm reads my ooc message to him. Sharing character knowledge between Imm chars can be easily explained away, but the way in which you did it was piss-poor.
24712, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I knew from the note you sent to the village that you would be competent, and didn't really need to interview you, as you probably noticed. Vex had really hoped you'd do what I told you when I took you as my pledge, but I realize it's pretty unrealistic. I haven't lost interest, it's just that unexpected real life things have come up and have prevented me from playing much for the past few weeks.

Sorry you're leaving with such a bitter taste in your mouth.

24718, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I worked hard at mastering those skills that would let me do what you asked of me, but realistically I wasn't sure I could do it without being kicked out of the village for doing so. I know that if I were another villager and it happened to me I'd want Vronwei's ass on a stick. I liked Vex alot, and I was honored that he accepted me so quickly, I just wish things had turned out differently. Unfortunately when I'm kind of basically told you've died alot so I'm not really interested in talking to you it left me thinking, so this is how you get rewarded for being around alot and not being afraid to defend when you know you're most likely hosed going in?
Good luck and I hope real life lets up enough for you to have fun with Vex again.
24715, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by auraack on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Explain something to me,why does every villager I fight starts screaming at me (annoying me ooc greatly) when I wont fight a berserker or rager in particular head on?. I dont say I gang bang,but I use centurions and tactics.

Allow me to correct myself,jinroh doesnt do it,but *beef-butt and you always talked #### to me for not going head on.

No insult intended or ill-will but I am truly asking myself this,is it a rager thing?,or sphere pride or what?


Auraack, unnoticed imperial shadow
24719, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With other assassins it was very much a character thing/villager thing, at least for me. Hearing about villagers who got assassinated left and right cause they had no clue they were being stalked always made me angry IC. That being said, I totally understand using tactics to avoid possible foolish fights and so forth. I played a duergar imperial thief long ago and trust me, I did the same. (though my most hated enemies were sylvan)

As for you not fighting me, I think you get that from villagers 'alot' because in most cases, berserker villagers cannot find anyone who will fight them one on one. The anymosity was purely in character, I don't know you so can't really say anything out of character so I hope you weren't offended beyond that.
Good luck,
24747, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Auraack on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for a very civilized response, at first I was glad that there was one less assassin to get in the way of my assassinates but now that you wrote that I am sad that you are leaving.

Perhaps you should try something other than a rager to avoid that frustration?, either way, I hope you have a lot of good luck with whatever you do.

24764, Probably won't return and here's why
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I appreciate the thought and good luck with the empire, I will never play an imperial because I've had about five and probably three of them have been made anathema, two for accidentally killing a bloodoathe, much easier to do back then without knowing since they weren't titled and once for looting a fellow imperial duergar and returning his gear cause I didn't want it. Back then at least, anathema sucked, can't flee from centurions and are stuck and can't recall from them even as a ghost. My one brief enjoyment as an anathema was having the then leader of the divine sect gate to myself and the duergar ap who'd also been made anathema and we killed her about six times cause she kept on coming. That was grand! ;)

If you read my response to Kardok, the gist of it is that since it's clear that Immortals can't do what they demand of their playerbase, ie. keep character info related to specific characters and not share it among their changing characters or let it fester in the back of their minds, the simple fact that they know who I am when I log on makes continued playing of no appeal. Trust me, I've been a hero imm and I know that just like any click, if a player is branded a pain in the ass or anything else, it sticks with you regardless of what player incarnation you happen to be in. To their credit, Valg, Shokai, Sebeok, Vyn and some of the Imm staff will keep their un-biased opinion and let you do what you will, but some of the others are totally the opposite. I've no clue who the specific Imm was initially but he has made the simple idea of playing CF disinteresting. I'd rather play a graphical game where higher ups limit their input to server reboots etc. than be #### on by one of them because he can't adhere to the rules he expects me to.
Again, good luck and you're brave for going Empire.
24730, it's not really a rager thing so much as
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
someone getting frustrated that they can't get a toe to toe fight when a toe to toe fight suits them.

The difference between Hrejial and others, from the impression I get, is that Hrejial actually has a cool head behind the screen. He's trying to taunt you so you do something stupid. Others you can tell are just pissed because they lack the skill to bring about a fight when they want it.
24738, Thank you.
Posted by Hrejial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like to think that's true, too, but honestly sometimes it's a little frustration showing through, too.

And Vron, I assume you know I thought well of you from our ic interactions, but in case i'm making an ass of u and me (ha, ha, ha) I'll affirmatively say I liked everything I saw and heard from you. Many (many!) people disagree with me on a lot of things, but I've seen enough villagers over the years to know better from worse, and you were better.

I don't know what happened with you and the imm, but I know I was very frustrated never hearing from Lorhan no matter how courageous I thought I was, no matter how many times I prayed or sent notes. Personally I'd like it if a god responded one way or the other out of ooc courtesy and in an ic way said something like " stop bothering me, it will never happen" or "you're ok, on the right path, I'll get back to you" or "you are the best ever! TAT!". I like to tell myself that this particular failure in that regard was not due to poor roleplay on my part but rather that Lorhan as a god was dying. Let's hope.

Either way, I've had more than my fair share of bad imm interactions both ic and ooc and while it sometimes gets me down, the game itself is still fun and I've found that many, perhaps even most of the imms do indeed give each new character a fair shake. If you enjoyed playing Vron, if you enjoy playing the game, don't let this one thing sour you. Avoid that imm, for always or for a while, but no need to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Good luck.
24716, He did the same to me, and I only did it in raids. I think a rp thing. nt
Posted by Woopy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
24735, My character, my beliefs, sorry if you didn't like them
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That situation was special in that Dryzzel is also a follower of the God I follow and therefore I gave him the benefit of the doubt. It was one of those moments where you seek something from someone by showing action, or in this case, inaction. Dryzzel was supposed to return the favor, all part of the respect of the warrior, and he didn't, he showed weakness, and I was prepared for that (although very surprised he did not). In the end, Jinroh discovered something about Dryzzel, and won't make the mistake again, but he had to experience the mistake.

As for anything else, there was no way any of us (Rahno and I) were leaving alive with Yanacek and a host of other imperials logging on at once and coming from behind with two sets of centurions. Sometimes you do things that your character would that as a player, you would not, because its the stupid thing to do.

Do remember that this was a special case where I was hoping to create a great roleplaying situation for those involved, but it didn't happen because individuals made their choice, it was just another Imperial gang, Such is the game.

As for your character, you were very effective and enjoyed you by our side and was very impressed from you in the beginning (which I stated to you). I think i said my piece on what I thought of you yesterday before you logged off.

Sorry and good luck with what you embrace next.
24769, Ah
Posted by Vronwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Jinroh, didn't have a problem with your beliefs, though it does help to know that Dryzzel follows the same god and so forth. That's really wild, cause I don't put him in the same category as I put Jinroh, I'd begun calling him Dryvvel in reference to his pedantic need to talk about how he was being so fair when he'd fight half-naked villagers, fully shielded etc. He's one character I neither respect nor give a rat's rump about. So I never put him in the same class as Jinroh.

It's a measure of my impression of Jinroh that our parting words were as appreciated as they were. Don't take this as a sleight, I think you should be titled something other than Drillmaster, primarily because you're a hunting and killing beast, but that's colored by my idea of a drillmaster as being someone who watches the other villagers to give them pointers, which you do, I just feel your hunting aspect is stronger. Good luck and I'm glad the villagers new Imm didn't boot everyone. I don't envy those who have to put up with his #### in the future though.
24773, Pathetic
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll make more comments later, but you being "half-clothed" hardly measures up to the fact that three imperials raided against three villagers at the Destructor, and beat you all. Perhaps you should rethink your tactics.

24772, A quick comment about "our" beliefs
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is no "our" all of those who follow Lorhan can have different ideals about courage. Do I try and always fight evenly, yes. Am I going to sit in the palace and tell my Emperor I won't defend with him because you follow my Lord and you follow a guideline of courage I don't...hell no. You were raiding, you chose not to engage me, so I changed my tactics and came back and killed Rahno. Had both of you been hitting me, you can be sure I would have done things totally different. Dryzzel respects Jinroh in character, but I'll save my comments for when I or you are up here.

24785, RE: A quick comment about
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That would have been a really cool moment if you did that. And if you phrased it right, I'm almost positive that Yanacek probably would have chuckled and said, "have at it." But you didn't, and it turned into another imperial gang. Such is what happens when choices are made.

As for the situation, I would think you should have noticed me standing there not assisting as well as bowing my head and stating that he fights you alone. You just took advantage of a situation and fellow follower (despite our opposite sides). Your choice, and I know that as a player our "beliefs" are different, but as Jinroh, I thought they were mostly the same and which is why gave you the benefit of the doubt. As I stated before, sometimes your character does things you know as a player are absolutely stupid, this was one of them.
24743, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Jegec on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked travelling with you. Thought you were very good and very effective, and I learned a lot from watching and talking to Vron. I remember ranking together when we were both late 20s then next time I'm around you were already late 30s. Well done and sorry to see you gone. Not sure what happened at the end, but sorry to hear things didn't turn out well. Well, thanks again.
24768, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yup, had fun too. Good luck and remember to watch those Svirfs, you can't trust them further than you can throw them.. hrmm or maybe you can throw them further than you can trust them? Either way watch them! Was fun running around and gathering gear and such, had more fun when I as an applicant for the most part than I had as a villager.
24752, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Courage piss on me for defending against never less than 3 enemies and more often than not falling because once you bloodthirst, it's in for a penny in for a pound just pisses me off to no end

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but you said that you never defended against less than three enemies? I cannot count the number of times I'd raid the village alone with multiple villagers on, and have to fight them at the Destructor because they would not fight me anywhere else. (You included) I may be thinking of Marballa, but I'm 90% sure it was you in the instance I'm about to talk about. I raided the village against two villagers not to get the Codex, but to take the head, and Jinroh said the two of you were at the far reaches of Thera as I slew the giant, but when the two of you arrive, neither of you engages me, you both go hide behind the Destructor. Having played villagers before, I thought to myself, damn, if I were a village Imm, I'd boot the both of them right now for letting one non-villager make two villagers hide behind Big D. Needless to say, I, as the player of Kardok, saw this all coming. Village berserkers are supposed to think they are the best fighters in Thera, not hide from other warriors. I'm not saying your character was terrible, just that you are not blameless for what happened to your character.
24762, Answers, Situationals and lastly Why
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You're wrong. Kardok is one of those characters that is living proof that preps and gear make any non-ragers as tough as any rager with fewers detriments to boot. I remember a couple of occasions where you came to fight when I could harm you. Once with Marballa and I, wherein we tried engaging you at the giant and because your weapon was iron and you hit like a truck you near killed her just as a result of ripostes, she fled I engaged, I missed a kot, you flurried, I kot'd and you lost a sword I retreated because even a half flurry might have finished me. Thirsting these days, at least when you fight an imperial is usually the same as saying 'Ok, to the death.' (usually the ragers) RP-wise I understand now seeing how hurt you are, but game wise it's a crock of ####. When you can be taking mutilates or demolishes or worse and all you see is scratches it's really hard to make the decision that, 'Ok, I need to get the hell out of dodge!' In Kardok's case, you hit hard, were hasted, had stone skin and whatever other preps you could use. (and honestly who wouldn't if they're smart?)

That same fight, we continued to come back at you, you ended up killing Marballa and I didn't heal up enought o engage you again before you killed the giant. You ran in I dusted you so you couldn't redirect and you ran off calling me a coward. That's tactics and simple math, if I can't take you one on one cause you can haste etc. without the detriments that come from me bloodthirsting then I have to use another tactic. The other time, you came when we didn't hold the head and it was Jorm and I, I was stalking you and he attacked you, I threw a poison dart at you and you fled and shortly thereafter quit. So while I can respect that Kardok is a beast, you as a player need to take it down a notch. You're #### stinks as well as anyone else's, but yes, Kardok was a tough bastard who didn't fall into the category of, 'I'll just run out and thirst on him.'

As for what happened to me, I'd died roughly about ten times in the last two or three days, always defending against Njaal, Dryzzel, Hashok, Woopooga and any other random character that managed to show up with them. Because of those deaths, and ironically enough a note I'd written about 14 levels back concerning Odrirg fogging me in my guild to keep me from stalking a scion mage within the city, a note I'd only written to the Tribunal imms as an ooc complaint/clarification question, the newly dubbed Battle Imm, who was obviously that Imm from Tribby's who got whacked, told me I wasn't up to par in his eyes. First off mentioning the note to me was cross character info and an ooc thing as well, so he can eat #### and die. Secondly, if you read his 'own' religion, pissing on me because I fell defending against several opponents is piss-poor rp considering he takes those types into account as well in his religion. So yes, at the end of the day I was too disgusted to stick with a village with such a total a-hole as an Imm nor will I return.
Laters and good luck with Kardok,
24808, RE: Answers, Situationals and lastly Why
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I was more bothered by the situation with Jormundgaand than anything else, and I thought you two were working together. I had literally been trying to talk Jormundgaand into fighting me for about two hours going up to that time, and it was like 4:00 AM in the morning when that thing in the village went down. I had been sticking around just in the hopes of getting a fight for about the last two hours, and had finally concuded that I wasn't going to get one when I quit. My post was not to say that you were not well played, just to put another spin on what the Imm's might have seen that may have led up to what happened. And I agree, berserkers are not over-powered, unless they are fighting newbies, in which case they can be devastatingly easy to get kills with. You really should come back, and I'm sure you will, if you are still looking over this post you have not lost all of your love for this game.
24812, And furthermore
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wrote about those other situations not to call you a coward, but to refutiate your point that you never defended against less than three opponents, which I stated, but you may have misinterpreted.
24824, RE: Answers, Situationals and lastly Why
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Naw, thanks though. As anyone who knew me as Hyshrawr might attest, I loved being a berserker. Master Conjurer's would come, kill the giant and retake the orb, near killing me in the process and I'd taunt them to come back and end up somehow making them flee. As Daerkshyn I impressed Thror enough to end up in the village history cause we'd always have to defend against massive numbers and if we died well we died. Battle was my favorite cabal, there's 'usually' a great sense of comraderie within it. But as long as this new guy is an Imm in battle I won't play battle so I probably won't come back. Bottom line in my eyes is that our brief interaction told me he's someone I don't like and I'm not interested in trying to get to know him just as he wasn't interested in the same. CF is a great mud, great ideas, nice variety and so forth. I'd just rather play Planetside, DAoC or something else where I won't be subject to people like that. I'd rather pay to play something and avoid the sense of wasting so much time only to have someone behind the scenes ruin it as opposed to play something for free and have to deal with that.
24770, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Kazadan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, I suppose I'll throw one in. Didn't really talk too much, but
did fight a lot near the end. That thing that happened in our last
interaction was funny. I spent a long long time trying to fight you,
wasting wands left and right, getting shielded once, and doing various
other things. Figured that nothing would work, then I just tried
to disrupt you and it led to maladies, but I still had to flee. I
was frustrated, and gave up on retrieving, went to go instigate
violence among some lowbies. Afterwards, did a quick whois vron, and
showed you as a ghost, I located your corpse in the Village and I was
like 'oh f***, he's dead. Sweet', and then killed the giant quickly.
Apparently disrupt organ has long lasting effects. Good to know =).

Good times, good times, you almost had me several times during that,
- Kazadan
24775, Heh
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah talk about frustration. I was just about to log off when you first hopped on, had you waited three more minutes you'd have had an easy time of it with no one to fight you. As it was we fought for what seemed like an hour or more, always getting you close then lingering outside to see if I might make you over extend only to have it bite back on me due to some specific affects. Was nasty though I almost outlasted it. Fun fights and good character, you're tenacious! Good luck with the character,
24771, You had guts.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry to hear that a fine character who definately should stay around is leaving. I'm not sure who this new imm is, or whatever, but I hope your feelings are more temporary. There are other cabals out there. As far as our interactions go, and most others, with the exception of a few, I only fought you primarily at the destructor. Some of those times were laughable that you called us cowards. Specfically one where I told Hashok to wait outside and Njaal and I came in and killed you and Marballa. THen, another showed up for you, so we all came in. Yeah, thats right, It was Jinroh, and he ran from the cabal and left you two to die. As for Jinroh's comments, I'll respond to those on his post lower down. All in all though, you were sticking it out in a time where ragers aren't really on top. Sorry you had a bad experience.

24776, RE: You had guts.
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I did consider that cowardly. Marballa had fallen just before that I think she might have had a pair of weapons. I had some weapons and half a set of gear. You were both shielded which meant that in essence the destructor would be a nuisance for you while you both focused on us and we couldn't do anything about it. (ie. dirt, blindness dust etc.) As for leaving Hashok outside, that always looks more like a situation wherein you've said Hey Joe, stay here. If they come out, pillar them etc. so it doesn't look like bravery and it isn't regardless, given the circumstances. Think about it, assassins can really only do their moves if they can fight you directly. That isn't the case when you're raiding, so we're left primarily with kicks. IF we'd both had rising phoenix kick we might have been able to do something, even then however it's unlikely. So yes, I didn't see any of it as particularly brave. And the time when Jinroh showed up I didn't blame him for fleeing. There was literally nothing we could do but do our best and not disrespect the village. Another reason why the new imm can blow midgets for all I care.

Don't get me wrong. In your shoes I'd do all the same things, but I also wouldn't feel the need or what have you to try'n convince anyone that I was being brave or even really offering parity under those circumstances. You all outranked us, one of you could see us, and we really couldn't do much through all the shields with you two focused purely on us. Smart that is, brave it is not.
Good character, though I still have issues with exhortations of bravery considering what I've seen from Jorm's logs, with Jinroh, you and Yanacek and personal experience. And again, I'd probably do the same stuff where I in your shoes so...
24778, Your view is limited, I'll give you that.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You don't know enough about Dryzzel to know, but i understand your feelings. I will still disagree from my own personal experience of what could have happened. However, we will just agree to disagree.

24779, Liked you, and hoped to work with you more
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For the most part the only times I interacted with you were during raid/retrieve situations and you always did a good job at both. A shame your deaths came back to bite you in the butt. You made a good villager.
24780, RE: Liked you, and hoped to work with you more
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah didn't get to interact a whole bunch, but such is life. That just shows what a'lil bit of courage gets you from the god of courage. ;) Good luck with the war and sorry I can't be there to help out.
Take it easy,
24782, And I'm alone in the shadows once more....
Posted by Marballa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Marballa definitely felt a strong connection with Vronwei, being another villager assassin, but also since our views (on the village etc) were often exactly the same. Marballa and I will certainly miss having a companion in the shadows, not to mention someone else to take blows when ranking. I can't say I disagree with you about booting all berserkers being a ####ty thing. And I experienced some of what you did in my own conversation with the new battle imm, but I'll save my views on that until I die.

Addressing something further down, Kardok killed Marballa that time dead in 3-4 hits (four I think, but I might be giving myself too much creadit). I don't think anyone who can kill my char in 4 hits can complain about not getting a one on one fight... but that's just me.

The situation with Njaal, Dryzzel, and Hashok went pretty much as you said, basically we were fubar'd either way and Marballa had definitely just been slain and was unghosting to boot.

I think it's more than a little ####ty you couldn't get back in because you died more than you killed, and quite frankly Ordasen should have been watching the village more closely than (from what I can tell) he was *before* he emerged and booted everyone.

I thought you were awesome. Definitely one of Marballa's favorite, if not her most favorite villagers. Sad to see you go, but I hope you'll come back when your anger wanes and get back into the CF groove.

*smirk* Bye for now
24783, Oops
Posted by Hyshrawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, in case you didn't put it together I was also the last assassin who was in the village and left you alone cause I hated playing a scout. Already forgot his name which I suppose is par for the course. I understand not being able to speak your mind until your character is gone, just couldn't deal with the blatant ooc attitude of the Imm in question considering how stringent CF's Imms are on the players about such. Too much of a double-standard. Had I stuck it out and got into the village again, the best I could have managed was either leaving when that Imm was obviously on or giving vent to anger and telling him what a total loser I thought he was. Such is life, though again, the village is my favorite cabal and I can't imagine making one while he's a village imm so... Last time I quit playing a villager was because of Dhaevor and the stupid cloud giant that followed him. Just no appeal... wish you the best regardless and I meant what I said about you having more than most within the village and definately more than our foes.
Good luck and wish you the best,
24786, RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>That's it for now, I'll respond to specific posts but I can
>honestly say I'm so disgusted with at least one particular Imm
>on CF that I won't be returning. Likewise, I hope that Imm
>reads my ooc message to him. Sharing character knowledge
>between Imm chars can be easily explained away, but the way in
>which you did it was piss-poor.

Send me some facts and this will be addressed (zulghinlour@carrionfields.com or imps@carrionfields.com). A general accusation on a farewell note isn't going to accomplish anything.