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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject[DELETED] [BATTLE] Ajoal WarSpirit
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=24610
24610, [DELETED] [BATTLE] Ajoal WarSpirit
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm pretty sure the Imm's hate it when people post ahead of time.. but I know for damned sure I'm not logging back in. I decided I'm going to post now while Ajoal's life span is fresh in my mind. First of all, Battle Bards are retarded. Not only are they completely useless 1v1, but without the two most important songs in their inventory.. they are just meat. What made it worse is when I was kicked out of the Village because of an idiot (Groggul.. jackass). So what I ended up with was an arial bard without magical equipment or preps or fire and ice/fiend. All I did that time was stay in my guild, level up and maybe go out once in a while.

Ajoal's life was boring as hell. I enjoyed writing notes to all and hopefully others enjoyed reading them. However, there were alot of times I would just slap my head and wonder why the hell I'm playing this character. The Village (I hate to say this) is full of idiots. There were times when I would be fighting two shifters and they would ask me to heal them ? Or I would be in a raid situation and others would be bitching at me, asking me why I wasn't healing them. Even better was when I died because I was being over-rescued by the Village inside the Chasm. Boy, that was retarded. Use your damn heads. I'm not going to mention names here, thats just wrong. However, some of the Village really has to get its act together.

I hate playing support classes. This was coupled with the fact that Kastellyn was on his extended leave and the Battle Imm's were left with me in their hands :P. I really wish they would have the permission to do some helping with the Bard's, but I guess thats the way the cookie crumbles. You know, I always asked myself if I could play a healer with some success and never really had any thoughts on why not. I know now. Bards are versatile, sure, but when your main offensive songs are taken away, you become a 50 hp/tick/song healer. I thought I would be able to do some pretty neat things for the Village, seeing as the last bard they had totally disappeared after a day or so. I thought about all the times as Kackrik, when a bard would have saved both mine and the Villages ass.. so I rolled Ajoal up. I did Arial because I'm totally sick of quicksand, but it did help me in other areas. Those annoying lowbie binding thieves (lokain + gyldar) would probably have got me to 10 con if I didn't fly, so I was happy and that worked out. As well, it helped me to explore places I haven't seen yet. Not only this, but being a Scout was really fun. I enjoyed seeing 'you avoid the force of blah blah's spell' many times, some I believe because of the dexiterity of the Arial involved.

Annnnnnnnnnnnyways, here are some goodbyes.

Etarekoth: Bah. You know why I'm saying this
Kardok: Not nearly as scary with this character. Once you were illusioned you didn't do that much. I also helped to make sure you didn't kill Krodren. Too bad he didn't give me any credit =\
Zhelrantix: Still a good Commander.. but it'd be nice if you showed up once in a while
Marballa: heh, good luck. Sorry for ditching you and I hope you find a mate ;)
Jinroh: Great character. It was funny when we tore it up against the Scion that night.. about the only fun time I had with this character.
Akrian/Vronwei: Tried to interact with you, sometimes disappointed me with your actions. Keep up the fight.
Groggul: Man your an idiot. If I saw you in real life, I may have smacked you (heh I might just take this a little too far)

Any others sorry for forgetting you. I am just damned glad to get rid of this character, goddamn. I AM NEVER PLAYING A SUPPORT CLASS AGAIN.


Sabiene: Sorry for disappointing you, I tend to do that don't I? Heh. Thanks for induction and the usual. Can't wait to see... stuff :)
Grogim: I was a little displeased with the reasons for uninducting me. You KNOW what I did was the right thing, but you still uninducted me. Ah well, no hard feelings or what not. I just want you to know what you told me today was what sealed the deal with deletion.. (I can explain better if you want to know, email me hcm@clanpra.com)
Amaranthe: You were a last ditch effort to give myself a role. I failed horribly. Goddamn at the end it just looked so pathetic, I wanted to delete my character out of embaressment. I usually credit myself with being able to roleplay decently, but what I was talking to you about was just complete OOC desperation for a character worth keeping. Sorry :(
Sebeok: Where the hell are you? DOH!

All others reply if needed. I remember after Kackrik died, I told my friend that I would make a character so out of line with Kackrik.. no one would guess I was him. I think I failed. I still have the bossy tendancies, the lack of caring for 'parity' and the habit of becoming an ass.I also tried to be as NEUTRAL as possible, because my characters are usually all evil. I think I played a Neutral alright.. if any others have a discretion please tell me so I don't make the same mistake. I'm going to be out of the cabal thing for a while, I'm sick of depending on people who don't know what the hell they are doing.

Ajoal's role? Well, he was supposed to be a shaman (profession, not class) for a tribe off the coast of "wind cousin city". He was someone who people would come to for guidance and what not, just as the Native's would do with their medicine men. Time passed etc and a mage came and ruined it for him, kicking him out of the tribe because the Village had no use for him. It was my little ol' potshot against the way #### is with the world now, but I thought it was a pretty cool story. Too bad I never had the care to write it out, maybe I would have got some immteraction. To all those annoyed with the way I spoke: He spoke like that because he couldn't be calm or patient enough to speak correctly around the "Earthbound" (those who don't fly obviously). It was annoying, yes, but it was supposed to be. I had this whole schpeel planned out that Ajoal would get his Spirit back and then he would begin to speak with more confidence, be less annoying and act more in tune with himself. Too bad that time never came or maybe I would have kept him. Bah.

Time to roll another, even MORE annoying character!
Muhahah!! >=)

- Jaynus
24648, Glad to see you go.
Posted by Leesah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like most ragers, and I like most others.
But IC, I thought you were a total ass, and atleast with you going ragers I understood you being an ass to some degree, but it did not mean I respected/liked you anymore.
The rager notion made me feel 'better' atleast when I would help people kill you.

Can't say I didn't like you, infact I greatly disliked you and your complete disrespect of others.
It doesn't surprise me at all, that you were Kacrik then.

Good luck on your next!
24625, well shoo
Posted by Jaalek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Played with you on both char's. liked kackrik 20x more. When I first spoke with you, you had a good role and everythign seemed fine and dandy. Then you pulled that stuff at the giant and I didnt want any part of you, I explained to you why blah blah blah. You got back in and I finally softened a little bit. Then towards the end of your life you annoyed the hell out of me. It really seemed like you didnt care/didnt want to die. Logging in for 15 min someone attacks you and you quit. Anyway Gl with then ext bards arent the most fun in the world, but just roll up another rager :P. Email me sometime hopelessdwarf@yahoo.com
24623, Where's my shout out mofo nt
Posted by Rahno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
24618, Yes, that was a blood pumping couple hours
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was going to log off and then a raid came and then looked up at the clock and it was 2 and 1/2 hours past when I should have logged off. I could spare the time, just was kind of strange. We did that without cabal powers, just think what we could have done with them. It is unfortunate you deleted because battle bards are the toughest of any villager to actually kill, even with the songs you had, and you make any villagers with you that much more powerful and unstoppable. Which will be very much missed.

But again, just remember when there is some good team work going on in this game, it is amazing what you can accomplish, evident by what we did against Scion. And know I doubt I could have done that so successfully without you, hope you take some comfort in that your support class, as you say it, made it so others can do even better things, and I gave you "mad props" because you deserved them. Good luck with your next.
24617, RE: [DELETED] [BATTLE] Ajoal WarSpirit
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The reason you were uninducted was solid and non-negotiable. You invited people to come and slay the giant who gives his life selflessly in defense of our belief and your home. That was as bad as getting someone to kill another villager for you. The reason you did it was sound in an out of character sense as you wanted groggul's stupid mistake to be rectified and not bring battle into another war. The villagers who defended the giant regardless of Groggul's mistake did the right thing, you did not and so you were removed to think about the, for want of a better word, betrayal you carried out on the giant. I am pretty sure Thror or other past Imms of battle would not have given you a second chance but I knew your reasoning was good and had you perhaps been more of a veteran rager player you would have known but you didn't and so you got uninducted. Sabiene and myself are doing as much as is humanly/heroimmly possible and get a good amount of aid from higher up imms to make sure we can act without regreting out actions taken. As for our last conversation, I had hoped you would stick about for a bit and prove yourself worthy to gain the songs you wanted, as other past bards have done. Less haste and more thought before you up and delete next time.


P.S. If you wanna speak about it Grogim@carrionfields.com
24613, RE: [DELETED] [BATTLE] Ajoal WarSpirit
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'm glad you are gone also. It's enough to fight four villagers at a time, but when my *DEVASTATES* were reduced to MUTILATES, it made it very tough. When I didn't even hit you for capital letters on my flurry, that's about when I decided I needed to change my tactics, of course I never fought you again. Also, having played the last successful (arguably) bard villager, I can tell you, you won't get your last songs before you hero, it just won't happen.
24612, RE: [DELETED] [BATTLE] Ajoal WarSpirit
Posted by Vronwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No clue how I disappointed you. In some areas we agree, parity is BS when the notations in the war room basically say this is war not knights, parity is not an issue. Sure I understand you don't need 2 ragers to kill a naked mage etc. but otherwise...

Ajoal was interesting in a sense, I had no clue it was you. I thought Ajoal was a newbie and most likely a 13 year old purely because his times seemed so sporadic. He'd log on and be gone in under 20 minutes most of the time though occasionally he'd stay. I don't think I ever asked you to sing anything, I might have mentioned some healing once; but that was purely no foes and I was all beat up while raiding. If that irks you sorry, it ocmes with being a bard in the village. Beyond that, disappointment wise I'm curious how I managed to fall into that category. My two cents on the support role issue, is that you've got to be a team-minded player to be ok with playing a support role and I never got that impression from Ajoal. That's not a stab, just saying it's more a perspective thing than an 'I'm not capable of doing this.' thing.

Too bad you deleted, you would have been a terror had you stuck it out...
24615, RE: [DELETED] [BATTLE] Ajoal WarSpirit
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I highly doubt I would have progressed any. Not only that, but Ajoal was 90% number crunch and 10% shoddy role. I didn't mean to insult you in my goodbye post, I was just barfing out random thoughts and threw them on the goodbye. You weren't the REALLY ANNOYING people, I would say that in most cases you chose the right tactics. However, a certain time comes to mind. Yesterday, I got Dryzzel slept. You were following me and in the same room (?). You could PK Treslith, but you waited for him to wake up and attack Dryzzel before you attacked. Had you attacked him and kept him around (I would have helped, trip/roundhouse) we probably could have ended that re-raid right then and there.

The second part of your post is invalid. I am 19, hardly 13. The support class thing got REALLY boring halfway through, especially when a third of the people I was supporting were just idiots who would die with or without my help.

And I am by far NOT a team player,

- Jaynus
24616, RE: [DELETED] [BATTLE] Ajoal WarSpirit
Posted by Vronwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes I could harm both, but I wasn't with you when you slept him so I showed up on the scene without knowing exactly what all was happening. So yup, error on my part. As for the age thing, it wasn't a potshot, you just seemed to have very limited playing time so I assumed it wasn't up to you.
24611, Heh
Posted by Etarekoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well what can I say? I don't think there was a single thing wrong with my actions. The first time I got you, you seemed like you were wavering when you started commenting about your gear. I made the mistake of returning your gear. So I got you again, and full looted you, because I thought you would break and rage delete. And you did. One less enemy for Etarekoth to face. I don't see a damn thing wrong with that, I bet it felt good to dish it out to me as Kackrik, but its another thing altogether to take death like a man.



Best luck with the next. Drow Assassins are bard killers, pure and simple.
24614, RE: Heh
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It had less to do with gear, believe me. It was just another nail in the coffin so to speak. As well, I didn't know it was you who assassinated me a second time.. that was a guess on my part. I actually began to believe Aurrack did it, so really it didn't matter. As well, I saw you on 'where' and thought that negated stalk.. I guess it doesn't eh? heh.

One more thing is the first time I came at the giant I attempted to sing 'wild west wind' and bring you out of hiding. I failed, was lagged for like 3 rounds and in that time got assassinated. That pissed me off so much, but then when I'm told that I have next to no chance of getting my vital songs.. I just began to think that I would stay a support class the rest of the character's life. So I said screw it, they aren't for me.

I got a better suit looted before (horn of tritons, nice instrument) and took it fine. It was just knowing that I wouldn't be able to progress without: 1) Kastellyn coming around or 2) Killing people without the vital songs, by myself. Those two things are very shifty, so its just too much of a waiting game for me to want to actively play the game. What you did was fine, I would do it too. I'm just pissed my song failed and I was lagged for three rounds, heh. :\


- Jaynus

24621, RE: Heh
Posted by Auraack on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It had less to do with gear, believe me. It was just another
>nail in the coffin so to speak. As well, I didn't know it was
>you who assassinated me a second time.. that was a guess on my
>part. I actually began to believe Aurrack did it, so really it
>didn't matter. As well, I saw you on 'where' and thought that
>negated stalk.. I guess it doesn't eh? heh.

Sorry, I was busy at the time with another rager, the kudos obviously go to Etarekoth ;)

Nicely done,Eta. I passed the corpse on my way to hamsah and I was certain it was you.
24626, RE: Heh
Posted by Eta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> As well, I saw you on 'where' and thought that negated stalk.. I guess it doesn't eh? heh.

Not in the way you think it does.

> I'm just pissed my song failed and I was lagged for three rounds, heh. :\

Here is the log from my point of view. Notice that I wasn't sitting at your outer guardian so your song 'failed' because I wasn't there when you sang it.

<1042/1042hp 774m 881mv | civilized 10 AM> You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A zombie of Fheynd is here.
A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
(Invis) (Ghostly) Inelour is here.
A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.

<1042/1042hp 774m 881mv | civilized 10 AM> You attempt to hide.

<1042/1042hp 774m 881mv | civilized 10 AM> w
Before a fortified hillock

Ajoal is here.
A zombie of Fheynd is here.
A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
(Invis) (Ghostly) Inelour is here.
A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.

<1042/1042hp 774m 878mv | civilized 10 AM> stalk Ajoal

A zombie of Fheynd's punch EVISCERATES a massive giant!
A zombie of Fheynd's punch EVISCERATES a massive giant!
A flesh golem's smash devastates a massive giant!
A massive giant's slash misses a zombie of Fheynd.
A massive giant's kick mauls a zombie of Fheynd.

<1042/1042hp 774m 878mv | civilized 10 AM> People near you:
(PK) Etarekoth Before a fortified hillock
Hrejial The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Ajoal Before a fortified hillock
Inelour Before a fortified hillock
Akrian A blood-stained path through the village

<1042/1042hp 774m 878mv | civilized 10 AM> You continue to stalk Ajoal.
Akrian has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

<1042/1042hp 774m 878mv | civilized 10 AM>
Inelour utters the words, 'sausabru'.
A massive giant briefly appears seized with nausea, but chokes it back.

<1042/1042hp 774m 878mv | civilized 10 AM>
Akrian leaves east.

<1042/1042hp 774m 878mv | civilized 10 AM> assassinate Ajoal

A zombie of Fheynd's punch EVISCERATES a massive giant!
A flesh golem's smash decimates a massive giant!
A flesh golem's smash decimates a massive giant!

<1042/1042hp 774m 878mv | civilized 10 AM> You slide up behind Ajoal and drive your sword through his back.
Ajoal falls to the floor, blood flooding from his pierced heart.
Ajoal is DEAD!!
You hear Ajoal's death cry.
24630, RE: Heh
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just as I thought. Akrian coming was me sneaking in, the lag of me sitting there was the song failing (Your music falls on deaf ears.)