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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Voronil Flivi the Force of His Own Nature, Chosen Nihilist
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=24480
24480, (CON LOSS) [None] Voronil Flivi the Force of His Own Nature, Chosen Nihilist
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Feb 9 17:00:36 2004

At 12 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 11th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Voronil perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

24594, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Voronil Flivi the Force of His Own Nature, Chosen Nihilist
Posted by Keem on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well. What can I say... nothing good, I suppose. :)
You were easy to slay if you were in the group less than three. From our interractions... well, you whined a lot. :) I don't blame you, noooo. But with THAT character I cannot congratulate you, despite that bigfatimm opinion. ;P

But I am positive you can do better, and wish you luck with that. Try to play something not permagrouped (oh no, I do not accause you in that!).

24586, My thoughts on Voronil
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was waiting for you to post some farewells, so I could respond to you, but since you haven't, I will leave you something to read.

Voronil was an awesome character to interact with. Not just from the anarchy/nihilism side. As a warder, you were a main stabilizing force for them after their pendulum swing to the weak side.

As a nihilist though, you really excelled. When you stopped holding back, you became less of a nuisance to avoid and more of a foe to fear. Let the detractors say what they want, they don't really understand.

If you want to get in touch with me to ask me any questions you can reach me at lyristeon@carrionfields.com.
24552, sigh
Posted by Crerigord on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well guessed from our last talk you where low on con... but I did not know it was so little...

Well played... you made my life considerably easier at times, more complicated but easier in the way of I had someone to do the dammage while I confused our foes.

Our talks where at times quite interesting...
Yet your behaviour was somewhat confusing at times. But I had given up trying to understand your motives long ago... we both did what we felt like. Something I came to appriciate more and more.

in short Great char...

Luck with the next one... I hope to see you around...

24517, You rabid wolf you.
Posted by Lerrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) IC-Well I felt indebted to ya for something when i was waaay young.
Lerrik always had kind of a fondness for the 'forest folk'
(i'll explain the mal thing after i'm dead.)

I do wanna know the real reason you jumped me in the forest when i went after some imperial.. don't remember his name...
I was rather hoping to talk some and maybe work it all out,
but I guess not.

:) nasty pk'ing there.. and thornheart sucks. haha.
ooc i thought the lightning and then asking a favor was pretty
funny. ic: no way would i have done it after that.
and the rabid wolf comment seemed so fitting. :)

Umm, all the other stuff i can think of is a bad idea to bring up while i live.. so until next time.

24509, Liked you alot, but hated you with a passion as well.
Posted by Eyhon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The hate thing was in past characters where you one time multi-killed me, which I thought was very poor form (Fireseeds vs felar hurts).
You might say I was pretty biased when I joined sylvans with eyhon, but I'm glad I did. Very well played and all that. A shame I didn't get a chance to fight more with you than I did.
24507, Aww man! now what druids am I going to shield?
Posted by Leesah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were great fun, free spirited and doing the killing I wish my RP could allow sometimes.
I liked you, It's too bad we could never take those trips to Trothon to try to raise your vigor like we did for Flarkle (Which ofcourse only lasted for so long..)

Always was fun, giving you shields, then Grurk asks for shields, so I give him shields.. and I watch two people fight it out to the death, both shielded.

Good luck in the next life! Hopefully I'll still be alive then!
24502, Well damn...
Posted by Grurk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well played indeed.

Guess you weren't kidding about that fight. Shame we couldn't have met for it. Been busier this last week or so with a new teaching gig, so I would only hear stories about you and whoever else bugging magistrates in town. Always looked forward to our fights, and it seems we had just about a split record? Dunno, it was close.

Anyways, see you in the fields.

24643, I'll simply add to this....
Posted by Optomkiptum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We have few re-occuring conversation topics and you were one of them.

If anyone managed to actually KILL you, they would boast about it for ages. More than likely they got lucky :P You did seriously well, so much so it was frustrating just to run into your briars every time.


24501, The Bane of my life
Posted by Agarah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off let me say, Ic I hated you so f* much

Ooc - Very well played in the pk aspect. rp well I can not comment, but must have been something to do what you did.

Lets see. First off I think you are the only one that would repeatly eat through me in two - three rounds. I couldn't summon you. (I did the math one day, 1 for 20 summons) I couldn't land a sleep (failed every time) and your pets were sick.. That and your lacky Malkar (sp.. Any idea how many times you killed me? well stupid me I can't just leave you to run around town, I have to try. That being said. from what I saw excellent pking. and all that.

Now as for people commenting on your rp. I never really saw it first hand so I won't other then. It had to be there to get what you did.

Ic and OOc I am glad you are gone. my life is easier. But I fear can't wait to see what you come back as. maybe something I can kill, on a regular bases

See you in the Fields..

- Agarah

24504, RE: The Bane of my life
Posted by Paladin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I feel your pain. That must have really sucked. Just now I tried to thinking of what I might try in your shoes and all I could come up with is to just be annoying. Run in, let your guards attack, then blind. Or same deal but energy drain. If you could get scourge on him, that might require him to blow lots of cash curing it. Maybe haste the enforcer, then sit there and let him come at you.

Just ideas.
24597, Herbal medicine cures diseases. (~)
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
24499, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Voronil Flivi the Force of His Own Nature, Chosen Nihilist
Posted by Graeterok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw you when I was Aeldermaine back when you were just starting out. You were level eleven back then, and a complete slavedriver. You flew up through the ranks a lot faster than I did, too. There were few people whom I saw had the same drive and determination and that's kudos to you.

When Aeldermaine got deleted and Graeterok rolled, you were already a hero and all I could do was here people whine about how you were kicking their butt. Good job. I looked forward to maybe fighting you one day as Graeterok, but probably wouldn't have had a good rp reason for it. Good luck on your next.
24498, I never DID get a good chance to get my revenge...
Posted by Gyronalis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh well, good luck on the next. Maybe we will fight again with differant chars. :)
24495, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Voronil Flivi the Force of His Own Nature, Chosen Nihilist
Posted by Dwynlir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, there isn't much I can say that I didn't say in game. I respected you, you beat me quite a few times in straight combat so I had to go and work with what I had, and that was your low con that was obvious you had. Unfortunately, it is a workable tactic that in this case worked too well. I ranked up to be able to fight you because it would be fun and courageous and etc, etc. Congrats on all you did, you seemed to do it well. Good luck with the next and all that rot.
24493, Well, Damn.
Posted by Malkhar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess I knew the end was coming soon. Rot has like two aspects that are viable for PK, but no one uses it for that - everyone just likes the "HAHA you die .. sometime.. somewhere" factor.

MANY hours of playing Malkhar would have been unbearable without having you around. It made a lot of things possible that would not have been, otherwise, RP and PK wise. I was very impressed that you left a leadership position in the Grove to go uncaballed against, literally, every cabal in the game. I heard that that was "it's" plan, but I never, in a million years, thought a CF player would actually do that .. and then stick with it for a good hundred hours. That alone places you pretty high in my estimation.

Anyway, thanks for the fun.
24489, Well, I didn't see much from you that impressed me
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I entered a long rant, but decided that that wouldn't be necessary, all that I'm going to say is this...
1. If you acted the way you acted because you were low on con, well done, but if wanted to come off as anything more than a coward, well, try again. It is sad when a warrior has to fight two druids and a ranger in the wilds to get any of them to fight him, but you were by far worse than Pelthaas about that.
2. You don't have to leave every corpse you find naked, especially if that person has always returned things to you and your allies, but that's not so important, I hadn't died in I bet 70-100 RL hours in a pk when the three of you got me, so I enjoyed equiping anyway, and your lack of respect for me gave me a good RP angle (and caused Jormundgaand to die a few times)
3.I'm not saying you were poorly played, but from the interaction I had with you, you were a coward, and I wasn't impressed.
24496, Since you mentioned me:
Posted by Malkhar. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I'm playing caballed giant warriors, I don't expect thieves and rangers to plop themselves at my feet at my cabal for some sort of cage death match. I expect them to use their class skills to the extent of their abilities - I don't even expect to know they're online. I expect good assassins to be stalking me at every available opportunity and to flee when the assassination misses. I expect them to hit me when I'm least expecting it, and when they do, I say "Oh ####."

You and Dryzzel thought you could make it out of the Past alive. You thought wrong, and you died. It's past time for you to say "Oh ####" and shrug it off and drop the arrogance. If you're still just not impressed with someone, maybe you could be constructive or just remain silent.

24506, Well, I didn't mention you actually
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In my origional thing, I wrote about how Voronil should have no concerns with engaging me, due to his bash/trip protection and he can at the least flee, and that I could at least keep you from fleeing, so I understood your lack of desire to fight. For a druid with protection from both of those things, well, it's a different story. I'm failing to see what was arrogant about my post, first, and second, it's not like I couldn't have gotten away if I would have wanted to, I made a mistake, and I died for it, and yes, I moved on, but I thought I covered that in my post, but maybe you can't read
24512, Since I was mentioned
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me start by saying that I think its sad that the two of us had to chase three of you into the past to get you to fight us. Oh, and calling in Jormundgaand to help was even more pathetic. That made four on two and guess what, it was four on one after Kardok died and I made it out alive, so your little thing about not making it out of the past alive, only counts for one of two, against four. At least we had the balls to try something gutsy. Did we do everything right? No, could we have won if we had, maybe, did we at least show some strength and take our fight to a harder level, hell yes. His statements weren't arrogant, its what he saw. I saw a bit different side of Voronil, so I'll post my thoughts after he posts his.

24522, Kardok, please read before posting again
Posted by Random on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because you do the same thing. I have seen you gang villagers 2,3,4 people versus one, when they don't have their powers, or even with. I have seen Imperials not want to fight until they have overwhelming numbers, including you, and including your Emperor. You were/are just You are as bad as they are, so stop thinking you are high and mighty. Accept it that you got lured into a trap and killed.

Now for your points:
1. It is sad that Kardok has to call in non-caballed people to help him out against one villager or one maran.

2. Imperials leave every corpse naked, except for a very few (who I give respect to now). And I'm happy you have not died in 70 to 100 hours, cookie for you. As for your rant later about Vorondil able to flee, your kit included weapons that exploit vunerabilities of him as well as you have trapping which made you do even more damage. He really doesn't have a chance to flee when you flurry and do 8 DEV's through protection of metal. Its the same idea that you wholey embrace when you fight a berserker villager, whom you continually gang, so again, take some time to think before you post.

3. I'm not saying Kardok was poorly played, but from the interactions I have had with you and seen from you, you were/are an imperial coward, and I wasn't impressed.
24525, So, why don't you say who you are?
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because you do the same thing. I have seen you gang villagers 2,3,4 people versus one, when they don't have their powers, or even with.
-Not that it's against Kardok's role, but I would like to know what example you are talking about. Flat out, I don't think it happened outside of the Destructor.

Now for your points:
-How do these address my points, they don't really
1. It is sad that Kardok has to call in non-caballed people to help him out against one villager or one maran.
-You think I'm going to raid the Destructor alone against an enemy when I'm out of preps... seriously, the guy took 614 hp from me in one round yesterday. As for ganking Maran... right, never happened unless I was called in to do so.

2. Imperials leave every corpse naked, except for a very few
-No, I've left one corpse naked in Kardok's entire life, no joke, that's including not leaving Pelthaas and Voronil naked, but, as I said, it really didn't bother from an OOC standpoint, just IC, since you didn't catch the point I was making.
He really doesn't have a chance to flee when you flurry and do 8 DEV's through protection of metal.
-Actually, he can and did flee in the middle of flurries all the time, it's called wimpy, look into it, genious.

3. I'm not saying Kardok was poorly played, but from the interactions I have had with you and seen from you, you were/are an imperial coward, and I wasn't impressed.
-Well, that's your opinion, and you are entitled to it, however, Kardok has never backed down from any challenge in his life, entitling me to say your wrong. I, and the Emperor regularly take on groups of three alone, he's just better at it than I am. However, as for the coward part, at least I have the balls to say who my character is when I state my opinion, when I could have easily not done so. I'm sure you are one of the newb villagers who are running around these days and don't want to lessen the value of your opinion by saying who you played.
24526, Post with a recognizable handle...
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...seriously, at least when I fought Kardok, I never saw him do any of this stuff. I think he full looted me once, but who cares about that. He did take a few pot shots at me with others in tow, but I did the same all the time. I for one don't have a problem bringing others to tip the odds in your favor...you almost always have the option to run instead of fight.
24487, I didn't see much of you, but I liked what I saw
Posted by Baendra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked the way you came to take the scales, even though you didn't have a cabal to down them in. I also liked watching a druid who actually used condor form, plus I liked the way you released your pets when I'd spelled them up, even though they were still of use to you. I presume this was to spare them the suffering.

All in all, you were a hard-ass from what I saw. Good stuff.
24486, *sigh*
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In character, I'm jumping for joy.

Out of character....DAMNIT.

I tried to rank as fast as I could, because I thought it would be really fun to have some nice back and forth fights with an intelligently played druid.

(On a side note, Briartangle is by far my least favorite skill/power in the ENTIRE DAMNED GAME!)

It's always nice to have foes that are actually willing to fight without armies, and I was looking forward to a crash course in Fighting druids. But I do now understand why earlier you weren't really up to all that much of a set-to. If I were that low on con, I wouldn't want to take a pincer or two from Grurk either.

Ahh well. I'll be around for as long as I can. Maybe you can roll up someone else who likes to fight the Law.
24485, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Voronil Flivi the Force of His Own Nature, Chosen Nihilist
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was waiting for this day...

Two things. One, Im not pissed off at you (the player) like I used to be, because I thought you had to be one sick #### to play a char like that, but then as I saw you with a couple other chars, I still hated Voronil the player for what you did to my new chars, but I realized that it was just your RP like that and I respect that. Congratulations on a character well played and I hope you have one that's less of an asshole next time! Two, well, I guess there isnt a two, because you wouldnt remember it anyway, it was last fall with Odie, but yeah. Good luck with whatever you pick next and Im sure you'll be successful.

Later dude
24484, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Voronil Flivi the Force of His Ow...
Posted by LoopieLopner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One hell of a foe, fought you with Lopner when you were
still young, you wasted me. You were always so hard to
kill, a very well-played and powerful char.
Good luck with your next!
24483, DAmn
Posted by Jaalek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just got to know you later on in your life, you seemed really cool and I was honored by the compliment (though I disagree with it). You were always a beaste even that one time I fought you. Gl with the next im sure they will kick ass
24482, hey was great running with you
Posted by flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
when we were together we were nasty, you were always nasty even alone though. haha thanks for all the good times we spent, and stop waking up svirfs with hooded treants... they like dropped me 70% hp in one round. Glad you could stick out the whole quest to vis the imp and I hope you had a lot of fun doing it. see ya in the fields.