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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Flarkle the Svirfnebear
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=24028
24028, (CON LOSS) [None] Flarkle the Svirfnebear
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jan 22 11:10:53 2004

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 35th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Flarkle perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

24092, Bye Flarkle, you were a worthy foe and a strange being
Posted by Lazy_Ol_Lopner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fought you as Lopner before you heroed, you completely
crushed me every time we fought, you always were very
unstoppable on raids of the spire. Even when you were
level 31 or so you'd raid and kill all of us that you
could PK and then kill the captain of the guards, too.
You were one crazy mofo.
Oh, I knew you somewhat as a fortress birdie to whom you
gave the scales of justice and the imperial codex (after
you auctioned it in Galadon). I'll bet you can guess who
that is, heh.
All in all, a worthy foe and adversary and a very good char.

24032, Good byes
Posted by Flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well wow where to begin. I had a BLAST playing flarkle. when I rolled him up it was only as a throw away char to test out legacies and to try and get into sylvan. As it turned out well a little more ended up happening. This was my first char to be given the power to induct, my first char to get titled, first char to get titled mutliple times, my second tat, my first sylvan, second last name, second warrior to hero.

As I am sure most of you who intereacted with me know, I died a LOT because I follower sphere courage. I tried not to be the stereotypical 1 v 1 courage guy cause well thats boring. I changed the philosophy a little and said well courage is fighting when fighting needs doing. it does not matter if you have 10 against one or its one against 10 its just always fighting when it is right to do so.

ohh well farewells
immortals you made this an interesting char for me I was not expecting any immteraction coming in and I was blown away. would be cool to hear back from all of you and I hope you enjoyed watching me run around making trouble for pretty much everyone.

on a side note was there an echo after my body was carried to the palace and the wolves howled cause well that was kind of a kick in the jewels seeing my body desecrated by my life long enemies

Lorhan: we did not interact much but thanks for helping me ro out the mid life crisis and thanks for the tat and showing me around the shrine. I tried to spread a slightly different view of courage then i think your used to dealing with and thanks for giving it a chance.

saldradien: OMG thanks for all the interacting and the titles, you must have set my title a dozen times, and it was really cool when you hoed that horseman in aridhol. thanks for backing me in the other matter but I guess well I just started too late and died off too fast.

imp whose name I will keep secret: Thanks for everything too you made life very interesting and caused me to take a look at my own rp. I did not want to leave the grove ooc cause well i was so proud of being named the claws, but ic it was something I had to do. good luck with what your doing. and thanks for the cure blinds and the haste and the con quest.

amaranthe: thanks for naming me the claws it ment a lot to me and I assume your the raven at the end. sorry i uninducted myself like a day later but well i kinda had to.

seboek: Little interaction with you and I enjoyed it especialy the interviewing of eyhon it made me feel important to the grove at a time I really felt alone. thanks for keeping it interesting.

unknown imm: thanks for that extra con at the end whoever you are it gave me time to make life that much more difficult for everyone else.

mortals, there were a lot of you so if i miss you just post something and I will respond.


pelthaas: thanks for sticking it out with me at the end. It was always fun to be around you but you need to get a little more agressive, druids are tough, good luck with whatever happens next with you.

voronil: my hunting partner, when I was low level I was so ready to just start thrashing yo for not bringing me along to raid cabals, instead I started solo raiding at level 32 and even then you would not take me along. eventually you came around and we made quiete the deadly pair. keep up the slaughter and gut a few for me. and stop growing brambles!!!!!!!

umelilin: Man when you deleted I was hurting, really missed having a ocmpetant tranny who wanted to go hunting all the time.

nydosin: I really looked up to you dude I hope you got a new char and are having tons of fun.


agarah: you are very competant and when we were younger you had so many levels on me that there was nothing I could do, those were the days I would have 4-5 necros all chasing and sleeping me and half the grove behind me trying to keep me alive. You make a good provost.

kelrizza: I wanted to bea you just one time! one time, you are a beast, and there was basically nothing i could do against you. keep it up. And while I apreciate your trying to avoid me it was not in my role to avoid you. thanks for being sporting about it.

grurk: you got some potential now just grow some balls and you might make a decent warrior.


the imperial rot squad: how many imperial shaman are there in hero range now??? its rediculus I died to rot too many times. Its a perfectly valid tactic and you all did it well but it just annoyed me that I could stand up against 10 people but one shaman comes up and i am garunteed dead.

dryzzel was always interesting fighting you, I think we had one one on one fight to the death ever but I was manacled and half dead and you were shielded. other then that it was always interesting bantering with you. I was wondering how long till you were emperor but apparently yanacek has not autodeleted.

kardok: wether you want to believe it or not I rarely ganged, You just hit like a beast, and are very good at keeping your set.


zentilsh: thanks for always helping me out and I hope your having fun, sorry I could not get your sword for you

wothington gradaleus: thanks for always helping me to equip I am sure it must have gotten borring but I hope you enjoyed it when we went hunting

kelcigab: SLEEPY!!!!! we were ranking buddies all the way up and you kinda stopped loging on as much and you and voronil had that fight and all and well it sucked, wish we could have hunted more at the end there.

malkhar: hey the other of the chosen you are a beast dude keep it up.

hmm I missed a bunch of people but just post and I will get back to you.

ohh past chars...

zashiere ternah the holy of faith (scion)
flaerglum the hand of the unseen, General of battle (battle)

24035, RE: Good byes
Posted by Sald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry bout the echoes, but thought it was fitting in its own way. Beyond that thank you for being generally enjoyable to watch. Grouped morts with you a couple times and I was never disappointed, until you uninducted yourself of course, but it was bound to happen. Overall good char, sorry the other thing didnt work out for you. Luck with whatever comes next.

24041, RE: Good byes
Posted by flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You traveled with me as morts????? wow thought you imms didn't play that many mortals. well yeah the uninduction was coming with all the persuasion of huge pain in the ass. I know I let you all down and stuff but hey its what the char would do and I could not break rp just to hang onto cabal powers.
24037, RE: Good byes
Posted by Agarah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I respected you alot..

I saw that you seeked to show courage. Hut I think at one point I did tell you there was a fine line between courage and just pure stupidy. Something you crossed alot, and I mean alot. The one thing I will also remember about you is everytime I went to fight you, I would forget fly. I think you killed me several times cause of tripping, and and the damn Warrior arcane combo (always deadly). IC I believed you were boot form sylvan, cause it fit my rp to see a enemy broken down. OOC I knew there was no way, and when you told me you were to wild for the grove, I could believe it. Excellent job all around, and I do wish we talked more, but I don't speak to wolfs often. I also have to say sorry I didn't get to interact with you at the end in the spire I lost connection after your yells.

See you in the fields.
24040, RE: Good byes
Posted by flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I uninducted myself the day after I was given the power. I tried talking a couple times but there was never much reason, I respected you for not using your provost power all the time, like some cloud giants and even invokers. at the end I was just trying to be a thorn in the side of the spire even to the end. I enjoyed my one on 6 retrievals where i had people helping me sitting just outside the spire. I am sure it annoyed you and I hope it was a lot of fun too. keep up the good work.
24038, Bloody Fukle!
Posted by Dem on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No mention of me?!

Fukle you! We fought so many bloody times. I enjoyed almost every battle, though sometimes I hated you, you damned shortling! Well bloody done, now rot you rot in hell where I'll come soon myself to disrupt your spirit. ;P
24039, RE: Bloody Fukle!
Posted by flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
wow your not dead yet? you knew of waaaay too many wands. you were tough as hell. And those zombies you always had tore me a new one. good luck dude and yeah you were my bane for a long time.
24085, RE: Bloody Fukle!
Posted by Dem on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bloody hell, really? glad to hear, you cursed shortling, you were one of my worst damned foes, together with your bloody sylvan squad! Hell, that's hard, damnations, to be a lone necro.
24042, You were suicidal
Posted by Kelrizza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But that isn't a bad thing as long as you enjoy it. You were always willing to put up a fight, although at times I think it would have been wiser not to. I remember the time I had just fought two others on eastern road and you stood there and told Kelrizza to go heal. Even though I didn't take you up on the offer and simply attacked you on the spot, it was a great example of why I respected you.

Now that you post that you were Flaerglum, I can see some similarities, but I really liked Flarkle MUCH better than Flaerglum.

I had a lot of respect for you both IC and OOC, even to the point of defending you when you had to log off at an inopportune time and someone called you a coward.

24043, RE: You were suicidal
Posted by flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah i was a controlling ass hole with flaerglum, and yeah i respected you ic, i tried to hate you but you were just too damn good to hate. thanks for defending me, and for trying to give me a chance at the end. good luck vidicator.
24046, A few things I'll have a hard time forgetting.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But, I know I will, because after so many years in this game, you forget things pretty quick, and it all jumbles together...like this sentence. anyway, I thought you were great. You were funny because I remember you coming and raiding as a little squirt, and threatening me, and berating me for lacking courage. Then I pointed to my tattoo and you were upset. Ill never forget that. I will say my one dissappointment with you was when you tried to tell me I was without courage, when Dryzzel's view of courage is different than yours, but like you, is different than "normal." I'll explain it more later when I'm gone. anyway, I liked you, and so you know, Yanacek is around and has been, his times are just different. With my times changing because of getting married I actually see him more often which is refreshing. However, I miss the late night crew because I don't stay up late anymore. heh, go figure. Anyway, Flarkle was a beast, deserving of his title, and hardcore courageous all the way. I figured you had to be getting close to being gone.

adios, and good luck with whatever is next,
24048, RE: A few things I'll have a hard time forgetting.
Posted by flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got close a couple of times, first time i got a con quest, second time i got the deck of fate and pulled a good card, third time i just got con without even realizing it. that and I poured every train i ever got after level 5 into con, and with a svirf thats a lot fo trains. I liked you towards the end, but i was downright confounded that an imperial would even try to follow courage. You did a good job at it though and I tried not to be a one trick pony but I think all my kills were dirt disarm, trip, or warcry flurry. ohh well i got a new beast in the making that will be much more dynamic.

luck with evetything.
24052, RE: Good byes
Posted by Umelilin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Have to say one thing... It was a blast..

The second thing is that you voronil and nydosin where the only ones I saw for a long time in the grove. And suddenly you where all gone... I dont know what happened a while. And I was always fighting a big loosing battle. And as you stated I like to fight. even though it might be a loosing one.

So when I first meet you in the grove I thought man this fella is dying alot.. then we started hunting and suddenly we started to kill alot of folk. I scratched my head a bit. and thought damm what changed.?

You showed me some things... not much of knowlage wise, but alot of things in the rp-department that I had indeed forgotten...

Kudos on a great char..!!!
former chars Eidoran(arcane), arnora(bard,entropy), syrinaa(healer,arbiter), leonidas(shifter,warlock), holmlia(assassin,none), serinka(arcane,master) nokisan(healer,none),sekmetra(arcane,warlock), esilema(shaman,fortress), seakrou(shifter,warlock)umelilin(sylvan)

there are more but ive forgotten most of their names.
24054, RE: Good byes
Posted by flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
our times must have shifted cause i think the longest day i went without logging on was 2 days this last week. I had a blast with you and I was kicking ass in the early 30's especially when you were with me. then later we really slaughtered a bunch of hordes. It was always awsome to have a competant tranny on my side one that was not afraid to risk his neck.
24055, RE: Good byes
Posted by Pelthaas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Having seen your previous incarnations, I can definitely say that Flarkle was my favorite. I fought Zashiere on occasion, had some sort of uneasy truce-type relationship with Flaerglum, and fought and died beside Flarkle. I'm glad I got to spend that last bit of time hanging out with you, man. You were always great to have around, and I knew I could always count on you to do what had to be done. As far as being more aggressive goes, I suppose Pelthaas has become more aggressive in his elderly years. He was always intended to be more of a protector, though, and I still try to play him as such. Anyhow, it always sucks seeing those you fight and die beside go, but know Flarkle will always be remembered.


24057, RE: Good byes
Posted by flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks and yeah both flaerglum and zashiere were not supposed to be liked, flarkle was supposed to be hated by my enemies and annoying to his allies but everyone seemed more then willing to cheer me on rather then scold me for doing what most would consider stupid things.
24058, RE: Good byes
Posted by Gyronalis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Were the only person Gyro has killed in his entire life yet, which is probally only because he is an Archeaologist, not a fighter... was making things a bit more interesting. Oh well, good luck with the next!
24059, RE: Good byes
Posted by flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I had the nightgaunt beat and I succumbed, I wanted a shot at you. too bad that room was bugged and i could not flee. Ohh well very good idea to use the wand or I would have killed your elemental and you would have been dusted really fast. the room has since been fixed so well I would not rely on it anymore. very insightful though I might add.
24322, Makes me a bit confused...
Posted by Gyronalis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How was it bugged? Unless you had pass door... it was a locked room.
24325, the room was indoors, need to be outside to call a nightgaunt was on bugboard nt
Posted by flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
no text
24339, Ah, but I was outside when I called it.
Posted by Gyronalis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
24091, RE: Good byes
Posted by Kelcigab on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

What a shame you con-died. At least that *special item* helped you live a little bit longer. Wish it would have been the better version, but oh well.

You were a lot of fun to run around with, even if Voronil's panties would get all twisty because I would help defend. Thanks for running into the Spire to get the duergar the last time I was with you. First time I raided the Spire with any char I've played, even though it wasn't really a raid. It was me getting beat on after sanc fell, only to word.

Great char, and good luck with the next, whatever it might be. Ya done impressed me kid. Wish you would have gotten to live a bit longer so you could have done what you told me you wanted to do. Play a char that isn't so deathful next time, and it might happen.
24202, Now that I can respond
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed watching Flarkle most of the time. I think at the end there you got a little too wrapped up in trying to cause problems that you stopped using your brain a bit. And I did my best in trying to impart the concept of wisdom with anarchy, and not just a guy running around and screaming it for the sake of it. But, your problems from what I saw were only at the very end.

Now for the good stuff. I watched you stand and fight when it looked like you were going to get crushed and laughed my assed off when you would come out the victor. I also saw a few times I thought you should have killed them and watched you cross your swords and not get the flurry in and winced. You did a very good job in the beginning of leaving Sylvan, which is why you got a few perks along the way. I sure wouldn't mind seeing you take on my religion in another form and dedicating yourself to it.
24207, RE: Now that I can respond
Posted by flarkle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed my interactions with you. I felt really bad about leaving the grove cause part of being named claws was that i was not suposed to listen to you, and well i didn't i listened to voronil but i still felt bad for that. I read your helpfile and its a confusing one I assume its along the lines of what we were doing but I am unsure anyways it looks like its going to be a lot of fun. Maybe I will make a follower sometime but I don't try to just bandwagon everything. My chars all have the same fighting tendancies so I am sure if you stumble across me again you might end up enjoying it.

On an aside thatnks for the con quest and thanks for talking lorhan into tating me, that was great. Though I am surprised he watched me so little even with my constant attacks on his spire. Lorhan if you get this I would really like to know your thoughts on me cause I crossed that line between courage and stupidity (and how to spell apparently) and I just want to know what you thought of my version of courage.
24205, Good Job Mr Fuzzy Bear
Posted by Choranek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Definitely a well played and colourful character.
24255, RE: Good byes
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh no! I wasnt around much longer after you got in range of me, but damn, I remember you trying to a LOT at the Inn, and as much as I hated it, you did what you did and you did it well, I knew you decently with another char I have and I want to say congrats... And damn! You played Flaerglum huh? I have a lot of questions for you, if you ever want to email me or something. Good luck with whatever you make next, I know it'll be good.
24029, Great character and very well played.
Posted by Daning_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you as dachratan, and helped you hero, if I don't recall wrong. Never seen anyone die as much as you did. Everytime I saw you (almost anyway) you were regearing :p
Didn't see you quite as much when I played Eyhon, but thanks for the induction, even though you were only part of it.

Good luck with the next.