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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Tyohleib Meh'Vhyn the Empathic Fang, Talon of the Phoenix
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23043, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Tyohleib Meh'Vhyn the Empathic Fang, Talon of the Phoenix
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Dec 24 13:36:34 2003

At 6 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Tyohleib perished, never to return.

Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
PK Ratio:90% (closer to 100% is better)

23083, RL claims another one.
Posted by Charlie Sheen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what to say? I had a few different times with this character that I had to take some time off. First off, my girlfriend's appendix burst and she was in the hospital for a time. Needless to say, that came first and I put off playing Tyohleib for awhile. Then, when the semester was winding down, I had to take another big break to concentrate on finals and stuff. When I came back and could finally play like normal again...something just felt off. I'd lost the "feel" for the character and ended up just deleting because I couldn't "get back into him."

That being said, I had a GREAT time with this character. I interacted with tons of folks that I thought were just great and I really enjoyed this character. Those of you that I liked, you probably knew it. Those of you whom I didn't like, probably didn't get much conversation from me. I'll note a few folks that I thought really stood out (I know I'll forget some that I really should note, but those are the breaks) and if I forget you, please just reply and I'll do my best to shout back.


Shokai - You are the greatest. Thanks man, really. I had a blast, hope you liked the role and the character was interesting for you to watch. Sorry to let a Talon go like this...really.


Arvam - How come you always make my farewell notes, even if we didn't interact with the character I'm writing the farewell note for? You do a great job on the mud. Thanks for being such a cool imm.

Yanoreth/Zulg/Valg - You all do so much...thanks for all your work.

Obaznuk - Woot! You were great. Loved logging on and seeing you around. Great job as a mort and good luck as an imm.

Rog - Thanks for the induction. Hope I did you proud. I liked you, a lot.


Vorondel - I considered you probably one of my closest friends. What can I say, I just loved running with you. Thanks for all the fun times, I really can't say enough good things about your character, really.

Lariya - Damned you're tough. I liked you a lot, great job.

Kyrissa - What happened to you? I loved your character. Thanks for the talk early on.

Paw - What happened? You really were a cool cat.

Jirash - Tons and tons of heart.

Elstratuviel - Much respect. You do a great job, keep up the good work.

(I know I'm forgeting a ton, sorry)


Aeikooso - You're a damned fine player. You do a great job with an invoker. Very scary and well played.

Zhenzar - Very well played and fun to fight against. Well done.

Goronik - I really enjoyed our talks and fights, fun.

Kelrizza - Another skilled invoker. We had some fun fights.

Yanacek - I think you got me once with Zhenzar and that was enough. You are one helluva scary thief. Very well played.

(I know I'm forgetting a bunch here as well, sorry again)



(51 H-Elf Thi) (BATTLE) Gough the Dumb Blonde
(51 D-Elf War) (EMPIRE) Tyldur the Knight Hero, Imperial Soldier
(51 Human Tra) (ENTROPY) Yarnty the Hero of Alteration
(51 Elf Tra) (ARBITER) Calarathiel Tanthanalas, the Beloved Child of the Hummingbird, Aribter Lady
(51 Human Bar) (MARAN) Pohanad the Ale-Soaked Maran, Drunken Drummer of the Brigade
(51 Human Asn) (NEXUS) Nydeikon the Unseen Flame, Lord Elder of Nexus
(51 Arial Hea) (DAWN) Prendarid Pencilbeak the Protector of Faith, Servant of the Dawn
(51 Felar War) (NEXUS) Braoldan the Weaponmaster
(51 Duerg War) (BATTLE) Feolin the Weaponmaster
and now...
(51 Felar War) (FORTRESS) (MARAN) Tyohleib Meh'Vhyn the Empathic Fang, Talon of the Phoenix
23084, Just when team goodie looks like it has an upswing.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They will miss you I'm sure, though I won't miss you. Just kidding, you were a great person to fight against. Toward the end I didn't see you much, which is obvious as you said. I understand that real life stuff, seeing as I just got married last saturday. I'm working out how to juggle marriage and playing and when I can, needless to say, the late night times are probably going away for the most part. Anyway, like I said, great job, fun fights, great Foe.

23146, Wow..thanks
Posted by Charlie Sheen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the kind words. I really enjoyed our fights too. In fact, when you'd log on, I'd get all antsy to look for you because I always had so much fun fighting you (I knew it would be a good fight). Anyways, best of luck on the new marriage, thats great.

23089, Damn RL
Posted by Obaznuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn it to hell. Tyohleib ruled, great maran. Was fun fighting aside you those several times. It's no surprise you pulled Tyohleib off so well after taking a quick glance at your list of past characters. At least five of them have significantly impacted my CF gaming experience for the better, and I no doubt speak for dozens of other players when I say that. Good luck with RL and with your next incarnation :)
23148, WOOT!
Posted by Charlie Sheen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I had fun. Thanks for the kind words. Whenever I'd log on and see you around, I knew I'd be laughing and having a blast and you never let me down, not once. Good luck up there in IMMland, I know you'll do well.

23093, A shame.
Posted by Beltantis- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our playing times seemed exact opposite. You played while I generally work and spend time with my friends and I played most likely while you slept, only saw you a few times when I was a hero and I think we grouped a total of once ;). A shame though, you seemed like a good guy and a tough brawler. Sometimes you miss a lot hanging out with all the Europeans ;) (though I pity you, for you miss out on a lot for not hanging out with all the Europeans, hah).
23113, Nice one
Posted by Lariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My times were always kind of weird so we didn't get to run together as much as I would have liked. You were damn strong though. You seemed like a loner...or maybe it just seemed like that because I sorta am. I just remembered a lot of " Tyohleib: X is dead."

You were Feolin too? Didn't we fight like one time before you deleted him? Man I'm old...

Good luck with the next, I'm sure it'll be good judging from that char list. Thats pretty impressive.
23117, RE: RL claims another one.
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll second Obaznuk, impressive list of characters. I wasn't around much for Tyohleib, but I was for quite a few of your other characters - they were all memorable (even Gough :P). I hope that list doesn't mean you're out for good...that would be a loss to the game.
23149, Heh, Gough...
Posted by Charlie Sheen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, yeah, take your cheap shots at poor old Gough...she was fun. Naw, I'm not "off the junk" yet. I'm just taking a little break. I'm not convinced I'll ever be able to quit :+. It does suck when you loose the feel for a character you really like though, like what happened with Tyo. Anyways, I'm sure I'll see you around. Thanks for all you do man, really.

23122, RE: RL claims another one.
Posted by Vorondel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, it's funny you say this because I considered you one of my closest friends as well, yet we never talked that much after all. We just got along very well, and didn't have to say much to understand each other. You were a great maran, and a very effective one too. I liked your strong, noble and reassuring presence. You'll be missed, my friend..

23150, I love trannies!
Posted by Charlie Sheen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, we really just...clicked. That is why I loved you so much. It was like we read each other's minds when we were together. You knew what I'd need and I'd know what you'd need. A great team. Best of luck to you and thanks again for all the fun.

23145, Remind me not to become a Talon...
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...characters seem to go downhill or delete soon after =P. Yours was not the downhill spiral, however.

As per my reply to your goodbye, Tyholeib's style reminded me a lot of my own. You were always ready to rumble, and your ratio says you were a bit better at it than I was (sigh). Thanks for the times you spoke with me, and all that. In the beginning, being a newbie warrior and all, I tried to study your tactics and preferences to enhance my own understanding. Many thanks and good luck.

Remind me to multikill RL sometime for all its cheap tricks.
23151, Thanks.
Posted by Charlie Sheen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really don't know what else to say but...thanks. I enjoyed running with you as well, though it really didn't happen too often, sadly. Definatly my fault, because of the lack of play time and such. Oh well, definatly on another go 'round. Anyways, well played, but I've thought that about more then a few of the past characters you've played. Good job and best of luck on whats next.

23161, damn you were cool.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
haha finally a list of your chars too. i am surprised at how many i 'knew' thanks for all the spears with the last lowlie maran i had. :)

Hope your girlfriend is okay. take care man.
23164, Great job
Posted by Rogardian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was bummed when you stopped showing up a lot. I know the feeling though, sometimes you just get out of the grove. Anyway, great job, and good luck with your next one. That is a good list of characters, I remember Prendarid especially. He had a better sense of humor than Tyohleib :P

23171, RE: RL claims another one.
Posted by Jirash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you go, I was wondering what was up with you not showing as much as you had done in earlier years.
Though I don't think we got to travel together outside perhaps a few raids and the talks I believe I can count on one hand's fingers.
Aside from that, I liked Tyohleib from the little I -did- see.

Too little fuzz in the fort now I tell you!

Take care and all that. Toots

23173, Well one less person to impale me.
Posted by Aiekooso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The first time we fought and you did the impale/bone trick it caught me off guard. After that though I was ready, even though we rarely fought. I am definately familiar with your character list, you will understand why when I'm gone. Next time try to stick around a bit after the impale. :P

Enjoy real life. I heard the sun still comes out.