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Topic subject(AUTO) [FORTRESS] Alynthorin the Priest of the Templars, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=23032
23032, (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Alynthorin the Priest of the Templars, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Dec 23 16:24:39 2003

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 2nd of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Alynthorin perished, never to return.

Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
PK Ratio:42% (closer to 100% is better)

23418, Late reply...
Posted by Vorondel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess I forgot to answer this thread.. Strange, I thought I did.

Anyway, I really liked Alynthorin. Witty, sometimes bitter, usually pragmatic and somewhat pushy, all and all a cool and original attitude for a pally. And you were a very good friend of Vorondel, I could always count on you for anything. It's a shame you could not stick around longer :(

I have read some bad comments on your char, but I disagree with them. People make all sorts of unfounded accusations when they see only part of the picture. A deleted imperial thief once implied in his goodbye note that I was the biggest full-looter of the Fortress. Go figure.

See you in the fields,

23422, RE: Late reply...
Posted by Aiekooso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For all those who said you did nothing but gangbang, I remember fighting you solo at the Fortress once. Other than that we never really interacted. Most of the Paladins are gutsy all the way until hero range and then get real wimpy. I didn't see this with from you. Enjoy the next one.
23430, RE: Late reply...
Posted by Alynthorin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't tend to like the stuffy prideful paladin persona. I played Alynthorin as a soldier who constrained himself sometimes painfully within the code. I didn't always speak with the highest tones and what not, but I wanted to seem human. When I died a lot, I got a bit bitter. When I killed a lot, I tried to be humble but wasn't always. I don't think paladins should be beyond human emotions because that's how they are "supposed" to be.

I already have a role thought up for the next. I'll be aiming high, as always.

See you in the fields.
23381, RE: (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Alynthorin the Priest of the Templars, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Posted by Alynthorin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, this was my first two-hander paladin. Second high level paladin over all. My first was Phylanthorin, and having been (I'm told, though there are rumors this is wrong) the first Sylvan Paladin (atleast within living memory) I should have known making a half-drow Acolyte two-hander was asking for a lot of trouble. I got what I came looking for.

Vynmylak: I thought our few times together were great. I had hoped perhaps to become some kind of Sounder of the Clarion, and often tried to bring people into the flock as I thought it was my duty to. I can't say it always worked, but I tried. For those of you who found my rp strange, an Acolyte who fought often times as veraciously as any Maran, you should know that I was a priest of War. I believed straightforwardly that although War had rules, mercy was for the innocents affected by it, not for the soldiers on the field of battle. My next will likley be another Vynmylak paladin, because I think your religion is just that damn cool. I wish we'd had more time to discuss it's finer points, because I never saw any branded or really many other of your followers at all to be able to learn them.

Vorondel: You were awesome. I'm so sorry for leaving the Acolytes. When I joined the Fortress I think I had 16 con. I had 6 when I deleted and that was oh.. 3 weeks later? I played a lot. Too much really, and I was uncompromising about defending when raided or raiding when they had the orb. If I thought I had a 30% chance of success, I'd go for it. If I thought I could kill one or two before dying in a defense, I'd go for it. I think you knew this and tried to counsel me. I admittadly got kinda down as time went on. I'd like to think I was in line for leadership of some kind, but only you could tell me that...

Fortress: You guys were great. Beltantis thanks for backing me on the boards.

Imperials have no place to bitch about ganking and looting, ever. Some of you guys were really great. All I can say is, two handers have some of the easiest and widest range of vuln exploiting weapons out there. Generally I could have fire,ice,wrath,acid,mithril and iron without batting and eye. Oh and water too :P.

Scion, I felt for you guys. Low numbers, lots of enemies. Careron, don't bitch about me summoning you into ragers. I have just as much right to hunt you as anyone. If someone I regularly hunt walks by me and ragers happen to be there, I'm not going to stop hunting you. If I know they will kill you for me, summon is where it's at. The question you should be asking is, why didn't they attack me for using such otherwordly means to bring you. A villager really should a) have more honor and b) have more respect for their own skills.

Village: Didn't fight you guys much. You killed me once I think. Mostly I hunted duergar if I saw them. That's about it.

Sylvan: Ahh my long lost friends. Some day I'll make another Sylvan paladin, but until then I hope simply to avoid the Hunt for a while. Voronil you were a great rper. I wish I had stuck it out to see where this imp stuff was going.

Well folks, I hope you have time to reply. Especially Vynmylak and Vorondel. I'm out.

Alynthorin Broughton
aka Phylanthorin
aka Trialinon
aka Alyndrin
23036, RE: (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Alynthorin the Priest of the Templars, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Posted by Kackrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wondered how hard it would be to play a drow two handed dedicate, but you seem to do it alright. The fights we had were mostly one sided, because a half-drow doesn't have enough strength (no matter how hard he gears) to withstand maladicts AND wield a worthwhile weapon at the same time. Nice try though. Didn't see you RP, but thats because I'm on the other end. Have fun with the next, join the Village