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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Vly the Uki Goshi
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22682
22682, (CON LOSS) [None] Vly the Uki Goshi
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Dec 10 18:03:07 2003

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 20th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Vly perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

22683, Stats
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Vly the Uki Goshi
Level : 35 Sex : male Race : dark-elf
Ethos : Neutral Align : Evil Class : assassin
Practices: 3 Trains : 0 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 348065 To Level : 8435 Sphere : Covetousness
Age : mature, 203 years old (119 hours)
Hit Point: 1 /355 Mana : 1 /521 Move : 492 /502
Str : 18(18) Int : 24(24) Wis : 19(19)
Dex : 24(24) Con : 4 (4 ) Chr : 17(17)
Carry # : 0/36 Weight : 0 lb 0 oz (Max 287 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Copper : 0
Wimpy : 70 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 2 Damroll : 3
AC pierce: -5 Well armored AC bash : -5 Well armored
AC slash : -5 Well armored AC magic : -5 Well armored
vs Spell : Not protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Not protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are affected by:

sword 100% staff 93%
dodge 100% hand to hand 97%
recall 100% wheel kick 99%
Level 3: dirt kicking 100%
Level 4: hide 100% sneak 3%
Level 5: dark vision 1%
Level 6: sweep kick 100%
Level 7: heightened awareness 97%
Level 8: trip 100%
Level 9: fast healing 99% bind wounds 100%
Level 10: detect hidden 88% second attack 100%
endure 90% mark of the prey 84%
Level 11: parry 100% side kick 98%
Level 12: shield block 100%
Level 13: disarm 90% caltraps 100%
Level 14: pick lock 75%
Level 15: meditation 100% unarmed defense 76%
Level 16: third attack 97% vanish 87%
scissor kick 94%
Level 17: haggle 77% throw 100%
Level 18: blindness dust 100% dual wield 100%
Level 19: lore 75%
Level 20: poison smoke 83% nerve 86%
strangle 100% pen 1%
locate mark 73%
Level 21: enhanced damage 100% mule kick 91%
Level 22: kotegaeshi 100%
Level 24: ground control 96%
Level 25: pugil 75% poison dagger 86%
Level 26: crescent kick 91%
Level 27: tiger claw 93%
Level 28: kansetsuwaza 100%
Level 30: backfist 78%
Level 31: axe kick 100%
Level 35: assassinate 76% stalk 84%
poison darts 78%

Only thing I actually spent time working on was mule kick, everything else pretty much came naturally, thanks Imms for the new practice deal. Yeah, I did the defense stuff at 15, but other than that, this is from ranking/pk'ing.

22684, Goodbyes
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, where to start.

I had the intentions of no real friends.. Tried to play the evil arrogant drow, who thought he was better than everyone. I even got a few people talking bout how bad I was... pretty cool. Furthest ive gone with an assassin, so everything was nothing but fun. Man, what a blast. On to the so longs..

Friends... Well... Rheilyna was what I considered my only true friend, a drow nonetheless, and a female. Vly had hidden likings to her, and until he last death, from her.. they were always trusting.
I was close to con death for a while so what better to go out ''on a side note, I finished the last 2 deaths on the guildmaster, just to finish it out'' but Rheilyna pretty much had the killing kill.

Varik... I love travelling with minotaurs, and you as one, play very well and come off strong and experienced, was a pleasure.

Demed..something... You were someone I knew wouldnt backstab at me.. Good travelling.

Most Empire I kept on good dealings with, except for my fit of killing necromancers in my youth, which kept me on my toes quite a bit

Other than that... thats the friends.

Enemies that come to mind at the moment...
Agarah, good played necromancer. Pissed me off how you came in as I was tooling Altiniel.. man i had her too!! Well played, good luck with the spire.

Zorlock.. Nice army there last time we fought.. again, another necro coming in to pwk as i was actually beating that damn fox!!

Tranto... All I can say is luck man.. when Zorlock saved your ass.. was all downhill from there, kept attacking you barely armed and injured.

Calafin, I decided after a while it was worthless to keep fighting you, we were pretty matched and it seemed to fall under the luck of the draw on the random 100% skills landing, so figured best to just team up on people.. sorta worked for the most part..

All I can think of for the moment, I made a point to not have friends, and made a point for a lot of enemies, so its hard to remember. I went sphere covetesnous to mitigate my role into the backstabbing, lying and coniving drow I played, and i feel pretty satisfied from it, I always wanted to get the assassinate skill, and I got it, plus landed it on a paladin nonetheless, in an ooc aspect, paladins being the class ive always feared the most, until I tooled one then assasinated her later... Good fun.

Thanks for everything, ....... Later.

Strodo, Vladimir, Pescipturian, Tardern, Spontitus, Costise.. Vly.

'Good day'
22685, Re: Goodbyes
Posted by Rheilyna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had fun, but the last fight really ruined it. I kept tolerating Vly 's arrogance until he strangled me then I was like dammit, kill him. Then I realised you were going to con die soon :P, so I fled. Too bad I mortally wounded you already. Anyway good luck on your next! :).
22686, RE: Re: Goodbyes
Posted by Vly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Truly the main char that vly trusted, until you took sides with the bard... ic I suddenly hated you, ooc I knew I was going ot die soon, so what better way to go out than by a drow. We of the 'master race' are like that, heh heh... Good luck out there!
22688, RE: Re: Goodbyes
Posted by Rheilyna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I didn't take sides with the bard I just didn't want her dead yet because she's a good ally :)of course not as good as you, teehee :P
22695, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
See you later in another incarnation I guess, hopefully one less arrogant. Good luck with that, later.

- Odie -
22696, Heh, thanks!!
Posted by Vly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was an ic perspective I hope you understand, just trying to get better at rp, i played an arrogant character. I do, and have had respect for you on past chars, and your fun to interact with. Thanks for the referree'ing the duels
22734, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Demedrosoru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had no bloody reason, hell.
Why deleted, though, damnit?
Quite skilled, think. Hell, could stick it out, curses.
22739, Con death dude, I didnt delete nt
Posted by Vly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM