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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(RAGE) Broghelan Bariku the Weaponsmaster
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22589
22589, (RAGE) Broghelan Bariku the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Dec 5 2:30:4 2003

Broghelan Bariku the Weaponsmaster was put to rest.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:64% (closer to 100% is better)
22919, Good Character...
Posted by Lopner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fought with you as Ibabanango (remember that old bastard), I always envied your skill, you were just a couple levels above me, yet you'd crush me in a fight. you were good at dodging with the terrain, I remember that. you also led me to the elves in the past for the first time, now I'm a regular visitor. Thought I'd have to fight you as Lopner (Downside of being a tribunal, you sometimes need to kill wanted people you otherwise respect) but now, in hindsight, I'm glad I didn't. Probably couldn't have anyways...

Was a good Character anyways, a good idea...
22591, Rage at indifference not death.
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was a great little experiment. A giant fist-fighting pit-fighter style warrior who spend most of his days drunk and fighting. Lots of villagers I liked and plenty of them I hated and wished I could kick them out of the village. I am not going to name names but most of those I liked know I liked them and I made it plain who I did not like IC so I wont speak of them OOC. Broghelan was designed to be a 'boil in the bag' rager and by that I mean a rager who does not get overly concerned with equipment or risk and fights courageously and is ready to go again even if he is full looted. I chose chilling embrace and cry of thunder and loved the combination with hand to hand and had a hit dam of between 51 85 on average to about 80 135+ when I had a half decent set, poncho, berserk, warcry and thirsted.
This meant for a lot of damage and nasty pummels, which when you got the bruising left the opponnent taking OBLIT and ANNIHIL punches.
Lorhan, Thanks for the interaction and marking me as a follower. Broghelan was proud of being marked with the gauntlet.
Zylundak, good commander who became a little ineffective towards the end and this led to Broghelan's frustration and departure. I had considered asking for uninduction but life as a non-villager would go against Broghelan's role.
Old ragers who died before me, I have already told you how I liked you or not.

Tykrul I hope you get the command soon before it is too late and kick out most of crap villagers of which there are plenty at the moment.

Zhelrantix, Bear, we had a similar idea in legacy paths and showed that it can work with both hands and swords to good effect. I still recall my myrth when ranking you up to hero on the mount when we realised we had the same idea.

Flaerglum I liked you to begin with but got tired of you very quickly and sick of you trying to tell people what to do in raids etc and making out that if you were there, nothing would go wrong. If it is your role then Broghelan's stubborn streak bucked against it.

Favourite enemies would have to be Zaknafir and Vanar, I almost loved you guys as much as some of the village. Wierdly!

No other people I fought were particularly noteable but if I do happen to have forgotten you then drop a mail and jog my memory.

Broghelan R.I.P.

I will post some logs later.
22592, RE: Rage at indifference not death.
Posted by Koide on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its been a long time..but come on?!?! You and I were the only ones on in the morning sometimes and we raided together and I remember a certain time when I was patching you non-stop as we were hightailing it from a few people, then turned around and I watched you pummel for two Unspeaks..
22594, The reminder I needed
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is the kind of reminder I need...yes....I liked Koide alot and once I check my logs I think I have that fight logged. Is Koide still alive?
22599, RE: The reminder I needed
Posted by Koide on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nep, con died a while back, I would like to see whatever logs of koide you have, though.
22598, Sorry
Posted by G_C on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was working late wednesday and then you did your ghost on thursday
22625, RE: Rage at indifference not death.
Posted by Kackrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Broghelan. He was a warrior who didn't care who was on, would log on whenever and most of the time - saved my ass. That's all that matters to me. Though our characters crossed paths.. thats RP for you!

Come back to the Village you big drunken lout
22637, RE: Rage at indifference not death.
Posted by flaerglum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well my character is based around active leadership even before I was general so yeah its in my role :P

the thing with raids, is that when its only one defender or 2 i can knock them out and no problem, or i can poison them in other ways to make them less effective, or you can all run in and get geysered/pillared/cone of colded to death while your stuck in quicksand. The alternative being let me deal with deadly invoker while you take the sceptre.

anyways enough of that. Broghelan was a beast, you were awsome villager and I remember sitting at my comp thinking about how sick a hand flail spec would be and then i met you for the first time and it was proven to be true. you had brass ones but you knew how to pick your fights too, something i think a lot of villagers need to learn.

In all honesty i had you pegged for leadership you were a good villager, now make a poisoner and join in the overpowered fun.
22641, RE: Rage at indifference not death.
Posted by Observer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kind of gives me the impetus to try something like that. Apparently it worked out great for you - mind if I ask what your other spec was?

22645, answer
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I used whip/flail but almost exclusive to flails. I figured a giant with a whip would look silly.
Was close to taking axes for waking people with pincer_fun but decided utility was needed.
22652, log1
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
'Asked if this dwarf needed aid regearing so we could then go and advance. He says yes and asks to meet in Tar Valon. I yell that I am in the heron and rest up. I am rank 26 I think and he is 30'

You go to sleep.

<82%hp 100%m 18%mv 11940tnl>
Sassenoch wakes you.

<91%hp 100%m 27%mv 11940tnl>
Sassenoch trips you and you go down!
Sassenoch's trip grazes you.
You yell 'Help! Sassenoch just tripped me!'
Sassenoch is in perfect health.

<90%hp 100%m 27%mv 11940tnl>
Sassenoch parries your punch.
Sassenoch parries your punch.
Sassenoch dodges your punch.
You parry Sassenoch's slash.
You dodge Sassenoch's slash.
Sassenoch's slash misses you.
You parry Sassenoch's slash.
Sassenoch is in perfect health.

<90%hp 100%m 27%mv 11940tnl> vital

Your punch MASSACRES Sassenoch!
You dodge Sassenoch's slash.
Sassenoch's slash decimates you!
Sassenoch has some small but disgusting cuts.

<86%hp 100%m 27%mv 11940tnl> Your blow misses hitting any vital areas.
Your blow to a vital area misses Sassenoch.
Sassenoch's trip misses you.
Sassenoch has some small but disgusting cuts.

<86%hp 100%m 27%mv 11940tnl> vital

Your punch DISMEMBERS Sassenoch!
Sassenoch dodges your punch.
You dodge Sassenoch's slash.
Sassenoch has some small but disgusting cuts.

<86%hp 100%m 27%mv 11940tnl> You weaken Sassenoch with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area MUTILATES Sassenoch!
Sassenoch is covered with bleeding wounds.

<86%hp 100%m 27%mv 11940tnl>
Sassenoch starts a vicious series of attacks with his swords.
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Sassenoch's flurry decimates you!
You manage to partially evade Sassenoch's attack, but are still hit.
Sassenoch's flurry wounds you.
Sassenoch is covered with bleeding wounds.

<78%hp 100%m 27%mv 11940tnl> pumm

Sassenoch parries your punch.
Sassenoch dodges your punch.
You parry Sassenoch's slash.
You dodge Sassenoch's slash.
Sassenoch is covered with bleeding wounds.

<78%hp 100%m 27%mv 11940tnl> targ You pummel Sassenoch with your fists.
Your pummeling fists MUTILATES Sassenoch!
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Sassenoch!
Your pummeling fists EVISCERATES Sassenoch!
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Sassenoch!
Sassenoch looks dazed from all your blows.
Sassenoch is gushing blood.

<78%hp 100%m 27%mv 11940tnl> targ sassenouc
Your punch DISMEMBERS Sassenoch!
Sassenoch dodges your punch.
Your punch DISMEMBERS Sassenoch!
You parry Sassenoch's slash.
You dodge Sassenoch's slash.
You parry Sassenoch's slash.
Sassenoch is writhing in agony.

<78%hp 100%m 27%mv 11940tnl> targ sassenouch
#Ok. $target is now set to {sassenouch}. TYPOS!! ARGH!

Your punch misses Sassenoch.
Your punch DISMEMBERS Sassenoch!
You parry Sassenoch's slash.
You parry Sassenoch's slash.
You parry Sassenoch's slash.
You parry Sassenoch's slash.
Sassenoch is writhing in agony.

<79%hp 100%m 32%mv 11940tnl>
Your punch DISMEMBERS Sassenoch!
Your punch DISMEMBERS Sassenoch!
You dodge Sassenoch's slash.
You dodge Sassenoch's slash.
You parry Sassenoch's slash.
Sassenoch's slash decimates you!
Sassenoch is convulsing on the ground.

<74%hp 100%m 32%mv 11940tnl> You pummel Sassenoch with your fists.
Your pummeling fists EVISCERATES Sassenoch!
Sassenoch is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Sassenoch!
Sassenoch is DEAD!!
Sassenoch's feet are sliced from his dead body.
22653, Log2
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A duel, supposedly not to death, Sorry trinton.
We are similar rank, (high 20's) he is a felar staff/spear.

You weaken Trinton with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area MUTILATES Trinton!
Trinton yells 'Help! Broghelan punched me!'
Trinton nods.
Trinton has a few scratches.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl>
Trinton's pound decimates you!
You parry Trinton's claw.
Trinton deflects your punch with his defensive spin.
Trinton deflects your punch with his defensive spin.
Trinton has a few scratches.

<95%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl> dir
Your kicked dirt misses Trinton.
Trinton delivers a punishing pugil strike with his staff!
Trinton's pugil strike DISMEMBERS you!
Trinton has a few scratches.

<84%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl>
You parry Trinton's pound.
You parry Trinton's claw.
You parry Trinton's claw.
Trinton dodges your punch.
Trinton deflects your punch with his defensive spin.
Your punch misses Trinton.
Trinton has a few scratches.

<84%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl> dis

You parry Trinton's pound.
You parry Trinton's pound.
Trinton dodges your punch.
Your punch DISMEMBERS Trinton!
Trinton deflects your punch with his defensive spin.
Trinton has some small but disgusting cuts.

<84%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl> You grab the shaft of a long wooden staff, and strike against one of Trinton's paws, allowing you to pull it from him!
You disarm Trinton!
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt grazes you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<83%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl> dir

You parry someone's claw.
You parry someone's claw.
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<83%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl>
You parry someone's claw.
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<83%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl> Your kicked dirt misses someone.
Someone gets something.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<83%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl>
Someone wields something.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<83%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl>
Someone's pound devastates you!
You parry someone's pound.
You parry someone's claw.
Someone deflects your punch with its defensive spin.
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<78%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl> pumm
You are misled by someone's cunning feint.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<78%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl> pumm

You parry someone's pound.
You parry someone's claw.
Your blow swings wildly and misses.
Someone deflects your punch with its defensive spin.
Your punch EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<78%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl>
Someone delivers a punishing pugil strike with its staff!
Someone's pugil strike DISMEMBERS you!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<67%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl> You swing your fists wildly at someone but no blows land.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<67%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl>
You dodge someone's pound.
Someone deflects your punch with its defensive spin.
Someone deflects your punch with its defensive spin.
Someone deflects your punch with its defensive spin.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<67%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl> ber
You parry someone's pound.
You parry someone's claw.
You dodge someone's pound.
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone deflects your punch with its defensive spin.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<67%hp 100%m 98%mv 9240tnl> pumm
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Trinton is covered with bleeding wounds.

<69%hp 100%m 100%mv 9240tnl> pumm
Trinton appears more confident as he shouts 'Allow my staff to do the talking!'

Trinton is covered with bleeding wounds.

<69%hp 100%m 100%mv 9240tnl> pummYour pulse speeds up, but nothing happens.
Trinton is covered with bleeding wounds.

<69%hp 93%m 100%mv 9240tnl> pumm
You dodge Trinton's pound.
Trinton deflects your punch with his defensive spin.
Your punch DISMEMBERS Trinton!
Trinton is covered with bleeding wounds.

<69%hp 93%m 100%mv 9240tnl> ber
Your pulse speeds up, but nothing happens.
Trinton is covered with bleeding wounds.

<69%hp 87%m 100%mv 9240tnl>
You parry Trinton's pound.
You parry Trinton's claw.
Trinton's pound decimates you!
Trinton deflects your punch with his defensive spin.
Your punch DISMEMBERS Trinton!
Trinton dodges your punch.
Trinton is gushing blood.

<64%hp 87%m 100%mv 9240tnl> pumm
You pummel Trinton with your fists.
Your pummeling fists EVISCERATES Trinton!
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Trinton!
Your pummeling fists EVISCERATES Trinton!
Your pummeling fists EVISCERATES Trinton!
Trinton is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Trinton!
Trinton is DEAD!!
You hear Trinton's death cry.
Trinton looks dazed from all your blows.

22654, log3
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am in the chessmasters tower at rank 30, solo ranking when I see a drow mage with a gnome invoker who is out of range. I charge in not thinking there might be a third invis or in this case, in the shadows.

Group of two hunt me In the chessmasters tower.

(Translucent) Jelrin is here.

<511hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl> You slam into Jelrin, and send him flying!
Your bash hits Jelrin.
Jelrin yells 'Help! Broghelan is bashing me!'
Jelrin has a few scratches.

<511hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl>
Liriel steps out of the shadows.
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt grazes you.
You yell 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Someone has a few scratches.

<506hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl>
Your punch DISMEMBERS someone!
Your punch DISMEMBERS someone!
You parry someone's stab.
You parry someone's wrath.
You parry someone's defilement.
You dodge someone's wrath.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<506hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl>
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch DISMEMBERS someone!
Your punch DISMEMBERS someone!
You parry someone's stab.
You parry someone's wrath.
Someone's defilement EVISCERATES you!
You parry someone's defilement.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<461hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl> You try to land a stunning blow on someone but miss.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<461hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl>
You manage to roll out of someone's throw.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<461hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl>
Someone trips you and you go down!
Someone's trip grazes you.
Your punch DISMEMBERS someone!
Your punch MASSACRES someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
You hear someone's death cry.
You parry someone's wrath.
You dodge someone's defilement.
You parry someone's defilement.
Someone's defilement MUTILATES you!
Someone is in perfect health.

<416hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl>
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
As someone handles something, it turns red!
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone is in perfect health.

<416hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl>
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone parries your punch.
You parry someone's wrath.
You dodge someone's defilement.
Someone's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Someone is in perfect health.

<361hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl>
Someone puts something in something.
Someone puts something in something.
Someone puts something in something.
Someone puts something in something.
Someone puts something in something.
Someone puts something in something.
Someone puts something in something.
Someone puts something in something.
Someone puts something in something.
Someone puts something in something.
Someone is in perfect health.

<361hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl>
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone dodges your punch.
You dodge someone's wrath.
You dodge someone's defilement.
Someone's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Someone is in perfect health.

<300hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl> You land a stunning blow on someone!

<300hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl> ber

Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.
Someone gets something from something.

<300hp 241m 509mv 10828tnl> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<360hp 211m 459mv 10828tnl> mutter
You mutter quietly to yourself.

<360hp 211m 459mv 10828tnl> You rest.

<360hp 211m 459mv 10828tnl> af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -7 for 30 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 4 for 30 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 15 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 6 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 6 for 4 hours.
Physical malady: 'dirt kicking' modifies hit roll by -4 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<360hp 211m 459mv 10828tnl> i
You are carrying:

<360hp 211m 459mv 10828tnl> whe
You can't see a thing!

<360hp 211m 459mv 10828tnl>
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A black square
(PK) Liriel A black square

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> A black square
You are standing on what appears to be a huge chessboard. Everything is
well-lit, but you cannot locate the source of this light. Distances seem
hazy, but occasionally you can catch a glimpse of the "pieces".

The bludgeoned corpse of Jelrin lies here.
Liriel is sleeping here.

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> l liriel
targStanding with her dark skin stretched taunt over skin an uncanny midnight
color is a drow like no other. Her frame is long and lithe, resembling a
feline in grace and stature. Her fingers end in long nails, each
lacking the pigment of other Houses. Her neck is bare, framed by the collar
of her tunic. Her dress resembles that of a soldiers, and her demeanor and
manners combined speaks of her birth. Her tunic has no color save black,
and is neither worn with travel or speckeled with dirt. Her breeches
resemble crimson in a fashion, and seems made of fine silk, with amber
cream leather boots to finish her ensemble.
Liriels face has the appearance of an angel born to earth. Her stark white
hair is long and pulled back in a server manner; delicate snow held in place
by her scalp. Her eyes are moist amber stones, floating in an expanse of
white marble and blood shot all throughout. Her nose seems flawless, not
hooked or curved in the least. With dark ebony lips better placed on a
statue to the gods she seems striking to say the least.
Liriel, a sexless dark-elf, is in perfect health.

Liriel is using:
<worn on finger> a ring embossed with lightning bolts
<worn on finger> a ring embossed with lightning bolts
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a braided circlet of dusty red crystal
<worn around neck> a battle cloak
<worn on body> a suit of black chainmail
<worn on head> a black steel helmet
targ <worn on legs> midnight dragon leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of fine black leather boots
<worn on hands> midnight dragon gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of armguards from the snow worm
<worn about body> (Glowing) a dark purple robe
<worn about waist> a polished iron girth
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of golden chain
<worn around wrist> (Humming) a smooth ruby bracer engraved with a spider
<wielded> a black sword
<dual wield> (Glowing) (Humming) the Shadow Dagger

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> targ Liriel
#Ok. $target is now set to {Liriel}.
drink flask
You drink scotch whiskey from an engraved tin flask.

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> drink flask

Liriel yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Dhystraven!'
Dhystraven fades into existence.

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl>
Liriel has fled!

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> You drink scotch whiskey from an engraved tin flask.

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A black square
(PK) Liriel A white square
Dhystraven A black square

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> scan all
You scan north.
***** Range 3 *****
A black pawn stands here, defending the square.

***** Range 4 *****
A rook stands here, bearing the black standard.

You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
A white pawn stands here, defending the square.

***** Range 3 *****
A rook stands here, bearing the white standard.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
Liriel is here.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> You stand up.

Timing :P

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> Your blow misses hitting any vital areas.
Your blow to a vital area misses Liriel.
Liriel yells 'Help! Broghelan punched me!'
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel parries your punch.
Your punch MASSACRES Liriel!
You dodge Liriel's wrath.
You dodge Liriel's defilement.
Liriel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<380hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> w

Liriel trips you and you go down!
Liriel's trip scratches you.
Liriel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<376hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl>
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel dodges your punch.
You parry Liriel's wrath.
You parry Liriel's defilement.
You dodge Liriel's defilement.
You dodge Liriel's defilement.
Liriel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<376hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl>
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel parries your punch.
Liriel parries your punch.
You parry Liriel's wrath.
You parry Liriel's defilement.
Liriel's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Liriel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<318hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> No way! You are still fighting!
A cloud of dust fills the room.
Liriel parries your punch.
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<318hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> Your blow misses hitting any vital areas.
Your blow to a vital area misses Liriel.
Liriel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<318hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> pu
Liriel parries your punch.
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel parries your punch.
Liriel's wrath misses you.
You parry Liriel's wrath.
Liriel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<318hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> pumm
Dhystraven utters the words, 'abrazak'.
Liriel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<318hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> pumm

A cloud of dust fills the room.
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel parries your punch.
Liriel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<318hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> You pummel Liriel with your fists.
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Liriel!
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Liriel!
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Liriel!
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Liriel!
Liriel looks dazed from all your blows.
Liriel is writhing in agony.

<318hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl>
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel dodges your punch.
You parry Liriel's wrath.
Liriel's wrath EVISCERATES you!
Liriel is writhing in agony.

<269hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> pumm
Liriel dodges your punch.
Liriel dodges your punch.
You dodge Liriel's wrath.
You parry Liriel's defilement.
Liriel's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Liriel's ring flares with a bright white light!
Liriel's shocking grasp devastates you!
Liriel is writhing in agony.

<180hp 225m 496mv 10828tnl> pumm
get dagger corpse
get swor
Liriel parries your punch.
Liriel parries your punch.
Liriel parries your punch.
You parry Liriel's wrath.
You dodge Liriel's defilement.
You parry Liriel's defilement.
Liriel is gushing blood.

<189hp 230m 522mv 10828tnl> get swor
Dhystraven utters the words, 'uizug'.
Dhystraven fades out of existence.
Liriel is gushing blood.

<189hp 230m 522mv 10828tnl> get sword corpse
You pummel Liriel with your fists.
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Liriel!
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Liriel!
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Liriel!
Liriel is DEAD!!
Liriel spills its guts all over the floor.

22655, Ragerlog1
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am now inducted at around rank 34-35ish. Alfonerous is a fire sword spec who befriended me in the village. He seeks one of these three dead for some reason and I was not going to assist unless the person he attacked group attacked Alf.

Backing up a bud.

A Warder's Room

Ragamtor is here.
Kalivaris is here.
Alfonerous has arrived.

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> tip
Alfonerous trips Kalivaris, sending him to the ground.
Alfonerous's trip grazes Kalivaris.
Kalivaris yells 'Help! Alfonerous just tripped me!'

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> tip
You tip your hat gallantly.

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> p
Kalivaris's punch devastates Alfonerous!
Kalivaris's punch mauls Alfonerous.
Drhyihyn steps out of the shadows.
Drhyihyn's crush decimates Alfonerous!

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl>
<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> autoa
pumYou will now assist when needed.
Alfonerous gets in one more shot on Drhyihyn as he flees.
Alfonerous delivers a blow of deadly force!
Alfonerous's parting blow === OBLITERATES === Drhyihyn!

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> pumm

Alfonerous's divine power MASSACRES Kalivaris!
Kalivaris dodges your punch.
Kalivaris dodges your punch.
Your punch MANGLES Kalivaris!
Drhyihyn's crush decimates Alfonerous!
Kalivaris's punch decimates Alfonerous!
Ragamtor's pierce maims Alfonerous!
Kalivaris is gushing blood.

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> pummYou pummel Kalivaris with your fists.
Your pummeling fists MASSACRES Kalivaris!
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Kalivaris!
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Kalivaris!
Your pummeling fists DISMEMBERS Kalivaris!
Kalivaris is DEAD!!
You hear Kalivaris's death cry.
Kalivaris looks dazed from all your blows.

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> pumm

Alfonerous gets in one more shot on Drhyihyn as he flees.
Alfonerous's parting blow MASSACRES Drhyihyn!
Drhyihyn leaves east.
Drhyihyn has fled!
Ragamtor breaks Alfonerous's weapon with a mighty blow from his axe!

He lost Armageddon here :<

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> zz
#Ok. $target is now set to {Ragamtor}.
Alfonerous wields a black sword.

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> pumm
Alfonerous sends Ragamtor sprawling with a powerful bash.
Alfonerous's bash hits Ragamtor.

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> pumm
Alfonerous's wrath MANGLES Ragamtor!
Alfonerous delivers a blow of deadly force!
Your punch MUTILATES Ragamtor!
Your punch EVISCERATES Ragamtor!
Your punch MUTILATES Ragamtor!
Ragamtor's wrath EVISCERATES Alfonerous!
Ragamtor's wrath EVISCERATES Alfonerous!
Ragamtor is covered with bleeding wounds.

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> pumm

Ragamtor parries your punch.
Your punch MUTILATES Ragamtor!
Your punch EVISCERATES Ragamtor!
Your punch EVISCERATES Ragamtor!
Ragamtor is gushing blood.

<596hp 255m 526mv 7303tnl> You pummel Ragamtor with your fists.
Your pummeling fists maims Ragamtor!
Your pummeling fists MUTILATES Ragamtor!
Your pummeling fists devastates Ragamtor!
Your pummeling fists MUTILATES Ragamtor!
Your pummeling fists devastates Ragamtor!
Your pummeling fists maims Ragamtor!
Ragamtor is DEAD!!
A clump of Ragamtor's hair is ripped from his head.
Ragamtor looks dazed from all your blows.
You leave Ragamtor visibly battered and bruised.

22656, Ragerlog2
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Brutal, just brutal!
Injured from fighting shivel and special guards. I see Denzibah after me. I had killed him a few levels before but now he has quite a few on me.

You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
(Invis) (Translucent) Denzibah is here.
One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.

<491/706hps 62m 528mv 13840tnl> w
dBeyond the Outskirts of Galadon

(Invis) (Translucent) Denzibah is here.

<491/706hps 62m 527mv 13840tnl> d
Denzibah leaves east.

<491/706hps 62m 527mv 13840tnl> n
Denzibah has arrived.

<491/706hps 62m 527mv 13840tnl>
An earth elemental has arrived.
A black abishai devil has arrived.

<491/706hps 62m 527mv 13840tnl> m

You yell 'Die, Denzibah, you sorcerous dog!'
Denzibah utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
Denzibah waves his arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana aimed at you.
Denzibah fades into existence.
Denzibah's magic missile scratches you.
Denzibah's magic missile hits you.
Denzibah's magic missile scratches you.
Denzibah is in perfect health.

<475/706hps 62m 527mv 13840tnl> You do the best you can!
Denzibah is in perfect health.

<475/706hps 62m 527mv 13840tnl> You pummel Denzibah with your fists.
Your pummeling fist MANGLES Denzibah!
Your pummeling fist MANGLES Denzibah!
Your pummeling fist MANGLES Denzibah!
Your pummeling fist MANGLES Denzibah!
Your pummeling fist MANGLES Denzibah!
Denzibah looks dazed from all your blows.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Denzibah deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Denzibah!
Denzibah is DEAD!!
You hear Denzibah's death cry.
An earth elemental vanishes, its binding broken.
A black abishai devil vanishes, its binding broken.

Denzibah always fished with gaunts and eventually gaunted me from a raid on the nexuns and had his revenge at around the hero ranks. If only I had engaged his archon then....oh well.
22657, Ragerlog3
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Vethna and Charodei with ansidius stealing the kill.
Had ben raiding warlocks and had the grimoire. Necro and zhenzar turned up at the tower and I beat up Zhenzar and he was worded away. I was retreating back to get the grimoire down safe when I see Vethna the felar assassin and Charodei the elf invoker (warlock I think) on eastern so I pre-empt their attack to make sure I get the grimoire back. Charodei was all but dead from the spellbanes and ansidius steals the final blow but it all ends well? :P

Along the Eastern Road

<710/768hps 111m 593mv 13151tnl> taPeople near you:
(PK) Charodei Approaching a Large Crossroads
(PK) Vethna Along the Eastern Road
Ihso Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Broghelan Along the Eastern Road
Ansidius Along the Eastern Road

<710/768hps 111m 593mv 13151tnl> targ Vethna
#Ok. $target is now set to {Vethna}.

Vethna has arrived.

<710/768hps 111m 593mv 13151tnl> Along the Eastern Road

<710/768hps 111m 592mv 13151tnl> w
Along the Eastern Road

(Invis) Vethna is here.

<710/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl> You weaken Vethna with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area MUTILATES Vethna!
Vethna yells 'Help! Broghelan punched me!'
Vethna has a few scratches.

<710/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl>
Vethna fades into existence.
You parry Vethna's thrust.
Vethna's claw mauls you.
You parry Vethna's thrust.
You parry Vethna's claw.
Vethna dodges your punch.
Vethna dodges your punch.
Vethna has a few scratches.

<687/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl>
Vethna grabs hold of your wrist and twists it violently!
With a sickening crunch, Vethna applies kotegaeshi to your wrist!
Vethna's kotegaeshi mauls you.
Vethna has a few scratches.

<663/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl>
Charodei utters the words, 'uizug'.
Vethna has a few scratches.

<663/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl> You pummel Vethna with your fists.
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Vethna!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Vethna!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Vethna!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Vethna!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Vethna!
Vethna looks dazed from all your blows.
Vethna is covered with bleeding wounds.

<663/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl>
Vethna's thrust mauls you.
Vethna dodges your punch.
Your punch MANGLES Vethna!
Vethna parries your punch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Vethna parries your punch.
Vethna is gushing blood.

<640/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl>
You yell 'Die, Charodei, you sorcerous dog!'
You deflect Charodei's spell!
Your spellbane MUTILATES Charodei!
You DISMEMBER Charodei!
Vethna is gushing blood.

<640/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl>
You dodge Vethna's thrust.
You parry Vethna's claw.
Charodei fades into existence.
You parry Charodei's pierce.
Charodei's pierce misses you.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Vethna dodges your punch.
Vethna dodges your punch.
Vethna dodges your punch.
Vethna is gushing blood.

<640/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl>
You get in one more shot on Vethna as he flees.
Your parting blow misses Vethna.
Vethna is gushing blood.

<640/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl>
You deflect Charodei's spell!
Your spellbane MUTILATES Charodei!
You MASSACRE Charodei!
Vethna is gushing blood.

<640/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl>
Vethna painfully hyperextends your shoulder!
You scream in pain as Vethna applies kansetsuwaza to your shoulder!
Vethna's kansetsuwaza devastates you!
You parry Vethna's thrust.
You parry Vethna's claw.
You parry Charodei's pierce.
Vethna parries your punch.
Vethna parries your punch.
Vethna dodges your punch.
Vethna is gushing blood.

<611/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl>
Charodei utters the words, 'uqzgpabraeg'.
Charodei thrusts out his fist, now ringed with ice.
When he opens his hands, tiny icicles fly out at you!
Charodei's shard of ice hits you.
Charodei's shard of ice injures you.
Vethna is gushing blood.

<584/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl> You pummel Vethna with your fists.
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Vethna!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Vethna!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Vethna!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Vethna!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Vethna!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Vethna!
Vethna looks dazed from all your blows.
You leave Vethna visibly battered and bruised.
You parry Vethna's thrust.
You parry Vethna's claw.
Vethna's thrust mauls you.
You parry Vethna's claw.
You parry Charodei's pierce.
Charodei's pierce hits you.
Vethna parries your punch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Vethna dodges your punch.
Vethna dodges your punch.
Vethna is convulsing on the ground.

<554/768hps 111m 591mv 13151tnl> targ
Charodei yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Ansidius!'
Ansidius's wrath EVISCERATES Charodei!
Charodei is DEAD!!
Charodei's arm is sliced from his dead body.
Vethna is convulsing on the ground.

<562/768hps 121m 631mv 13151tnl> targ charodei
#Ok. $target is now set to {charodei}.

No need for the new target!

Vethna's thrust wounds you.
Vethna's claw mauls you.
Vethna dodges your punch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Vethna dodges your punch.
Vethna dodges your punch.
Vethna is convulsing on the ground.

<523/768hps 121m 631mv 13151tnl>
You get in one more shot on Vethna as he flees.
Your parting blow DISMEMBERS Vethna!
Vethna is DEAD!!
You hear Vethna's death cry.

22658, Ragerlog4
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Duel with another villager. cloud giant Haljunei.

Haljunei nods.

<1102/1092hps 286m 815mv 27100tnl> waYou weaken Haljunei with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area decimates Haljunei!
Haljunei yells 'Help! Broghelan punched me!'
Haljunei has a few scratches.

<1102/1092hps 286m 815mv 27100tnl> war

Haljunei spins the shaft of a great mithril axe named, 'Glauraung's Blade', hitting you with its points.
Haljunei's whirling axe DISMEMBERS you!
Your punch devastates Haljunei!
Your punch MUTILATES Haljunei!
Haljunei parries your punch.
Your punch devastates Haljunei!
Haljunei's divine power DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge Haljunei's divine power.
You dodge Haljunei's divine power.
Haljunei has some small but disgusting cuts.

<983/1092hps 286m 815mv 27100tnl> You feel righteous as you shout 'To Blaze and To Enthuse with Ardour!'
Haljunei has some small but disgusting cuts.

<983/1092hps 256m 815mv 27100tnl> You pummel Haljunei with your fists.
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Haljunei!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Haljunei!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Haljunei!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Haljunei!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Haljunei!
Haljunei looks dazed from all your blows.
Haljunei is covered with bleeding wounds.

<983/1092hps 256m 815mv 27100tnl>
Your punch DISMEMBERS Haljunei!
Your punch DISMEMBERS Haljunei!
Haljunei dodges your punch.
Haljunei's divine power DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge Haljunei's divine power.
Haljunei is covered with bleeding wounds.

<918/1092hps 256m 815mv 27100tnl>
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Haljunei dodges your punch.
Your punch EVISCERATES Haljunei!
Haljunei's divine power EVISCERATES you!
You parry Haljunei's divine power.
Haljunei's divine power EVISCERATES you!
You parry Haljunei's divine power.
Haljunei is covered with bleeding wounds.

<822/1092hps 256m 815mv 27100tnl>
Haljunei gets a wild look in his eyes.
Haljunei is covered with bleeding wounds.

<822/1092hps 256m 815mv 27100tnl>
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Haljunei dodges your punch.
Your punch EVISCERATES Haljunei!
Your punch DISMEMBERS Haljunei!
Your punch EVISCERATES Haljunei!
You parry Haljunei's divine power.
Haljunei's divine power MASSACRES you!
Haljunei's divine power MASSACRES you!
Haljunei's divine power EVISCERATES you!
Haljunei is gushing blood.

<635/1092hps 256m 815mv 27100tnl>
Haljunei drives his axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
Seizing a lucky opportunity, Haljunei takes advantage of the situation.
Haljunei's brutal attack MASSACRES you!
Haljunei's brutal attack *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Haljunei is gushing blood.

<447/1092hps 256m 815mv 27100tnl>
Your punch EVISCERATES Haljunei!
Your punch MUTILATES Haljunei!
Your punch MUTILATES Haljunei!
You parry Haljunei's divine power.
Haljunei delivers a blow of deadly force!
Haljunei's divine power >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you!
That really did HURT!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge Haljunei's divine power.
Haljunei is gushing blood.

<161/1092hps 256m 815mv 27100tnl>
Your punch EVISCERATES Haljunei!
Your punch misses Haljunei.
You parry Haljunei's divine power.
You parry Haljunei's divine power.
Haljunei is gushing blood.

<161/1092hps 256m 815mv 27100tnl> You pummel Haljunei with your fists.
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Haljunei!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Haljunei!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Haljunei!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Haljunei!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Haljunei!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Haljunei!
Haljunei looks dazed from all your blows.
You leave Haljunei visibly battered and bruised.
Haljunei is convulsing on the ground.

<161/1092hps 256m 815mv 27100tnl>
Your punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Haljunei!
Haljunei is DEAD!!
Haljunei's fingers are sliced from his dead body.

Incase anyone has noticed by now. I did not use wimpy as I was all about courage and strength. So more often than not I fought to the very last breath unless the opponnent said strictly otherwise.

22659, Ragerlog5
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rager duel. Kackrik had annoyed Broghelan previously by thirsting too often and too quick in raids that required a bit more finesse and consequently got Brog killed by Vanar outside the chasm. Regardless of the 2nd attempt being successful Broghelan was annoyed as he normally did fine on his own. So he called for a duel in the circle. The village do not use bloodthirst on each other unless agreed by both parties as the idea is to be thirsty for enemy/mage blood. Looking for style point with crushingblow almost cost me here.

You weaken Kackrik with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area MUTILATES Kackrik!
Kackrik yells 'Help! Broghelan punched me!'
Kackrik has a few scratches.

<1092/1092hps 347m 815mv 27100tnl> war

Kackrik brings a crude hammer crafted of stone around with bone-shattering force!
Kackrik's bone-shattering blow MUTILATES you!
Kackrik has a few scratches.

<1050/1092hps 347m 815mv 27100tnl>
You parry Kackrik's divine power.
Kackrik's divine power devastates you!
Your punch MASSACRES Kackrik!
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1020/1092hps 347m 815mv 27100tnl> ber
You feel righteous as you shout 'To Blaze and To Enthuse with Ardour!'
Kackrik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1020/1092hps 317m 815mv 27100tnl> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
You parry Kackrik's divine power.
Kackrik's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You parry Kackrik's wrath.
You parry Kackrik's wrath.
Kackrik parries your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Your punch MANGLES Kackrik!
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1047/1092hps 287m 765mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik stops using a crude hammer crafted of stone.
Kackrik wields a broad-bladed battleaxe crackling with energy.
You parry Kackrik's electrical discharge.
Kackrik's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You parry Kackrik's wrath.
You dodge Kackrik's electrical discharge.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Kackrik!
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik is covered with bleeding wounds.

<995/1092hps 287m 765mv 27100tnl> You pummel Kackrik with your fists.
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Kackrik!
Your pummeling fist MASSACRES Kackrik!
Kackrik stops using the flaming sceptre of Chaos.
Kackrik is gushing blood.

<995/1092hps 287m 765mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik whirls a broad-bladed battleaxe crackling with energy impressively, but fails to hit you.
Kackrik's whirling axe misses you.
Kackrik is gushing blood.

<995/1092hps 287m 765mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik's electrical discharge DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Kackrik's electrical discharge.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Your punch MANGLES Kackrik!
Kackrik is gushing blood.

<942/1092hps 287m 765mv 27100tnl>
Your eyes see less truly.
Kackrik is gushing blood.

<946/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl>
You dodge Kackrik's electrical discharge.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik parries your punch.
Kackrik parries your punch.
Kackrik is gushing blood.

<946/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik's eyes become bloodshot and his face contorts into a mask of rage!
Kackrik is gushing blood.

<946/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl>
You parry Kackrik's electrical discharge.
Kackrik's electrical discharge EVISCERATES you!
Kackrik parries your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik is gushing blood.

<895/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl> You pummel Kackrik with your fists.
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Kackrik!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Kackrik!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Kackrik!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Kackrik!
Kackrik looks dazed from all your blows.
Kackrik is writhing in agony.

<895/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik spins the shaft of a broad-bladed battleaxe crackling with energy, hitting you with its points.
Kackrik's whirling axe MASSACRES you!
Kackrik is writhing in agony.

<821/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik's electrical discharge DISMEMBERS you!
Kackrik's electrical discharge DISMEMBERS you!
Your punch DISMEMBERS Kackrik!
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik is convulsing on the ground.

<702/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik's electrical discharge DISMEMBERS you!
Kackrik's electrical discharge DISMEMBERS you!
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik is convulsing on the ground.

<593/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik gets a wild look in his eyes.
Kackrik's electrical discharge EVISCERATES you!
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik is writhing in agony.

<541/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Kackrik!
Your crushing blow knocks Kackrik down!
Your crushing blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Kackrik!
Kackrik is convulsing on the ground.

<541/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik's electrical discharge DISMEMBERS you!
Kackrik parries your punch.
Kackrik parries your punch.
Kackrik is convulsing on the ground.

<478/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik's electrical discharge MASSACRES you!
You parry Kackrik's electrical discharge.
Kackrik's electrical discharge MASSACRES you!
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik parries your punch.
Kackrik is convulsing on the ground.

<339/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik dual wields a notched axe with a wicked blade.
Kackrik is convulsing on the ground.

<339/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik's electrical discharge MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kackrik delivers a blow of deadly force!
Kackrik's crushing force *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge Kackrik's electrical discharge.
Kackrik's electrical discharge DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik dodges your punch.
Kackrik parries your punch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Kackrik parries your punch.
Kackrik is convulsing on the ground.

<38/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl> You pummel Kackrik with your fists.
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Kackrik!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Kackrik!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Kackrik!
Kackrik is DEAD!!
Kackrik's heart is torn from his chest.

<38/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl> get heart
eat 1
Kackrik: Har.

<38/1092hps 291m 790mv 27100tnl> eat 1.
cb getting frothy was not spoken abo


<50/1092hps 308m 815mv 27100tnl> cb getting frothy was not spoken aboutThe heart of Kackrik: you can't carry that many items.

<50/1092hps 308m 815mv 27100tnl> cb getting frothy was not spoken aboutThat's not edible.

<50/1092hps 308m 815mv 27100tnl> cb getting frothy was not spoken about before hand
Broghelan: getting frothy was not spoken about before hand
22660, Ragerlog6
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This fight came at the end of a few scuffles that went both ways. I wasted time early on with trying to entwine. Always hard on high dex characters, (who might have been hasted!?), especially with when you dont see me. In retrospect the entwine might have worked as he did get some useful healing in. Bards were a pain in the mind for Brog but you always know one combo will almost always give you hassle.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> n
scanThe Open Sea

A piece of drift wood floats here harmlessly.
(WANTED) Elstratuviel is here.
Elstratuviel yells 'Heelp! II aam beeiing aattaackeed by Broogheelaan!'
Elstratuviel parries your wrath.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> scan all

Your wrath misses Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel dodges your pound.
Your wrath MASSACRES Elstratuviel!
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Elstratuviel's dispel evil scratches you.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You try to entwine some empty air near Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel parries your wrath.
Elstratuviel parries your pound.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Elstratuviel's icy illusion scratches you.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel dodges your pound.
Elstratuviel dodges your wrath.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> ber
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel parries your wrath.
Elstratuviel dodges your wrath.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Elstratuviel's frigid doom scratches you.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> remYou try to entwine some empty air near Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel dodges your wrath.
Elstratuviel dodges your pound.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> rem flail
rem flail

You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel parries your pound.
You dodge Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Elstratuviel's fiery doom scratches you.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Your eyes see less truly.
Elstratuviel has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Your wrath MASSACRES Elstratuviel!
You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel dodges your pound.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You stop using a flail of Pestilence.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You stop using a three-headed flail of dark steel.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> The searing pain of your immolation momentarily distracts you from your task.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> The searing pain of your immolation momentarily distracts you from your task.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel's slash scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> The searing pain of your immolation momentarily distracts you from your task.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Elstratuviel's fiery doom scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> af

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You cannot discern what affects you right now.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
Elstratuviel's slash scratches you.
You dodge Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> The searing pain of your immolation momentarily distracts you from your task.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Your punch MASSACRES Elstratuviel!
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
Elstratuviel's slash scratches you.
Elstratuviel's slash scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> af
You cannot discern what affects you right now.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> fle
You are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> fle
Elstratuviel sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Elstratuviel's frigid doom scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> fle
You are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel's slash scratches you.
Elstratuviel's slash scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You are unable to flee while imbued with divine prowess.
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You try to pummel some empty air near Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> af

Elstratuviel sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Elstratuviel's ball of fire scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> t
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel's slash scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> tat

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation scratches you.
Elstratuviel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Your punch DISMEMBERS Elstratuviel!
Your punch MASSACRES Elstratuviel!
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation scratches you.
Elstratuviel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Your punch misses Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel parries your punch.
You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
You deflect Elstratuviel's spell!
Your spellbane decimates Elstratuviel!
Elstratuviel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You cannot discern what affects you right now.
Elstratuviel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> Elstratuviel looks very uncomfortable.
You steel your courage against the current challenges and your inspiration lifts!
A warm feeling fills your body.
Elstratuviel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You pummel Elstratuviel with your fists.
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Elstratuviel!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Elstratuviel!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Elstratuviel!
You get in one more shot on Elstratuviel as she flees.
Your parting blow MASSACRES Elstratuviel!
Elstratuviel has fled!

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation scratches you.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> scan all

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation scratches you.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You finally stop burning.
Your battle prowess subsides.
You feel less resistant to magic.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> wheYou scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The Open Sea
(PK) Elstratuviel The Open Sea

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> cal spell
You lost your concentration.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> cal spell
You lost your concentration.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> cal spell
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> scan all
Elstratuviel yells 'Heelp! II aam beeiing aattaackeed by Broogheelaan!'
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
Elstratuviel is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Elstratuviel's frigid doom scratches you.
Elstratuviel is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel parries your punch.
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
You dodge Elstratuviel's slash.
Elstratuviel is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.
Elstratuviel is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You pummel Elstratuviel with your fists.
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Elstratuviel!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Elstratuviel!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Elstratuviel!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Elstratuviel!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Elstratuviel!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Elstratuviel!
Elstratuviel looks dazed from all your blows.
You leave Elstratuviel visibly battered and bruised.
Elstratuviel is convulsing on the ground.


<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
You try to attack some empty air near Elstratuviel.
Elstratuviel dodges your punch.
Elstratuviel's slash scratches you.
You have been KILLED!!

Of all the things to get the telling blow, A slash!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
22662, Ragerlog7
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I call this one Maran ####. I lost alot of respect I had for Elstratuviel after this encounter. Skallgrim never had my respect and I expected this from him.

You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
You notice a tangle of sticky webs strung from point to point.
(Crackling with Electricity) (Barrier) Vanar is here.
The Archmage of Eternal Night stands before you, grim and forboding.
(White Aura) The Dark Healer keeps a watchful eye on her Scions.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Elstratuviel tells you 'Theeree iiss quuiickssaand oouutssiidee.'

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> whe
replPeople near you:
(PK) Vanar The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Broghelan At the Base of the Stairs

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> reply I am inside and frothy, stay away
You tell Elstratuviel 'I am inside and frothy, stay away'

Basically it is my fight and I want it kept that way.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> People near you:
(PK) Vanar The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Broghelan At the Base of the Stairs

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> At the Base of the Stairs
Here, the harshly cut stone steps descend quietly to a level floor,
descending as the longest edge of a right triangle. The swirling winds
with no visible source carry a malodorous blend of brimstone and the acrid
after-effects of lightning through this place, and faint motes of pallid
light flicker in and out of existence in a dance at the edge of your
perceptions. The ashen stone has been emblazoned with great sigils here,
savagely sliced forth with the precision strokes of a master's hand. To
the south, a gothic and stern opening has been taken from the surrounding
stone, where a faint hum echoes forth. The remaining wall supports a
smaller archway, beside which stands a massive statue.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> scan s
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
You notice a tangle of sticky webs strung from point to point.
(Crackling with Electricity) (Barrier) Vanar is here.
The Archmage of Eternal Night stands before you, grim and forboding.
(White Aura) The Dark Healer keeps a watchful eye on her Scions.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Vanar tells you 'You expect to manage this raid?'

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> drink tin
wheYou drink scotch whiskey from an engraved tin flask.
You feel drunk.
You do not feel thirsty.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Vanar The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Broghelan At the Base of the Stairs

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> scan s
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
You notice a tangle of sticky webs strung from point to point.
(Crackling with Electricity) (Barrier) Vanar is here.
The Archmage of Eternal Night stands before you, grim and forboding.
(White Aura) The Dark Healer keeps a watchful eye on her Scions.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> pull $tar
Elstratuviel tells you 'I won't make deals with you, master Broghelan.'

Was not a deal but a mark of respect requested.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> whe
Vanar has arrived.
Vanar yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Broghelan!'
Your wrath mauls Vanar.
Vanar has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> whe

Vanar utters the words, 'qaiz ay qare'.
As Vanar brings his hands together, a cone of freezing ice shoots out from his fingertips.
Vanar is unaffected by his own cone of cold.
Vanar's cone of cold scratches you.
Vanar has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You parry Vanar's freezing touch.
Vanar's ring flares with a bright white light!
You deflect Vanar's spell!
Your spellbane hits Vanar.
Vanar parries your wrath.
Your wrath decimates Vanar!
Vanar has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> People near you:
(PK) Vanar At the Base of the Stairs
(PK) Broghelan At the Base of the Stairs
Vanar has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You try to entwine Vanar with a flail of Pestilence but you miss him.
Vanar has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> tat

You parry Vanar's freezing touch.
Your wrath decimates Vanar!
Sparks fly as a flail of Pestilence strikes Vanar's shield of electricity.
Your pound devastates Vanar!
Sparks fly as a three-headed flail of dark steel strikes Vanar's shield of electricity.
Vanar dodges your pound.
Your wrath decimates Vanar!
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Your eyes see less truly.
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You fail to get in one more shot as Vanar flees.
Vanar leaves south.
Vanar has fled!

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You must be in the throes of battle to invoke the power of Lorhan.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> af
You cannot discern what affects you right now.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Vanar The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Broghelan At the Base of the Stairs

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Vanar The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Broghelan At the Base of the Stairs

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> u
The Convergence

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> whe
aPeople near you:
(PK) Vanar The Shroud of the Unspoken
(PK) Broghelan The Convergence

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> af
You cannot discern what affects you right now.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> d
scAt the Base of the Stairs

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> scan s
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
You notice a tangle of sticky webs strung from point to point.
(Crackling with Electricity) Vanar is here.
The Archmage of Eternal Night stands before you, grim and forboding.
(White Aura) The Dark Healer keeps a watchful eye on her Scions.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> s
Elstratuviel tells you 'I am facing two evils, of which you are the lesser one.'

And I am facing the greater one so leave me be!

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> s;lash Vanar
The Shroud of the Unspoken

You notice a tangle of sticky webs strung from point to point.

The Altar of Eternal Night rests here in the center of the room.
(Humming) A pit of eternal darkness lies before you.
(Crackling with Electricity) Vanar is here.
The Archmage of Eternal Night stands before you, grim and forboding.
(White Aura) The Dark Healer keeps a watchful eye on her Scions.
You fail to see a sticky web until you blunder right into it.
You dimly note through your hazy senses that you are being attacked.
You parry the Archmage of Eternal Night's slash.
The Archmage of Eternal Night has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> pullYou entangle Vanar's feet and send him to the ground!
Your lash scratches Vanar.
Vanar yells 'Help! Broghelan is lashing me!'
The Archmage of Eternal Night has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> pull vanar
You dodge Vanar's freezing touch.
The Archmage of Eternal Night's slash scratches you.
The Archmage of Eternal Night utters the words, 'ghix'.
You start moving at normal speed again.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your wrath <<< ERADICATES >>> the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Your wrath MANGLES the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Your wrath MANGLES the Archmage of Eternal Night!
The Archmage of Eternal Night has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> pull vanar n

You parry Vanar's freezing touch.
The Archmage of Eternal Night's slash scratches you.
Your wrath MASSACRES the Archmage of Eternal Night!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your pound does UNSPEAKABLE things to the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Your wrath MASSACRES the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Your wrath MASSACRES the Archmage of Eternal Night!
The Archmage of Eternal Night has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
The Dark Healer closes its eyes for a moment and nods at the Archmage of Eternal Night.
The Dark Healer stretches out its hand and places it upon the Archmage of Eternal Night's head.
The Archmage of Eternal Night has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Vanar utters the words, 'ocandusagz'.
A torrent of yellowed grease erupts from Vanar's hands towards you!
You dimly note through your hazy senses that you are being attacked.
You deflect Vanar's spell!
Your spellbane hits Vanar.
Your wrath mauls Vanar.
If you are fighting you can only pull your opponent.
The Archmage of Eternal Night has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You parry Vanar's freezing touch.
You parry the Archmage of Eternal Night's slash.
Your wrath misses the Archmage of Eternal Night.
Your pound *** DEMOLISHES *** the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Your wrath MANGLES the Archmage of Eternal Night!
Your wrath MASSACRES the Archmage of Eternal Night!
The Archmage of Eternal Night has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Vanar utters the words, 'ocandusagz'.
A torrent of yellowed grease erupts from Vanar's hands towards you!
You dimly note through your hazy senses that you are being attacked.
The grease strikes you squarely, and flows over you in a slippery layer!
The Archmage of Eternal Night has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
The Dark Healer closes its eyes for a moment and nods at Vanar.
You parry Vanar's freezing touch.
You dodge the Archmage of Eternal Night's slash.
The Archmage of Eternal Night utters the words, 'bjyyzh'.
The Archmage of Eternal Night buffets you with a controlled blast of air!
The Archmage of Eternal Night's buffeting scratches you.
Your wrath MANGLES the Archmage of Eternal Night!
The Archmage of Eternal Night dodges your pound.
Your wrath MANGLES the Archmage of Eternal Night!
The Archmage of Eternal Night has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> flee
fleeAt the Base of the Stairs

You flee from combat!

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> flee
You aren't fighting anyone.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> aYou aren't fighting anyone.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> af
You cannot discern what affects you right now.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> eq

Vanar has arrived.
You are using:
<worn on finger> a fire opal ring
<worn on finger> a fire opal ring
<worn around neck> an unholy symbol of Lloth
<worn around neck> an unholy symbol of Lloth
<worn on body> a blackened leather apron
<worn on head> (Glowing) (Humming) the Helm of Supremacy
<worn on legs> some worn studded leather leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel-toed boots
<worn on hands> a pair of blackened leather gloves
<worn on arms> a pair of knife-like arm bands
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> (Glowing) an ulrician belt
<worn around wrist> (Humming) an elven-skin bracer
<worn around wrist> (Humming) an elven-skin bracer
<wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) a flail of Pestilence
<dual wield> a three-headed flail of dark steel
<tattooed> the mark of the blood-stained gauntlet
Vanar yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Broghelan!'
Vanar parries your wrath.
Vanar has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Vanar utters the words, 'qaiz ay qare'.
As Vanar brings his hands together, a cone of freezing ice shoots out from his fingertips.
Vanar's cone of cold scratches you.
Vanar has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> tat
As you try to handle a flail of Pestilence with your greasy hands, it slips from your grasp!
You parry Vanar's freezing touch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Vanar!
Your pound mauls Vanar.
Vanar parries your punch.
Vanar parries your punch.
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You steel your courage against the current challenges and your inspiration lifts!
A warm feeling fills your body.
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You must wield a whip or flail in your primary hand to entwine someone.
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You parry Vanar's freezing touch.
Vanar parries your punch.
Vanar parries your pound.
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> wield flail

Vanar utters the words, 'qaiz ay qare'.
As Vanar brings his hands together, a cone of freezing ice shoots out from his fingertips.
You deflect Vanar's spell!
Your spellbane hits Vanar.
Your punch mauls Vanar.
Vanar parries your pound.
Your pound decimates Vanar!
You do not have that item.
You dodge Vanar's freezing touch.
Vanar parries your punch.
Your pound misses Vanar.
Your punch mauls Vanar.
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You feel your pulse slow down.
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You must wield a whip or flail in your primary hand to entwine someone.
You parry Vanar's freezing touch.
Your punch misses Vanar.
Vanar parries your pound.
Vanar parries your pound.
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> ber
remYour pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> rem flail
You parry Vanar's freezing touch.
Your punch EVISCERATES Vanar!
Vanar dodges your pound.
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> rem flail

Vanar utters the words, 'qaiz ay qare'.
As Vanar brings his hands together, a cone of freezing ice shoots out from his fingertips.
Vanar's cone of cold scratches you.
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> rem flail
You stop using a three-headed flail of dark steel.
As you try to handle a three-headed flail of dark steel with your greasy hands, it slips from your grasp!
Vanar has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Vanar's freezing touch scratches you.
Your punch EVISCERATES Vanar!
Your punch EVISCERATES Vanar!
Your punch DISMEMBERS Vanar!
Your punch DISMEMBERS Vanar!
Vanar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You do not have that item.
Vanar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Vanar!
Your crushing blow knocks Vanar down!
Your crushing blow MANGLES Vanar!
Vanar is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You dodge Vanar's freezing touch.
Your punch misses Vanar.
Your punch DISMEMBERS Vanar!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch === OBLITERATES === Vanar!
Your punch DISMEMBERS Vanar!
Vanar is writhing in agony.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You parry Vanar's freezing touch.
Your punch MUTILATES Vanar!
Your punch MUTILATES Vanar!
Vanar is writhing in agony.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Vanar utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Vanar is writhing in agony.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You dodge Vanar's freezing touch.
Vanar's ring flares with a bright white light!
You deflect Vanar's spell!
Your spellbane mauls Vanar.
Your punch misses Vanar.
Your punch DISMEMBERS Vanar!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch === OBLITERATES === Vanar!
Vanar is DEAD!!
Vanar's ear is sliced from his dead body.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> trBut you aren't fighting anyone!

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim has arrived.
Skallgrim yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Broghelan!'
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim is in perfect health.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> repl
You parry Skallgrim's wrath.
You parry Skallgrim's wrath.
You parry Skallgrim's wrath.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
You dodge Elstratuviel's slash.
Skallgrim's holy mark of the dwarven crusader glows briefly!
Skallgrim parries your punch.
Skallgrim dodges your punch.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Elstratuviel's slash scratches you.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Skallgrim is in perfect health.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> reply yes
get You tell Elstratuviel 'yes'
Skallgrim is in perfect health.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> get
You dodge Skallgrim's wrath.
You parry Skallgrim's wrath.
You parry Skallgrim's wrath.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch DISMEMBERS Skallgrim!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
You dodge Elstratuviel's slash.
Skallgrim has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> f
You feel less resistant to magic.
Skallgrim has a few scratches.

I try to flee away knowing they are not my enemy and that I must be close to death but rather than letting me get away Skallgrim spams wrath....shock horror! To say I am the lesser of two evils, lets concentrate on the lesser :P

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> fle
The Shroud of the Unspoken

You notice a tangle of sticky webs strung from point to point.

The Altar of Eternal Night rests here in the center of the room.
(Humming) A pit of eternal darkness lies before you.
The Archmage of Eternal Night stands before you, grim and forboding.
(White Aura) The Dark Healer keeps a watchful eye on her Scions.
You stop short abruptly as you notice the sticky webs strung all over this place.
Looking carefully, you wisely plan a path that avoids the thicker strands.
You dimly note through your hazy senses that you are being attacked.
You parry the Archmage of Eternal Night's slash.
You flee from combat!
The Archmage of Eternal Night has some small but disgusting cuts.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> cAt the Base of the Stairs

The bludgeoned corpse of Vanar lies here.
The severed ear of Vanar lies here.
A flail of dark steel with three heads has fallen to the ground here.
(Glowing) (Humming) A worm-infested ball and chain lie here.
(White Aura) Skallgrim is here.
(White Aura) (WANTED) Elstratuviel is here.
You flee from combat!
Skallgrim yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Broghelan!'
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> cal
Skallgrim narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Skallgrim's heavenly wrath scratches you.
Skallgrim's wrath scratches you.
You parry Skallgrim's wrath.
You parry Skallgrim's wrath.
Skallgrim's wrath scratches you.
Skallgrim smashes the edge of a shield of pure light into your chest.
Skallgrim's shield jab scratches you.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
You parry Elstratuviel's slash.
Your punch EVISCERATES Skallgrim!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim parries your punch.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim parries your punch.
Elstratuviel's slash scratches you.
Skallgrim has a few scratches.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> cal spell

Elstratuviel sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Elstratuviel's ball of ice scratches you.
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
You feel some of your vitality drain out of you with this death.
Better stand up first.

<1/986hps 1m 796mv 27100tnl> Better stand up first.

And I am left with next to nothing after this because the full looted vanar who they never killed and Vanar, bless him, had to loot me.

22663, Ragerlog8
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had been fighting Vanar and Zaknafir in the chasm where zhalrantix and myself took the sceptre. We had a little scuffle at the giant, vanar died I think and Zaknafir went to the wooded part in ruins and waited in quicksand. We were still hurting from the raid but I figured I could take him :P

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> A secluded forest trail

(Translucent) (Encased in Ice) (Barrier) Zaknafir is here.
You fall into quicksand and begin to sink!
You dimly note through your hazy senses that you are being attacked.
Zaknafir yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Broghelan!'
Your pound mauls Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir utters the words, 'qaiz ay qare'.
As Zaknafir brings his hands together, a cone of freezing ice shoots out from his fingertips.
Zaknafir's cone of cold scratches you.
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
Zaknafir parries your pound.
Your pound mauls Zaknafir.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your pound MASSACRES Zaknafir!
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You lash out with a three-headed flail of dark steel and entwine Zaknafir tightly!
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> tat
rem fl
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your claw hits Zaknafir.
Zaknafir parries your punch.
Zaknafir parries your punch.
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> rem flail

Zhelrantix: Careful
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir utters the words, 'qaiz ay qare'.
As Zaknafir brings his hands together, a cone of freezing ice shoots out from his fingertips.
Zaknafir's cone of cold scratches you.
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
Your punch mauls Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir dodges your punch.
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> Huh?
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You stop using a scourge of bone.
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
The white-blue ring of Zaknafir's tattoo flares a light blue and the light seeps into you!
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch MANGLES Zaknafir!
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir parries your punch.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You lace your fingers together to jab at Zaknafir but miss.
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir utters the words, 'qaiz ay qare'.
As Zaknafir brings his hands together, a cone of freezing ice shoots out from his fingertips.
Zaknafir's cone of cold scratches you.
Zaknafir is covered with bleeding wounds.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
Your punch mauls Zaknafir.
Your punch mauls Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
An osprey flies up to you quickly then slows to a near halt.
An osprey escapes the quicksand here by flying over it.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
An osprey looks at you.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
An osprey flaps his wings fiercely for a moment and flies up out of sight.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Zaknafir!
Your crushing blow leaves Zaknafir dazed!
Your crushing blow wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir utters the words, 'qaiz ay qare'.
As Zaknafir brings his hands together, a cone of freezing ice shoots out from his fingertips.
You deflect Zaknafir's spell!
Your spellbane grazes Zaknafir.
Your punch injures Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> invoke l
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> invoke lorhan
You steel your courage against the current challenges and your inspiration lifts!
A warm feeling fills your body.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You lace your fingers together to jab at Zaknafir but miss.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
Zaknafir parries your punch.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir scans north.
Zaknafir scans south.
Zaknafir scans east.
Zaknafir scans west.
Zaknafir scans up.
Zaknafir scans down.
Zaknafir is gushing blood.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
Your punch injures Zaknafir.
Your punch mauls Zaknafir.
Your punch injures Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is writhing in agony.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Zaknafir is writhing in agony.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You must wield a whip or flail in your primary hand to entwine someone.
Zaknafir is writhing in agony.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch mauls Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch mauls Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is writhing in agony.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Zaknafir!
Your crushing blow knocks Zaknafir down!
Your crushing blow mauls Zaknafir.
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
Your punch mauls Zaknafir.
Your punch mauls Zaknafir.
Your punch mauls Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is writhing in agony.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
Your punch injures Zaknafir.
Your punch mauls Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is convulsing on the ground.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
Your punch injures Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is convulsing on the ground.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zaknafir utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Zaknafir is convulsing on the ground.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> cb he dea
Zaknafir's wrath scratches you.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir parries your punch.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
Zaknafir lands a lucky blow!
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
Zaknafir is convulsing on the ground.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> cb he dead
You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Zaknafir!
Your crushing blow knocks Zaknafir down!
Your crushing blow mauls Zaknafir.
Zaknafir is convulsing on the ground.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
You parry Zaknafir's wrath.
Your punch mauls Zaknafir.
Your punch wounds Zaknafir.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch DISMEMBERS Zaknafir!
Zaknafir is DEAD!!
You hear Zaknafir's death cry.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> trophy corpse

Zhelrantix has arrived.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> Broghelan: he dead

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> You make a poncho from the corpse of Zaknafir!

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl>
Zhelrantix grins evilly.

<0/0hps 0m 0mv 27100tnl> l
Zhelrantix says 'Well done'
22664, Ragerlog9 Long
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kiktchrak had quaffed or done some damned thing to get my curiosity roused so I walk to him to bark at him about the taint of magic etc and he attacks. It goes one way then the next and thanks to Koide it ended sooner rather than later. I was not in danger of death but Koide made things happen sooner rather than later. God damned entwine, when I dont use it they flee and when I do they look determined to stay anyway. Enjoy!

Kiktchrak is here.
An archer is here, watching the forests for any movement.

<1086/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
An elite battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking you square in the chest!
A spray of blood erupts from your wound!
Kiktchrak's hurled dagger grazes you.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<1081/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
A giant mercenary has arrived.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<1081/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
A giant mercenary leaves south.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<1081/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl> Your blow misses hitting any vital areas.
Your blow to a vital area misses Kiktchrak.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<1081/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
You parry Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
You parry Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
You parry Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch and closes in for a concealed attack!
Kiktchrak's poisonous bite DISMEMBERS you!
Kiktchrak dodges your punch and closes in for a concealed attack!
Kiktchrak's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<980/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
A giant mercenary has arrived.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<980/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Kiktchrak's deep gash DISMEMBERS you!
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<926/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl> wield flail
You wield a silver chain flail.
A silver chain flail feels like a part of you!
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<926/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak's slash MUTILATES you!
Kiktchrak's poisonous bite DISMEMBERS you!
Kiktchrak's slash MUTILATES you!
Kiktchrak dodges your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<743/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl> You try to entwine Kiktchrak with a silver chain flail but you miss him.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<743/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Kiktchrak's deep gash EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<698/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
You parry Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
Kiktchrak's poisonous bite DISMEMBERS you!
Kiktchrak's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<592/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
A spray of blood erupts from your wound!
Kiktchrak's deep gash EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<546/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
Mogalliano whistles appreciatively.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<546/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl> flee
You parry Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
Kiktchrak's slash MUTILATES you!
Kiktchrak's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak dodges your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak dodges your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<460/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl> flee
You lash out with a silver chain flail and entwine Kiktchrak tightly!
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<460/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
A spray of blood erupts from your wound!
Kiktchrak's deep gash EVISCERATES you!
Poison creeps into your body from the dagger of betrayal.
You feel very sick.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<413/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl> flee

You parry Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
Kiktchrak's slash EVISCERATES you!
You parry Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
Kiktchrak parries your punch.
Your punch MANGLES Kiktchrak!
Kiktchrak parries your punch.
Kiktchrak parries your punch.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<369/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
An elite battlement guard leaves north.
A battlement guard leaves north.
A battlement guard leaves north.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<369/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak stops using the dagger of betrayal.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<369/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak stops using a straight razor.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<369/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
You parry Kiktchrak's punch.
You parry Kiktchrak's punch.
Kiktchrak's punch MUTILATES you!
Your punch misses Kiktchrak.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<329/1086hps 277m 644mv 21957tnl>
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison hits you.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<297/1086hps 278m 656mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak wields an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer'.
Kiktchrak gets in one more shot as you flee.
Kiktchrak's parting blow DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Southeast Tower

A giant mercenary has arrived.
You flee from combat!

<240/1086hps 278m 655mv 21957tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<240/1086hps 278m 655mv 21957tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<240/1086hps 278m 655mv 21957tnl> w
On the Southern Battlements

An axe wielding guard patrols the battlements.
A mace wielding guard patrols the battlements.
A sword wielding elite guard patrols the battlements.
A giant mercenary has arrived.

<240/1086hps 278m 654mv 21957tnl> w
wOn the Southern Battlements

A giant mercenary has arrived.

<240/1086hps 278m 651mv 21957tnl> w
On the Southern Battlements

A giant mercenary has arrived.

<240/1086hps 278m 648mv 21957tnl> On the Southern Battlements

A giant mercenary has arrived.

<240/1086hps 278m 645mv 21957tnl> On the Southern Battlements

A giant mercenary has arrived.

<240/1086hps 278m 642mv 21957tnl> Southwest Tower

An archer is here, watching the forests for any movement.
A giant mercenary has arrived.

<240/1086hps 278m 641mv 21957tnl> n
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<240/1086hps 278m 641mv 21957tnl> n
nA giant mercenary leaves east.

<240/1086hps 278m 641mv 21957tnl> n
Western Battlements

<240/1086hps 278m 640mv 21957tnl> beWestern Battlements

<240/1086hps 278m 637mv 21957tnl> ber
Western Battlements

<240/1086hps 278m 634mv 21957tnl> Western Battlements

<240/1086hps 278m 631mv 21957tnl> af
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<342/1086hps 248m 581mv 21957tnl> n

An elite battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.

<342/1086hps 248m 581mv 21957tnl> d

A giant mercenary has arrived.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 25 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 25 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'entwine' for 0 hours.

<342/1086hps 248m 581mv 21957tnl> Western Battlements

A mace wielding guard patrols the battlements.
An axe wielding guard patrols the battlements.
A sword wielding elite guard patrols the battlements.
A giant mercenary has arrived.

<342/1086hps 248m 578mv 21957tnl> whe
Inside the Northwest Gate

An important looking merchant is riding through here in a shiny carriage.
A giant mercenary has arrived.

<342/1086hps 248m 575mv 21957tnl> People near you:
Lorthieral Warrior's Bar
(PK) Kiktchrak Western Battlements
Mogalliano Inside the Northwest Gate
Alnon Assassin's Bar
(PK) Broghelan Inside the Northwest Gate

<342/1086hps 248m 575mv 21957tnl> e

A giant mercenary leaves east.

<342/1086hps 248m 575mv 21957tnl> e
Holy Road

A giant mercenary stands ready here.
Mogalliano is here.

<342/1086hps 248m 572mv 21957tnl> Holy Road

A giant mercenary has arrived.

<342/1086hps 248m 569mv 21957tnl>
A giant mercenary leaves west.
Holy Road

A poor, abused dog is here.

<342/1086hps 248m 566mv 21957tnl> Park Road

<342/1086hps 248m 563mv 21957tnl> n
Park Road

A cityguard is strolling through here, keeping the peace.
A citizen of Galadon hurries through here.
A poor, abused dog is here.

<342/1086hps 248m 560mv 21957tnl> n
Front Hall

<342/1086hps 248m 559mv 21957tnl> afAlas, you cannot go that way.

<342/1086hps 248m 559mv 21957tnl> af
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<342/1086hps 248m 559mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<342/1086hps 248m 559mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 25 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 25 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'entwine' for 0 hours.

<342/1086hps 248m 559mv 21957tnl> Park Road

A cityguard is strolling through here, keeping the peace.
A citizen of Galadon hurries through here.
A poor, abused dog is here.

<342/1086hps 248m 558mv 21957tnl> e
Park Road

<342/1086hps 248m 555mv 21957tnl> Park Road

<342/1086hps 248m 552mv 21957tnl> Park Road

<342/1086hps 248m 549mv 21957tnl> n
eA Large House

<342/1086hps 248m 548mv 21957tnl> e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<342/1086hps 248m 548mv 21957tnl> aAlas, you cannot go that way.

<342/1086hps 248m 548mv 21957tnl> af
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<342/1086hps 248m 548mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 25 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 25 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'entwine' for 0 hours.

<342/1086hps 248m 548mv 21957tnl> s

Mogalliano yells 'The beast cannot be stopped!'

<342/1086hps 248m 548mv 21957tnl> s
Park Road

<342/1086hps 248m 547mv 21957tnl> Northern Entrance to the Park

<342/1086hps 248m 543mv 21957tnl> s
Walking in a Forest

<342/1086hps 248m 536mv 21957tnl> s

Mogalliano yells 'Har har'

<342/1086hps 248m 536mv 21957tnl> Wading in a Pond

<342/1086hps 248m 529mv 21957tnl> e
wheWading in a Pond

<342/1086hps 248m 522mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Warrior's Bar
(PK) Kiktchrak Park Road
Alnon Assassin's Bar
(PK) Broghelan Wading in a Pond

<342/1086hps 248m 522mv 21957tnl> n
Walking in a Forest

<342/1086hps 248m 515mv 21957tnl> n
Walking in a Forest

<342/1086hps 248m 508mv 21957tnl> w
People near you:
Lorthieral Warrior's Bar
(PK) Kiktchrak Walking in a Forest
Alnon Assassin's Bar
(PK) Broghelan Walking in a Forest

<342/1086hps 248m 508mv 21957tnl> Northern Entrance to the Park

<342/1086hps 248m 501mv 21957tnl> Walking in a Forest

<342/1086hps 248m 494mv 21957tnl> w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<342/1086hps 248m 494mv 21957tnl> w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<342/1086hps 248m 494mv 21957tnl> whWandering Through a Glade

<342/1086hps 248m 488mv 21957tnl> whe
Wandering Through a Glade

<342/1086hps 248m 482mv 21957tnl> s
People near you:
Lorthieral Warrior's Bar
(PK) Kiktchrak Northern Entrance to the Park
Alnon Assassin's Bar
(PK) Broghelan Wandering Through a Glade

<342/1086hps 248m 482mv 21957tnl> Southern Entrance to the Park

<342/1086hps 248m 476mv 21957tnl> Park Road

A small puppy is here, crying for attention.

<342/1086hps 248m 472mv 21957tnl> w
sPark Road

<342/1086hps 248m 469mv 21957tnl> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.
The rain ceases.

<342/1086hps 248m 469mv 21957tnl> s
Park Road

A small puppy is here, crying for attention.

<342/1086hps 248m 467mv 21957tnl> e
Temple Square

A large white fountain gushes forth here.

<342/1086hps 248m 465mv 21957tnl> s
aHigh Road

<342/1086hps 248m 463mv 21957tnl> af
High Road

(Glowing) A brass lantern with a hood to keep the wind out lies here.

<342/1086hps 248m 461mv 21957tnl> High Road

A poor, abused dog is here.

<342/1086hps 248m 459mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 25 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 25 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'entwine' for 0 hours.

<342/1086hps 248m 459mv 21957tnl> s
Market Square

A shovel stands planted in the ground.

<342/1086hps 248m 457mv 21957tnl> w
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison hits you.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.

<310/1086hps 250m 469mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Warrior's Bar
(PK) Kiktchrak Park Road
Alnon Assassin's Bar
(PK) Broghelan Market Square

<310/1086hps 250m 469mv 21957tnl> e
eTrade Road

<310/1086hps 250m 467mv 21957tnl> e
Trade Road

<310/1086hps 250m 465mv 21957tnl> e
Trade Road

<310/1086hps 250m 463mv 21957tnl> e
Trade Road

<310/1086hps 250m 461mv 21957tnl> e
Inside the East Gate

One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.

<310/1086hps 250m 459mv 21957tnl> e
Outside the East Gate

A traveler wanders through here, admiring the city.

<310/1086hps 250m 457mv 21957tnl> e
The Eastern Crossroads

<310/1086hps 250m 456mv 21957tnl> Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon

<310/1086hps 250m 455mv 21957tnl> Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon

<310/1086hps 250m 454mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 453mv 21957tnl> e
eAlong the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 452mv 21957tnl> e
eAlong the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 451mv 21957tnl> e
eAlong the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 450mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 449mv 21957tnl> whe
cbAlong the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 448mv 21957tnl> cb Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 447mv 21957tnl> cb free tAlong the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 446mv 21957tnl> cb free to Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 445mv 21957tnl> cb free to appAlong the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 444mv 21957tnl> cb free to apply Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 443mv 21957tnl> cb free to apply dreAlong the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 442mv 21957tnl> cb free to apply dressinApproaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin

<310/1086hps 250m 441mv 21957tnl> cb free to apply dressings?
People near you:
Iptamenos Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Kiktchrak Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Broghelan Approaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin

<310/1086hps 250m 441mv 21957tnl> whe
Broghelan: free to apply dressings?

<310/1086hps 250m 441mv 21957tnl> e
People near you:
Iptamenos Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Kiktchrak Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Broghelan Approaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin

<310/1086hps 250m 441mv 21957tnl> e
eA Stone Bridge Across the River Erinin

<310/1086hps 250m 440mv 21957tnl> e
Approaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin

<310/1086hps 250m 439mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 438mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 437mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 436mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 435mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 434mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 433mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 432mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 431mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 430mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 429mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 428mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 427mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide: Er, still in Aridhol, but ah cen

<310/1086hps 250m 426mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

<310/1086hps 250m 425mv 21957tnl> e
eApproaching a Large Crossroads

<310/1086hps 250m 424mv 21957tnl> e
A Large Crossroads

Sunk into the center of the crossroads is a worn, steel marker.

<310/1086hps 250m 423mv 21957tnl>

Kiktchrak has arrived.

<310/1086hps 250m 423mv 21957tnl> n

Kiktchrak leaves east.

<310/1086hps 250m 423mv 21957tnl> The Lane

<310/1086hps 250m 422mv 21957tnl> n
Osenrein Road

You shiver and suffer.
Your poison hits you.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.

<278/1086hps 253m 433mv 21957tnl> n
Osenrein Road

<278/1086hps 253m 432mv 21957tnl> wOsenrein Road

<278/1086hps 253m 431mv 21957tnl> whe
The Osendrelle Fields

<278/1086hps 253m 428mv 21957tnl> The Osendrelle Fields

<278/1086hps 253m 422mv 21957tnl> The Osendrelle Fields

<278/1086hps 253m 416mv 21957tnl> The Osendrelle Fields

<278/1086hps 253m 410mv 21957tnl> The Osendrelle Fields

<278/1086hps 253m 404mv 21957tnl> w
The Osendrelle Fields

<278/1086hps 253m 398mv 21957tnl> w
The Osendrelle Fields

A greenish-brown pile of cloth blends with the ground here.

<278/1086hps 253m 392mv 21957tnl> The Osendrelle Fields

<278/1086hps 253m 386mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The Osendrelle Fields

<278/1086hps 253m 386mv 21957tnl> Path to the river

<278/1086hps 253m 380mv 21957tnl> Path to the river

<278/1086hps 253m 374mv 21957tnl> w
The river's edge

<278/1086hps 253m 368mv 21957tnl> whe
An Expansive River

A perch swims here.

<278/1086hps 253m 362mv 21957tnl> An Expansive River

<278/1086hps 253m 356mv 21957tnl> s
In the Middle of an Expansive River

You feel the currents drag you along.
An Expansive River

<278/1086hps 253m 348mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan An Expansive River

<278/1086hps 253m 348mv 21957tnl> In the Middle of an Expansive River

<278/1086hps 253m 342mv 21957tnl> An Expansive River

A small brown tadpole struggles to swim upstream.

<278/1086hps 253m 336mv 21957tnl> s
The River Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 330mv 21957tnl> s
aAlas, you cannot go that way.

<278/1086hps 253m 330mv 21957tnl> afThe River Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 324mv 21957tnl> af
The River Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 318mv 21957tnl>
A catfish leaps out of the water.

<278/1086hps 253m 318mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 23 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 23 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 1 hours.

<278/1086hps 253m 318mv 21957tnl> s
The River Erinin

A small, short-bodied fish swims lazily underwater.

<278/1086hps 253m 312mv 21957tnl> s
The River Erinin

A small, short-bodied fish swims lazily underwater.

<278/1086hps 253m 306mv 21957tnl> s
A Bend in the Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 300mv 21957tnl> s
wPeople near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 300mv 21957tnl> w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<278/1086hps 253m 300mv 21957tnl> A Bend in the Erinin

A small, short-bodied fish swims lazily underwater.

<278/1086hps 253m 294mv 21957tnl> s
The River Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 288mv 21957tnl> A Bend in the Erinin

A small, short-bodied fish swims lazily underwater.

<278/1086hps 253m 282mv 21957tnl> s
whAlas, you cannot go that way.

<278/1086hps 253m 282mv 21957tnl> whe
The River Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 276mv 21957tnl> sPeople near you:
(PK) Broghelan The River Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 276mv 21957tnl> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<278/1086hps 253m 276mv 21957tnl> A Bend in the Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 270mv 21957tnl> r
You rest.

<278/1086hps 253m 270mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 270mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 270mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<278/1086hps 253m 270mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 23 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 23 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 1 hours.

<278/1086hps 253m 270mv 21957tnl> c
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison hits you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

<246/1086hps 259m 284mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<246/1086hps 259m 284mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 22 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 22 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 0 hours.

<246/1086hps 259m 284mv 21957tnl>
You feel the currents drag you along.
A Bend in the Erinin

<246/1086hps 259m 282mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<246/1086hps 259m 282mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 22 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 22 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 0 hours.

<246/1086hps 259m 282mv 21957tnl> score
Broghelan the Weaponsmaster
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Neutral Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 21 Trains : 1 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 592043 To Level : 21957 Sphere : Courage
Age : mature, 195 years old (131 hours)
Hit Point: 246 /1086 Mana : 259 /412 Move : 282 /805
Str : 25(13) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 23(23) Chr : 15(15)
Carry # : 26/29 Weight : 377 lb 8 oz (Max 257 lbs)
Gold : 7 Silver : 1130 Copper : 171
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Resting
Hitroll : 21 Damroll : 51
AC pierce: -83 Superbly armored AC bash : -89 Superbly armored
AC slash : -85 Superbly armored AC magic : -8 Well armored
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Somewhat protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are tipsy.
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in whip and flail.
You are specialized in hand to hand.
You land blows with the might of the Chilling Embrace.
You strike fear into your foes with the Cry of Thunder.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 22 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 22 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 0 hours.

<246/1086hps 259m 282mv 21957tnl> i

A carp broaches the water.
A catfish leaps out of the water.

<246/1086hps 259m 282mv 21957tnl> You are carrying:
( 2) a small black skeleton key
an engraved tin flask
a primitive fertility mask
a silver chain flail
(Glowing) (Humming) a flail of Pestilence
a shield from the hide of a snow worm
(Glowing) a scourge of bone
a raft
a cowhide knapsack
a sword with a wickedly serrated blade
an etched mithril axe

<246/1086hps 259m 282mv 21957tnl> whe

A carp broaches the water.
A catfish leaps out of the water.
You feel the currents drag you along.
The River Erinin

<246/1086hps 259m 280mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The River Erinin

<246/1086hps 259m 280mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The River Erinin

<246/1086hps 259m 280mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 22 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 22 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 0 hours.
Lightning flashes in the sky.

<246/1086hps 259m 280mv 21957tnl> cb on the erinin, bleeding
You feel less sick.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

<226/1086hps 264m 294mv 21957tnl> cb on the erinin, bleeding badly
Broghelan: on the erinin, bleeding badly

<226/1086hps 264m 294mv 21957tnl> aPeople near you:
(PK) Broghelan The River Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 294mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 21 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 21 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 0 hours.

<226/1086hps 264m 294mv 21957tnl>
A catfish leaps out of the water.
You feel the currents drag you along.
The River Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 292mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The River Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 292mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 21 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 21 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 0 hours.

<226/1086hps 264m 292mv 21957tnl> whe
dPeople near you:
(PK) Broghelan The River Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 292mv 21957tnl> drink flask

You feel the currents drag you along.
A Bend in the Erinin

A small brown tadpole struggles to swim upstream.

<226/1086hps 264m 290mv 21957tnl> drink flaskYou drink scotch whiskey from an engraved tin flask.
You feel tipsy.

<226/1086hps 264m 290mv 21957tnl> drink flask
drink flask
You drink scotch whiskey from an engraved tin flask.
You feel drunk.

<226/1086hps 264m 290mv 21957tnl> You drink scotch whiskey from an engraved tin flask.

<226/1086hps 264m 290mv 21957tnl> whe

Koide: Ahm comins

<226/1086hps 264m 290mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 290mv 21957tnl> w
You feel the currents drag you along.
A Bend in the Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 288mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 288mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin
You feel the currents drag you along.
The River Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 286mv 21957tnl> w
Better stand up first.

<226/1086hps 264m 286mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The River Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 286mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 21 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 21 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<226/1086hps 264m 286mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The River Erinin
You feel the currents drag you along.
A Bend in the Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 284mv 21957tnl> score
Broghelan the Weaponsmaster
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Neutral Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 21 Trains : 1 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 592043 To Level : 21957 Sphere : Courage
Age : mature, 195 years old (131 hours)
Hit Point: 226 /1086 Mana : 264 /412 Move : 284 /805
Str : 25(18) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 23(23) Chr : 15(15)
Carry # : 26/29 Weight : 377 lb 8 oz (Max 327 lbs)
Gold : 7 Silver : 1130 Copper : 171
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Resting
Hitroll : 23 Damroll : 54
AC pierce: -83 Superbly armored AC bash : -89 Superbly armored
AC slash : -85 Superbly armored AC magic : -8 Well armored
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Somewhat protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are drunk.
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in whip and flail.
You are specialized in hand to hand.
You land blows with the might of the Chilling Embrace.
You strike fear into your foes with the Cry of Thunder.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 21 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 21 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -7 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<226/1086hps 264m 284mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 284mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 284mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<226/1086hps 264m 284mv 21957tnl> a
Strength returns to you as your arterial wound begins to heal.
The bleeding stops.
The wound closes up.

<236/1086hps 272m 298mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 20 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 20 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<236/1086hps 272m 298mv 21957tnl> sl
sYou go to sleep.

<236/1086hps 272m 298mv 21957tnl> score
Broghelan the Weaponsmaster
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Neutral Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 21 Trains : 1 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 592043 To Level : 21957 Sphere : Courage
Age : mature, 195 years old (131 hours)
Hit Point: 236 /1086 Mana : 272 /412 Move : 298 /805
Str : 25(25) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 23(23) Chr : 15(15)
Carry # : 26/29 Weight : 377 lb 8 oz (Max 627 lbs)
Gold : 7 Silver : 1130 Copper : 171
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Sleeping
Hitroll : 27 Damroll : 60
AC pierce: -68 Heavily armored AC bash : -74 Heavily armored
AC slash : -70 Heavily armored AC magic : 7 Armored
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Somewhat protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are drunk.
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in whip and flail.
You are specialized in hand to hand.
You land blows with the might of the Chilling Embrace.
You strike fear into your foes with the Cry of Thunder.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 20 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 20 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<236/1086hps 272m 298mv 21957tnl>
You feel the currents drag you along.
You can't see anything, you're sleeping!

<236/1086hps 272m 296mv 21957tnl>

<236/1086hps 272m 296mv 21957tnl>

<236/1086hps 272m 296mv 21957tnl>

<236/1086hps 272m 296mv 21957tnl>

<298/1086hps 343m 363mv 21957tnl> af
wYou are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 19 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 19 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<298/1086hps 343m 363mv 21957tnl> whe

You feel the currents drag you along.
You can't see anything, you're sleeping!

<298/1086hps 343m 361mv 21957tnl> You wake up and start resting.

<298/1086hps 343m 361mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Under a Bridge

<298/1086hps 343m 361mv 21957tnl> cb under bridge of the eastern
Broghelan: under bridge of the eastern

<298/1086hps 343m 361mv 21957tnl> sl
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Under a Bridge

<298/1086hps 343m 361mv 21957tnl> scorYou go to sleep.

<298/1086hps 343m 361mv 21957tnl> score
Broghelan the Weaponsmaster
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Neutral Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 21 Trains : 1 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 592043 To Level : 21957 Sphere : Courage
Age : mature, 195 years old (131 hours)
Hit Point: 298 /1086 Mana : 343 /412 Move : 361 /805
Str : 25(25) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 23(23) Chr : 15(15)
Carry # : 26/29 Weight : 377 lb 8 oz (Max 627 lbs)
Gold : 7 Silver : 1130 Copper : 171
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Sleeping
Hitroll : 27 Damroll : 60
AC pierce: -68 Heavily armored AC bash : -74 Heavily armored
AC slash : -70 Heavily armored AC magic : 7 Armored
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Somewhat protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are drunk.
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in whip and flail.
You are specialized in hand to hand.
You land blows with the might of the Chilling Embrace.
You strike fear into your foes with the Cry of Thunder.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 19 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 19 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<298/1086hps 343m 361mv 21957tnl>

<298/1086hps 343m 361mv 21957tnl>

You feel the currents drag you along.
You can't see anything, you're sleeping!

<298/1086hps 343m 359mv 21957tnl>
<298/1086hps 343m 359mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 19 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 19 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<298/1086hps 343m 359mv 21957tnl>

<298/1086hps 343m 359mv 21957tnl>
Koide: Ahm on the Eastern

<298/1086hps 343m 359mv 21957tnl>

<298/1086hps 343m 359mv 21957tnl> af

You feel the currents drag you along.
You can't see anything, you're sleeping!

<298/1086hps 343m 357mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 19 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 19 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<298/1086hps 343m 357mv 21957tnl>

You feel your pulse slow down.

<348/1086hps 412m 424mv 21957tnl> st
bYou wake and stand up.

<348/1086hps 412m 424mv 21957tnl> ber
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<348/1086hps 412m 424mv 21957tnl> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<450/1086hps 382m 374mv 21957tnl> r
You rest.

<450/1086hps 382m 374mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A Bend in the Erinin

<450/1086hps 382m 374mv 21957tnl> score
who Broghelan the Weaponsmaster
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Neutral Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 21 Trains : 1 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 592043 To Level : 21957 Sphere : Courage
Age : mature, 195 years old (131 hours)
Hit Point: 450 /1086 Mana : 382 /412 Move : 374 /805
Str : 25(25) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 23(23) Chr : 15(15)
Carry # : 26/29 Weight : 377 lb 8 oz (Max 627 lbs)
Gold : 7 Silver : 1130 Copper : 171
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Resting
Hitroll : 27 Damroll : 60
AC pierce: -83 Superbly armored AC bash : -89 Superbly armored
AC slash : -85 Superbly armored AC magic : -8 Well armored
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Somewhat protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are drunk.
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in whip and flail.
You are specialized in hand to hand.
You land blows with the might of the Chilling Embrace.
You strike fear into your foes with the Cry of Thunder.
You are affected by:
who pCommune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 18 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 18 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 7 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<450/1086hps 382m 374mv 21957tnl> who pk
<51 Svirf War> (PK) Kiktchrak the Weaponsmaster, Initiate of the Beast
<51 Cloud War> (PK) Ibakhain the Weaponsmaster, Mercenary of Talia
<51 Human Con> (PK) Brunks the Planewalker
*51 Fire War* (PK) Broghelan the Weaponsmaster
<51 Gnome Dru> (PK) Choranek the Chattering Cherub of the Maiden, Warder Captain

Players found: 5

<450/1086hps 382m 374mv 21957tnl> tell $target had
You feel the currents drag you along.
The Erinin

<450/1086hps 382m 372mv 21957tnl> tell $target had to fill yourself with more
A carp broaches the water.

<450/1086hps 382m 372mv 21957tnl> tell $target had to fill yourself with more taint I see
You feel less tough.

<497/1086hps 404m 431mv 21957tnl> whe
You tell Kiktchrak 'had to fill yourself with more taint I see'

<497/1086hps 404m 431mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The Erinin
Koide The River Erinin

<497/1086hps 404m 431mv 21957tnl> st
cal reYou stand up.

<497/1086hps 404m 431mv 21957tnl> cal resi
Koide yells 'Norf o souf from bridge?'

<497/1086hps 404m 431mv 21957tnl> cal resi
You feel tough!

<497/1086hps 354m 431mv 21957tnl> cb so
Koide has arrived.

<497/1086hps 354m 431mv 21957tnl> cb south
w Broghelan: south

<497/1086hps 354m 431mv 21957tnl> r
You rest.

<497/1086hps 354m 431mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The Erinin
Koide The Erinin
Koide applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<638/1086hps 354m 431mv 21957tnl> sl
You go to sleep.

<638/1086hps 354m 431mv 21957tnl> cbBroghelan the Weaponsmaster
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Neutral Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 21 Trains : 1 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 592043 To Level : 21957 Sphere : Courage
Age : mature, 195 years old (131 hours)
Hit Point: 638 /1086 Mana : 354 /412 Move : 431 /805
Str : 25(25) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 23(23) Chr : 15(15)
Carry # : 26/29 Weight : 377 lb 8 oz (Max 627 lbs)
Gold : 7 Silver : 1130 Copper : 171
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Sleeping
Hitroll : 27 Damroll : 60
AC pierce: -68 Heavily armored AC bash : -74 Heavily armored
AC slash : -70 Heavily armored AC magic : 7 Armored
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Somewhat protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are drunk.
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in whip and flail.
You are specialized in hand to hand.
You land blows with the might of the Chilling Embrace.
You strike fear into your foes with the Crycb of Thunder.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 17 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 17 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 8 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<638/1086hps 354m 431mv 21957tnl> cb thanks
Broghelan: thanks

<638/1086hps 354m 431mv 21957tnl>

<638/1086hps 354m 431mv 21957tnl>

<638/1086hps 354m 431mv 21957tnl> who pk
<51 Svirf War> (PK) Kiktchrak the Weaponsmaster, Initiate of the Beast
<51 Cloud War> (PK) Ibakhain the Weaponsmaster, Mercenary of Talia
<45 Felar Asn> (PK) Vethna the Menkyo, Mercenary of Talia
<51 Human Con> (PK) Brunks the Planewalker
*51 Fire War* (PK) Broghelan the Weaponsmaster
<51 Gnome Dru> (PK) Choranek the Chattering Cherub of the Maiden, Warder Captain

Players found: 6

<638/1086hps 354m 431mv 21957tnl>

<693/1086hps 412m 498mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 16 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 16 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<693/1086hps 412m 498mv 21957tnl>
You feel the currents drag you along.
You can't see anything, you're sleeping!

<693/1086hps 412m 496mv 21957tnl>
Koide: Shall Ah go gain titles now?

<693/1086hps 412m 496mv 21957tnl>

<693/1086hps 412m 496mv 21957tnl> cb I need to get $target back befor
You feel the currents drag you along.
You can't see anything, you're sleeping!

<693/1086hps 412m 494mv 21957tnl> cb I need to get $target back before I go
Broghelan: I need to get Kiktchrak back before I go

<693/1086hps 412m 494mv 21957tnl>
You feel the currents drag you along.
You can't see anything, you're sleeping!

<693/1086hps 412m 492mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 16 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 16 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<693/1086hps 412m 492mv 21957tnl>

Your bandages lose their effectiveness.

<772/1086hps 412m 559mv 21957tnl>
<772/1086hps 412m 559mv 21957tnl> r
You wake up and start resting.

<772/1086hps 412m 559mv 21957tnl> l
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The Erinin
Koide A Bend in the Erinin

<772/1086hps 412m 559mv 21957tnl> The Erinin
The Erinin is a swiftly running river cutting through the rolling Theran
countryside. To the north, that countryside extends unbroken as far as you
can see. To the south, mountains begin to edge toward the river as the
river moves west, but to the north, the plains stretch out to the horizon.
Around you, dense underbrush, large rocks, and small stands of trees line
the riverbanks.

<772/1086hps 412m 559mv 21957tnl>
Koide has arrived.

<772/1086hps 412m 559mv 21957tnl>
Koide applies a field dressing but fails to staunch your wounds.

<772/1086hps 412m 559mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The Erinin
Koide The Erinin

<772/1086hps 412m 559mv 21957tnl>
Koide applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<913/1086hps 412m 559mv 21957tnl> score

You feel the currents drag you along.
The Erinin

<913/1086hps 412m 557mv 21957tnl> sBroghelan the Weaponsmaster
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Neutral Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 21 Trains : 1 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 592043 To Level : 21957 Sphere : Courage
Age : mature, 195 years old (131 hours)
Hit Point: 913 /1086 Mana : 412 /412 Move : 557 /805
Str : 25(25) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 23(23) Chr : 15(15)
Carry # : 26/29 Weight : 377 lb 8 oz (Max 627 lbs)
Gold : 7 Silver : 1130 Copper : 171
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Resting
Hitroll : 27 Damroll : 60
AC pierce: -83 Superbly armored AC bash : -89 Superbly armored
AC slash : -85 Superbly armored AC magic : -8 Well armored
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Somewhat protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are drunk.
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in whip and flail.
You are specialized in hand to hand.
You land blows with the might of the Chilling Embrace.
You strike fear into your foes with the Cry of Thunder.
You are affected by:
sCommune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 15 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 15 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<913/1086hps 412m 557mv 21957tnl> st
You stand up.

<913/1086hps 412m 557mv 21957tnl> You struggle a little against the current.
The Erinin

Koide is here.

<913/1086hps 412m 548mv 21957tnl> beck
You beckon for everyone to follow.

<913/1086hps 412m 548mv 21957tnl>
Koide stops following you.
Koide now follows you.

<913/1086hps 412m 548mv 21957tnl> e
You struggle a little against the current.
A Bend in the Erinin

Koide has arrived.

<913/1086hps 412m 539mv 21957tnl> n
You struggle a little against the current.
A Bend in the Erinin

Koide has arrived.

<913/1086hps 412m 530mv 21957tnl> e
You struggle a little against the current.
The Erinin

A large, dark fish is feeding on the bottom.
Koide has arrived.

<913/1086hps 412m 521mv 21957tnl> e
You struggle a little against the current.
A Bend in the Erinin

Koide has arrived.

<913/1086hps 412m 512mv 21957tnl> n
wheYou struggle a little against the current.
The River Erinin

A small brown tadpole struggles to swim upstream.
Koide has arrived.

<913/1086hps 412m 503mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The River Erinin
Koide The River Erinin

<936/1086hps 412m 554mv 21957tnl> Approaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 412m 551mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Approaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin
Koide Approaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin

<936/1086hps 412m 551mv 21957tnl> w
A Stone Bridge Across the River Erinin

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 412m 550mv 21957tnl> w
wApproaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 412m 549mv 21957tnl> w
wAlong the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 412m 548mv 21957tnl> who pk
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 412m 547mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 412m 546mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 412m 545mv 21957tnl> <51 Svirf War> (PK) Kiktchrak the Weaponsmaster, Initiate of the Beast
<51 Cloud War> (PK) Ibakhain the Weaponsmaster, Mercenary of Talia
<45 Felar Asn> (PK) Vethna the Menkyo, Mercenary of Talia
<51 Human Con> (PK) Brunks the Planewalker
*51 Fire War* (PK) Broghelan the Weaponsmaster
<51 Gnome Dru> (PK) Choranek the Chattering Cherub of the Maiden, Warder Captain
<50 Elf Tra> (PK) Vanadulin the Grand Sorceress of Transmutation

Players found: 7

<936/1086hps 412m 545mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 14 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 14 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<936/1086hps 412m 545mv 21957tnl> w
cAlong the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 412m 544mv 21957tnl> cal spell
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<936/1086hps 362m 544mv 21957tnl> w
Koide looks at you.

<936/1086hps 362m 544mv 21957tnl> w
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 543mv 21957tnl> w
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 542mv 21957tnl> w
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Along the Eastern Road
Koide Along the Eastern Road

<936/1086hps 362m 542mv 21957tnl> wheKiktchrak tells you 'Going remember run, hide from Kiktchrak?'
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 541mv 21957tnl> whe
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 540mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Along the Eastern Road
Koide Along the Eastern Road

<936/1086hps 362m 540mv 21957tnl> w
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 539mv 21957tnl> w
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 538mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 537mv 21957tnl> w
whBeyond the Outskirts of Galadon

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 536mv 21957tnl> whe
Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 535mv 21957tnl> w
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon
Koide Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon

<936/1086hps 362m 535mv 21957tnl> whe
The Eastern Crossroads

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 534mv 21957tnl> w
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The Eastern Crossroads
Koide The Eastern Crossroads

<936/1086hps 362m 534mv 21957tnl> Outside the East Gate

A traveler wanders through here, admiring the city.
Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 533mv 21957tnl> People near you:
Rejjy Park Road
Ourum By the Temple Altar
Skeldir By the Temple Altar
(PK) Broghelan Outside the East Gate
Koide Outside the East Gate

<936/1086hps 362m 533mv 21957tnl> e
The Eastern Crossroads

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 532mv 21957tnl> replBeyond the Outskirts of Galadon

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 531mv 21957tnl> reply I am looking for you
You tell Kiktchrak 'I am looking for you'

<936/1086hps 362m 531mv 21957tnl> ePeople near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak Approaching a Large Crossroads
(PK) Broghelan Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon
Koide Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon

<936/1086hps 362m 531mv 21957tnl> e
Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 530mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 529mv 21957tnl> ePeople near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Broghelan Along the Eastern Road
Koide Along the Eastern Road

<936/1086hps 362m 529mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 528mv 21957tnl> eAlong the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 527mv 21957tnl> e
eSomeone has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 527mv 21957tnl> e

Someone leaves west.
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 526mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 525mv 21957tnl> cal Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<936/1086hps 362m 524mv 21957tnl> cal tru
You look around sharply!

<936/1086hps 352m 524mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Raui Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon
(PK) Kiktchrak Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Broghelan Along the Eastern Road
Koide Along the Eastern Road
Your bandages lose their effectiveness.

<951/1086hps 368m 575mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 574mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 573mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 572mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 571mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 570mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Br
22665, RE: Ragerlog9 part 2
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 572mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 571mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 570mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Broghelan Along the Eastern Road
Koide Along the Eastern Road

<951/1086hps 368m 570mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 569mv 21957tnl> e
Approaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 568mv 21957tnl> e
A Stone Bridge Across the River Erinin

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 567mv 21957tnl> e
wApproaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 566mv 21957tnl> whe
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 368m 565mv 21957tnl> e
cPeople near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Broghelan Along the Eastern Road
Koide Along the Eastern Road

<951/1086hps 368m 565mv 21957tnl> calAlong the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 363m 564mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 363m 563mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 363m 562mv 21957tnl> whe
ePeople near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Broghelan Along the Eastern Road
Koide Along the Eastern Road

<951/1086hps 363m 562mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

Kiktchrak is here.
Koide has arrived.

<951/1086hps 363m 561mv 21957tnl> Your blow misses hitting any vital areas.
Your blow to a vital area misses Kiktchrak.
Kiktchrak yells 'Help! Broghelan punched me!'
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<951/1086hps 363m 561mv 21957tnl> >
You have become better at fast healing!
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<962/1086hps 374m 612mv 21957tnl> war

Kiktchrak's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
You parry Kiktchrak's freezing bite.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch and closes in for a concealed attack!
Kiktchrak's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<871/1086hps 374m 612mv 21957tnl>
You get in one more shot on Kiktchrak as he flees.
Your parting blow misses Kiktchrak.
Kiktchrak leaves west.
Kiktchrak has fled!
You must be fighting to scream your warcry.

<871/1086hps 374m 612mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak has arrived.

<871/1086hps 374m 612mv 21957tnl> But you aren't fighting anyone!

<871/1086hps 374m 612mv 21957tnl> Kiktchrak hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking you square in the chest!
Kiktchrak's hurled dagger grazes you.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<865/1086hps 374m 612mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
You parry Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch and closes in for a concealed attack!
Kiktchrak's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<784/1086hps 374m 612mv 21957tnl> war
You feel righteous as you shout 'To Blaze and To Enthuse with Ardour!'
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<784/1086hps 344m 612mv 21957tnl> Kiktchrak tries to sever your artery, but his blow misses entirely.
Kiktchrak's deep gash misses you.
Your punch *** DEVASTATES *** Kiktchrak!
Kiktchrak has some small but disgusting cuts.

<784/1086hps 344m 612mv 21957tnl>
You dodge Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
You parry Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch and closes in for a concealed attack!
Kiktchrak's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak parries your punch.
Kiktchrak has some small but disgusting cuts.

<735/1086hps 344m 612mv 21957tnl> You pummel Kiktchrak with your fists.
Your pummeling fist *** DEMOLISHES *** Kiktchrak!
Your pummeling fist *** DEVASTATES *** Kiktchrak!
Your pummeling fist *** DEVASTATES *** Kiktchrak!
Your pummeling fist *** DEMOLISHES *** Kiktchrak!
Your pummeling fist *** DEVASTATES *** Kiktchrak!
Kiktchrak looks dazed from all your blows.
Koide looks at you.
Kiktchrak is writhing in agony.

<735/1086hps 344m 612mv 21957tnl>
You parry Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
You parry Kiktchrak's freezing bite.
You parry Kiktchrak's poisonous bite.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak is writhing in agony.

<735/1086hps 344m 612mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak stops using a dagger named 'frostbite'.
Kiktchrak is writhing in agony.

<735/1086hps 344m 612mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak stops using the dagger of betrayal.
Kiktchrak is writhing in agony.

<735/1086hps 344m 612mv 21957tnl>
You get in one more shot on Kiktchrak as he flees.
Your parting blow === OBLITERATES === Kiktchrak!
Kiktchrak leaves east.
Kiktchrak has fled!

<735/1086hps 344m 612mv 21957tnl> e
But you aren't fighting anyone!

<735/1086hps 344m 612mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 611mv 21957tnl> e
They aren't here.

<735/1086hps 344m 611mv 21957tnl> e
eAlong the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 610mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 609mv 21957tnl> whe
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 608mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 607mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 606mv 21957tnl> e
Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 605mv 21957tnl> e
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Along the Eastern Road
Koide Along the Eastern Road

<735/1086hps 344m 605mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 604mv 21957tnl> Along the Eastern Road

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 603mv 21957tnl> e
Approaching a Large Crossroads

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 602mv 21957tnl> A Large Crossroads

Sunk into the center of the crossroads is a worn, steel marker.
Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 601mv 21957tnl>

<735/1086hps 344m 601mv 21957tnl> s
nAn opening in the stone-road

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 600mv 21957tnl> n
wPeople near you:
(PK) Broghelan An opening in the stone-road
Koide An opening in the stone-road

<735/1086hps 344m 600mv 21957tnl> wheA Large Crossroads

Sunk into the center of the crossroads is a worn, steel marker.
Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 599mv 21957tnl> whe
The Lane

Koide has arrived.

<735/1086hps 344m 598mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak Auction block
(PK) Broghelan The Lane
Koide The Lane

<735/1086hps 344m 598mv 21957tnl>
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.

<717/1086hps 345m 604mv 21957tnl> n
nOsenrein Road

Koide has arrived.

<717/1086hps 345m 603mv 21957tnl> n
nOsenrein Road

Koide has arrived.

<717/1086hps 345m 602mv 21957tnl> n
Osenrein Road

Koide has arrived.

<717/1086hps 345m 601mv 21957tnl> n
The Osendrelle Fields

Koide has arrived.

<717/1086hps 345m 598mv 21957tnl> n
wThe Osendrelle Fields

Koide has arrived.

<717/1086hps 345m 592mv 21957tnl> whe
The Osendrelle Fields

Koide has arrived.

<717/1086hps 345m 586mv 21957tnl> The Osendrelle Fields

Koide has arrived.

<717/1086hps 345m 580mv 21957tnl> The Osendrelle Fields

Koide has arrived.

<717/1086hps 345m 574mv 21957tnl> The Osendrelle Fields

Koide has arrived.

<717/1086hps 345m 568mv 21957tnl>
Koide applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<858/1086hps 345m 568mv 21957tnl> The Osendrelle Fields

A greenish-brown pile of cloth blends with the ground here.
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 562mv 21957tnl> The Osendrelle Fields

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 556mv 21957tnl> The Osendrelle Fields

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 550mv 21957tnl> whThe Osendrelle Fields

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 544mv 21957tnl> whe
The Osendrelle Fields

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 538mv 21957tnl> The edge of the Osendrelle Fields

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 532mv 21957tnl> Auction block

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 526mv 21957tnl> Osenrein Road

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 523mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Osenrein Road
Koide Osenrein Road

<858/1086hps 345m 523mv 21957tnl> wPeople near you:
(PK) Broghelan Osenrein Road
Koide Osenrein Road

<858/1086hps 345m 523mv 21957tnl> w
whOsenrein Road

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 522mv 21957tnl> whe
On the Southeast Bridge

A shirt made from steel links is lying here.
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 521mv 21957tnl> Bridge Gate

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 518mv 21957tnl> People near you:
Lorthieral The Cathedral
(PK) Broghelan Bridge Gate
Laklin The Golden Heron
Koide Bridge Gate

<858/1086hps 345m 518mv 21957tnl> w
Ogier Square

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 515mv 21957tnl> Ogier Road

A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 512mv 21957tnl> w
Common Road

east west]
A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 509mv 21957tnl> Common Square

A pretty fountain is here.
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 506mv 21957tnl> n
Harbor Road

south west]
There is a panhandler here trying to shake the money out of you!
A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 503mv 21957tnl> opWall Road

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 500mv 21957tnl> op n
Kitchens Entrance

east west]
A ships' captain is walking through here.
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 497mv 21957tnl> whe
You open the door.

<858/1086hps 345m 497mv 21957tnl> Kitchen

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 496mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Kitchen
Koide Kitchen

<858/1086hps 345m 496mv 21957tnl> s
wKitchens Entrance

A ships' captain is walking through here.
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 495mv 21957tnl> w
Southwest Corner of White Tower Wall

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 492mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<858/1086hps 345m 492mv 21957tnl> Wall Road

A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 489mv 21957tnl> n
aGate of the White Tower

A small pan made from tin has been left here.
A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 486mv 21957tnl> af
Market Square

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
There is a panhandler here trying to shake the money out of you!
Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 483mv 21957tnl> Bridge Gate

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 480mv 21957tnl>
Koide says 'did weh get deh Link?'

<858/1086hps 345m 480mv 21957tnl> w
On the Western Bridge

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 477mv 21957tnl> w
wEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<858/1086hps 345m 476mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan East Dairein Road
Koide East Dairein Road

<858/1086hps 345m 476mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 11 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 11 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 9 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 7 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 7 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 12 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 4 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<858/1086hps 345m 476mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.
You feel your pulse slow down.

<873/1086hps 355m 526mv 21957tnl> w
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<873/1086hps 355m 525mv 21957tnl> w
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan East Dairein Road
Koide East Dairein Road

<873/1086hps 355m 525mv 21957tnl> w
wEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<873/1086hps 355m 524mv 21957tnl> whe
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<873/1086hps 355m 523mv 21957tnl> ber
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<873/1086hps 355m 522mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<873/1086hps 355m 521mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan East Dairein Road
Koide East Dairein Road

<873/1086hps 355m 521mv 21957tnl> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<975/1086hps 325m 471mv 21957tnl> w
reply who runs East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 470mv 21957tnl> reply who runs nowEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 469mv 21957tnl> reply who runs now?
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 468mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 467mv 21957tnl> w
You tell Kiktchrak 'who runs now?'

<975/1086hps 325m 467mv 21957tnl> w
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 466mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 465mv 21957tnl> w
whEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 464mv 21957tnl> whe
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 463mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan East Dairein Road
Koide East Dairein Road

<975/1086hps 325m 463mv 21957tnl> w
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 462mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 461mv 21957tnl> w
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 460mv 21957tnl> w
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 459mv 21957tnl> s
Trail to the inn

A small white bunny hops around under a tree nibbling grass.
Standing near a tree, a guard takes a break while eating cherries.

<975/1086hps 325m 458mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak A Roadside Shrine
Azkerria The Tale-Telling Fire
(PK) Ibakhain The Bar of the Eternal Star
Mogalliano The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Broghelan Trail to the inn
Zalachi The Bar of the Eternal Star
Koide Trail to the inn
Vanjeda The Bar of the Eternal Star
Landys The Bar of the Eternal Star
Vampus The Bar of the Eternal Star

<975/1086hps 325m 458mv 21957tnl> e
A Roadside Shrine

A tall stone altar bubbles forth crisp water.
Kiktchrak is here.
Bent and withered an old druid watches over those who rest in the shrine.
Koide has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 452mv 21957tnl> 12
Kiktchrak gives a withered druid some coins.
A withered druid closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Kiktchrak.

<975/1086hps 325m 452mv 21957tnl> 1
Kiktchrak is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt grazes Kiktchrak.
Kiktchrak yells 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Kiktchrak is covered with bleeding wounds.

<975/1086hps 325m 452mv 21957tnl>
You parry Kiktchrak's punch.
You parry Kiktchrak's punch.
You parry Kiktchrak's punch.
You parry Kiktchrak's punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak is covered with bleeding wounds.

<975/1086hps 325m 452mv 21957tnl>
You parry Kiktchrak's punch.
You parry Kiktchrak's punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Your punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Kiktchrak!
Kiktchrak is covered with bleeding wounds.

<975/1086hps 325m 452mv 21957tnl>
You fail to get in one more shot as Kiktchrak flees.
Kiktchrak leaves west.
Kiktchrak has fled!

<975/1086hps 325m 452mv 21957tnl> w
But you aren't fighting anyone!

<975/1086hps 325m 452mv 21957tnl> mA giant mercenary has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 452mv 21957tnl> m
Trail to the inn

A small white bunny hops around under a tree nibbling grass.
Standing near a tree, a guard takes a break while eating cherries.

<975/1086hps 325m 446mv 21957tnl> wheThey aren't here.

<975/1086hps 325m 446mv 21957tnl> whe
mPeople near you:
Azkerria The Tale-Telling Fire
(PK) Ibakhain The Bar of the Eternal Star
Mogalliano Trail to the inn
(PK) Broghelan Trail to the inn
Zalachi The Bar of the Eternal Star
Koide Trail to the inn
Vanjeda The Bar of the Eternal Star
Landys Front Porch of the Inn
Vampus Front Porch of the Inn

<975/1086hps 325m 446mv 21957tnl> m
wEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.
A giant mercenary has arrived.

<975/1086hps 325m 445mv 21957tnl> whe

Your bandages lose their effectiveness.

<996/1086hps 336m 496mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<996/1086hps 336m 496mv 21957tnl> They aren't here.

<996/1086hps 336m 496mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak East Dairein Road
Mogalliano East Dairein Road
(PK) Broghelan East Dairein Road
Koide East Dairein Road

<996/1086hps 336m 496mv 21957tnl> w
East Dairein Road

A giant mercenary has arrived.
Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 495mv 21957tnl> wheEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.
A giant mercenary has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 494mv 21957tnl> whe

A giant mercenary leaves east.
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 493mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 492mv 21957tnl> w
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 491mv 21957tnl> w
People near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak East Dairein Road
(PK) Broghelan East Dairein Road
Koide East Dairein Road

<996/1086hps 336m 491mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 490mv 21957tnl> w
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 489mv 21957tnl> w
wheEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 488mv 21957tnl> whe
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 487mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak East Dairein Road
(PK) Broghelan East Dairein Road
Koide East Dairein Road

<996/1086hps 336m 487mv 21957tnl> w
wheThe Dairein Crossroads

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 486mv 21957tnl> whe
West Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 485mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan West Dairein Road
Koide West Dairein Road
Esoab West Dairein Road

<996/1086hps 336m 485mv 21957tnl> e
eThe Dairein Crossroads

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 484mv 21957tnl> e
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 483mv 21957tnl> e
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 482mv 21957tnl> e

Mogalliano tells you 'Wrong way'
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 481mv 21957tnl> e
ePeople near you:
Mogalliano East Dairein Road
(PK) Broghelan East Dairein Road
Koide East Dairein Road

<996/1086hps 336m 481mv 21957tnl> e
eEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 480mv 21957tnl> e
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 479mv 21957tnl> e
eEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 478mv 21957tnl> e
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 477mv 21957tnl> e
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 476mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 475mv 21957tnl> cbEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 474mv 21957tnl> cb pEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 473mv 21957tnl> cb poEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 472mv 21957tnl> cb poultiEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 471mv 21957tnl> cb poultice mEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 470mv 21957tnl> cb poultice me
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 469mv 21957tnl> e
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 468mv 21957tnl> whEast Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 467mv 21957tnl> whe
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 466mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 465mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 464mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 463mv 21957tnl> e
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<996/1086hps 336m 462mv 21957tnl> e

Koide applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<1086/1086hps 336m 462mv 21957tnl> e
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 461mv 21957tnl> whe

East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 460mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 459mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 458mv 21957tnl> e
East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 457mv 21957tnl> e
Broghelan: poultice me

<1086/1086hps 336m 457mv 21957tnl> East Dairein Road

Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 456mv 21957tnl> e
On the Western Bridge

A giant mercenary stands ready here.
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 455mv 21957tnl> eA giant mercenary leaves east.

<1086/1086hps 336m 455mv 21957tnl> e
wBridge Gate

A giant mercenary stands ready here.
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 452mv 21957tnl> wheA giant mercenary leaves east.

<1086/1086hps 336m 452mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral The Cathedral
(PK) Kiktchrak At the Altar
(PK) Broghelan Bridge Gate
Laklin The Golden Heron
Koide Bridge Gate

<1086/1086hps 336m 452mv 21957tnl> Market Square

A giant mercenary stands ready here.
A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
There is a panhandler here trying to shake the money out of you!
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 449mv 21957tnl>
Gate of the White Tower

A small pan made from tin has been left here.
A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
Koide has arrived.
A giant mercenary has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 446mv 21957tnl> Petitioner's Court

A sister of the Gray Ajah is here.
A petitioner is here.
A humble petitioner is here.
(Invis) An Accepted of the White Tower is here to greet petitioners.
(Invis) An Accepted of the White Tower is here to greet petitioners.
A giant mercenary has arrived.
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 443mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1086/1086hps 336m 443mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Petitioner's Court
Koide Petitioner's Court

<1086/1086hps 336m 443mv 21957tnl> w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1086/1086hps 336m 443mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.
Koide applies a poultice to your wounds.

<1086/1086hps 336m 443mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1086/1086hps 336m 443mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1086/1086hps 336m 443mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Petitioner's Court
Koide Petitioner's Court

<1086/1086hps 336m 443mv 21957tnl> Gate of the White Tower

A small pan made from tin has been left here.
A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
Koide has arrived.
A giant mercenary has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 336m 440mv 21957tnl>
A giant mercenary leaves west.

<1086/1086hps 336m 440mv 21957tnl> w

You feel less tough.

<1086/1086hps 346m 491mv 21957tnl> e
Market Square

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
There is a panhandler here trying to shake the money out of you!
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 346m 488mv 21957tnl> s
Gate of the White Tower

A small pan made from tin has been left here.
A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 346m 485mv 21957tnl> whe
Wall Road

A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 346m 482mv 21957tnl> ca
Koide looks at you.

<1086/1086hps 346m 482mv 21957tnl> cal Southwest Corner of White Tower Wall

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 346m 479mv 21957tnl> cal resiPeople near you:
Lorthieral Tower Road
(PK) Kiktchrak At the Altar
(PK) Broghelan Southwest Corner of White Tower Wall
Laklin The Golden Heron
Koide Southwest Corner of White Tower Wall

<1086/1086hps 346m 479mv 21957tnl> cal resi
You feel tough!

<1086/1086hps 296m 479mv 21957tnl> wield flail
wieKitchens Entrance

A ships' captain is walking through here.
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 296m 476mv 21957tnl> wield shWall Road

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1086hps 296m 473mv 21957tnl> wield shield
You wield a silver chain flail.
A silver chain flail feels like a part of you!

<1086/1086hps 296m 473mv 21957tnl> n
You wear a shield from the hide of a snow worm as a shield.

<1086/1106hps 296m 473mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1086/1106hps 296m 473mv 21957tnl> e
Wall Road

A bodyguard is here making sure his employer gets to the White
Tower safely.
A bodyguard is here making sure his employer gets to the White
Tower safely.
A rich merchant is being carried through here.
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1106hps 296m 470mv 21957tnl> People near you:
Lorthieral Tower Road
(PK) Kiktchrak Tower Square
Mogalliano The Cathedral
(PK) Broghelan Wall Road
Laklin The Golden Heron
Koide Wall Road

<1086/1106hps 296m 470mv 21957tnl> e
Southeast Corner of White Tower Wall

A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1106hps 296m 467mv 21957tnl> n
nWall Road

Koide has arrived.

<1086/1106hps 296m 464mv 21957tnl> n
Wall Road

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1106hps 296m 461mv 21957tnl> People near you:
Lorthieral Tower Road
(PK) Kiktchrak Tower Square
(PK) Broghelan Wall Road
Laklin The Golden Heron
Koide Wall Road

<1086/1106hps 296m 461mv 21957tnl> Tower Square

A giant mercenary stands ready here.
Kiktchrak is here.
A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of
Koide has arrived.

<1086/1106hps 296m 458mv 21957tnl>
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Kiktchrak!'
Your shield blocks Kiktchrak's wrath.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<1086/1106hps 296m 458mv 21957tnl>
Your shield blocks Kiktchrak's wrath.
Kiktchrak's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Your shield blocks Kiktchrak's wrath.
Kiktchrak's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<975/1106hps 296m 458mv 21957tnl> You try to entwine Kiktchrak with a silver chain flail but you miss him.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<975/1106hps 296m 458mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak spins the shaft of an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer', hitting you with its points.
Kiktchrak's whirling axe MASSACRES you!
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<908/1106hps 296m 458mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Kiktchrak's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You parry Kiktchrak's wrath.
Kiktchrak dodges your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<803/1106hps 296m 458mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You parry Kiktchrak's wrath.
Kiktchrak's wrath misses you.
Kiktchrak's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Kiktchrak dodges your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<703/1106hps 296m 458mv 21957tnl> You try to entwine Kiktchrak with a silver chain flail but you miss him.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<703/1106hps 296m 458mv 21957tnl> flee

Kiktchrak's wrath EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak's wrath EVISCERATES you!
Your shield blocks Kiktchrak's wrath.
Kiktchrak's wrath EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<560/1106hps 296m 458mv 21957tnl> flee

Kiktchrak's wrath EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Your shield blocks Kiktchrak's wrath.
You parry Kiktchrak's wrath.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<461/1106hps 296m 458mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak drives his axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
Kiktchrak's brutal attack EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak's brutal attack DISMEMBERS you!
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<355/1106hps 296m 458mv 21957tnl>

Your poultice loses its effectiveness.
Your bandages lose their effectiveness.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<366/1106hps 302m 509mv 21957tnl>
Your shield blocks Kiktchrak's wrath.
Kiktchrak's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<310/1106hps 302m 509mv 21957tnl>
Lorthieral looks at you.
Your shield blocks Kiktchrak's wrath.
You parry Kiktchrak's wrath.
You parry Kiktchrak's wrath.
Your shield blocks Kiktchrak's wrath.
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak parries your flaming bite.
Kiktchrak has a few scratches.

<310/1106hps 302m 509mv 21957tnl> Kiktchrak gets in one more shot as you flee.
Kiktchrak's parting blow DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Tower Road

south west]
Koide has arrived.
A giant mercenary has arrived.
You flee from combat!

<254/1106hps 302m 506mv 21957tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<254/1106hps 302m 506mv 21957tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<254/1106hps 302m 506mv 21957tnl> s
Tower Square

(Ghost) Lorthieral is here.
Kiktchrak is here.
A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of
A giant mercenary has arrived.
Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 503mv 21957tnl> Tower Road

Koide has arrived.
A giant mercenary has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 500mv 21957tnl> Tower Road

south west]
A giant mercenary has arrived.
Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 497mv 21957tnl> s
sTower Road

Koide has arrived.
A giant mercenary has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 494mv 21957tnl> s

Mogalliano steps out of the shadows.
Ogier Square

A giant mercenary has arrived.
Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 491mv 21957tnl> Ogier Grove

Koide has arrived.
A giant mercenary has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 487mv 21957tnl> n

Koide looks at you.

<254/1106hps 302m 487mv 21957tnl>
A giant mercenary leaves north.
Ogier Road

Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 483mv 21957tnl> w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<254/1106hps 302m 483mv 21957tnl> w
Ogier Road

A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of
Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 480mv 21957tnl> Common Road

east west]
A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 477mv 21957tnl> Common Square

A pretty fountain is here.
Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 474mv 21957tnl> w
wCommon Road

east south west]
A sailor is here trying to sing his lungs out.
Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 471mv 21957tnl> w
Common Road

Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 468mv 21957tnl> Midean's Square

A small pan made from tin has been left here.
A large fountain is here.
A ships' captain is walking through here.
A dockman is here unloading some cargo off a ship.
Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 465mv 21957tnl> Bridge Gate

A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of
A guard of Tar Valon is here watching the people coming into Tar Valon.
A guard of Tar Valon is here watching the people coming into Tar Valon.
A guard of Tar Valon is here watching the people coming into Tar Valon.
Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 462mv 21957tnl> w
On the Southwest Bridge

Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 459mv 21957tnl> w
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 458mv 21957tnl> cb dNorth Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<254/1106hps 302m 457mv 21957tnl> cb dre
Koide applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<395/1106hps 302m 457mv 21957tnl> cb dresNorth Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 456mv 21957tnl> cb dressinNorth Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 455mv 21957tnl> cb dressin
nodNorth Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 454mv 21957tnl> nod
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 453mv 21957tnl> w

Thror: Last one te order me arse around got a 'ammer te his flamin' head.
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 452mv 21957tnl> Broghelan: dressin

<395/1106hps 302m 452mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 11 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 11 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 7 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 3 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 12 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 0 hours.

<395/1106hps 302m 452mv 21957tnl> You nod.

<395/1106hps 302m 452mv 21957tnl> North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 451mv 21957tnl> North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 450mv 21957tnl> w
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 449mv 21957tnl> North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 448mv 21957tnl> w
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 447mv 21957tnl> North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 446mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<395/1106hps 302m 446mv 21957tnl> af
sYou are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 11 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 11 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 7 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 7 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 3 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 12 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -6 for 0 hours.

<395/1106hps 302m 446mv 21957tnl> s
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 445mv 21957tnl> whe
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.
Lightning flashes in the sky.

<395/1106hps 302m 444mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<395/1106hps 302m 444mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan North Alindaer Road
Koide North Alindaer Road

<395/1106hps 302m 444mv 21957tnl> w
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 443mv 21957tnl> w
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 442mv 21957tnl> w
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 441mv 21957tnl> cbNorth Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 440mv 21957tnl> cb North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 439mv 21957tnl> cb INorth Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<395/1106hps 302m 438mv 21957tnl> cb I
The wound closes up.

<418/1106hps 318m 489mv 21957tnl> cb
Thror: I'd nae take advantage O' orderin' around a Defender. Mayhaps he'd save yer life one day.

<418/1106hps 318m 489mv 21957tnl> s
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 488mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<418/1106hps 318m 488mv 21957tnl> w
wNorth Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 487mv 21957tnl> w
whNorth Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 486mv 21957tnl> whe
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 485mv 21957tnl> wNorth Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 484mv 21957tnl> w
aPeople near you:
Lorthieral North Alindaer Road
(PK) Kiktchrak North Alindaer Road
Mogalliano North Alindaer Road
(PK) Broghelan North Alindaer Road
Koide North Alindaer Road

<418/1106hps 318m 484mv 21957tnl> afNorth Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 483mv 21957tnl> af
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 482mv 21957tnl> w
You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 10 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 10 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 6 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 6 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 12 for 0 hours.

<418/1106hps 318m 482mv 21957tnl> w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<418/1106hps 318m 482mv 21957tnl> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<418/1106hps 318m 482mv 21957tnl> s
North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 481mv 21957tnl> North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 480mv 21957tnl> s
sAlas, you cannot go that way.

<418/1106hps 318m 480mv 21957tnl> s
cb I am askiAlas, you cannot go that way.

<418/1106hps 318m 480mv 21957tnl> cb I am askingAlas, you cannot go that way.

<418/1106hps 318m 480mv 21957tnl> cb I am asking nic
Koide: Mer greetins, Lord Thror

<418/1106hps 318m 480mv 21957tnl> cb I am asking nice
Broghelan: I am asking nice

<418/1106hps 318m 480mv 21957tnl> North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 479mv 21957tnl> North Alindaer Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 478mv 21957tnl> w
whThe North Alindaer Crossroads

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 477mv 21957tnl> whe
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 476mv 21957tnl> n
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The North Road
Koide The North Road

<418/1106hps 318m 476mv 21957tnl> The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 475mv 21957tnl> n
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 474mv 21957tnl> n
nThe North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 473mv 21957tnl> n
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 472mv 21957tnl> a
Koide looks at you.

<418/1106hps 318m 472mv 21957tnl> afThe North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 471mv 21957tnl> af
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 470mv 21957tnl>
Thror: En greetin's te ye Koide.
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The North Road
Koide The North Road

<418/1106hps 318m 470mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 10 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 10 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 6 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 6 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 12 for 0 hours.

<418/1106hps 318m 470mv 21957tnl> n
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 469mv 21957tnl> The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 468mv 21957tnl> n
The Dairein Crossroads

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 467mv 21957tnl> n
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 466mv 21957tnl> cb The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 465mv 21957tnl> cb HelThe North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 464mv 21957tnl> cb HelloThe North Road

Koide has arrived.

<418/1106hps 318m 463mv 21957tnl> cb Hello Ha
Your bandages lose their effectiveness.
Your warcry has worn off.

<434/1106hps 328m 514mv 21957tnl> cb Hello Hammersong
Broghelan: Hello Hammersong

<434/1106hps 328m 514mv 21957tnl> n
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<434/1106hps 328m 513mv 21957tnl> nod
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<434/1106hps 328m 512mv 21957tnl> whe
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<434/1106hps 328m 511mv 21957tnl> You nod.

<434/1106hps 328m 511mv 21957tnl> n
People near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak The North Road
Mogalliano The North Road
(PK) Broghelan The North Road
Koide The North Road

<434/1106hps 328m 511mv 21957tnl> n
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<434/1106hps 328m 510mv 21957tnl> n
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<434/1106hps 328m 509mv 21957tnl>
Koide applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<575/1106hps 328m 509mv 21957tnl> The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 508mv 21957tnl> n
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 507mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak The North Road
Mogalliano The North Road
(PK) Broghelan The North Road
Koide The North Road

<575/1106hps 328m 507mv 21957tnl> n
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 506mv 21957tnl> e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<575/1106hps 328m 506mv 21957tnl> n
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<575/1106hps 328m 506mv 21957tnl> eAlas, you cannot go that way.

<575/1106hps 328m 506mv 21957tnl> e
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 505mv 21957tnl> Thror: en 'lo ter yers Broghelan.

<575/1106hps 328m 505mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<575/1106hps 328m 505mv 21957tnl> n
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<575/1106hps 328m 505mv 21957tnl> e
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 504mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<575/1106hps 328m 504mv 21957tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<575/1106hps 328m 504mv 21957tnl> n

The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 503mv 21957tnl> The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 502mv 21957tnl> e
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 501mv 21957tnl> e
The North Road

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 500mv 21957tnl> The Road to Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 499mv 21957tnl> e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<575/1106hps 328m 499mv 21957tnl> e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<575/1106hps 328m 499mv 21957tnl> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<575/1106hps 328m 499mv 21957tnl> e
Outskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 498mv 21957tnl> Outskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 497mv 21957tnl> Outskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 496mv 21957tnl> e
Outskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 495mv 21957tnl> e
aOutskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 494mv 21957tnl> af
A Small Crossroads Outside Tir-Talath

A glinting golden key lies here.
Koide has arrived.

<575/1106hps 328m 493mv 21957tnl> e
You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 8 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 8 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 4 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.

<594/1106hps 337m 544mv 21957tnl> e
wOutskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<594/1106hps 337m 543mv 21957tnl> whe
Outskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<594/1106hps 337m 542mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Outskirts of Tir-Talath
Koide Outskirts of Tir-Talath

<594/1106hps 337m 542mv 21957tnl> n
nOutskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<594/1106hps 337m 541mv 21957tnl> n
whOutskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<594/1106hps 337m 540mv 21957tnl> whe
aOutskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<594/1106hps 337m 539mv 21957tnl> af
Outskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<594/1106hps 337m 538mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Outskirts of Tir-Talath
Koide Outskirts of Tir-Talath
Koide pants exhaustedly.

<594/1106hps 337m 538mv 21957tnl> n
You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 8 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 8 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 4 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.

<594/1106hps 337m 538mv 21957tnl> n
Outskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<594/1106hps 337m 537mv 21957tnl> wheOutskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<594/1106hps 337m 536mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Mogalliano The Road to Tir-Talath
(PK) Broghelan Outskirts of Tir-Talath
Koide Outskirts of Tir-Talath

<594/1106hps 337m 536mv 21957tnl> n
Outskirts of Tir-Talath

Koide has arrived.

<594/1106hps 337m 535mv 21957tnl> e
Vast Plains

Koide has arrived.

<594/1106hps 337m 532mv 21957tnl>
Koide says 'Yer runnin mer all over deh places'

<594/1106hps 337m 532mv 21957tnl> Rolling Foothills

Koide has arrived.

<594/1106hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> whe
aPeople near you:
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<594/1106hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> af
You nod.
Koide says 'yer wantin a poultice?'

<594/1106hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 8 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 8 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 4 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.

<594/1106hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> rem flail
Koide applies a poultice to your wounds.

<594/1106hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> rem flail
rem You stop using a silver chain flail.

<594/1106hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> rem shield
You stop using a shield from the hide of a snow worm.

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> afPeople near you:
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 8 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 8 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 4 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'poultice' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> You rest.

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl>
Koide sits down and rests.

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> help entwine
syntax: entwine

When in combat, the whip/flail can be used to entwine the opponent and
prevent them from fleeing. While entwined, the opponent's dodging ability
will suffer greatly, and the whip wielder's dodging ability will suffer
somewhat. The whip cannot be used while entwining someone.

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
Mogalliano In a Small Forest
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> skill ent
Koide says 'I cen walk fer a while longa'

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> skill entwine
Your ability in the skill entwine is at 92%(82%).

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> whe
The rain ceases.

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
Mogalliano Rugged Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl>

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 8 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 8 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 4 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'poultice' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 0 hours.

<594/1086hps 337m 525mv 21957tnl> whe

Your bandages lose their effectiveness.
You feel your pulse slow down.
Your eyes see less truly.

<620/1086hps 363m 581mv 21957tnl> People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
(PK) Kiktchrak Rolling Foothills
Mogalliano Rugged Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<620/1086hps 363m 581mv 21957tnl> st
You stand up.

<620/1086hps 363m 581mv 21957tnl> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<722/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> nod
say oYou nod.

<722/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> say if you could
You say 'if you could'
Koide stands up.

<722/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
(PK) Kiktchrak Rugged Foothills
Mogalliano In a Small Forest
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<722/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 7 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 3 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'poultice' for 0 hours.

<722/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
(PK) Kiktchrak Rolling Foothills
Mogalliano In a Small Forest
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<722/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl>
Koide applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
Mogalliano Rolling Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> r
You rest.

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
(PK) Kiktchrak Vast Plains
Mogalliano A Farm Yard
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
(PK) Kiktchrak Rolling Foothills
Mogalliano Rolling Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> whe
stPeople near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
(PK) Kiktchrak Rolling Foothills
Mogalliano Rugged Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 7 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 3 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -1
22666, Ragerlog10
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The guts of Mrenya decomposes.

<886/1096hps 208m 632mv 21957tnl> The Steaming River

(Translucent) A grey and green alligator lazily opens its mouth to reveal hundreds of teeth.

<886/1096hps 208m 623mv 21957tnl> n

You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by a massive alligator!'
A massive alligator's bite MASSACRES you!
A massive alligator is in perfect health.

<816/1096hps 208m 623mv 21957tnl> No way! You are still fighting!
A massive alligator is in perfect health.

<816/1096hps 208m 623mv 21957tnl> in
Your shield blocks a massive alligator's bite.
Your wrath EVISCERATES a massive alligator!
Your wrath MUTILATES a massive alligator!
A massive alligator dodges your wrath.
A massive alligator has a few scratches.

<816/1096hps 208m 623mv 21957tnl>
You steel your courage against the current challenges and your inspiration lifts!
A warm feeling fills your body.
A massive alligator has a few scratches.

<969/1096hps 208m 623mv 21957tnl>
A massive alligator's bite MASSACRES you!
A massive alligator dodges your wrath.
A massive alligator has a few scratches.

<900/1096hps 208m 623mv 21957tnl> You lash out with a flail of Pestilence and entwine a massive alligator tightly!
A massive alligator has a few scratches.

<900/1086hps 208m 623mv 21957tnl>
A massive alligator rolls you under the water, stunning you!
A massive alligator's drowning roll decimates you!
A massive alligator has a few scratches.

<873/1086hps 208m 623mv 21957tnl> td

A massive alligator's bite DISMEMBERS you!
A massive alligator dodges your punch.
A massive alligator has a few scratches.

<818/1086hps 208m 623mv 21957tnl>
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding injures you.
A massive alligator has a few scratches.

<805/1086hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl>
A massive alligator's bite DISMEMBERS you!
Your punch EVISCERATES a massive alligator!
Your punch maims a massive alligator!
A massive alligator has some small but disgusting cuts.

<748/1086hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl> You hurl your shield to the ground in a last ditch effort to prepare for unarmed combat.
A massive alligator has some small but disgusting cuts.

<748/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl> You pummel a massive alligator with your fists.
Your pummeling fist devastates a massive alligator!
Your pummeling fist maims a massive alligator!
Your pummeling fist devastates a massive alligator!
Your pummeling fist maims a massive alligator!
Your pummeling fist devastates a massive alligator!
Your pummeling fist maims a massive alligator!
A massive alligator looks dazed from all your blows.
You leave a massive alligator visibly battered and bruised.
A massive alligator is covered with bleeding wounds.

<748/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl>
You parry a massive alligator's bite.
A massive alligator dodges your punch.
Your punch EVISCERATES a massive alligator!
A massive alligator dodges your punch.
A massive alligator is covered with bleeding wounds.

<748/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl>
A massive alligator rolls you under the water, stunning you!
A massive alligator's drowning roll maims you!
A massive alligator is covered with bleeding wounds.

<714/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl>
Koide tells you 'I cen cme help, where are yer?'
A massive alligator is covered with bleeding wounds.

<714/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl>
You parry a massive alligator's bite.
A massive alligator dodges your punch.
A massive alligator is covered with bleeding wounds.

<714/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl>
A massive alligator's bite DISMEMBERS you!
Your punch EVISCERATES a massive alligator!
Your punch EVISCERATES a massive alligator!
Your punch EVISCERATES a massive alligator!
A massive alligator is covered with bleeding wounds.

<651/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl> You pummel a massive alligator with your fists.
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES a massive alligator!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES a massive alligator!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES a massive alligator!
A massive alligator is gushing blood.

<651/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl> A massive alligator rolls you under the water, stunning you!
A massive alligator's drowning roll mauls you.
A massive alligator is gushing blood.

<627/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl> war

You parry a massive alligator's bite.
A massive alligator dodges your punch.
Your punch EVISCERATES a massive alligator!
A massive alligator is gushing blood.

<627/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl>
A massive alligator's bite EVISCERATES you!
Your punch MASSACRES a massive alligator!
Your punch DISMEMBERS a massive alligator!
A massive alligator is gushing blood.

<576/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl>
The edges of a massive alligator's being stretch and twist and he returns to normal.
Eileson is gushing blood.

<576/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl>
Eileson utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Eileson is gushing blood.

<576/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl>
You parry Eileson's slash.
Your punch MANGLES Eileson!
Your punch MASSACRES Eileson!
Eileson is writhing in agony.

<576/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl> You are already blessed.
Eileson is writhing in agony.

<576/1066hps 210m 635mv 21957tnl> You pummel Eileson with your fists.
Your pummeling fist MANGLES Eileson!
Your pummeling fist MASSACRES Eileson!
Your pummeling fist MANGLES Eileson!
Your pummeling fist MASSACRES Eileson!
Eileson is DEAD!!
Eileson spills his guts all over the floor.
Someone looks dazed from all your blows.

Eileson had been a pain to most ragers as a flying gator. I only fought him once after this.
22667, Ragerlog11 aka Felt goooood!
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Skallgrim was hated by Broghelan for being a cowardly fighter mostly and always joining in against Broghelan when he fought mages so I walked up to him and waited for his balls to grow large enough to attack.

(Invis) (White Aura) Skallgrim is here.
A poor, abused dog is here.
A poor, abused dog is here.

<1027/1027hps 391m 803mv 27100tnl> snort
You snort.

<1027/1027hps 391m 803mv 27100tnl> l skallgrim
You yell 'Die, Skallgrim, you sorcerous dog!'
Skallgrim narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Skallgrim fades into existence.
Skallgrim's heavenly wrath MASSACRES you!
Skallgrim is in perfect health.

<958/1027hps 391m 803mv 27100tnl> l skallgrim
A young stout dwarf stands in front of you. He is not taller than four feet,
but his massive torso makes him easy to notice. Strangely enough he seems to
completely bald. The lack of hair on his head is compensated by a wild
growing beard that has not been trimmed for many years. A pair of kind brown
eyes scans the surroundings without rest. It seems like he is looking for
someone or something. He is heavily armored in platemail and several weapons
are strapped to his body. A huge shield with the painting of a stormy night
is held in his left hand.
Skallgrim, a male dwarf, is in perfect health.

Skallgrim is using:
<worn on finger> (Magical) (Glowing) a wide golden ring
<worn on finger> (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) a ring set with a shard of green crystal
<worn around neck> a topaz stone necklace
<worn around neck> a darktail gorget
<worn on body> (Glowing) a shining breastplate of pure mithril
<worn on head> a great battle helm
<worn on legs> a set of polished iron legplates
<worn on feet> midnight dragon boots
<worn on hands> a pair of titanium gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of armguards from the snow worm
<worn as shield> a razor-edged shield
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a sturdy iron belt
<worn around wrist> a braided silver bracer
<worn around wrist> (Magical) (Glowing) a runed iron bracer
<wielded> (Glowing) a silver spiritual war hammer
Skallgrim is in perfect health.

<958/1027hps 391m 803mv 27100tnl>
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch *** DEVASTATES *** Skallgrim!
Skallgrim parries your punch.
Skallgrim's searing light MUTILATES you!
Skallgrim smashes the edge of a razor-edged shield into your chest.
Skallgrim's shield jab injures you.
Skallgrim has some small but disgusting cuts.

<902/1027hps 391m 803mv 27100tnl> wield
Skallgrim narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Skallgrim's heavenly wrath MASSACRES you!
Skallgrim has some small but disgusting cuts.

<832/1027hps 391m 803mv 27100tnl> wield flail
You wield a three-headed flail of dark steel.
A three-headed flail of dark steel feels like a part of you!
Skallgrim has some small but disgusting cuts.

<832/1027hps 391m 803mv 27100tnl> You lash out with a three-headed flail of dark steel and entwine Skallgrim tightly!
Your punch maims Skallgrim!
Skallgrim's searing light EVISCERATES you!
Skallgrim has some small but disgusting cuts.

<787/1027hps 391m 803mv 27100tnl> tat
The gate guard yells 'The criminal Lerike is here at Inside the North Gate! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
The gate guard yells 'The criminal Lerike is here at Inside the North Gate! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch devastates Skallgrim!
Skallgrim's searing light MUTILATES you!
Skallgrim's searing light EVISCERATES you!
You parry Skallgrim's searing light.
Skallgrim has some small but disgusting cuts.

<700/1027hps 391m 803mv 27100tnl> war

Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim parries your punch.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim's searing light MUTILATES you!
You parry Skallgrim's searing light.
A silver spiritual war hammer leaps from Skallgrim's grasp striking you!
Skallgrim's searing light DISMEMBERS you!
A silver spiritual war hammer returns to Skallgrim's grasp.
Skallgrim has some small but disgusting cuts.

<604/1027hps 391m 803mv 27100tnl>
You steel your courage against the current challenges and your inspiration lifts!
A warm feeling fills your body.
Skallgrim has some small but disgusting cuts.

<757/1027hps 391m 803mv 27100tnl> You feel righteous as you shout 'To Blaze and To Enthuse with Ardour!'
Skallgrim has some small but disgusting cuts.

<757/1027hps 361m 803mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Skallgrim's heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Skallgrim has some small but disgusting cuts.

<693/1027hps 361m 803mv 27100tnl> You pummel Skallgrim with your fists.
Your pummeling fist maims Skallgrim!
Your pummeling fist maims Skallgrim!
Your pummeling fist devastates Skallgrim!
Skallgrim is covered with bleeding wounds.

<693/1027hps 361m 803mv 27100tnl>
Your punch MUTILATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim's searing light decimates you!
Skallgrim is covered with bleeding wounds.

<665/1027hps 361m 803mv 27100tnl>
Your punch EVISCERATES Skallgrim!
Your punch MUTILATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
You dodge Skallgrim's searing light.
A silver spiritual war hammer leaps from Skallgrim's grasp striking you!
Skallgrim's searing light EVISCERATES you!
A silver spiritual war hammer returns to Skallgrim's grasp.
Skallgrim is covered with bleeding wounds.

<616/1027hps 361m 803mv 27100tnl> dis

Your punch maims Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch maims Skallgrim!
Skallgrim's searing light maims you!
Skallgrim is covered with bleeding wounds.

<583/1027hps 361m 803mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Skallgrim's heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Skallgrim is covered with bleeding wounds.

<521/1027hps 361m 803mv 27100tnl> As you sense an opening, you dart in and grasp right behind the head of a silver spiritual war hammer, pulling it
away from Skallgrim's grip!
You disarm Skallgrim!
Your punch EVISCERATES Skallgrim!
Your punch maims Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is covered with bleeding wounds.

<521/1027hps 361m 803mv 27100tnl> ber

Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch EVISCERATES Skallgrim!
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim smashes the edge of a razor-edged shield into your chest.
Skallgrim's shield jab mauls you.
Skallgrim is gushing blood.

<500/1027hps 361m 803mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Skallgrim is gushing blood.

<500/1027hps 361m 803mv 27100tnl>
Your punch MUTILATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch MUTILATES Skallgrim!
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is gushing blood.

<500/1027hps 361m 803mv 27100tnl> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Skallgrim is gushing blood.

<602/1027hps 331m 753mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Skallgrim's heavenly wrath MASSACRES you!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch maims Skallgrim!
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is gushing blood.

<542/1027hps 335m 778mv 27100tnl> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Skallgrim!
Your crushing blow leaves Skallgrim dazed!
Your crushing blow devastates Skallgrim!
Skallgrim is gushing blood.

<542/1027hps 335m 778mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch maims Skallgrim!
Your punch MUTILATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is gushing blood.

<542/1027hps 335m 778mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Skallgrim is gushing blood.

<542/1027hps 335m 778mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch EVISCERATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is gushing blood.

<542/1027hps 335m 778mv 27100tnl> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Skallgrim!
Your crushing blow knocks Skallgrim down!
Your crushing blow DISMEMBERS Skallgrim!
Skallgrim is gushing blood.

<542/1027hps 335m 778mv 27100tnl>
Your punch maims Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch devastates Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch EVISCERATES Skallgrim!
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is writhing in agony.

<542/1027hps 335m 778mv 27100tnl>
The sky is getting cloudy.
Skallgrim is writhing in agony.

<542/1027hps 335m 778mv 27100tnl>
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Skallgrim!
Your punch EVISCERATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is convulsing on the ground.

<542/1027hps 335m 778mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Skallgrim is writhing in agony.

<542/1027hps 335m 778mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is writhing in agony.

<542/1027hps 335m 778mv 27100tnl>
You feel less tough.
Skallgrim is writhing in agony.

<556/1027hps 346m 813mv 27100tnl> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Skallgrim!
Your crushing blow leaves Skallgrim dazed!
Your crushing blow MUTILATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim is writhing in agony.

<556/1027hps 346m 813mv 27100tnl> cal r
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch misses Skallgrim.
Your punch maims Skallgrim!
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is convulsing on the ground.

<556/1027hps 346m 813mv 27100tnl> cal resi

Skallgrim closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Skallgrim is writhing in agony.

<556/1027hps 346m 813mv 27100tnl>
Your punch MUTILATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is writhing in agony.

<556/1027hps 346m 813mv 27100tnl> You feel tough!
Skallgrim closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Skallgrim is writhing in agony.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl>
Your punch maims Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is writhing in agony.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Skallgrim!
Your crushing blow knocks Skallgrim down!
Your crushing blow EVISCERATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim is writhing in agony.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch === OBLITERATES === Skallgrim!
Your punch maims Skallgrim!
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is convulsing on the ground.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch devastates Skallgrim!
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is convulsing on the ground.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Skallgrim is convulsing on the ground.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl>
Skallgrim deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch decimates Skallgrim!
Your punch misses Skallgrim.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
You parry Skallgrim's punch.
Skallgrim is convulsing on the ground.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Skallgrim!
Your crushing blow leaves Skallgrim dazed!
Your crushing blow EVISCERATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim is convulsing on the ground.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl>
Your punch MUTILATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your punch MUTILATES Skallgrim!
Skallgrim is DEAD!!
You hear Skallgrim's death cry.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl> exa corpse
get coins corpse
The bludgeoned corpse of Skallgrim lies here.
The corpse of Skallgrim contains:
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
a skin from the snow leopard
a darktail gorget
( 2) a topaz stone necklace
a sturdy iron belt
(Magical) (Glowing) a runed iron bracer
(Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) a ring set with a shard of green crystal
a set of polished iron legplates
"Alabast" the legendary clabbard of Stee Hoarns
(Magical) the girdle of endless space
a great battle helm
(Glowing) a shining breastplate of pure mithril
(Magical) (Glowing) a wide golden ring
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a pair of titanium gauntlets
a spiked iron bracer
a razor-edged shield
midnight dragon boots
a braided silver bracer
(Glowing) an iron sword
(Glowing) a huge tower shield
a studded buckler

get coins corpse

Yanacek steps out of the shadows.
Yanacek gives a round of applause.

Thanks for the appreciative clap. I made me laugh.
Took his coins and left the rest, shouldn't have as he never showed the same curtesy to any of the evil villagers he ganged.

get coins corpse
<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl> get coins corpse
You get 39 gold coins from the corpse of Skallgrim.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl> get coins corpseYou get 5 silver coins from the corpse of Skallgrim.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl> get coins corpse
get coins corpse
You get 13 copper coins from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim has arrived.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl> getYou see nothing like that in the corpse.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl> get
Juktar: Anyone near Hamsah?

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl> get
Skallgrim gets a pair of armguards from the snow worm from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a skin from the snow leopard from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a darktail gorget from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a topaz stone necklace from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a sturdy iron belt from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a runed iron bracer from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a ring set with a shard of green crystal from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a set of polished iron legplates from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets "Alabast" the legendary clabbard of Stee Hoarns from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets the girdle of endless space from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a great battle helm from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a shining breastplate of pure mithril from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a wide golden ring from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a pair of titanium gauntlets from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a spiked iron bracer from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a razor-edged shield from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets midnight dragon boots from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a braided silver bracer from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets an iron sword from the corpse of Skallgrim.
get Skallgrim gets a huge tower shield from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a topaz stone necklace from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a studded buckler from the corpse of Skallgrim.
Skallgrim gets a potion of transportation from the corpse of Skallgrim.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl> get
Yanacek steps out of the shadows.

<556/1027hps 296m 813mv 27100tnl> trophy corpse
You make a poncho from the corpse of Skallgrim!

Normally I would not poncho a communer but he deserved to be worn.

22668, Ragerlog12 aka how to eat flurries.
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
THRAKADAN duel. I never fled in duels unless the opponnent asked me too not kill them specifically. If I was near death I did not care, courage and strength would always be on my side. His swords were nodisarm so that was not going to be a viable tactic.

<1007/1007hps 457m 813mv 27100tnl> war
You weaken Thrakadan with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area decimates Thrakadan!
Thrakadan yells 'Help! Broghelan punched me!'
Thrakadan has a few scratches.

<1007/1007hps 457m 813mv 27100tnl>
Thrakadan parries your punch.
Thrakadan parries your punch.
Thrakadan parries your punch.
Thrakadan dodges your punch.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
Thrakadan's defilement EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Thrakadan's defilement.
Thrakadan has a few scratches.

<955/1007hps 457m 813mv 27100tnl>
Thrakadan starts a vicious series of attacks with his swords.
Thrakadan's flurry MASSACRES you!
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry EVISCERATES you!
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry EVISCERATES you!
You manage to partially evade Thrakadan's attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry EVISCERATES you!
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
Thrakadan's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
Thrakadan has a few scratches.

<568/1007hps 457m 813mv 27100tnl> You feel righteous as you shout 'To Blaze and To Enthuse with Ardour!'
Thrakadan has a few scratches.

<568/1007hps 427m 813mv 27100tnl>
Your punch MUTILATES Thrakadan!
Thrakadan parries your punch.
Thrakadan dodges your punch.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
Thrakadan's defilement MASSACRES you!
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
Thrakadan has a few scratches.

<492/1007hps 427m 813mv 27100tnl> You pummel Thrakadan with your fists.
Your pummeling fist maims Thrakadan!
Your pummeling fist maims Thrakadan!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Thrakadan!
Your pummeling fist maims Thrakadan!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Thrakadan!
Thrakadan looks dazed from all your blows.
Thrakadan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<492/1007hps 427m 813mv 27100tnl>
Thrakadan parries your punch.
Thrakadan parries your punch.
Thrakadan parries your punch.
Thrakadan parries your punch.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
You dodge Thrakadan's defilement.
Thrakadan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<492/1007hps 427m 813mv 27100tnl> ber

Your punch EVISCERATES Thrakadan!
Thrakadan parries your punch.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
You dodge Thrakadan's defilement.
Thrakadan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<492/1007hps 427m 813mv 27100tnl>
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Thrakadan parries your punch.
Thrakadan parries your punch.
Thrakadan parries your punch.
You dodge Thrakadan's defilement.
You dodge Thrakadan's defilement.
You dodge Thrakadan's defilement.
Thrakadan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<492/1007hps 427m 813mv 27100tnl>
Thrakadan starts a vicious series of attacks with his swords.
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry EVISCERATES you!
You manage to partially evade Thrakadan's attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
You manage to partially evade Thrakadan's attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You manage to partially evade Thrakadan's attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You manage to partially evade Thrakadan's attack, but are still hit.
Thrakadan's flurry MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Thrakadan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<58/1007hps 427m 813mv 27100tnl> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Thrakadan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<160/1007hps 397m 763mv 27100tnl>
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch === OBLITERATES === Thrakadan!
Thrakadan parries your punch.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
Thrakadan's defilement DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Thrakadan is gushing blood.

<106/1007hps 397m 763mv 27100tnl> You pummel Thrakadan with your fists.
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Thrakadan!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Thrakadan!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Thrakadan!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Thrakadan!
Thrakadan looks dazed from all your blows.
Thrakadan is writhing in agony.

<106/1007hps 397m 763mv 27100tnl>
Flaerglum whispers 'you want a quick turn tykrul?'
Thrakadan is writhing in agony.

<106/1007hps 397m 763mv 27100tnl>
Thrakadan parries your punch.
Your punch EVISCERATES Thrakadan!
Thrakadan parries your punch.
Your punch EVISCERATES Thrakadan!
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
You parry Thrakadan's defilement.
You dodge Thrakadan's defilement.
Thrakadan is convulsing on the ground.

<106/1007hps 397m 763mv 27100tnl>
Tykrul looks at you.
Thrakadan is convulsing on the ground.

<106/1007hps 397m 763mv 27100tnl>
Your punch DISMEMBERS Thrakadan!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Thrakadan!
Thrakadan is DEAD!!
Thrakadan's leg is sliced from his dead body.
22669, Ragerlog13
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
more duels.

Tykrul Duel to writhing after having killed too many villagers.

<1042/1042hps 361m 815mv 27100tnl> war
You weaken Tykrul with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area maims Tykrul!
Tykrul yells 'Help! Broghelan punched me!'
Tykrul has a few scratches.

<1042/1042hps 361m 815mv 27100tnl>
Tykrul brings the flaming sceptre of Chaos around with bone-shattering force!
Tykrul's bone-shattering blow EVISCERATES you!
Tykrul has a few scratches.

<991/1042hps 361m 815mv 27100tnl>
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
You dodge Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul delivers a blow of deadly force!
Tykrul's wrath >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul has a few scratches.

<734/1042hps 361m 815mv 27100tnl> You feel righteous as you shout 'To Blaze and To Enthuse with Ardour!'
Tykrul has a few scratches.

<734/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl>
Tykrul's wrath MUTILATES you!
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Your punch MASSACRES Tykrul!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch <<< ERADICATES >>> Tykrul!
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is covered with bleeding wounds.

<697/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl>
Kackrik yells 'Fight fight!'
You pummel Tykrul with your fists.
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Tykrul!
Tykrul looks dazed from all your blows.
You leave Tykrul visibly battered and bruised.
Tykrul is writhing in agony.

<697/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> Kackrik yells 'Har har'
Tykrul is writhing in agony.

<697/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl>
Tykrul's wrath EVISCERATES you!
Tykrul delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is writhing in agony.

<650/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> fl
Tykrul spins the shaft of an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer', hitting you with its points.
Tykrul's whirling axe EVISCERATES you!
Tykrul is writhing in agony.

<598/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> flee

Tykrul's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul's wrath EVISCERATES you!
Tykrul's wrath MUTILATES you!
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is writhing in agony.

<454/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl>
Tykrul's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul's wrath MUTILATES you!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Your punch MANGLES Tykrul!
Tykrul is convulsing on the ground.

<373/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> Tykrul gets in one more shot as you flee.
Tykrul's parting blow DISMEMBERS you!
Blood Square

You flee from combat!

2nd fight, again to writhing.

<1042/1042hps 352m 810mv 27100tnl> war
Tykrul drives his axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
A spray of blood erupts from your wounds!
Tykrul's brutal attack DISMEMBERS you!
Tykrul's brutal attack DISMEMBERS you!
You yell 'Help! Tykrul is trying to hack me to pieces!'
Tykrul is in perfect health.

<926/1042hps 352m 810mv 27100tnl> war;
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul's caustic slime EVISCERATES you!
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
You parry Tykrul's caustic slime.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul parries your punch.
Tykrul is in perfect health.

<881/1042hps 352m 810mv 27100tnl> war;

You dodge Tykrul's wrath.
You dodge Tykrul's caustic slime.
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is in perfect health.

<881/1042hps 352m 810mv 27100tnl> > You feel righteous as you shout 'To Blaze and To Enthuse with Ardour!'
You have become better at warcry!
Tykrul is in perfect health.

<881/1042hps 322m 810mv 27100tnl> You pummel Tykrul with your fists.
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist MASSACRES Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Tykrul!
Tykrul looks dazed from all your blows.
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
You dodge Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Your punch MASSACRES Tykrul!
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is covered with bleeding wounds.

<881/1042hps 322m 810mv 27100tnl>
You dodge Tykrul's wrath.
You dodge Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul's caustic slime EVISCERATES you!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is covered with bleeding wounds.

<842/1042hps 326m 815mv 27100tnl>
Tykrul drives his axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
Tykrul's brutal attack DISMEMBERS you!
Tykrul's brutal attack MASSACRES you!
Tykrul is covered with bleeding wounds.

<711/1042hps 326m 815mv 27100tnl>
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Your punch EVISCERATES Tykrul!
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is covered with bleeding wounds.

<711/1042hps 326m 815mv 27100tnl>
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul's caustic slime MUTILATES you!
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is covered with bleeding wounds.

<669/1042hps 326m 815mv 27100tnl> You pummel Tykrul with your fists.
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Tykrul!
Tykrul is gushing blood.

<669/1042hps 326m 815mv 27100tnl> ber

You dodge Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul's caustic slime EVISCERATES you!
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul parries your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Your punch MUTILATES Tykrul!
Tykrul is gushing blood.

<619/1042hps 326m 815mv 27100tnl>
Tykrul gets a wild look in his eyes.
Tykrul is covered with bleeding wounds.

<619/1042hps 326m 815mv 27100tnl>
You dodge Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is covered with bleeding wounds.

<619/1042hps 326m 815mv 27100tnl>
Tykrul spins the shaft of an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer', hitting you with its points.
Tykrul's whirling axe MASSACRES you!
Tykrul is covered with bleeding wounds.

<553/1042hps 326m 815mv 27100tnl>
You dodge Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul's caustic slime DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is covered with bleeding wounds.

<492/1042hps 326m 815mv 27100tnl> Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Tykrul is covered with bleeding wounds.

<594/1042hps 296m 765mv 27100tnl>
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
You parry Tykrul's caustic slime.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Your punch EVISCERATES Tykrul!
Tykrul is gushing blood.

<594/1042hps 296m 765mv 27100tnl> You pummel Tykrul with your fists.
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Tykrul!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Tykrul!
Tykrul looks dazed from all your blows.
Tykrul is writhing in agony.

<594/1042hps 296m 765mv 27100tnl>
Tykrul's wrath misses you.
Tykrul's caustic slime DISMEMBERS you!
Tykrul's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is writhing in agony.

<486/1042hps 296m 765mv 27100tnl> flee
Tykrul tries some fancy axe-work, but is only partially successful.
Tykrul's brutal attack misses you.
Tykrul's brutal attack DISMEMBERS you!
Tykrul is writhing in agony.

<428/1042hps 296m 765mv 27100tnl> flee

Tykrul's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Tykrul's caustic slime.
You parry Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul's caustic slime EVISCERATES you!
Tykrul parries your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is writhing in agony.

<321/1042hps 296m 765mv 27100tnl>
Tykrul's wrath EVISCERATES you!
Tykrul delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Tykrul's caustic slime.
Tykrul delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge Tykrul's wrath.
You dodge Tykrul's wrath.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul dodges your punch.
Tykrul is writhing in agony.

<282/1042hps 303m 815mv 27100tnl> You strain a bit and barely manage to fit through the skull-covered doors.
An enormous, skull-covered hut

You flee from combat!
22671, Ragerlog14
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Poison thief duel.
Cut out the long wait while he got me all set up as I slept. After seeing what was happening, my plan was to get to a room with only one exit to limit the chances of the fear making me flee. Then it was a case of waiting for the sudden rush of knowledge.

Flaerglum's backstab >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you!
That really did HURT!
You strain a bit and barely manage to fit through the skull-covered doors.
An enormous, skull-covered hut

Slathigern has arrived.
You flee from combat!

<775/1042hps 387m 812mv 27100tnl> ber
cal resiHuh?

<775/1042hps 387m 812mv 27100tnl> cal resi
You feel tough!

<775/1042hps 337m 812mv 27100tnl>
Slathigern looks at you.

<775/1042hps 337m 812mv 27100tnl> ber
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<877/1042hps 307m 762mv 27100tnl> n
You strain a bit and barely manage to fit through The skull-covered doors.
The circle of rites

A large mammoth tusk sits here upon the ground.
(Glowing) A ring of lighted torches circles this arena.
A lifeless corpse swings here, a dark silhouette against the moonlit sky.
(WANTED) Juktar is sleeping here.
Slathigern has arrived.

<877/1042hps 307m 760mv 27100tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The circle of rites
(PK) Slathigern The circle of rites
(PK) Juktar The circle of rites

<877/1042hps 307m 760mv 27100tnl>
Slathigern tells the group 'This will not do in the Rites.'

<877/1042hps 307m 760mv 27100tnl>
Fear envelops you!
You say 'Where are they? I know they are behind me!'

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> They aren't here.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan The circle of rites
(PK) Slathigern The circle of rites
(PK) Juktar The circle of rites

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> They aren't here.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> They aren't here.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> They aren't here.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> drink tin
You drink scotch whiskey from an engraved tin flask.
You feel tipsy.
You do not feel thirsty.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> Flaerglum steps out of the shadows.
Flaerglum suggests you to 'wear 2.flail'.
You wield a flail of Pestilence.
A flail of Pestilence feels like a part of you!
You suddenly clutch your head and stagger about in pain.

<898/1052hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> Huh?
Juktar wakes up and starts resting.

<898/1052hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> rem flail
mYou stop using a flail of Pestilence.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> m
They aren't here.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> af
Juktar stands up.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'neurological poison' modifies dexterity by -6 for 29 hours.
Skill: 'mind control poison' for 14 hours.
Skill: 'fear poison' for 12 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 5 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 0 hours.
Juktar looks more enlightened.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> They aren't here.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl>
Juktar sits down and rests.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> They aren't here.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl> They aren't here.

<898/1042hps 316m 811mv 27100tnl>
Flaerglum steps out of the shadows.
Flaerglum drives his dagger into your side!
Flaerglum's knifing MUTILATES you!
Blood Square

Slathigern has arrived.
You flee from combat!
You yell 'Ouch!'

<860/1042hps 316m 808mv 27100tnl> They aren't here.

<860/1042hps 316m 808mv 27100tnl> They aren't here.

<860/1042hps 316m 808mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<860/1042hps 316m 808mv 27100tnl> They aren't here.
You feel less resistant to magic.
The poison tears your memory away.
You scratch at your eyes and howl in frustration.Fear envelops you!

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl>
Juktar has arrived.

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> l
Blood Square
The dark skies glitter with distant stars as the light of the moon gives
this square an auburn hue. You can barely see the cracked ground, marked
by what appears to be blood. The depth of the darkness increases further
north, while to the west a soft light comes from a secluded hut. From the
south drifts plumes of smoke, rising into the dark night skies. The main
path of the village continues east, leading toward a number of torch-lit
huts. The square is all but deserted, and the absence of barbarians and
their young leaves this square seeming ghostly. There is no sound but the
whisper of the wind to bring you company.

(WANTED) Slathigern is here.

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> s

Flaerglum steps out of the shadows.
Flaerglum suggests you to 'wear flail'.
You wield a three-headed flail of dark steel.
A three-headed flail of dark steel feels like a part of you!
Pain grips your stomach as you retch your guts out.
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> r
Slathigern: A shame you won't have this time in a Rites.

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> rem flail
afYou stop using a three-headed flail of dark steel.

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'emetic poison' for 40 hours.
Skill: 'neurological poison' modifies dexterity by -6 for 28 hours.
Skill: 'mind control poison' for 13 hours.
Skill: 'fear poison' for 11 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'neurological poison' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'forget' for 1 hours.

<877/1042hps 331m 815mv 27100tnl> say oh great,
Flaerglum steps out of the shadows.
Flaerglum drives his dagger into your side!
Flaerglum's knifing MUTILATES you!
The War Room

A large iron key lies here.
A large shiny steel key, set with a ruby, lies here.
Slathigern has arrived.
Juktar has arrived.
You flee from combat!
You yell 'Ouch!'

<835/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> say oh great
Flaerglum has arrived.

<835/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> say oh great

Flaerglum drives his dagger into your side!
Flaerglum's knifing decimates you!
Alas, you cannot go that way.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
You yell 'Help! Flaerglum knifed me!'
You say 'oh great'
Flaerglum is in perfect health.

<810/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> You are in too much danger to think of killing!
Flaerglum is in perfect health.

<810/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> Huh?
Flaerglum is in perfect health.

<810/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> Huh?
Flaerglum is in perfect health.

<810/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl>
Flaerglum's poisonous bite decimates you!
Alas, you cannot go that way.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
You parry Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch === OBLITERATES === Flaerglum!
Flaerglum dodges your punch.
Flaerglum dodges your punch.
Flaerglum has some small but disgusting cuts.

<782/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> Huh?
Flaerglum has some small but disgusting cuts.

<782/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> You get in one more shot on Flaerglum as he flees.
Your parting blow DISMEMBERS Flaerglum!
Flaerglum leaves east.
Flaerglum has fled!

<782/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl>
Slathigern looks at you.

<782/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl>
Flaerglum has arrived.

<782/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl>
Flaerglum drives his dagger into your side!
Flaerglum's knifing EVISCERATES you!
Alas, you cannot go that way.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
You yell 'Help! Flaerglum knifed me!'
You parry Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
You parry Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
You dodge Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
Flaerglum parries your punch.
Flaerglum parries your punch.
Flaerglum dodges your punch.
Flaerglum has some small but disgusting cuts.

<731/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> Huh?
Flaerglum has some small but disgusting cuts.

<731/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> Huh?
Flaerglum has some small but disgusting cuts.

<731/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> pum
You parry Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
You dodge Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
Your punch DISMEMBERS Flaerglum!
Flaerglum dodges your punch.
Flaerglum dodges your punch.
Flaerglum is covered with bleeding wounds.

<731/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> pumm
You get in one more shot on Flaerglum as he flees.
Your parting blow EVISCERATES Flaerglum!
Flaerglum leaves south.
Flaerglum has fled!

<731/1042hps 331m 812mv 27100tnl> pumm

Pain grips your stomach as you retch your guts out!
A convulsion wracks your body as you project the contents of your stomach at the ground!
Your retching and nausea decimates you!
Fear envelops you!
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Alas, you cannot go that way.
You yell 'I must get away! I must RUN!'
Your thirst grazes you.
Your hunger grazes you.

<704/1042hps 318m 789mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<704/1042hps 318m 789mv 27100tnl> af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'emetic poison' for 39 hours.
Skill: 'neurological poison' modifies dexterity by -6 for 27 hours.
Skill: 'mind control poison' for 12 hours.
Skill: 'fear poison' for 10 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'neurological poison' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'forget' for 0 hours.

<704/1042hps 318m 789mv 27100tnl> Flaerglum has arrived.

<704/1042hps 318m 789mv 27100tnl>
Slathigern looks at Flaerglum.

<704/1042hps 318m 789mv 27100tnl> Huh?

<704/1042hps 318m 789mv 27100tnl>
Flaerglum drives his dagger into your side!
Flaerglum's knifing DISMEMBERS you!
Alas, you cannot go that way.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Poison creeps into your body from a sharp, yellowed fang.
You feel very sick.
You yell 'Help! Flaerglum knifed me!'
Flaerglum is covered with bleeding wounds.

<649/1042hps 318m 789mv 27100tnl>
You parry Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
Flaerglum's poisonous bite maims you!
Alas, you cannot go that way.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
You parry Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
Flaerglum dodges your punch.
Flaerglum dodges your punch.
Flaerglum is covered with bleeding wounds.

<616/1042hps 318m 789mv 27100tnl>
Slathigern tells the group 'Your winning.'
Flaerglum is covered with bleeding wounds.

<616/1042hps 318m 789mv 27100tnl>
You get in one more shot on Flaerglum as he flees.
Your parting blow DISMEMBERS Flaerglum!
Flaerglum leaves east.
Flaerglum has fled!

<616/1042hps 318m 789mv 27100tnl> tat
Flaerglum has arrived.

<616/1042hps 318m 789mv 27100tnl> tat

Flaerglum drives his dagger into your side!
Flaerglum's knifing EVISCERATES you!
Blood Square

Slathigern has arrived.
Juktar has arrived.
You flee from combat!
You yell 'Ouch!'

<568/1042hps 318m 787mv 27100tnl> You must be in the throes of battle to invoke the power of Lorhan.

<568/1042hps 318m 787mv 27100tnl> af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'emetic poison' for 39 hours.
Skill: 'neurological poison' modifies dexterity by -6 for 27 hours.
Skill: 'mind control poison' for 12 hours.
Skill: 'fear poison' for 10 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'neurological poison' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'forget' for 0 hours.

<568/1042hps 318m 787mv 27100tnl> s
Before a strangely illuminated pillar

A towering pillar of stone is erected here, illuminated by the moon.
Slathigern has arrived.
Juktar has arrived.

<568/1042hps 318m 784mv 27100tnl>
Slathigern looks at you.

<568/1042hps 318m 784mv 27100tnl> e
A broken path of stones

( 2) A pickaxe made for the miners of Blingdenstone lies at your feet.
Firelight dances across this rack of weapons.
Slathigern has arrived.
Juktar has arrived.

<568/1042hps 318m 781mv 27100tnl> n
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<568/1042hps 318m 781mv 27100tnl>
The rain ceases.

<568/1042hps 318m 781mv 27100tnl> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<568/1042hps 318m 781mv 27100tnl> s
aBefore the pillar of legends

A towering pillar of stone stands here, casting its shadow down upon you.
Slathigern has arrived.
Juktar has arrived.

<568/1042hps 318m 779mv 27100tnl> af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'emetic poison' for 39 hours.
Skill: 'neurological poison' modifies dexterity by -6 for 27 hours.
Skill: 'mind control poison' for 12 hours.
Skill: 'fear poison' for 10 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'neurological poison' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'forget' for 0 hours.

<568/1042hps 318m 779mv 27100tnl> l

You are hungry.
You are starving!
You are thirsty.
You are dying of thirst!
You feel a sudden rush of knowledge.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison wounds you.
Pain grips your stomach as you retch your guts out!
Your retching and nausea decimates you!
Fear envelops you!
A blood-stained path through the village

Slathigern has arrived.
Juktar has arrived.
Among the barbaric huts

Slathigern has arrived.
Juktar has arrived.
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Alas, you cannot go that way.
You say 'Help me! For all that is sacred to you HELP ME!'
Your thirst grazes you.
Your hunger grazes you.

<509/1042hps 292m 749mv 27100tnl> sAmong the barbaric huts
The village looks different from this perspective than it did standing on
the hill. For one thing, it is obvious how different the huts are from one
another; some are sturdy, stone-framed dwellings, others are thatched oak,
and still others little more than tarpaulins on a tent-pole held down by
rocks. Another thing is the smell, and the decor. Each hut has in front of
it a trophy -- a testament to the prowess of the one who dwells within.
While some trophies are animal in nature -- several wolf skulls here, a
gargantuan bear-pelt cloak there -- others are (or were) obviously human.
Most of the humanoid corpses are wrapped in flowing robes, often decorated
in archaic runes. All trophies are in various states of decay, and the
odor can get a little overpowering at times.

(WANTED) Juktar is here.
(WANTED) Slathigern is here.

<509/1042hps 292m 749mv 27100tnl> s
A blood-stained path through the village

Slathigern has arrived.
Juktar has arrived.

<509/1042hps 292m 747mv 27100tnl> af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'emetic poison' for 38 hours.
Skill: 'neurological poison' modifies dexterity by -6 for 26 hours.
Skill: 'mind control poison' for 11 hours.
Skill: 'fear poison' for 9 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 2 hours.

<509/1042hps 292m 747mv 27100tnl> whe
People near you:
(PK) Broghelan A blood-stained path through the village
(PK) Slathigern A blood-stained path through the village
(PK) Juktar A blood-stained path through the village

<509/1042hps 292m 747mv 27100tnl> w
An herb-covered hearth

(Glowing) The smouldering cinder ashes of a fire are here.
Confidently observing you is a tall avian adorned with multiple weapons.
Slathigern has arrived.
Juktar has arrived.

<509/1042hps 292m 745mv 27100tnl>
Juktar glances at Flaerglum.

<509/1042hps 292m 745mv 27100tnl>
Flaerglum drives his dagger into your side!
Flaerglum's knifing devastates you!
Alas, you cannot go that way.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
You yell 'Help! Flaerglum knifed me!'
Flaerglum is covered with bleeding wounds.

<479/1042hps 292m 745mv 27100tnl>
You parry Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
You parry Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
Flaerglum dodges your punch.
Flaerglum dodges your punch.
Your punch EVISCERATES Flaerglum!
Flaerglum is covered with bleeding wounds.

<479/1042hps 292m 745mv 27100tnl>
Juktar glances at Flaerglum.
Flaerglum is covered with bleeding wounds.

<479/1042hps 292m 745mv 27100tnl> You pummel Flaerglum with your fists.
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Flaerglum!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Flaerglum!
Your pummeling fist MUTILATES Flaerglum!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Flaerglum!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Flaerglum!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Flaerglum!
Flaerglum looks dazed from all your blows.
You leave Flaerglum visibly battered and bruised.
Flaerglum is writhing in agony.

<479/1042hps 292m 745mv 27100tnl>
Slathigern looks at Flaerglum.
Flaerglum is writhing in agony.

<479/1042hps 292m 745mv 27100tnl>
You parry Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
You parry Flaerglum's poisonous bite.
Flaerglum's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
Your punch MASSACRES Flaerglum!
Flaerglum dodges your punch.
Flaerglum dodges your punch.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Flaerglum!
Flaerglum is DEAD!!
Flaerglum's severed head plops on the ground.

<441/1042hps 292m 745mv 27100tnl> say it is over
22672, Ragerlog15
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Another duel.

Duel with mauchelle.

<1042/1052hps 327m 807mv 27100tnl>
Mauchelle says 'Do you want to begin?'
You lash out with a flail of Pestilence and wrap it around Mauchelle's neck!
Mauchelle passes out from the choking hold of a flail of Pestilence!

<1042/1052hps 327m 807mv 27100tnl>
You feel your pulse slow down.

<1052/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl> You manage to wrap a flail of Pestilence around Mauchelle's weapon, stripping it from his paw!
The flaming sceptre of Chaos comes flying at you and you manage to catch it!
Mauchelle yells 'Help! Broghelan just stripped my weapon from me!'
Mauchelle is in perfect health.

<1052/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl>
Flaerglum tells you 'well wielded anyway'
Mauchelle is in perfect health.

<1052/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl>
Mauchelle lands a stunning blow on you and you pass out!

<1052/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl> In your dreams, or what?

<1052/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl> af
You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'mental knife' modifies wisdom by -7 for 14 hours.
Physical malady: 'mental knife' modifies intelligence by -7 for 14 hours.
Song: 'galadriel' modifies save vs spell by -18 for 13 hours.
Song: 'galadriel' modifies hit roll by 9 for 13 hours.
Physical malady: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 7 for 9 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 7 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'stun' for 3 hours.
Physical malady: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 11 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'drunk' modifies dexterity by -2 for -1 hours.

<1052/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl> i
You are carrying:
the flaming sceptre of Chaos
an engraved tin flask
a two-handed black sword
a long hollow tube
a large saddle bag
a sword with a wickedly serrated blade

<1052/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl>
the Destructor: Zhelrantix has joined us in the fray of battle.

<1052/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl> cb hell
Mauchelle's blow to a vital area injures you.
You yell 'Help! Mauchelle punched me!'
Mauchelle is in perfect health.

<1036/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl> cb hello
Broghelan: hello
Mauchelle is in perfect health.

<1036/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl> You reach out and jab the handle of a flail of Pestilence into Mauchelle's eyes!
Your eye jab grazes Mauchelle.
Mauchelle is in perfect health.

<1036/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl>
You dodge Mauchelle's claw.
Mauchelle's claw wounds you.
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
Your wrath EVISCERATES Mauchelle!
Mauchelle dodges your pound.
Mauchelle dodges your wrath.
Mauchelle has a few scratches.

<1018/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl>
Correllia: hello
Mauchelle has a few scratches.

<1018/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl> rem flail
rem flail

Zhelrantix: Greetings, kin.
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
Mauchelle delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
Mauchelle dodges your wrath.
Mauchelle dodges your wrath.
Mauchelle has a few scratches.

<1018/1052hps 339m 815mv 27100tnl> You stop using a flail of Pestilence.
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
Mauchelle parries your pound.
Mauchelle dodges your pound.
Mauchelle dodges your pound.
Mauchelle has a few scratches.

<1030/1042hps 347m 815mv 27100tnl> Mauchelle pummels you with his fists.
Mauchelle's pummeling fist injures you.
Mauchelle's pummeling fist wounds you.
Mauchelle's pummeling fist mauls you.
You stop using a three-headed flail of dark steel.
Mauchelle has a few scratches.

<970/1042hps 347m 815mv 27100tnl> You feel righteous as you shout 'To Blaze and To Enthuse with Ardour!'
Mauchelle has a few scratches.

<970/1042hps 317m 815mv 27100tnl> You pummel Mauchelle with your fists.
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Mauchelle!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Mauchelle!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Mauchelle!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Mauchelle!
Your pummeling fist DISMEMBERS Mauchelle!
Your pummeling fist EVISCERATES Mauchelle!
Mauchelle looks dazed from all your blows.
You leave Mauchelle visibly battered and bruised.
Mauchelle is covered with bleeding wounds.

<970/1042hps 317m 815mv 27100tnl>
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
Mauchelle delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge Mauchelle's claw.
Mauchelle parries your punch.
Mauchelle dodges your punch.
Your punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Mauchelle!
Mauchelle is covered with bleeding wounds.

<970/1042hps 317m 815mv 27100tnl>
Zhelrantix: Damned, the Village is full.
Mauchelle is covered with bleeding wounds.

<970/1042hps 317m 815mv 27100tnl>
Mauchelle's claw wounds you.
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
Mauchelle parries your punch.
Mauchelle dodges your punch.
Your punch MASSACRES Mauchelle!
Mauchelle parries your punch.
Mauchelle is gushing blood.

<951/1042hps 317m 815mv 27100tnl>
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
You parry Mauchelle's claw.
You dodge Mauchelle's claw.
Mauchelle parries your punch.
Your punch MASSACRES Mauchelle!
Your punch MANGLES Mauchelle!
Your punch MANGLES Mauchelle!
Mauchelle is writhing in agony.

<951/1042hps 317m 815mv 27100tnl>
Mauchelle growls.
Mauchelle is writhing in agony.

<951/1042hps 317m 815mv 27100tnl> You pummel Mauchelle with your fists.
Your pummeling fist MASSACRES Mauchelle!
You get in one more shot on Mauchelle as he flees.
Your parting blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Mauchelle!
Mauchelle is DEAD!!
Mauchelle's tail is sliced from his dead body.

NO more logs I dont think.
22674, This log is actually highly amusing, IMMs..
Posted by Nightgauntish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fire giant hand spec hits the sword specs 7 times.

Sword spec hits....twice.

Only counted in normal combat of course. No idea of legacies involved, but still kinda funny is it not?
22675, RE: This log is actually highly amusing, IMMs..
Posted by Evil Geniuss on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This kind of thing did confuse me when Zulgh claimed he snorted coke on his keyboard at the idea that h2h specs were mental.
22676, 7 to 3, and I knew I was right.
Posted by Dallevianish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to see a log of an axe spec fighting Thrak. I wonder if the axe would land more than hand. Granted, the axe wouldn't defend at all.
22673, Ragerlog9 part3
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 1 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'poultice' for 0 hours.

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
(PK) Kiktchrak Rolling Foothills
Mogalliano Rolling Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
(PK) Kiktchrak Rolling Foothills
Mogalliano Rugged Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
Mogalliano Rugged Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
Mogalliano Rolling Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 7 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 7 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 3 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 1 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'poultice' for 0 hours.

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl>

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Vast Plains
(PK) Kiktchrak Rugged Foothills
Mogalliano Rocky Plains
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<863/1086hps 333m 531mv 21957tnl> scan all
Your poultice loses its effectiveness.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Rugged Foothills
(PK) Kiktchrak Rugged Foothills
Mogalliano Rocky Plains
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> scan a
Koide scans north.
Koide scans south.
Koide scans east.
Koide scans west.
Koide scans up.
Koide scans down.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Rolling Foothills
(PK) Kiktchrak Rolling Foothills
Mogalliano Rocky Plains
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> af
You are affected by:
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies dexterity by -7 for 6 hours.
Physical malady: 'whirl' modifies strength by -7 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 5 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 2 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 0 hours.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> s
Koide looks at you.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> People near you:
Lorthieral Rugged Foothills
(PK) Kiktchrak Rolling Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> say next hour if you could
You say 'next hour if you could'

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> People near you:
(PK) Kiktchrak Rugged Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> sc
Koide scans north.
Koide scans south.
Koide scans east.
Koide scans west.
Koide scans up.
Koide scans down.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> scan all
You scan north.
***** Range 2 *****
(Ghost) Lorthieral is here.

You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl>
Koide nods.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Rolling Foothills
(PK) Kiktchrak Rugged Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> whe
sPeople near you:
Lorthieral Rolling Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Rugged Foothills
(PK) Kiktchrak Rugged Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> whe
scaPeople near you:
Lorthieral Rolling Foothills
(PK) Kiktchrak Rugged Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> whe

Koide scans north.
Koide scans south.
Koide scans east.
Koide scans west.
Koide scans up.
Koide scans down.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl>
Mogalliano tells you 'His weapons cursed?'
People near you:
Lorthieral Rugged Foothills
(PK) Kiktchrak Rugged Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl>
Koide scans east.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl>
Koide says 'East o here'

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Rugged Foothills
(PK) Kiktchrak Rolling Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> scab e

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> scan e
You scan east.

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> whe
People near you:
Lorthieral Rolling Foothills
(PK) Kiktchrak Rolling Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<896/1086hps 352m 587mv 21957tnl> whe
Your bandages lose their effectiveness.
You feel less resistant to magic.

<923/1086hps 382m 643mv 21957tnl> whe

Koide scans east.

<923/1086hps 382m 643mv 21957tnl> stPeople near you:
Lorthieral Rolling Foothills
(PK) Kiktchrak Rolling Foothills
(PK) Broghelan Rolling Foothills
Koide Rolling Foothills

<923/1086hps 382m 643mv 21957tnl> st
cal You stand up.

<923/1086hps 382m 643mv 21957tnl> cal spell
Kiktchrak has arrived.

<923/1086hps 382m 643mv 21957tnl> cal spell
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<923/1086hps 332m 643mv 21957tnl> Kiktchrak drives his axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
Kiktchrak's brutal attack EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak's brutal attack EVISCERATES you!
You yell 'Help! Kiktchrak is trying to hack me to pieces!'
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<824/1086hps 332m 643mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You parry Kiktchrak's wrath.
Kiktchrak's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Kiktchrak parries your punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<720/1086hps 332m 643mv 21957tnl>
Lorthieral scans north.
Lorthieral scans south.
Lorthieral scans east.
Lorthieral scans west.
Lorthieral scans up.
Lorthieral scans down.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<720/1086hps 332m 643mv 21957tnl> tat

Kiktchrak's wrath EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak's wrath EVISCERATES you!
Kiktchrak's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge Kiktchrak's wrath.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<565/1086hps 332m 643mv 21957tnl>
You steel your courage against the current challenges and your inspiration lifts!
A warm feeling fills your body.
Kiktchrak is in perfect health.

<718/1086hps 332m 643mv 21957tnl> You pummel Kiktchrak with your fists.
Your pummeling fist MANGLES Kiktchrak!
Your pummeling fist MANGLES Kiktchrak!
Your pummeling fist *** DEMOLISHES *** Kiktchrak!
Your pummeling fist *** DEMOLISHES *** Kiktchrak!
Your pummeling fist MANGLES Kiktchrak!
Kiktchrak looks dazed from all your blows.
Kiktchrak is covered with bleeding wounds.

<718/1086hps 332m 643mv 21957tnl>
Kiktchrak's wrath misses you.
Kiktchrak's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your punch does UNSPEAKABLE things to Kiktchrak!
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Kiktchrak dodges your punch.
Your punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Kiktchrak!
Kiktchrak is DEAD!!
Kiktchrak's leg is sliced from his dead body.

<669/1086hps 332m 643mv 21957tnl>
Lorthieral is burned by the dagger of betrayal and drops it.
Lorthieral's burning hands scratches her.
Lorthieral is burned by an Arkham signet ring and drops it.
Lorthieral's burning hands scratches her.
Lorthieral is burned by an ulrician belt and drops it.
Lorthieral's burning hands scratches her.
Lorthieral is burned by a Talisman of Strength and drops it.
Lorthieral's burning hands scratches her.
Lorthieral is burned by a Talisman of Strength and drops it.
Lorthieral's burning hands scratches her.
Lorthieral is burned by a two-headed pickaxe with tips of diamond and drops it.
Lorthieral's burning hands scratches her.
Lorthieral's burning hands devastates her!
Lorthieral is burned by a fire opal ring and drops it.
Lorthieral's burning hands scratches her.

I hate it when some little whore steals a worthy opponnents stuff.
22677, Farewell you drunk
Posted by Juktar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A great villager through and through. We had some good times together, be it raiding, defending, or just running around grabbing things. You should have stuck it out to help clear the village of any riff raff. Just by looking at your "dueling" logs, you could have helped more than a few towards a fast con-death. }(
22709, RE: Rage at indifference not death.
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am sorry you thought I got a bit ineffective... I also was hopin you
would stick around and fight in the rites. From the first time I
spoke with you, I loved your char, very knowlageable and an incredable
fighter, I even thought of you as Zhelrantix's equal though I saw
much more of him thus he became captain. truthfully my times were cut
pretty harsh thus why I am stepping down, also the Holidays comming up
with preperations for a little vaycay. I hardly ever got to fight
along side you though I herd alot of your fights and they always made
me smile I hope my preformance has not left you with a bad taste in your
mouth because the village does well with warriors like you inside.

My Hat Tips.
22727, No worries there.
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw you wane as a commander and your ooc life was obviously the reason. You actively inducted and I liked you as a commander but just got a little frustrated at the Empire pact and their taking advantage of it towards your waned last few hours. It was and is my only criticism as you were a great commander. One of the best in recent times. I have no doubt there will be more opportunities for us to fight alongside each other...but who knows.