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Topic subject(DELETED) [HERALD]Inzae the Baroness of Storms
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22560
22560, (DELETED) [HERALD]Inzae the Baroness of Storms
Posted by Inzae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, 350 hours put into that character was quite a long time. But, it was time well-wasted I suppose. I knew she was never going to get anywhere worthwhile, so I'll just let her slip into the darkness, leaving the youthful and prosperous people to continue as if nothing had ever happened.

It started out fine enough, but a series of setbacks put me into situations that limited what I wanted to do. Ultimately, it's about enjoying the game for what it is. When an integral part of that game is lost, and you'll have to do much more to gain it back, it becomes a situation where you just ask yourself, "What's the point?" --- So ultimately, I sat at rank 32 for the last 150 hours of my life.

What really was odd was that I spent what seemed like almost 200 hours trying to get into the Heralds. By the time that I did get in, I was so unenthused with it, that I was always on the verge of getting kicked out for lack of effort. Oh well, them's the breaks.

I made a lot of enemies, and got a lot of what I wanted through very lusty means. Hey, it worked, and people played along with it, so no big deal really. It was a chance for me to be a different personality, someone that I would be in bizarro-world. I think I've had my taste of it, and know now that it's not the way to get places in CF. To all of my cronies, henchmen, goons, contacts, informative folks, thanks a bunch for your efforts.

I can't really go into specific goodbyes, so I'll just post the "post your comment here and I'll reply" sorta deal. Anyone that wants anything said, post here.

It'll be a good long while before I roll up another character. I came back after a long 2-year hiatus, and am still unsure if I wish to continue. To those that helped me, kudos, to those that hurt me, kudos.

Inzae Wick/Gaenia
23862, RE: (DELETED) [HERALD]Inzae the Baroness of Storms
Posted by Azkerria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Azkerria was pretty upset when she found out you were gone. What was the worst was she waited around for about a week before finally askin' Soucivi if she had seen you at all, and Soucivi said you had fallen. So Azkerria shaved off all her fur to show her mourning. Sorry this comment has come so late after you fell, but Azkerria finally fell the other day, too. You were one of Azzie's first friends she gained on carrions, and also the first she lost; so in a lot of ways you were an important person in her world. Again, sorry for the delay in bidding you adeu...
22644, I thought you were an interesting character.
Posted by Beltantis. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was never sure quite what to make of you and being the type of character Beltantis is, he was both unsettled and suspicious of you at first then he thought more of you as something that was part of what he was 'missing out on' due to his career choices. Anyway, your presence as a whole certainly helped flesh out B's personality and give him a different perspective.

Well done.
22648, RE: I thought you were an interesting character.
Posted by Inzae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the compliment! In the end, it was a curious thing that I chose to question your system of beliefs. It was great to know that I got the kind of character I wanted to, to make it really come across as something suspicious. Only a few people ever kept suspicion when concerning what she was doing and why she was doing it. The rest seemed to blissfully follow along. But Beltantis always seemed really well-set, except for a few moments here and there.

Well done, and I enjoyed our interactions -- Be safe and live long!
22636, Well done. nt
Posted by Halaquith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
22649, Thanks, nt
Posted by Inzae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
22588, RE: (DELETED) [HERALD]Inzae the Baroness of Storms
Posted by Kackrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For all the things between our characters, I certainly enjoyed interacting! I guess I see why you deleted, I always wondered why you were stuck on 32 for so long.. but ah well, as you say, thats the brickz.

Perhaps you'll come back as PK monster and really learn to enjoy the game because in all honesty, thats what this game is about.

Have fun and hopefully see you again!
22596, RE: (DELETED) [HERALD]Inzae the Baroness of Storms
Posted by Inzae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was never made to be a PK'er, I think I might have to give it a try if I decide to make another character.

Kackrik was always a great guy to have around. It was always interesting to have you at the Inn, cursing up a storm and telling folks off. Not to mention I've never seen a duergar's skin turn that color before ;)

Thanks for all your help, I needed it!
22585, RE: (DELETED) [HERALD]Inzae the Baroness of Storms
Posted by Folorad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, Folorad liked Inzae but Mossi more or less forbade him from interacting with her. I thought you had solid RP though and it would have been fun to interact with you a bit more. Oh well, hopefully Folorad will run into your next character sometime.
22586, RE: (DELETED) [HERALD]Inzae the Baroness of Storms
Posted by Inzae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeppers, the whole "hiring someone out to kill me" sorta thing would inhibit interaction between myself and the person's husband. Such is life in CF I suppose. It was rather fun making appearances that I was after Folorad, if simply to see Mossi's reaction.

It was a bit mean, but I think she knew I was kidding. Anyhow, enjoy your remaining years!
22577, Night
Posted by Careron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
slut = free gear from other lovesick (and less intelligent) adventurers. Should have taken advantage of that even if you had no specs.

Nice to interact with, and depth I've not seen or enjoyed in over six months. Even though there's just something about people that make them see a lowbie Herald and want them dead. Maybe it's the bouncers(who will become MUCH less effective as more transies pop up) that add to the challenge since many of them never leave the Inn once they're satisfied with a level they're at. But I'm willing to bet it's the RP or complete inability to take anything seriously. Yours didn't do that, to me at least. Plus you seemed to understand why I was annoyed with most of the people around me. The rest of the players ignore it or get worked up over it.

Hope to find you among the sea of players again soon.

22579, RE: Night
Posted by Inzae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seems like a rather crude thing to do. But hey, a little kissy-kissy can get you 150 gold, a good set of armor, and a friend for life.

To tell the truth, I really didn't like having my skills stripped, I mean, I thought I had conveyed the fact that I was going to lie to those that wished to change me, but I still found them gone. So, I stayed mad, and let them have their way. Clip my wings, I'll sit around, must have had some reason for doing it. Either that or they simply didn't see that little bit of RP beforehand.

Oh well.

Careron was always a neat fellow. Reminded me alot of the older players and the veterans hanging around way back. Sometimes the best RP isn't the people with the quirks and the outrageous backgrounds, but it's the simplicity and the eloquence of how you act, not the eloquence of the act you put on. Careron was a perfect example.

Go forth, young man, and do stuff with your character!
22569, Too bad
Posted by Muhryl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good roleplay builds best upon other good roleplay, and I found that to be the case interacting with your character. I have to give you some thanks for helping me figure out a lot about the direction I wanted to go... the sheer force of interacting with your character helped me to consider a lot of things about my player, and his outlook.

It's too bad though, I thought we had hit a pretty interesting crossroads in our relationship, and I wanted to see where it would go.

Without wanting to say much about a still active character, I will say that we made for interesting conversation - since I wasn't really subject to the vices you offered, but it still didn't cow you.

Anyway, as a recent 2-year-hiatus-returnee I hope you keep it up.

22576, RE: Too bad
Posted by Inzae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I liked Muhryl's style a lot. Reminded me a lot of Ygnacio way back in the day. A rare fat dark-elf. I have nothing but good wishes for you, and I had hoped that I would have run into you more because it was rather fun watching your RP work it's stuff. Always thinking up something devious.

Much luck!
22568, heheh you where fun
Posted by Natherin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
no clue why i liked you so much IC but you where fun to just hand around and i bet i gave you over 300 gold all together was fun I just liked a little bit of rp and when ever I needed a fix I knew if oyu where on I could find it well played and c you again :)

Natherin the not so active gnome L)
22575, RE: heheh you where fun
Posted by Inzae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, yep, I did take a lot of people for a lot of gold. Natherin was one of my first 'goons', and was always there when she needed it. I thought it was a good change of pace to see a gnome that wasn't completely off-the-wall, and took his task of helping folk very seriously....even if it was abused quite often.

Thanks a lot for all the fun, my li'l Champ!
22561, So much to say...
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had to go and disappear when I was in class, dammit... Heh. Now, where to begin.

When I first met you, I was like, that's cool, you're awesome, chilling just to play not rank/pk/etc, I respect that. You were nice and all that, major RPer, cool... Then what happened happened and I dont know what, but damn, I hated you for doing that, but I dont like to stay mad at people long, so I tried to make peace, you didnt want that, so I let you have your time... Perhaps the best thing you did was at least settling on some sort of peace before you deleted, I would have hated being on bad terms after you're gone.

Anyway, I hope you find a somewhat fun char to play and come back soon, and believe or not, I'll miss you. You were always around on a regular basis and I'm glad to have met you. See you around!

- Odie -
22563, RE: So much to say...
Posted by Inzae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, thanks for the compliments. I personally like just sitting around doing nothing. It doesn't accomplish much, but then again, this is a game. Some play some ways some play others. I liked Odelius, even if he did become a little madcap now and then.

I think settling on peaceful terms was a decent thing, though Inzae was never a person to apologize or admit defeat in any meaningful way. I always liked the fact that you were at the Inn almost any spare moment. There are some that rarely set foot in there. But I am happy that there are at least some new recruits.

Keep happy and keep working, it was awesome knowing you!
22567, RE: So much to say...
Posted by Iilandra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
heh, you were such a total slut :P (no offense, but it's true)
A very annoying character at times, known Inzae through several incarnations, and every time you came on to me, even when I played a filthy necro (and I do mean a stinky one).
22574, RE: So much to say...
Posted by Inzae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, she didn't much care for those that weren't special in some way. Even if it was repulsing, she found it interesting. There were always different things to touch and experience. It was all a product of her past, more or less.

Well, good luck to you!
22564, *looks at you in disbelief*
Posted by Hargischtick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I'm not even going to get into it here, but way to royally f**k me up.

Email me, because it was the interaction I liked, and will miss.


*walks away shaking his head in utter disbelief*

22565, Didnt mean for that to sound harsh. Im just a joker
Posted by Harg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I just mean you left me in a lot of turmoil that i have to
sort out now. But, as I told you before, you became a huge part of Harg's story. It was a complete blunt object to the head tonight when I came in to this.

Hope to see you back soon.

I'll be on the lookout.

22570, Did you mean for this to be under Inzae's post? Im still here!
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh... Oops.
22572, Yes...not meant for you Odious one.
Posted by Harg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
22578, RE: Didnt mean for that to sound harsh. Im just a joker
Posted by Inzae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I know I'm breaking a lot of people up, but then again, maybe I'm not. I know that for sure your RP is quite messed. Oh well, I know you'll find something to do with Harry. Personally, I left because it was made very obvious to me that she wasn't going anywhere. I apologize for doing it so abruptly, but hey, it's the way she'd do things if she got absolutely fed up with her life. Radical change.

So, I hope things will turn around for you, and I'm very sorry for throwing a monkey wrench into your plans.
22587, More to discuss
Posted by Harry on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I want to tell you that I rarely meet anyone on here that I
want to talk to outside of the game. I know that was your role and all, and judging by the notes here you had plenty of heartsick slaves, but I'd like to think I was special. I can think whatever I want..my world...my rules. You really were the first
char that got me on the RP. Probably why I was wrecked for the week after I made my first flawed decision. Thats why, really if you aren't against it, Id like to keep in touch and discuss other things and what-not. Im not going to discuss my RP here but I'd love to hash it out elsewhere, since Harry's not going anywhere for a while.

I think its much more interesting playing flawed characters anyways.
Who wants to play a boring old devoted follower. Why not play someone who has a crisis of faith every once in a while. Might make the imm's take more notice. I dunno. Harry's definitely flawed, but he'll make up for it. I play my char's to death, take a 6 month break..then start again. So..this one I think is going to be there a while. Also, now I think I threw a serious monkey wrench at our common denominator, so that's working into my RP now too.

Anyways...contact me if you want to....if you dont...thats fine too.

I became enamored with the brain behind Inzae, so it would be a shame to lose that.

MSN Messenger marcuswenner193