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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Tcatama the Bloody, Steadfast Soldier of the Brigade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22479
22479, (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Tcatama the Bloody, Steadfast Soldier of the Brigade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Nov 28 23:14:35 2003

At 4 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 9th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Tcatama perished, never to return.

Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
PK Ratio:57% (closer to 100% is better)

22738, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Tcatama the Bloody, Steadfast...
Posted by Agraemas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, was certainly fun raiding the Empire those times that we did. It was fun fighting next to you...heh...giving me highfives when my flurries were really good heh. Too bad we didn't get to drink more at the Inn, would have been great. Great job! And good luck.

22678, Heh
Posted by Thatguy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
22530, I remember...
Posted by A newbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that time when you rescued me from the prison cell in Sirine Island, I never thought any hero would do that for a lowbie invoker no one knows, but you did it. For someone with no experience with "Team Good", you sure played a Good properly!
22503, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Tcatama the Bloody, Steadfast Soldier of the Brigade
Posted by Belrhin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a blast playing with you! I don't think I have ever played with a better warrior. Especially not one who always had my back, and if there was a way to keep me alive you were going to do it.

I am bad at these sorta things, so I suppose I will tell my motivations when I delete and/or die.

So in Tcatama's words...

You were a feh powerful fighter and a great Friend!
22504, Who killed you last?
Posted by Belrhin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Btw, nice ratio considering some of those unlucky nights.
22516, RE: Who killed you last?
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Goronik got the last kill. I figured I'd rather go down in a solo fight than raiding in an impossible situation. It was, however, a near miss when I ran into the chasm and stuck the nightwalker...kwalin was just a *tad* too slow getting to me and I got out first =P
22521, man no love for hte little snack natherin?
Posted by Natherin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
dude you where funny from like rank 30 you where always talking about eating gnomes, never really understood it but it was hilarious. was great to train with you and rank up, and belrhin is right if there was anyway at all to save someone be it from mobdeath or pk you would do it even if it ment you where dead. Man you dont know how much as a player and IC that means to people, i would have done pretty much anything for you.... and that kinda faded into my new char aswell, so i was a bit nicer to you then I was most marans...and atleast you dont spout Redeeem or Die!, like the empire spouts Oath or Die! there have been a few marans old and new accused of that, well you where a machine to be sure have fun and next time join team NET :)

Natherin, the gnomish treat
22522, Mmm...gnome!
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really I don't know why I started that either. I just had a ton of the protection potions that I would quaff every so often while ranking. You kept asking me what they were for, so my answer was the 'anti-gnome' elixir I had to keep taking or I would forget myself and start eating gnomes =P. Thanks for playing along!
22484, The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'll try to keep this as short and sweet as I can (overly long goodbye notes blow).

I rolled Tcatama for a few reasons. 1: To see if I could play a non-hiding class, 2: To teach me how to deal with dying (normaly with my thieves I rage delete after my second death or so), and 3: In response to a thread on dios four months back or so regarding 'good' behavior. Apparently, the consensus was that certain Maran just had a 'good' tag and that was about it. I wanted everyone to know that Tcatama was a 'good' guy. I showed respect to my enemies, both when I killed them and when I was killed by them. I tried speaking of the light and redemption to about everyone I fought. I tried looting as little as possible (in fact a lot of times I fought with little to no gear because I returned it all to a fallen enemy), and never complained when I was looted. Unfortunately I don't come from 'team good' and didn't have the Maran Manual of Conduct memorized. I tried hard, I made mistakes, but I hope overall Tcatama was a solid friend and an interesting enemy. Regarding the speech, I just thought it was funny to have a felar talk like (as I described to a friend) a 'ghetto fabulous dwarf.'

My only real complaint is a general one, and I address it to both Team Evil and Team Good: Both of you grow some balls. Tcatama is my only char, and I don't 'check' to see which way the wind is blowing before I log on. I was sick to death of seeing all good and no evil, or all evil and me (and perhaps beltantis or skallgrim). Suck it up and just go out there and fight and have fun. Criminy.

On to the goodbyes:

I tried hard to make Tcatama a 'fun' character to watch. Balls to the wall, kept reequipping at a minimum. I had no written role, but if anyone spent any time with me or asked, they pretty much would know who I was, where I was from, and what I was about with little or no difficulty. Thanks for the title (although giving it to me with one death left was evil, evil I tell you! When you did that I just used a gain convert to train my con one last time =P).

Obaznuk: Truly my favorite imm. Fighting beside you was an honor. Interacting with you as an imm...yes also an honor. Good luck up there, big guy.

Sevarecan: An example of an evil character that does perfectly well without 'bend your knee to the dark god azazel puny felar!' speak. If you haven't spoken with Sev, I highly recommend it.

Mekantos: Congrats on imming, you jerk! I enjoyed our fights, especially the one after you killed me on the ocean and we started fighting in the plains, in the mountains, etc etc. I had a half set of gear, but seemed to be able to hang on...somehow. Your 'evil' speak was a great foil for me and my lighthearted gibberish. Good luck my friend.

Spirit of the Ancient Knight: Thanks for whipping me into shape, and not allowing me any self-pity. That talk changed the way I played my character in a lot of ways. Keep an eye on the fort for me...

Belrhin: I gotta put you here first and formost. Running with you was an absolute blast. In order to be a competant trannie, you have to be practically psychic, and you were the god damn Madam Cleo of trannies. After we got our #### together, I knew I could just count on you to do the right spell for the fight, no matter what the conditions. I won't reveal what I suspect are your motives for aiding the Fort so much, but suffice to say a trannie who knows what he's doing is going to enrage a *lot* of people who are on the short end of that stick. Congrats man, and good luck.

Illademn: Known you for two characters now (Rjezrit being the other). Extremely interesting interaction from two very different perspectives. Good luck, old man.

Wolf: Misunderstood by most, but I'm glad I was able to earn your respect and trust. Keep on doing...what you do.

Leesah: Love and respect. Thanks for your help all those times.

Agraemas: More love and respect. A good guy to get to know.

Skallgrim: Stout dwerf fer sere. Keep kicking ass, you old bastard. I knew you were one I could always count on to log on throught ####ty times and kick ass with me.

Guddomelig: The One Man. Great job all around with the aggressive acolyte play. But I need protection at the archmage, not at the foot of the stairs!

Gorthalon: Another successful aggressive acolyte. I knew you had my back no matter what the occasion. Many thanks.

Beltantis: Why is it team evil keeps expecting goodies to play like newbies, and gets pissed when they don't? Tactics were your thing. Excellent job.

Vorondel: You are pretty much the epitome of what I believe acolytes should act like, which is ironic because you're the cardinal =P. Excellent job--I just wish I had seen you more towards the end.

Cap: Another I've known through both Tcatama and Rjezrit. With Rjez, I thought a strong breeze could knock you over. Now I see you got a bit of steel in you. I just wish you were around more.

Lariya: Yet another I've known through two. One scary paladin, for sure. Didn't see you much towards the end--perhaps a shift in playing times for the both of us.

Gwyt: An excellent, courageous bard. I have you pegged for leadership (hint hint!). Friendly, brave, deadly--great char all around.

Sgralnaoc: Haven't seen you for a bit, but certainly a player worthy of Maran.

Malergora: Again, I never understood the hostility towards you. Thanks for the aid when you were around.
Drummond: My hand picked protege =P. Keep up the good work.
Endorol: You have potential. Just chill out a bit when you get killed. It happens to us all.
Piran: Yep, I wish I coulda been around to fight along side you. You'll have to pick up my slack...and from what I've seen that's not going to be a problem.

Goronik: Probably my favorite evil to interact with towards the end. Sorry for slapping you around with Belrhin, but you did kill me while I was lagged out so screw you =P. I thought our talks were funny, because we both knew neither of us were going to bend an inch, but still the respect was there. Thanks for the fun.

Jiro: You turned out to be the opponent I wanted you to be. Sorry to have jabbed you a bit on the boards, but I think overall you learned your #### and learned it good. Good luck with the 'plot twist'.

Malkhar: Damn you and those snares! I don't think I ever actually died to one, but it certainly spiced up my life a bit. Great job on the evil ranger thing.

Dryzzel: My nizzle. An excellent warrior, and I was glad to see another felar to go against. That six person gang when I had a snow leopard skin was wrong though, just wrong (but I probably would have done the same thing=P). For the record, my favorite experience with your character was when you were killed while I was practically naked and I took a lot of your things and you said 'You're taking my clothes, eh? Guess I'll just have to get them back.' Good luck, wizzle pizzle.

Xygarthon: Much love and respect. Quite a fierce foe when you're on your game

Barduk: Always a fun fight...when you're around. What happened to you? A duergar h2h spec is...interesting...to say the least.
Vilkins: Same deal. Love and respect; an excellent bard, when you remember which songs are appropriate =P.

Yoshifesd: Yet another fun enemy. Thanks for all the fiends...I'm pretty sure I mastered pummel off of them.

Kardok: I didn't understand your character. Sometimes you whipped my ass, sometimes you ran if I sneezed at you hard. Overall, a good job though.

Etarekoth: Probably the only assassin I actually was wary of to any degree. Normally Tcatama chewed up and spit out assassins, but you always gave me a run for my money. If you have the fight at the crossroads, I would love to see it.

Vanar: Excellent enemy to have. However, sending me a tell challenging me to a duel isn't going to work...my only chance against invokers was catching them unprepared.

Foslin: Quite brave, for a fat old lady =P. You, like me, would defend your cabal pretty much no matter what the odds. For that, I give love and respect.

Ilivarra: I don't really dig the whole 'super unbelievably evil' scene, but it is certainly a valid role option. Destroying my stuff in front of me when I had the balls to defend against the three of you is, however, not cool in my book.

Kwalin: Probably the invoker I feared the most after Zak. You have your #### down. I'll see about those logs, however most of them lately are just me going down in a big bloody mess to 3-5 foes.

Zaknafir: I certainly enjoyed pretty much all of our fights. Surviving a hostile, extremely competant invoker for a felar is, um, a bit tough. Hope I gave you a run for it though.

Kelrizza: Didn't get to fight you as much later in life as I did in the beginning, but things were always a bit less 'sure' for me when you were around. I never knew if my impale was going to 'maim' Imperial X when you were about, and that kind of uncertainty made the game fun.

Anyone else I'm missing, drop me a line or reply and I'll certainly give you feedback. You can IM me at Goffinet4.


22486, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Sevarecan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Sevarecan: An example of an evil character that does perfectly
>well without 'bend your knee to the dark god azazel puny
>felar!' speak. If you haven't spoken with Sev, I highly
>recommend it.

You did a good job for Team Good, and when I saw you around I
knew someone in the Empire was going to get a good fight. Rest
your weary bones in the Azure Fields, we'll be sending your
friends to join you soon. }(

22487, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Andrlos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Wolf: Misunderstood by most, but I'm glad I was able to earn
>your respect and trust. Keep on doing...what you do.

I really did enjoy the interactions, and am rather disappointed I didn't get the chance to spend more time with you. I got swamped with papers a week ago, and have been home for Thanksgiving these last few days.

You definately seemed to know your stuff, and reminded me that dirt/disarm remains viable at hero. I'm still not really sure what drove you to accept my invitation to join me after I had snared and attacked you three or four times, but am glad you did. It was that time spent with you that made me realize that you definately weren't a newbie, as some of your words had led me to believe ("I'm just a youngin' exploring the world and my own strengths" or something to that effect).

A very nice character, and I'm glad to have had the chance to run with you. And to talk to a Maran/Squire that wasn't just "Die, Evil, die."

22488, Aw well shucks
Posted by Yoshifesd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It sure was a lot of fun having you around. Like Sevarecan said, seeing you on WHO meant somebody was going to be fighting soon. We did get to dance a lot you and I, but I think I only got you once .. you fought those fiends pretty well for a #### .. er felar :)

Glad you enjoyed yourself, and hope to see you in one shape or another soon.
22491, Bah!
Posted by Tyohleib on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry you died man, but that is certainly the way I saw you going out. You were "balls to the wall" like no other. Sorry we didn't really get to know each other better, but Tyohleib is very much so a loner, with a very few exceptions. Plus, I've not been able to log on as much as I'd like to (girlfriend, school, work, etc). I'm very much with you on that one character thing. People bandwago way too much. Anyways, good job and hopefully we'll meet up on your next go round.

22514, *sigh*
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew I would forget, and am forgetting, a lot of people who should have made it into my goodbye. Tyohleib reminded me a lot of Tcatama, and not just for the obvious reasons. When you are around, evils better watch their ass, because you had your #### down. Congrats on being Talon--you deserve it.
22492, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Goronik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always knew you'd give me a good fight... unless you just put me to sleep, of course. *chuckle*

You were one of my favorite opponents, and willing to talk and to some degree discuss philosophies even, though I knew well you wouldn't give an inch either. I was proud OOC as well as IC (in a different way) that you went out to me.

As for that death with Belrhin, it really sucked, but you've got a point about owing me one... and it supported some of Goronik's philosophy anyhow.
22493, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Kackrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always had respect for your character because, as you said, you played a Goodie the way they should be played (in my opinon, sorry). Not nearly a weakling, but one who shows respect and therefore gets respect from a variety of people around him. My character respects(ed) you the most out of all the Maran, not only because we *fought alongside each other sometimes heh!* but because you were ballsy, and didn't give a #### about the state of cabals when you would log in. Sometimes I feel the same way and I shared that with you. Good luck, I truly enjoyed your character and keep it up! Come back in the village ;)

22494, Let me elaborate here..
Posted by Kackrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To stop a flame war before it begins, I liked Tcatama mainly because he was a refreshing break from the crop of cookie cutter Maran who are "kill evil, loot evil, hate evil". I always give respects to characters, enemies or friends, who have deep thought that is shown through their RP and the likes of their characters.
22512, Goddammit
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew I would forget someone. In this case, I forgot you, Dhacknath, Juktar, Slathigern, and Zhelrantix all in one scoop.

For those who didn't know, I was originally a battle applicant, so I tried to stay consistant with at least respecting battle and its goals--unless of course, the lives of goodies were threatened, then I had to step in.

I think I lost as much con to honorably dueling ragers I had no chance against than any other source. Perhaps imperials, but it would be close.

Kackrik--I always enjoyed your character, and thank you for the kind words. I held my hand when it came to you, Dhacknath, and Thrakadan as there were always other evils more 'worthy' of my hostile intents, and again, I respected you all. Thanks for the good times.

Thrakadan--You old bastard, join me in the heavens already! Dueling you was like dueling an M1. Well done.

Dhacknath--You once asked me IC why I left you alone. Again, the respect issue. Evils that I believed IC to be closer to redemption in one form or another I often let slide in favor of hunting more 'evil' evils

Zhelrantix--Another Mack truck. Thank you for all the honorable duels. Keep up the good work.
22495, Geez..
Posted by Glaubarsto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're forgetting Glaubarsto, man.. Partly thanks to you (because glaubarsto talked to you, and so I could "quote" you in my interview) this would be one of the quickest inductions ever, then again, I know what to do though.. anyways, it was fun talking to you and good having you around .. Be well there, mate
22496, Geez,
Posted by Obaznuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Definitely one of my favorite Marans, stood out in a lot of ways. Here are some:
1. You didn't have a sense of stuck up pride like many maran do. When it came time for you to be scolded and to learn, you took it with a grain of salt. People who get defensive about it and take it like a personal attack end up getting nowhere and usually dig themselves deeper into trouble. But as you can see through your title, you earned back your pride and then some.
2. Always had to be moving. A lot of marans like to spend twenty minutes hunting and forty minutes sitting. (At the Fort, at the Bar usually) But from what I recall, when we hunted together, if I was moving too slow for your liking, you'd just run off. I also got the feeling you were playing a sort of 'loner' char, which made it some excellent roleplay.

Anyways, excellent char and if this was an experiment, I think you can call it a successful one.
22513, Hehe
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, as I said, I have no history with team good, or cabals in general for that matter. I messed up, got bitched out, and tried to stay humble throughout the life of Tcatama.

Regarding being a loner, one of the hardest things for me was learning to fight with other people, as most of my chars tend to be solo or duo killers. Normally I find one or two people I'm very comfortable with, and they'll be the people I pk with if I need aid. Otherwise, I'm more comfortable out by myself.

I don't know if it was you who gave me the title, but thank you. With no role, I'm surprised that the title reflected *exactly* the type of character I was trying to play. Either imms were watching me closely, or I did a better job rp'ing than I thought I did. Bloody, and someone who didn't need a full set of amazing gear to keep coming and coming and coming.

Thanks for the good times.
22497, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Elspeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, you forgot me.
I'll miss you Tcatama!
22515, Doh!
Posted by Tcatama on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Elspeth was certainly interesting. I never knew when I was going to see 'Elspeth arrives through a gate.' I am curious, however, why you never stuck around more once you gated. Normally you would gate, get impaled or vitaled, and immediately teleport or word away.

I enjoyed all our talks--especially the one regarding imperials. I'd be very interested to hear your role with this char, perhaps when you delete, or you could always IM me.
22498, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Beltantis. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a gutsy, smart fighter. The fortress is sorely hurt by your demise. Out of all the people I travelled with, I think I enjoyed fighting alongside you quite well. G'luck on your next.
22499, Salute!
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were definitely a die hard Maran, and I really enjoyed seeing that.
Fighting a spear/hand spec, however, was something that drove me nuts!
You were Johnny-on-the-spot with those damned impales, and the stun
always made me feel like I just "got told". About that fight we had
where I died in the dwarf forest...I was actually a bit angry over it,
because I had just fought Baielko and he got away pretty damaged, and
then you all showed up. It was just a coincidence, I know, but damn was
it inconvienient!

Overall though, I think you did really well. Now it's time to make a
felar axe/whip spec and rock us all. :P
22500, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Etarekoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have the fight, though I don't post any logs of my recent fights because some funky #### always happens which I would rather remain a surprise for those who fight me. I guess this has led to a feeling that I am just an assassinate-whore, but I couldn't give a #### what anyone thinks about me.

That said, that was a DAMN close fight, I had haste and prot in my inv and I didn't even use them (go figure). I got lucky as hell at the end, I thought I was a dead man for sure.

I will IM you the log. Oh, one more thing, revenge is ####ing sweet, I've been waiting to kill an Enbuergo character for a long while, that's all I'll say for now.

22501, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didnt know you much there til the end, and even then it was fun the little we hung out. Hope to see you playing again soon, even though I might now know it, heh. Later bro.
22505, It was fun to have you on the other side.
Posted by Kwalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I don't really have that much to say. It was a blast fighting you. I'd have loved to have had you on our side. The Dark side needs you! Roll a scion!
22510, you whip arse ya fuzzy cretin.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you said criminy.. no one but me says that anymore..
what's wrong with you? :) well i say crimeny.. but still.

Well let's step to the past a moment.
as Teriniua (the svirf war)when you were Rjezrit don't know if you remember those long ago days, but that was fun.

as Vanadulin to Tcatama .. well i had thought all the time ic
that you had some role based reason for not having sent in a note
to the fort by then, you were such a maran-like non-fort guy.. :)
told ya you'd make a good maran though. ... just after i was dead :)
side note: you have any idea how many times i cast a spell on tcatma
instead of Tcatama for the fights we ran together in? *roflmao*

as Belaridhian well we didn't chat all that much but the short bit
was interesting. :)

as Xargornek I even got a mention?!?! wow. hehe I never got a warrior that high before. or an evil come to think of it. I came up with an impossible role anyway so it was best i died. hell i had the idea at 15th lvl or so and never got a chance to type it out. that was how busy i was. :) more on this guy because he was recent.
basically i made him to be an evil who was a step from honorable.
didn't like to hunt in packs, didn't like to loot. respected his enemies (well anyone even half worth that respect) didn't like to flee. didn't like to back down. kept his sucesses quiet and was open about his failures. blah blah etc.
the basic idea was from betrayal in the underdark and looking for a place to beling. so whoever preached/pitched/sold thief ideas to
him first would get him, as long as the ideas were presented reasonably and would fit in with his internal views.
but once he devoted himself to some cause that was it, he wouldn't take that back. :) sadly i think more maran liked this guy than the imperials. hehe. and interestingly enough scion. and some followers of valg. wild huh? i got along with everyone i wasn't supposed to.
but he was hella fun. but you .. dude.. just freakin' scary.
'course i keep wondering ho wmany of y'all maran i could have bagged if i had dragged a buddy along. cry sucks when you are a lone hunter of maran.. :) hehe.
good luck on whatever you do next, not that you'll need it.

22517, So close but yet so far...
Posted by Juktar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, that would have been something if you would have went the villager route. It would have been fun. Great character in any case. One of the few non-villagers Juktar placed any confidence in and one he respected very much. Good luck on the next. Play another warrior. Spec's and legacies are fun to mess around with.
22518, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Rhual on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun running with ya, nothing directly stuck out since its been a little bit now, but on the whole a good solid warrior that I wasn't worried about fighting with.
Good Luck
22524, Nice job
Posted by Wind on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

It was fun. Had enjoyment running around with you. Best of luck in whatever comes.

22526, Ah crap.
Posted by Vorondel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of the Marans I admired the most. You always kept the spirit, no matter what, and you were a badass warrior. Always humble, never caring about what others would think of you, always focused on the task. Each I looked and you and saw that you were somewhat naked, I pictured you recovering from a terrible battle where you brought at least one or two foes down with you :)

I really liked traveling with you. You will be missed, my friend!

22533, RE: Miss ya, mate
Posted by Guddomelig on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of my favorite warriors and I looked forward to the day when I saw you on.

About the top of the stairs thing, I was reprimanded dozens of times for entering enemy strongholds, something strictly forbidden to acolytes. I would always enter to rescue a life (or maybe, hee hee, to help take one) so, not wanting to lose my Acolyte position, I watched my arse and rolled with the punches best I could.
22534, Re: Gorthalon
Posted by Leaf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was always fun running around with you. I'll post more in my own thread when it shows up (I just con-died).
22537, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Lariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good one. I remember you wanted to get in right around when we started the 'no new squires' things when the Fort was pretty big. You stood out among all the others wanting to get in. You'd always come for defense, and you were damn good at it too, and kept your patience. You never fizzled out either when the odds turned against us. I agree though, I think our playing times lately have fallen out of synch as I've gotten busier. Either way, solid char. Good luck and all that.
22557, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Jirash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You just had to go and do this, hmm? From what I saw of Tcatama (which, granted, was not that much aside from raids since you liked to run alone :P) you made quite an impression on me, always willing to fight, even against less than fine odds. It shows from the many times I wanted to do something and asked over the cb and got Tcatama: Aye, as soon as I get some clothes, Cap ;)
Well done on the warrior part, it was fun fighting beside you when opportunity arose. Good luck with the next and all that.


22559, RE: The Great Warrior Experiment is Over!
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah! I never said that I needed to get clothes before I would do something! Lies I tell you!

Good luck, cap!!
23387, I hope you still see this
Posted by Kardok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I think this is the last of my long overdue goodbye notes that I should have written a while ago. As for the oddness of my character, it came from the sheer number of amazingly planned ambushes that caught me early on. I bet half of my deaths have come when I thought there was one guy alone and go to attack him only to have four people pop out of the woodwork and pimp me. Kind of makes you a bit more cautious, heh. Very, very well played. When I fought you, I got this image of fighting a rabid ferret for some reason, just all claws flying everywhere. I hope you read this.
23399, Read it. Thanks! nt
Posted by Rabid Ferret on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
22483, Well done.
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I interacted with you with three characters of mine.. I liked the way you'd sometimes rush into your doom, a kind of f*ck-it-all mentality.. well done, really..

Good luck on your next

22482, Sorry to see you go
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is truly serious. Things are finally swinging our way, I think the growth of the Blade has helped that a lot, but I knew I could count on you to come fight. We never did get those nice even fights there toward the end, but I'm sure in some other respect at some other time, we will. It was always good fighting you. Can I ask what legacies you had? You will be missed by the Fortress greatly I'm sure.

Good Luck with the next,
22485, RE: Sorry to see you go
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I chose Whispers and Fires as my legacies.

Whispers I quite liked because of a certain tactic I employed pretty frequently. Fires I'm not too sure of. I tended to be able to get away with things that surprised even me, but a lot of the time I was at nearly full health when I did so. Truthfully, because this is my first warrior, I'm not sure if I fought how I did because of the legacy, or just because that's how a warrior with my particular skillset fights.
22480, No!
Posted by Piran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew it was coming soon, but I had hoped I would have gotten to hero before it happened. From what I saw as a few characters, you were pretty cool.

I hope you had fun playing, and I look forward to your next character.