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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [SCION] Zaknafir Iz'matun the Weaver of the Elements, Servant of the Ill Omen
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22266
22266, (CON LOSS) [SCION] Zaknafir Iz'matun the Weaver of the Elements, Servant of the Ill Omen
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Nov 8 07:40:24 2003

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 13th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Zaknafir perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
PK Ratio:63% (closer to 100% is better)

22270, Another chapter finished.
Posted by Cerunnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I rolled up Zaknfir to prove something to myself, that I could play an evil character successfully. I think I managed that fairly well. I excluded lightning, which I missed quite a bit. (Regardless of what Vanar say, cone is best on cloud giants. A cone range from massacre to Deve, while a fireball from injure to Deve.) I had mastery in all paths except fire, where immolation was hoovering at 96%. What can I say.. dark-elf invokers.. sneak rocks immensly at hero. But at low ranks I had a target sign on me saying 'pincer me'. I probably had 25 deaths pre-38.. After 38 I had less than 25. I had this; you dont have to full loot to be evil attitude. Then see if people noticed, some did, some did not. During my whole chareer I never full looted a single corpse(I cannot account for those I was with). I walked away from a countless amount of corpses without even looking in them.

Zaknafir was never afraid to take chances.

You rock. I love immortals who take part in mortal lives. Just a wink is enaugh to keep a character going. Even negative criticism is welcomed. Keep on giving those interactions. Loved your religion.

Even if you deserve sepperate mentions I will put you together. You were Zaknafirs best allies/friends. We ranked up together, and we did alot of #### together. Shaman/thief/invoker combo can be über deadly.

A shame you deleted so soon, we kicked ass. I remember that time when we two retrieved the sceptre against five marans. Three of them died and we took the sceptre back.

I think we have very different playing times. Exact opposite to be more correct. I think you play late night US time, then I sleep or work. Keep on trucking.

You just pushed the wrong buttons. I probably took it a bit far, but where is the fun if you dont? Zaknafir did not like you, but ooc I like your style, it is how a scion AP should be played.

Good luck, a shame we did not get as much time together as we should. Two invokers can kill much and quick.

Damn your persistency. You made me use a #### load of preps. Very well done character. And you were Grumby? Cool, I was Starkad.

Very.. very competent. I hate area spellbaning berserkers. Especially when they spellbane as well as you.

####ing hell I hate stun.. and impale. For a felar you faired extremly well against me, normaly non-villager felars just give me a strange face and falls over dead.

Paladins in general:
Damn you all, fighting you is just so futile. We both know we cant nail eachother since none of us can lag the other part effectivly.

Wootie my ass *Chuckle*. You were strong, and in the same notion as felars.. arials normaly gurgle a few engulfs and fall over dead. But you did not. Did I mention I hate impale?

You have really found a new scary combo. Thats all im saying. Did I mention I hate poison thieves?

Damn I hated you. Simple and easy.

Zaknafir Iz'matun signing out.

Recent character:
Carzolian, felar mace/spear, maran wannabe.
Zacerzan, Falcon/orangutan, warlock.
Starkad, Storm shaman captain, sylvan.
Azharadon, Half-drow Invoker Adept, Warlock.
22272, Well, damn.
Posted by Goronik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed travelling with you, more than almost anyone else. We could do most stuff together, and I knew (with one exception) that you'd know what to do. You're extremely competent. Beyond that, I enjoyed your roleplay those times when we talked... it was interesting.
22289, I think our character just fit.
Posted by Cerunnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Both were loners in a way, Zaknafir enjoyed fighting on his own most of the time therefor he saw much of himself in you. You werent affraid to lose a good set of equipment. Im not saying I dont like a good run of kills, and maybe a good gang once in a while. But all with restraint. When someone dont fight unless they have three people on their side, and two healers on standby, they loose all respect from me. Did I forget to mention their über set also?

Now.. tell me.. what was the exception? That time in Trothon where I ####ed up?
22290, Gear comes and goes...
Posted by Goronik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... skill is much more. I know well that a good player will get decent new gear quickly enough. Ganging can be fun on occasion, but I like knowing what I can do solo.

As for the exception... it was when we hit Shadar for the Taint. My fault as well, I guess, for not talking about a plan. As for that time in Trothon, we kinda screwed it up, but at least I lived. *chuckle*
22273, My favourite Invoker.
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved fighting you as you were a real challenge and it seems to have rubbed off on Vanar who is now as much of a challenge. Enjoyed the fights.

22275, RE: Another chapter finished.
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Zaknafir (getting my tattoo should have made that obvious), however there were a few times where you just did nothing but work on spells (which gets boring to watch), but that is the life of an invoker I suppose. I'm glad to see you went with an evil for a change and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think a lot of people in game (mainly your enemies) thought you deserved leadership, but you lacked one thing. Leading! While you were a good Scion, good follower, you never pushed the leadership, which sometimes that is a good thing (I know doing interviews can be tedious at times). Any ways, I'm glad you enjoyed the character and I wish you well on the next.

22281, Leadership.
Posted by Cerunnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I could have gotten chancellor if I did some interviewing and leading. But I did not want the position, if anything I would have gone for the advisor.

When you tatted me it came entirely out of the blue. I was sitting there scared Parcan would pop out of elven vaults while I wasnt ready. Then I ran to the entrance to the wastes, and rested there. Returned and found parcan with shields down and hurt.. in the mountains. Perfect ending for a good day. Tattoo and nice equipment.
22277, Argh!
Posted by Dark Knight on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was so gonna kill you one of these days, but I never got the chance.
I was disheartened when you chose to make Mekantos an enemy, because it
really closed a lot of doors for us, in both a PK and RP sense. I really
did not agree with what you were saying though, because I had always
played it cool with Zaknafir, because I like the strong drow invoker type.

From what I saw, and from your nice pk-% (even with con dying!), you
knew what you were doing. Mekantos may not give a damn that you are gone,
but I believe that the Scions just lost one of their most valued mages.

By the way, what is it with everyone dropping off lately?

P.S. You don't know how close you were to setting foot in the Inferno
when you decided to blow it :P
22279, Yes.. I know.
Posted by Cerunnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I regreted things after I had blown it out. But inferno.. I have been there before. Even all the way through and taken out by satan.
22278, RE: Another chapter finished.
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well as Broghelan said you were my favorite invoker, I suppose because
of your attitude developed by your past chars. In any way I respected
you a whole lot, more than most of my enemies truely. I knew I felt
something really familiar about you having faced you in past lives and
even fought along side ya. You will be missed, you leave a large hole
in the enemies defenses being gone and I really hate seeing good
challenges go.

22285, Yup..
Posted by Lariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I pretty much agree with what you said on paladin/invoker fights. Generally it just ends with one of us wording/teleporting away. The only time I brought you down was because it was a giant chaotic raid, and that really doesn't count as much. I don't think I could have killed you solo, period. You'd always have a way out. Fun fights though, even if they were futile.
22287, Wow I liked Zaknafir
Posted by Tcatama on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always thought 'this invoker has style.' I could never really tell you that IC, but I guess that's what these boards are for! I tried speaking with you a few times, being the friendly fellow I am, and I thought your responses were an interesting mix of Scion recalcitrance (sp?) and witty reparte. I can't really log, so if you have any of our fights, I'd love to see them!

Good luck with your next.

22288, Thanks.
Posted by Cerunnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is enjoyable that my enemies liked the char, I always strive towards being a good enemy.

I will see what I can find when I start looking through the logs I have of Zaknafir. I have logged most of his life.
22267, Hrm
Posted by Vanar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, a sorry to see you go. Atleast you con-died with 63% pk record hehe, that's a good way of going out (definetly better than what mine will be). I enjoyed our little interactions and you giving me that little tip about where to get something to despoil. It is a pity however that we could not have 'owned' our range as I think we both hoped.

Other than that you always came off to me as a quiet but competent type, owning perhaps alot to your seemingly endless supply of a/b/s.

Also, cloud giants resist cold so use fireball damnit, hehe. Good luck with your next one.