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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Juktar CrimsonWind, Fate's Blade, Drillmaster of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22252
22252, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Juktar CrimsonWind, Fate's Blade, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Nov 7 23:10:18 2003

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 11th of the Month of Futility
on the Theran calendar Juktar perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:62% (closer to 100% is better)

22306, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Juktar CrimsonWind, Fate's Blad...
Posted by Pelthaas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Juktar was a beast, plain and simple. No hard feelings about dying to you guys though, just like I said. Some things just have to be done. I wondered for the longest time what the hell happened to Grumby. Man, you helped me in so many ways when Pelthaas was still young and foolish (as opposed to being older and foolish). I recall saving Grumby from the lich that one time in the Weald and then in the Ashes, and never saw him again. Anyhow, another extremely well-played character. Maybe come back to Sylvan if you can find it in you? ;)


22257, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Juktar CrimsonWind, Fate's Blade, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Sardinthal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dear God. The ones I'm closest to are falling too fast. Far and away one of the best ragers in the Village. I loved travelling with you no matter where we were going. Anytime you were around I knew we were safe, and thats probably the best comment I can make. You played a scout to its fullest potential and showed me things in the game that will always make me think of you when I'm playing. Fantastic character. I enjoyed everytime I was on with you.
22256, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Juktar CrimsonWind, Fate's Blad...
Posted by Zhelrantix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
damn man.. we had some great times..Me and you together were indestructable. I really didnt have any idea how close you were to con-dying still you started talking about it, ugh.. Damn did you know your way around the mud, even the new areas you seemed to walk around like you knew em perfectly.. You were one a the few Villagers that Zhelrantix really felt close to and actually 'respected'.. Hope we meet some other time in the fields. If you'd like ta keep in contact, feel free to email me so we can talk bout old times and what not.. take it easy, and great job with Juktar.
22253, What a wild ride it was...
Posted by Juktar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character was a blast. I just worked 12 hours and I'm tired, so I'm going to make this semi-short and sweet.


Kastellyn: Thanks for the con quest. I could have completed it if I wasn't so damn impatient. I liked playing Juktar as someone who liked to take many chances. Sometimes they worked out and other times they didn't. It wasn't in his blood to sit and be careful until Flaerglum could collect the items for me. God knows I wasn't having any luck with it. Anyways, it was always a treat when you interacted with the village. You are the quintessential bard.

Zylundak: You are a good commander with a good head on his shoulders. The village is strong right now, largely due to your efforts. Keep it up. Though, there was one thing that did irk me about you.

quite - To the greatest extent; completely.
quiet - Making little or no noise.

'Nuff said.

Zhelrantix "Bear": You were the closest thing Juktar had to a brother. I loved running amok with you through the streets of Galadon. You're a fierce warrior and a great villager. I never once thought I'd die when I swung my axes with you at my side. A true legend in the making.

Slathigern: Another one of Juktar's good friends. Like I said on your farewell, you were a great defender who killed his fair share of people.

Broghelan: We had some good times, you drunkard. I trusted you implicitly. You weren't the thirst first ask questions later sort. Your tactics were always sound and effective. Good work.

Sardinthal: You had Juktar's eternal respect for the sacrifice you made for our fallen kin. I'm glad you're finally starting to remember things. You deserve it.

Flaerglum: I remember raiding the village with axes you poisoned. Zaknafir defended and it was touch and go for awhile until your poison landed. After that, it was a cake walk. Good times. Also, thanks for the effort in helping me with my failed vitality quest.

Baielko, Tykrul, Mauchelle, Thrakadan, Kackrik and the numerous others I'm missing, you were all great as well.


Zaknafir: You get mentioned first because you were Juktar's old sparring partner. I think you singlehandedly helped me perfect spell evasion. A smart and ballsy invoker is always a tough match, even for a scout. I think I did manage to get you once, but you definately got me many more times than that.

Zashiere: I respected you because you were always willing to fight and you only rotted me a couple of times.

Mekantos: Most of the villagers think you're a coward. I thought you were smart and chose his battles wisely. I never did get to kill you and unfortunately fed your unholy weapon on at least one occassion. I think more than one villager will see how dangerous you can be, to their surprise.

Ghuishoc: We had some good battles, some in my favor and some in yours. I think you took at least 2 con points from me you bastard :P. I thought you played a good shaman, especially for your first go around.


Tcatema: I think you're a great character and I wasn't lying about that time on eastern. I was peeking in and out of the ruins to the road waiting for the Tribunal posse to come. I noticed you and Skallgrim on the road with a couple of Imperials as well. I figured you two had it under control. I start running down the road and spam pass you two sleeping and a mage I couldn't touch zapping you with rods. By the time I started back to wake you. they had already started.

Pelthaas: I enjoyed our limited interactions together. We helped each other out when we could within our own RP reasons. I felt bad for striking you that time the pack went after Kackrik, especially since you saved Juktar's life before.

Well, I know I'm missing a ton more, but I'll reply if you give a shout out. Time to take another break. I'll be back when Sacer gets off his lazy ass and implements the Enchanter/Alchemist or whatever new mage class is in the works.

Juktar CrimsonWind, Fate's Blade, Drillmaster of Battle,
aka Grumby Derwyydian the Scythe of the Coven, Warder Lieutenant,
aka Ckroeg the Weaponsmaster, Blessed of Rhegma,
and a whole slew of others.
22254, Glad you had fun!
Posted by Tcatama on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great to see you had a blast with pretty much no regrets. I liked Juktar a lot, and I knew you were telling the truth about the eastern incident. I'm more frustrated about game balance issues related to that than anything else. Nice ratio for con dying--I wonder if I'll have any con left after I get done dueling Battle constantly....
22259, I liked you.
Posted by Dark Knight on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You handle yourself well in this game, and rolled with the embarrasing
situations that occured in the Chasm. (Oh, you KNOW what I'm talking
about }() I really did want to give you another go, in a one-on-one
situation, but a total prep-drought, along with sickening amounts of
enemies all running around at the same time, made it about 99% unlikely.
I would like to know what the "Fate's Blade" thing is all about, since
Mekantos is too much of a bastard to have ever asked IC.

Mekantos: Most of the villagers think you're a coward. I thought you were smart and chose his battles wisely. I never did get to kill you and unfortunately fed your unholy weapon on at least one occassion. I think more than one villager will see how dangerous you can be, to their surprise.

Let them think what they want. If they want a dumbass opponent who is
willing to get entwined--->raped at the village, or against several
villagers, they can look someplace else for him. And yes, I have to
choose battles wisely.......I'm an arial a-p for christ's sake :P.

Good luck with whatever comes next, and I challenge you, being the
skilled player that you are, to make a non-rager.
22262, RE: What a wild ride it was...
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well... Twice we went into Arin-gird and twice we got scared away LOL. Ohhh the times we had traveling. You got me stuck in a moat, tossed me off the edge of a cliff and I can't remember what else. OH the endless times getting me stuck in quicksand. WAKING ZAKNAFIR UP! Ill always remember that one, I laughed my ass off when I died, then I cried because I had my perfect set. But as I said, I never keep Darkened ARmor for more then a day. Juktar was amazing, I loved traveling with you, your interactions, and especially your responce to my possession. You were a brother to Slath, hopefully ill see you in the fields.


You got all the things I wanted. Lastname, title and leadership position. Me, I didnt need general, but my last name would have been ok. What does it take to get a last name anyhow? It was in my 13 chapter role, it was on my lastname thingy. I used it in ALL my notes. Oh well. Loved your char
22263, Fate's Blade
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At least now I know that Grumby's player is okay. Good job with him as well. After that really nice defense of the village, one immortal suggested that you had earned a title. I came up with Fate's Blade. I hope it fit.
22308, I remember us defending
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember us defending against those 6 scions eh Juktar... Well they weren't all scions i believe it was... Etarekoth, Taurvat, Zaknafir, Rahidlean, Mekantos and someone else, I cna't remember. And all they did was "Cone of Cold" and "Trip Slathigern" Oh! it was Hououjji with them. That was just when the anti-lag program went in and didn't work because I was tripped around 20 times out of 20 times by 4 PK's not even directed at me. Anyway from what I heard you deserved the title, and it was a rough fight. I wish I got a title for defending against Mekantos, Vanar, and Foslin.
22264, Good enemy.
Posted by Zaknafir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved fighting you. But sometimes when I was in bad need for gathering wands, you came knocking. And you were SO persistant. At those times I just webbed and greased and left you to loose you weapons, because I knew you would run out soon. Very well done.
22268, Ah.
Posted by Vanar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At long last a scion of relif for the Chasm. I think we had identical playing times more or less which made for surprisingly few fights (due to me beeing very careful not to fight ragers without barrier at first, this little rule was ofcourse dropped later). I remember when I ranked up and you'd always solo raid.

You had me a few times when I was scourged or fighting some mob but in a head to head match it was always interesting, especially in the end when I managed to cause you to flee (very much to my own surprise) without using protections other than a weak despoil and shields. In hindsight of that battle though I realise it was a lot of luck on my part you didn't spellbane more of my spells. Still I know better to fight scouts now.

Good times, see you on the fields.
22269, RE: What a wild ride it was...
Posted by Goronik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you. Persistant when I fought you, and damn tough. That one time when I withered you and made you drop both axes, and you came back with one lighter axe... that surprised me, and impressed me. We had a few interesting talks. Amusingly enough, a day after you died, I came across a second of what you asked me to get for that shield.

You'll be missed, no doubt about it.
22274, A beloved brother in arms dies.
Posted by Broghelan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved Juktar for his sheer competance and balls. Just what I like to see in a villager. *raises a whiskey tin* here is to you Juktar.
22280, RE: What a wild ride it was...
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn two great players gone... I remember you just like Zaknafir from
a few lives, great player, well played, and I was really cheering for ya
in the end, was *quite* a feet if you could have made it. Was really
wondering about your title, didn't truely know what, or where it came
from but so many people told me good things about you, as well as what I
already wittnessed, I couldn't pass you up as the Drillmaster. I
thought you did a great job personally, hope we can interact in future
lives awell.

22297, RE: What a wild ride it was...
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed Juktar a great deal, he was the kind of Villager that was just fun to watch. Based only on your interactions with the other Villagers that I saw over the Cabal channel, you were a natural leader who knew and understood what the Village was all about. And a scout to boot!

In retrospect, that was one of the harder con-quests I've ever given out. I try to change them up as much as I can; the ones that make you 'interact' with other players are the ones I enjoy giving out the most. This one was intended to do that, but after I gave it out, I realized that having you collect 10 limited items and hold on to them for an extended period of time might be a bit too tough. Live and learn, you did deserve it.
22298, RE: What a wild ride it was...
Posted by Kackrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eh squid head!

I liked your character a ton. First of all, it always seemed to be you and me in the middle of the day defending the village. Second of all, I appreciated the fact that you would always back me up, wiether it be against Maran, Scion or Sylvans (HEH). I liked your character and if it was up to me, he would have been Commander. But its not up to me, Zylundak is doing his job and well, you died. Too bad, but I hope to see you again! Come back to the village brother, so I can outdrink you again!

22299, I just wanted to say....
Posted by Khanazh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate you...

I wanted your head on a stick so much.

Well, for what it's worth, good job.
22301, RE: What a wild ride it was...
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well done, as zashiere you were my most respected and toughest enemy, as flaerglum you were my most valued ally and idol of sorts, sorry to see you go, good luck with your next.