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Topic subject(DEL) <SCION> Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
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2220, (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Aug 24 01:23:56 2001

3 o''clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 12th of the Month of Winter on the Theran calendar Felliciano perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
PK Ratio:52% (closer to 100% is better)

2221, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by Ralemos (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I liked you from induction. I had a few RL things happening and I had to take care of that. I also told you last night that I'd help you out with that wand problem, but I don't do anything for free and you had to prove yourself to me first. All around good character I think you should have gave your forms more of a chance though.
2222, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by Felliciano (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
would have helped if I was sober too. i just tried to log on.. heh
time for a new char
i didnt know exactly how ralemos felt about much. I knew you were angered about the (insert mob you wanted scions to try to talk to)
hehe. i dont eevn remember you saying something about the wands..
damnit i shouldnt have had any of that ##### they were making.
i drink about once a year...
roommate was mixing drinks.. had to have some.
2223, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by kiadannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well.. where do I begin?

i had a kick ass idea for a char before I rolled felliciano.
and for everyone, no wasnt thinking about fellicitinia at the time, and sorry for those people who got confused about it, no fellicitinia wasnt my char, etc etc etc get the picture?
i wanted a char that was hideous.. and did not want much more than to be beautiful. He wanted all the beauty in the world.
he chose the scions because of the eternal night. in darkness.. everything is the same (save the people with infravision, but didnt think of that at the time)
noone is more beautiful than the other if he cant be seen.

hehe.. the first two forms.. the ugly wombat (2nd) and the ugly.. hmm.. forget my first form at the moment. i had alot of fun roleplaying my chars disease and their forms.
heheee. then I got the hare.
the fucking hare.
i roleplayed that too, but having my wombat the only form I had worth anything until the 39th rank.. was idiotic.
out of all the new forms.. the hare.
only decent thing about it.. shape to it to see if you are being stalked, or whatnot.
wasnt worth having the hare.
the snow badger was next.. it was decent. I sometimes just went to the tarabal, camoed, and just watched people walking by. seeing if anyone was dumb enough to just stand at the tarabal for a while, noone did though.
snow badger also did slightly decent in damage, but sucked even with its slight damage resistance.
next was at the 46th rank. the porcupine.
that was the one defensive form I did not want. the only one I did not want.
with the armadillo... you can rescue, and I can do some serius mob ##### with the armadillo.. I am talking about 8 creatures with you at a time.. oh hell yeah.. grr. hmm.. maybe 5.
the porc.. the only thing it is good against is other transmuters.. that are not well protected armadillo's and crocs and armadillos
anything else eats its ass.
porc = staff! polearm!
and it takes quite a bit of damage for an offensive form. since it doesnt dodge at all, it just stands there and takes hits.
it doesnt rejuvinate, none of my forms did.
next.. the ram at 50th.
the only offensive form I didnt want.
Haeckel.... I lied to you about that. I wanted the tiger sooo badly, lion next, since it has a two attack rake, then the jaguar because it dodges rather nicely. the fucking ram ;P
so I got the two forms I did not want at all, the only two.

I still stuck with it for a while. i think I made this char.. what 3 weeks ago?
the second week.. I was only able to play like 30 or so hours, and that was not even at my house, the first and last week was rather nice.
the ram with no protections.... dies to anything, and I only know exactly where to get an aura rod. shield potions too, but was wary of going into forested areas. damn rangers.
6 creatures I can have following me to be exact up there.
so without protections, I tried, and did pretty well with that combo.
porc is still bugged like crazy.
seeing the health in combat of people I cant fight.. going round after round with two and three people not hitting me at all with anything, and I am the only one they are fighting.
i am not talking about missing, or dodging.. just no attacks done.
but I can still see the one's health.
porc doesnt rescue like it did a long time ago. is the only non-rejuvinating form that doesnt have a rescue ability hehe.
oh well.
anyway, here are the people I liked and disliked.


-Ralemos = you used to be always on, now you are on rarely and only for a small time each time. most likely is rl things, i am not complaining, you are still kicking alot of ass. Never saw much for roleplay though... only about that quest, which I still have no idea what it is about. hehehe. by the way, does sudden death to unspeakable things to the armadillo? hmmmm??????

-haeckel = you stuck with it.. even after the deaths you had. I stopped seeing you, i gotta check to see if you deleted, I havent checked this thing in like.. a month? ;P
you were fun to interact with.. we ranked together alot.. since noone else would heh.
(to you idiots.. no we were not permagroupers, i have no idea who he is in rl, and I dont have any message system and I have no emails of anyone that plays this game, so shove it up your arse)
you did well, though sad to not see you for a long time.

-harissa??? (new scion chancellor of invocation) = damnit.. now I cant even remember your name!
hehe.. that was not fun trying to get into teh tower heh.
oh well, first time for me, and second.. and both bad!
oh well.. learned at least where it is.. but not how to get up!
far enough up at least.
you did well.. and were there to defend all the time, and never really backed down that I saw.
pretty fierce, and you will be more so at hero.

-zulghinlour - man.. that was alot of fun in ktengs laboratory.
i seriously thought he had the key out.. grr. I have no idea wher it is.. i thought it was the place ralemos was talking about that I was entering.. but I was wrong.. and found the lab.
a neat place to explore.
Thanks for not killing my char. Damn... I also thought up a few things for ktengs laboratory for later, since kteng (not inserting info here) is alot like a scion mage (search for power) (not inserting what he was searching, and what he did with that altar) his greed, etc. though when he walked in, my porc had 87 hp, 200 mana, no stone skin (fell that hour) i thought i was dead, but he died that hit. DAMN that was a rush.
My char changed a bit.. to form a little more with teh scions around the time I started exploring.. knowledge became important, and he was obsessed with looking everywhere, and I was doing that throughout all herodum. found some things I overlooked before. Think I had found a quest in the laboratory too, but not too sure. Never went back to find out. Damn you karithia! ;P

- meridius. as an assassin you kicked ass. I only know of two assassins that do something more than assassinate flee. If they put even a one round lag on that.. just one. grrr
i feel like rolling up an assassin and have his role. I only assassinate and flee, once I get that skill.
not doing that though, doing something different.
very well done with you. Keep kickin it and meet you in the fields.

- jererraric. = I hated even typing your name. too long. too many r's. Try a few times saying it in rl.. sounds like you are about to puke. grrr
you were fierce though, always in the hunt, but because you almost always worked alone, and were constantly in the shadows.. I didnt get to know you at all. I wanted to know what ticked in your head damnit. grrrr. well done.

- brotmin = only saw you.. two or three times?
could just be playing times.. but damn dude
you were dying alot too, but that isnt why you were here.
I loved your massive chin and you were in complete char all the time, reacting with movements only a char could make. *mostly only with your chin) rather than using a tell tell felliciano *nod* or something. I hate when people do that. I do it occasionally though.. sorry to all of you I have done that to. Well done with your char, even if he is killed alot.

- zelquovas = you stick with it. I like you for that and respect you. Thanks for ranking up my wombat till he got the hare.. and taking pity on me and ranking me some more heheeee. Not much roleplay at all, but still a fierce char. (mostly since you are on so much)

if I dont remember anymore scions post it, and I will respond.

oh yeah. carrock. Only saw you a few times, but you roleplayed your ass off as a dark guard. well done, and pikes high.

sokera/sekera. Never really knew who I ever fought among you.
had fun though, with I believe you sokera.. at the waters.
was the only time I interracted with you really speaking anyway.
you both were tough as nails, but didnt like my porc.
lucky damn eagle having all protections and me not having any ;(

-igakaie = probably have the best combo in the game for forms, for right now at least, and you change over at good timing, etc. Very well played with your char, and you do a maran well.
I always knew our fights were going to be close often, so I enjoyed fighting you all the time. Almost got you and nuriel at the same time though, when I had the earth elemental and nightwalker.. attacked you as ram.. and you were gushing blood the next round.
damn fiend.
changed to porc, and nuriel was getting hit hard, you too but you shifted to the croc and was only getting grazed.
ended up dying to the fiend.

dwimmerling - the only time you were ever a maran, was when noone was there to defend against you, or a duergar. the rest of the time, you never came unless there was at least one other with you. I saw your log on the log board.. it looks like you get ganged as much as my char did. i never saw you raid with any other raid when you were on. I always thought that saddening, but I never knew the situation. reply to this ---

conjurers - wow. gauraunteed sanc and healing, and an elemental that is better than a warrior, healthier too. hmm. get aura shield and stone skin to boot. hmm. guess what, no I still dont have any respect for any lightwalker conjurer. Having had one myself, and disliking my own char because it was so damn easy. grr. When the game is a challenge, it is fun. when it is at the point, where you can kill anything in the game naked (ok, not anything in the game, but most out of hell things) is too stupid.
sometimes I had 4 of you in range. *smirks* was always in form at night because I would always be gaunted by one of you if I wasnt.

karithia - point blank well done. You were tough as nails, especially for an arcane. Only because of those wands though. grr I wish I know where to get them. Without them an arcane is just dinner waiting to be munched on. You were fearless, and well done in ktengs lab as well.
meant what I said in the lightwalker citadel. You were the only mage worthy (in the lightwalker citadel) to be in this half of the masters tower.

--- scarab. drucyrus saw you once. Saw no other scarab ever. no postings necessary.

--- entropy - none of you worth note.

--- warders -
illvenristo - nother one. tough as nails, and I loved the whole flowers thing. i was always afraid that you and karithia would group together and come after me. DAMN that would have sucked.
liked my conversations with you, except that one dealing with being in thera often.
i only ever have one char at a time, so heh. if you didnt see me often, aften I am in form, and also you duod (except in trees)

the rest of you, were nothing but maran lapdogs. You defended them more than they defended themselves.

-- battleragers.
didnt know any of you existed until nerylana showed up, then all of a sudden a few of your heroes logged on a little more. hmm.
as well, you two arials.. katizae and another?
grr sorry about forgetting your names, well done.
the one I took the sceptre back through, try roleplaying instead of saying things like ##### you, and calling me a whore.
just a little roleplay? *smirk*

dont think I left anybody out that I wanted to post, but might have just forgotten the name offhand.

a few more things about felliciano.
i didnt have plans for chancellorship, I had plans that after he was a little deeper into middle aged, to go against the chasm, wanting all of the night for himself, all the beauty he saw in its raw form. never got much done with my role beyond the 39th rank, and was still posting its stuff at hero level. Most of my time was fighting igakaie, or a group of people all the time, or reclothing. That was mostly the time I was doing my role, but even then the where, shape hare, sit a moment, shape por, enliven stone enliven slow, sleep. wake every hour where. etc.
i was very dissapointed about not getting any of the new forms too for my greater forms. and the forms you get.. for some reason my first form was better than my third. grrr. wasnt progressively more powerful. the hare got its ass beat by a first form.

now, for the main reasons I deleted. I got tired of the massive gang-bangs against me. I have nothing that is even half way decent against them. If I had protections, it would be a different story. I would have pets too, and the odds would have been better no matter what I was (porc would have been it most of the time) but being a transmuter, no matter which one you are. those wands are what makes or breaks you. I had 16 con left, too many of those deaths were because of fucking lag.
like at the maran citadel.. i should not have died there, but my shape por didnt go through till I was at my pit, and I had half my health still when i typed it in.
things like that.
even with that I had 11 trains left. I could have made this char live to old age.. but I was tired of that combo. I could have dealt with anything but those two. THOSE TWO!!!

please respond people, to what you thought of felliciano
2235, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by Karithia (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I enjoyed our battles, and wished I could have dealt with you at Kteng's, but Kteng was rather upset with me..Couldn't handle you both at one time. I thought you did great with your character for the little interaction we had. Actually got a chuckle of you telling of Dwimmerling at the fortress when you were committing about me being worthy. The porcupine is a great form..most aren't going to put on a staff for fear of the Ram shift and them just getting ripped a part. Well good luck on your next character!

Karithia El'feanor, Slayer of the Blooded Fiend
2236, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by felliciano (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
the ram isnt that fierce. if you can dodge it is only barely gonna hit you.
i did shift alot of battle, and all warrior kinds put on staffs/polearms, and didnt even need to change weapons, since the ram got torn up anyway and they barely got touched.
at least you enjoyed that at the fortress. I wanted to compliment you and keep it in char, but often with a char like mine that is near impossible.. because the fortress and scions
come from the branching of the masters tower (the mages of the fortress anyway part) that gave me the ability too.

2233, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by Meridius (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for the compliment, I'm glad that you noticed that I try hard. Its tough being one of the only near hero blades about a lot. I rarely ahd any help, and now that your gone, I doubt I'll have much more! :) that sucks. I wish you could have gotten the forms you wanted, but such is luck sometimes..or should I say, the roll of the numbers? Anyway, good luck with the next one.

2234, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by Felliciano (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe. I noticed alot of things. You never just quit after a raid, you never quit 1 minute or less after logging on. You gave everything a shot. No matter who raided you always came. Considering with Scions power is important, and letting the sceptre go without a fight is not a part of the way of the scions. IS why I was still there without wands fighting against 5 or 6 people alone. hehehee

2231, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by Igakie (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for the kind words. I am haveing a great time as a Maran Transmuter. I was really worried about my forms when I got them but they have work out quite nicely. I had alot of fun fighting you. Most of the transmuters in the Scions are the only ones that could give me a pretty good fight one on one. I give you congrats on your playing you did it quite well with the forms you had. Have fun on your next characters never know maybe we be fighting beside eachother soon.
2232, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by felliciano (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe.. i would have had a blast with your two forms. I never knew some of the new water forms could come onto land, until I fought your croc. damn deathrolls. Thankfully almost every time I fought you I had at least protection from light up.
hehe. i have another idea for a char, just made up my mind about it. hmm... has potential too. shitload of potential. think I am going to take some dust off something that angered me alot before, and give it another go.
keep kicking ass, you always showed what a maran is supposed to do, kil evils.
and damn that pass to the water next to us!
2228, Illvenristo - tough as nails.
Posted by Illvenristo (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>--- warders -
>illvenristo - nother one. tough as
>nails, and I loved the
>whole flowers thing. i was
>always afraid that you and
>karithia would group together and
>come after me. DAMN that
>would have sucked.
>liked my conversations with you, except
>that one dealing with being
>in thera often.
>i only ever have one char
>at a time, so heh.
>if you didnt see me
>often, aften I am in
>form, and also you duod
>(except in trees)
>the rest of you, were nothing
>but maran lapdogs. You defended
>them more than they defended

Thanks, I'm glad you liked my character... as
for being a tough as nails arcane... I've had
hell near a dozen of em, prolly 5 or 6 arcane
heros since the second age :P Alot of people
underestimate them, because they haven't seen
an agressive one, they usually die a few times
before they figure out i'm not like fightin
an unshifted muter or something. Then the comments
like 'what? oh, hes just an arcane.' ... stop

See you in the fields.

2230, RE: Underestimate
Posted by Another Arcane (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't give away our secert power!
2229, RE: Illvenristo - tough as nails.
Posted by Felliciano (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe. I have had alot of arcanes too, last one nexus., though prefer the shifters.
if you could just do a WHERE while duod. i hated popping out of duo on where and being lagged from it.
hated the lag on the spells.. near noone knew where wands were back then, and stone skin and corporeal hardening just didnt do al that much for protection, and not being able to fly while hardening hurt badly.
also since nexus was hunted no matter what.. grr...
and only having a few nexites at the time...
got tired of that too heh.

You and karithia gave me faith at least in the arcanes again. Noone else plays em good.
2225, Sigh
Posted by Dwimmerling (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I haven't been a maran very long, and I didn't even know you were a scion until that day we fought (I hadn't seen you too much), and then you deleted. I am aware of this problem and I have been taking steps to rectify it. Been raiding more lately, solo raids to come!

Damn though, wish you had stuck around, you were fun to interact with.

I fear porcupines, I am a shield spec, and it nueters me to take it off and put on a polearm. Sigh

'Nothing is true, everything is permissable'
-somewhere in the illuminatus
2226, RE: Sigh
Posted by felliciano (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
bah! ok. paladins have the easiest time, since they have sanc and protection and storm giants resist. just keep healing yourself. grrr.

as for the quote, which was really bothering me..

everything is true, its only the person who believes it thats wrong.
2227, RE: Sigh
Posted by Dwimmerling (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, even false things are true.
2224, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by Fellicitinia (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One more thing I would like to clear up. You and I do not know each other ooc and we were not married ic. I really wish you had picked a name vastly different from mine. You would not believe how many notes I received complaining that I was in town and didn't come to their aid...I knew it had to be you. Oh well we are both gone now so that will end that. Take care and see you in the fields.
2237, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by Illvenristo (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved your RP, but you couldn't back it up unfortunatly.
Wish I could have gotten to know your char better
and kill you a bit more...but you never really
logged on... I had two consecutive heros that never
saw you once, except for the past three or four days.

Good luck on your next, see you in the fields, you badass you.

2239, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by Felliciano (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe. I saw you often.
with Felliciano.. she was obsessed with what he didnt have.
he didnt have a body he wanted.. that was the main thing of his.
also felliciano would be in form for 18 or so ticks straight, then revert slow sleep for three ticks, then form again. he hated his body. if you ever looked at him, you would have seen it.
For an arcane, you were pretty tough. all those damn wands though. If I knew how to get all teh way up there (you know where) then I most likely wouldnt have deleted.

also, I thought it neat with the flowers, even though my char hated it with a passion

i've always been a nature lover at heart ;P

more in my own post

2238, RE: (DEL) Felliciano, the Persistent Scavenger of Lore
Posted by Felliciano (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i know.. it sucked badly. not being able to back up something you have wanted to do since before you rolled a char up... was hell. with transmuters *shifters* its only luck of the forms you get. hehe.. it was hard to kill me illvy, its always hard to kill one of my chars!!! *sniffs sadly*
and i did log on alot!! *SCREAMS IN ANGER*
and ##### illvy was a hero before I rolled up felliciano. i think. had this char for what 3 weeks? grr