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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Sossaphrin Na'Shaon the Evil King
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22126
22126, (DELETED) [SCION] Sossaphrin Na'Shaon the Evil King
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Nov 3 12:02:39 2003

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 10th of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Sossaphrin perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
PK Ratio:89% (closer to 100% is better)

22142, Sorry to see you go.
Posted by Jiro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You'd have been a great pk buddy. A warrior with my specs is practically made to fight with a necro or an a-p. We could have made a pretty messed up pk team. :P
22127, thoughts on Sossaphrin
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really liked this character at first, but things soured over time. I originally planned to age die or try to imm him. That meant 500-600 hours. I intended to put in about 200+ at hero, so to hit hero at 300 hours.

I got unholy blessing at about 80 hours, to put it in perspective.

At level 40, and around 300 hours, I got a crappy title. Now, a crappy title is fine, by itself. I don't mind a crappy title. However, when said crappy title comes with an admonishment over the cabal channel, you have to wonder what is in store for you.

What did annoy me about the title "the unambitious, passive observer of heroic battles" is this:

How long is one expected to spend at hero? Isn't leaving 200 hours enough? Imms are trying to encourage characters to play longer. I think they need to recognise that if this happens, people (at least me) will get bored being hero for 400 of those. It just so happens that I'd spent the two days BEFORE getting titled, trying to find a group. I only failed because a scion assassion refused to group with a non-scion warrior, meaning that even though we all wanted to rank, we couldn't effectively. I got to within 3k of lvl 41, and mob died. Then I mob died again when close to 42 (twice), trying to help a scion get wands (well, I wanted some too), and again owing to bad decision (on all parts) whilst ranking.

My title was basically to do with me running back to do what I could in cabal defense, but not being able to touch raiders. I'd use the odd scion power to help, grab weapons, loot any scions who fell, and word them if I could. So, my title reflected the fact that I was standing around not fighting the heroes raiding. It didn't reflect the fact that people in my pk could have joined that raid, but didn't. Is that my fault? No. Also, when someone actually spotted my title and commented on it, I actually was in a pretty heroic battle (imho). I got taken down to about 60 hp and ended up killing my enemy. Then I solo retrieved for about the third time that day. So it isn't like I contributed nothing.

Anyhow, that bit of things aside...


yes, I did attack that orc on the battlefield. I told the scion applicant to stand aside, and he didn't refuse, which I took as consent. However, it was 100% true that I was snared walking INTO the battlefield, not running away from the group. I won't go into details, but that's the truth.

Also deleted because I wasn't rp'ing any more. Playing ap turns you into someone who just runs around trying to kill after a while.

Foslin: I'll wait until you delete.

Mekantos: You were the one non-scion (at the time) ap that I would never attack, because I like intelligent ap's instead of bash-spam aps. More comments when you delete.

Vanar: liked you, only your rp totally changed when I was getting the negative immteraction over the cabal channel, then changed back when the imm went. Similar thing applies a little to Mekantos, although I didn't see you as much after this point, so maybe it was going to be a permanent change on your part to do with becoming advisor.

Zaknafir: Liked you too. I was always expecting you to set me up to be killed, after I summoned you out of the chasm and killed you.

Etarekoth: Love the rp. My favorite character in the mud. Ten out of ten in my book.

Jiro: Liked you. You have no idea how hard I worked to keep scions from ganking you at one stage.

Any scions I forget, sorry about that.

To the scion who got my gear when I deleted, enjoy. It probably suits your class quite well.


Best collection I can ever recall in the village right now. I can't think of anyone that Sossaphrin fought recently that I didn't respect.

Juktar gets a special mention (bastard!) as the worlds most annoying raider. I think I know your legacies and they make you a slippery one. Did well to kill me. Not sure exactly how I died. Looks like I entered one command more than I thought I had.

Broghelan, Tykrul also impressed me. Not sure Tykrul's comment abot attacking in groups was totally warranted since I'd attacked him alone earlier, unprepped, and forced him off. Not that that means much since he didn't die. I attacked him alone later too, prepped, and I died in under two rounds. Mistake on my part to cast sleep under the circumstances.

There were other good ragers too, but I can't remember their names. One was the mino zerker called Yrrdoohun. You were a beast.

I do remember one rager who didn't impress me though. He ran off when I attacked him, then lied about a trade to try to kill me, but still didn't pull it off. Apparently I was "lucky to live, because I'd reduced" just in case, and was "prepared because I was bloodlusted". In my book, that's not luck. That's taking precautions. I think, if you stoop to betrayal, you should make damn sure you kill the guy in the process!


Liked most of you. Elstratuviel gets an honorable mention, though it pissed me off that someone was always around to save you when I got the upper hand. Then when you killed me, not only died, but was paralysed for so long in Udgaard that you had time to get there from the Aryth Ocean before my extra deaths went through.

Obaznuk too, who I could never kill, gets a big thumbs up.

I am still somewhat suspicious of the maran paladin who turned up to defend the village. He wasn't on who pk. Then I attack, three villagers come out and look at me several times. Then maran logs on and arrives at the village before I even have the giant gushing, and I'd not stopped to rest. Maran and all villagers + the goodie I killed just before raiding all claim he just happened to be walking past the village. I didn't pray about it, because it -could- be true. However, I am not convinced.


I learnt that ap's shouldn't waste their time on heralds. Put you all together, and you are probably worth about half a charge. ;*)
Seriously, if anyone let me know they were a herald, I left them alone. Mossi, Lothloriannie, both get honorable mentions. I stay away from the inn though because if a group of ragers runs in, a drow ap dies fast.


I broke the law a fair bit, but never got caught. Vault doesn't cause a yell. :*) If people wondered why chose to vault when it is so crappy against awake targets, that's why.


Gurgudu, liked you. I REALLY wanted you to sell your soul for peace earlier. As it was I think I took about 10-20 charges from you before you submitted.

Karmen, you were cool. One good conjie I liked. Liked the way we left each other be because I killed more evils that way. Liked the way you didn't gaunt me just because you could. Thought when your elemental hit me and I attacked you for it that our truce might be over, but you accepted my reason. Wonder if you'd have still accepted it had Yddroohn the rager not cranialed me and possibly saved your life in the process.

Class/race combo:

drow ap doesn't suck. They can't bash worth crap, but they don't suck. People think they suck because they don't play them quite right. However, the new ap skills make all ap races a lot more viable. Proof of that is that I took 44 of my first 47 charges entirely solo. 1 of the 47 was leeched, one was in a fight where someone else cursed the victim, and one was when I was asked to defend the chasm after the scions has been beaten back, but the raider was hurt. Managed to kill several people ranking in Darsylon. It isn't as safe as people think. Though that annoying (in a good way) hand spec warrior who kept running through darsylon, forcing me to go the long way around again and again, took full advantage of it.

Regarding some imm's comments on shrine sitting. Not sure if it was directed at me, because a lot of it was going on, but here are some views on this because I reckon it probably was me:

Caballed characters get bless and healing from cabal healer. If an uncaballed wants it, he has to go to a shrine (and yes, I know about questy ways of getting bless, but that is a weak bless and no heals etc).

Nightgaunts totally own solo ap's. Choices are: don't be solo, and stay in a gang. Well, that's not compatible with a role that says you kill solo until you prove yourself, so that's out the window. I can go underwater. Sometimes I did that, but underwater spots are usually nowhere near where I want to hunt. Equally the recall spots I'd be using. I wanted Udgaard because it has access to three very nice hunting grounds. So moving to Arkham went out the window for offensive considerations. I tried the tactic of standing up to a nightgaunt, and healing. That cost me 25 gold. That's too expensive for a solo character.

Now, I wouldn't mind if goodies sent good aligned nightgaunts, since protection would help. I wouldn't mind if they sent them sparingly, but in practice, they send them all the time. I really hope (if it hasn't already) that something is hard-coded that means bring nightgaunts does turn you neutral if you summon them too much (say 50 nightgaunts in a lifetime -- still quite a lot).

Adjair: I can't believe I never managed a single charge out of your gaunting. You should have joined the scions imho, but then, you know what Sossaphrin thought about you not joining.

Conclusion. If hunting near a shrine, hit the shrine at nighttime. It isn't like you can't be found there. I fought 5 people in shrines, winning 3 times and losing twice (once I iceballed the shrine guardian after I wimpied into him). My previous characters used to hunt people in shrines. To me, someone in a shrine is fair game, especially when the god isn't active and therefore won't be punishing any attackers. So I don't see a problem with it really. When I saw the imm comment re shrines I never went in a shrine again except to fight or pray. The only effect was to greatly reduce my chances to hunt people.

Other things:

ap's do take damage from the saccing of their unholy while still a ghost, if it happens after the first stage of unghosting (mobs becoming aggro) and before the second stage (players re-enter pk). I was mortally wounded when my 9 charge unholy got leeched. Had I not gone to the aforementioned shrine, I would have taken a double-death from that, but the healer healed me up.

Special thanks:

Thanks to Kastellyn for some fun immteraction. I especially liked Xarduro. Thanks for the quest (even if the reward disappeared). I'd never explored that area before, and at least now I have, and I'd have missed out had I not had that quest. I did feel like I was imposing on time you'd set aside for dealing with village things though.

Ghuljun, you were very cool. I enjoyed the time I spent with you.

Will post logs on Dio's. Best unholy I got was the 47 charger, 44 solo from pk. Died fighting a felar assassin and a felar spear/staff spear, unprepped. (A disadvantage of spear is that once irongrip is up, you can't use wands.) Missed my vault (which hurts like hell and lags worse than hell), then didn't come out of permalag except to die to parting blow. However... that was good, because if I HAD come out of permalag, the fireball I'd entered in the hope of causing one of the attackers to wimpy would have hit Paton, and that would have been embarrassing. Appreciate the attempted return of my unholy. Lowbie thief below my pk who sacced my crappy stuff, well, I'm not impressed unless you were a rager. If you have a 47 charge unholy, you can get almost ANYTHING in trade for it. But you sac it. Along with crappy level 10 bracers. Again, understandable if you are a rager. But I don't think you were.

I didn't get my first control until my 35th charge in pk. I have reviewed my logs many times, and confirmed that it was my 36th charge, 35 from pk and one leeched. Overall I think I took something like 56 charges in pk. Maybe more. Was planning to get cold control for fighting the marans, but in the end realised that I still wasn't rp'ing any more.

Here's my skills:

Note parry is not perfected. Nor shield block. Not half my weapons. Nor half my spells.

<813hp 781m 738mv 16295tnl waning wilderness indoor 8 PM>
blindness 100%(100%) charge 94%( 94%)
chill touch 98%( 98%) curse 100%(100%)
detect invis 98%( 98%) energy drain 92%( 92%)
fireball 100%(100%) invis 100%(100%)
lightning bolt 100%(100%) plague 90%( 90%)
poison 93%( 93%) protection 100%(100%)
sleep 100%(100%) summon 100%(100%)
teleport 100%(100%) axe 96%( 96%)
dagger 95%( 95%) flail 97%( 97%)
mace 96%( 96%) polearm 95%( 95%)
spear 100%(100%) sword 100%(100%)
whip 100%(100%) bash 89%( 89%)
dirt kicking 97%( 97%) disarm 100%(100%)
enhanced damage 100%(100%) hand to hand 78%( 78%)
kick 100%(100%) parry 96%( 96%)
trip 95%( 95%) second attack 100%(100%)
third attack 100%(100%) shield cleave 79%( 79%)
lash 75%( 75%) fast healing 100%(100%)
haggle 93%( 93%) meditation 100%(100%)
pick lock 75%( 75%) scrolls 90%( 90%)
wands 92%( 92%) recall 100%(100%)
iceball 100%(100%) cleave 100%(100%)
demand 79%( 79%) despoil 75%( 75%)
nightwalker 82%( 82%) lore 94%( 94%)
deafen 80%( 80%) shield block 85%( 85%)
aura of despair 86%( 86%) dual wield 100%(100%)
volley 70%( 70%) sight of the damned 93%( 93%)
divination 70%( 70%) unholy blessing 77%( 77%)
leech unholy blessing 75%( 75%) control unholy blessing 75%( 75%)
worldbind 75%( 75%) bloodlust of the twelve fiends 100%(100%)
iron grip of azazel 90%( 90%) pen 78%( 78%)
beckon druktrar 73%( 73%) vault 100%(100%)
lashes of the slave 99%( 99%) faceslash 97%( 97%)
crippling strike 100%(100%) power word despondence 100%(100%)
charge of the morosa 93%( 93%) enervating spirits 72%( 72%)
You have 25 practice sessions left.

re other ap skills:

I personally don't like charge of the morosa AT ALL for pk. Decent for ranking perhaps (if you are slowed or have a healer). But for pk people tended to bugger off before it fired. Also, when I used it on a slept person he fled straight off, so it didn't lag like I hoped either. When I was winning with it, people would flee and I'd chase, only to have every wild creature attack, allowing them to escape.

Similar reason is why I didn't want to use flail + enervating spirits against paladin. I managed to kill a paladin or two (I hope I managed at least two), and iceball + good saves + spear hitting well proved better than shield mastery + wrath.

spear was a cool weapon. I recommend it. Lethal to a slept person, good at parrying a particular weapon where warriors expect to outdamage you. If you are a high int race, you can do damage with spells, so don't need the dual attack so much.

I learnt more about pk with this character than any of my others. If I played another ap, I think I could do a lot better. However, I need a break from ap's for now. Problem is that you can never have a nice relaxed kill. You are permanently on edge because the losing stakes are so high, and also because you are very easily killed if you slip up.

To continue my totally random rambling, I geared for saves and stats again. It saved my ass many times, not least when Tykrul managed to land -15 str in maladictions on me and I was still at max strength. That was a horribly bungled raid, which reminds me...

Scions need to plan their raids better. We got repeatedly tooled by the village during group raids owing to crappy tactics (yep, I was as guilty as any!). Things like not giving Jiro time to engage defenders and pull them from the big D, which he could have done with a dirt kick followed by a pull. Things like when I asked which villager out of Tykrul, Broghelan and Juktar we were going to target first, saying we'd just target the giant. I think we got the giant to convulsing by the time they killed two of us, and nearly the other three. Meanwhile I fought Tykrul outside the village and discovered he was writhing. Had I been meleeing him instead of the giant I think it would have meant at least one of them died or retreated. Still, I suck in group raids because I can't see what's going on in the spam. Also realised I didn't know the layout of the village when I first joined scions, which doesn't exactly improve the tactical contribution I was able to make.
22128, Had a couple good chats, enjoyed sending things to you
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Once I determined you were fairly honorable which at the time I respected more than the whole good/evil thing, I'd send the odd piece of gear your way. I figured that and not using gaunts against you was an easy way of keeping an uneasy truce.
22129, Excellent enemy to have:
Posted by Obaznuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A drow a-p that can actually pull it off and kick some tail. I think we fought a few times in the twenties, then again in the thirties. You were a fun enemy to have cause I knew you'd be up for a brawl, even though you knew fighting an axe spec who you know has mithril is probably gonna end up going sour. What I loved most though, were our conversations. Thanks for the fun times.
Obaznuk the Dude
22130, Good opponent
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fought you some both as yyrdoouhn and as pernibel, good fights from what I can recall.. good luck with the next. (yes, the luck stat no myth!)
22133, yeah, I remember those fights
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I recall, I attacked Pernibel in the arial city and when your groupmate worded you tracked you down in Galadon, eventually killing you.

Yyrdoouhn on the other hand was too much for me to handle. I actually mentioned Yyrdoouhn, along with Obaznuk, when I was talking to Kastellyn. I said you were the two enemies I respected. Think I gave a negative mention to a sylvan invoker at the same time, but he later gave me a better fight.
22134, clearly I don't remember so well
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Turns out it was Korby I killed. Pernibel killed me when I got overconfident in the early days.
22131, RE: thoughts on Sossaphrin
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a thoroughly enjoyable character to watch, especially at the beginning of your career, when you first came to the Shrine. I was a lot more active then with the religion, and I knew you had what it took to get the tattoo eventually - was waiting for you to hero. A drow AP with your skills and knowledge definitly stood out, and your RP was quite solid, though I did notice a decline towards the end. I understand the reasons, though; having played APs before, I know exactly what you are talking about.

I can't comment on level or shrine sitting; I knew you were out there levelling when you could and I could care less if anyone hangs out in shrines all day (though that does make it hard to interact with others at times). I remember thinking that you did spend an awful lot of time hanging out at 36, though...but again, I feel like that's your choice. I did the same with my AP - they're very strong there.

As for the quest/reward, that's my bad. Time; it's always about time, and mine has pretty much levelled off where it is now, which is not a whole hell of a lot. I can offer only apologies for that, but I don't think it really affected your character in the long run. Immteracton with me falls under the 'nice to have' category, but certainly wasn't a neccessity for your character.

All in all, a memorable character. Sorry it started to get stale for you, but that happens. Wish I could have been around more to breathe some life back into you. Would have liked for you to finish your book, and if you still have the copy you wrote, shoot it to me via email, and I'll give it to Xarduro to hang on to.
22132, I'll definitely take you up on that offer re the book
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
will email it sometime this week.

22135, RE: thoughts on Sossaphrin
Posted by Dark Knight on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mekantos: You were the one non-scion (at the time) ap that I would never attack, because I like intelligent ap's instead of bash-spam aps. More comments when you delete.

Thanks a lot for the compliment.

I thought Sossaphrin showed a lot, and I mean a LOT of potential. You
gave me hope (bad, bad word!) as an arial AP when I first met you, and
saw that you had done some serious ass-whooping. A scary Drow AP isn't
something you see everyday, and that gave you prestige right off-the-bat.

I thought that you belonged in Scions like peanut butter belongs with
jelly, but I knew that you're semi-dodgy playing times would be an
issue. There were times that I didn't see you for weeks, and then when
I did see you, you had the bad title (I had one too, so don't feel too
bad), and I tried to motivate you to rank, in Mekantos's way, of course.

Funny that you mentioned your mob death while trying to get to your
next title, because the same damned thing happened to me at 38. I was
decked out and looking for a group, then had a bad death, lost
everything, and got the bad title while I was regearing. Oh well, just
bum luck.

I wanted nothing more than to see you succeed, and it's a shame that
you threw in the towel. I hope the next one is more "fun" in the sense
that it keeps you interested.

22136, Well that doesn't sound promising.
Posted by Foslin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everyone else gets nice props, I get, "I'll wait until you delete". Now that is scary. I take it you don't like me? Oh well, I'll add you to the list :).
22138, actually it is mixed
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some good, some bad. But I will say that I'd have tried to kill you had you not become chancellor before our paths crossed alone. Attacking the chancellor didn't seem like as good an idea as attacking the guy who threatened to kill me after I died the quadruple death to the corpse bug (I wouldn't have been mortally wounded had I not been healed before I did my get all). However, I did expect you to try to kill me, and even egged you on, and you didn't.
22139, Wow
Posted by Etarekoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
--->Etarekoth: Love the rp. My favorite character in the mud. Ten out of ten in my book.

You got to see a side to Etarekoth that almost no one else did, and probably won't. I'm not sure why that is, but it just felt right with you, because for some reason you also didn't seem like the typical-serious-darkelf-roleplay type. I like to play cf to have fun and laugh, as well as to compete and kill, and I guess that the former sometimes goes into my character's roleplay. So if you were chuckling along behind the screen, then I'm happy because I was too.

That said, I think my roleplay is terrible and sometimes even in 'bad form', but seeing you and Dralith give me props on Dios only serves to feed my ego ;)

Hrm, sorry for not ranking you with Jiro that time, but we made our peace a day later. I was carrying around a very nice suit for you, for about 2 weeks, more pieces than I had originally put in the note. It sucked when I heard you died, but it sucked even more getting around at max weight for so long. Oh well, I'm sure I'll find another pair somewhere, even if my supposed peeps don't want to hook me up ;)

22140, that explains something
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I used to make comments behind your back like "he's a bit... odd, isn't he?" and none of the other scions ever knew what I meant.

At the time I thought they were just completely unaware of the rp going on around them. I guess if they didn't see the stuff I did then they might not find you as funny.
22141, I wish you would have ranked up..
Posted by Lariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The bane of elf paladin exp penalty, you never worked into my range. From what I heard you got a lot of respect as a pretty skill opponent, and whenever I see an odd combo like drow AP getting that kind of props, I want to fight it. Oh well, sounds like you were pretty skilled, and it would have been fun to go against each other. I agree with what you say about the bash spam APs. I've watched a lot of those bash themselves to death. I have a feeling I probably would have had a lot more trouble with you than any fire giant bashamatic. Anyways, good job showing drow AP aren't wusses, even if I didn't see it for myself.
22152, Oooh... Drow AP aganist Elf Pally... Direct opposites... n/t
Posted by Nameless on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
22143, Good show from what I saw
Posted by Juktar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is the second character to have interacted with you in some way, shape, or form. Unfortunately (or fortunately, however you want to look at it) both were on opposing sides to yours. Still, what little I saw and heard from you was definately high quality.
22145, Revenge.
Posted by Zaknafir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was waiting for you to get into PK. Zaknafir is not someone who let other people do the work for him(atleast not when it is personal). I would have challenged you once I could harm you, and to be honest, that is not a fair fight. If you had not accepted I would have attacked and tried to killed you on the spot.
22155, re fighting
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We did share a pk range for quite some time after that, although I agree we didn't for a long time too. Plus I did return even a few of the best items from your corpse in order to try to keep scions sweet.

Sossaphrin didn't bear grudges about deaths. I travelled with a ranger who ganked me, because it served my purposes. I assume Zaknafir had a similar outlook, and left me be because it served his purposes (whatever they were). Once I joined scion I did what I could to aid you, because I considered it would be mutually beneficial.

As far as being an unfair matchup, I don't believe invoker vs ap is unfair at all, even if the ap has an elemental control up. The reason being that the ap has, in my opinion, an easier time sealing the kill. So whilst the voker will send the ap running 9 times out of ten, I doubt the voker should ever kill the ap. However, if the ap gets the voker slept, he has a decent change of killing the voker through maladictions.

When I fought Eschkitzko in later life (in early life I caught him in similar fashion to yourself), I got several chances to try to deafen him before going in to try to land the sleep. When the deafens failed (which is invariably did), I just broke off without ever being in real danger. Given that I carried recall wands and had a lot of extra dex, at least two spells were needed to keep me in combat. One to prevent me using the wand (say grease) and another to prevent me from running (say gel). If either of those was cast, I'd break off then and there if I thought I'd need to run.

I usually kept enough gold to survive immolations.
22146, RE: thoughts on Sossaphrin
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Specifically, you got the title because at the time, the cabal had a few heroes who were getting mashed, and a larger group of people sitting at 40 where their range was primarily evil-aligned and less likely to hunt them. Given that you were by far the most obvious culprit, a temporary negative title is well within the realm of possibility, and "unambitious" summed up what I saw- content to pick off smaller game. You gained one level, and it went away. It was a shame, because I thought the level-sitting tainted an otherwise interesting and very well-played character. The behavior also seemed incongruous with an otherwise "I'm badass" role and the Scion philosophy of power at any cost.

As for negative feedback from the Archmage, that's pretty much what you're going to get from that character, especially when the small herd of level 40 people stand idly by while heroes repeatedly beat the crap out of him. It's a rare day (though it does happen) that he has anything vaguely complimentary to say. Part of the Scion experience.

22154, you say that about the "evil" range but
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you look at who I hunted whilst evils were -really- dominant, it was the evils.

Before I joined scion, I suspect I killed more imperials than those of any other cabal.

After I joined scion, I killed other evils if they didn't make it known they were scion apps until I had them slept, at which point I didn't trust them. I killed Zaknafir, who was a scion.

I killed Wahmok too soon before I deleted.

I reckon I killed more evils than goods. I didn't use my predominantly evil range as a crutch. When there was one good in my pk range around 36, I hunted the evils, not the good. I prefered to hunt evils when I could, but being scion prevented me from doing that. Not allowed to hunt empire. Not allowed to hunt scions. That left only uncaballed evils and I killed all those I could get away with.

Bear in mind that I wasn't grouping with the hordes of evils, so they probably didn't view me as an ally. Also, I didn't take advantage of the numbers in order to gank my enemies. In later life, if someone was with me, they could assist. In early life I didn't even allow that.

Also, I didn't play it overly nice with the imperials. I attacked the imperial who gated in to fight my groupmate. I pushed the limit as far as I thought I could get away with. But when you've already had the healer ticking you off, you don't want to push too hard or you expect to get the boot.

Also, as I said, I had spent the two days previous to getting a title trying to get a group together. I'm not talking the odd tell. I'm talking 16 hours of constantly trying to get a group, until I saw someone in my pk that I was allowed to hunt. You know I couldn't group with imperials because the reality is that everyone knows your cabal almost instantly. Other scions quite rightly took a more effective ranking group of three, which I offered to join when a space opened up, whilst the ones I could get to travel didn't want to join each other.
22157, Question
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know you explained it to me, but I think that it was over one too many beers. Why did you join Scion?
22159, it was something I was toying with for ages
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In the end, it was because I lost my unholy, so I figured it didn't matter anymore if I got ganked in raid situations.

Once he felt he'd proved himself, he was happy to take what power was available to him, like the secrets of the scions.
22184, Not a bad go-round.
Posted by Drucyrus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I haven't been to these web pages for quite a while. I am kind of disappointed in seeing your name here though, Daurwyn. I was hoping you would take Sossaphrin to hero but I guess you had enough. I know the feeling. Our one fight way back was fun but brief, you breaking off after failing the sleep spell.

Anyway, good job on the drow. Nice to see someone can prove people wrong about drow ap's. They are certainly not my style but you did well. I hope the advice I gave you about ap's was useful (incidently that e-mail account has expired I think and I don't think I will be making another hotmail one for now so post something on these boards if you want to get hold of me.)

Once again, good job and good luck on your next if you make another.


22191, thanks
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did heal and return after breaking off, but there were a couple of others in my pk right outside, that I thought you'd called. Ultimately though you had a lot of charges at that stage and hit for mangles/demos whilst I was hitting for something like maims and mutilates. So really, my only hope was to land sleep and kill you with maladictions and bleeding.

You were right about it getting harder to pk when people people start talking about you. Oh, and air majors waking people up when you sleep them. And about healers :(.