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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
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22017, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Oct 29 22:31:36 2003

At 7 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Slathigern perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:48% (closer to 100% is better)

22106, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Lorran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had many battles. Thanks for all of em. Nice job,
and luck with your next character.
22026, Congratulations
Posted by Drozhurrb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to know, were you sphere deception or something like that? I have to congratulate you for your rp. I was amazed when I heard you became general. I was waiting for the opposite, for you to be kicked. After you sent me that tell begging me to summon you out of the locked tower in Hamsah, and made the deal with me to give me some good equ in exchange for summoning you out and saving your life, I was sure you would be booted. I figured you'd done this before - no reason you'd pick me first or just start getting help like this at such a late date - and so I gleefully took the equ after summoning you and waited each day to see what happened to you.

Then lo and behold you are promoted. I didn't spend enough time with you to see your play, but you must have done very well, so good job on both counts and getting away with it. But please, tell me, was it a role thing or just not wanting to die that time or what?
22036, Actually....
Posted by Lariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to agree. I recall summoning you out of a locked room in Galadon twice, and I was really surprised when you became a rager. It just seemed like you'd drop all the rager philosophies whenever you were in a bind and it would benefit you. Anyways...I never really interacted with you, but that just seemed a little lame for a rager.
22051, RE: Congratulations
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a role thing, Slathigern took part from the Movie the Core, that "You can't be a good leader until you have lost" And that to Slathigern was being associated with magic in some way. In my interviews every single applicant was maledicted, harmed directly or indirectly by magic, and Slathigern was not. He was born in a land where magic was outlawed and he was born to destroy magic. The summonings by certain Priests he didn't believe were totally wrong, but nessessary to validict his rage.

22052, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What the hell do I say? 400 hours Holy ####, I never thought id make it that far. Too tell the truth I nearly deleted at 300. I met hundreds of characters, made tons of friends, tons of enemies, made many informants. I had a blast with Slathigern. Ok, where to start... Slathigern was just a side character of my before character Cerophin who was an axe defender. I found that Cerophin was a lot stronger then Slathigern considering the skills were just about the same. But anyhow, I got inducted to ragers at rank 25. Dusted groups of 3 with ease, got doubleblock and didn't even use it. Became a defender so I could stand back and block for the one taking blows and I ended up taking blows. Svirfs with axes is one hell of a tank. I initially became a defender because i hate resting to heal, and I think DB is overpowered and shows no skill, so... So I basically became a defender for PK purposes, then near the 200 mark I warped it around RP with Sabiene. There is just so much to talk about, I loved Slathigern, I tried to make him a beast which I believe I did rather well considering A) Vulnerability B) Size, those two made things rather difficult in battle. Not being able to trip and bash anything cause I always failed, and tripping was nearly always useless I took

Axe: Pincer, Whirl, Disempowel were the only skills I practiced at all in this spec. As soon as I hit hero pincer and whirl went from hitting 80% of the time down to about 40% of the time. I died a lot from that.

Whips/Flails Got my ass killed a lot, saved my ass a lot and got me some kills, entwine is nice at the giant.

My legacies were to my path as a defender, Autumn Harvest made me near invinsible as a tank as a lot found. Mostly all I could be hit with was special attacks. And Whispers of the Great Seige in the end I believed a mistake, I should have gone Balance of Sisters, but Whispers is one hell of a legacy. Alright, finally the goodbyes, if some want my 2 descriptions and my role just say so, and ill post it.

Kastellyn: My initial God, you said one sentence to me in near 400 hours and that was "Reach the pinnicle of your guild and ill speak with you" Well, that came and 300 hours later no talk
Thror: Thanks a lot for the Sapper Test. Dial Up lost me the question/answer and I realized my mistake in the fight, you can't break whips! Wish you had taught me hand to hand skills.
Sabiene: My Goddess in the end. once realizing your cause to the village I saw that I sought the same of you and bended to your cause. wish I could have continud the Autonn thing in the end but managed to finish it alone.
Lorhan: Thanks for the Title of General. Very Arrogant attitude, I liked it
Beroxxus: Always seemed like you wanted me to leave the village and follow you, you seemed to watch me a lot.
Obaznuk: Well done and WOOTIE, your fired!

Sardinthal: My apprentice, I brought you up with me as my apprentice because of your disposition and ability to learn fast. Well done
Urgarg: You were right, I would become General, amazing DrillMaster. Awesome inspiration.
Ozlif: My criminal brother, we had a blast hunting Tribunal Magi and stiring up Galadon, in the end I was banished from Galadon and Mu'tazz
Juktar: Awesome title, awesome character, It was amazing traveling with you and learning new areas.
Zhelrantix: I knew you would be Captain, you and Zylundak were the only ones in the village that could beat me, then Brog came along, damn...
Broghelan: Bloody #### man, a fire hand/whip WTF how can a giant be... It boggles the mind man, you powerhouse!
Zylundak: Awesome Commander, good ways good leadership.
Mauchelle: I knew you would be in, good work.
Ghullth: You be a strong svirfy, your the last.
Ayuzen: Well done, none of your traps really bothered me, I was immune to most traps in my youth as a hero.
Shean: Arial axe kinda irks me, im not sure why, but it does. well done
Ruorik: Its been a long time, liked your RP
Thrakadan: Nice character, too bad you never came on, I traded Armageddeon about five times.
Flaerglum: Awesome thief, I like the poison path but I hate thieves all together so.
Tykrul: Well done, though I saw little of you.
Dhacknath: Hated you after you let Ozlif die, then began slowly regaining my respect. well done.

Mekantos: First and formost, I wanted to solo you so bad after the Sardinthal incident, im glad we got all that straightened up.
Foslin: You seemed amateur at first, especially when I soloed you while raiding. But then you started pulling all these tricks out your ass and you got scary.
Zaknafir: The only scion I feared, I disliked being around you. I knew you knew how to kill me, and with ease
Etarekoth: Assassinated me twice, damn you assassinate/flee assassins. But then I understand.
Ghuishoc: The only way you killed me was Rot, which was funny... I liked fighting you and Zashiere.
Zashiere: I liked fighting you, you had balls. Few of the chasm did.
Jiro: Wish we had fought 1 on 1 I would have without resist.
Vanar: I urged for when I could sink my axes into your sides, then it came and I basically missed it. Well done
Adidh: Well done in killing me that one time, Hyena is a nice form.

Oblain: Slathigern hated you, thought you were skilless which in the beginning you were, always fighting me 3-5 on 1. Then you came with Sheilica alone, which I can understand, I still nearly killed you both 8 or 9 times together.
Ashlidry: Always able to catch me near death, I never could understand that. Well done
Larsetta: You seemed smart until you came and manacled. Which was your death. You know lion form, use it! Well done
Eucarios: I knew I smelt a newbie. And I was right, I wish I had not gunned for you so much.
Zalseth: See Eucarios.
Gleamar: See Eucarios, but at least you had the guts to fight me, some of the time.
Eduardo: We spoke of something that never happened, no matter how much I wish it had. Well done.
Kelrizza: Another weak tribunal, I can;t believe you sent me fleeing, but then in my old age I wasn;t much of anything.

Zhenzar: Enjoyed our talks, wish I had dueled you once or twice just for kicks. Extremely well done.
Mogalliano: You seemed to much of a scavenger for my liking, though it did profit me more then once in our trades.
Hezes: Too bad you got Anathema, i had a lot riding on you.
Yanacek: No matter how mighty you might have seemed, I know you didn't want to attack me, and vise versa, I had some respect for what little I saw.
Drakuni: You should have gotten Anathema, you complained too much.
Arkozian: Sorry about attacking you, but in the beginning i was tired of all the Imperials ganging me to death.
Vygylyn: Or however you spell it. Well done.
Socherion: Can't believe you went Empire... Well done

Choranek: Well done on IMMing, you IMMed the day I was going to kill you LOL damn fate!
Pelthaas: A good friend of mine, always informing me of our common enemies.
Nydosin: You hated me for striking Eschkitzko, well its my duty, well done.
Eschkitzko: I think I killed you once, and you killed me once, im not sure though, well done.
Lochlan: You definatly got me once I think. Well done.
Arsiep: Flew to me and finished me off when I couldn't move, arg well done.

Goronik: Much respect to you, we had respect for eachother and that was enough. Well done!
Kitch... Svirf guy! Came across you, never battled, rarely talked, gutsy though with the marans.

Halaquith: Wow, that was funny, sleep, song up, wake and walk away. I laughed. Well done.
Mossi: Struck you several times, never got the kill.

Tcatama: Tough felar, I didn't expect you to send me fleeing. Well done.
Lyria: Never traveled with you but you seemed tough. So well done.
Jaedren: Don't come to the village spitting threats, especially with a char designed to take you down in the way. But well done Big Strong one.
Elstratuviel: I liked traveling with you, wish we had made that trip to Arin-gird.
Malergora: Thanks for the summon, im glad one Paladin entered my role. Well done.

Mercenaries of Talia:
Jurrintalia: I had no idea for you, I think you were the croc I could never kill.
Berlitz: Pathetic at first, then you developed some guts
Lorran: Again, pathetic at first with your 3 air/offense shifter gangbangs with Berlitz and that other air/offense shifter.
Natherin: Traveled with you a bit. Well done, you had a strong character.
Guerqqu: The Bard Captain Merc, sorry I couldn;t remember the spelling of your name. Well done, really liked you.

Gilleonoir: I hated you so much, looting my things, threatening me from the shadows and then not doing anything.
Ixilfaelgar: What a rush traveling with you. Always a good time. You will be a villager soon enough.
Hortavalin: After I make the awesome trade to you, you turn your back and attack the giant with scions, little respect.
Hououjji: Another one I aided and got disrespected, I hunted you after, as well as Hortavalin.
Rahidlean: Sad, assassinate flee, but then I can understand that as I 3 rounded you.
Madas: Scared of me, always running away and calling aid. You played the cowardly orc well.
Arkanian: Bastardly thief, you and Kelrizza shared my last death.
Taurvat: Awesome being around you, until you betrayed me, then we became friends again.

Well I am sure that I have missed a lot of you, but don't worry, post and I will reply. I thought Slathigern was a strong characte and strong General. Just wish I had a lot more drive to play him at times, but then when your ####ed on weed or E...or X as you americans call it, or drunk wow, playing can become intense. I would have killed you Lorran but I was shaking so bad from adrenaline that I couldn't type pincer fast enough. Well thats about it. Thanks for everything and there might be a next.

Slathigern Tar'Nadin, Enforcer of Justice, General of Battle
*Sealed with the Manacle of Justice*

Aka Sladin, Talno, Darantin, Temden, Sorehk, Cerophin, Slathigern
22053, Descriptions/Role
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My initial description also used for Cerophin, as I said I wished to finish what I started, its just like me and bad movies. If I start it, I have to finish it. I actually watched all of Paulie Shore, In the army now. *smacks self*

Slathigern in Svirfnebli form.

The perfection of this small svirfneblin is simply astounding.
Beautiful, grey skin stretches over perfectly toned muscles.
A thick chest and strong stomach compose his torso. Short,
rounded legs support his small, muscular frame. Lengthy
arms are swift and well built. Strong hands grip firmly around
his weapons. A ring of white onyx fits around his finger. Ruby,
emerald, opal and turquoise gems surround a larger diamond
in the center of the rings face. Bright, yellow eyes and a hawk
shaped nose form his unmarked face. Large ears are lined
with golden and silver rings. A wide mouth bares sharp, yellowish
teeth. Gleaming around his neck, a chain of gold holds a manacle
shaped pendant, baring the same gems as the rings face.

The ring and pendant were from Hetzia, I was actually hoping to have them created in the power of Lion Wrath Ring 2str/2dam and Talisman of Strength 2str/2dam. Not overly powered but powerful enough for my liking. But like most of my role it was a waste of time.

Demon form

Deep set, heavy breathing draws your attention to this horrid
beast. Torn harments reveal hooked spinder that emerge
from a hide of thick, black scales. Bulging, black eyes emit a
red, sinister flow, luminating its face. Five gems inlaid in the
scales of its cheek reflect this dull redish glow. Sharp teeth
protrude from a biolent sneer, secreting an acidic venom.
Long, leathery limbs are covered in barbed spines and bits
of shreaded material. A black toxin drips from enlongated
nails and hisses as it meets the ground. Claws like a raptor
grip the earth in loud crunches.

My description for the last 10 hours of my life, until my last death, after I con died I did the cool exorcised thing that me and Sabiene practiced and vuala I was a svirf again.

My role

I was inspired by an outward source, it was cool and I used it to my abiity as Im sure no one knows about it. So here we go, for your viewing pleasure, after 200 hours i just gave up adding, my 1 interaction with my god of choice was 1 sentence, and thats ALL I saw of him through 400 hours but #### happens, hopefully ill find something else to play, if not I bid you all well.

my role

Four corridors lead into this massive room. Rows of chairs center
this room of black and white marble. A cauldron is hung over a fire
on a concrete stage where a man in white robes, stands over a
lankier man restrained by the manacles around his wrists.
"Silence!" boomed the Premier Jurist, his voice echoing through
the halls of the Foretress of Light. "The man that kneels before
you has been charged with treason. Tarish Li'Volin, you have been
charged on accounts of sorcery. How do you plead?" The man
turned and looked up at the Premier Jurist. "I plead guilty, may the
creator have mercy on all of your souls." With a frown Gnaus
looked down on the man then smiled. "Then you shall be purified
by pain, to your ultimate end.

"Greetings students, today we are going to go over what we have
learned this term. Slathigern, come stand before me and answer
what I have to ask." Standing from his seat, Slathigern walked to
the front of the class and swiftly saluted the Premier Jurist. "Now
Slathigern, tell me what you as a Jurist respect above all else."
Looking abashed, Slathigern looked up into Gnaus's deep blue
eyes. "Me...a Jurist?" In deep tones Gnaus exploded "If you
were you insolent fool." Regaining his posture Slathigern quickly
answered "The law, Premier Jurist". "And what are the laws of
Upper Hetzia?" Sounding proud Slathigern began "There are 5
laws in Upper Hetzia, they are
1. Those accused of delving in sorcery shall be destroyed.
2. Those accused of interacting with a malevolence shall be
purified by pain and destroyed.
3. Those with magically created items shall hand them over to
a Jurist or be accused of delving in sorcery. Punishment death.
4. Those who commit violence in protected towns shall be
shackled and thrown in the keep.
5. Those accomplising or protecting sorcerers shall be put to
death. Even known priests."
Gnaus smiled and patted Slathigern on the back, "Well done lad,
you have passed the test, I knew you could do it."

"You have one more task until you are appointed a Jurist." Gnaus
said as he led Slathigern down a well lit corridor. "You must
prove yourself to the other Jurists and gain there respect." Stepping
into a rather small but unique room of granite walls and wooden
banisters, Slathigern had little time to grab the hilt of an axe blade
aligned with his head. Stripping the axe from his first foe he spun
and whirled its blade into the face of another. Taking a braided,
leather whip from his belt, he wrapped it around the neck of his
opponent rendering him unconcious. "The meaning of this?"
Slathigern began before he was interrupted by the sounds of
clapping. "You see, his skill in combat is exceptional, and he is
rather well minded." Looking around Slathigern noticed two men
and a woman standing on pillars facing him. "Well minded, I am
aren't I." Looking down on Slathigern the three judged him with
unreadable eyes. "What do you know of Malevolences?" the woman
asked. "Malevolences are beings that enslave souls by trading a
controlled amount of mystical energy for a mortal beings soul."
The woman smiled and nodded at the man to her left. "Why do
we protect our citizens against these malevolences and sorcerers?"
Turning to face the man, Slathigern answered "Magic is like a plague.
The malevolence is the cause, and those whom are subjected to it
carry and spread it. Like a plague." Turning to his right the man
nodded at a yellow clad man across from the woman. In deep
tones unthoughtful of mortal ability, the man clad in yellow asked
"What of those of the Faith? Those who worship the Creator, Autonn"
With a thoughtful look in his eyes Slathigern took a moment to think.
"Those who worship the Creator Autonn are priests. There is a
drastic difference between gifts from Godly beings, and gifts from
a malevolence. Though those priests are also subject to the fifth
law of Upper Hetzia. Those accomplis or protecting sorcery, shall
be punished by death. "He has learned well Premier Jurist" they all
toned in unison. Turning about Slathigern looked shocked, he had
not noticed the Premier Jurist had changed into his formal garb.
"Bow Slathigern Tar-Nadin and be marked a Jurist". Bowing before
the Premier Jurist, Slathigern was awarded with a pendant of a
manacle holding five stones attached to a golden chain. "The
stones resemble the forces of magic, and the manacle its
restraint. Welcome soldier of the Light."

Over the next several years Slathigern had served the Foretress
well. He had served and sentenced many known magi, and other
hidden magi. He had worked himself up to Grand Jurist in just
those years. For many it took decades.

One day while Slathigern was resting in bed, nine soldiers of the
Light entered his home. "Slathigern Tar-Nadin, you are charged with
the act of sorcery and contact with an unknown malevolence. You
shall come with us to the Foretress of the Light where you will be
purified by pain and released from your taint." Reacting quickly
Slathigern grabbed the whip from beside the bed, swung it around
his head, wrapping it around on of the mens necks, rendering him
unconscious. They hurridly surrounded him but he evaded their
grasp and made for the front door. Grabbing a hatchet that lay on
a table near the front door, he swiftly turned and launched it, splitting
a mans head open. With that he burst through the door and ran for
the border. His persuers followed until they had reached the border
of Upper Hetzia and Liz Folaze. Slathigern took refuge in one of the
houses in Liz Folaze for a few days until he was ready to begin his

He wandered the world far and wide until venturing into the land
known as Thera. Upon arriving he began to hear tales of several
political organizations known as Cabals. One particularly caught
his attention. They were known as the BattleRagers. Or as most
called them... "The Villagers". Seeing as there beliefs almost
exactly co-insided with his own he began to persue them.

Several years have passed and Slathigern has watched over the
village as a defender. He has finally reached the pinnacle of his guild.
Mastering himself in the arms of Axes and Whips, and honing his
body through the ways of Whispers of the Great Seige, and The
Autumn Harvest he has become a figure of strength. Great dedication
and perseverance Slathigern has made his way from the lowly traveler
to a respected villager.

Recently things have begun to upset Slathigern. He watches as
the plague of magic grows, but the village does nothing. He watches
warriors and assassins walk freely carrying items of great magical
power. Others walking freely under the influence of a mage. He
once tried to make a stand but was threatened his hut. But now
he will not back down. The plague known as magic will be destroyed
whether he is a part of the village or not. Slathigern takes his next
step to Justice, and a new path to dedication.

Wondering how to appease his Lord Kastellyn, in showing him that
he is worthy of a Legend, a missive takes him by surprise. Lord
Thror sent a sapper inviting him to the Sapper Brigade tests. Matched
against fellow Villager Zhelrantix "Bear" and Provincial Magistrate Oblain,
Slathigern put up what he believes a strong fight. But in the end losing
both the Knowledge and Combat tests, Slathigern learned valuable
lessons. He will be ready for the next Brigade tests.

Thanks for your time.

22054, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, G...
Posted by Kelrizza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Kelrizza: Another weak tribunal, I can;t believe you sent me
>fleeing, but then in my old age I wasn;t much of anything.

You cannot fathom the egregious wounds your words cause me, Sladin. I suppose it must be hard on you as well, taking your last death to a newbie. As I recall, I sent you packing every time I fought you once I reached hero. Sure, I fled from you a few times when I was rank 45, but it doesn't count until someone's hitpoints reach -10.

I must compliment you on your improvement since Sladin. Although you're kind of slow, you are no longer a complete pushover. I interacted with you with two characters now - one an ally and one an enemy. I wasn't terribly impressed on either side of the picture, but now that I know you're Sladin, I am somewhat impressed.

I'm curious about one your posts below. You used the word "validict". What does this word mean?

22055, Harumph. It probably should have read
Posted by Kelrizza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
22056, "grievous wound" + I'm a dolt
Posted by Kelrizza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Way to lose all credibility, me. Sorry about that, everyone, I need to get some rest. Feel free to delete my posts. I shouldn't post when I'm cranky anyways.
22057, Sorry I was comparing you to Zaknafir, you were decent txt
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From what I saw, you sent me fleeing a couple times, but from an overall standpoint I wasn't overly impressed. Like #### look at Lochland, Esckitzko, and especially Zaknafir. I give those invokers props because I knew I coulndt kill them. I saw you as a rather easy target. But had you not greased me, damnit that was brutal, I really hate grease. Newbie no, inexperienced in the class yes. Sorry for the remark.

22060, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Strodo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were Talno???? Wow! Can I email you sometime?
22071, Of course Battlecharmed@hotmail.com my other contact #### is on dios.
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
22061, No, you're fired!
Posted by Obaznuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved tearing stuff up with Slathigern the few times you helped me against scion. We had some good talks, especially after Sardinthal's situation went down. Well done and all that.
22064, Well...
Posted by Rahidlean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rahidlean: Sad, assassinate flee, but then I can understand that as I 3 rounded you.

Yep, you sure did. Assassinate axe spec svirf unarmed...miss!
Axe spec waits round, pincers, you suffer another two rounds of lag. Minus 1000 hp in three rounds and a pincer. Tough ####...
A risk an assassin takes. As for assassinating, then fleeing if I miss...what would you do as an assasin? Stick around and wait to get entwined and hope vanish works when said axe spec wields aforementioned axes? Umm, no. Regardless...I still killed you more than you killed me, and that's what it's all about, in that situation. I played to kill, not to pat your hand and tell you that you fought honorably.
22072, RE: Well...
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, I have to give you props for locking me in Lunn's rooms. That was classic, Hashok also caught me locked in Lunns rooms alone. Im guessing I should really take another to kill Lunn with me next time
Over all, I didn't like the assassinate flee thing, you could have nicked me with slow poison, I used those a lot as a felar assassin I had a little wihle back, made any spec a little more vulnerable. Also befuddle is sick man, you can't do anything but directions.

22066, R.I.P. little demon
Posted by Juktar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The village will definately be lacking without a skilled defender around. Juktar really liked Slath...liked him so much that even after witnessing from afar how you got summoned out of a place you couldn't get out of, he was willing to let it be. Though I did make a comment how I would have taken my own life were it me. But you proved yourself again when you confessed to the whole village, got booted, then earned your way back in. Kudos.
22073, RE: R.I.P. little demon
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In this situation I really didn't want to die, I was very low on con, and guess what... This works RIGHT into my role, which no Immortal abused except for Beroxxus. And I thank you for that little bit of play. I was thinking of leaving the village and following you, you seemed more charitable. But then that wasn't part of my role.

22067, Good job man
Posted by Tcatama on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was confused on the summoning thing too, but I kept my mouth shut about it in case you had a reason for it. I guess you did.

I think our chars slowly started to respect each other. I think our first encounter was in Galadon when you looked at me and said "Magic only weakens you, friend." The next thing I know you're attacking a shifter scribe and I come to the rescue, and unfortunately you were full looted by the omni-present Galadon Looters Association.

You had the real rage thing going even then, and for a while every time I saw you I could expect a good pincer or two =P. As both of us became more focused in our goals, however, I knew I could count on you for at least tactical info and some good common sense when it came to fighting dark mages at least. Good job man and keep it up.
22069, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by LittleTribShftr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Larsetta: You seemed smart until you came and manacled. Which
>was your death. You know lion form, use it! Well done

hehe. I felt so stupid at that. I tried to manacle, shape lion.

I lost concentration 3 times!!!! I should have just ran at you in lion form. I had only just achieved it, and was still thinking like a Rank 38 boar trapped in a rank 45 body. Plus, well, I feared you, you were the first Hero I had ever gone against.

Thanks for the Kudos. I was hoping to have you around alot longer, but you have left plenty of Ragers in your wake to come test my mettle. I hope they are as memorable as you turned out to be. I only got to interact with you a little at the end of your life, but I heard stories of your exploits the entire time I was growing up. Players like you are what makes CF an enjoyable world to live in.
22074, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. I saw you come down and manacle, I was like WTF! And pincered you. then I had to direct, you probably would have smeared me. Old age sucks. I didn't know you lost 2 strength from middle age to old. That really sucks I was just baout ti give up axes because I couldn't wield them.

22070, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Moderator edit: Do not reveal who is playing active characters.

well I am glad you though well of both of my chars, *snip* and zashiere. as zashiere I wasn't really afriad of you but you were a tough cookie to break, always gearing against my withers and curing my plagues and poisons. and later just constantly chocking me. as *snip* the whole rp of you with the demon thing put *snip* on edge and was actually going to talk to the gods about removing you from general, your were a good leader but *snip* fears betrayal and that demon inside ya might not be a good leader. anyways good luck with the next, you had a strong char.
22075, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry Laxman, there was no way I was losing General because of the Inner Demon. Not to anyone. Sabiene and I were working on something but unfortunatly didn't get to finish it. Sabiene had my back, Zhelrantix had my back, Zylundak had my back as well as my Brigade of Defense. Oh... And the Drillmaster. Thats all leading roles *wink* Slathigern didn't want more then General, but knew few could hold up to him in the Rites. In my life, the only solo's to beat me were Nampnotble *I killed him shortly after* Rahidlean *tricky bastard* Etarekoth *assassinate* Zhelrantix *brute force* Oblain *That tat he got gives him power! I swear* Zylundak *Choke misses 5 times, strip twice, eyejab twice all above 95* Flaerglum *Lucky ####, I nearly killed you* Urgarg *I beat you after, you taught me to use whips effectivly* Zashiere *Rot, damn dialup 'wear belt of life' just before I collapsed* Ghuishoc *rot* I think that was it, Foslin *Bastard, my resist dropped and I died in 3 blows LOL* Zaknafir *There was no beating you alone* Thats quite a bit, but for all the groups I totally screwed up, wow. I think I fought better solo then anything.

22077, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you misunderstood, *snip* didn't want to remove you but he felt very unsafe with a possed person in power cuase the demon might take control and do something that could destroy the village, most of the people you listed had faith in you but were very wary of it like i was, in fact a couple of them agreed that we should speak to the gods about it.

and hehe i got you with 2 different chars :P I had forgotten about the rot.
22078, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, had I opened in the Rites, I would have destroyed you LOL. But thats the way the cookie crumbles

22079, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
had they said you get to open i would just do hide and whispep

'well what are you waiting for?'

and then sat their hidden till the time limit expired.

22080, What the hell is up with giving away who you're playing?
Posted by Catastrophic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You just told us that you played Zashiere and you're currently playing *snip*. BattleCharmed did the same while Slathigern was active a few posts down. Is this some sort of new fad or something? Because, if so, I'm playing Dahsani the rank 1 fire giant.

I'm surprised Slathigern got General after seeing him divulge the player behind the character. No offense, though.
22081, reason
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How fun would cf really be if it was just one player and a bunch of mobs, the point of this game is to have fun interacting with other people in a fantasy enviornment. In game who is who doesn't matter its only the character but this here is a forum whose purpose is to have players connect on a purely out of character basis. Ohh no I know other chars you have played, that doesn't amount to a hill of beans in game cause thats a different setting.

I mean really does it matter if other people know the player behind the char if everybody is staying in char in the game?
22082, Don't do that. (n/t)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

22076, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by robturner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I have to say that as Guerrqu, there was always a mutual respect I had for you. I can't even start to count the numerous times I was asked to aide others in fighting you. Each and every time though I always declined. I remember ranking one time near hero, and you came and killed my group and I fiended you and hit you with a couple of fire and ices. Afterwards, everyone ran off and I walked over to you knowing that you had every opportuninty in the world to beat the hell out of me. Instead I apologized, and we ended up going off to rank together. From then on, I always respected you. I thought it was insane the way you constantly seemed to go at things against the odds and never seemed to back down from anything. Good job, and well done.
22086, Getting the facts right
Posted by OBLAIN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never died to you and I think I got you almost a dozen times (majority of them gangs, i must confess, but I got you atleast a couple of times solo.. bash bang bang ? ;)

I don't want to get to the disgusting details, all I'll say is well played. Oh and for namesake, try a tribunal warrior and try fighting of a berserker who is exploting your vuln, you'll start ganging as well.
22097, But I was a defender nt
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
22090, Good job.
Posted by Zaknafir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is true I did not fear Slath much, you just cant keep me still for long enaugh to kill me. You can not bash. You cannot keep me still with trip. Pincer only keeps me there for two rounds. Same with lash. But at the village things were different, much different. Entwine sucks ass there. Against for example Juktar and Zylundak I can retrieve the sceptre fairly easy, but if you throw any entwiners into the mix it becomes nearly impossible.

Good luck on your next one.
22108, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>Beroxxus: Always seemed like you wanted me to leave the village and follow you, you seemed to watch me a lot.<<<

I'm up to causing unrest wherever I can in all these harmonious cabals in the game. I'm just like that =P. I watch a lot of people off and on. I watch you here and there, along with other villagers (after all they are generally looking to throw down with some peeps!). Any way, good luck with your next.

22046, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, G...
Posted by Sardinthal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All I can say is that this sucks. I knew you were close after that rot but didn't think it was this soon. Sorry I wasn't there when you went. I would have loved that. I'm gonna miss adventuring with you because even when we were just hanging out, it seemed like it was the way things were supposed to be. Mentor and student. I thought you had a hell of a well roleplayed character. Your interviews were first rate and the "cursed" angle was well played. Like you said, everyone wants to be a berserker. But I'm so glad you talked me into a defender. Village won't feel the same without ya. Well done. Good luck on the next.
22043, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, G...
Posted by Old Rager on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played a rager about a year ago. I remembering interviewing a warrior named Cerophin. Something I noticed about this character when I first saw him was he was pretty much clone of Cerophin right down to the same esay. Why not try something different?
22047, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, G...
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to finish what I started. Thats about it

22040, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suppose I should say some good words with the pounding your taking.
Well I suppose the first thing I will say is he did get thrown out of
the village and he gained his hut back, as for his rank it was well
diserved for his work with the village and village defenders alone. His
personal life I looked into a time or two but mostly herd good things.
In our duals he was quiet the fighter, very good defender far as tanking
goes, as well as dualing. Was glad to see you calm down a bit when you
grew older, didn't want to see you burn out quick. I hope you come back
again soon.

22041, Damn! Another good warrior gone!
Posted by Ashlidry on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Faught you a few times, Killed you a few times, I got killed a few times, it was all a massive blood bath! Huh! Had fun rpn with ya. Good strong warrior! Good luck with the next!
22049, RE: Damn! Another good warrior gone!
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would have lived up in the Mountains if Nakterius had not kept waking you up, that was pure ####. But what can you do eh? Well done.

22048, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Slathigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Im used to all this flaminity. It comes with the rep. But as you said man, we were a team to be reckoned with. I usually died in a group, hardly ever when I as alone. I guess I could assess battle better when I knew what I was capable of and not worrying about a partner, well done.

22023, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Shadowmaster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really good character. You took a lot of deaths, and I knew from my allies in the assassin guild you were a prime target for assassination. Enjoyed all our interactions and I really made an effort to not mess with villagers because I had enough enemies already. Except for when I stole the sleeves of harrapia from Zhelrantix, heh. Good luck with the next, my guess is it will be another villager as you had their philosophy down well. Oh and by the way, Sheilica and Oblain were a war party that day I made that snide comment about them having a tea party.
22024, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dunnoa bout you, but a rager whip spec wouldn't be my first choice as a target for assassination.
22050, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Slathigern the Weaponsmaster, General of Battle
Posted by Romanul_01 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There were a few times when he was wearing a full suit of darkened. Who cares about is whip spec when you can use h2h - if you get a partial miss he can't do #### with his spec skills.
