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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectjust a short goodbye
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=21818
21818, just a short goodbye
Posted by Rind on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really wasn't gonna post here considering I was like only level 32 or 33, or whatever. But I just wanted to say a few goodbyes to people nonetheless.

pretty much deleted him, cause I was tired of playing him. planned on rolling a lowbie and comming back, but now too much time has passed so I decided to just delete.

Choranek: First off congrats on imming! you deserve it. Anyway, wow, very nice interacting with you. Glad you put up with me! heh. I am quite sure I came off as quite a definate noob to you but I kinda did that intentionally :) This was my first caballed char, and I wasn't sure what to expect so I decided to make myself out to be more noobish than I really was. And you along with the other sylvans made that little plan backfire!! Makin me run around with endless tasks. I really was just gonna quit, cause it didn't seem worth the hassle. Then you began to ask me to do things I didn't know and my true newbiness began to show, and by then I had just about had it, and was through embarassing myself. Finally you kept pushing me and I got inducted and it was fun while it lasted.

To explain that spider thing, I had just been fighting on the road, and my group was itching to learn. I already had already honestly assumed that the spiders were not natural, so by the time I got there I didn't even check because I was too busy with "tells" to a few other people about the whereabouts of my enemies. I was sorta just along for the ride. Then you showed up and started talking to me, and pretty much the necro showed up and nailed me amidst all my spam of tells and spider fightin' Then I just made Rind become a hallucinating drunk (as he would as I made him, being too sensitive like that) anyway sorry I dissappointed you, but ah well. Thanks anyway

Aeridayne: my mute wood-elf buddy! we had some good times, you still around at all? Rindolor really liked ya, and saw ya as a brother. Though I was kinda expecting ya to go for my throat when I got kicked outta sylvan.

other Sylvans: thanks for all your help

other enemies, kiss me arse, I'm too lazy to prep and be glad I didn't!

21838, RE: just a short goodbye
Posted by Choranek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes at times I thought you were noobish and then other times not. The tasks and what not were not designed to frustrate, but to 1) make sure you had enough knowledge to contribute to the cabal 2) make sure you were actually dedicated enough to stick it out when things got rough. 3) had the capacity to learn. The fact that you kept at it, even when you were not suceeding, as I told you IC, spoke louder than someone who knew it all and could blithely rattle off the answers. Which is why you were inducted.
The spider thing: Well yet another chance for you to show your RP worth. A very basic mistake of assuming things, you knew right away what you had done wrong. Which is why you were uninducted.
I wanted to see how you would handle things, and was hoping you would try and redeem yourself - since you had become a bit of a pet project ;-) I liked the haunted drunk thing, gave us a chance for some good RP, and I would have liked for you to have played it out. You would have been re-inducted if you had. I thought Rindolor had some good potential, and if you put the same kind of time and thought into your next character I'm sure it will be a good one.

I have 99% of Choranek's mortal life logged so I have those interactions if you would like them.

21846, heh
Posted by Rind on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a few of them logged. if you would be so kind to send the ones you have to me, my emails Whitetiger2k2@msn.com (yeah now you all know who I am hehe)

Was rather fun, you seemed to be the only person I spoke to about Rindolors hallucinations that didn't immediately scoff him off, or smack him :) I was considering trying to get re-inducted, but it just became a hassle to even rank, and the char was drastically losing it's "fun-ness." I finally ended up just sitting by the fortress screwing around with imperials that went to go raid. Then getting frustrated with some of the sheer incompetance when dealing with pk's that the fortress had when they came to "help" me out. so not even THAT was fun anymore, despite being there was always a good chance for a fight. :(

so anyway if you could send them I'd appreciate it!
