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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Amitofo the Shihan
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=21672
21672, (DELETED) [None] Amitofo the Shihan
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Oct 9 03:17:23 2003

At 8 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Amitofo perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:76% (closer to 100% is better)

21673, Game over
Posted by Amitofo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed the character a lot, but got a bit bored at the end
of my career. I wanted to play a character who doesn't speak
at all. No tells, no yells, no emotes like "scribes something
in his notebook and shows you", just gestures. It was not as
hard as I expected for a loner. Of course, there were certain
problems since many actions in game require you saying something
specific, thus leaving many areas inaccessible.

I played an assassinating assassin. Sometimes I stayed for a
fight, sometimes not. If you think I should stay and fight
every fight you want, your opinion matters little to me.
Amitofo never attacked those he was not supposed to besides
of the cases of retailation. I think I followed my role well

Zhenzar: you were a great ally.
Ghuishoc, Grrhanr, Nathleniss, Nakteruis, Dahrozirn: enjoyed your company.
Luar, thank you for all you have done for me.

Sorry if I forgot you, respond and I'll write back.

I'll post my assassinations on Dio's.

21674, Role
Posted by Amitofo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No one noticed when exactly had the boy left. During a quiet
family evening meal his father grunted something about a child
who was never in time for a meal, but this matter was quickly
forgotten. The day after that, when the boy's usual place was
empty, his mother began to worry. A small black kitten laid
down on his favorite's straw bed and refused to leave the place.
Time passed, and family's memories faded away like a thin cloud
of smoke on the wind.

First ray of light made its way throught the tall trees which
surrounded a small monastery, thus designating the start of a
new day. A little boy stood in the clearing and watched the
sunrise painting a new picture in the history of the world.
He has't noticed how this strange bald monk appeared before him,
staring intently into his eyes. His mind was helpless, but his
heart suggested him the right decision. Without unnecessary
words, he followed the monk into the monastery.

Inner sanctum of the monastery was spartan. Several monks
wandered seemingly aimlessly around, deep in meditation. Their
stern faces betrayed their inner harmony and oneness with the
Universe itself. No sound had been ever heard within these
walls. Teachings of the Order of the Night Raven gave the young
boy a purpose of life and an inner harmony. After years of
intensive trainings and tranquil meditations he realized that
his purpose lied elsewhere. He hadn't even had to swear the Oath
of Silence - he embraced the inner concept of it with his very
soul. No sound from his mouth ever disturbed his harmony with
Universe, besides occasional screams when he had been attacked.

The thought formed up in his mind with frightening sharpness.
Too precise to be his own, and too well-shaped to be random.
"Those who break the silence plague my existance. Their noisy
steps and uttered incantations disturb my flows. You are one
with me, go forth and fulfill your destiny. You have been chosen."
Momentary sharpness slowly faded, leaving a feeling of awe.
Only years of devout meditation saved his fingers from trembling.
Raising his bald head, he looked forward at an invisible, yet
perfectly clear road, road to his destiny...
21675, Equipment and skill list
Posted by Amitofo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<1054hp 708m 814mv 12 PM> You are using:
<worn on finger> a ring of stamina
<worn on finger> a ring of stamina
<worn around neck> an amulet of the Viper
<worn around neck> an unholy symbol of Lloth
<worn on body> a suit of silver-gray platemail
<worn on head> a great battle helm
<worn on legs> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
<worn on feet> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened boots
<worn on hands> a pair of black steel gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of armguards from the snow worm
<worn as shield> a shield from the hide of a snow worm
<worn about body> the robe of the Arch-mage
<worn about waist> an elaborate beaded onyx belt
<worn around wrist> a pitted iron bracer
<worn around wrist> a pitted iron bracer
<wielded> an iron sword

detect hidden 97%( 97%) dagger 100%(100%)
spear 94%( 94%) sword 100%(100%)
staff 95%( 95%) dirt kicking 100%(100%)
disarm 100%(100%) dodge 100%(100%)
enhanced damage 100%(100%) hand to hand 100%(100%)
parry 100%(100%) trip 90%( 90%)
second attack 100%(100%) third attack 100%(100%)
pugil 92%( 92%) fast healing 100%(100%)
haggle 94%( 94%) hide 100%(100%)
meditation 100%(100%) pick lock 79%( 79%)
sneak 100%(100%) recall 100%(100%)
poison smoke 80%( 80%) blindness dust 98%( 98%)
nerve 77%( 77%) endure 100%(100%)
assassinate 93%( 93%) caltraps 93%( 93%)
vanish 100%(100%) strangle 89%( 89%)
throw 100%(100%) stalk 100%(100%)
lore 100%(100%) shield block 100%(100%)
dual wield 100%(100%) poison dagger 77%( 77%)
ground control 100%(100%) dark vision 66%( 66%)
bind wounds 100%(100%) pen 75%( 75%)
tiger claw 92%( 92%) poison darts 77%( 77%)
mark of the prey 75%( 75%) locate mark 1%( 1%)
unarmed defense 88%( 88%) kotegaeshi 100%(100%)
kansetsuwaza 100%(100%) backfist 78%( 78%)
owaza 91%( 91%) wheel kick 91%( 91%)
sweep kick 96%( 96%) side kick 99%( 99%)
scissor kick 95%( 95%) mule kick 98%( 98%)
crescent kick 91%( 91%) axe kick 100%(100%)
mountain storm kick 99%( 99%) double spin kick 100%(100%)
rising phoenix kick 100%(100%) heightened awareness 96%( 96%)
21676, wow. I can't believe you didn't use locate mark
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a great skill, even for the assassinating assassin, since when you fail an assassination you can often mark them and track them down in another area for the next attempt.
21677, Mule kick?
Posted by curious on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> mule kick 98%( 98%)

Does this mean you actually used mule kick regularly? Or did you just practice it to 98 intentionally? If so, why?
21678, RE: Mule kick?
Posted by Amitofo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, it means that I spammed mule kick while practicing when it was at 90%, and it improved several times in a row. Also, it could have improved during level gains.
21681, I enjoyed interacting with your role.
Posted by Ghuishoc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It must have been very difficult for you as many people might not understand why you don't respond to them or try to.

Having just read your role I see I/Ghuishoc got it a little ass about. I though your silence was basicaly because the universy was not in harmony and that upset you, but instead you wanted to keep in harmony through your silence. Anyhow, it was fun.

I planned next time I saw you to try to determine your critera for when Amitofo thought the universe had returned to harmony and might speak again, I'm glad I never bothered as I was obviosly off track.

I was going to post that time you yelled when Grrhanr pushed you infront of the storm giant, but I see you covered that off in your role as well. ;)

Well played and good luck with the next.

21682, RE: Game over
Posted by Zhenzar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, it took me a while to figure you out.. .;)

But once i got to know you, you was allways there to assist me, even you assassianated one of my allies once... ;)

Take care,
