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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject[Deleted][Fortress] Gwyythinniel the call of the Clarion, Trumpeter of the Brigade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=21584
21584, [Deleted][Fortress] Gwyythinniel the call of the Clarion, Trumpeter of the Brigade
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I go out in a bang. I have been thinking about deleting for some time now, and I finally managed to do it.. I think I still had about 40-50 hours left (deleted at 570 hours), but what's done is done.. And some recent events only speeded that decision. First there was Rogardian imm'ing.. then there I made a terrible mistake yesterdy.. To the Imm that punished me, I'm terribly sorry (again), you were right to have done what you did.. Then today hitting the vanquisher as a ghost really did it.. you might consider this a thought-through rage deletion.. whatever..

I'll try to keep the goodbyes short..
-Shokai: You're the man, dude.. thanks for all the opportunities you gave me.. I'd be happy if you'd find a moment to put down your thoughts about this character.. Don't be shy now..
- Rogardian: You fat ass :), you always were and always will be.. From the very first moment it clicked between us, and I was seriously considering marrying you but hell, you had to go and imm.. oh well.. thanks again, bro..
There are the thousands of people in the Fortress I met, squires, scribes, acolytes and maran.. It's really impossible to name you all, but I would be grateful if you too would put down some comment, good or bad..

Zhenzar: You're doing a great job from what I see.. we had many good fights, but what I appreciated most is that you were the only enemy ever to actually speak with me, rather than just whine, swear, threat, and all those things..
Yanacek: I just hate thieves so incredibly much..
Khalizad: You were the only one I ever really feared.. iron axes is just about enough to bring me down from 1200hp to 100 in three rounds through protections and all..
Again, there are too many of you to recall, and too many to write down.. any comment is much appreciated..

Lorran: Hehe, that combo you have there has helped me quite some times, keep the good stuff going..
Aereglen: Don't puch it :).. I can see from your point of view why you were so angry, but I don't really cared about an already devastated grove..
Heh bah..too many to mention here too, I guess I only mentioned those that I last interacted with.. it looks like it all comes down to 'Just post, I'll answer'.. so.. go ahead..

Gwyythinniel the beautiful :)
21649, So long, Gwy
Posted by Vorondel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you a lot, and I'm sorry to see you go, Gwy. You were always dependable, and a close friend of Vorondel. For some reason I always pictured you as a not-too-beautiful elf (I forget your desc), which was a change compared to all the "perfectly beautiful" elves out there. But maybe I'm wrong, were you beautiful? :)

Good luck with your nexts,

21654, Perhaps not beautiful..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But certainly NOT FAT :) .. Gwyythinniel had something like a 'fat complex' .. I owe you some thanks for saving my butt twice from rot.. It was nice to walk around with you, you seemed to know very well what you're doing.. and thanks to your talk with Vanadulin, Vanadulin also became better :) .. You're doing a good job by the way.. I really liked your 'This is what a scribe/acolyte can and cannot / should and should not do .. I'll see you around..

21641, Always great fun!
Posted by Sylvrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Sylvrin, I remember when we were both still ranking up, you yelled to me to stay away from you, because you were singing a song I might not like to hear. I always had fun travelling with you, two bards can get a lot of damage done when they work well together, and I think we always did.

I also had the benefit of your lovely voice as Ardyana, and loved it when you helped me with ranking in Arial City.

You were always very fun to talk to and your enthusiasm for life, hunting evil, and just having a good time was very infectious throughout the Fortress.

I hope your next character is as much fun as Gwyyth was. :)

21655, It was fun indeed..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ardyana was completely different from Sylvrin I must say .. I didn't interact with Ardyana all that much, but Sylvrin was just a marvellous acolyte .. you could put 'things' in words in such a way that I always sat gaping, my mouth wide open, and thinking 'damn, this I gotta remember, I can use that for future characters in some way' .. Unfortunately I'm too lazy to copy those things or write them down :( .. Anyways, I'm pretty sure we wll meet again.. Until then..

21613, RE: [Deleted][Fortress] Gwyythinniel the call of the Clarion, Trumpeter of the Brigade
Posted by Ashqer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well..bye again! :) said it all in my own deletion.

one of the most interesting chars to be around ever!

btw..if u have a higher level char out there..i think i've met her. at least, bears some resemblance! ;)

gl and all that.
21656, Hehe
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ashqer !! Well well, I've said it all in your goodbye note too.. I'll just add that it was just big fun when we were both out traveling here and there..


Btw, I think I know who you are ..
21612, RE: [Deleted][Fortress] Gwyythinniel the call of the Clarion, Trumpeter of the Brigade
Posted by Guddomelig on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, the Fort will not be the same. You were one of the people I enjoyed playing with the most (except the times you got me killed underwater, which has given ole Guddo a mortal fear of it) and the quests we went on alone where they took like...forever. But nah, I enjoyed ever minute of those too. Luck with your next, lass.
21637, Pfffft..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It wasn't because of *my* incompetence that those things took forever lol .. no seriously, sometimes things get so routine that you forget how they go, if you know what I mean .. Like that time down in the mines of Sitran: AAAARGH .. we go all the way down and then I forget that stupid thing.. well damn.. I had a good laugh then .. you didn't I think :).. I, too, enjoyed every bit we travelled together..

21607, Hmm, saw two faces of you.
Posted by Bardan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One when I die when the goodie hoard raiding, and I ask if you intend to take all my things(or something similar) and you reply "shut up fat ass", and then proceed to say fat ass and several other weird things for a elven bard to say. One would think with you playing the same role 200 times perhaps you would get a feel for elves.

But then again you defended against me, khalizad an izuvererus and was one missed bash/parting blow away from dying. So props for that, few did that.
21634, Hehe
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You saw two faces of me that I wanted to be seen.. the fattie and all.. that was just because everyone was fat .. you could say Gwy had some complexes about that.. The other one is that I tried to show up as much as possible for a raid, whatever the odds..(in your case I believe I had shield, aura, stoneskin, haste, armor, bless and frenzy, so I would stand some time, perhaps enough to sing when you don't see me, then flee, return, sing a fiend, and keep the healer dirted.. whatever).. alright, there have been a couple of raids in which I didn't show up, but that was either because I couldn't or I wouldn't stand any chance at all.. Gwy thought it would be completely useless if she would just get smacked about and died for 'nothing'.. I've had some discussions about that point of view, but it was considered the right thing to do .. 'wise' as Vorondel would say it.. Anyways.. I'll see you around..
21602, RE: [Deleted][Fortress] Gwyythinniel the call of the Clarion, Trumpeter of the Brigade
Posted by seakrou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Fun to have known you with the two chars. Seeing you grow up with esilema, and walking more with you with seakrou... Always good for a shifter or shaman to have a bard about.... come to think of it its never bad... especially not with your mood and knowlage.
You where one of the few that played in my time frame. So it was not hard to find eachother, or find someone to ither raid or defend with..
*remembering 6+ imperials raiding* nasty when your the only one defending...
Luck with the next one.
21636, Hehe..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember those times, at the very beginning of Empire, when at certain times it was just us against Izuvererus, Khalizad, Grrhanr, and that spectre.. those were the times, huh ;) .. Anyways, it was good fighting alongside you..

21600, How many incarnations of you have I known? heh.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As always though your character was a blast to run around with.
21635, I liked both Dimion and Vanadulin..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure I met Kheledbala though ..Anyways, I enjoyed Vanadulin very much.. Perhaps I should apologize for bossing you around (like that time when we both were bleeding and Izuvererus came after us in prosimian..) On the other hand, I could just smack you on the head for going into raids headfirst, without a little bit of thought (not that I contemplate for hours everytime I start a fight, but I have a plan most of the times :)).. Anyways, I'll see you around..

21599, Damnit fattie...
Posted by Rogardian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Way to go fattie! Didn't want you around anyway... *snort*

Seriously though, super job. You have a way of making things fun when you're around. Your timing sucked this morning though, I was busy and couldn't focus 100% on what was going on.

It would have been pretty funny if you had tried to marry Rog. I'm not sure what would have happened... fargin' elves!

Anyway, you'll be missed. But I'm sure you'll be back :P

21624, As I said..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would have asked you to marry me, unconventional it may be.. You were Gwy's all time favorite, really, our playing hours fell together for most of the time and you were REALLY cool to interact.. Some people reacted really strange when I called them fat ass or what ever, but you just went on with stinking elf or whatever.. That was just great, just great.. You imm'ing was the very first stage in my deletion.. anyways, thanks for every minute, I enjoyed every one of them..

21598, RE: [Deleted][Fortress] Gwyythinniel the call of the Cl...
Posted by Folorad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I always liked Gwyy though I'm not sure why as you tended to attack my groupmates from time to time. At any rate we didn't interact all that much but it was fun the few times we did. Felt bad a bunch of times that I was asked not to grant you healing sleep, but I guess that's the nature of playing a neutral. I think I may have interacted with one of your past characters a bit as well but I could be wrong. Either way you do one hell of a job there so best of luck to you and hopefully I'll see your next one in the fields.
21623, To be honest..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't like Folorad that much, because I saw you help/trade/whatever with some imperials from time to time .. That was why I tried to avoid you most of the time, even when I knew I was going to die of rotting.. It was quite a dilemma though, because I, as a player, always liked Herald people (hmm you were married to one, but you're one as well, no ?).. Anyways, it is quite possible that you've intereacted with me in the past, I've been around some time.. And if time allows, I'm planning to be around as long as possible.. So, for now I can say you'll see me around :)..

21597, Great char...
Posted by YaofhilMehkoa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I knew you as both Yaofhil and Mehkoa.(Did I know you with Karhon too?) Damn, you were around a long time. I also knew and loved you with my current char. I just love your playing style in general, very cool.
21622, Hehe
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yaofhil actually knew Tarny much better, interactions with Gwy were little.. Both Yaofhil and Mehkoa were most enjoyable characres, both in their own way .. I still think about your the talk we had about your shark catching .. just supreme that one .. I hope I'll interact with one of your future incarnations as well.. We'll see.. Until then !!

21596, Weeeeew!
Posted by Lariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You foul mouthed elf bard. You seemed to play slightly different hours than me, but we had our chances to fight together. You did pretty good. I remember a few of our standoffs against Izu alone in the Palace. We'd get nowhere, but still, good times. Good luck with whats next.
21621, I remember that..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was like what .. half an hour in RL trying to get rid of Izu's Shawtabbies, hunting all over the palace, but there was just no way we could keep him in battle.. The other fights were cool, too, because we'd rock the place, most of the times ..You're doing a damn good job as a Marshall, I always have enormous respect for elf paladins, because I know very well the disadvantages of an elf.. Anyways, new thing I'm planning to try, perhaps you'll know, perhaps you won't .. In any case, good luck with your further job as a Marshall..

21595, Fought you in two incarnations
Posted by Verisla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a tough fighter, and i always hated seeing you come around. You know what you are doing with bards, and that is good, but at the same time, it makes it hard for "team evil." Seeing as often I felt like I was alone on said "team." Not always, just enough to tick me off a lot. Anyway, Haaslett enjoyed fighting you, and Verisla enjoyed knocking you out and robbing you. Though, I never had much time as one of the other goodies would come running to be beside ya. Oh well, great work.

21620, I said it before and I will keep saying it..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I HATE THIEVES ;) .. I always kept my sack in my inv, instead of wearing it, and most of the times I was able to gather some decent stuff like periapts, some decent weapon, some staves and all that .. and then all of it goes WOOOF ! when I get blackjacked.. AAAARGH ! :).. My impression of verisla though was it was your first thief, no offense.. Haaslett on the other hand, was great to fight with.. Anyways, I'm sticking to team good though, I'm just too 'good' to play evil.. I'll catch you around when you'd least expect ;)

21592, You slob.
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Messy, Messy, Messy. I said most what I had to say in my goodbye thread but ah well... was real fun hanging out with you :)

I mean, cleaning up after you.

21619, Pfffft
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, things will be a lot cleaner now when I'm gone.. a nice little thing we got going with that me-dropping-####-all-over-the-place-and-then-you-cleaning-up .. and then me dropping around some more things :) .. Anyways, we'll meet again I assume..

21591, Good fight. nt
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
21618, Shoot..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Which fight(s?) was that then ?
21590, I liked ya.
Posted by Tyohleib on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With Tyohleib, I liked you. You'd log on and there would be a sort of "buzz" in the air. Things always seemed to get...well, fun. You'd inspire us younger ones whenever you'd come around. I really wish that I could have hung out with you more as a hero, but those are the breaks. Well, thanks for the interactions, I enjoyed them.

21617, I had a good feeling about you..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just carry on the way you're doing, you'll get there soon enough from what I saw of you.. Btw, it looks as if you are hinting to another character with which you didn't like me ?

21589, RE: [Deleted][Fortress] Gwyythinniel the call of the Cl...
Posted by Jirash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah. Stinky.
Now I never got through to the final step of my plan, namely to plant a seashell ring on you and take you on a trip to the vaults }(. Oh well, I enjoyed Gwyyn a lot and you do know how to turn a fight around :P

I hope you'll be back soon enough, we all know they won't stay away for long. We just keep going and going and going and... I think you know the drill. :)

Take care

21616, Muhahaha !
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had a good laugh huh, me wearing that seashell ring and then getting myself assassinated.. muhahaha.. I didn't know that was you though (you were L......n, huh ?), although I could have guessed it.. like Rogardian you were one of my closest friends, too bad you didn't show up as much in the end/ your playing times changed.. anyways, it was fun.. I'll see you around..

21588, Bye Gwynie!
Posted by Choranek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Always had a soft spot for irreverant female elf bards. You reminded me of Gorach/Tarnyxil. It was good to travel with you as Lruthlor and then again as Chor (despite the odd occassion you feinded me while we stepped on each others toes fighting Empire)

Good show on a very vell played and enjoyable character.
21594, Gee, I wonder WHY she reminded you of Gorach/Tarny. *roll* nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
21605, You were Lruthor ??
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn you dude, Gwy just loved the faith and steel - strength and honor thing.. I was really sad to see you go.. I tend to stick to one character till the end though.. or almost till the end, as I said, I still had like 50 hours or so.. BUT .. TATA, I'm wanting to do something completely different now.. no more 'Oi' or 'Weeeeew' or 'Fat ass' or whatever.. Anyway, that's the plan, now I only have to stick with it .. because dude, this has to be a fun game, and I always do my best to make it fun for my friends.. It meant some, as, Daurwyn once said it, 'Gorach-spinn offs', but you can't deny it kinda works, right ? I mean, an elf calling her captain fat ass, or stinkie, amongst other things, I find that somewhat cool.. It becomes predictable too, after some time, and people who interacted with me with other characters, might get 'bored' with that kind of role-play.. so I guess time has come to try something different now.. I'll see you around.. gratz on the Imm-ing by the way..

21606, and Uelveyye
Posted by Choranek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I have seen all of your elfie creations =0p
21587, Passed by you with a lot of chars.
Posted by Wuntarro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Goods, evils, neutrals - always a treat to get to interact with you. Mad kudos Gwynny, mad kudos.
21604, Hehe..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Remember Luriel (or was it Gorach ?) with Warborf ? That was me too :).. and to think we fought alongside to defeat those green snakes when you were Sassmi .. And now I had to fight you as Shezaral, you little prick :).. I just hate thieves, man, I really do.. You have no idea how much time I used to spend on preps.. with more Imperial thieves, I was like, screw it, it gets stolen before I can use it anyways :(.. I'll see you around, I guess..

21585, RE: [Deleted][Fortress] Gwyythinniel the call of the Clarion, Trumpeter of the Brigade
Posted by Zhenzar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, you really did it...

I was in two minds when you said you would delete...

How do i, as a evil enemy of you see you vanish completly?! Well, if i was 100% evil i would joy and dance, even piss on your grave! But i really liked you, and as you said we did have some nice talks, fights ect... To bad it ended now... But im (the player behind) isnt completly evil, so i was in two minds here, how do you IC explain that im sorry... !? Well... Take care!

21603, Well..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you gave me a great complement there, by saying that the Fortress would lose a good force.. I'm still a bit angry about how that last fight went with the Centurions.. I sang them both asleep, attacked one, and since I didn't see you north or west I was like 'Alright let's do this one at a time', kill one, wait some, kill one and so on.. Apparently you were very near, because you showed up almost immediately.. So I was like alright, no prob, dirt and sing nightmare and quaff potion and I'm safe.. If it hadn't been for the tick to drop the moment you fled (I have a 2-round lag) I would have made it without a problem, since one of the centurions was already dead.. I was at 500 hp then.. Saw you return and attack me.. I was like damn, this is going to be close, beacuse the chance of fleeing from centurions (even when sleeping !!!! ####-code :) ) is like 1/10000 or whatever (even if it's possible).. dirted you, but then I missed nightmare (happens to me like 1 out of hundred times, nightmare was stuck somewhere in the nineties, and I'm not really the person to spend hours and hours of practicing), right before the second nightmare would come you killed me.. and I was like AAAARGH !!.. so that's what I meant with bad luck, when we talked about it later.. Anyways, as I said, it was 'nice' fighting you.. keep doing what you're doing, it's just fine..

21626, The Fight in question..
Posted by Zhenzar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An Imperial Guard Tower
You have entered one of the most solid appearing buildings you have
ever seen. Order itself seems to have been infused in the black
stone creating a strength almost beyond the physical. The room is
made up of the enter base of the tower. A few chairs and tables are
set about to allow the Imperial Guard a place to relax when not
guarding the road against the enemies of the Empire. A ladder leads
up to a second floor, while a fortified door leads out to the east.

an Imperial Centurion: Help! Gwyythinniel is attacking me!

Entrance to the Imperial Lands
You stand on a perfectly engineered road traveling as far as you can
see to the north. Fields of crops surround you and the occasional
farmhouse peeks above the rolling hills as you travel past. Two large
towers lie on each side of the road. The arrow slits on the second
story look like the eyes of two great sentries guarding the Imperial
Road. Far to the north you see a line of snow covered mountains, to the
south lies the beginning of a small village.

south west]
A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.

The centurion steps aside for you.
The centurion steps aside for you.
Entrance to the village of Balator
The trail is currently empty save for a few merchants and travelers
entering and leaving the village to the south. From your vantage point
you can see that the village is predominantly surrounded by fields of
various crops, no doubt belonging to the local farmers who come to Balator
to trade with villagers and merchants from the rest of Thera. To the west
lies a path leading through a forest. A small wooden sign, almost
completely obscured by foliage, is stuck in the ground just off the path
to the east.

Gwyythinniel the elf is here, fighting an Imperial Centurion.

A villager passes by on their way about town.
A human member of the Balator town watch keeps the peace here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

Gwyythinniel sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Gwyythinniel's fiery illusion scares you.
Gwyythinniel's fiery illusion STAGGERS an Imperial Centurion!
Gwyythinniel has a few scratches.

com 'blind'

An Imperial Centurion tries to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
An Imperial Centurion's punch maims Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel parries your infernal power.
Gwyythinniel dodges your infernal power.
Gwyythinniel has a few scratches.

You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
Gwyythinniel appears to be blinded.
Gwyythinniel has a few scratches.

com 'plague'

Gwyythinniel's slash MUTILATES an Imperial Centurion!
Gwyythinniel's slash DISMEMBERS an Imperial Centurion!
Gwyythinniel parries your infernal power.
Gwyythinniel parries your infernal power.
Gwyythinniel has a few scratches.

You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
Gwyythinniel can no longer find the strength to wield gilamdring.
Gwyythinniel screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin.
Gwyythinniel has a few scratches.

Gwyythinniel sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Gwyythinniel's fiery illusion scares you.
Gwyythinniel's fiery illusion STAGGERS an Imperial Centurion!
Gwyythinniel has a few scratches.

Gwyythinniel's punch EVISCERATES an Imperial Centurion!
An Imperial Centurion tries to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
Your infernal power maims Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel has a few scratches.

You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
You fail to drain energy from Gwyythinniel.
Gwyythinniel has a few scratches.

Gwyythinniel writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin.
Gwyythinniel's sickness scratches her.
You are thirsty.
Gwyythinniel has a few scratches.

Gwyythinniel's punch misses an Imperial Centurion.
Gwyythinniel's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Gwyythinniel's dispel evil EVISCERATES an Imperial Centurion!
An Imperial Centurion tries to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
An Imperial Centurion tries to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
An Imperial Centurion tries to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
Gwyythinniel sags as your axe tears away at her soul!
Your infernal power devastates Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel sags as your axe tears away at her soul!
Your infernal power decimates Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel has some small but disgusting cuts.

You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
You failed to damn Gwyythinniel.
Gwyythinniel has some small but disgusting cuts.

Gwyythinniel sings 'I don't exist when you don't see me,
I don't exist when you're not here
What the eye don't see won't break the heart
You can make believe when we're apart
But when you leave I disappear
When you don't see me'
Gwyythinniel has some small but disgusting cuts.

com 'curse'

Gwyythinniel's punch EVISCERATES an Imperial Centurion!
An Imperial Centurion's punch maims Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel sags as your axe tears away at her soul!
Your infernal power devastates Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel has some small but disgusting cuts.

You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
Your curse failed to take effect.
Gwyythinniel has some small but disgusting cuts.

Gwyythinniel sings 'I don't exist when you don't see me,
I don't exist when you're not here
What the eye don't see won't break the heart
You can make believe when we're apart
But when you leave I disappear
When you don't see me'
Gwyythinniel has some small but disgusting cuts.

Gwyythinniel's punch EVISCERATES an Imperial Centurion!
An Imperial Centurion's punch maims Gwyythinniel!
An Imperial Centurion's punch maims Gwyythinniel!
Your infernal power wounds Gwyythinniel.
Gwyythinniel sags as your axe tears away at her soul!
Your infernal power decimates Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel is covered with bleeding wounds.

The centurion steps aside for you.
The centurion steps aside for you.
On the main path through the village
Travelers, merchants, and villagers pass by, going about their business
and paying very little attention to you. To the west you can see a
marketplace and some stables can be seen to the east. The dirt path
continues both north and south.

Entrance to the village of Balator
The trail is currently empty save for a few merchants and travelers
entering and leaving the village to the south. From your vantage point
you can see that the village is predominantly surrounded by fields of
various crops, no doubt belonging to the local farmers who come to Balator
to trade with villagers and merchants from the rest of Thera. To the west
lies a path leading through a forest. A small wooden sign, almost
completely obscured by foliage, is stuck in the ground just off the path
to the east.

Gwyythinniel the elf is here, fighting an Imperial Centurion.

A villager passes by on their way about town.
A human member of the Balator town watch keeps the peace here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

Gwyythinniel yells 'Heelp ssoomeeoonee iiss aattaackiing mee!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
You wither the flesh of Gwyythinniel!
Your withering MUTILATES Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel is covered with bleeding wounds.

Gwyythinniel's punch decimates an Imperial Centurion!
An Imperial Centurion tries to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
Gwyythinniel sags as your axe tears away at her soul!
Your infernal power maims Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel is covered with bleeding wounds.

Gwyythinniel sings 'I don't exist when you don't see me,
I don't exist when you're not here
What the eye don't see won't break the heart
You can make believe when we're apart
But when you leave I disappear
When you don't see me'
Gwyythinniel is covered with bleeding wounds.

Gwyythinniel's punch EVISCERATES an Imperial Centurion!
An Imperial Centurion tries to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
Your infernal power decimates Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel is covered with bleeding wounds.

Gwyythinniel sings 'I don't exist when you don't see me,
I don't exist when you're not here
What the eye don't see won't break the heart
You can make believe when we're apart
But when you leave I disappear
When you don't see me'
You feel your senses blur.
Gwyythinniel is covered with bleeding wounds.

You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments EVISCERATES Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel is covered with bleeding wounds.

Gwyythinniel's punch misses an Imperial Centurion.
Gwyythinniel's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Gwyythinniel's dispel evil EVISCERATES an Imperial Centurion!
An Imperial Centurion tries to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
Your infernal power devastates Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel is gushing blood.

com 'demonfi'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
You invoke the power of your god onto thin air.
Gwyythinniel is gushing blood.

Gwyythinniel's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Gwyythinniel's dispel evil DISMEMBERS an Imperial Centurion!
An Imperial Centurion tries to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
Gwyythinniel sags as your axe tears away at her soul!
Your infernal power MUTILATES Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel lands a lucky blow!
You parry Gwyythinniel's punch.
Your infernal power misses Gwyythinniel.
Gwyythinniel is gushing blood.

com 'demonfi'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments EVISCERATES Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel's punch decimates an Imperial Centurion!
Gwyythinniel's punch wounds an Imperial Centurion.
Gwyythinniel's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Gwyythinniel's dispel evil MANGLES an Imperial Centurion!
An Imperial Centurion is DEAD!!
An Imperial Centurion's head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you.
Your infernal power maims Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel is gushing blood.

You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone is gushing blood.

Someone writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin.
Someone shivers and looks very ill.
Someone's sickness scratches it.
You are thirsty.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
A villager writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin.
A villager's sickness grazes her.
Gwyythinniel is gushing blood.

You parry Gwyythinniel's punch.
You parry Gwyythinniel's punch.
Gwyythinniel's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Gwyythinniel's dispel evil decimates you!
You try to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Gwyythinniel is gushing blood.

You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
You invoke the power of your god onto thin air.
Gwyythinniel is gushing blood.

You parry Gwyythinniel's punch.
You try to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
Gwyythinniel is gushing blood.

You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments MUTILATES Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel is gushing blood.

Gwyythinniel sings 'Her lips were red, her looks were free,
Her locks were yellow as gold:
Her skin was as white as leprosy,
The Nightmare Life-In-Death was she,
Who thicks man's blood with cold.'
You flee from the Nightmare Life-In-Death!
The centurion steps aside for you.
Entrance to the Imperial Lands
Light flickers from a lantern creating a circle of illumination. Just
within the circle of light to the east and west you see the walls of two
structures. The road continues to the north, while to the south you see the
lights of a village.

south ]
A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
You flee from combat!

The centurion steps aside for you.
The centurion steps aside for you.
Entrance to the village of Balator
The trail is currently empty save for a few merchants and travelers
entering and leaving the village to the south. From your vantage point
you can see that the village is predominantly surrounded by fields of
various crops, no doubt belonging to the local farmers who come to Balator
to trade with villagers and merchants from the rest of Thera. To the west
lies a path leading through a forest. A small wooden sign, almost
completely obscured by foliage, is stuck in the ground just off the path
to the east.

The seared corpse of an Imperial Centurion is here, the face frozen in awe and terror.
The splattered brains of an Imperial Centurion are lying here.
Gwyythinniel the elf is here.

A villager passes by on their way about town.
A human member of the Balator town watch keeps the peace here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

Gwyythinniel yells 'Heelp ssoomeeoonee iiss aattaackiing mee!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
You invoke the power of your god onto thin air.
Gwyythinniel is gushing blood.

Gwyythinniel sags as your axe tears away at her soul!
Your infernal power decimates Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel is writhing in agony.

Gwyythinniel's kicked dirt misses you.
Gwyythinniel is writhing in agony.

You parry Gwyythinniel's punch.
Gwyythinniel's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Gwyythinniel's dispel evil decimates you!
You try to attack some empty air near Gwyythinniel.
Gwyythinniel is writhing in agony.

You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments MUTILATES Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel is writhing in agony.

You parry Gwyythinniel's punch.
Gwyythinniel dodges your infernal power.
Gwyythinniel is writhing in agony.

You narrow your eyes and glare in Gwyythinniel's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments EVISCERATES Gwyythinniel!
Gwyythinniel is writhing in agony.

You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone is writhing in agony.

You parry someone's punch.
Someone sags as your axe tears away at its soul!
Your infernal power devastates someone!
Your infernal power mauls someone.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments maims someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

You parry someone's punch.
You parry someone's punch.
Someone's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Someone's dispel evil decimates you!
Someone sags as your axe tears away at its soul!
Your infernal power wounds someone.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction.
You invoke the power of your god onto thin air.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

You parry someone's punch.
You parry someone's punch.
Someone's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Someone's dispel evil EVISCERATES you!
You try to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone dodges your infernal power.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

You parry someone's punch.
You parry someone's punch.
You try to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Your torments *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
You hear someone's death cry.

The corpse of Gwyythinniel contains:
( 2) a thin silver bracelet
the circlet of the living seas
a pair of detailed silk gloves
a dragon embroidered red coat
a gothic harp
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
a pair of golden dragonscale leggings
heavy dwarven robes
a ring set with a single sapphire
a ranger's knapsack
an ice-rimmed shield
a sienna potion
a stout staff of sturdy maple
( 2) (Glowing) a necklace of prayer beads
a pair of troll-hide boots
a silver ring set with a single malachite
an oaken staff tipped with an aquamarine
the elvish sash
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) gilamdring
the obsidian eye amulet
(Glowing) a potion of return
(Glowing) a potion of escape
a beige potion
a room key
2 gold coins
15 silver coins
10 copper coins