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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Vethna the Master of the Miyama Ryu, Mercenary of Talia
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21376, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Vethna the Master of the Miyama Ryu, Mercenary of Talia
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Sep 23 23:27:24 2003

At 5 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Vethna perished, never to return.

Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
PK Ratio:26% (closer to 100% is better)

21409, All hail the mighty fruit bowl...
Posted by Jaedren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Vethna: Boots, robes,... armguards... in the Courtyard.

<836hp 370m 847mv 26000tnl>
Vethna: A fruit bowl?! Honestly people, a FRUIT BOWL?!

Fear not my furry friend, I will keep the Vethna cleaning initiative in full force now that you are gone.

I had fun with vethna, and I am glad you enjoyed your time in the fortress. Doing a complete reversal for the first time must be a daunting task. One thing I wish though would have been us at least finishing off your ranking so you could have deleted as a hero. Anyway, it was enjoyable and I hope you have found your new home. Come back now y'hear?

21416, hehe that was mine.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I needed it earlier for carrying things.. amazing how much those things hold. I put it in there expecting to die fairly soon.. (didn't I always?) and figured I'd be in need of a container. :)
21454, Hahaha
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hahaha that whole fruit bowl thing was hilarious. I HOPE you'll keep the Fort clean! You were my one and only assistant, and you'd constantly tell me who was making the mess.

...Usually you weren't being entirely accurate, but, who's keeping track? ;-)

Big Strong Wave
21377, Well that was fun. :)
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey :) It is I, Zepachu! Or, more recently, Zekasiq. Anyway, Vethna was a character for me to become rejuvenated. I had been playing evils, evils, evils, and always had fun with them... but then poof, they weren't fun anymore... Sooooo... I decided to play my first real Goodie. Nothing really stellar or unique about this character, except some things having to do specifically with the Fort.

I played an assassin because I know the class, and figured that would put me at LESS of a disadvantage, seeing as I had no idea where to go clothe, rank, etc. The only way I knew where to go was thinking back where I hunted people as an Evil. It really is quite the switch, and put me at a disadvantage. Not being able to go one of my standard regearing routes really forced me to adapt and learn more about CF, in a whole other way, and I am glad that I dove in and did that.

PK ratio of 26%? Hm, well, so what. :) I know I aided in countless PKs, raids, defends, etc... PK Ratio should just be DELTEETED from the Death_Angel's report.

I really am ensaddened (to quote Valg) that I had to delete, but real life things just got a hold of me. I don't like playing my characters half-heartedly... and so if it means I can only be on an hour a day, or a few hours a week, I don't even bother. I play 4+ hours a day characters, or none at all. That might seem silly to a lot of you out there, but oh well. :) I've had a lot of real life responsibilities that couldn't be reworked to allow for a solid amount of CF time, so while I might have had some free time in the day, I couldn't put it solidly into CF. I died at least 6 deaths because I had to go AFK immediately. A few times because my dad is still recovering from a quadruple bypass and some things needed to be done, once because I thought my dog was dead, you know, the standard.

From when I started the character, to when I deleted, Vethna was fun. His last name was Nennasht, translating literally from Felar to Common to mean "Path To No Night" Veth Na Nen Nasht.

I knew from the start that Vethna would be taken as a girl's name and so many times people referred to me as she or her. Heh. Enough rambling, onto some goodbyes.

In alphabetical order :)

Ariaera - We only knew each other a very short amount of time. I felt bad IC, and I feel bad OOC, for leaving the way I had to. I also am disappointed that I couldn't play out what we had going on. Really brought me a lot of joy. Thanks :)

Cersai - Sneaky Sneaky ;-) SHHHHHH. You know what I mean. :)

Guddomelig - You saved my ass so many times, great healer. I know that you and I were frustrated about the same things, too. Seeing 1 Imperial logon then all of a sudden 6 were there, and the same damn patterns with the Fort, too... except there were always the constant people that you knew weren't bandwagoning. If someone is out there reading this now thinking I'm accusing you of bandwagoning, hopping on when the odds were in your favor... I am. If you even think remotely you could be in that category, then you are. There's a very clear distinction.

Gwyythinniel - Wow. How quickly I learned to type that. :) I'll miss you, Messy.

Jaedren - You really ARE big strong. Whenever we dueled I was really impressed. Good thing I wouldn't have to fight any paladins ;) You taught me a lot, and made me laugh with some of the things you pulled outta nowhere. You're such a great asset to the Fort, not only because of how good a fighter you are, but I'd say even more importantly for morale. Good work.

Jirash - I think you might have given me about 20 wind fangs and wave dancers over the course of my life. You'd always just pop in and give me a piece of equipment, and whatever. I think you might have sensed I was inexperienced and didn't know WHERE to get this stuff.

Lakilea - Well, my last obligation that I set to myself was to attend your wedding, and I did... then deleted. :) I am glad I stuck around for it, I'm sure you and the Wootmeister will have lots and lots of fun. :)

Lariya - Sorry to have disappeared, but couldn't really have been avoided :) I always enjoyed interacting with you, and I know that you were really the one making the messes all along.

Llauriele - You know more than this little blurb, but basically... always enjoyed talking to you. :)

Obaznuk - Wootie Wootie! YIP YIP! That time we were in the elven vaults, and then Zhenzar, Shezaral, Diegrcso and Izuvererus came down (I think it was those four, maybe not shezaral/diegrcso)... and we waited it out and got out that was stressful and fun.

Well I'm not gonna say much more, please reply... I know I forgot a TON of people. Just one more short thing...

If you're frustrated with CF, are not having fun, keep dying, blah blah blah... Change it up. Play something completely different to you... something hard. Challenge yourself, set goals, and you'll feel better for it. At least that's what happened to me.

Ah well, I'm outta here for now!

Zepachu, and a bunch others!
21378, Bah! You're quiet and keep to yourself and everyone fo...
Posted by Tyohleib on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had a lot of fun, thanks. Not sure what else to say....
21379, Hahah
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember interviewing you at the Inn, was a good one, you knew how to get right into the Fort :) You're a great Squire/Maran. I didn't forget you, well, I forgot to type your name... along with Vanadulin now that I think about it, and ummm... Vorondel, yeah. If I think harder I can get more, but I hope they reply ;)

Nicely done, keep it up
21381, RE: Well that was fun. :)
Posted by Zhenzar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Huh, no goodbye to your favorite shaman? ;)

Job well done, and now do come back to the evil side... ;-)

21382, Actually...
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did have something written to you, but then I cut and pasted to fix up the alphabetical order...... and I think you got lost in the shuffle, haha :P You were one of the very few that I respected. You weren't a one trick pony, keep it up. :)
21383, Wootie Vethna!
Posted by Obaznuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously, I loved your char. Excellent. I think we did some good hunting in the mid ranks together. And you were a blast to rp with as well. My only problem with you was that I kept thinking you were a female. That name! Oh, and it's funny that you played Zekasiq, cause my last char was an enemy of Zekasiq, so it was nice seeing both the allied and opposing side of your playing style. Well done.
21386, Yip Yip
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for all the compliments, means a lot. :) We definitely were a force to be reckoned with when we were together. Take care of Lakilea. :)
21384, Not a word about me? Tsk. (n/t)
Posted by Calisha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
n/t = Nice characTer though
21385, new definition of NT
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
nice new definition of NT :)

Sorry Calisha!
21387, RE: Well that was fun. :)
Posted by Lakilea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will miss you a lot, Vethna. I remember that you were the very first person I spoke to about joining the Fortress and it was you that intorduced me to Obaznuk, too. Thanks for all the tips you've given me too. Keep in touch, kiddo.
21389, Oh hell..
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Too bad we didn't see each other anymore the last what, month ? I really liked your 'messy' stuff, and i'd really loved to tease you and drop things all over the Fortress, just to have you running around and putting all back where it belongs :).. You had some nice thoughts to implement some changes to our 'intelligence services', but sometimes it was just a tad 'over the top'/undoable.. Whatever.. Vethna was cool, but a taddy-waddy greedy.. Still, good job, hope to have you back soon..

21396, RE: Oh hell..
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, my scouting report wasn't as well received as I thought it would be, and that's definitely one of those "tad over the top/undoable" things... but I liked keeping up with the messy thing cause I'd really act like I was all pissed off, then SOOOO relieved once everything was where it was supposed to be hehehe

You were definitely fun to run around with, and fun to clean up after. :)
21390, RE: Well that was fun. :)
Posted by Jirash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dangit. Was asked where you'd went by an elven healer and had to admit I hadn't seen you for a while. Now I know I guess, even if it's not the way I wanted to find out.

It was both frustrating and enjoyable watching you fight, since it seemed (to me) that you learned along the way. The frustrating part came when you in your late thirties still used scissor kick for bringing those giants down :P but you got past that given time at least. As for weapons... I saw Vethna without one and half geared more often than I liked so it wasn't really hard. Know though that 90% of those weapons were taken from others, not from where they spawn in the game and I just happened to be carrying them around ;)

Anyway, hopefully you had fun and learned something from it.

*goes back to spreading stuff all over the Fortress*

21395, BAH
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
BAH, why does everyone insist on making messes when I'm not there... :P :) Well a lot of the stuff I knew where to get it, but it was really rough getting the really good eq cuz my brain knew all the EVIL locations :P

Oh yea and about the scissor kick thing... I fell behind in my kicks because it took longer to master other things than I thought it would. Then, all those times I wanted to go work on my kicks, someone in the Fort would either need help or ask to group, and I just couldn't say no... :)
21397, *standing ovation*
Posted by Anti ratio guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I love it! You tried something new, didn't care about the disadvantage, and don't give a shiznit that your PK ratio is bad. You just plain enjoyed your character for what it was worth. CF needs more people like you, sir. *applauds*
21400, Why thank you
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you very much for that compliment, greatly appreciated. I hope more people play CF just to play, for themselves. All too often people judge success on getting to Hero, or a tattoo, or whatever.

Thanks again.
21401, well Vanadulin still remembers ya. :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hrm, I keep typing and backspacing it out.
let's just say it was massive fun.
I have a log here somewhere of a great defense with you, me vs.
shezeral, grrhanr and yanecek, with guest appearances by murzik and some thief i think neither of us could harm.
(I really think we should have gone after Yanacek :) )
That was a blast though. too much else to say I guess.
Good luck with your next. I have to agree that playing something you never have before makes CF 'fresh' again. hehe.

Bah I can't type.
21403, :)
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, that was a GREAT defense. :)

BTW, for a period of time... you became male, didn't you?
21415, hehe yeah
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
denzibah gave me a wicked cool umm item kinda to make up for
eating me alive hehe. one of the side effects was a sex change.

and yeah it lasted from then til i hit hero. then shortly after i ended up back to female.
21402, *** Some more time, some more goodbyes. :)
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I have a little patch of time right here, day after deleting, and it's time to put a few more goodbyes up for those that I can think of... *thinks hard*

Not-so-mortal Peeps:




Ardyana - You got killed soooo much. :) You were a ranger... STAY CAMO!!! :)

Dunneur - One of my strongest friends in the earlier ranks, was always good to travel with you... a competent leader.

Elrys - Prophet? Who? I barely ever saw you on... and for at least a few weeks I'd be on close to 10 hours a day. I think our times just didn't mesh too well. That one time we actually traveled and talked together was interesting, I would have liked more of it.

Gorthalon - Strong, strong. Liked being able to raid and defend with you.

Ibakhain - Hey Merce... er... Captain. :) Good job getting Talia's approval.

Kyrissa - Thanks for the dagger of Redemption that one time, when I was really young, and I asked you where you got it... then would always go and request it myself. :)

Rhual - Personally I thought you were a little too bloodthirsty to be a MARAN, but Shokai works his way around that by entitling you "Savage Fury"... Ah well, it IS his cabal.

Valsurias - Your other thing PISSED ME OFF. :) So many times he'd flip out, and then you'd just tell him to shut up... and I'd want to reply, but it was your whatever that I can't remember the name hrmm... something with an R... Romand.

Vanadulin - You got me killed a few times, bastard. :) Evenstill though you were one my favorite people to travel around with... even if it was me and you going to kill Grrhanr and we'd lay out a nice plan beforehand... I'd tell you DO NOT FIGHT HIM DIRECTLY, wait for me to engage, then freeze him, or something, etc... and eventually the fight would reduce itself to where I see you fighting him directly and getting mowed down, then me right after. Even though a few times you could have saved me with a simple Word or whatever, and maybe I could have saved you with some blindness dust, it was really fun, even in death.

Vorondel - Cardinal, thank you for that talk long ago. You inspired me to do certain things. You are a great Cardinal. You make it very well known that anyone can come to you for advice, or just some comfort. Very approachable, exactly what a Cardinal should be.

Zacharyn - Big Strong Paladin, #2... but not quite as strong, sorry ;) Liked fighting alongside you, wish we woulda done it more.

Zalachi - Ah, old friend... How could I forget you? Always liked running into you, see how you were...but we were always JUST out of each other's reach.


Amadalie - You only got me one time... and that was because you summoned me to the Throne room, Yanacek knocked me out, and I got spelled up BEYOND BELIEF then poof my body gave out. Ah well. Nice job pulling that off.

Azeri - Killed you about three times, and you STILL talked smack to me.

Diegrcso - I hate trapper thieves because of you.

Ergartok - Only died to you in situations where it was 4v1. Other than that, killed you or sent you packing.

Exousia - Nicely played dark knight, greedy, evil,... Bastard. :) Well done.

Grrhanr - You ain't so tough once you have a broken wrist. Key phrase: ONCE YOU HAVE A BROKEN WRIST. Liked our fights, at least it wasn't a 1-2-3 rounder. Would at least last 4 ;)

Heketul - Bard. Bah. You were nothing more than a nuisance.

Isengrim - Too predictable where you would be after deaths, or even just otherwise... though it doesn't seem to be a downfall of yours or anything. I remember one fight in particular where you went to raid us and I fought you and your zombies for a good 4 rounds... and they didn't touch me at all. Then I think you landed a curse, or maybe it was scourge, on me... and all of a sudden they were slamming me.

Izuvererus - You changed the whole balance of the good and evil when you were around. Too bad everyone bandwagoned and hopped on when you were on... I would have liked to fight you one-on-one sometime.

Khalizad - Same as Grrhanr.

Liralyth - I hate that you were so ahead of me in kicks, was my downfall those times. I'd be hitting you hard with normal attacks but then get nailed with a double demo from doublespinkick or whatever.

Rho - Said stuff in your goodbye thread, but, good fights. :)

Sevarecan - Falcon. k maran. fly away... need I say more?

Shezaral - Another freakin trapper thief, pfft. Killed you once at the Maran, when it was me and Vanadulin against a 4 person raid.

Yanacek - drop flask. sac flask. :)
21417, ONE time. i should have worded ya. :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am sure I got ya killed many a time. :)
but it was fun anyway no?

seriously though it was just the one time with the waking rather than wording. Last thing ya said was someone come wake me. so I did :)
shoulda said come word me. hehe.

As for the fighting directly. more often than not once someone got wise they redirected on me the moment I showed my face.
Posted by Romand on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah it was fun, I feel like I wasted a good role idea with a char I didnt really like too much. And I was hoping more people would talk to Romand. But yeah I liked you.
21435, Not So Mortal Peeps - Goodbyes
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Forgot to write the goodbyes for these :P

Ocelevan - You started me down a fun path with the whole Mercenary of Talia thing. I never sought it out, you complimented me on my battle prowess, and that started a lot of fun for my characterr.

Rogardian - Always fun to interact with you, really missed you once you Immorted.

Shokai - Didn't have any interaction, well, at least directly from you. Talking to Sune for a few minutes, that's about it.

Talia - I wrote you an in-game note explaining what happened, some sad story yada yada, well, the truth was I just didn't have enough time... and I don't like being a half-assed character, so that's mainly why I deleted. Lots of fun interaction with you... Just remember the DANCE. hahaha
21410, Darn...
Posted by Liralyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had hoped to see my name in your farewell. I had thought I had more of an impact on some people's lives, but I suppose such is not the case :) More than 1 or 2 hours a day seems to be required nowadays.

I enjoyed our battles together.

21457, RE: Darn...
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry I missed you in the initial goodbyes, got you the 2nd time around though! I replied with 'more goodbyes'.. with comments about you. :)
21421, had some fun
Posted by Kertaki on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was always glad to find a duergar/thief/assassin that would not be gunning for me, and would help me out with info on the whereabouts of imperials etc. so thanks :)

wish we coulda teamed up and fought more considering those horrible odds back then of like 4-6 empire duergar aps/warriors/shamans up against us but I got the feeling you didn't like and/or trust me as far as you could throw me! hehe

fun on your next whatever that may be. I like your chars so far,

21456, RE: had some fun
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Definitely didn't trust you but now that I think about it Im not sure why......... :)
21432, RE: Well that was fun. :)
Posted by Lariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you a lot, you showed a lot of heart. You had a lot of neat ideas for the Fort, and came up with some genuinely good ideas, like that scouting report you tried.

The clean fort thing was hilarious too. The fruit bowl snippet is pure gold right there. And darnit, I wasn't making any messes! Lariya is a prude! She's bothered by the revealing Talia gowns, let alone a mess.
21455, Scouting Report
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Scouting Report seemed like a good idea, but the max length for Notes actually hampered it in some way for me, but, it was still cool for the little bit it got talked about hehe.
21545, RE: Miss ya, mate
Posted by Guddomelig on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of the Fortress memebers that stood out in my mind and in a good way. You were a good roleplayer and not that bad of a fighter. I remember Zekasiq well, we were allies that turned into enemies...You probably know who I am talking about! I was kind of pissed off for you that you didn't make Maran. You were always around and helping defend/retrieve/raid though I am beginning to think good ole' Shokai is only rewarding those who PK out the arse. Which, I mean, is what Maran is. So no blame there. Cheers.
21586, Yeppers
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the compliments. Hmm, Zekasiq, allies that turned into enemies... I think I have an idea :)

I didn't mind not getting Maran. I think some others didn't deserve it, and some others really did. I think that I involved myself in a few sketchy things that would have made Shokai (or anyone) leary about promoting me within the cabal... but I also think that just my sheer presence, speeches about the Fort, defending, raiding... Eh, not gonna get into it :)

Thanks man.

And about the PK thing... Yeah, I agree, but it is HIS cabal afterall :)