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21018, Bye
Posted by Denzibah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Frustrating way to spend my last day. Wanted to go out fighting warders or past foes but got bored when none came about. Trying to get revenge on an assassin that is too scared to fight just gets tedious.....So settled for a villager and didnt given em much of a fight....Svirf conjurers are pretty damn powerful. Died a few times in my youth, once to Broghlan in my 30's, and a couple of times to assinates (the old, assinate, flee, run routine...)

Literally is not a single charactor you cannot kill with a conjurer if you are patient enough to wait. Most of the people I wanted dead simply didnt move at night or come out of hiding after they knew what was coming.

Villagers right now are damn tough, I dont think there is a single hero I could take in a fair one on one fight. Fully prepped I still couldnt...says alot for cabal powers and the skills of the rager playerbase. Huren, ZHelrantix, DHacknath, Ozlif, are all freaks. (In a good way) Only way I picked them off was to watch and wait, then gaunt them when they were near dead. Even then, they still put up more of a fight than 99% of the playerbase.

I tried early on to get some Immteraction revolving around Rock warding and had a nice plan going...but no answers to my prayers, and grew bored of even bothering to interact with Imms that only pay attention to cabaled charactors. Last 80 hours or so, consisted of gathering some wands, sleeping, sleeping, gaunting someone to death, tesseracting to someone to kill, sleeping.

Decided I would then elliminate warders. And pretty much did my job well. With a few exceptions (who seldom log in), pretty much had my way with the entire cabal, as I fought only on my terms. I really like the current crop of warders, CHoranek rules...
Pelthaas is pretty cool too.

Most annoying are the uncabaled hidden group, that dont even talk and just follow you around, blackjacking, assinating, ect. No interaction other than repeated attempts and fleeing until they catch you off guard. Was glad to kill these when ever they came out of hiding, which usually was only once every 24 hours....

I returned almost everything from the people I killed and I think was appreciated. If I ever lost a piece of equipment or two, I could usually have 3 more just like it within the day because of the few friends I had, or the cheap-ass gaunt revenge.

Thanks to Eileson and Illademn for the eyes in the skies.

In closing, I will never play a conjurer again. Too much sleeping and sitting around.

Oh ####*** Whoever implemented the code for the svirfneblin inherant stoneskin missed the mark. I kept track of the ability...mind you at 75% at hero. Failed it about 36 times in a row. Never did get to see what it did or if it is comparable to regular stoneskin. Why bother taking the time to code something that is impossible to use? 36 times and not one that worked? Should make storm giants water breathing inherant, or cloud giant flying inherant, while you were at it. Would be nice to see them only able to fly or swim once a year on the day they get 'lucky'.

21086, I was impressed
Posted by Kucerael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When we met and talked, I was quite impressed with your roleplay. The character really intrigued me, especially with the stone warders, demons, etc. I wanted to see that play out.

Additionally, I wanted to bring you into Nexus, but our playing times didn't coincide for about 3 weeks there. It looks like that won't matter a whole lot, however, as Nexus has gone boom.

Very believable and interesting character, Denzibah. You're one who I wish I could have spent much more time with.
21060, Cya
Posted by Choranek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man I think I hate Nightgaunts more than I hate flyto Ram shifters, the damage is just ridiculous, who the hell decided to give them blunt slap damage!! Whenever one arrived I pretty much knew I was getting swept up the next round I tried to prepare for wherever I was going to land and hope to avoid the earth elementals. Sometimes I got away, most often not, couple of times lag killed me. Last one you got me I was healing cursed, forget poisoned and already at 150hp from trying to get the sapling back at the Palace I saw the sun go down and thought "####e here comes a gaunt" but there was nothing I could do hehe. I actual wrote some script to change the color or my prompt when the sun went down, just because of you :-)

I appreciated the attempts to return gear, but would sac anything a servitor brought me, RP you know. I had a feeling you would get bored conjuring before I ran out of con, thankfully =0p

I always enjoyed our spirited discussions though.

Good luck on the next
21031, Yuntewara gonna miss ya!
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for those time you gave me a hand with stuff...too bad we didn't gaunt as much as I wished...And yea...I think I might have ripped your head off one day...Yunte felt you were mocking him at times hah!
21030, RE: Bye
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Oh ####*** Whoever implemented the code for the svirfneblin
>inherant stoneskin missed the mark. I kept track of the
>ability...mind you at 75% at hero. Failed it about 36 times
>in a row. Never did get to see what it did or if it is
>comparable to regular stoneskin.

That's because there was a bug in the code that made it fail 100% of the time for mortals. It worked great for me when I was testing it however :P

>Why bother taking the time
>to code something that is impossible to use?

Why not bring it up on the bug board instead of bitch about it in a goodbye note? Honestly...my first reaction is just to say '#### you', but it's fixed, c'est la vie.

>36 times and not one that worked?

That's because there was a bug...
21033, Touchy.
Posted by Denzibah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My first reaction was to say, 'Zhulg probably coded this and will fix it soon.', but bitching about it seems to get quicker responses than me posting bugs on the bug board which never get addressed for weeks....

Nice work anyhow, grumpy bastard. :P

21039, Nightgauntish - post removed
Posted by Yanoreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Although I agree - what a crappy response.

>but bitching about it seems to get quicker
>responses than me posting bugs on the bug board which never
>get addressed for weeks....
>Nice work anyhow, grumpy bastard. :P

Great way to make your "thank you" a slap in the face instead. You're welcome.
21043, Hehe, Ok I agree but I felt than long response would just be a waste of time(nt)
Posted by Nightgauntish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
21045, Yeh, thanks for coming out. n/t
Posted by Denzibah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
21046, RE: Touchy.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
bitching about it seems to get quicker responses than me posting bugs on the bug board which never get addressed for weeks....

Read the ####ing bug board.

How many bug reports are on there that get resolved? Isn't there a report about inherents that got resolved? The queue of unsolved bugs has been pretty short lately, so I don't know what you're complaining about- nearly everything on there has been taken care of.

21048, Again...Touchy...relax....its all ok.....n/t
Posted by Denzibah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
21022, Bye-bye
Posted by An assassin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Frustrating way to spend my last day.
>Trying to get revenge on an assassin that is too
>scared to fight just gets tedious.....
>died to Broghlan in my 30's, and a couple of times to assinates
>(the old, assinate, flee, run routine...)
>Most annoying are the uncabaled hidden group, that dont even
>talk and just follow you around, blackjacking, assinating,
>ect. No interaction other than repeated attempts and fleeing
>until they catch you off guard. Was glad to kill these when
>ever they came out of hiding, which usually was only once
>every 24 hours....

Let me express my point of view, as a representative of the uncaballed hidden group. We met for the first time yesterday. Your opener was to send a nightgaunt after me. After this, between the repeated owl assasults, I've had a pleasure to be gaunted five more times, and you tesseracted to me twice as well (sometimes in a company of an owl). Somewhere in between you said something arrogant to me. I reacted in a way to make sure you understand your mistakes and don't mess with me anymore.

Sizing up Denzibah, you pretend to stumble and sprawl into him.
Before he realizes what you have done, you slip your dagger under his ribcage.
Stepping back, you watch as Denzibah vainly tries to prevent his life blood from running out of his chest.
Denzibah slips to the ground as blood gurgles out from his mouth.
Denzibah is DEAD!!
Denzibah's feet are sliced from his dead body.
A fire elemental vanishes, its binding broken.

A transplendant archon returns to the Heavens.

You lost some of your precious set and deleted, plain and simple.

>Thanks to Eileson and Illademn for the eyes in the skies.

I love them too.
21026, Amitofo are you serious?
Posted by Denzibah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Arrogant? I have fought you a dozen times, always with you fleeing and running. Hell, with just an elemental at times. Figured you were a newbie after catching you in Udgaard that day, determined to get a pitch-black ring....and loosing your weapons while running in a panic. First noticed you sitting outside my guild and attempted to make conversation but was ignored so added you to my enemy list. Regarding assasinate; As with any ability that kills instantly, sooner or later odds are it will work. Ive been PWKed before after a dozen attempts, and I also chalk that up to statistics.

When asking around as to who this person is...was given the same response. "He doesnt talk, just assasinates then flees. So, voila, I discover you might as well get some pressure. AFter repeated beatings at my hand, I rarely saw you come out of hiding ever again.

Gear wise? I lost 3 or 4 pieces of gear, which within one day of playing can replace each piece.....Ive had in my possesion every limited piece of gear obtainable with a few exceptions, and if my victims can attest, I usually leave their gear, even if it is better than my own....as I dont really need much more than my servitors and a gaunting to kill what I need killed.

Anyone can play a Assassinate, flee, repeat, one-trick pony. Unfortunatly I wont be rolling anything for a while as time dictates, and you will be long dead by then.....

21029, it looked like a well executed assassination to me
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He waited until the last minute to strike, since once your archon was bound he'd have had to get you whilst it was out of the room.
21062, And Your guanting all the time is also a one trick wonder n/t
Posted by Data on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
21063, But with one small difference...
Posted by Denzibah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Two trick wonder...two trick wonder. I would actually fight toe to toe 50% of the time without gaunts....Mind you Tesseracting to a half-dead victim isnt exactly a fair fight. Tesseract gives you two-trick wonders.

My complaint are for those that are too scared to ever attempt 2 or 3 rounds of combat.

Assasinate..flee..flee...flee...quaff return.

Bravo for bravery!!!!

21070, actually when I did that with Lokrin
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was because the only reasons I attacked people were either to learn how to assassinate better or to take something from them.

If I failed the assassination, I would stay if I wanted their equipment and flee if I didn't.

Plenty of people can vouch that I did follow up the assassination attempts with melee, but equally I listened to a lot of whining about how all I did was assassinate and flee.
21021, RE: Bye
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can genuinely say that you would never have killed me with a nightgaunt if it wasn't for the fact I thought you were a conjie I was at peace with, and thus was happy to wander around at night without taking precautions. I got caught totally unprepared, no bloodthirst, no flight and even worse, loring my weapon instead of wielding it. I thought you had agreed not to send nightgaunts after me (I'm still not sure if I was confusing you with another conjurer or if you just lied to me so that I'd expose myself). Then it turns out you had something in your role to hunt drow in particular, or so you said. I couldn't really argue with that because I can see plenty of reasons that svirfs would dislike drow.

It was doubly annoying because I did come across you sleeping and without servitors about half-an-hour earlier and was persuaded not to attack because you made a good groupmate for evils. This is what reminded me that we had peace (or at least, that's what I thought at the time). Unfortunately that info came from a duergar and not a drow, and turned out to be totally inaccurate where I was concerned.
21019, inherent stoneskin
Posted by AnotherSvirf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm curious, did you play around where you tried calling the inherent stone skin ability? I've had a 100% failure rate too, but after giving up in frustration and sleeping on it, I came up with the idea that trying it in different locales just might make a difference. Haven't had a chance to try yet though.
21020, Re:
Posted by Denzibah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried it in the underdark, above ground, in water, in cities, in forests, mountains...nothing.

Maybe try Organia, might have been coded to work in the dreamland....yeh never know.