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Topic subject(DEL) <SCION> Othulask the Ranger Lady
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2032, (DEL) Othulask the Ranger Lady
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Aug 15 18:34:23 2001

4 o''clock PM, Day of Freedom, 32nd of the Month of the Spring on the Theran calendar Othulask perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night

2033, RE: (DEL) Othulask the Ranger Lady
Posted by Othulask (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, as the player of Benlunkda, I thought I'd try of the new half-drows, as I could work in a consistent role for a half-drow evil ranger.

This char was a first for me in many ways:

- first scion
- first ranger
- first female (not a reflection of any hidden urges btw)
- first half-drow

I like the ranger class a lot, and would definitely recommend them to newbies, though with the rash of evil rangers appearing it might not be a safe as it has been.

Honorable mentions:

Zeren: god, you slaughtered me that one time. I'd not played this character in a while, so when I saw no potion of return in my inventory, I assumed I had none. I also ran out of flowers (I can't believe I still was using them!) hence my failure to prevent you ambushing me. I had to kick myself when I got to my corpse and realised I'd had a return potion all along. Good kill. You were the only person I actually feared.

Beoulvign: I reckon I had you that time outside the village until that wood-elf bard turned up. He frightened me into walking into your triggers. I hated fighting you in all my incarnations because of those triggers. Made running practically impossible. You were one of the few villagers I respected; good roleplay, reasonable fighter, and didn't run around with more magic equipment than the scions did.

The mage who inducted me into scion. I'll not mention your name, since I liked your character. However, I basically got inducted without an interview of any sort. I was pretty sure I could walk into the cabal, as having a ranger on your side would be too much of an asset to reject.

Mahkhan; I tried to warn you off, Mahkhan, since I hate any form of betrayal of groupmates, even if it is just withholding aid. I would not have done it again (and I guess I would never have needed to since you'd probably heed my warnings a second time). I was disappointed when you refused to speak with me after that, because we could have got you in a position as strong as where you were when you got killed. Like I said above, this was my first scion, and I was trying to stick to an evil role, much as I disliked doing so OOC.

Kareza; Funny how we only bumped into each other that one time. That was when I learnt that rangers could be snared. Not sure if you were higher rank or what, but you certainly gave me a beating, if not a terminal one.

Jerarric: Well, I'd say nice knowing you, but since you logged off immediately if we were raided, I never really got to know you at all. You were the only cabalmate I've ever been tempted to try to kill in any incarnation, because of your pathetic contribution during raids.

Ralemos; I killed you as Yantsao when you made a series of newbie mistakes, so I never really held you in great esteem as a pkiller. In fact, your complaints at the time made me think I'd never have any respect for you. However, my time in scion changed my view of you. I thought you made a good chancellor.

few comments on scion in general:

- scions aren't as bad once you get to know them, as they appear when you're an outsider
- scions are better pkillers than most (in general). If other cabals used their techniques, they'd fare better.
- I'm not sure scions need a clear goal/purpose or whatever from the imms. Their goal is the rather vague "spread the darkness". Each leader could clarify how the cabal would set about doing that. Perhaps they would attempt to make certain regions/cities no go areas to anyone of the light, or make lightwalkers betray their ideals in order to avoid being hunted. Perhaps they could focus their attacks on the upholders of the light (eg Marans).

Anyway, I'm deleting this character because I don't like having to RP a person who betrays his/her comrades. As an evil I was never forced to, but as a scion, I was once, and feared I would be again. Sorry again Mahkan. I know it hurts, since I've been on the receiving end.