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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Coronado the Defiant Avenger of the Righteous, Marshall of the Fortress
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=20068
20068, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Coronado the Defiant Avenger of the Righteous, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Aug 4 23:11:17 2003

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Coronado perished, never to return.

Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
PK Ratio:24% (closer to 100% is better)

20073, that that that that's all folks
Posted by Coronado on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First I would like to ask the imms to take a look at the delete code. I only deleted once, didn't get the day wait or anything heh.


Zulghinlour- Okay I have to be honest, I was going to be a follower of yours all the way through. However the people at the fortress gave me the impression I wasn't getting in following you, so I made a slight change to the interpretation of my vision. You are very cool, and I was actually hoping you would maim my character, or do something a little more drastic than what you did. A lot of fun man, I was going to try to talk to you one more time since I became Marshall, but oh well.

Shokai- ugh how many in a row is this for me, I'm not even sure anymore. Great as always, and I thought it was really cool to see you get pissed off during my marshall interview. Also when you brought up that nasty blade made from storm bones and elf blood and stuff, I thought for sure you were going to make it for me. Oh well. I tried to do the whole leader thing, but hey when most don't follow orders, or just plain old ignore you it just sucks heh. I do think that I structured defense a bit more, and tried to get the council to talk to each other more. They'll be doin it without me though I guess.


I had very few actual friends with this character, it just seemed to work out that way.

Mehkoa- probably my best friend, I was bummed when you left. You were like a good luck charm, we never fell when we were together.

Vorondel- I liked you a lot, you really have a lot of quiet confidence for people. Thanks for encouraging me to take the Marshall spot.

Rogardian- I really liked you, and then you seemed to be gradually getting a chip on your shoulder. I love the dwarves though, and you were fun to run around with.

Lariya- very good paladin. I like your style, and you have a nerve that will keep you going I think.

Jaedren- hang in there man, I told you it would happen. Things are just starting for you. One thing, when you raid, TAKE SOMEONE WITH YOU heh.

Cersai- liked you a lot, and you made a very good Acolyte. All I would say is, you need to stop the obsession with a certain weapon. (as I stick my head in the sand about defiance)


Amadalie- you have a lot of potential, but you seem to miss some key prayers every time. Many times you could have had me ten times over. Just think a little bit on some paladin killing tactics.

Darthiel- I really liked your style. you might show up, you might not. Instead of fighting you'd rob me blind while killing the vanquisher. Damn that trip!

Menzaen- I liked fighting you a lot more once I got a few certain virtues. The way it would usually go, is fight fight fight I break an arm and word home. Still some of them were interesting.

all imperial healers- ####in tabies. Those thing really need to be checked power wise heh. With a healer they are just sick heh

tibtzapt and demoli- bash bash bash dead paladin. until I got a certain virtue, then I couldn't find either of you.


Ilrahsek- fun to fight, just couldn't keep you around. Couldn't seem to make the ram bleed either.

Ghuljun- damn liches. There just has to be a better way heh. Well what it comes down to, I just needed teleport potions.


Oblain- nice guy, I think you are giving the tribbies a little too much lee way sometimes though.

Morillion- one strike, fight over. I did like our banter though.

Exousia- damn your mouthy! ha! very good ap though, for sure. You had me boilin a couple of times at that meeting.


Azharadon- good character, that cold voice thing really bothers me for some reason.

Well there were a LOT of reasons for this over all. Mostly having to do with me not playing Coronado for 4 days, coming back and still not wanting to. The council isn't a council, and they still completely disagree on a lot of issues. It was bogging me down, because I didn't want it to turn into what happened before. I am officially sick of paladins for a while. I have had several of note, and I'm just not into it anymore. Also I felt there was a stigma with this character since someone on dio's caught who was playing him. I'm going to go two or three characters out of the fort, and maybe come back in a while. I have a mid level no cabal I'm going to stick with. I think after that I might go back to warriors and the village.

Jasmin, Tylinn, Lydian, some bard maran, Aryximaraki, Coronado

Coronado the unempowered victor
Coronado the avenger of the righteous, defiant priest
Coronado the defiant avenger of the righteous
Coronado the defiant avenger of the righteous, Marshall of the Fortress
20075, Sonuva...best laid plans...BAH!
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Zulghinlour- Okay I have to be honest, I was going to be a
>follower of yours all the way through. However the people at
>the fortress gave me the impression I wasn't getting in
>following you, so I made a slight change to the interpretation
>of my vision. You are very cool, and I was actually hoping
>you would maim my character, or do something a little more
>drastic than what you did. A lot of fun man, I was going to
>try to talk to you one more time since I became Marshall, but
>oh well.

I actually had a plan to mess with you, but with the baby, life, everything else, my time has been sporadic at best. Damn...and it was an eeeeeeeee-vil plan too. Ah well...life goes one with or without me.

Ah well. I liked Coronado, thought he took on the role well. I pretty much echo Shokai's sentiments in what I saw of you. Good character, luck with the next.

>Coronado the unempowered victor

Yeah...that's just not nearly as cool as me messing with you :P Though it did paint a huge bullseye on your forehead for the week I made you stay that way.

20236, Not even death can save you from me!
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was supposed to work this way, but I was going to quest you as the wizened dude to get some stuff and help build a blade to do the deed, but you up and deleted on me man. Oh well...I got my sweet revenge.

Walking along the path towards the Azure Fields, the spirit of Coronado happens upon an elderly man in white robes.
The wizened man looks up as Coronado passes and whispers, 'Any regrets Coronado?'
The spirit of Coronado turns to face the man staring him directly in the eye.
The spirit of Coronado says, 'None, why do you ask?'
The wizened man whispers, 'You left no lasting mark on the Realm, Maran, I expect more from those who walk the path to the Azure fields'
The spirit of Coronado says, 'My legacy lives on through those who will rise to the name Maran, that is all I need'
The wizened man whispers, 'You say that now, but what if I gave you an opportunity to leave a lasting mark'
The wizened man whispers, 'To destroy that which you have fought against your entire life. To wipe the Centurion Omegus from the Realm for eternity'
The spirit of Coronado narrows his eyes and says, 'I am merely a ghost now, how can you offer this? Who are you?'
The wizened man whispers, 'A traveler of these and many other planes, with a grasp of magic you cannot even begin to comprehend.'
The spirit of Coronado says 'And what would be required of me?'
The wizened man pulls a small blood-red scabbard from his robes and hands it to the spirit of Coronado.
The wizened man whispers, 'Within there lies a blade, coated in the blood of the most powerful archon to walk the planes of Elysium'
The wizened man whispers, 'Take it and plunge into the chest of the Omegus, and your legacy will be made'
The spirit of Coronado glances up the path towards the Azure Fields, then back to the land of the living.
After a few minutes of contemplation, he turns back towards the land of the living.
The wizened man whispers, 'You will still be a spirit, your travel should be easy, and none should see you until it is over'
As the spirit of Coronado walks off to complete the deed, the wizened man flashes a wicked smile and disappears, engulfed in flames.
The spirit of Coronado enters the Imperial Lands, remembering past fights and deeds, his thoughts returning to the glory of the Fortress.
He rushes through the lands to the Imperial Palace, and stands before the Vanquisher who pays him no heed.
He staggers a bit, as he walks his corporeal body straight through the Vanquisher, nearing his goal.
As he climbs the stairs to the throne room, he pulls out the scabbard and grasps the blade within.
As he rushes towards the Omegus, an deep, guttural arcane chant rises.
Coronado is stripped of his spirit once again a living, breathing storm giant!
He plunges the blade straight into the chest of a very surprised Centurion Omegus!
The cries of the damned are heard throughout the Imperial Lands as the very essence is drained from the Centurion Omegus!
In a matter of seconds, he is reduced to a pile of brittle bone and ash.
At the same instant the arcane chant crescendos and halts abruptly, casting Coronado back to the land of the dead once again!
Panting, the spirit of Coronado glances down at what is left of the Centurion Omegus.
A wicked cackle is heard, as a flaming pentagram appears on the floor and out of it walks the wizened man.
The wizened man whisper, 'Excellent, it is just as I had planned'
The wizened man flickers and grows in height, revealing the Ebony Warlock, Zulghinlour!
The spirit of Coronado's eyes go wide as he shouts, 'You!'
The spirit of Coronado says 'Why...why would you have me do this? He is the guardian of your Empire? Is there no treachery you won't commit!'
The Ebony Warlock grins evilly and says, 'Why Coronado, I did this so you would remember your betrayal to me, even in death'
The voice of the Ebony Warlock rings out, 'Who will come forth and take the place of the Omegus!'
The Imperial Warlock steps forth from the Black Sect and says, 'I will'
The Imperial Prelate steps forth from the Divine Sect and says, 'I will'
The Imperial Blademaster steps forth from the Blade Sect and says, 'I will'
The Imperial Assassin steps forth from the Shadow Sect and says, 'I will'
The Ebony Warlock looks down as the spirit of Coronado realizes what has happened and says, 'You have left your mark on this Realm, and made the Empire stronger for it'
The Ebony Warlock throws his head back and cackles wickedly.
The spirit of Coronado lowers it's head in shame.
Suddenly the spirit of Coronado flares with bright white light, and silvery flames swirl around the spirit form.
From within the bright light and swirling flames, the spirit of Coronado speaks, 'I had thought I would rest, but you have reminded me why I must fight on'
As the flames fade, the spirit of Coronado stands clad in thick gray armor, swirls of silvery-white flames flickering over it's form.
Bowing slightly, the Maran Tara'bal once named Coronado utters a word and returns to the Azure Fields.
20076, Cheers good sir
Posted by Menzaen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And congratulations on a fine character.

I think we rolled at roughly the same time, as we were in conflict from the 20s on. My first interraction with you was when you were running from the palace from several of us in the late 20s. I knew help was coming behind me, and you were going to get away. So I buckled down and spammed trip on you, dying in the process....but half a round after I died, you did too. I had a lot of fun then.

As we got higher in the ranks, fighting you became frustrating for me, if not downright futile.

Alone, there was really no chance for me to kill you. It seems like maran paladins have a way to cover everything I could possibly dish out.

One time you 'dodged' 3 mountain storm kicks in a row.

Another, one strike did 265 hp of damage to me through aura/stone skin/protection.

You always knew when I was stalking you.

Even if you dropped your weapon, you could spam wrath and still beat me if I didn't have a healer.

Even though I got the whole 'why bother' feeling towards fighting you, I still respected you a lot as a character. Believe it or not, I was saddened to see your post here. A good enemy is nearly as tough a loss as a good ally.
20077, Sure, induct a guy and see what you get?
Posted by Aemelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember talking about you with Erenthell, and how he was very skeptical. I, on the other hand, was all for you. But I had to rp a bit of concern with the E-man, so I told him I'd take responsibility for you. Which he agreed to, interestingly enough.

I never regretted it. Seeing who you are now it comes as no surprise that you could pull off your rp angles, and I have no doubts it continued in the same quality vein after I deleted.

Well done indeed.
20080, You big oaf
Posted by Lariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fun. You seemed to have a good head on your shoulders about what we should be doing...but things would just blow up in your/our faces with it.

I liked you a lot. And....that Defiance thing you had going...I won't spoil your secret....but I just had to laugh.
20085, oh crap
Posted by Vorondel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Vorondel- I liked you a lot, you really have a lot of quiet confidence for people. Thanks for encouraging me to take the Marshall spot.

Well thanks, that's what my char is all about, so I'm rather glad I made this impression on you :) I liked Coronado, and now I regret that I did not seek you out more often to interact with you. And I was quite happy when you were named Marshall, as you know I had full confidence in you. I think you did your job well, considering the fact that the Marshall role is a rather difficult one IMHO. And yeah I agree that we should form a more "united" council, but it's somewhat difficult when we are only one or two leaders on at a time. We should use the notes system more often to remedy to that, perhaps.

Oh and unlike Shokai I did not know that your name was that of a conquistador, in fact I thought it was pretty cool :)

Good luck with your next!

20086, Well done..
Posted by Azharadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well yeh.. The voice, I was trying to find a voice that sort of reflected the characters personality. I try to come of as cold and hard but im not sure how well I do.. hopefully well enaugh.

I remember Coronado from the unempowered victor days, even of we did not rank much together we sort of grew up at the same pace. When I spoke to you about the imm change I knew you would go far, since I belive very few can make a jump from Zulg to Shok just like that.

Well done.
20087, Pfffft
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Coronado was one of those characters that I will call 'allnallander-characters' (no offense there).. very Maran-like, tough buggers, very honor-like, not needing help with anything and all that ..but also hard to befriend, and .. well .. I have a hard time with those characters .. i tried to be all cosy and funny and whatever to try and get through but, whereas it works with 99 % of all the others, it never really worked with you .. you were very polite and 'distant' every time.. sometimes even seemed to ignore me.. guess that's the reason why I don't show up in the friends list either .. after the idea to summon this sewer dwarf to the Fortress, I was like 'Wow, that's impossible', and I kinda gave up on trying to be a friend.. still .. as I said, good job as a Maran, I'll give you that.. fat ass ;)..

Good luck on the next one ..

20088, Oi,
Posted by permanewbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Zdenhoi, I must echo one of Shokai's comments.

When I was mid 20's, at the beginning of my 90+ hour treck to connect with my imm, when I saw a "coronado" rank 1 paladin ask me to bless a weapon...I nearly broke role and told you to go screw yourself for having such a lame name, I even almost prayed about how lame your name was. I didn't, I blessed that weapon for you, and over the next weeks I interacted with you a number of times.

You were lucky to have gotten all that immteraction loving. I admit that seeing you get unempowered, re-empowered, inducted then full maran all while I was still waiting to ask my imm for permission to even apply as a maran was one of the reasons I decided to give up, but I was never bitter about it, mainly because it was fairly obvious that you really did earn what you got.

ic, Zdenhoi liked you because you were a good paladin(even though he was slightly suspicious of a paladin that would first pray to an evil god, then betray his oaths to his god, evil or not). ooc, I never got over your name.

You were good at the Paladin roleplay, Congratulations on what you did accomplish, and luck on your next.

"Death awaits ya all, wit nasteh big pointeh teeth!"
20096, RE: that that that that's all folks
Posted by Rogardian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Hey, sorry to see you go man. I'm surprised though, I didn't make the connection to you and Lydian. It's nice to not be the ONLY two-handed dedicant around!

I think part of the problem you were seeing with the Council is that we're all on at very different playing times, with only little variations that overlap on occasion. In some ways that's good, since we get a wider spread of time covered for applicants and stuff, but obviously it makes it harder to get together.

I'm not sure why you thought Rog had a chip on his shoulder... he's just a dwarf after all. He responds the same way to just about everyone! I was glad when you made Marshall too, and I thought you did a good job.

20107, some of my role, and my description
Posted by Coronado on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Coronado was born and raised in the deepest parts of the Aryth Ocean. His
family was a loving and nurturing force in his life. From his birth he had
an affinity for the priesthood. As soon as he learned to walk, he would try
to steal off to the halls of the churches of light, to hear the sermons over
and over. It seemed a natural progression when he was accepted into the priesthood
as a novitiate. He performed his duties diligently, and with fervor in all
things. He would wake hours earlier than his peers to begin his prayers, and
got to bed several hours later, just to share time with his god. He began
to lose weight and strength from lack of sleep and eating, and eventually was
placed in the hospital wing of the church. At the end of this trial he passed
out and had a vision. He saw a vision of blood and death, dark creatures
writhing in dark ecstacy in blood and gore. The forces of darkness were
over running the land, and none stood to oppose them. Just as he was about
to despair, a bird made of silver fire burst from the evil, burning all in
it's path that was evil. The world has suffered great loss, but there was
hope....... Waking from his vision several days later Coronado awoke with
a holy gleam in his eyes. He ate ravenously, and would sleep like the dead
at night. During the day after he had finished his chores and prayers, he
would travel to the school of warriors, and take weapons training. He had
a true natural ability with the weapons, and learn quite quickly. He took
his new found drive, and abilities, and approached the paladin's guild. After
a few tests his abilities were smiled upon by the guildmaster, and he was
accepted into the guild as a paladin student.

I've been trying to interpret my vision from earlier in my life, as it is no
doubt, highly valuable to my future. At first I took it to mean that the light
will be the hope of the world. This I do not doubt, as I wish to further that
hopeful dream. However, I cannot overlook the darkness that began that vision.
When granted a vision, no part of it is truly useless, or unnecessary to the
message being shown. As I think back to that part of the vision, I realize
that I see more than just hurting, or killing throughout the world. I'm seeing
plans of my enemy, the tactics they use, and the ground they will choose to
strike from. A wise man once said keep your friends close to you, but your
enemies closer, so that you know their ways and can counter act them. I see
great value from this advice, and have seen a way to follow it. Lord Zulghinlour
the dark lord, god of my enemies, I will ask him to be the one to grant me
the power for Victory. Hopefully by knowing him and his ways, I will know
his underlings better, that I may defeat them on the field. Father grant me
strength as I undertake this unusual and dangerous path.

This giant's physical stature isn't remarkable for one of his kind. His
height, weight, and build being typical for his large strong people. His
body coloring is a deep indigo, the color of the deepest parts of the ocean.
His hair is a seaweed green, meticulously combed and groomed, and pulled back
tightly into a pony tail tied with a heavy leather strap. His eyes are deep
pools of calm blue, like the sea after a storm. He smiles often, showing his
pearly white teeth, all straight and even leaving no flaws. His body is stro
corded muscle showing every where there is skin to see. He holds his arms
loosely folded in front of him, which at first seems relaxed, but keeps his
hands closer to his weapon hilts. He has the look of a holy man, or cleric
of some type.
Coronado, a male storm giant, is in perfect health.

20071, damnit son.
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

First the good part of you deleting, I don't have to see the name of a Spanish conquistador roaming around the Fortress. You have no idea how many times I had to fight myself out of renaming you...something like

Shokai tells you 'I have decided, Marshall, as you now serve me and not the other, I believe a new name should be granted to you'

You have been renamed to Toby!

Now the bad, you'll be missed bigguy. You struck me as still very much learning the pk side of CF, and at times I think your aggravation showed through in your rp. However, for the most part you did pretty good. You seemed to have good focus on where you wanted your character to go, and roleplayed that singular vision very well...even when at times it wasn't the brightest thing to do. Hint for your next character, there are times when charging the enemy stronghold is not the best answer. Granted I think you played the role of a Maran to the hilt, which at times I think made a horn go off in your head and a small voice say "CHAAAAAAAARRRRRGGEEE!!!" which there's nothing wrong with, just it leads to a lot of painful deaths.

I admire that you tried to take the reigns of training over, maybe one day the Fortress will stop defending like some odd group of ninjas attacking Bruce Lee. (Hint for those following along, lining up single file to attack your foe may or may not be a good solution to what you're trying to accomplish).

Anyway, sorry to see you go chief. Good luck with whatever's next.

20069, I always liked you,
Posted by Mehkoa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really liked the way you kept going even with all the gangs you put up with in mid ranks, hated watching and not being able to do anything as Mehkoa. Then you heroed and got maranated, well deserved. and I knew you'd get a leader position when they opened up. Well done.
20072, hated the name loved the char. -nt
Posted by no one special. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM