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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Ilrahsek, Advisor to the Chasm's Chosen
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=20004
20004, (DELETED) [SCION] Ilrahsek, Advisor to the Chasm's Chosen
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Aug 2 16:59:37 2003

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 10th of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Ilrahsek perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
PK Ratio:83% (closer to 100% is better)

20237, QUESTION for any Imm who read my role.
Posted by Urden_X on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can I post it, or would it expose too much stuff?
20249, I remember pieces...
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Based on a couple conversations I snuck in, I remember a few pieces that could impact current events. Beroxxus might know more here, but I think it's the kind of thing you might want to wait on.

20253, RE: I remember pieces...
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would say, no for now as there are some parts in there that could effect what is to come.

20100, keep missing you
Posted by Vel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man oh man. I knew Ilrahsek was someone good. I didn't know it was you though. It seems like every character you play I only get a glimpse of, just barely interacting. I always wish afterwards it could have been more. It's hard to find such a good roleplayer and fighter. I knew you as Ravenoth, you probably don't remember but I was a Bastien a drow thief that kept killing caravan guards...Vyalrindur barely got to play with you as Ulzoth, and now Miercahallen watched you die in the Fortress. One day...
20016, Well, that seemed longer than it was.
Posted by Urden_X on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Sat Aug 2 16:59:37 2003

>At 5 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 10th of the Month of the Dark
> on the Theran calendar Ilrahsek perished, never to return.
>the Scions of Eternal
83% (closer to 100% is


I was trying to get into the Scion mix again with this character, as my last attempt (Cuthul)
just didn't cut it, in my opinion. With that said, I don't think I will ever play a shapeshifter
again, and I definitely won't be bothering with a Scion for a long time. Shapeshifters
are so...so....SO limited to me, and I guess that's just because I prefer tons of tactical
options in any situation, and I like being able to talk in the midst of a battle. The class
offers none of that. My forms were Ram and Armadillo, and I admit that if I wasn't being
severely lagged during a fight, I could always shift to the dillo and get away...but the
problem was that I simply COULD NOT kill some people, and I didn't really like that
limitation. Oh, also, the Ram really blows for exploring since a vast number of hero-
level creatures are immune to blunt attacks (even the ambassadors in the High Lord's
Keep, for some god damned reason). I guess I can understand dragons being immune
(but even that's a stretch), there are so many that just left me wondering how old their
coding was.

Anyway, on to the Scion thaaang...

Guys? What happened? I thought everything was going so well...
I did the little questy stuff that me and the Archmage talked about, and I did it well
enough that Tanadin gave me a tattoo, even though I was sphere Creation, and
originally intended to be a Khasotholas follower....I rolled with it though, because it
fit Ilrahsek so well to be a Rogue. Now, if you recall (archmage), you told me that
you wanted a full report on the "stuff" that I did, when I had some success...and then
I didn't hear a peep from you for a month. Beroxxus, my friend...we had all sorts of
schemes planned (or so I thought), and we were interacting well, and then nothing
for a month. I am just bugged by that...why did ALL immteraction just cease all of
a sudden? Was it something I did or didn't do? Are you guys just bored to #### with
the cabal? I even roleplayed the boredom and frustration by adding a piece to my
role specifically stating my concerns....but that also didn't seem to have any effect.
Maybe you guys were busy, I don't know, but I'd rather you weren't pissed at me
for deleting...'cause, looking at it from my point of view, here is what you would
see: I log in, I see that I have the usual lack of allies, I can't really explore, I can't
land a kill on the Goodie horde, or even a lone paladin no matter what I do, and
I've been waiting for about a month (real time) to get on with all the implied goodies
and questy stuff from Beroxxus and the Archmage. I mean...holy ####....that sucks!
And for a solid month of playing at all hours, I have no doubts that you guys knew
how I was feeling about it, so I just figured the character had run its course and
you guys were as bored with him as I was.

So anyway, that's why I'm done with Scion for now. I don't want to be the dumpee again.


Tanadin: You were groovy man! Thanks for the tattoo...that really made my day/week.
I wish we could have done more stuff, but it seems that there is very little room for
good intrigue in CF. I guess it's just a limitation of the type of game it is. Btw, is it
normal for you to tattoo people who aren't of your sphere?

Ghuljun: Mixed feelings really. I respect you, for sure, probably more than anyone else
does, because I respect the challenge you face. I think you could improve your pk'ing
a bit, though I'm not saying you are bad or anything. I think you'll either heroImm or fade
away from a lack of support from the Scion Imms. I hope, however, that I am proven wrong.
Oh, and believe me, I really did want to stick it out...but I've never been so bored with
a character as I became with this one. I am sure someone will prove to be a better
Advisor anyways.

Meladori: Damned incorruptable elf! Too bad you couldn't alter my turban for me.

Azharadon: I got you!!

Boigeran: Damn you were a flake :p

Scarabaeus: That brief interaction with you seemed to be (in retrospect) a desperate
attempt to stir something up with the character. Too bad it didn't pan out, but I thank
you for being especially eeevil.

To all the rest: Lots of brief interactions but few long-term ones, so if you feel like
responding, go ahead and I'll reply.

Not sure if I'm going to play anything serious for a while, since my serious characters
seem to sputter out badly because they end up relying heavily on other people's actions
(namely the Imms). Not that that is a bad thing, but it's not fair to place a responsibility
on other people...especially when they're only half-interested.

Urden, signing out.
20022, Its not easy to advise a nasty, cold lich. SO, how did you do it? nt
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
20024, About being the Advisor...something everyone should know.
Posted by Urden_X on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I advise the Chasm, not the Chancellor.
In truth, the positions are equal in power,
yet different in function.

At least that's what I heard.
20023, RE: Well, that seemed longer than it was.
Posted by ScaredInvoker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you couldn't have held out a few more days? Soon I'll be ready to bring destruction to those fools and you go and delete! You know how invincible I'd be with you as my shield from punishment! DAMN YOU! And I didn't even get to exploit my plans of revenge upon you for burning my hand then biting it with your fangs! Oh well, Chasm is dull at times, but I enjoy the challenge of being there and the fact that most people who get in are actually quite skilled. Think we just need to open our doors up a little more. And that was something you could have done instead of hoping for interaction. Building the chasm was something I saw you doing, but I was wrong.

The Scared Invoker who wanted to betray you.
20025, RE: Well, that seemed longer than it was.
Posted by Urden_X on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, trust me, I really, REALLY wanted to boost the numbers, but
most of the applicants were horrible. Most people just DO NOT
get it, and besides, we were specifically told to keep the numbers
low. That's just how it is. Unfortunately, it's ASS low, not just "low".
20035, RE: Well, that seemed longer than it was.
Posted by The other one. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That seemed to be a huge problem with the Chasm. When I was inducted, I was under the impression there was only a few of us, but wow, was I in for a shock.

It always seemed (at least to me) that you were itching for me to hero so you could use me/let me tag along etc. for all of the benefits my character brought, dispite the fact that it's my first character. (I'm still half active, so I hope you can guess who this is. There aren't many options. *wink*) Not that I minded or anything. ;)

I was half shocked that I was even inducted, being a total newb. I always felt half stupid having to ask you everything, and you commanding me like a kid. My character was usually submissive to you. You intimidated him a bit, being as confident as Ilrahsek was.

It was always frusturating logging on and NEVER having cabal powers. Having such a minute amount of people in chasm, meant we were constantly on the defence, and it was usually easy to fetch our scepter.

Sorry for whipping you in the nose, but you were biting my feet.

The short time I played with you, it was pretty fun, and a good learning experience.

Good luck on the next, and take care.

-The other one.

20055, RE: Well, that seemed longer than it was.
Posted by Kraventhrake on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You mean even quality applicants like me? I was sort of saddened that you blew me off so quickly. Though I think I hit a few sore spots with Kraventhrakes blunt and vile style.
20059, You must have been...
Posted by Urden_X on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...the priest. You seemed capable, just from talking with you, but popping off to
one of the Chasm's leaders (hey, we're the most vile, evil bastards around) was
a really dumb idea. Eat some humble pie.
20026, Oh no
Posted by Denzibah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was hoping youd be around a bit longer. Some weird mage NPC was talking to me about that hole I was talking to you about. I have a feeling that with a bit more charactor involvement some cool #### is going to happen....

Feel for you with the whole Scion boredom thing....

Wish I couldve interacted or hunted with you.

20028, Do you think I was frustrated?
Posted by Azharadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We fought.
I worded and started to heal a bit.
You came attacked.
I fled.
You attack to quickly.
Cast teleport. Lagged two rounds.

Man.. I liked Ilrasekh but hated the ram. I just wish there was MANY more enemies, especially scions. And now another good one goes..

20029, RE: Well, that seemed longer than it was.
Posted by Tanadin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say, I really liked how you played things and the little stunt you did. Reminded me allot of the old Entropy players who actually used dopple for chaos and havoc, and when you interacted with me you acted as a rogue should be. As to your question on do I normally tattoo people outside of my spheres? No, though when people truly act and show what the brotherhood is about, I have no problem at all since it is the concept and RP above the sphere personally.
20033, Eluna
Posted by Astillian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved our interactions talking to you was always interesting. Alas, there was little you could do to harm him. My fondest memory was running to attack you and Ghuljun on eastern road I think as soon as you just killed Ocelavan I think. I was super lucky on my saves, I just kept hitting you and shruging off Ghuljun's spells. Even in dillo form I got you to writhing.

You made a great evil character. That's something I always have problems doing.
20039, RE: Well, that seemed longer than it was.
Posted by Meladori on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know, I was disappointed when I couldn't alter it. I really
wish they'd turn a lot more items, such as your turban, into
clothing, but I understand it's probably not a big priority.
Anyway, I liked the character a lot. Evil with class. Though,
I wish our characters got to know each other a little more. I'm
sure such an important member of the Scion probably wouldn't
spend much more time in a Inn though. Ilrahsek added a lot to
Carrion Fields I thought, sad to see him go.
20040, Well
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man,

Sorry to see you go. I was working on your quest idea, something that takes some serious work to flesh out, on top of me already having a couple of projects with my play times reduced a bit. So, I hope that explains a bit. I liked the character and good luck with the next.
20041, RE: Well
Posted by Urden_X on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey that's cool, I understand that everyone has their time constraints. But...
Why not throw me a bone every now and then? Even if it was just some
kinda echo telling me that "You feel as though things are progressing
as they should, and your plans will soon come to fruition", or something?

For future reference, that's all we, as players, need to keep us going. Just
a bit of incentive...an acknowledgement, I guess.
20053, RE: Well
Posted by Zargu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to agree here with you Urden... A bone like that really can make a difference..... I to was alone for quite a while in the scion and if i just had a bone thrown at me like that a few times, i would proberly still be around!!

20062, Dang!
Posted by Choranek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Another source of ivory enemas gone! Man I tried just about everything I could think of against you, even prepped to the high heavens that ram slaughtered me.
Wish you hadn't gone just yet, I still had a trick or two left to try!
20081, Not sure what you said to get the post deleted, but... :P
Posted by Eilathen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad I'm long gone already or I'd hate you for deleting. One of the two people I could reliably count on (the other being Garguza). We had a blast, healer + ram is a good combo, even if I was too bloodthirsty and going for the kill instead of healing you. Hey, I had a hard enough time convincing Scarabaeus that a scarab healer would do what he wanted anyway :P

Something about you said 'Urden' to me, but it's been so long that I can't quite remember what it was.
20251, RE: Well, that seemed longer than it was.
Posted by Killag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah it was fun being a scion and playing with Urden, now there is nobody left but the lich..ahh well..another cabal that will fade with time.