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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19875
19875, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Jul 30 10:03:39 2003

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Ashqer perished, never to return.

Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
PK Ratio:5% (closer to 100% is better)

19959, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by Woonoaq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Haven't forgotten all the great times we had.
It was awesome and a lot of fun.
Too bad this character got auto-deleted. I talked
to the gods about that and offered a bribe of 400
copper coins but they just couldn't fix it *sniffs sadly*.
Hopefully we'll meet again with our other characters.

Always a pleasure dear!
19969, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by Ashqer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
400 copper coins? you shoulda offered it in gold! ;P anyway, i'm sure they did try.

yea the times when we went to 'raid' the scion before i was scribe! just killed the outer guardian and walked around aimlessly before you told a story about the young anti-paladin being killed by his own guildguard's fireball ;P it was funny.

and your stupid butt wrigging and boasting and laughing hysterically..always fun ranking with ya!

oh, and you're really good with mazes! you always managed to bring us both back to safe land :)

good luck with your character!
19885, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by Ashqer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Check out the pk ratio..aren’t u glad I’m not squire? ;P Anyway, this is my first hero and first induction..still quite new to the game and cannot pk for nuts!

Deleted cos school just started after a 7 months break and I’m really busy! No time to be good scribe. Plus I didn’t really roleplay the character well..otherwise, I would love Ashqer to continue living. I’ve created a new one and will make sure she gets acquainted with the geography and general ways of Thera better before joining a cabal.

Throughly enjoyed playing storm warrior. They’re supposed to take blows well, but somehow, Ashqer couldn’t despite 100% parry and a sword spec.

Enjoyed being a scribe alright..had to wait so long to finally meet the Cardinal and get inducted during his playing time! I squeezed time out for that before work :)

I didn’t really follow the oaths well enough..spent more time with squires/marans than scribes/acolytes! I felt that the Acolyte group was too concentrated at only a certain time. The time when I managed to enter the realms, there usually was not a single scribe/Acolyte in sight at all.

Was happy to see Zacharyn before deleting. Should get a Prophet or Cardinal at the time I can come on..cos there are quite a number of others who want to be acolyte too but don’t get the chance.

IMMs :
Narissa – Thanks for all that info! Sorry Ashqer couldn’t repay you the favour..would have been interesting to know what the favour was considering you a Priestess of the deceptive Scarlet Web.

Mortals :
Jhanderin – Thanks for inducting me. Felt that you were a good Cardinal..always busy helping others and when you did spoke to me, you had tasks for me. But, are interviews with Cardinals supposed to be so short? I’m not sure..you merely asked me why I wanted to join the Fortress then I got inducted.

Aemelius – Good marshall in Ashqer’s eyes. You were quite nice and polite to her and to others from what she saw.

Vorondel – Makes a good Cardinal..you always ensured that everyone was well and at ease..great characteristics for Acolyte.

Elrys – Extremely capable Prophetess. Thanks for the talk we had!

Rogardian – You were pretty irritated with Ashqer for her incompetence weren’t you! Anyway, you were pretty helpful..and marry Gwyythinniel soon you seem to like her very much! ;P

Sylvrin – Childhood, best and dearest friend to Ashqer. You seemed to have learned a lot while you were alive..good work there!

Karun – Great brother! Funny how we both had to be away for a week at the same time as well as usually replying the cabal at almost the same time with almost the same answers..if you noticed. And when I logged on each time to say goodbye to you, you were never around! So I deleted without saying goodbye. Overall, liked you much.

Gwyythinniel – You know your way around really well! Enjoyed travelling with you all the time..fun as well as efficient. Competent bard and great friend to Ashqer (somehow Ashqer’s great friends are those who are short ;P).

Woonoaq – Ashqer liked this human a lot! Had lotsa fun with him. Dead now, but she remembers you.

Ageladek – Ranked together with you and Woonoaq quite a bit the later part of her life..two assassins and a warrior make a good team!

Ahtanri – Was going to explore the Vaults alone but you came along..was glad! Anyway, it was fun walking around there..but not getting hit with the wards and falling into that mirror place. My new character will explore it furthur when she can.

Graital – Thanks for showing me how to get that necklace in Khazzad Dum.

Trinthos – Didn’t speak with you much..but enjoyed our interactions always.

Grrhanr – Shoved me into attacking the Maran Tarabal! Can’t forget that it was pretty hilarious..with me already entering a bone-shatter beforehand.

Mehkoa – You made a great storm warrior! Thanks for your help getting me armour and stuff.

Jirash – Didn’t talk to you much but you left a good impression on Ashqer.

Forgot lots of others I know..do tell me what you thought of her and how I can improve.
19889, Hehe
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You probably don't know, but I have known you with another character as well.. anyways.. We had a good time together, I'm sorry to see you go.. Good luck in school

19903, RE: Hehe
Posted by Ashqer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey! Maybe I'll make my new character know Gwyythinniel too eh! ;)

Yep, with Gwyythinniel around, everything becomes fun I have to say!

Thanks for the luck I got it man..
19891, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by Rogardian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Nah, I was never upset with Ashqer. Keep practicing, those fighting skills will get better! Anyway, good luck with your next.

and marry Gwyythinniel soon you seem to like her very much!

Hah! Fattie elf fariy. Doesn't even have a respectable beard.

19904, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by Ashqer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks! :) I will definitely practise more!

Yeah but you have to admit shes a pretty elf! Who cares about beards on her ;P
19894, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by karun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Apparently I did not last longer then you! My age got me as soon as i loged in after your death! Well done sister! I really liked our interactions wish it would be more! Good luck with your next!
19900, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by Ashqer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just when i was speaking about coincidences you die RIGHT after I did! :D

Its really funny as if your death just hit home..what I was tryin' to say ;P
19916, Farewell Ashqer
Posted by Vorondel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not have the chance to interact with you much,
I think our playing times overlapped very little..
Anyway good work with Ashqer, I'm sure you'll have
a whole lot of other heroes/caballed chars, now that
you've broken the ice :)

See ya in the fields.
19927, Heh
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No that was by far the shortest induction ever.
The problem was I hardly ever saw you when I was around and when I was I did not have time to talk to you. However, you had like 5+ recomendations from others acolytes so I took their word.
19970, RE: Heh
Posted by Ashqer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:P Why, i didn't even know I knew so many acolytes! I thought I only knew Sylvrin, interacted a little with Cersai and Vorondel..can't remember anymore heh.

Yeah, when I found out the times when you as Cardinal was about, I did try to meet you for interviews! Woke up at around 8am just for that! :) And you must understand I love my sleep! :P
19929, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by Jirash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, we didn't get to talk or travel much, but you seemed decent enough from what I could see :P

I found one thing strange though. When you said you were going to rest/quit out, did you actually type in 'quit' and hit enter or did you just close your client down? The reason I ask is that it was a pretty consistent occurance that you'd say you were going to rest, but it'd take the Watcher like 10 mins to announce it, as if you had finally lagged out.
Just wondering since just dropping link instead of quitting leaves you vulnerable for attacks for a short time after you drop.

But anyway, good luck with the next and all that, you can only become better at this game through trial and error imho.

19971, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by Ashqer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmm..I use telnet and wireless/broadband..and i close the telnet window and shut down my comp almost immediately when i say I'm gonna rest! I didn't know I can still be attacked when I do so.

Oh well, thanks for telling anyway! I will type in quit next time! :)

G'luck with Jirash!
19948, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pity you left. Was thinking of some things for you already. But Niryaza (as you well know) is somewhat inactive. So the returned favour is stuck somewhere in limbo. Was hoping she'd be around so we can team up against you and smack some goodie's butt.

Best to your next character then!
19972, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ashqer the Weaponsmistress
Posted by Ashqer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ashqer was like super wary of the deception of your religion so she took everything you said with a pinch of salt! :D I like the way you told me that I had to 'filter the half-truths from the whole truths' btw!

Thanks for the interaction I appreciate it! Have fun with immortal! :)
19973, Welcome to the Azure Fields, old friend!
Posted by Sylvrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Check out the pk ratio..aren’t u glad I’m not squire? ;P
>Anyway, this is my first hero and first induction..still quite
>new to the game and cannot pk for nuts!

Heyy, it's better than mine was! (I'm surprised mine wasn't 0%, must have been a lucky fiend or two)

>Sylvrin – Childhood, best and dearest friend to Ashqer. You
>seemed to have learned a lot while you were alive..good work

Thanks and so did you. I'm still trying to learn. Getting a good handle on all the areas is pretty overwhleming especially when you're running for your life most of the time. I tried making an "explore only" character once and got so bored with her I dumped her after 20 levels. She kept dieing to aggro mobs, too. I hope you can do that and have fun with it, I just couldn't seem to. I probably will have to someday though, just so my RP/fun characters survive/rank/regear better and faster. Till I get REALLY motivated to do that I'll probably continue to be PK fodder.

Ashqer was very cool and very fun to rank with and talk to. I think some of the best RP we had together was before Kalmah died when we were ranking in the really low levels and we were talking smack about him betraying Xandrya and how we would kick his butt one day for doing that. That was kind of funny considering he was a hero and we were all of about rank 15 I think. I still wonder what ever happened to our buddy Jonna. We were like the three lady muskateers for a while there. Well enough of my rambling.

Good luck in school and have fun with your next character. :)
19883, Ashqer!
Posted by Trinthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ha, haven't seen ya about on my current char. but as Trin we had some good times (when our playing times coincided) It was always good to see someone I knew as a lowbie make it up to hero range with me. (thanks for all those globs of frenzy and such hehe)
19886, RE: Ashqer!
Posted by Ashqer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah! i always like travelling with bards they're awesome! :)

and the frenzy algae thing..i discovered it by chance..just happened to explore that area.

Maybe your current character will meet my current one..that'd be great!