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Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Morrilion Grand Master of Changelings.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19836
19836, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Morrilion Grand Master of Changelings.
Posted by Legissal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Morrilion was on creation made to let off steam which comes from playing a paladin to long. I had just finished two books about second world war, so i made him a nazi. He started a group called SonnenVende ( Solstice) and was a rasist worthy of Himmler.
Much fun came from speaking with a selected few elfs, arials, felars and half-breeds about labor camp and race purification.

Picking Tribunal as cabal made sense in different ways. The tribs protect the human cities, gives a safe resting place ( instant access to guilds after fighting) and there is little hassle with imms and raiding :).

I made a truce with the Empire early on. The only reason for this was the insane amounts of goodies who ruled the hero range. It just seemed out of balance. It proved a good choice as i had more than enough to prey upon.

My forms were osprey and ram. I liked them both. As off/air, surprise and catching opponents at a bad time is the real weapon, but being able to one round a hero gnome is nice. I slayed very many, and died a few times as well. My con was 8 on deletion, 63 years old.

Imm: Talia, for our little war. It was very annoying to have those demons after me for days. Still i rather have nasty things happening than nothing at all :). Thanks.

Oblain, I am glad you were made leader. You have pulled the tribs up from the swamp. Perhaps be a bit stricter on the Fortress though, they have no respect ;).
Dacraminus, somehow i felt a connection. Probably know you from someone else.
Exousia, excellent char. You made me laugh out loud when we found out that Oblain had an elfish wife.
Polid, just hang in there. You will learn much from heroing and asking question.

Tichniktil, we fought a lot. Ram is of course nasty for you.
Gnome druids of plenty. Enjoyed every fight with you.

I almost started a war between Spire and Fortress or perhaps Rogardian almost started it?!
Rogardian, i was never able to catch you off guard.
Karun, we went way back. Two scrolls you sent about me, feeding the hatred;). Thanks.
Rehmorez, you were so close many times. It was fun to see how you fueled the hatred. 1-0?
Vansia, I liked your char.
Jirash, fast thinking, never able to get you.
Gwyythinniel, Attacked you perhaps 100 times and you sent me packing every time. Well done.
Eluna, similar in skill to Gwyythinniel. Not even close to killing you on perhaps 40 attempts.

I aided nexus many times, picking off wounded ragers running away from a raid. Caught a few of you unaware too.
I really liked the raiding you did of the spire in the village-trib war. I think drive was underused though.
Ozlif-good char. Takes losses against bad odds well. And of course a tuff cat to attack.
Zylundak, got you only twice in perhaps 30 attempts.
Cyl..something. I could not fight on even terms, it would be silly of me.

Jumalde, i attacked you of course since you are a filthy svirf. We became allies for some reason. I think i know you from a diff char.
You were eating villagers allive, i could just pick up the scraps.

Astilamos, kudus for becoming the first emperor.
Izuvererus, a good ally.

Ghuljun, we worked well together on several occasions.
Jurrintaila, we also had fun together.
Tzaric, hundreds of airfights with no conclusion.
Seakrou, you are very cool. To bad we were enemies. In next life perhaps we will travel together. Good luck.
Ocelevan, a good friend and ally. You seem to be on the top of the food chain. Good things will happen to you, buddy.

Feel free to yell at me if i forgot someone or something.
20172, I believe the score was 2-0
Posted by Rehmorez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Both times you killed me when I was struggling up through the ranks and without a major form. Once it was in the air and once you flew to me while I was resting from a fight. As soon as I hero'd I adopted the shoe is on the other foot approach as far as morrilion was concerned. If you were on I was chasing you down where ever you went. You being able to run in and out of guilds while hurt and word and run to cabal faster than I could get back to town was a tactic that I hated with a passion. Still it was a well played evil char, i'l give you props for that. I had a blast hunting you as a player. Good luck
20125, Cyl...something
Posted by Cylandrael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At leaste you remembered to mention me. As for the fights, you only got me once or twice, the one time just after I flurried a wraith, and then that damn wraith and you started lagging the hell out of me. Suprised that I even lasted that long after you flew up. Anway, whenever you were around, I could always count on you flying up and attacking. So much it became a second habit to check to see if you were in a city or not. A few times you flew up to me while I was ranking, that had to hurt for you. Never killed you though, pretty smart on the retreating to heal up. One nice thing about being a defender is the fact I can heal almost as fast as some of the people who use healers in the cities/cabals. The nice jump in HP every two hours is nice.

I cought a bit of the rasist attitude of yours in one of our conversations, I wish we could have had a few more. Hopefully Ill last a bit longer here, and get some more good ones in.

Anyway, even though everyone complained about your tatics, they were sound. And the PK ration shows it too. (I just wish one of my characters would top over 40 percent, the last one got 30:P)


19955, Damn, now the spire feels underpowered.
Posted by Polid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe, I really enjoyed you being a tribby, we need more like you, you always gave the criminals and the fortress fits, lots of times when i just started to get into your pk range and i couldnt find anyone to go and get ranks with me because they where scared that you would swope in and eat em. Well you will be missed.
20122, RE: Damn, now the spire feels underpowered.
Posted by Maz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whats so underpowered about a cabal with no natural enemies and no real cabal wars. Not to mention plain unkillable in towns if they know what they are doing. Something is sure not right when a trib warrior has the same stupid set of eq for the lifespan of two chars. I say down with the "Tribunal is a cabal for newbies" and lets make it a real cabal with real enemies and real participation in cabal wars.


20123, Starkad here.. Unkillable in town? hahah! nt
Posted by ATK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
20210, RE: Damn, now the spire feels underpowered.
Posted by Polid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe you have no idea do you? We have natrual enemys the Warders, we are at war with them every second of every damn, and as for the unkillable in town, there always a way to kill us in town, all you have to do is attack in number, and a few rager warriors and assassin manacles dont seem to have any affect, since they just pound through it any way.
19866, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Morrilion Grand Master of Changelings.
Posted by Zylundak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were DAMN annoying, with your forms you got good timing against
me when I was recovering or running or even chasing. One time in
particular pissed me off, I just killed three nexites and walked
one north into you only to be hit once and die... all around good
fights thats about all I can say.

20003, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Morrilion Grand Master of Changelings.
Posted by Munro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you only got two nexuns, almost had me but i fled and duo'd
19862, I can't believe you spelled my name right
Posted by Tichniktil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So few can do that. Anyhow, we had alot of fights, and I enjoyed every one of them (except the one at the green dragon). It was always interesting to see which way they'd go. I'd say we were a pretty even match, except when I got ahold of five-color mail.

Anyhow, it's nice to know I can finally walk around instead of teleporting. Too bad you didn't fly to me in those mountains. I really thought you would.

Good luck with the next.
19954, RE: I can't believe you spelled my name right
Posted by Polid. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Of course he got your name right all tribbys soon learn how to spell your name right and damn quick to to get those manacles on ya before you can start pounding on us, though it seems to have never worked for me.
19861, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Morrilion Grand Master of Changelings.
Posted by Karun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh what can I say? I hated you - you was quite annoyng and almost started war between Fortress and Spire. One thing i never was abel to understand hwo you got away with flaging us for standing at your guard. In anycase good luck with your next well done. :)
19858, Thank GOD!
Posted by Choranek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No more ivory enemas for me!!
Well unless I get caught by Ilrasek, but its much easier to avoid him that it is that damn osprey.
I have never seen 1100hp go so fast with any character in regular pc vs pc combat as gnome vs ram. I think I survived about half of your attacks on me, a couple by running reeeeeally fast, couple by having a trusty treant and being aware you were in the air, and one or two by trying to set traps for you. The one time I got you with the hunt is the first time in a long while I actually got up and did the endzone pk-dance (gnome style). I should have run over and looted you but I was just so happy to finally have gotten one back. Gnome vs ram is just one of the sickest imbalances, I don't think even my duergars vs wrath monster paladins have ever died so fast.

Anyway good job on the monster pk'er. Glad I won't have to chameleon ever other step when travelling now =0)
19857, Good fight, and good luck on your next. nt
Posted by Dafeb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
19855, You'd probably would have had me,
Posted by Ahtanri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If only you wouldn't have been a tribunal ;) Though I did send you flying a few times, there would have been no way that I'd defeat you.
Fighting you was real easy, do as much damage as possible to the osprey, and flee/word when you shifted to ram :P
Morrilion was a powerfull enemy, well done.
19853, what wings will I listen for now?
Posted by seakrou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just have to say likewise... I thought we had a really good understanding. I knew you would attack me when you had the chance. And I made if fairly clear that I would not attack you in the city. Outside we where at eachothers heels.. was fun..
There was this unspoken understanding. You forced me to be carefull of where I rested when I was hurt. As I knew you had a tendancy to check up on me... But I loved it...
19852, Ah.. good riddance
Posted by Llauriele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You killed me while I was obviously link dead. That in itself is not so bad, after all you did start the battle not knowing this fact and you might as well finish it after I wimpy fled. That was within your roleplay. But posting that battle on Dio's log board was a clear demonstration of your lack of class as a player. My opinion of course. And that event was why I never once bothered to speak to your character in-game.
19851, Hehe
Posted by Gwy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You really were a pain in the ass, and caught me off guard a couple of times, but as you said, I had some tricks at hand at all times.. Anyways, well done on this one, I liked your relentlessness..

19847, Eluna
Posted by Astillian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice work. I really wasn't so much worried about you attacking but more about you informing others and laying a trap for me. It never did come though. With impale and boneshatter I was slowing you down, especially the impale being able to make you bleed gave me enough time to do what I wanted.
19842, Damn it....
Posted by Exousia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You offered, and I accepted now I have to start all over. I was looking forward to meeting your "group". It would have been interesting. Good luck and thanks for playing. I do wish you could have scouted more for me, but you had your own things going.

Nights and good luck!

19841, Nice one
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought you way back, with Briessa(falcon,orangutan), then again with Oshubacyl(orangutan,crocodile). Unlessed uber-prepper, a ram just isnt going to do much to an orangutan, so our fights were always one sided....You stuck in there and I give you credit for lasting so long. Air/offense is boring, coupled with boring Tribunal life, you must have been going nuts.

Good job anyhow.
19839, Headin' back where we came from ?
Posted by OBLAIN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Oblain, I am glad you were made leader. You have pulled the tribs up >from the swamp. Perhaps be a bit stricter on the Fortress though, >?>they have no respect ;).

Now it seems with you and Golgic gone.. we are heading back to where we came from, eh fellow ? Sorry to see you go, I feel like the spire has lost half of its strength (which it will soon regain)

That fact that I didn't say anything and tolerated most of your actions, itself shows how much I valued you. Love that ram!
Good luck with what is next. March strong...

Oblain kun Quinslin.

19838, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Morrilion Grand Master of Chan...
Posted by Jirash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I can't say I'm sad about seeing Morrilion gone, you were a pest for sure. In a good way mind you, couldn't exactly relax with you about since I knew you'd fly in on just about any party I would be with.
I don't know how many times I just sat back from a ranking party spamming 'bj osprey' waiting for you as soon as I noticed you leaving the city. Some times it worked, sometimes not. After that it was the standard, poke you in the guts and if I had others with me you'd fly away.
Too bad we couldn't get to work more on the last threats you threw my way but I was gone a few days and now this.

Anyway, good luck on the next and all that.

19837, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Morrilion Grand Master of Changelings.
Posted by ezrail on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Morrilion was on creation made to let off steam which comes
>from playing a paladin to long. I had just finished two books
>about second world war, so i made him a nazi. He started a
>group called SonnenVende ( Solstice) and was a rasist worthy
>of Himmler.
>Much fun came from speaking with a selected few elfs, arials,
>felars and half-breeds about labor camp and race purification.
>Picking Tribunal as cabal made sense in different ways. The
>tribs protect the human cities, gives a safe resting place (
>instant access to guilds after fighting) and there is little
>hassle with imms and raiding :).
>I made a truce with the Empire early on. The only reason for
>this was the insane amounts of goodies who ruled the hero
>range. It just seemed out of balance. It proved a good choice
>as i had more than enough to prey upon.
>My forms were osprey and ram. I liked them both. As off/air,
>surprise and catching opponents at a bad time is the real
>weapon, but being able to one round a hero gnome is nice. I
>slayed very many, and died a few times as well. My con was 8
>on deletion, 63 years old.
>Imm: Talia, for our little war. It was very annoying to have
>those demons after me for days. Still i rather have nasty
>things happening than nothing at all :). Thanks.
>Oblain, I am glad you were made leader. You have pulled the
>tribs up from the swamp. Perhaps be a bit stricter on the
>Fortress though, they have no respect ;).
>Dacraminus, somehow i felt a connection. Probably know you
>from someone else.
>Exousia, excellent char. You made me laugh out loud when we
>found out that Oblain had an elfish wife.
>Polid, just hang in there. You will learn much from heroing
>and asking question.
>Tichniktil, we fought a lot. Ram is of course nasty for you.
>Gnome druids of plenty. Enjoyed every fight with you.
>I almost started a war between Spire and Fortress or perhaps
>Rogardian almost started it?!
>Rogardian, i was never able to catch you off guard.
>Karun, we went way back. Two scrolls you sent about me,
>feeding the hatred;). Thanks.
>Rehmorez, you were so close many times. It was fun to see how
>you fueled the hatred. 1-0?
>Vansia, I liked your char.
>Jirash, fast thinking, never able to get you.
>Gwyythinniel, Attacked you perhaps 100 times and you sent me
>packing every time. Well done.
>Eluna, similar in skill to Gwyythinniel. Not even close to
>killing you on perhaps 40 attempts.
>I aided nexus many times, picking off wounded ragers running
>away from a raid. Caught a few of you unaware too.
>I really liked the raiding you did of the spire in the
>village-trib war. I think drive was underused though.
>Ozlif-good char. Takes losses against bad odds well. And of
>course a tuff cat to attack.
>Zylundak, got you only twice in perhaps 30 attempts.
>Cyl..something. I could not fight on even terms, it would be
>silly of me.
>Jumalde, i attacked you of course since you are a filthy
>svirf. We became allies for some reason. I think i know you
>from a diff char.
>You were eating villagers allive, i could just pick up the
>Astilamos, kudus for becoming the first emperor.
>Izuvererus, a good ally.
>Ghuljun, we worked well together on several occasions.
>Jurrintaila, we also had fun together.
>Tzaric, hundreds of airfights with no conclusion.
>Seakrou, you are very cool. To bad we were enemies. In next
>life perhaps we will travel together. Good luck.
>Ocelevan, a good friend and ally. You seem to be on the top of
>the food chain. Good things will happen to you, buddy.
>Feel free to yell at me if i forgot someone or something.

I always felt good because if we fought alone and I was anywhere near where I could herbs, I knew I would win, though I do not think I killed you.