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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Sayangu Oyera the Ancient, Redeemed of War
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19781
19781, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Sayangu Oyera the Ancient, Redeemed of War
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jul 28 14:50:00 2003

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness
on the Theran calendar Sayangu perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:74% (closer to 100% is better)

20239, Nice work...
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mostly remember you as a rager applicant who were agressive against non-mages... so how could I not recommend you? :) After you got inducted, I don't think I interacted with you - a good sign... strong ragers stick to themselves. Anyways you lived hella long, good job sticking it out.
19846, Very well done.
Posted by Hvetlin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As your enemy, Hvetlin, to your brother, Brogg, I had the rare chance to see two facets of your character. As Brogg, I never noticed you shying away from other villagers, but thought you to be a stellar role model to the Village. You taught me a bit about Rager philosophy when you gave me that vouching speech. And as Hvetlin, you showed me how sick a felar assassin could really be.

Good job.
19802, Nice job man.
Posted by Legedri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed the times we sat and chatted, however brief they may have been. It hurts to loose another villager. Especially one of your caliber. Looks like I've got some slack to pick up now to make up for your loss.

Good luck.
19782, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Sayangu Oyera the Ancient, Redeemed...
Posted by _sayangu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, that's it. This was my first assassin since the revamp so long ago and my first villager since Battle revamp also.

Intronan - You had the coolest religion ever, and offered the most rewarding interactions I've had with an immortal, even though ours were few. Thanks for letting me be a part of it. It added dimensions to my roleplay that wouldn't have been possible without it.

An Immortal tattoos you with a blood-stained raven!
An Immortal tells you 'An impressive display of all facets of what a Raven is.'

I hope I never disappointed you for giving that to me.

Kastellyn - While getting kicked from Battle has certain tactical disadvantages (upon reinduction), it gave me the secondmost fun roleplaying chances I had. Thanks for the quest to get back in, and for the extra boost to my longevity. I knew the ring had to be underwater someplace, and as close as I was to agedeath, I found it ironic that I would probably die while underwater. Oh, thanks also for changing that tapestry. And I realized my mistake only moments after you asked, but was too embarrassed to say anything about it: there's no book in the circle of rites :P

Sabiene - You were loads of fun to run with while mortal, and I always enjoyed the chances to talk with you after you ascended. Thanks for your part with the mask and ring; if you hadn't been around when I was, I may have never had the chance to get those quests. Guess I won't have the chance to do what we talked about. Oh well.

Grogim - You had a knack for running into battles against overwhelming odds and dragging a few villagers with you, only to leave a bunch of us dead. I guess commanders have to be willing to take chances and set examples, but diving into battles headfirst was never really my thing. Still, had a good time with you, even though later on I rarely was on while you were.

Thror - Only time I ever interacted with you was during a time when all three of you were on and we had a discussion about berserkers, defenders and scouts that kept me laughing for quite a while.

For the last 400 hours or so I never really spent much time around other villagers. At one point I tried to get better acquainted with the village, but someone ended up attacking my groupmate, which led to me assisting, resulting in the death of the assailant, which led to my actions being questioned, which led to me getting angry, being a smartass, and getting kicked from battle. After that I pretty much stayed away from other villagers unless specifically asked for help.

When I was Captain I tried to get people to stop jumping into fights without thinking. I'm not sure I did a very good job, but damnit, you villagers need to quit going into fights without a plan.

Drahk - Thanks for my first assassinate, getting me killed all those times at the ancient ranger lord around level 25 and the arial emperor. HAT!!

Alarin - I had a kickass time when we could terrorize people together. That time in Galadon against the armbiters sticks out in my mind. Sorry we never got those boots for ya.

Shil'Uzar - Sayangu never did find a wench to replace you, or someone else to serve him a glass of frothy milk, or someone else he could talk to when feeling down.

Hvetlin - I enjoyed fighting you because you'd always stick around to the very end, even if it meant you were going to die, you'd still stay for the full fight. I can only say that about one other person...

Quezzumpliet - You at least had some skill. There were only a few times that you were unwilling to fight, and nearly all those times you'd stay to the end. That was what kept me in combat that one deathful night on the Erinin. We both know I shouldn't have been there picking those fights. Thanks for the talks too. Most of the time enemies are bitter and unwilling to talk, but that's just boring. Good luck with the imm thing.

Everyone with the "bash legacy" (and even some giants without it) - All you ever do is bash. Then you kill someone and act like it was some great act. My grandmother could kill people with two axes and the bash legacy. I just don't understand it. I guess if assassinate worked close to 100% of the time, I wouldn't use anything else either. Oh well.

I have a terrible memory, and logged only a few moments, and given how many people I mentioned I know there are tons I left out. Don't take it personally, but if you want post a reply, I wouldn't mind hearing from you.


Crouched in a defensive stance, this black-furred felar blends into his
surroundings almost naturally. His black fur is sleek and smooth, his
pointed ears neatly blending in with the fur on his head. Narrow,
golden eyes shine in light and darkness alike with an eary glow. Two
dark gray lines of fur begin at his nose, and run around his eyes and
between his ears down the length of his back, down to the base of his tail.
His neck and shoulders are visibly muscular. When he moves the muscles
in his arms and legs ripple as well, yet he moves with the sinuous grace
of a dancer. His clothing and armor seem to be a part of him; when he
moves, he seems to not be hindered by their burden at all. His claws
are about an inch long, come to a dangerous point, and are ivory in color.
His upper lip twitches as he watches you with his golden eyes, making
the Raven that is tattooed across his face seem to come to life.
Sayangu, a male felar, is convulsing on the ground.

Sayangu is using:
<held> (Glowing) some rattling chains
<tattooed> a blood-stained raven

Sayangu Oyera the Ancient, Redeemed of War
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : felar
Ethos : Neutral Align : Neutral Class : assassin
Practices: 0 Trains : 0 Hometown : Blackclaw
Exp : 601700 To Level : 27650 Sphere : Death
Age : old, 100 years old (617 hours)
Hit Point: 28 /823 Mana : 203 /542 Move : 708 /712
Str : 15(15) Int : 17(17) Wis : 20(20)
Dex : 21(21) Con : 3 (3 ) Chr : 17(17)
Carry # : 1/33 Weight : 29 lb 15 oz (Max 277 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Copper : 0
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 1 Damroll : 1
AC pierce: 35 Somewhat armored AC bash : 35 Somewhat armored
AC slash : 35 Somewhat armored AC magic : 35 Somewhat armored
vs Spell : Not protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Not protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are affected by:

I never did save my role, but just a brief background:
Sayangu was born on a pirate ship named Waterclaw. His father was captain of the ship, assassinated, then Sayangu became captain of the ship.

At first, I said things like "Avast" and "Ahoy" quit often, until some ass-pirate named Alarn came along and stole my idea of a felar pirate. After that I still said "yar" (what self-respecting pirate wouldn't?) but dropped the avasts and ahoys, and instead adapted the curse "watery hells" which was funny to me because the sea was Sayangu's home for 17 years. Oh well. The rest is history.

Sayangu the Ancient, Claws of the Raven

***Special thanks to all the imms who make this possible. So many of you work so hard, devote so much time, so that others can have an enjoyable pasttime. I hope that by at least trying hard to roleplay and not being annoying, and everyone else who does, that your work is justified and made worthwhile. Thanks.
19783, I thought you would out live me!
Posted by Jegrael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very Very well played.

You knew the village, you understood what the village was about and how it went about it's business. When we first meet, (not ina great place or time) I thought you were going to send a villager after me every chance you got. But that never happened, I guess you saw the skilled assassin I would be come, hahaha, thats so not true. I just thought you were wanting to be in my pk range, then come after me for ever looking at another villager. When I did hit your range, you never even warned me, so I figured we were cool, so I started to walk alittle easier around you. Boy am I glad we got along and had a respect for what each other does, you would have been a real pain in my side if not. Anyways, I could go on and on. So I'll end it with. Can't wait to see your next character and don't take to long to get back in the fields.

- Jegrael
19785, RE: I thought you would out live me!
Posted by _sayangu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sayangu was pretty much forced to accept that anyone who wasn't a rager was going to use magic. And the way I figured it, you were a good enough assassin that you would assassinate ragers whether or not I said anything, so I chose to get along with you instead. I could have sent ragers after you, but it was never my place to order anyone to do such a thing, and it's a really gay thing to do. Anyways, I'm glad I didn't, because non-enemies are difficult to come by when you're a villager.
19784, Great job man
Posted by Deadtronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Always liked watching you hunt and fight, as well as roleplay. One of the better villagers I'd seen in a long, long time. Glad you enjoyed my religion, you really seemed to get it. I clearly remember the fight in the village where I tattooed you... it was exactly what a follower of Intronan should have done... be patient, don't panic, pick em off. Really cool character, hope your next is just as good.

19786, Great character
Posted by Feolin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...I really don't know what else to say. So I'll just cut it short.
19788, Safe travels, ancient one
Posted by Halister on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, you lasted a long time. About one and a half of my characters to be exact. I had a great deal of respect IC for you. First, with this char, was when you assassinated me and another mage in like six minutes of real time. That was very cool skillwise. Then, when I finally got my revenge, I realize you could have bolted and let the other two or three handle me. But of course you didn't and that was, I think, very cool as well.

I remember your pirate stuff, I think there was a sea dog meme floating around at the time. You were my favorite hydrophobic buccaneer by far. Good job, and see you in the fields.
19789, RE: Safe travels, ancient one
Posted by _sayangu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got a chuckle from the assassinate thing. I never really believed in running away unless it was quite obvious that I stood no chance at all. I obviously should have fled, but oh well.
19812, Remember our fights?
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Back when I was playing Anith. We seemed to fight alot. Cant recall many details and I dont log anything, but I remember you being a good foe.

With my other charactors I didnt see you about much or was playing charactors that werent in direct conflict with villagers.

Nice job anyhow.
19814, RE: Remember our fights?
Posted by _sayangu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember fighting you. A lot. Seemed like every time I happened to be visible (or ranking in Aridhol, which, during that time probably yielded more corpses than the Eastern Road) there was always a really good chance of a gaint raven flying up and attacking me. Thanks for always keeping me on my toes.
19815, Very well done....
Posted by Quezzumpliet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
..we had some great fights and it was a pleasure to have real talks rather than the ususal worthless banter and posturing. Sorry about that double death, I figured you were low on con and I cringed when I saw it. I hope that was the only one. You chose a really good combination and it worked well for you. If I have one negative comment it is that other than the night of the double death, you tended not to get in fights without the head. A minor qualm really. Again, impressive character and good luck with your next.

19820, Just wanted to say well played
Posted by Esilema on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And thanks for the talks we had about intronan and his religion. You seemed to have alot of innsight into it and it was an impressing display. Having fought you with the char before as a mage.. and died.. It was really good to sit and hear your thoughts.. and discuss how one should approach things...
19824, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Sayangu Oyera the Ancient, Redeemed...
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grogim - You had a knack for running into battles against overwhelming odds and dragging a few villagers with you, only to leave a bunch of us dead. I guess commanders have to be willing to take chances and set examples, but diving into battles headfirst was never really my thing. Still, had a good time with you, even though later on I rarely was on while you were.

Hey, you have to sometimes detach yourself from the guy behind the screen wanting to win every fight and go with what's right for your character. Grogim, dwarven through and through from stubborn pride to thinking he was always going to win. It happened a few times but alot of times I would do it and win so it was all part of the fun. Loved Sayangu for his stalwart, non-whiney attitude and lets not forget being able to rely on you doing the right thing in the given combat situation. Well played all round.

19844, Can I get a thank you?
Posted by Wyjak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know what you have done. Behnestkitn wanted to get you ban for it. I talked him out of it. Yet you keep doing it about 12 or 13 times again. If you dont remember, I got the log for you to see.
19850, RE: Can I get a thank you?
Posted by _sayangu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
thanks? this makes absolutely no sense to me. email it to me at aarondejong@stribmail.com
20234, hey man wassup
Posted by behn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hey man hit me up with the log to

20235, this is all i've got
Posted by _sayangu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<894hp/894 511m 547mv 4814tnl {wilderness} assassinate behnestkitn
Quickly stepping in front of Behnestkitn, you see the surprise on his face.
With a swift, fluid upswing you slice Behnestkitn's abdomen open.
Collapsing with shock and horror, Behnestkitn watches his entrails spill onto the ground
Gripping your sword with both hands you quickly drive it through Behnestkitn's back as he falls.
As Behnestkitn gasps his final breath, you extract your sword.
Behnestkitn is DEAD!!
You hear Behnestkitn's death cry.
A goblin raider slowly fades away.
A goblin raider slowly fades away.
A Grinning Skull berserker slowly fades away.
A Grinning Skull berserker slowly fades away.
A Grinning Skull berserker slowly fades away.
A Grinning Skull berserker slowly fades away.
Vrudish the Orc Captain slowly fades away.
You have become better at assassinate!
20160, HEY, Somehow I missed this! *growl*
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sayangu, you were by far Alarin's favorite person to pal around with. Yes, we caused a lot of havoc in Galadon, and that was a blast. Guenrayn also liked and respected you a lot. You were old then, you were even older when Alarin was around. Sorry about getting you killed a couple of times there. about the boots, its no big deal, I could kill people without them *wink*. You rock though, sorry I missed this the first time around, I hope you see it this time.

Aaron aka Alarin
20169, RE: HEY, Somehow I missed this! *growl*
Posted by _sayangu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had fun running around with Guenrayn with a maran I had. The time we broke open the Inn to get at a few people hiding inside created a huge controversy. Sayangu was too young to have many travels with Guenrayn, yet held a lot of respect for him. That didn't change with Alarin. No worries about the deaths. Sayangu was a Raven through and through and used to carefully laid plans, and he was also a captain, so when things went too fast and got wreckless, it was just his nature to be upset. Anyways, it was a privilage to be able to interact with you with 2 different characters.

Aaron aka Sayangu