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Topic subject(AUTO) Zuou, Forest Witch Bitch of Sylvan, Follower of Deception
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19760, (AUTO) Zuou, Forest Witch Bitch of Sylvan, Follower of Deception
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, I believe my official auto deletion was right before the Death Angel got up and going so that is why I didn't show up, but I thought I should take a moment to say goodbye to everyone.

First, before I do that, I should enlighten those that new me on what I actually was. I was a follower of Nizyara, sphere deception, that whole Soul Mountain crap I made up was well, made up to hide the fact. I made it up on a spot when someone asked, "What God do you follow?" and I realized, "Crap I can't tell them the truth, but I can't say I follow any God who is actually alive now, hmm.. hmmm." and I cranked out that line of crap. And from there I began liking, if not loving that lie because it was so damn good and allowed me to be even more of a bitch than I was. Man I loved it.

I created this character because I had not played a druid since Icenyhn and so many people kept telling me that druids rock, and I will agree they do. Unfortunately, they don't have the "seal the kill" kind of love about them that I got to love so much with Gre, so that was the ultimate downfall of Zuou, and also looking for love from my God and not getting any (partly if not mostly my fault).


Niyzara: I have always had a soft spot for deception gods, mainly because of Jullias and his flare in how to #### with your character or beckon to interact with you. You kept right up there with him until the end when, mostly my fault, I stopped coming around. I loved our two interactions and I apologize for letting you down. Keep the intregue alive!

Damn, can't remember the shaman's name, that female tattooed, immed avatar spider one. You know who you are.
That would have been a cool position to get to. To be the hub of all the deception going on in the mud (and there is a lot I tell you). I always enjoyed talking to you and looked forward to more interactions. You kept saying, "Our Queen will speak to you soon..." but it never came and, oh well, I lost interest.


Starkad: Oh I just got to apologize to you for how many times I screwed with you and betrayed you. You had got to have known, but maybe not. When you said in that certain log (which I will post), "if you are decieving me, you will hurt me dearly." I literally laughed outloud and my heart ached for what you were about to do (granted, it was done willingly). I hope I kept you on your toes with my views.

Dachael: I enjoyed messing with you too. Don't call me anything but sister or witch, got it, or you get a call lightning to your skull. "Hey Dachael there is something given by the Lords above here at the Grove come get it." Dachael walks over. Help! I have been struck by lightning!. cb Don't ever call me that again.
I was always pushing the limit with Zuou to see how far I could. I thought I pushed it over there, call lightninging a lietuenant, but oh well, I guess I didn't. Also a little hint to you, don't uncamo and walk down eastern road WITHOUT WEARING THE STRANGE BRACERS I GAVE YOU. Lesson learned.

Blach: You were the closest sylvan to my beliefs and you were still way off. I always enjoyed talking to you and belittling other sylvans to you.

Corthy, Grumby, and the other druids: You need to get out more and do COW in different places than the weald. I cannot count how many times I would walk by and you would say, "where did you get that? where did you get that? where did you get that?" and I laughed the one time I got a certain one and you asked me and I said, "Emerald forest, that forest that is so far away from here." I know you both are already dead, so we had some good times and you took more than your share of tongue lashings from the angry Zuou bitch.

Phend: The healer who seemed like he was going to adopt everything I told him as gospel. I would tell you things about my beliefs and I would then hear you talk like you adopted them a couple days later. Maybe I just got under your skin and my arguments made sense, or maybe... bah I don't know.

Farbuil: Thanks for the all the sanctuaries and wading into situations totally stacked up against us and barely surviving (or at least me surviving). I apologize now and forever more for leading you into situations we should not have been in. And almost every time I would survive and you would be dead, ugh sorry there, good luck with the future stuff.

Alysrith: Of all the people who I thought would not take my crap I was spouting it was you. When we got into that argument over the cabal channel (the place I always loved to argue) I thought I was going to get uninducted. Especially when I said, "Even the gods of this realm do not know as much as I do, for they are bound in the same system as the rest!", I was waiting for the uninduct. Also, I apologize for subtlying making fun of your speech pattern too, it was all part of the Zuou "Be such an ass that no one could believe you are anything else" cover story.

The Sylvan involved in the Five Faces of Evil incident: I was just looking for a fight and picked you. I was amazed you stood up for as long as you did, but you finally broke down. I did enjoy how you didn't sacrifice the bracelet until only after I brought it to the attention of the whole cabal. I love, and I mean love, hypocritical characters, which brings me to my final subject about sylvan.

Sylvan and its Issues: (Pure opinion, don't take it too harshly)
I found the sylvan cabal, having not played it for years, to be the most hypocritical cabal I have EVER come across. Sylvans who go and buy chickens from Petrom or from Hamash (granted the message of the Hamash butcher ACTUALLY KILLING THE BIRD RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU AND PACKING IT AWAY, for GOLD). Sylvans who walk into Galadon and buy potions of return, flight, etc. from the shops there. Literally feeding the economy of society. Sylvans who, when faced with deciding to help warlocks or not help warlocks when fighting Empire actually CHOOSE TO HELP WARLOCKS! Sylvans who use gold, silver, and copper every day, despite that this gold, silver, and copper came directly from the "Mother" and that it was just formed and pressed guts of the Mother. I was completely disgusted and Zuou had no problem pointing that out (Please note the irony that the one who played a sylvan as a wild creature was the sylvan who was actually a betrayer, heh). Now I may be wrong here, but sylvans should not buy potions of return from Galadon, sylvans should not buy food from shops, sylvans should not wander around with canteens with wolf pelts on them, sylvans should not be using GOLD, SILVER, and COPPER TO BUY ITEMS BEING AUCTIONED IN GALADON.

These things should not happen, why? Because Sylvan should have a price. Hell thieves and assassins pay the price when they enter, they lose hide, and possibly assassinate and whatever. But apparently the rest of the cabal doesn't have to worry about that. No price for these sweet powers (and they are sweet still, no matter what anyone says). There is no price. And do you know what the problem was? Who am I going to bring this to the attention of? Because there were leaders and lietuenants and such doing exactly that. Sylvan needs a drawback and that drawback is losing touch with society. Sylvan is not an addition to your ability to interact with society, its an either/or choice, not an and choice.

And if anyone uses the argument that they have to have a potion of return or food from a store to survive or the cabal is unplayable, that is utter crap.

My opinion. And there were days where I would sit there in treeform and watch sylvans do all of this and literally yell at my screen in frustration and rage. Its like people who join ragers who up to level 25 using magic and go for Nexus and then when that doesn't suit them, go for the village and get a leader position. It screws those who actually hold to the line of the cabal, and frankly, I'm disgusted by it.


Now that is out of my system. Goodbyes to my enemies:

Astilamos: You were one challenging mother. We always had good fights. I hated having to full loot you when I killed you but that was just how Zuou would have dealt with it. I was trying to find a way to return your axe to you without literally returning to you because it would have blown my cover, but I could not find a way so, sai la vie. Just for humor's sake, I did turn your axe to wood so I could hold it and find a time to return it to you (in a round about way) but never could find the moment. I see you are Emperor now, good luck with that, its a great position to have.

Anyone else? Just put something down here and I'll respond to it. I can't think of anyone else. It was so long ago.

Zuou, Forest Witch of the Sylvan Grove, Follower of Nizyara

Other chars:
Gre, Goapa, Hifflio, Hvitlok, Icenyhn, Pilquo, Genofen, Lillitao, etc. etc. etc. etc. Man I have played this game too long.
19774, question here buddy
Posted by Quid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>sylvans should not buy food from shops

I can see maybe not in major cities, but if you find some little shop near some woods, whats wrong with that?

also what if you can't find someplace other than in a city? do u need a ranger to run around with you butchering just so you can eat? As much as sylvans IC say "the mother provides us with all we need" it really doesn't
19775, There is food enaugh laying around. nt
Posted by ATK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
19772, Well done.
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't think you had me fooled as much as you think you did. But, I will admit that I really had to dig deep to prove to you that everyone is a defiler. The thing with good deception people is that they know how to become really avid like you and Gevanter did. That was my first tipoff that you were sphere deception. But, you didn't openly defile, and that sphere is fine for the warders, so there was one of two things I could have done. Argued with you, or get you to shutup by bringing everything down to a common defiler level. Fact is, I always enjoyed having you about because you did make us think. Regardless of what anyone else has to say, you "acted" like a true warder in many respects. Had you continued, you probably would have been put up for a leader position. Then things would have really gotten interesting.
19769, RE: (AUTO) Zuou, Forest Witch Bitch of Sylvan, Follower of Deception
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't know you or anything but i'm curious as to the deception you speak about in the note but don't actually explain. What did you do counter to what you represented?
19771, RE: (AUTO) Zuou, Forest Witch Bitch of Sylvan, Follower of Deception
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character was more of a manipulation deception character than anything. Although Zuou didn't care two craps for Sylvan yet she attempted to represent the ultimate and perfect wild animal (and in doing so hunted whoever she wanted under the guise of defiler). I manipulated sylvans as well as others to do things counteractive to their nature and sometimes I didn't even have to do that, all I had to do was watch and then become high and mighty on how they are weak sylvans when I was in itself the worst sylvan possible. (I didn't care about killing wild animals, I just cared about playing nasty tricks on people which is why I loved having bioempathy and treb).

I did a lot of little deceptions, lies, etc. that turned people against each other and caused havoc with people inside and outside of sylvan.

There were greater deceptions going on in game as well that involved many players, but I won't tell you about those because those things should be left in game.
19766, Ahhh... well another spider down the drain
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Damn, can't remember the shaman's name, that female tattooed,
>immed avatar spider one. You know who you are.

It's Narissa to you, Zuou :) Yes, I just imm-ed when I was informed of your plans and deception. I had a hard time trying to figure out what you are pulling off, but after a couple of interactions, I get the picture of what you are doing. Great plan and I wonder how you are going to pull it off. You did well, seeing the trust the Sylvans had in you.

>That would have been a cool position to get to. To be the hub
>of all the deception going on in the mud (and there is a lot I
>tell you).

Yes, there are a couple of things going on in the mortal realms. People will be stumped when some of those comes to light.

>I always enjoyed talking to you and looked forward
>to more interactions. You kept saying, "Our Queen will speak
>to you soon..." but it never came and, oh well, I lost

I can't speak for Niryaza, but I'm always keeping a lookout for you. And I do try to speak to you about the web of deception. Likewise, I enjoy our interactions too!

Hope you stick around CarrionFields! Quick roll up a new one before the fire dies off.
19765, RE: (AUTO) Zuou, Forest Witch Bitch of Sylvan, Follower of Deception
Posted by Circuits Edge on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well you did a good showing of, well, not showing. I don't know how your hoarding went, but other than that, you played the Sylvan part well.

"The Warlock Incident" or, only a Sylvan could hang with Warlocks, thingie. That was one Warder and he got smacked for it.

Buying food and the like in cities. Yes I agree it's a no no. Some Warder buying something auctioned? I think you're talking out of your ass. You sure spent alot of time in the cities for a Warder. Unless you just heard over cb how various dudes got their #### from cities. Which I doubt you did. Maybe they looted a corpse for that chicken/potion.

COW. Maybe everyone hasn't played a druid before like you, and don't have the astounding info of knowing every COW out there. Instead of telling them where to get what, you could have simply pointed them to the COW helpfile. I know I for one like to find some things on my own, and feel special in a special way for doing that.

Druids are no harder than any other class to seal a kill with, Shamans excluded. You can even bash with a druid, unless this was fixed recently.

Good luck with the next, hopefully one day you will receive the attention you deserve.

19764, Very, very well done.
Posted by Starkad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to say, Zuou is the best roleplayed character Starkad ever interacted with. The first induction interview, where I inducted before checking if you were empowered was simply awesome. Then a certain someone took it to my attention, where you empowered? The answer was no. You got kicked again, untill you had recived it.

Then you came up with the soul of the mountain story. That was exactly complicated enaugh to take it all the way. This would have been excellent role if it was actually true. That incident with the deer, and the reinduction, yes I was in doubt but again your excellent roleplay was the deciding facor. After to many 'I want to join sylvan to protect nature, because defilers killed my parents' people you were so refreshing to speak with. You have no idea..

But how could I know you where deceptive.. you pulled it of so well.

(Start rant)
Also.. for the general crop! People! When you join a cabal, for the love of all things leaderish have something original or atleast semi-original to say! When you have two+ applicants per day, it gets really tiresome when everyone is so damn cookie cutter. Sylvan was big during starkads time, but I still inducted only part of the applicants. Many dissapeared at some point, waiting for an interview because I had like five people in line before them. I still remember a certain dwarf warrior, who sent us a perfectly new and original note. I could not wait to speak with him, and did it the first moment I saw him. Originality pays of when you want to enter a cabal.
(End rant)

I have to say that I think Starkad was closer to the sylvan you wanted to see than you think. During 600 hours of char time I never bought a single thing in town. For food I took the easy way out, by using certain unlimited source of food, thats actually in the wilderness. I am guilty of one thing, and that is buying flying potions from tower of sorcery. Since I fought daily in town, I needed those to prevent thieves like Navarro and a couple of others to eat me alive with cheapshop. You can probably get such potions in a better spot for a sylvan, but there my game knowledge is not good enaugh.

I think the imms should code it like they did for ragers and potions. Sylvans should get a no-no echo when trying to buy ####. I for one love sylvan, but yes it is many who take the easy route as half-sylvans. But right here only the imms can do anything about it unless the leader catch them in the act. Another thing I have to address is the use of axes like Soulslayer or the unholy axe 'nightbringer', WTF is up with that? Starkad always ordered sylvans to destroy those axes.

Starkad Jarnaksa

PS: Send me an e-mail will you?
- atk@mouh.com -
19761, Just a few things I'd like to point out
Posted by Sylvan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Sylvan and its Issues: (Pure opinion, don't take it too harshly)
I found the sylvan cabal, having not played it for years, to be the most hypocritical cabal I have EVER come across. Sylvans who go and buy chickens from Petrom or from Hamash (granted the message of the Hamash butcher ACTUALLY KILLING THE BIRD RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU AND PACKING IT AWAY, for GOLD)."

If any sylvan did this, I'm sure they'd get in a great bit of trouble. I don't know where you got that from, and you played Sylvan after a mass induction. There's bound to be some crap.

"Sylvans who walk into Galadon and buy potions of return, flight, etc. from the shops there. Literally feeding the economy of society."

Once again, they aren't supposed to do this, and from what I've seen most don't.

"Sylvans who, when faced with deciding to help warlocks or not help warlocks when fighting Empire actually CHOOSE TO HELP WARLOCKS!"

Don't know where you got this from. I'm sure they'd be in a little trouble for doing something like that.

"Sylvans who use gold, silver, and copper every day, despite that this gold, silver, and copper came directly from the "Mother" and that it was just formed and pressed guts of the Mother."

Well, how did you practice and train? Do you honestly believe there is no exception to that? I can think of two reasons a Sylvan would spend coins that are well within acceptable sylvan roleplay.

"I was completely disgusted and Zuou had no problem pointing that out (Please note the irony that the one who played a sylvan as a wild creature was the sylvan who was actually a betrayer, heh). Now I may be wrong here, but sylvans should not buy potions of return from Galadon, sylvans should not buy food from shops, sylvans should not wander around with canteens with wolf pelts on them, sylvans should not be using GOLD, SILVER, and COPPER TO BUY ITEMS BEING AUCTIONED IN GALADON."

No they shouldn't buy food, no they shouldn't buy returns in galadon, nothing wrong with the canteens, as you kill the person who killed the wolf to get them. As for sylvans buying things auctioned in Galadon, I think you're making that up. I really do.

"These things should not happen, why? Because Sylvan should have a price. Hell thieves and assassins pay the price when they enter, they lose hide, and possibly assassinate and whatever. But apparently the rest of the cabal doesn't have to worry about that. No price for these sweet powers (and they are sweet still, no matter what anyone says). There is no price."

Well, you can't buy food, can't buy potions, can't sit in the cities, you have to defend the grove, you have to defend wild creatures, you have to fight a large proportion of the mud. I could go on.

"And do you know what the problem was? Who am I going to bring this to the attention of? Because there were leaders and lietuenants and such doing exactly that. Sylvan needs a drawback and that drawback is losing touch with society."

That is a drawback. Just because some sylvans go around it doesen't mean all do.

"Sylvan is not an addition to your ability to interact with society, its an either/or choice, not an and choice."

I agree with this. While there are some crappy Sylvans, that doesen't mean they are all crappy. Lecturing people on your specific view of Sylvan philosophy gets very annoying too, IC and OOC.

"And if anyone uses the argument that they have to have a potion of return or food from a store to survive or the cabal is unplayable, that is utter crap."

If you can't survive without the cities, you shouldn't destroy them.
19773, Did you autodelete at a point?
Posted by Rockbiter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember inducting you and the whole snake bit of the part. And never saw you again after that. Just curious on this part.
