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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Vansia the Heroine of Faith
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19490
19490, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Vansia the Heroine of Faith
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jul 20 09:04:29 2003

At 7 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 6th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Vansia perished, never to return.

Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
PK Ratio:59% (closer to 100% is better)

19507, Alright, Farewells.
Posted by Vansia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I first rolled Vansia for several reasons, I always wanted to play a Shaman, I always wanted to play a follower of Shokai, and I wanted to try a completely different role. Up until Vansia most of my characters were evil assholes, and after reading Nep's post a while back about him thinking good players don't play the same role over and over, I wanted to try something different. So I went the complete opposite of all my past characters. Female, weak, innocent, kind, friendly, helpful, forgiving, good... etc. I have to admit didn't really enjoy playing a female character, and don't plan on doing it again.
My main reason for deleting was school, I really have to concentrate these next few months, and I knew Vansia would distract me. I didn't want to delete, but I told myself I had to, and I did. Sorry to all those who spent their time helping me, only to delete on you like this.

Shokai, my favoriote IMM. I've interacted with you with quite a few characters and after this experience I think I prefer being on your bad side, you're more fun when you're mad. I don't know if you remember Mirdulad, but that was me. I hated our interactions though, not you, it was Vansia. I wanted to do more, but I felt so tied down by such a lame role, and I felt like a whinging baby half the time. In the end I felt my role had sort of run dry too, I wanted to spend more time finding my strength, but I couldn't work out how without giving you another session of "I'm weak. No you're not, you're strong" Anyway, thanks for withstanding my whines, and don't worry, I'll be back with my next (EVIL!) character and I'll be sure to stir things up. Thanks. Also, could you give me a little feedback on how you thought I did as a Maran?

Rogardian: I liked you, a lot. Very nice character, and of all the people I spoke to about strength your character, as simple as your ideas were, were the most effective. You definately deserve Captain, good luck.

Paw: As you probably noticed I've played a trapper very recently, I liked Rahnac, a very fun character to hang around with.

Lariya: I don't know what you were talking about you not being strong in body. I've never seen anyone dish out so much damage and take so little. An Elven beast. I don't know how you can spend so much time ranking others, I go mad just ranking myself, but thanks, and sorry for deleting so soon after heroing.

Vorondel: Longest. Interview. Ever. It went for like 3hours straight, then I had to meet you again afterwards, and you gave me two tasks. You really do know what you're talking about, and make a good Cardinal. Thanks for all the help, and again, sorry for deleting so soon after it.

Enemies. Who? What? Where? Alright I can understand you have it hard, but really, it's not so bad at hero. Those few I did kill I took very, very little from their corpse, and I tried not to gang, but sometimes it did happen. Log on more, we won't gang or loot you! Not too much.

Yanacek: You get special mention because of that nasty flask trick, you have no idea how pissed I was after that, but I realise now I was just unprepared. If you're ready for it it's quite hard to do. We had some good fights, although we both had very little chance of killing one another.

Random Fire Giants: Wither! It was cruel, I know, but very satisfying.

The Evil Air Duo: You two have terrible reps, but once I spoke with you, I found out you're not so bad, you do have quite nice roles. Speak with people more! We had some interesting talks.

I know I've forgotten someone, so post a reply, and so will I. (heh)
19508, RE: Alright, Farewells.
Posted by Morrilion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

The Evil Air Duo: You two have terrible reps, but once I spoke with you, I found out you're not so bad, you do have quite nice roles. Speak with people more! We had some interesting talks.

I liked your char and that you stayed in role under constant attacks while ranking. You would not believe all the whining i have heard from others who faced just a small fraction of what i gave you.
Good conversations as well.
After you started to use "rot", i looked elsewhere for prey.

Well done, and good luck with school. Unfortunately i think you will be back soon. Quite hard to kick this habit.

19509, Farewell
Posted by Ahtanri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Vansia was a good friend. Good luck with school and the next.
19511, Ahtanri!
Posted by Vansia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How could I forget? Ahtanri was a good friend, and always there, whether ranking, exploring, hunting, or raiding. I liked Ahtanri, I only wish had some more interactions, was always curious about your fate farewells.
19512, the memories
Posted by seakrou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember fighting yanacek that day... he attempted the same with me, luckiely I was wary of it.... But its a nasty trick and hard to do... Was very surprised when I located your corpse at the healer. Could not understand how it happened really. And saving my arse that time.... how could I forget... was hoping I would see more of you. But then you go and delete on me...
19515, Bugger.
Posted by Rogardian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well this sucks, I'm away for the weekend, and look what happens. In-character, Rogardian thought you had a lot of potential if you got over the "silly" ideas in your head. As a player though, I found myself thinking how cool it could be to make your character intentionally weak as part of your roleplay, then gradually grow into being strong. Oh well, really a bummer you had to go. Good luck with school and all that... and ofcourse with your next character!

19552, RE: Alright, Farewells.
Posted by Vorondel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Vorondel: Longest. Interview. Ever. It went for like 3hours straight, then I had to meet you again afterwards, and you gave me two tasks. You really do know what you're talking about, and make a good Cardinal. Thanks for all the help, and again, sorry for deleting so soon after it.

Ehh sorry about that, I promise I'll make it shorter with your next.. Hope it was not too boring at least. I thought you had a really cool role, and don't worry about your deletion, for me it was like 3 hours but for you it was 143 hours :)

See you in the fields

19621, RE: Alright, Farewells.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe awesome char, really loved this one mirdulad. (rather liked mirdulad too, even if few others did) :) I just have to say so far both of those characters have made me rp better around em, whether i am with you or against you.
on a side note before you roll-up that evil. try another shokai/maran with a different role. with the way you rp i am sure he will pull something out of his frying pan for you that would be much fun.
19628, RE: Alright, Farewells.
Posted by Docrrann on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bye Vansia:) I liked touching you and annoying you:)
19498, oh poo.
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was looking foward to having you about. Some cool roleplay, I thought, had some things planned for you *steeples fingers and chuckles to himself*. Ah well, good luck with whatever's next.
19495, Darnit!
Posted by Lariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All that work to hero you, and you up and delete?! Oh well, I hope it was fun for you though. I was hoping we'd get a chance to fight together some more and stuff. You seemed to really know what you were doing. I can kinda understand though, seems like all of our opposition just vanished recently. It used to be Imperial hell, now things are pretty thing. I'm sure things will even out eventually though. Anyways, you were a really fun char to talk to, and run with. Good luck with the next one.