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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Haaslett the Holy of Faith, Imperial High Priest
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19328
19328, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Haaslett the Holy of Faith, Imperial High Priest
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jul 18 09:39:56 2003

At 4 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 17th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Haaslett perished, never to return.

Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
PK Ratio:76% (closer to 100% is better)

19330, Third Shaman, Favorite Shaman
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what can I say, this is my third shaman that I've played and probably my favorite. I had no intention of deleting this shaman until recently. I have been wanting to imm another char, as I feel like now I have time that I can actually work on creating something cool. However, life changes and so must I. I just recently moved back home to a dial-up connection until I get married. After playing on a cable modem for 4 years I've come to decide that dial-up's really suck. Last night was the last straw, as I died to poison from my tattoo *wink* that progged just as my mind went blank and I couldn't log back on. Things have been moving so slowly for me that its just not worth it. Also, I didn't think my times would be affected, but they are, and I don't want to tie up the phone line all of the time. That being said, I'll just say that I intend to take a break for awhile, and perhaps come back when I have a good connection again, but who knows, I might not. I have loved Carrion Fields since I first played it, not long after it began so many years ago. I've had two Hero imms, and many leaders, veterans, and tattooed chars. I think this is a good one to go out on for awhile. So...on to the goodbyes:

Khasotholas - Most important imm in Haaslett's life. He got a lot of interaction from you when he was little, then you went and got married and it kinda diminished. (Shame on you! heh) Thank you for all that you did for me, and allowed me to have, be, that kind of thing. You are by far the coolest Imm that I've interacted with in awhile. I honestly would like to hear what you thought, and find out why I got passed over for Emperor. (I'll get to my thoughts on this in a few moments.)

Zulghinlour - Didn't see you, didn't interact with you, but I knew you were around and that you were probably watching from that immortal perch of yours from time to time. thank you for opening Empire back up, I never had one in the first Empire, and It was fun to be in Empire this time. I do not think I have the hang of it as of yet though, but maybe if I do come back later, I will. You are a great assett to CF, and I just wanted to say thanks for everything.

Onglaurst - Not sure what happened to you, but you totally went away and I haven't seen you since.

Shadow IMM - Well, everyone on the forums says your a tool, and I'm no different. Seriously, delete or something, you don't make the Empire better IMO. I remember one time where you gave me a hard time because I logged in and greeted the empire by saying "Empire." I was ready to ream you out right there for that. I had been one of the few people who was actually trying to level and protect the Empire. You suck as an Immortal leader, end of story.

Shokai - Yeah, you make this one, because of the time you made us leave the fortress. I'm sorry, but I don't think you should have interfered with us when it was a fairly even fight. The problem right now, that I see, is that your forces have no clue what it means to work together, and thats why smaller groups of Imperials would destroy your people, but thats just a side comment. I knew you long ago, and I have always wanted to have a follower of yours. Maybe next time I make a char, I'll go maran. I'm sure you could use a good shaman around.

Morts -
Sakard - Well, you gave me the chance to be an Imperial, and look at where it went.

Mazaufat - Didn't like you much, but knew you knew what you were doing. You were probably better at the whole politics thing that I was, but you deleted because you lost gear.

Astilamos - I think you are worthless, you level sat until myself and others ranked into the hero ranges, and then barely showed up when the odds were against you, from what I saw. You seem to have grown some balls recently, but for the most part I think you hinder the Empire. I'm not sure how you got Emperor, as none of the other sect leaders supported you. Maybe you donated more than me, but maybe you didn't. I never had the "grabby" hands when it came to looting, so I didn't donate as much as I probably could have. Anyway, as a regular player you were alright. I think you are not very good as an Emperor, but then, you got it over me, so oh well. Anyway, either show up more and actually help, or step down, anathema yourself, delete, whatever.

Menzaen - Probably Haaslett's most trusted companion later on in life. We killed a lot of people as just the two of us, and usually it wasn't just us versus one.

Divine Sect -
Amadalie: You are about the only one left that I ever see, and I'm not sure why. maybe the other guys can answer this, but I don't think I pushed people away from the empire. Anyway, I hope you get the next High Priest spot.

Most of the other Empire that I liked are dead. Faeras doesn't show up at all, and Yanacek is non-existant from what I can see as well. However, I'm not on as much as I used to be, so I could very well be wrong. I will say though, that at some of the toughest and busiest playing times, IE NIGHT, none of you are about very often. To the rest of Imperials, there are so many and so much turn over that you should psot if you want me to respond, I promise I'll do my best.

Enemies -
Aemelius - When you had a nice set, you were hard to fight, from then on all I had to do was wither hyou, and you were beaten.

Rogardian - You were the only challenging Paladin of the group, IMO. We had some very good fights, and its a shame we didn' dual it out more. However, with shamans, I can't keep people I'm beating up in a fight, so they just flee.

Coronado - We also had some fun fights, you died to our groups a few times, and I know it sucks, but lets not go thinking that you guys don't do the exact same thing. I can't tell you how many times the healers and maran did their little gate portal thing to me. I was constantly being attacked in groups, but I didn't mind it. For the most part, if I had my protections up, I would get away.

Zacharyn - Haaslett probably liked you the best of all the paladins, because you would actually talk a bit with him. I think you are a good Acolyte

Karun - Didn't see hyou much, killed you when our groups went against one another, once or twice.

Vashka - Well, you have a great set, and you never show up. Either play or delete, and I bet some of the maran are thinking the same thing.

Vorondel - I hate disrupt. You would have been smarter fighting me at the knight if you had just done that instead of spelling me up. I think you caused my death one time, but there were a few times where I got very lucky. I do remember fleeing at 17hp one fight not long ago. Good work, grats on the Cardinal.

Jirash - Learn how to use your thief skills a bit better, you could make a large difference for the Maran.

Jhanderin, Anadriewien - I loved when you gated to me to fight, I hated when you let the others portal in on it.

Cersai - We had some fun fights, good job!

Any other fortress that I'm forgetting, write if you want me to respond

Sylvan -
I hated most of you, just because you were as bad as Imperials can be. You hardly ever fought alone. The one exception I'll make to that is Blachmianan, however, he tended to fight me, and then I'd see others coming down the road as I moved away.

Druids - I do hate spores with a passion. I don't know how many times I basically told you guys, you put spores on me and the fight is over. I only died once to spores, and that was when I lost my mind and someone worded me home, just so I could be ganged at my altar. So I never died to them, but the affects got me the worst.

I will respond individually, but I can't think of names right now.

To the rest, If we had interactions, feel free to post something, and I'll write back.

Haaslett aka Minyar and many others
19334, It was fun.
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fought you alot with Oshubacyl and you did well. Kinda overwhelming fights at times but you held in there.

Traveled a bit with you with Demandroiv but I was restricted to playing days mostly and our times didnt mesh well. Id be on 4-5 hours during the day and hardly see any elder hero Imperials. Then id be reading cool logs of big fights that were taking place at night and be jealous... I did get to take part in a big group raid with you Menzaen, and others. I was the Cobra. *snicker*
Too bad the times didnt mesh, our charactors would have made a good team.

Nice job, enjoy the rest.
19335, possibly a bit harsh on a couple of fronts there
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Astilamos and I seem to have fairly similar playing times so I feel I can comment here with evidence to back me up. There was a stage, just after he started the run to hero, when he was getting tooled repeatedly by fortress/sylvan gangs (or just sheer numbers). To say he only showed up when others were there to support him is not entirely true. And given that he did get ganged repeatedly when he heroed, I can see why he might have hung around below hero for so long.

Shadow imm seems to be coming in for a lot of stick too, but some process needs to be in place to prevent Empire from becoming overpowered. I suspect that Shadowimm might be the one who heads up this task. If Empire was getting crushed again I suspect the anathema's would be fewer.

As far as Astilamos getting Emperor, something else just occurred to me. How many people from the first wave of imperials that he was in are actually around today? Not many that I can think of (though I could be wrong). Are any? If not, then that is something that works in his favor.
19408, I agree, I was probably a bit harsh
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is just that when things came down to it, when Astilamos and I were around, he certainly didn't take a proactive stance. At least, not until later when he became Emperor. I'm sure he was picked for good reasons, I just wish I know more about what those reasons were. I expected after the whole thing for Khas to at least talk to me about it, but maybe we never matched up times either. If nothing else, I expected to get demoted for failing to get the spot.

As far as the Shadow Imm goes, I still think he isn't very good at what he is doing. I'm sure there is more to it than I know. However, berating someone for saying something meaningless, and not even bad, is just stupid IMO.


ps Point well taken about the fact that Astilamos has been around longer.
19410, RE: I agree, I was probably a bit harsh
Posted by Currious on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What was it that the Shadow Imm said that pissed you off so much?
If it is that one I heard him say to you about you simply saying "Empire" as your greeting then that wasn't a berating. It look like a little jab at the sect in trying to provoke some distance between you two.
Just my take.
A Blade
19413, It was that comment, but others that i know of as well
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You've seen the other posts I'm sure, it is those things, and then how he responded to mine that frustrated me. I don't think it needed to be said, especially to the High Priest. Now, If I was lower at the time, I would expect it, but maybe I just don't understand how the Empire imms work, or don't work, together for the empire.

19438, RE: possibly a bit harsh on a couple of fronts there
Posted by Maz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Shadow imm seems to be coming in for a lot of stick too, but
>some process needs to be in place to prevent Empire from
>becoming overpowered. I suspect that Shadowimm might be the
>one who heads up this task. If Empire was getting crushed
>again I suspect the anathema's would be fewer.

I am really not going to get into why shadow sect imm gets the flack that he does. But i'l say this try interacting with him in game and you will know why. As for this ridiculous suspicion you have. If the set up of empire is such that the imms have to actively dole out anathema's there by ruining peoples fun and hard work just to keep them balanced. Then my friend this whole empire idea needs to be rethought. I am fairly positive this isnt the case thought, no sane cabal designer would use uninduction as a part of checks and balances for a cabal. Anyway my two cents

19441, it isn't that ridiculous
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's based on what I've seen in the logs of all those complaining about him, the fact that anathema's did not come when Empire was getting pummelled, and my opinion from before Empire was even launched that allowing too much leeway would make it overpowered if populated.

It may be wrong, but it isn't totally ridiculous imho.
19336, RE: Third Shaman, Favorite Shaman
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Last night was the last straw, as I died to poison from my tattoo *wink* that progged just as my mind went blank and I couldn't log back on.

That one made me laugh out loud....although I died from it twice.

Sakard - Well, you gave me the chance to be an Imperial, and look at where it went.

No problem, knew you had potential.
19338, RE: Emperor and playing times.
Posted by Faeras. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. Playing Times: I think our playing times were different or something. I played at least a couple hours a day, and didn't connect with you very often, either.

2. Emperor: I suggest that like me, you are cursed with the nice bug. I suggest meaner and more proactive next time.
19409, Thoughts
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. I wish ours did match up better, I always liked fighting with you. Here is the thing though. When I was younger both of you used to be around quite a bit when I was. When we all got into the hero range, you all disappeared at the later times when I played. No offense, but that seems kind of odd to me.

2. I think I was rather proactive, but you missed it. I was typically the one coordinating raids and defenses, as well as retrievals when I was around. The problem being, you guys weren't around. As far as my sect goes, well, you would have to be in it to make a decision upon that.

19339, Nice job there
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thought overall you did an excellent job, and served your sphere well. From early on, you said you'd be a killer for me... I said to myself 'yeah sure, they all say that'... then next time I logged on I watched you wade into a group of three ranking on trolls and whomp em. So I started to pay more attention. Your roleplay was above average, your skills were excellent... I could see you struggling with your connection at times, and felt bad for you... we've all been through that, at times. Glad you enjoyed it, I did as well.

As for why you didn't get Emperor... there's reasons (no fault of yours, you did an excellent job), but I won't get into them here. Don't bash Astilamos too much... while he did level sit for a while, he's consistently shown, little matter the odds. And he's quite effective.

Hope you can come back when you have the time... you've had some memorable characters, and your presence would be missed.

19407, RE: Nice job there
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My one regret with Haaslett was not having a bigger role, or adding to it. I just sometimes get so lost in the fun, that i forget to call what I think are "the little things." I like the role command, and hate it at the same time. I don't like to spell everything out because I want a character to have a certain liquidity, to be able to change with what needs to change, much like we as people do. Anyway, I would love to know what the "other reasons" were. If you don't mind emailing me.


19340, explanation within...
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shokai - Yeah, you make this one, because of the time you made us leave the fortress. I'm sorry, but I don't think you should have interfered with us when it was a fairly even fight.

(don't you hate when you forget a slash and everything is all italicized?)

Odds had nothing to do with that fight, what happened was I was sitting in the Fortress, making a new leader of some flavor (Cardinal, I think) and the majority of the Fortress knew I was sitting there. So when the Imperial attack came, well, you can bet Shokai wasn't going to just sit there and twiddle his thumbs. Sure from an OOC point of view it would've been the best thing to do, but IC it didn't make a whole lot of sense for Shokai to allow the Tara'bal to die without doing something. Had I really wanted to rp it to the hilt, I s'pose I would've killed everyone raiding, however I disliked that option because it's no fun for anyone. So instead I demanded that you leave...proclaiming 'While I stand upon this sacred ground, no tainted soul shall draw breath and share it with me'. So, there's your explanation for my 'interference'.
19381, Well
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wonder what Valg or Scarab would have done if this situation came up. Maybe they would have told their members/followers to rip the 'defilers' to shreds? Or maybe step in himself and kill everyone just for kicks, i think thats acceptable for an evil imm?

As soon as Shokai got back to imm heaven, half the fortress logs off.

Evil asks Maran: Lets fight to the death, one on one, just me and you.

Maran tells Evil: Not now, im busy talking with Skyborn.

Now my question is, what kind of a Maran would answer like that? What kind of a maran doesnt have time to fight evil cuz hes busy shootin' the #### with his leader. The kind of Maran who has Shokai hold is hand and show up to save his a$$, that kind of a Maran. I wonder what Thror would do in that case? Probably cranial the #### outa that villager.
19397, was there a point to this?
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Or was it just random hazy bitching? If there was a point I missed it, and if you care to elaborate I'll do what I can to comment. If it was just random bitching...attempt to make it have a point next time.
19424, Yes, obviously there was a point and obviously you missed it. nt
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
19426, Then explain it.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because I'm mistakenly interpreting your post as a misguided player talking out his ass to someone who obviously knows how things do and do not work in the Fortress. So for my benefit, please clarify the hidden wisdom in your theory.

19429, Yes you are mistakenly interpreting it, to use your words. nt
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
19433, And unable to explain it, Xaanix finally shuts his mouth nt
Posted by Racli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
19445, His point is along the lines of ...
Posted by Evil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you are a Maran, fighting even odds, why would you want your god to step in? As soon as they leave, why not chase them into the mountains and mess them up? The problem is that the current crop of Maran, for the most part, are bad pk'ers. They know the evils would slaughter them, in that particular scenario, and thats why there is no disquiet about a group of imperials coming to raid. I think a Balrahd or Yaofhil would thwack any would-be raiding party if they dared approach the Fortress with Shokai there, I do *not* think Balrahd or Yaofhil would talk smack to the evils because his God told them to leave and then log out when he goes wizinvis. While not all Maran have to be brave and strong and daring, it would be nice if a few were.
19583, Nah its just that most imms only answer when they have
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They got my point just fine, but it seems you failed to realize that, dip####. THey just would have liked more to play with.
19586, Never mind the subject of that prev. post nt
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
19398, Wow
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think people are blowing this out of proportion.

Shokai didn't "fol " and walk with a group of the fortress down eastern road as a bodyguard ready to smite anyone who put up half a fight... he was in his "home" and it was being invaded.

He was well within his rights to say "Get the hell out, or else." The truth of the matter is they ARE gods... they COULD smite randomly and whatnot, but they don't (usually). If they did, it would be a major turn off and, as has been pointed out, "no fun". However, at times it is quite appropriate for them (Imms) to protect their followers in such a way.

If Shokai made it a habit to swoop down once a day and protect the fortress, you can rest assured that another Imm would say... "Umm, shok, stop being an overprotective little bird ass." The same goes for evil imms... if there was an evil imm that consistently tormented and tortured (in a way that the player could not physically do anything to change) I'm sure he would be told to chill out.

I just want to comment on two things you said:

1. As soon as Shokai got back to imm heaven, half the fortress logs off.

Aside from the grammatical error, I think your statement is flawed. How many times have you been ABOUT to logoff and then some cool immteraction or event goes on that you force yourself to stay? But when it's over you logoff with haste because you REALLY REALLY have to go? I know that's happened to me many times... but if your god shows up you force yourself to work on 4 hours of sleep the next day instead of the comfy 6 you might have gotten. I have never had a Fortress char, but I still know the caliber of players. Some of them are newbies that picked Good alignment because it just is simply more favorable to the less experienced, but most of them are high caliber people. So what if a few were about to logoff, then Shokai shows up... of course they're gonna stay as much as they can, then leave when he goes. It is inaccurate and unfair for you to make a statement like this without explaining the circumstances or anything... Truth is, you CAN'T know what was going on unless you were one of the people that actually was there.

Besides, if you want to accuse people of logging off when the odds aren't in their favor or if their "god goes away" then accuse evils to because there are a helluva lot of people that play that style.

2. Evil asks Maran: Lets fight to the death, one on one, just me and you.

Maran tells Evil: Not now, im busy talking with Skyborn.

You follow that up with this question: "What kind of maran doesn't have the time to fight evil cuz he's busy shootin' the #### with his leader. The kind of Maran who has Shokai hold is hand and show up to save his a$$, that kind of a Maran. I wonder what Thror would do in that case? Probably cranial the #### outa that villager."

What if that person was given a quest by Shokai and had to present information, or Shokai was charging them with some task? How would it be for 'The Skyborn' to be in the middle of saying... "Yes, for your vitality quest you need to do xyz" and the maran saying, "ey boss, i know this is pretty important but excuse me while i go kill evil."

How many times have *YOU* used an excuse to not fight someone, legitimate or not? Fear or not? Convenience or not?

You wonder what Thror would do in that case? If it comes up I guess we'll see, now won't we?

I'm thoroughly sick of typing now. Tata.
19423, Lets see if I can tell you this in fewer than 1000 words...
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You dont refuse a chance to exterminate evil even if you are talking to the god of goodness at the time, if you are a Maran.

If some evil asks a Maran to fight to the death, you just say to shokai "This evil bitch says he wants to fight me to the death NOW. I think we chit chat later and I ask permission to go kick his ass, we can continue our discussion later.

You think Shokai would say "Oh, no, we chit chat now, you can kill evil later."????? I think not. Personally i would have kicked his ass out of the fortress or at least give him some #### about his 'cowardly' behavior.

The point is, Zepachu, Maran are supposed to kill evil, exterminate the darkness...etc. Who cares who you are talking to and who cares about what, if the opportunity arises. Who cares if its a quest or whatever, duty comes first, quest later.

19425, WOO! I made it under 1000 words too! (I think) Do I get a prize?
Posted by Circuits Edge on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Apparently you just quickly browsed thru Zeppy's reply because you're still talking out of your ass. Just because your badass self has never been involved in a quest, doesn't give you the right to tell others how to run things. You little whiner.

Your friend, always, Circ.
19432, What makes
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you think i havent been involved in a quest? Ive had quite a few and turned down others of quests. Why? Because I really never had the time to put in them. I dont whine, i never said i was part of the imperials, did I?

Ive had a few experiences with Marans. Out of those, only 2 accepted a duel. The others gave me some #### excuses for them 'not wanting bloodshed.' Evils at least are cowardly but they aren't wussies, they will kill you at the first chance they get.

All im saying is that they (fortress/marans...some evils are pansies too) are a bunch of little wussies, thats all. Some of them are newbies, yes. I was a newbie too but i was not a cowardly little wuss.

Also what im saying is, Shokai being present doesnt justify not raiding or saving some guy who got slept because of his own idiocy or because hes a newbie. (Shokai knows who im talking about) If the Maran has the Codex, then raiding is justifiable.
19442, when did I piss in your cheerios?
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since you seem to think you've made some solid concrete point, I'll pretend I see it...and also pretend that I'm not ultimately just prolonging something that is already pretty inane. That being said, let's get to it:

you think i havent been involved in a quest? Ive had quite a few and turned down others of quests. Why? Because I really never had the time to put in them. I dont whine, i never said i was part of the imperials, did I?

In which case you've got no idea what went on in the event that Haaslet mentioned, and you're doing nothing but jumping in and griping about something that I assure you was 1) justified, 2) could've been handled in a much less nice way by me.

Ive had a few experiences with Marans. Out of those, only 2 accepted a duel. The others gave me some #### excuses for them 'not wanting bloodshed.' Evils at least are cowardly but they aren't wussies, they will kill you at the first chance they get.

Pot, this is Kettle....
Evils are not wussies or powerhouses. Goods are not wussies are powerhouses. Maran, Scion, Empire, Unca Floofi's Faithful...whatever you want to substitute into the formula of "A" is not a wussy or powerhouse, where "A" is an organization is always true in CF. Individual players are what makes the thing tick. Individual players are wusses or powerhouses. Also as far as calling a Maran out a duel, I dare you to show me anywhere related to Maran where it says 'Maran should accept any and all challenges thrown at them'. While I used a lot of the same templates to make them, do not confuse Maran for Knights, my overly annoyed friend.

Additionally, get the hell off the Team Evil vs Team Good bus. I can't even begin to tell you how much that #### is starting to annoy me. Anytime you find yourself starting to say 'Group A as a whole is x, y, or z'...just cram your fist in your mouth and chew, it'll save is all some time.

All im saying is that they (fortress/marans...some evils are pansies too) are a bunch of little wussies, thats all. Some of them are newbies, yes. I was a newbie too but i was not a cowardly little wuss.

Uh-huh, Aemelius, Ulthur, Khalazid, Warborf, Pohannad, Garenth, Zardik, Kamba, Balrahd, Desrav, Jubair, Fahnrore(spelling?), Yaofhil....all wusses right? Or do you want to reabsorb that comment and think about it again? Calling the Fortress a bunch of little wussies is pretty strong talk my friend, and even though all the ones I've mentioned are no longer around...I could've easily tossed out about 7 examples of current Fortress folk. See my above comment and rethink some of these wild accusations you're tossing out.

Also what im saying is, Shokai being present doesnt justify not raiding or saving some guy who got slept because of his own idiocy or because hes a newbie.

Here's the thing you're missing. When I'm visible...I have a role to play to, I can't just drop the ball and say 'yep, you guys are getting butchered I'm going to stand here and just watch'...if you know ANYTHING about Shokai's roleplay you'd have zero problem with what I did...hell you'd probably be sitting back and saying 'wow, Shok, you've gone soft in your old age'. I was standing in the Fortress in the middle of making someone a new leader, visible to a good number of Fortress folks...meaning I was in full on IC mode. So when the Imperials showed up...I did what Shokai would do (sorta*)...and sent the Imperials away with a stern word. Did I say 'and if you return I will smite you down?' Nope. Did I do anything other than say 'go away'? Nada. So what's the beef you have? Do you just think that imms being able to interact within thier cabals is ####, and that we should just put our interactions on hold until every cabal situation is taken care of? If so, I apologize for the very boring view you have of the game. Additionally, I find it ironic that I have people pissed at me for never interacting...and in a situation where I do interact, I get railed for it as well from the other side. Make up your mind people!

(Shokai knows who im talking about) If the Maran has the Codex, then raiding is justifiable.

Even if we didn't have the Codex them raiding is perfectly fine...but not when I am vis and standing in the cabal. I should point out that once I left they raided again...and *gasp* *shock* Shokai did nothing.

Hopefully this is enough of an explanation to put this thing to rest...if it's not, well...whatever, sorry about the soggy cheerios.

*Technically, it would've been completely within Shokai's IC persona and role to have more or less made empire-ka-bobs with his spear. Or cursed them so thier arms rotted off, etc, etc, etc. However, as I mentioned earlier...I (and most imms) try to avoid going to such drastic lengths without a handful of warnings. It's just not fun for either side.

19452, I do have one comment
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When we walked into the cabal I did a where, as I always do, you didn't show up on the radar. Now, I'm sure you were there, but don't you guys have a nifty skill where you only show up to the room you are in? If not, then maybe i need to just get my eyes checked or something, but I do not remember you being there, and undoubtedly, if I had seen you in there with them in the same room, I would have left them be. Its just an FYI, if I'm wrong, I want to know.

All of that being said, Shokai and I go way back, he caught me as a newbie cheating, and also helped me learn how to play this game back when he was the leader of Knights, and then a hero-imm of Knights. However, things were a bit more lax back then when I started, and I also didn't know better. Well, I do now! Thanks Shok!

19584, You didnt
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Those marans you mentioned I have met them all IC and are the only ones I respected. Unlike 85% of most marans, those knew what it meant to be a Maran. Those were the exceptions, not the rule.
19444, Having played a number of Marans.
Posted by Evil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Any one of my Marans would be insulted to be saved by Shokai and would rather fight and face death then let a darkwalker leave the Fortress. I did happen to see some Marans log out after Shokai went unvis, probably because they played a long streak on end, but a few came back around a half hour later. I think its a matter of how much do you want to baby an army of soldiers. At what point should they ask their Imm to step aside out of bravery and a sense of duty? All up to the current batch of marans, but I think its a question worth pondering.
19428, RE: It was the timing more than anything else that I found funny.
Posted by Faeras. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was like a miracle out of the blue:

You couldn't be seen on where.

We showed up, summoned everyone inside one by one and put them to sleep. Given there was a thief there and me to legsweep, they were facing certain death. They didn't have a prayer.

.. when suddenly Shokai showed up and said "Leave this place NOW!"

I'm not complaining. It made and makes perfect sense that something significant was going on inside, but given that we couldn't see you on where and the timing of them all facing certain death unless a miracle happened, it was pretty funny to actually see a miracle happen.
19443, *nod*
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Yeah, I didn't realise until I showed up that I was only visible to the room I was in. Part of why I offered the explanation I did...since I realised once Haaslet posted it that it did look a lot like I just swooped down and said 'go away'. It was also the reason I went to full visibilty after I sent the Imperials away, so that it would be a better determination of when I was no longer at the Fortress.

It was also why I stopped the fighting before saying 'leave'...and didn't demand it while the Imperials were fighting, since I wanted them to realise fully that Shok was there and give them the chance to leave in peace.
19453, Well, my post above can be deleted, didn't see these yet! n/t
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
19341, oh damn!
Posted by Kertaki on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
one of my oldest enemies. Good fun back at lowbie ranks with you and (insert random groupmate) and me and whoever I found to help me chasing each other around. Still remember you cursing when you failed about 5 supps in one fight, but think about it you lived to tell the tale ;)

Finally got into your range again and you delete, was hoping to kill you just for old times sake :(

ah well have fun with whatevers next for you....

19414, We stopped fighting though
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You stopped attacking me, and I you at one point because of the lights power. I never truly understood Kertaki, maybe when you die you can enlighten me to his ways. I had no problem stopping our little war at the time though, as the fortress and the grove had huge numbers and were working together. We did have a few good ones though.

19342, RE: Third Shaman, Favorite Shaman
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Zulghinlour - Didn't see you, didn't interact with you, but I
>knew you were around and that you were probably watching from
>that immortal perch of yours from time to time. thank you for
>opening Empire back up, I never had one in the first Empire,
>and It was fun to be in Empire this time. I do not think I
>have the hang of it as of yet though, but maybe if I do come
>back later, I will. You are a great assett to CF, and I just
>wanted to say thanks for everything.

Yep...hiding up there on my perch is usually where I can be found. It's easier to stay invisible and watch since I can do it without actually being at the keyboard :P It wasn't only my decision to bring back the Empire, all the Immortals agreed, but you're welcome.

As for Emperor, I would have been fine with either you or Astilamos but left it to the others to decide as I was AWOL with baby.

Good luck with the next (I know you'll be back...they always come back...you try to get out, we keep pulling you back in!)
19343, Woot.
Posted by Birkota on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job all around. I think I said enough in my farewell. It's kind of funny to see almost every deleted imperial echo each other's thoughts.
19346, My observations
Posted by Krivohan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were a capable pker, but didn't like you as a high priest. You seemed to lack focus on what you were seeking to accomplish and were just to damn nice.

I liked fighting with you though.

19406, The niceness of Haaslett
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess in some ways i agree here. Haaslett from the beginning took on an approach of "whatever is good for the empire, is good for him." So I made friends with everyone, and I was a jerk to some when i needed to be. There is a certain Arial I should have demoted, but I let stick up there and he finally did what I asked, but other than that I don't think I was too "nice." I do agree, I wasn't as heartless as many of the maran are! *wink* Anyway, thanks Kriv, we fought many times as other chars, and it has always been a pleasure.

19349, We had some great fights
Posted by Eluna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Of our most recent fights, I remember fighting just south of the fortress in an inn. I had you convulsing then you managed to word away, man that must have been so close to death for you. Over all we had some great fights, I was never really afraid of shamans though on the whole because like you said, you can always just get away. Also fighting Sakard all the time prepared me for what you could dish out.

Come back again, great character.
19405, Of all the people I fought, you were the only one that gave me pause.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean that completely. No offense to anyone else, but you and Vorcalnon used to be my biggest worry. I wasn't so much worried about dieing, but more about the fact that i had trouble beating you. The funny thing was, you and I could be having a good fight and that fricking bird would show up. Then chase me to hamsah when I would word. I am glad to say he got me three times, and two were when my cable modem dropped, and the other when I was naked and out of mind power. You were not fun to fight because you resisted so many stinking things. I was always getting ticked off trying to poison or plague or whatever you. Good work, you definately deserve your title.

19355, Haaslett?? Are you joking?!
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Come on man. You couldn't have come up with ANY better name than that? At first I couldn't believe the coincidence, then when I found out it was you, I just had to roll my eyes. My next characters name is going to be Waverlie, and I'm going to get someone else to roll up a Hoalt and a Mayson. We'll keep going until we run out of little cities near Lansing with names we can play off of.

Jeff, who lives in Haslett, right near you.
19404, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure whats wrong with you, or why you need to give me crap about naming a char after a name I like. Oh, heaven forbid its a little city a few people have heard of. You know what, I work in that town, oh goodness. Not sure where this is coming from Jeff, because many names in the game can be put under a microscope to figure out where they came from. I'd actually ask that this post and your post are removed from the board, as they serve no purpose.

19437, Minyar, Minyar, Minyar
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heheh, It was not the city that struck me about the name but I could not think why someone would name themself after a cold-cut meat that you can buy in the UK.

19454, To be completely honest
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I made Haaslett as a throw away char to play while i was bored with Alarin. THen I started to really like him, and once that started, its hard to go back and change your name. I just wanted something quick, and I have always liked the name Haslett, oh well, I've used names from books and everywhere else, just like everyone else at one point in time or another, and I've also made some up, to find out that they mean something in another country, thanks Grogim!
19362, Haaslett's name was the last I'd ever want to be on the Battlefield
Posted by Menzaen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The subject pretty much sums it up. For some reason, we simply clicked as characters. When I saw you log on, I thought to myself, "Good, Haaslett is here. Someone's going to die. It doesn't matter how many of them there are, we're going to punch some holes in them."

And it never failed. When you and I got together, bad things happened to our enemies. I never got frustrated with you -- you always seemed to do exactly what was necessary to work with me.

It can be hard, though, to be close with someone of another sect in Empire. When you told me "You're probably my favorite Imperial, outside of my Sect." I kind of chuckled, because I knew that the second half of the sentence was simply a disclaimer. And I felt the same way, but of course I could not, and did not say it.

I, as a player, don't see issues with developing close relationships with members of other sects if that relationship is likely to be of significant benefit my character and the Empire. However, I know it's a dangerous slope to tread and I try not to let my views infect my characters.

I the point of all this was, I looked foreward to the Omegus announcing you. I couldn't always, or ever, express it as well as I wish I could have, but the feeling was always there.

I hope you keep checking the boards, because when I delete, age die, or even con die, I'll have a few more words for you.

19411, I was ticked when you became Anathema.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad you got back in. You are the best Shadow in my opinion, but that is just because you are up for any task, but back down when it might not go your way. I thought that was a pretty good roleplay. I'll watch for your comments when you go, hopefully it will all go well for you and some other Shaman will come about for you.

19373, I fought you if I saw you, alone or not.
Posted by Gevanter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked the character very much, seemed almost like an ideal Imperial War Shaman.
19403, We did fight alone a few times.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
However, one really discredited you in my eyes as an Imperial Shaman. We has just fought outside of Galadon. I withered you and you dropped your weapon, so you ran into town. I was saddened by it because you were a sylvan ranger, and you ran and hid in town until the faerie fire I put on you was gone. I figured that if one of the Imms had been watching this, you would have been doing a bit of alone time away from the Grove. As Haaslett the character, I was happy to see it. To see that I beat you so bad that you gave up your ideals to be alive. A sphere death follower liked that kind of thing. I don't mean this comment as a flame, but a constructive criticism!

19427, RE: Third Shaman, Favorite Shaman
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Of late I have been around almost ever night. But I just started a new job and that has seriously cut back on my playing time. I have been on though and have not seen you around really. Oh well, I wish we could have interacted more and had some more fights.

19518, RE: Third Shaman, Favorite Shaman
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In all honesty, I would gate to almost anyone looking to wear them out and hope to get lucky, but, when I would find one, I would let the others know what I was doing. Shamans were generally my favorite targets because I could counteract anything that they could throw out and I could make them drain themselves mentally on me. Hopefully, you can get a faster link and come back soon.
19558, heh I didn't take the gangs personally
Posted by Coronado on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the same hand I'm extremely aware of what a shaman can do to me, so I treated you the same way you would any other deadly creature. I tried to strike you when it was less convenient, or if I knew you were spending mana like a mad man. It's the competent enemies that really show me where my tactics are lacking, and show me my room for improvement. I don't know if you saw that log I posted, but Zach and I had you dead that one time, and that healer pulled your fat out of the fire. I was swearing for at least an hour after that heh. Very good character, good luck on your next.
19572, I liked fighting you
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It wasn't because you challenged me the most, but you "always" showed up and that stands out to me. Some people may have thought my character was just some gangbanger, but i fought alone a lot, I just can't keep people til death usually that way. I'd rather fight in a group against a group, but that group has to be coordinated to have a chance, and often, you guys weren't. I think I showed in the little time I was about, was that the idea of the Empire was a huge part of his life, and he was "always" going to try and defend, aide it however he could. That time you guys had me, I was aristaeia (however you spell it) and I forgot I was. that skill has some awesome power, but atthe same point, some awesome drawbacks. I rarely used it, and that was one time I did, and it paid off, til I chased you two. That...was foolish. I got lucky, and you were right to be ticked, I was swearing, until I noticed I got a heal! That was awesome. Anyway, good work, grats on Marshall.
