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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Corthy the Force of Nature, Worshipper of All Things Fortress
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19265
19265, (DELETED) [None] Corthy the Force of Nature, Worshipper of All Things Fortress
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Jul 16 14:44:37 2003

At 12 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of the Great Evil
on the Theran calendar Corthy perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:22% (closer to 100% is better)

19269, RE: (DELETED) [None] Corthy the Force of Nature, Worshipper of All Things Fortress
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seems as though I played this character a lot longer than what I did. The PK ratio, depressing, was expected, because while I was rarely bested in a fight, I could never close the kills. I have played this game for years and this has been my first empowerment class and I had some fun, but I think druids are very, very limited. Sure, a beautiful class on a full moon in a forest with one guarded exit. I think I learned a lot about how to play one, was stilling figuring out things about it at around hero-rank. I was going for an age death, because I was still as healthy as I was when I first rolled the character and knew that con death was not imminent. But, due to the Worshipping thing, I could no longer reequip without bloodshed, my requesting capabilities were taken away. Also, the boredom was getting to me with a bit of anger. This life was spread throughout a long period of time, so I had many friends and many enemies. Here is a goodbye list:


Amaranthe: I love your religion, for the most part, because it mirrors what I love to study in real life. We could have had some good interactions, I think, had I been more into it. I was more of a loner type, IC, and frowned upon spending a lot of time praying and beseeching rather than playing out my role. My role was odd, because as the seasons changed, so did I. I went from a peaceful tree-hugger to a death-bent warmonger and back again. Thanks for not stripping me of my powers a second time.

Sebeok: You. I may be wrong, if I am, I apologize, but you have come to dislike me on this forum and have taken your hatred of me into the game. I think you wanted me to delete and did everything you could IC to make me. You were one imm I wanted to get to know, because Corthy had a knack for talking to spirits. It seems you are trying to lay down iron-clad laws on the Grove, when the grove is supposed to be a place of free spirits. Because you do not like me or the Fortress, you kicked me out and cursed me just for raiding with them! Corthy was above all else, loyal to the Grove. I am actually afraid to pursue a career with my new character for you might see it is me and ruin his life too.

Blachmianan: You were a favorite of mine. Well done on the Imming, the Grove will miss you.

Gherian: Enjoyed our banter and our battles, you were my most respected enemy. Well done.

Saldradien: I come back after a year hiatus from CF to see you as an Immortal. From our brief interactions, you seem very diffrent from the character I used to be buddies with, long ago.

Sylvan: (Where are you? *echo, echo, echo**)

*Tichniktil: A fun invoker, glad to see you stick around
*Vaessima: A fun invoker, was thinking of having Corthy fall in love with you, until I saw how fat you were.
*Kisrithian: I never took it up the arse from the Fort. Good bard.
*Dacheal: I think you should come on once and relinquish your captaincy and let someone else have it (if there were anyone) I liked you though, hope to see you return.
*Zuou: Where did my fiery lass go!? You were annoying but very effective and fun.
*Starkad: Excellent warder and captain, Grove went to #### after you.
*Pelthaas: Hope to see you around more, good druid you are.
*Grumby: See Dacheal, very good character you have, though.
*Choranek, Brexus: I often got you two confused, cute druids.
*Phraenduell: competent, though nagging healer. Thanks for saving me.
*Many others I am forgetting, goodbye.


I wish the Grove were still as strong as you fellas are. Though, it seems that whatever you are all doing, it works. I see many Imperials die in retrieval/raid. Well orchestrated. To clear it up, I never tried to "fit in" with you, however when the Grove began to die I wanted to continue the war on Empire and the Fortress was a promising conduit for my desire. I liked most of you except Jhanderin and Anadriewien, well done!

Empire: Enjoyed fighting all of you, most memorable fight was with Faeras, though. I was half dead without treant or COW and in comes Faeras. Luckily, it was a full moon and my fire seeds killed him quickly. It was down to one hit, between us.

Warlocks: I got to kill all of you atleast once I think, except Gherian and Azharadon. Though, me and Azharadon had some titanic battles. I liked speaking with warlocks a lot of you, for sure more color than the Imperials.

Tribs: Jamain was my favorite, we never fought and had mutual respect, I think. Orein/Morrilion were the same in my eyes, both cheap air/offense who never fought fair.

Would put all the char info up, and would've made my goodbyes more detailed, just go too damn tired. I will gladly reply to any flame/questions/responses. Thanks for a good time, everyone.

19278, RE: (DELETED) [None] Corthy the Force of Nature, Worshipper of All Things Fortress
Posted by Gherian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of two, maybe three warders I would actually just walk right past if you were alone. You left me be, I left you be, until somewhere around the end where it got to be kill anything that moves. I did enjoy the quips and the duels...even if they were a bit lopsided with me having to go two steps from the grove to have it...
19280, RE: (DELETED) [None] Corthy the Force of Nature, Worshipper of All Things Fortress
Posted by Jegrael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great character.

I enjoyed watching you from time to time. Sorry about the assassination, but gold is gold. Best of luck.

19281, RE: (DELETED) [None] Corthy the Force of Nature, Worshipper of All Things Fortress
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I won't speak for Sebeok, but I will say, that when an immortal of your cabal lays down iron clad laws, free spirit or not, you'd best consider obeying. I saw one incident, which may have been what got you booted... if I hadn't have known you were Sylvan, I would have assumed you were Fortress... you were that much in bed with them.

Aside from that, I watched Corthy a little bit, and enjoyed him, for the most part. But as far as the Fortress thing goes... it was pretty true, from what I saw.
19284, RE: (DELETED) [None] Corthy the Force of Nature, Worshipper of All Things Fortress
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, there were no laws, especially, iron clad, that said we could not travel with whomever we wanted. I mean, as long as we did not go against our beliefs, our spirit, yackity smackity. It was suggested that we should show our independence from the Fortress and I felt for the point, though I seen it as a point made in pride. Sebeok said to me common enemies do not make friends. True, however the Fortress and Grove should not alienate each other over such faulty logic. Especially when there is no reason for them not to be friends.

I had mixed feelings IC to be sure. I did not trust the Fortress and did not truly see them all as friends, but when seen a chance to strike at some Imperials, I took it. And, since I was the ONLY warder to be around, I took to the Fortress. I could locate the Codex, find it at the Fort, realise "Hey, if I go to the Fort, I may be able to catch me some Imperials." Sebeok took this as me...I think he said something along the lines of hiding under their protection and "trying to fit in" No, I was hunting grounds that I knew were to be ripe with my enemies, the enemies of the Grove and woe to me, the Fortress. I mean, this is a game and I want to have fun, like we all do, right? I am not going to sit on my bum while the Fortress gets all the fun.
19294, I can think of a few reasons why sylvan should not like fortress
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One. They stuck a massive fort out in the wilds. Not too dissimilar from sticking a big city somewhere. It has shops, healers, stone walls etc. You can bet that the wild creature who lived where it now stands had to find somewhere else. A fortress also requires supplies, causing heavy traffic through the wilds, and has waste, likely causing some pollution.

Two. They have conjurers. One of their leaders (Elrys) is a conjurer. Remember why sylvans went to war with warlocks? The fortress has also accepted drow in the past.
19296, I helped start the path to seperate the Grove/Fortress bond and......
Posted by Rockbiter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is many factors that a sylvan should take in consideration when dealing or hunting with the fortress. Much of what Incognito says is true, as well as the simple fact that you are two factions of both different ideals and beliefs. The Warders purpose is "NOT" perserving the light and vanquishing the darkness. When a warder begans to depend on the Fortress they are throwing thier own beliefs to the wayside and fitting to the mold of the Maran. Hunting the darkness is not the groves purpose. You mentioned you located the codex at the Fortress and you used it as a hunting ground so you wouldn't have to sit on you bum and let the Marans have all the fun?
Why not instead of guarding and protecting the Fortress, go out and protect and nurture the Forest? As Griimbling I helped try and seperate the Grove/Fortress bond and seemed to work for while, but all things do fall by the wayside in time as the players within change. On a sidenote I probably would have seen this coming with you and I don't know how you got back in the grove, but after the Corthy/Grapes/Sex-Change thing I would of kept a careful eye on you if I were the Captain at that time.

19365, RE: I helped start the path to seperate the Grove/Fortress bond and......
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is the problem. The wilds were fine and dandy with all the enemies in Thera flocked around Fortress or Palace. Since Fort has wilderness to hide in, I would camp there instead of the Palace. It was my philosophy that, while the Fortress were not all innocent, that they made good allies in the dire times of me being the only warder. If the grove had remained strong, I wouldn't have cared about traveling with the Fortress.

Luckily I was around to enjoy Starkad's reign. I was close to leaving the Grove with you as captain anyway, before you kicked me out. You were terrible, sacrificing yourself and others needlessly at the Spire, no plans, tactics, etc. And just because I accidentally ate some grapes and became a woman, you didn't want me back in the Grove? By accidentally eating grapes that I truly did not know what they did, you would consider me untrustworthy? I am not sure what you mean here. I got back in the Grove because a decent Captain let me in, knowing that I was a loyal and true warder.
19375, I imagine you became "unnatural"
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sort of like an orc or something. You could be a lightwalker orc and the sylvans would still hunt you. Take Yazaulyt the drow warlock for example. He was constantly being ganged by sylvans.

I guess when you changed sex by magic, you became unnatural too. It is quite an odd thing to happen.
19475, Haha Corthy.
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Zekasiq here.

Well, I hadn't read this thread up until this point... but I think I may stop here.

Corthy... you "accidently ate grapes that you had no idea what they did"...


You know *EXACTLY* what I'm talking about. You knew what they would do. And just by your style of play, I knew who you played previously. Hi there.

Point is, you knew exactly what they did. I can find the log from however many months ago of when you ate them I'm sure.
19533, RE: Corthy the Imperial Hater
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, truly. When I found the grapes in my inventory at the Eternal Star, I just ate them as an afterthought. They were just a bunch of red grapes. It wasn't as if they glowed or spoke to me with the voice of the damned. In retrospect, I remember hearing of them but I had never afore encountered them.

As for who I played, if you mean Kalmah Eulav you are right. I had fun switching sides like that, since Kalmah hated the Grove more than anything and Corthy hated the Empire more than anything. But, I doubt my style gave that away. *wink*
19450, Oh please get in a #### slinging contest with me........
Posted by Rockbiter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even now you still don't get why I gave you the boot. The grapes were magical and "not" manifested by you own doing or yourself. They created an unnatural trasformation of your body. Not temporary like casting normal spells done by a mage, but permanent to an extent. Furthermore I could care less whether you liked me as Captain or not because if you were going to leave anyhow, it would of been one less nuisance I had to deal with. I had more then a few people alert me of certain things that bugged them about you. And by no means did I EVER sacrifice another player at the Spire. Myself, definately...Since at the latter years of Griimbling's life I was around with mostly young ones or no one at all. Finally I could care less whether "you" who has no clue about what I did thought I was a less decent Captain or what. I had more fun and success with him and countless other characters then you can shake a stick at.


19466, RE: Oh please get in a #### slinging contest with me........
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The boot was necessary for you as I was unnatural at the time. However, you knew I was trying to get it taken care of, which I did. I was completely cleaned up by Amaranthe and natural as could be. I got a long with all the warders, but many of them (especially after you died) hated you, considered you the death of the Grove. I spoke with five, yes, count them...FIVE people who had fear that you were not only bad for the grove, but we feared the Immortals were going to delete the Grove completely as they did Scarab. That is how bad you were. You also had no care for what harm you brought to the grove and it's very reputation. Because of you, we have had those who are not normally our enemies fight us. I am not saying you are a bad player, Rockbiter. I am sure that was your roll, so do not get so angry and holier than thou. You are the one who said you were surprised I was back in. I responded in turn.
19469, A completely objective point of view
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I looked at Griimbling's grave and I saw only praise from the immortals, including Sylvan immortals.

I see yours and I see a complete lack of praise from the immortals and not word one from Sylvan immortals.

Seems clear to me who the better character was.
19472, Oh come on now
Posted by Randomthought on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, it doesen't matter what the imms think. If you had fun, and both your allies and enemies had fun around you, the character was a success. I don't know how someone who played neither character (and likely didn't interact with either often at all) can say X character is better by their graveyard post.

Secondly, Corthy, I don't remember *anyone* talking bad about Griimbling. Nobody thought he'd tear the grove down. He was a leader in a tough time, what can you do?
19474, I agree
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but in the absence of better criteria the success of a character can only be objectively measured based upon the opinions of those who interacted with it.

Of course, one could also draw hypotheses about the player's subjective opinion of his/her own character based upon the events in the characters life.

Griimbling was the leader of a cabal, had a special weapon, and got a lot of positive immteraction.

Corthy was removed from a cabal twice and was given a negative title.

19487, That you sincerely believe what you post is the most pathetic part. nt
Posted by Boldereth- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
19484, Your funny....
Posted by Rockbiter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

A little imformation for you...Even though you might have been trying everything to clear it up...The very Immortal you speak of was the one who approached me of the grapes deal and how it posed a conflict with you being in the grove. And left the decision of how I deal with it to me. And I had no ill respose of that decision. As for people disliking me I dont doubt it, in a position of power in a cabal you will have that. And I had more praise and people I actually helped make there experience in the grove more delightful. So don't there because five people sitting on the fence throwing tomatoes isn't going to turn my head. Especially if those five people actually thought the Grove would go the way of the Cult under anyones leadership. You haven't even the clue why the temple was closed in the first place.

19492, I think I see where Corthy was comming from
Posted by Quiddie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought about it a second and was completely baffled at the thought of the imms closing the grove because of one person and then having FIVE people agree with him. Then I realized that he must have had these discussions IC and took them on an ooc lvl. I highly doubt any of these players (besides corthy of course) believed any of it ooc but IC their chars may have been upset with you and may have said "he will be the death of the grove". Corthy, gotta learn to distinguish between IC and ooc things.
19528, RE: I think I see where Corthy was comming from
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I spoke other's opinions IC here OOC, yes. That happens a lot, is what this place is here for. Rockbiter said similar things to me. About whether I believed in IC or OOC, call me naive, but if a cabal IC is really dying and all but useless, isn't there a chance that that cabal will be scrapped or at least...renovated? I cannot speak for these other players, whether they feared for their fun in the Grove (or future in the Grove, for some).
19531, RE: Rockbiter, come on.
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am actually weary of this flame for it is unwarranted. I did not speak any flame to you so I have nothing more to say than, "You started it."
Well, a bit more. You were a successful character. You got your weapon, your title, your immteraction. You were loved, and you were hated. You played a strong character, death to the Grove or not.

I was not captain, no weapon, Immteraction laced with hatred and a bad title, as someone pointed out. I played my character, I was true to the role I had planned out for him. So, I consider him a success as much as Griimbling was. The difference: I was playing someone who changed often, did not suck up to Imms, did what I wanted for me and mine, not what others wanted of me. You played mostly by the "rules" of the Grove, were always the same and were by far more fit to be a captain. If I had been made captain, god forbid, I might have destroyed the Grove. I am NOT saying I am better than you, I never did. I just said that we have our playing styles which garnered opinion and repercussions alike.
19282, I knew it was coming..
Posted by Tichniktil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was really hoping you wouldn't delete over that, but you really were close with the fortress. I didn't have a problem with them, I hunted with those I knew for a long time, and even asked their aid to help raid (the last note on the ordeal, before your getting booted, was quite a while ago ago, and that wasn't worded definately). I remember going to the Kuo-Toa lair with the fortress and Blachmianan.

But I think it was a pretty bad move booting you out of the grove. You were a strong Sylvan, and you really helped the grove alot, seeing as how you were one of the few remaining who shows up. I don't know, just figured you should get a warning, or there should have been strict rules regarding the fortress (though there is now, I guess).
19292, Worshipper of All Things Fortress(I just had to rub that in)
Posted by Kisrithian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fun char interacted with you with other chars, all around a neat guy, I loved how you got turned into a chick, no offense but that was one of the funniest things I've seen happen in a while. And finally sorry there corthy but I felt you did fall under the arse kissing fortress sylvans at least, but hey you played during some tough times and went out fighting so well done.
19293, good show.
Posted by seakrou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I still cannot recall being killed by you... fought you alot when I was a younger warlock, but later it seemed to die down...
Anyhow it was fun while it lasted.. I got to talk to you once or twice. just bantering... Bugging you about your treants and stuff dying...
Anyhow luck with the next one..
19295, RE: (DELETED) [None] Corthy the Force of Nature, Worshipper of All Things Fortress
Posted by Miercahallen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**Warlocks: I got to kill all of you atleast once I think, except Gherian and Azharadon. Though, me and Azharadon had some titanic battles. I liked speaking with warlocks a lot of you, for sure more color than the Imperials.

You never killed me but I got *you* gushing blood, muahahahah! Just kidding, I was hoping for more rp from you in the days to come but alas.
19300, Paranoia
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Sebeok: You. I may be wrong, if I am, I apologize, but you
>have come to dislike me on this forum and have taken your
>hatred of me into the game. I think you wanted me to delete
>and did everything you could IC to make me.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I sincerely doubt Sebeok gives enough of a damn about you to plot against you.
19329, RE: (DELETED) [None] Corthy the Force of Nature, Worshipper of All Things Fortress
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I have played this game for years and this has been my
>first empowerment class and I had some fun, but I think druids
>are very, very limited. Sure, a beautiful class on a full moon
>in a forest with one guarded exit.

>I think I learned a lot about how to play one, was stilling figuring >out things about it at around hero-rank.

These two statements contradict each other. Druids can be a tough fight in any circumstance and are not limited very much at all. This is like saying, "I think Invokers are very, very limited. Sure, a beautiful class in the mountains with improved invis." Or, you could substitute with "Conjurors, nightguants with the Dale Cemetary" or whatever.

>Sebeok: You. I may be wrong, if I am, I apologize, but you
>have come to dislike me on this forum and have taken your
>hatred of me into the game. I think you wanted me to delete
>and did everything you could IC to make me. You were one imm I
>wanted to get to know, because Corthy had a knack for talking
>to spirits. It seems you are trying to lay down iron-clad laws
>on the Grove, when the grove is supposed to be a place of free
>spirits. Because you do not like me or the Fortress, you
>kicked me out and cursed me just for raiding with them! Corthy
>was above all else, loyal to the Grove. I am actually afraid
>to pursue a career with my new character for you might see it
>is me and ruin his life too.

Echoing Nepenthe here. I think Sebeok has better things to do than worry about you. Also, it's pretty safe to assume that Sebeok is the authority on both Sylvan and "free spiritedness" issues. If he tells you to do something, do it. If he tells you not to do something, well then...


>To clear it up, I never tried to "fit in" with you, however
>when the Grove began to die I wanted to continue the war on
>Empire and the Fortress was a promising conduit for my desire.

Here is your problem. This statement, to me, indicates that you wanted to fight Imperials at any cost, to the exclusion of the other responsibilities and beliefs of a Sylvan Warder. So much so, in fact, that even when you were told not to do this, it still appeared you were bedding the Fortress. Not surprised you got the boot.

>Tribs: Jamain was my favorite, we never fought and had mutual
>respect, I think. Orein/Morrilion were the same in my eyes,
>both cheap air/offense who never fought fair.

I don't much like air shifters either, but how is it "not fair?"

Good luck on your next.

19364, RE: (DELETED) [None] Corthy the Force of Nature, Worshipper of All Things Fortress
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
About druids I mean limited as in they are easy meat to many other classes during a waning/new moon. They cannot use a greater commune, sunray, except during daylight. And only well when the sun is high in a clear blue sky. As a druid, I was always checking the weather and most of the time I seen it as cloudy. So, I would have to change the weather for a few minutes of sunshine. It seemed when I acutally fought an opponent, it was always night. Another thing is the herb gathering. An interesting and entertaining skill, but so damn tedious I just stopped doing it. All the other druids knew it, some would ask me to go with them herb gathering and I was just too lazy, admittedly, to do it. And, I didn't notice much difference even with a full set of herbs. I also think a good thing to add to the game is that if a druid uses his herbs to shapeshift, they should become spent and dissapear. Making it so you can go collect more if you want. This makes it so you are still much more limited than a shapeshifter, but not as limited having to wait one hundred hours to get more herbs after a few seconds in the air or in bear form.

As for Sebeok, how much time does it take to look at me, say to yourself, "I remember him, that bastard" and take a few brief minutes to say "Bye bye" He may be an almighty Imm, but he still has an opinon and a will.

For the shifters, I meant they would attack me when I was half dead, naked, linkdead and unmoving, etc, etc. With a treant I could deal with most shifters if I was ready for them.
19517, RE: (DELETED) [None] Corthy the Force of Nature, Worshipper of All Things Fortress
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You left me scratching my head sometimes. When you were booted the first time, I wondered if you had it in you to get back. When you did get back in, I thought that perhaps there was something special about you. I knew that Corthy always intended well, but, there were times I thought you used bad judgement. It was never anything that made me think you would get booted for, and usually it wound up with only you dying. So, I basically thought to myself, well, maybe he will learn something new from that mistake. I will say this, I NEVER saw you as the cause of another warder dying. Now, for the last part of it, getting the boot and the title. When I heard where you were and what was happening, I fully agreed with what happened to you as a result of it. I was on and my opinion was asked on what should and did happen. I remember, as a player in the past, thinking someone had something out for me. Guess what, they really are way too busy to think about any one player. When you acted as a warder, you did well. When you didn't act as a warder, it was very obvious.