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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Joushin the Master of Copper
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19203
19203, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Joushin the Master of Copper
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jul 15 20:22:08 2003

At 2 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 27th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Joushin perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic

19322, Well, I liked Joushin believe it or not
Posted by Rjezrit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He had an attitude I felt befitting a rager, never admitting he was beaten and always ready to fight. Admittedly I saw less and less of you, but I enjoyed speaking with you after the few fights that we had.

19325, RE: Well, I liked Joushin believe it or not
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>He had an attitude I felt befitting a rager, never admitting he was beaten and always ready to fight. Admittedly I saw less and less of you, but I enjoyed speaking with you after the few fights that we had.<<<

And I liked you OOC, but certainly not IC. I did have respect for you and you were perhaps the only person that would whip me consitantly. I *fistshake* Kot and Kas. A defensive speced warrior isn't going to do to well against a felar assassin. I did want to try to fight you once I got my hand to hand spec. That way even if you did break my wrist I could still do some serious damage and defend a bit. Well done on just whipping my arse everytime! Good luck with whatever plans you have with your character.
19205, Well
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I've been debating this for a couple of weeks. My time has shot down a good bit and I didn't think it fair to those seeking ragers or to the Imms. I could have just wrote a note saying I wouldn't be around a lot, but I had begun to loose the flair with the character. I had some fun with the character and it was my third villager (not to mention highest level). It had been maybe 7 - 8 months since I played my last (Sterilin, human Dawn Warrior).

I was sphere honor and had a code I followed, which seemed to annoy a few people, but hey, thats the way it goes. Any way, my farewells.


Jahaar-Thanks for that talk one time. I wanted to see about perhaps earning your tattoo, or at least be regonized. Joushin was happy to see honor return to this land and he wanted to help how he could. Wish I could have given you more time, but that's the way the ball bounces sometimes.


Drahkul-I thought you did a great job as leader, though I did want to strangle you for making me feel like I was trying to join Heralds, at least up to the point where you taught me to find the Hate in myself. And yes, I did miss that one question on purpose *wink*.

Zylundak-My opinion of you wavered here and there. You did a lot of things I liked and agreed with and then sometimes I was wondering what the hell you were thinking.

Urgarg-My boy. We had some good times and I hope you end up kicking some ass in the Rites. Well roleplayed.

Kugnar-I enjoyed our interactions. You had my chuckling a few times, especially that time I went and freed you from the Chessmaster's tower.

Gieldon-You sir, have a lot to learn. I so wish I could have been in your range so I could have dragged your ass to the circle and whipped it for insulting my honor. You tried to lead, however you did it poorly. I was pissed that one time you tried to blame me for people dying when it was your poor planning and actions that got them killed. You live and die and learn.

Ezrail-You are one brave guy. You stick it out through some rough times. You are a good inspiration of how a villager should act.

Feolin, Theaus, and others-While I can't remember tons of things that stickout, besides Feolin being drunk, I was glad to be in the village with you guys. Good luck on things.

Well I didn't talk to many of you. I enjoyed fighting those I could.

Not much to talk about here as I only interacted with you guys by retrieving the head.

How I couldn't stand most of you. Most of you are two self-righteous and don't expect to have your ass handed to you when you step into the middle of a war.

I like most of you, besides the Black Sect since I was trying to kill them. Also being orderly and my background coming from where my land is ruled by Empire.

I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but that's that.

19206, Role/Desc
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"By the honor of my ancestors, I will defeat you!"


You find yourself looking at a young man standing roughly six feet in height. His skin is lightly tanned and his hands are rough as though used to working the fields or similiar forms of work. His hair is the color of onyx and is worn long and flowing. His eyes are large and brown and seem to carry a sense of honor and duty. The man's face is handsome for a human, his face clean shaven and still carrying a youthful look. His body is fairly well muscled and he seems no heavier than any normal man his height and age. There are no visible scars or markings upon the man.


The East and Traveling
Joushin was borne in the far east in a small hamlet named Sisamiou. During his toddler years, Joushin's family moved west to establish a foothold for their family's buisness. Joushin's family buisness is that of importing and exporting of exotic goods and spices. Establishing a place Hamsah Mu'Tazz is their first step in opening the market in these lands.

The name Joushin was gifted upon Joushin by his grandfather. Joushin's grandfather was the great grandson of Saraymota Joushin. Saraymota was a great warrior, skilled in sword and spears. He fought against the warlock enuchs of Emperor Xao Zhen and thus eliminated his cruel reign and wicked use of magic. So being gifted with the name Joushin was a great honor. The name Joushin means Able Spirit.

Joushin's family name is Mikugoryu. Joushin traces his line through his father's side upto his grandfather who borne to the family of Mikugoria through a marrige of Lord Yon Mikugoryu and Lady Sakura Joushin. The Mikugoria family has had its hand in exporting and importing of exotic goods and spices for well over a few centuries. The name Mikugoryu means Rapid Waters.

Joushin Mikugoryu means Able Spirit of Rapid Waters.

Code of Honor
Honor can be both possed and understood by any intelligent, living being who survives with awarness instead of instinct. All others have no sense or possible understanding of honor and need not shown honor.

1) Honor must be shown to any opponent through the use of polite words and parity in combat.
2) Honor must be shown by one always being filial to one's parents. Wishes of ancestors bears the heaviest weight.
3) Careless death to civilians is honorless. Lawful death to civilians is permitted.
4) One must obey the orders of his lord or commander unless the order is dishonorable or conflicts with a higher code in honor.
5) All attacks upon one's honor must be dealt with as to not harm your or another's honor.
6) One must never shirk from his duty, even if he does not like it.
7) Death before dishonor. The ultimiate sin is dishonor.

Recent History
After arriving and growing in Hamsah Mu'Tazz, Joushin kept to his culture's habits and religious cermonies. It was during one of these religious cermonies that he was given his task. His ancestor, Saraymota Joushin, came to Joushin as he made sacrifices to his ancestors. Saraymota declared Joushin should take it upon himself to prepare for a great war. A war between magic and men, that Joushin should follow Saraymota's footsteps and fight against the magic and bring greatness to the Mikugoryu name. Joushin could only accept the mission granted by Saraymota. Joushin's first step would be to strengthen himself and then seek out those who would form the army of men.
19207, RE: Well
Posted by Gieldon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First of all I wasn't leading, I was pissed cause your ass just stayed talking to some Immortal while we raided.

Second I didn't die, other ragers did and all the ragers in the raid agreed with the idea that you were suppose to be there. Even Sabiene was on my side.

Third I wished the same as you did, a nice quick fight.

But no hard feelings, this is IC and I don't care ooc. Its a game.
19208, RE: Well
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>First of all I wasn't leading, I was pissed cause your ass just stayed talking to some Immortal while we raided.

Second I didn't die, other ragers did and all the ragers in the raid agreed with the idea that you were suppose to be there. Even Sabiene was on my side.

Third I wished the same as you did, a nice quick fight.

But no hard feelings, this is IC and I don't care ooc. Its a game.<<<

First of all, you are wrong. You organized it, poorly, and lead it. Second, I never called to arms and none checked to see if I came. I told the village that I was speaking with Jahaar. Third Sabiene wasn't logged on, so if she did agree with you, it would be through a skewed story of yours. Just make sure to state the facts correctly.
19210, RE: Well
Posted by Gieldon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We did call to you, that's when you said you spoke to the Imm and Sabiene got on the next day and we spoke about the situation. And I repeat I was NOT leading.
19211, Well played.
Posted by Ezrail on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always thought you fought tough and were very well roleplayed. I enjoyed our interview and knew you would easier get in. Well done.
19237, Getting Attacked During Interview Log
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here is the log while was talking to you.

People near you:
(PK) Korthek In a Stunted Forest
(PK) Joushin In a Stunted Forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek looks at you.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek leaves north.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> whois kor
<23 Duerg War> (PK) Korthek the Gladiator

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> scan n
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
Korthek is here.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt grazes you.
You yell 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Someone is in perfect health.

<98%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> dirt
Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches someone.
Someone has a few scratches.

<98%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Someone's slice devastates you!
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Someone dodges your slash.
Someone has a few scratches.

<91%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Someone parries your slash.
Someone has a few scratches.

<91%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> feint

Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Someone's bash scratches you.
Someone has a few scratches.

<90%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
You parry someone's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Someone dodges your slash.
Your slash DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Someone's slice decimates you!
Someone parries your slash.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<84%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
The rain ceases.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<84%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Someone's bash injures you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<80%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
You parry someone's slice.
You parry someone's slice.
Someone dodges your slash.
Your slash EVISCERATES someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<80%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> You make a successful feint to mislead someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<80%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Someone's blow swings wildly and misses.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Someone parries your slash.
Someone parries your slash.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Korthek has some small but disgusting cuts.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
You get in one more shot on Korthek as he flees.
Your parting blow MUTILATES Korthek!
Korthek leaves west.
Korthek has fled!

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek has arrived.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek leaves north.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> scan n
You scan north.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> yawn
You must be tired.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> l
In a Stunted Forest
The ground is very dry here, the grass thick, but sickly. The trunks of
the trees are small, and far apart. A dry wind pulls at your clothing,
rustling shrivelled leaves and stirring the dying grass. The forest
continues to the north and west.

(Glowing) (Humming) An ancient arcane tome of spells rests here, waiting to be discovered.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Someone nods.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> af
You are affected by:

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Someone says 'This pleases me as well'

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> r
You rest.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek has arrived.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek's kicked dirt misses you.
You yell 'Die, Korthek! You dirty fool!'
Korthek has some small but disgusting cuts.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
The clouds disappear.
Korthek has some small but disgusting cuts.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> dirt
Korthek is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Korthek.
Korthek has some small but disgusting cuts.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
You parry Korthek's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Korthek's slice.
Your slash MUTILATES Korthek!
Korthek parries your slash.
Korthek is covered with bleeding wounds.

<81%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> disarm

Korthek's slice EVISCERATES you!
Korthek's slice MUTILATES you!
Your slash DISMEMBERS Korthek!
Korthek wipes the dirt from his eyes.
Korthek is covered with bleeding wounds.

<64%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<63%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> Your opponent is not wielding a weapon.
You parry someone's slice.
You parry someone's slice.
Someone's slice MUTILATES you!
Someone parries your slash.
Your slash MUTILATES someone!
Someone parries your slash.
Someone is gushing blood.

<54%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> feint
You try to make a feint but someone sees right through it.
Someone is gushing blood.

<54%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
You parry someone's slice.
You parry someone's slice.
Someone's slice MUTILATES you!
Someone parries your slash.
Your slash DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

<45%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Someone's bash misses you.
You evade someone's bash, causing it to fall flat on its face.
Someone is gushing blood.

<45%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
You parry someone's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Someone parries your slash.
Your slash MUTILATES someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<45%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> bash
You slam into someone, and send it flying!
Your bash injures someone.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<45%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
Someone's slice maims you!
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Your slash EVISCERATES someone!
Someone parries your slash.
Your slash misses someone.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<37%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>
You dodge someone's slice.
Someone's slice maims you!
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Someone parries your slash.
Your slash EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<30%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> bash

You fail to get in one more shot as someone flees.
Someone leaves west.
Someone has fled!

<30%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> But you aren't fighting anyone!

<30%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl>

You rub the dirt out of your eyes.

<31%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek
They aren't here.

<31%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek In a Thin Forest
(PK) Joushin In a Stunted Forest

<31%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> scan w
You scan west.

<31%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek In a Thin Forest
(PK) Joushin In a Stunted Forest

<31%hp 100%m 100%mv 2482tnl> ber
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<41%hp 88%m 87%mv 2482tnl> w

Someone says 'You fight well this I can see'

<41%hp 88%m 87%mv 2482tnl> In a Stunted Forest

<41%hp 88%m 86%mv 2482tnl> s
In a Stunted Forest

<41%hp 88%m 85%mv 2482tnl> s
In a Thin Forest

<41%hp 88%m 84%mv 2482tnl> s
In a Thin Forest

<41%hp 88%m 83%mv 2482tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek Within a dense forest
(PK) Joushin In a Thin Forest

<41%hp 88%m 83%mv 2482tnl> w
In a Thin Forest

<41%hp 88%m 82%mv 2482tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek Within a dense forest
(PK) Joushin In a Thin Forest

<41%hp 88%m 82%mv 2482tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek Within a dense forest
(PK) Joushin In a Thin Forest

<41%hp 88%m 82%mv 2482tnl> scan s
You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
Korthek is resting here.

<41%hp 88%m 82%mv 2482tnl> s
In a Thin Forest

<41%hp 88%m 81%mv 2482tnl> s
Within a dense forest

Korthek is resting here.

<41%hp 88%m 80%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek stands up.

<41%hp 88%m 80%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek

Korthek leaves north.

<41%hp 88%m 80%mv 2482tnl> They aren't here.

<41%hp 88%m 80%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek has arrived.

<41%hp 88%m 80%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek leaves east.

<41%hp 88%m 80%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek
They aren't here.

<41%hp 88%m 80%mv 2482tnl> e
Within a dense forest

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek
They aren't here.

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek Within a dense forest
(PK) Joushin Within a dense forest

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> scan n
scan e
scan s
scan w
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
Korthek is here.

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> You scan east.

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> n
You scan south.
A soft growl echos through the forest as a rabid wolf leaps at you from between the trees!
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by a rabid wolf!'
Your defensive spin deflects a rabid wolf's bite.
A rabid wolf is in perfect health.

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A mangy wolf is here, discolored foam dribbling off its snout.

A rabid wolf is in perfect health.

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> scan n
scan e
scan s
scan w
No way! You are still fighting!
A rabid wolf is in perfect health.

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> You scan north.
***** Range 2 *****
Korthek is here.

A rabid wolf is in perfect health.

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> You scan east.
Your defensive spin deflects a rabid wolf's bite.
Your defensive spin deflects a rabid wolf's bite.
Your slash MUTILATES a rabid wolf!
A rabid wolf is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a rabid wolf's death cry.
The gods give you one copper coin for your sacrifice of the corpse of a rabid wolf.

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> You scan south.

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a rabid wolf!'

<41%hp 88%m 79%mv 2482tnl> n
Within a dense forest

Korthek is here.

<41%hp 88%m 77%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek leaves west.

<41%hp 88%m 77%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek
They aren't here.

<44%hp 92%m 83%mv 2482tnl> Within a dense forest

The sliced-off leg of a rabid wolf is lying here.
Korthek is here.

<44%hp 92%m 81%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek
Korthek scans north.
Korthek scans south.
Korthek scans east.
Korthek scans west.
Korthek scans up.
Korthek scans down.

<44%hp 92%m 81%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek leaves north.

<44%hp 92%m 81%mv 2482tnl> They aren't here.

<44%hp 92%m 81%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek has arrived.

<44%hp 92%m 81%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek leaves west.

<44%hp 92%m 81%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek has arrived.

<44%hp 92%m 81%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek

Korthek leaves north.
They aren't here.

<44%hp 92%m 81%mv 2482tnl> n
Within a dense forest

<44%hp 92%m 80%mv 2482tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek Within a dense forest
(PK) Joushin Within a dense forest

<44%hp 92%m 80%mv 2482tnl> scan n
scan e
scan s
scan w
You scan north.
***** Range 3 *****

<44%hp 92%m 80%mv 2482tnl> You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
Korthek is here.

***** Range 2 *****

***** Range 3 *****
Korthek is here.

<44%hp 92%m 80%mv 2482tnl> You scan south.

<44%hp 92%m 80%mv 2482tnl> You scan west.

<44%hp 92%m 80%mv 2482tnl>
You feel your pulse slow down.

<46%hp 94%m 85%mv 2482tnl> e
Within a dense forest

Korthek is resting here.

<46%hp 94%m 84%mv 2482tnl> ber

Korthek stands up.
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<56%hp 83%m 71%mv 2482tnl> Korthek leaves north.

<56%hp 83%m 71%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek
murder korthek
They aren't here.

<56%hp 83%m 71%mv 2482tnl> Within a dense forest

The sliced-off leg of a rabid wolf is lying here.
Korthek is here.

<56%hp 83%m 70%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek leaves west.

<56%hp 83%m 70%mv 2482tnl> They aren't here.

<56%hp 83%m 70%mv 2482tnl> w
Within a dense forest

Korthek is here.

<56%hp 83%m 69%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek

Korthek leaves north.

<56%hp 83%m 69%mv 2482tnl> They aren't here.

<56%hp 83%m 69%mv 2482tnl> n
Within a dense forest

The sliced-off leg of a rabid wolf is lying here.
Korthek is here.

<56%hp 83%m 68%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek

Korthek leaves east.

<56%hp 83%m 68%mv 2482tnl> They aren't here.

<56%hp 83%m 68%mv 2482tnl> w
Within a dense forest

<56%hp 83%m 66%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek
They aren't here.

<56%hp 83%m 66%mv 2482tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek Within a dense forest
(PK) Joushin Within a dense forest

<56%hp 83%m 66%mv 2482tnl> scan n
scan e
scan s
scan w
You scan north.
***** Range 3 *****

<56%hp 83%m 66%mv 2482tnl> You scan east.

<56%hp 83%m 66%mv 2482tnl> You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****

<56%hp 83%m 66%mv 2482tnl> You scan west.
Korthek yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a rabid wolf!'

<56%hp 83%m 66%mv 2482tnl> e
Within a dense forest

<56%hp 83%m 65%mv 2482tnl> e
Within a dense forest

<56%hp 83%m 64%mv 2482tnl> e
Within a dense forest

<56%hp 83%m 63%mv 2482tnl> n
Within a dense forest

<56%hp 83%m 61%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a rabid wolf!'

<56%hp 83%m 61%mv 2482tnl> scan n
scan e
scan s
scan w

The sky is getting cloudy.

<56%hp 83%m 61%mv 2482tnl> You scan north.

<56%hp 83%m 61%mv 2482tnl> You scan east.

<56%hp 83%m 61%mv 2482tnl> You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****

<56%hp 83%m 61%mv 2482tnl> You scan west.

<56%hp 83%m 61%mv 2482tnl> w
Within a dense forest

<56%hp 83%m 60%mv 2482tnl> scan n
scan e
scan s
scan w
You scan north.

<56%hp 83%m 60%mv 2482tnl> You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
Korthek is here.
A powerful stag is here, lowering his horns in challenge.

With barely a whisper of sound, a stag leaps out from between the trees, startled by your presence!

<56%hp 83%m 60%mv 2482tnl> You scan south.

<56%hp 83%m 60%mv 2482tnl> You scan west.

<56%hp 83%m 60%mv 2482tnl> e
Within a dense forest

A mangy wolf is here, discolored foam dribbling off its snout.
Korthek is resting here.
A powerful stag is here, lowering his horns in challenge.

<59%hp 86%m 64%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek

Korthek stands up.
A rabid wolf yells 'Korthek! Now you die!'

<59%hp 86%m 64%mv 2482tnl> Korthek yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Joushin!'
Korthek parries your slash.
Korthek is convulsing on the ground.

<59%hp 86%m 64%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek leaves north.
Korthek has fled!

<59%hp 86%m 64%mv 2482tnl> n

Korthek has arrived.

<59%hp 86%m 64%mv 2482tnl>
A rabid wolf yells 'Korthek! Now you die!'

<59%hp 86%m 64%mv 2482tnl> Within a dense forest

<59%hp 86%m 63%mv 2482tnl> s
Within a dense forest

<59%hp 86%m 62%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek
They aren't here.

<59%hp 86%m 62%mv 2482tnl>
Korthek has arrived.

<59%hp 86%m 62%mv 2482tnl> scan n
scan e
scan s
scan w
You scan north.

<59%hp 86%m 62%mv 2482tnl> You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A powerful stag is here, lowering his horns in challenge.

***** Range 2 *****
A mangy wolf is here, discolored foam dribbling off its snout.
A powerful stag is here, lowering his horns in challenge.

<59%hp 86%m 62%mv 2482tnl> murder korthek
You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
Korthek is here.

<59%hp 86%m 62%mv 2482tnl> You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
Korthek is here.

<59%hp 86%m 62%mv 2482tnl> Korthek yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Joushin!'
Your slash MUTILATES Korthek!
Korthek is DEAD!!
You hear Korthek's death cry.

<59%hp 86%m 62%mv 2482tnl> examine corpse
The corpse of Korthek is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Korthek contains:
a blackened key
a scroll bound in leather
a raft
a wide bronze belt
( 2) (Humming) a cruel battle axe
a charred leather bracer
some black leather sleeves
( 2) a berry pie
( 2) a pale white skull ring
3 silver coins
9 copper coins

<59%hp 86%m 62%mv 2482tnl> reply He is dead
You tell someone 'He is dead'

<59%hp 86%m 62%mv 2482tnl> n
Within a dense forest

<59%hp 86%m 60%mv 2482tnl> exait

<59%hp 86%m 60%mv 2482tnl> l n
l e
l s
l w
The vast forest continues in this direction.

<59%hp 86%m 60%mv 2482tnl> The vast forest continues in this direction.

<59%hp 86%m 60%mv 2482tnl> The vast forest continues in this direction.

<59%hp 86%m 60%mv 2482tnl> The vast forest continues in this direction.

<59%hp 86%m 60%mv 2482tnl> l
Within a dense forest
Several rays of light slip through the heavy cover of foliage, their
radiance illuminating dancing motes of dust, and giving this place a
comforting feel. Massive hardwood trees rise up on every side, their trunks
too thick to wrap your arms about. You feel the stillness of this forest
entering your soul, the occasional whisper of the wind, call of a bird, or
chittering of a chipmunk echoing the thoughts and emotions flowing through you.

<59%hp 86%m 60%mv 2482tnl> brief
Full descriptions activated.

<59%hp 86%m 60%mv 2482tnl> n
Within a dense forest
Several rays of light slip through the heavy cover of foliage, their
radiance illuminating dancing motes of dust, and giving this place a
comforting feel. Massive hardwood trees rise up on every side, their trunks
too thick to wrap your arms about. You feel the stillness of this forest
entering your soul, the occasional whisper of the wind, call of a bird, or
chittering of a chipmunk echoing the thoughts and emotions flowing through you.

The sliced-off leg of a rabid wolf is lying here.

<59%hp 86%m 59%mv 2482tnl>
Someone tells you 'You fight well it seems.'

<59%hp 86%m 59%mv 2482tnl> exit
Obvious exits:
North - Within a dense forest
East - Within a dense forest
South - Within a dense forest
West - Within a dense forest

<59%hp 86%m 59%mv 2482tnl> l n
l e
l s
l w

You feel your pulse slow down.

<61%hp 88%m 64%mv 2482tnl> The vast forest continues in this direction.

<61%hp 88%m 64%mv 2482tnl> The vast forest continues in this direction.

<61%hp 88%m 64%mv 2482tnl> The vast forest continues in this direction.

<61%hp 88%m 64%mv 2482tnl> The vast forest continues in this direction.

<61%hp 88%m 64%mv 2482tnl> ber
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<70%hp 77%m 52%mv 2482tnl> n
Within a dense forest
Several rays of light slip through the heavy cover of foliage, their
radiance illuminating dancing motes of dust, and giving this place a
comforting feel. Massive hardwood trees rise up on every side, their trunks
too thick to wrap your arms about. You feel the stillness of this forest
entering your soul, the occasional whisper of the wind, call of a bird, or
chittering of a chipmunk echoing the thoughts and emotions flowing through you.

<70%hp 77%m 51%mv 2482tnl>
Word spreads throughout the land that your victory over Korthek has forced him into hiding!

<70%hp 77%m 51%mv 2482tnl> reply And he will not fight ever again it seems.
You tell someone 'And he will not fight ever again it seems.'

19213, RE: Well
Posted by Edeana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We only ranked together for a brief while, but I thought you role-played your interaction with Edeana very well.
19236, Thanks
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. All I know is those owlbears hit hard. I was glad to have a defender and you (ranger) there as well. Tame+Herbs+Banadages helped out a lot. I was happy to see you chunk the magical items when asked, so Joushin certainly respected you in that way. Good luck with the character.
19219, Man, I robbed you blind over and over. Nice char though. notext
Posted by Wakonas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
19235, Heh
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Truely? I didn't really have anything I cared about on me and most of the time my gear sucked. I only used money for food. Just glad you never took my food anyhow.
19238, First PK fight
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
***Before this, Qysh asked me to group and I told him if we took turns fighting the mobs one on one I would travel***

Qysh tells you 'I do not see how that will be benificial.'

<97%hp 100%m 96%mv 1241tnl>
Jimm tells you 'meet in market square galaond'

<99%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh tells you 'but if you wish, then we can.'

<99%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> t qysh It would be the honorable thing to do.
You tell Qysh 'It would be the honorable thing to do.'

<99%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> People near you:
(PK) Joushin The Azreth Forest

<99%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> wear saber
You stop using a steel-bladed gythka.
You wield a mithril saber.
You feel quite confident with a mithril saber.

<99%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> wear dagger
You dual wield a steel dagger.
You feel quite confident with a steel dagger.

<99%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh tells you 'That would be a matter of perspective.'

<99%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> t qysh Indeed, but at the moment it is my perspective that matters.
You tell Qysh 'Indeed, but at the moment it is my perspective that matters.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Joushin The Azreth Forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> whois jimm

Qysh tells you 'Good to see another of the 'Guard''

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> <18 Fire A-P> Jimm the Hated

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> t Qysh Though we musten travel with Jimm.

Qysh tells you 'It has been lost for some time.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> You tell Qysh 'Though we musten travel with Jimm.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> t Qysh His skill with magic would be against my heart.
You tell Qysh 'His skill with magic would be against my heart.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Joushin The Azreth Forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh tells you 'I see, and what about a balanced heart?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> t Qysh Good, evil means little to me, only if the person is honorable matters most, followed by if they use magic.
You tell Qysh 'Good, evil means little to me, only if the person is honorable matters most, followed by if they use magic.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh tells you 'So you seek the destruction of magic, no?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> t qysh I do, to honor my ancestors wishes and bring honor to my family.
You tell Qysh 'I do, to honor my ancestors wishes and bring honor to my family.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> People near you:
(PK) Joushin The Azreth Forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
The rain ceases.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh tells you 'I cannot let you do that for it would destroy the world, and it is more important than your honor, or ancestors wishes.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> t qysh I see, then it will be that we are upon opposing forces, it seems.
You tell Qysh 'I see, then it will be that we are upon opposing forces, it seems.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Joushin The Azreth Forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh tells you 'Indeed.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> whois qysh
<19 H-Drw War> (PK) Qysh the Cavalier

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> t qysh Well, will you honor me with a duel then?
You tell Qysh 'Well, will you honor me with a duel then?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh tells you 'I suppose that would be the 'Honorable' thing to do.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> t qysh Very well, some place where no one would interfer with us.
You tell Qysh 'Very well, some place where no one would interfer with us.'
Qysh nods.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> where
People near you:
(PK) Joushin The Azreth Forest
(PK) Qysh The Azreth Forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> bow
You bow deeply.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> 'Are you prepared sir?
You say 'Are you prepared sir?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh looks at you.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>


<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh nods.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> l qysh
Before you stands a tall human slightly over six feet in hieght. His stocky
build contrasts with the smooth angled features of his face. Pointed ears, a
small nose, and sharp jawline are slightly tinted with ebony. His short
cropped hair is a messy brown with a silver streak running through the side.
A small leather jerkin resides upon this half-drows body. Black gloves and
sleeves cover his arms, as well as leather leggings and knee-high brown boots
cover his legs and feet. He seems that he has seen better days and most
certainly seen far worse. As you look closer you notice,
Qysh, a male half-drow, is in perfect health.

Qysh is using:
<worn on finger> a pale white skull ring
<worn on finger> a pale white skull ring
<worn around neck> an iron-studded collar
<worn around neck> an iron-studded collar
<worn on body> (Glowing) a shirt of shining silver chain
<worn on head> a three-horned helmet
<worn on legs> a pair of colorful baggy pants
<worn on feet> a pair of spiked climbing boots
<worn on arms> some black leather sleeves
<worn about body> a black silk cape adorned with a blood-red spider
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> a charred leather bracer
<worn around wrist> a charred leather bracer
<wielded> (Humming) a cruel battle axe
<dual wield> a massive truncheon

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh says 'ready as I can be.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> nod
You nod.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> emote raises his saber in salute.
Joushin raises his saber in salute.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
It starts to rain.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh says 'As the challengee, I will start.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> nod
You nod.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh bows before you.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> emote takes a defensive stance.
Joushin takes a defensive stance.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Looking determined, Qysh cracks his knuckles.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> 'For my ancestors honor!
You say 'For my ancestors honor!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh slowly raises his head in a prideful manor.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Qysh!'
Qysh's slice EVISCERATES you!
Qysh is in perfect health.

<88%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh parries your slash.
You dodge Qysh's slice.
Qysh's smash EVISCERATES you!
You parry Qysh's smash.
You parry Qysh's slice.
Qysh is in perfect health.

<76%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> disarm
Jabbing quickly, you slide a mithril saber behind the head of a cruel battle axe and jerk it away from Qysh!
You disarm Qysh!
Qysh is in perfect health.

<76%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh gets a cruel battle axe.
Qysh is in perfect health.

<76%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Your slash EVISCERATES Qysh!
Qysh dodges your slash.
You dodge Qysh's punch.
Qysh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<76%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh's trip misses you.
Qysh has some small but disgusting cuts.

<76%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> disarm

Your slash MUTILATES Qysh!
Your stab maims Qysh!
You parry Qysh's punch.
Qysh's smash MUTILATES you!
Qysh's smash EVISCERATES you!
Qysh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<52%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh's trip misses you.
Qysh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<52%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> You fail to disarm Qysh.
Qysh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<52%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh dodges your slash.
Qysh dodges your stab.
Qysh dodges your slash.
You parry Qysh's punch.
You parry Qysh's smash.
Qysh's punch decimates you!
Qysh is covered with bleeding wounds.

<45%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh dodges your slash.
Your slash MUTILATES Qysh!
Your slash MUTILATES Qysh!
You dodge Qysh's punch.
You dodge Qysh's smash.
You parry Qysh's punch.
Qysh is gushing blood.

<45%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh trips you and you go down!
Qysh's trip grazes you.
Qysh is gushing blood.

<44%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh dodges your slash.
You parry Qysh's punch.
You parry Qysh's punch.
Qysh is gushing blood.

<44%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> trip

Qysh dodges your slash.
Qysh dodges your slash.
You parry Qysh's punch.
Qysh's smash EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Qysh's punch.
Qysh is gushing blood.

<31%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> You trip Qysh and he goes down!
Your trip grazes Qysh.
Qysh is gushing blood.

<31%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh dodges your slash.
Your stab devastates Qysh!
Your stab maims Qysh!
You parry Qysh's punch.
You dodge Qysh's smash.
You parry Qysh's punch.
Qysh is convulsing on the ground.

<31%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> trip

Your slash EVISCERATES Qysh!
Qysh is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your stab EVISCERATES Qysh!
Qysh is DEAD!!
You hear Qysh's death cry.

<31%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> But you aren't fighting anyone!

<31%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl>
Qysh tells you 'very well fought.'

<31%hp 100%m 100%mv 1241tnl> reply Indeed. Your belongings are here sir.
You tell Qysh 'Indeed. Your belongings are here sir.'
19239, Another Fight-Bagzan
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**This guy has already attacked me three times already this day, once at the village where I tanked his party and gave enough time for someone else to slay the mage in their group. This takes place on the north road. Bagzan slew me at a later date while the village didn't have the head. Good job with those legsweeps in that later fight.**

Bagzan lowers his weapon and charges you!
Bagzan's charge EVISCERATES you!
You yell 'Help! Bagzan is charging me!'
Bagzan has a few scratches.

(578/627hp 268/358mp 496/524mv 8273 4 AM) dirt
Your kicked dirt misses Bagzan.
Bagzan has a few scratches.

(578/627hp 268/358mp 496/524mv 8273 4 AM)
Bagzan's pierce mauls you.
You parry Bagzan's pierce.
Your slash maims Bagzan!
Bagzan deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Bagzan deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Bagzan has a few scratches.

(554/627hp 268/358mp 496/524mv 8273 4 AM)
You feel less resistant to magic.
Bagzan has a few scratches.

(560/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 4 AM)
You parry Bagzan's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Your slash DISMEMBERS Bagzan!
Bagzan deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Bagzan deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Bagzan has some small but disgusting cuts.

(560/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 4 AM) dirt

Bagzan tries to drive a short spear through you but misses and steps too close.
Your slash MASSACRES Bagzan!
Bagzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

(560/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 4 AM) Bagzan is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt grazes Bagzan.
Bagzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

(560/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 4 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's pierce.
Your slash EVISCERATES Bagzan!
Bagzan deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Bagzan deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Bagzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

(560/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 4 AM) disarm

You parry Bagzan's pierce.
You parry Bagzan's claw.
You parry Bagzan's pierce.
Bagzan deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Your slash DISMEMBERS Bagzan!
Bagzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

(560/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 4 AM)
Feolin: SSaackss fuullaa sstoouut! HAAR!
Bagzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

(560/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 4 AM)
Bagzan impales you with a short spear!
Bagzan's impalement MUTILATES you!
Bagzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

(519/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 4 AM) You slip a bronze-tipped spear behind a short spear, between Bagzan's paws, and slide it downwards sharply, breaking his grip with a sharp rap to the paw!
You disarm Bagzan!
Bagzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

(519/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 4 AM)
You parry Bagzan's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Bagzan dodges your slash.
Your slash EVISCERATES Bagzan!
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(519/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 4 AM) bash

You parry Bagzan's claw.
You parry Bagzan's claw.
Bagzan dodges your slash.
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(519/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Bagzan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Bagzan's bash scratches you.
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(515/627hp 273/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Bagzan wipes the dirt from his eyes.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(499/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Bagzan dodges your slash.
Bagzan dodges your slash.
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(499/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
You parry Bagzan's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Bagzan dodges your slash.
Bagzan dodges your slash.
Bagzan dodges your slash.
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(499/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM) You slam into Bagzan, and send him flying!
Your bash grazes Bagzan.
Drahkul: Har!
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(499/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Drahkul: Get some bloody lager too eh
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(499/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Bagzan's claw mauls you.
Your slash EVISCERATES Bagzan!
Bagzan dodges your slash.
Your slash MUTILATES Bagzan!
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(477/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM) bash

Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Bagzan dodges your slash.
Your slash EVISCERATES Bagzan!
Bagzan is writhing in agony.

(477/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Bagzan gets a short spear.
Your bash misses Bagzan.
You fall flat on your face!
Bagzan is writhing in agony.

(477/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM) Bagzan wields a short spear.
Bagzan is writhing in agony.

(477/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Bagzan gets a wild look in his eyes.
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(477/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
You dodge Bagzan's pierce.
Bagzan dodges your slash.
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(477/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Drahkul: An' some...cloud giantish ale, ya find me some an' I reward ya handsomely
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(477/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Bagzan swings a short spear at you in a wide arc but misses.
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(477/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
You parry Bagzan's claw.
Bagzan deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Bagzan deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(477/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's pierce.
You dodge Bagzan's claw.
You parry Bagzan's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Bagzan deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Bagzan parries your slash.
Bagzan deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(477/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM) disarm
You fail to disarm Bagzan.
Bagzan is gushing blood.

(477/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone's pierce devastates you!
Someone's claw decimates you!
You parry someone's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's claw.
Someone deflects your slash with its defensive spin.
Someone is gushing blood.

(417/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
someone: Heellss, iitss noot aass baad aass wiinee, II'ss guueessssiin'.
Someone is gushing blood.

(417/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
someone: Git da elven wine fer da commander
Someone is gushing blood.

(417/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM) dirt

Someone's pierce maims you!
Someone's claw mauls you.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pierce.
Someone deflects your slash with its defensive spin.
Someone deflects your slash with its defensive spin.
Someone is gushing blood.

(360/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM) Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches someone.
Someone is gushing blood.

(360/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8273 5 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pierce.
You parry someone's claw.
You have become better at parry!
Your defensive spin deflects someone's claw.
Someone deflects your slash with its defensive spin.
Someone deflects your slash with its defensive spin.
Someone is gushing blood.

(360/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8253 5 AM)
someone: HAAR!
Someone is gushing blood.

(360/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8253 5 AM)
Someone swings something backhand across its body in a wide arc, hitting you!
Someone's crescent slash devastates you!
Someone is gushing blood.

(328/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8253 5 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pierce.
You dodge someone's pierce.
Someone deflects your slash with its defensive spin.
Someone is gushing blood.

(328/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8253 5 AM) crit
You recognize a weak point in someone's defenses and strike!
Your critical hit MASSACRES someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

(328/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8253 5 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's claw.
You have become better at spin!
Your defensive spin deflects someone's claw.
Someone deflects your slash with its defensive spin.
Someone deflects your slash with its defensive spin.
Someone is writhing in agony.

(328/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8203 5 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pierce.
You parry someone's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pierce.
Someone deflects your slash with its defensive spin.
Someone deflects your slash with its defensive spin.
Someone is writhing in agony.

(328/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8203 5 AM) crit

Someone's bash misses you.
You evade someone's bash, causing it to fall flat on its face.
Someone is writhing in agony.

(328/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM) You recognize a weak point in someone's defenses and strike!
Your critical hit *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

(328/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM)
You dodge someone's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pierce.
Someone deflects your slash with its defensive spin.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

(328/627hp 275/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM)
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.
Bagzan is convulsing on the ground.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM) crit

Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's pierce.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Bagzan's pierce.
Your slash EVISCERATES Bagzan!
Bagzan is stunned, but will probably recover.
Your slash DISMEMBERS Bagzan!
Bagzan is DEAD!!
You hear Bagzan's death cry.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM) You may only attempt a critical hit while fighting.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM) cb Bagzan is dead. The fool attacked me once more...
Joushin: Bagzan is dead. The fool attacked me once more...

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM) Bagzan tells you 'nice'

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM) examine pit
You do not see that here.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM)
Drahkul: ya, get that gully dwarf piss fer kriack, tha's his favorite.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM) examine corpse
The corpse of Bagzan is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Bagzan contains:
( 2) an amethyst ring
(Magical) a charred leather bracer
(Magical) arm bands bearing the insignia of two crossed swords
a cowhide knapsack
(Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) the amulet of control
(Glowing) a shirt of shining silver chain
a cloak of wyvern leather
crescent gauntlets
adamantite greaves
an adamantite helm
a short spear
12 silver coins
19 copper coins

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM)
Urgarg: Good done.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM)
Drahkul: Ya, ya stood yer ground then, that be fine.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM)
Bagzan has arrived.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM) get amulet corpse

Bagzan gets an amethyst ring from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets a charred leather bracer from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets arm bands bearing the insignia of two crossed swords from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets an amethyst ring from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets a cowhide knapsack from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets the amulet of control from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets a shirt of shining silver chain from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets a cloak of wyvern leather from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets crescent gauntlets from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets adamantite greaves from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets an adamantite helm from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets a short spear from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets 12 silver coins from the corpse of Bagzan.
Bagzan gets 19 copper coins from the corpse of Bagzan.
You see nothing like that in the corpse.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM)
Kriack: Yer mother be da makin' it

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 6 AM)
The rain ceases.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 7 AM)
Bagzan looks at you.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 7 AM) nod
You nod.

(312/627hp 276/358mp 524/524mv 8203 7 AM)
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.

(298/627hp 279/358mp 524/524mv 8203 7 AM)
Feolin: Heellss, duusst flooaatiin' iin iit beeiin' meeh faavooriitee.

(298/627hp 279/358mp 524/524mv 8203 7 AM)
Bagzan wields a short spear.
Bagzan wears an adamantite helm on his head.
Bagzan wears adamantite greaves on his legs.
Bagzan wears crescent gauntlets on his forepaws.
Bagzan wears a cloak of wyvern leather about his body.
Bagzan wears a shirt of shining silver chain on his body.
Bagzan wears the amulet of control around his neck.
Bagzan wears an amethyst ring on his left finger.
Bagzan wears arm bands bearing the insignia of two crossed swords on his arms.
Bagzan wears a charred leather bracer around his left wrist.
Bagzan wears an amethyst ring on his right finger.

(298/627hp 279/358mp 524/524mv 8203 7 AM) 'I do not know why you strike me though.
You say 'I do not know why you strike me though.'

(298/627hp 279/358mp 524/524mv 8203 7 AM) af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 19 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 5 for 19 hours.
Skill: 'impale' modifies dexterity by -4 for 13 hours.
Skill: 'impale' modifies strength by -4 for 13 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 0 hours.

(298/627hp 279/358mp 524/524mv 8203 7 AM) ber
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

(360/627hp 249/358mp 474/524mv 8203 7 AM)
Bagzan sits down and rests.

(360/627hp 249/358mp 474/524mv 8203 7 AM) l
The North Road
The old dusty road runs north-south straighter than an arrow, the monotony of
the plains dulling your senses. The only thing that stands between a
traveler and a lost wanderer, is the simple worn down path on which you
walk. A short wild grass covers the land all around you, growing in small
patches even on the road. The air is fresh and comforting, away from the
cities and crowds. The North Road continues to the north and south.

The corpse of Bagzan is here, badly sliced and hacked.
(Ghost) Bagzan is resting here.

(360/627hp 249/358mp 474/524mv 8203 7 AM) 'Why is that?
You say 'Why is that?'

(360/627hp 249/358mp 474/524mv 8203 8 AM)
You feel less tough.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding devastates you!

(333/627hp 252/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM) call resi
You feel tough!

(333/627hp 202/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM) where
People near you:
Bagzan The North Road
(PK) Joushin The North Road
Vhenelcar The North Road

(333/627hp 202/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM) call spellbane
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM) Urgarg tells you 'Good done. Let none oppose you unbloodied.'

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM)
Feolin has arrived.

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM)
Feolin leaves south.

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM)
Hru has arrived.

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM)
Hru leaves north.

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM) reply He has struck at me often this night?
You tell Urgarg 'He has struck at me often this night?'

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM) l
The North Road
The old dusty road runs north-south straighter than an arrow, the monotony of
the plains dulling your senses. The only thing that stands between a
traveler and a lost wanderer, is the simple worn down path on which you
walk. A short wild grass covers the land all around you, growing in small
patches even on the road. The air is fresh and comforting, away from the
cities and crowds. The North Road continues to the north and south.

Dust from passing travelers settles softly over a small pool of fresh blood.
The corpse of Bagzan is here, badly sliced and hacked.
(Ghost) Bagzan is resting here.

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM) where
People near you:
Bagzan The North Road
(PK) Joushin The North Road
Hru The Dairein Crossroads
Vhenelcar The North Road
Feolin The North Road

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM) l bagzan
A medium sized being stands before you. His body covered in matted
fur, tangled and covered in soil. Underneath the coat of fur lies
a fairly muscular figure resembling that of a feline. Upon his back
is a branded tattoo of the letter "C". His left ear is missing a
chunk at the end, possibly lost in a fierce battle. On the inner
thigh of his right leg, is a diamond embedded into his skin and
held in place by a leather strap. Not a single one of his nails
was able to evade the muck that has built up over time. His paws
are dry and scaley, he does not appear to have had a shower in days.
Bagzan, a male felar, is convulsing on the ground.

Bagzan is using:
<worn on finger> an amethyst ring
<worn on finger> an amethyst ring
<worn around neck> (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) the amulet of control
<worn on body> (Glowing) a shirt of shining silver chain
<worn on head> an adamantite helm
<worn on legs> adamantite greaves
<worn on forepaws> crescent gauntlets
<worn on arms> (Magical) arm bands bearing the insignia of two crossed swords
<worn about body> a cloak of wyvern leather
<worn around wrist> (Magical) a charred leather bracer
<wielded> a short spear
A blind woman and her old dog make their way along the edge of the road.

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 8 AM)
The clouds disappear.

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 9 AM) 'Bagzan, why did you strike me?
You say 'Bagzan, why did you strike me?'

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 9 AM) where
People near you:
Bagzan The North Road
(PK) Joushin The North Road
Vhenelcar The North Road

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 9 AM)
Urgarg tells you 'Aye and now he knows the bite of failure.'

(333/627hp 152/358mp 481/524mv 8203 9 AM)

Your eyes see less truly.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.

(318/627hp 154/358mp 488/524mv 8203 9 AM) call true
You look around sharply!

(318/627hp 142/358mp 488/524mv 8203 9 AM) where
People near you:
Bagzan The North Road
(PK) Joushin The North Road
Vhenelcar The North Road

(318/627hp 142/358mp 488/524mv 8203 9 AM) 'I would not have sought to fight you, sir.
You say 'I would not have sought to fight you, sir.'

(318/627hp 142/358mp 488/524mv 8203 9 AM) where
People near you:
Bagzan The North Road
(PK) Joushin The North Road
Vhenelcar The North Road

(318/627hp 142/358mp 488/524mv 8203 9 AM) where
People near you:
Bagzan The North Road
(PK) Joushin The North Road
Vhenelcar The North Road

(318/627hp 142/358mp 488/524mv 8203 9 AM) 'Very well then, do not answer.
You say 'Very well then, do not answer.'
19240, Fight-Orushimen
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<100%hp 90%m 11%mv 9351tnl> where

Orushimen steps out of the shadows.
A cloud of dust fills the room.
You yell 'Help! Orushimen just threw dust in my eyes!'
You are blinded!
Someone parries your thrust.
Someone appears to be blinded.
Someone is in perfect health.

<100%hp 90%m 11%mv 9351tnl> You can't see a thing!
Someone is in perfect health.

<100%hp 90%m 11%mv 9351tnl>
You dodge someone's pound.
You dodge someone's pound.
You parry someone's claw.
Someone parries your thrust.
Someone's smash misses someone.
Someone is in perfect health.

<100%hp 90%m 11%mv 9351tnl> bash
You slam into someone, and send it flying!
Your bash grazes someone.
Someone has a few scratches.

<100%hp 90%m 11%mv 9351tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pound.
You parry someone's claw.
You dodge someone's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pound.
Someone parries your thrust.
Someone parries your thrust.
Someone parries your thrust.
Someone's smash misses someone.
Someone has a few scratches.

<100%hp 90%m 11%mv 9351tnl> af

You parry someone's pound.
You parry someone's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's claw.
Someone parries your thrust.
Your thrust EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's smash misses someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 90%m 11%mv 9351tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 19 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 19 hours.
Physical malady: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 9 hours.
Physical malady: 'blindness' modifies hit roll by -4 for 7 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 7 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 7 hours.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 90%m 11%mv 9351tnl> call res
You don't know any cabal powers of that name.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 93%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
You dodge someone's pound.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's claw.
Your thrust misses someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 93%m 17%mv 9351tnl> call resis
You feel tough!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
someone: Dwarves and duergar never heard of soap theaus
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
You dodge someone's pound.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's claw.
You parry someone's pound.
Your thrust EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's smash misses someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl> dirt

Someone throws a handful of sharp spikes at your feet!
You start to limp.
Someone's caltraps injures you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<97%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl> Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<97%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pound.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pound.
Someone dodges your thrust.
Your thrust DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone's smash misses someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<97%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
someone: Munro, eastern
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<97%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl> bash

You parry someone's pound.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's claw.
Someone's claw decimates you!
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pound.
Someone parries your thrust.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<92%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
someone: Har, silly me
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<92%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
Someone throws down a small globe.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<92%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl> Your bash misses someone.
You fall flat on your face!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<92%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
someone: Cant ya smell that
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<92%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
Someone's pound devastates you!
You parry someone's claw.
Someone dodges your thrust.
Someone parries your thrust.
Someone's smash misses someone.
Someone sends someone sprawling with a powerful bash.
Someone's bash hits someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<86%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
Something decomposes.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<86%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pound.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's claw.
Someone dodges your thrust.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<86%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl> bash

Your defensive spin deflects someone's pound.
You parry someone's claw.
Someone's claw decimates you!
Your thrust MUTILATES someone!
Someone parries your thrust.
Someone is gushing blood.

<81%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl> Your bash misses someone.
You fall flat on your face!
Someone is gushing blood.

<81%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
You dodge someone's pound.
You parry someone's claw.
You parry someone's pound.
Someone dodges your thrust.
Your thrust EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

<81%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pound.
Someone's claw mauls you.
You parry someone's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's pound.
Your thrust MUTILATES someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<76%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl>
Someone throws down a small globe.
Someone is gone!

<76%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl> af

Someone tells you 'care to learn?'

<76%hp 75%m 17%mv 9351tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 17 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 17 hours.
Physical malady: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 7 hours.
Physical malady: 'blindness' modifies hit roll by -4 for 5 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 5 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 5 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 3 hours.

<78%hp 79%m 22%mv 9351tnl>
someone: you the smelly basitds

<78%hp 79%m 22%mv 9351tnl>
Someone yells 'Em.'

<78%hp 79%m 22%mv 9351tnl>
someone: smellin like women an such

<78%hp 79%m 22%mv 9351tnl>
Someone yells 'I was unaware you were a villager.'

<78%hp 79%m 22%mv 9351tnl>
someone: Yar, we be smelling ya in Galadon from the Village

<78%hp 79%m 22%mv 9351tnl> yell A foolish mistake striking someone for no reason, no?
You yell 'A foolish mistake striking someone for no reason, no?'

<78%hp 79%m 22%mv 9351tnl>
someone: Jehegaciel has left the fray of battle.

<80%hp 83%m 28%mv 9351tnl> yell And does it matter or do you fear to fight me now?
You yell 'And does it matter or do you fear to fight me now?'

<80%hp 83%m 28%mv 9351tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 16 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 16 hours.
Physical malady: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 6 hours.
Physical malady: 'blindness' modifies hit roll by -4 for 4 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 4 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 4 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.

<80%hp 83%m 28%mv 9351tnl> i
You are carrying:

<80%hp 83%m 28%mv 9351tnl>
someone: See yar'z all laters dere.

<80%hp 83%m 28%mv 9351tnl> note list

Someone yells 'If you wish to continue the fight, I will do so, and I had my reasons for striking you.'
< 0 > Miradur: My Final Hour
< 1 > Sgiathach: Miradur
< 2 > Sgiathach: Peace
< 3 > Sgiathach: The Bastion against the Oppressors
< 4 > Sgiathach: Aumtumn Moon
< 5 > Zhabrinyhai: I still hold true to my beliefs.
< 6 > Nalwarf: 'Bout Zhabrinyhai
< 7 > Sgiathach: Proposed Peace Negotiations
< 8 > Jehegaciel: Quezzumpliet
< 9 > Krathrael: Quezzumpliet
< 10 > Feolin: Drunken Beatin'!
< 11 > Sylvrin: That ye might have peace.
< 12 > Gieldon: Kriack
< 13 > Drahkul: Building more huts.
< 14 > Sgiathach: The Mighty Village Beckons.
< 15 > Nalwarf: 'Bout Kriack
< 16 > Nalwarf: 'Bout Karach an' such.
< 17 > Wilhath: Joining the Strong Arm of Civilization
< 18 > Gieldon: Varza
< 19 > Drahkul: Temporary Truce
< 20 > Sgiathach: The Dark Piper
< 21 > Theaus: Me again
< 22 > Sabiene: About Theaus
< 23 > Sgiathach: Kriack and Theaus
< 24 > Sgiathach: Krathrael
< 25 > Ramstin: Karach
< 26 > Gieldon: A death for the Honor of Krathrael
< 27 > Sgiathach: About Urgarg
< 28 > Grogim: Karach the Stinking GullyDwarf
< 29 > Gieldon: Cassougi da nexan
< 30 > Krynvic: Sir, Reporting for durty.
< 31 > Capoc: My desire to join the village.
< 32 > Drahkul: Centurions.
< 33 > Drahkul: Unneeded Bloodshed.
< 34 > Khajereh: Theaus
< 35 > Astilamos: Addition to the treaty.
< 36 > Nalwarf: 'Bout da birdy Urgarg
< 37 > Stampar: The smelly Kriack
< 38 > Ezrail: Cylandrael
< 39 > Cylandrael: Formal request for a position within the village.

< 40 > Blaloth: Joining
< 41 > Nalwarf: 'Bout youngin' Varza.
< 42 > Sgiathach: Krynvic
< 43 > Arintha: Blood and Rage.
< 44 > Siegfrede: The Survival of the World as we know it.
< 45 > Orushimen: Application
< 46 > Josephus: Warlocks
< 47 > Feolin: Drunkin' Brawlin'!
< 48 > Zalennon: An ode to Aemelius
< 49 > Zhabrinyhai: A confirmed Warlock.
< 50 > Sylvrin: A call to join the Fortress of the Light
< 51 > Aorfreiem: My intentions
< 52 > Zajelgrak: I seek to join da ranks o' da defenders o' da world from da taint.
< 53 > Wilhath: Creation and Conquest
< 54 > Ozlif: Ozlif Greyfur.
< 55 > Gieldon: My backing to Brulg
< 56 > Stampar: This one
< 57 > Zhabrinyhai: The applicant, Brulg.
< 58 > Gieldon: Ozlif
< 59 > Ramstin: Aorfreiem
< 60 > Ezrail: Ozlif
< 61 > Kriack: Brulg's ugly arse
< 62 > Rhazgal: I seek to earn a hut in your village
< 63 > Stampar: Parcan
< 64 > Alan: The Applicant Cylandrael.
< 65 > Stampar: Zajelgrak
< 66 > Beldern: My hut
< 67 > Stampar: Vael and Beltic
< 68 > Ezrail: zajelgrak
< 69 > Graveer: My very own hut.
< 70 > Kriack: Kyam
< 71 > Sylvrin: Anthem for the Fortress
< 72 > Kriack: Why I be da fargin' moron
< 73 > Ezrail: zajelgrak
< 74 > Cerkc: Zajelgrak
< 75 > Urgarg: The stalker Zajelgrak
< 76 > Joushin: Introduction
< 77 > Ezrail: Joushin
< 78 > Joushin: Answers
someone: och

< 79 > Ezrail: Joushin
< 80 > Tilinkrist: I pledge my blade and my heart to the War
< 81 > Wilhath: A Father's Death
< 82 > Zajelgrak: Ruorik
< 83 > Joushin: Lessons Learned
< 84 > Urgarg: Joushin
< 85 > Eliwnar: de war.
< 86 > Wiglaf: Siegfrede
< 87 > Theaus: Known enemies
< 88 > Jehegaciel: Jarldar
< 89 > Stampar: Cassougi, Jarldar.
< 90 > Drahkul: The Fool, Quintilyn.
< 91 > Synterak: Quintilyn action
< 92 > Orushimen: scroll

<80%hp 83%m 28%mv 9351tnl>
someone: Kriack has left the fray of battle.
someone: Farewell again Brother

<80%hp 83%m 28%mv 9351tnl>
someone: Farwell

<80%hp 83%m 28%mv 9351tnl> cb Hmm..it appears Orushimen withdrew his note for good reason as he just struck at me. Luck for him I was blind.
Joushin: Hmm..it appears Orushimen withdrew his note for good reason as he just struck at me. Luck for him I was blind.

<82%hp 86%m 33%mv 9351tnl>
someone: the little furbastid

<82%hp 86%m 33%mv 9351tnl>
someone: Perhaps he wants to be a Scion or something

<82%hp 86%m 33%mv 9351tnl>

<85%hp 89%m 39%mv 9351tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 14 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 14 hours.
Physical malady: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 4 hours.
Physical malady: 'blindness' modifies hit roll by -4 for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 0 hours.

<85%hp 89%m 39%mv 9351tnl> i
You are carrying:

<85%hp 89%m 39%mv 9351tnl>
someone: thar be a whole mess a death nights runnin bout..

<85%hp 89%m 39%mv 9351tnl>
someone: Ancruhljin, Graesork, ziggurith, an hadrian..

<85%hp 89%m 39%mv 9351tnl>

<85%hp 89%m 39%mv 9351tnl> af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 14 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 14 hours.
Physical malady: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 4 hours.
Physical malady: 'blindness' modifies hit roll by -4 for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 0 hours.

<85%hp 89%m 39%mv 9351tnl> r
You rest.

<85%hp 89%m 39%mv 9351tnl> cb This dust is rather annoying.
Joushin: This dust is rather annoying.

<85%hp 89%m 39%mv 9351tnl> st
You stand up.

<85%hp 89%m 39%mv 9351tnl> call true
You look around sharply!
You can see again.
Your vision returns.

<85%hp 72%m 39%mv 9351tnl> af

You feel less tough.

<87%hp 76%m 45%mv 9351tnl> You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 13 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 13 hours.
Physical malady: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 3 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 1 hours.

<87%hp 76%m 45%mv 9351tnl> where
People near you:
Mercuzin A Small Forest Trail
(PK) Joushin Among the hunters tents

<87%hp 76%m 45%mv 9351tnl> cb Ah much better
Joushin: Ah much better

<87%hp 76%m 45%mv 9351tnl> whois o
<18 Dwarf Hea> Oburthoen the Bishop
<22 Felar Shf> (PK) Oshubacyl the Student of Speed
<22 Felar Asn> (PK) Orushimen the Master of Kotegaeshi
<40 Dwarf War> Orueo the Master of Copper
<34 Felar War> Ozlif the Baron of Hurricanes

<87%hp 76%m 45%mv 9351tnl>
Kugnar: Usin ya truesites..

<87%hp 76%m 45%mv 9351tnl> l
Among the hunters tents
>From lands far apart in both distance and culture, groups of hunters
have gathered for the hunting that takes place in these woods. Several
groups have come to take part. Many tents have been set up here with
various flags and colors near each displaying their royalty, race, or
family. The forest can be seen off to the south and west a bit. Huge
fields spread out to the east and north. Directly south and west are
other groups of hunters that have gathered.

( 6) A short bow made of oak lies here.
( 2) A small leather bracer rests here.
A poncho made of waterproof cloth is here.
A piece of drift wood floats here harmlessly.
A small wooden cudgel lies here.
A colorful pair of pants are lying here.
A rather clean cut man stands here trying to sell you food.

<87%hp 76%m 45%mv 9351tnl> s
Among the hunters tents

( 4) A mug of beer sits here.
( 4) A greenish-brown pile of cloth blends with the ground here.
A strange ring, set with a small gem is here.
(21) Some rusted lock picks lie here.
(11) A small mace lies here covered in blood.
( 5) A small black dagger is stuck in the ground here.
( 8) A small pile of raccoon skin, tail and all, lies here.
A brightly colored cap lies here.
A small pair of leather boots lie here.
A small puppy plays carelessly here.

<87%hp 76%m 44%mv 9351tnl> s
In the Forest

A young deer stands grazing.
A young boy plays in the dirt here.
A woman carries necessities back to her home.

<87%hp 76%m 43%mv 9351tnl> w
In the Forest

A black wolf searches for a safe place to hide.

<87%hp 76%m 42%mv 9351tnl> where
People near you:
Mercuzin A Small Forest Trail
(PK) Joushin In the Forest

<87%hp 76%m 42%mv 9351tnl> In the Forest

( 4) A small leather bracer rests here.
A small brown fox is here trying to avoid you.

<87%hp 76%m 41%mv 9351tnl> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<87%hp 76%m 41%mv 9351tnl> whois o
<18 Dwarf Hea> Oburthoen the Bishop
<22 Felar Shf> (PK) Oshubacyl the Student of Speed
<40 Dwarf War> Orueo the Master of Copper
<34 Felar War> Ozlif the Baron of Hurricanes

<87%hp 76%m 41%mv 9351tnl> e
In the Forest

A little gopher pokes his head in and out of the brush.

<87%hp 76%m 39%mv 9351tnl> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<90%hp 79%m 45%mv 9351tnl> In the Forest

( 4) A greenish-brown pile of cloth blends with the ground here.
An elf slowly moves through the forest hunting something.

<90%hp 79%m 44%mv 9351tnl> e
In the Forest

A small sword shaped stick lies here.

<90%hp 79%m 43%mv 9351tnl> e
Among the Travelers

( 2) A colorfully decorated flute is lying here.
A small sword shaped stick lies here.
Orushimen is here.
A black wolf searches for a safe place to hide.
A weasel hides here in the underbrush.
A woman dressed in clashing colors dances around playing a flute.
A small boy is here dancing around like a fool to the music.

<90%hp 79%m 42%mv 9351tnl> where
People near you:
Mercuzin A Small Forest Trail
(PK) Joushin Among the Travelers

<90%hp 79%m 42%mv 9351tnl> 'I'm not going to fell you.
You say 'I'm not going to fell you.'

<90%hp 79%m 42%mv 9351tnl> where
People near you:
Mercuzin A Small Forest Trail
(PK) Joushin Among the Travelers

<90%hp 79%m 42%mv 9351tnl>
a massive giant: Intruder! Intruder! Gherian is raiding the Cabal!

<90%hp 79%m 42%mv 9351tnl> l
Among the Travelers
In a small cleared area of the forest, a group of travelers have taken
up residence here for a while. Colorful wagons are parked with no rhyme
or reason. People dance around campfires and sing the songs of nature
with no care of what's happening around. The forest continues in all
directions except north where it begins to clear. More wagons can be
seen to the east and north.

( 2) A colorfully decorated flute is lying here.
A small sword shaped stick lies here.
A black wolf searches for a safe place to hide.
A weasel hides here in the underbrush.
A woman dressed in clashing colors dances around playing a flute.
A small boy is here dancing around like a fool to the music.

<90%hp 79%m 42%mv 9351tnl>
Orushimen steps out of the shadows.
Orushimen's strangulation misses you.
You yell 'Help! I'm being strangled by Orushimen!'
Orushimen has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 79%m 42%mv 9351tnl>
You dodge Orushimen's pound.
Orushimen's claw MUTILATES you!
Your thrust MUTILATES Orushimen!
Orushimen has some small but disgusting cuts.

<82%hp 79%m 42%mv 9351tnl> bash
You slam into Orushimen, and send him flying!
Your bash injures Orushimen.
Orushimen has some small but disgusting cuts.

<82%hp 79%m 42%mv 9351tnl>
Your eyes see less truly.
Orushimen has some small but disgusting cuts.

<84%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl>
You dodge Orushimen's pound.
You parry Orushimen's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Orushimen's pound.
Orushimen dodges your thrust.
Orushimen parries your thrust.
Orushimen has some small but disgusting cuts.

<84%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl>
Kugnar: Munro here alsa
Orushimen has some small but disgusting cuts.

<84%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl> bash

Your defensive spin deflects Orushimen's pound.
Your defensive spin deflects Orushimen's claw.
You parry Orushimen's pound.
Orushimen dodges your thrust.
Orushimen has some small but disgusting cuts.

<84%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl> You slam into Orushimen, and send him flying!
Your bash hits Orushimen.
Orushimen has some small but disgusting cuts.

<84%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects Orushimen's pound.
Orushimen parries your thrust.
Your thrust EVISCERATES Orushimen!
Orushimen is covered with bleeding wounds.

<84%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl> bash

You parry Orushimen's pound.
You parry Orushimen's pound.
Your thrust DISMEMBERS Orushimen!
Orushimen is covered with bleeding wounds.

<84%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl>
Orushimen fails to execute a joint lock on you.
Orushimen's kotegaeshi misses you.
Your bash misses Orushimen.
You fall flat on your face!
Kugnar: Gian be on fire..
Orushimen is covered with bleeding wounds.

<84%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects Orushimen's pound.
Your defensive spin deflects Orushimen's claw.
Orushimen's pound devastates you!
Your thrust EVISCERATES Orushimen!
Orushimen parries your thrust.
Orushimen is gushing blood.

<78%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl> bash

You dodge Orushimen's pound.
Orushimen dodges your thrust.
Your thrust EVISCERATES Orushimen!
Orushimen is writhing in agony.

<78%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl>
Orushimen throws down a small globe.
Orushimen is writhing in agony.

<78%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl>
Orushimen's pound EVISCERATES you!
Orushimen's claw maims you!
You parry Orushimen's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Orushimen's claw.
Your thrust DISMEMBERS Orushimen!
Orushimen is convulsing on the ground.

<62%hp 81%m 47%mv 9351tnl>

Your neck feels better.
Orushimen is convulsing on the ground.

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl> You slam into Orushimen, and send him flying!
Your bash hits Orushimen.
Orushimen is convulsing on the ground.

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects Orushimen's pound.
Orushimen parries your thrust.
Orushimen is convulsing on the ground.

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl>
Your defensive spin deflects Orushimen's pound.
You parry Orushimen's claw.
Your thrust DISMEMBERS Orushimen!
Orushimen is DEAD!!
You hear Orushimen's death cry.

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl>
Orushimen tells you 'nice fight.'

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl>
Mercuzin chuckles politely.

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl>
a massive giant: Intruder! Intruder! Gherian is raiding the Cabal!

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl> cb Orushimen struck at me again..he perished this time
Joushin: Orushimen struck at me again..he perished this time

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl> examine corpse
The corpse of Orushimen lies in a bloody pool which oozes from a deep chest wound.
The corpse of Orushimen contains:
a pair of iron-studded paw wraps
a pair of sturdy leather paw-wraps
( 2) a silver necklace with a blue dragon pendant
(Humming) the Helm of Control
a pale white skull ring
(Glowing) a shirt of shining silver chain
an adamantite bracer
a leather hunting bracer
a skin from the snow leopard
a polished mithril girth
midnight dragon leggings
a ranger's knapsack
(Glowing) a feather of levitation
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
a moss-lined ring, set with turquoise
a razor-edged shield
nightmare blade
a long wooden staff
( 2) a fine cloak
4 gold coins
29 silver coins
13 copper coins

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl> get all.coin corpse
You see nothing like that in the corpse.

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl> get armguards corpse
You get a pair of armguards from the snow worm from the corpse of Orushimen.

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl> get all.coins corpse
You get 4 gold coins from the corpse of Orushimen.
You get 29 silver coins from the corpse of Orushimen.
You get 13 copper coins from the corpse of Orushimen.

<64%hp 83%m 53%mv 9351tnl> reply Come get your things, minus your armguards and coins
You tell Orushimen 'Come get your things, minus your armguards and coins'
19241, Against three
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>This takes place on the Eastern Road. I was gunning for Sylerion (33 felar ap). Tyaan (35 fire giant warrior) and Tichugo (29 1/2-drow AP) come to his aid. I had jumped Sylerion and Tichugo earlier that day and they escaped. Also, there are like 3-4 imperials on the road who are also in my range. Here is how it goes down.<<<

703/703hp 349/436mp 473/615mv 12230 6 AM)
Sylerion has arrived.
Your bash misses Sylerion.
You fall flat on your face!
Sylerion yells 'Help! Joushin is bashing me!'
Sylerion is in perfect health.

(703/703hp 349/436mp 473/615mv 12230 6 AM) w
bash sylerion

Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Sylerion parries your electrical discharge.
Sylerion is in perfect health.

(703/703hp 349/436mp 473/615mv 12230 6 AM)
You fail to get in one more shot as Sylerion flees.
Sylerion is in perfect health.

(703/703hp 349/436mp 473/615mv 12230 7 AM)
You fail to get in one more shot as Sylerion flees.
Sylerion leaves east.
Sylerion has fled!

(703/703hp 349/436mp 473/615mv 12230 7 AM) wear staff
bash sylerion

Tyraan has arrived.
Sylerion has arrived.

(703/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
You yell 'Die, Sylerion, you sorcerous dog!'
Sylerion utters the words, 'grzzs'.
Sylerion parries your electrical discharge.
No way! You are still fighting!
Sylerion is in perfect health.

(703/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM) You slam into Sylerion, and send him flying!
Your bash scratches Sylerion.
Sylerion has a few scratches.

(703/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Sylerion parries your electrical discharge.
Sylerion has a few scratches.

(703/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Tyraan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Tyraan's bash injures you.
You yell 'Help! Tyraan is bashing me!'
Sylerion has a few scratches.

(690/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM) bash

Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Your electrical discharge EVISCERATES Sylerion!
Your electrical discharge MUTILATES Sylerion!
Your electrical discharge EVISCERATES Sylerion!
Sylerion has some small but disgusting cuts.

(690/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Demoli has arrived.
Sylerion has some small but disgusting cuts.

(690/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Demoli leaves west.
Sylerion has some small but disgusting cuts.

(690/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Demoli has arrived.
Sylerion has some small but disgusting cuts.

(690/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Sylerion dodges your electrical discharge.
Your electrical discharge EVISCERATES Sylerion!
Sylerion is covered with bleeding wounds.

(690/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Tyraan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Tyraan's bash grazes you.
Sylerion is covered with bleeding wounds.

(683/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Demoli looks at you.
Sylerion is covered with bleeding wounds.

(683/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Tyraan's cleave maims you!
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Sylerion's slice.
Sylerion deflects your electrical discharge with his shield.
Sylerion is covered with bleeding wounds.

(647/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Sylerion's kicked dirt misses you.
Sylerion is covered with bleeding wounds.

(647/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Tyraan's cleave EVISCERATES you!
You parry Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Sylerion's slice.
You parry Sylerion's slice.
Your electrical discharge DISMEMBERS Sylerion!
Your electrical discharge maims Sylerion!
Sylerion is covered with bleeding wounds.

(596/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 7 AM)
Tyraan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Tyraan's bash hits you.
Sylerion is covered with bleeding wounds.

(586/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Your electrical discharge DISMEMBERS Sylerion!
Sylerion is gushing blood.

(586/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 8 AM)
You fail to get in one more shot as Sylerion flees.
Sylerion leaves west.
Sylerion has fled!

(586/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Tyraan parries your electrical discharge.
Tyraan is in perfect health.

(586/703hp 362/436mp 510/615mv 12230 8 AM)
You feel less tough.
Your eyes see less truly.
Tyraan is in perfect health.

(597/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Someone has arrived.
Tyraan is in perfect health.

(597/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Someone leaves.
No way! You are still fighting!
Tyraan is in perfect health.

(597/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) Tyraan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Tyraan's bash mauls you.
Tyraan is in perfect health.

(575/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Sylerion has arrived.
You dodge Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Tyraan dodges your electrical discharge.
Tyraan is in perfect health.

(575/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) call resi

Sylerion stops using a short sword named "Khazid'hea".
Sylerion wields a thief's dagger.
Tyraan is in perfect health.

(575/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Tyraan parries your electrical discharge.
Tyraan is in perfect health.

(575/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Sylerion whips a thief's dagger around, disfiguring your face by ripping its flesh!
The horror of Sylerion's brutality freezes you momentarily!
Sylerion's face slash MUTILATES you!
You yell 'Die, Sylerion, you savage butcher!'
Tyraan is in perfect health.

(538/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Tyraan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Tyraan's bash injures you.
Tyraan is in perfect health.

(524/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Sylerion's thrust.
You dodge Sylerion's thrust.
Your electrical discharge DISMEMBERS Tyraan!
Tyraan has a few scratches.

(524/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Someone has arrived.
Tyraan has a few scratches.

(524/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Tyraan's cleave.
You dodge Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's thrust.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's thrust.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's thrust.
Tigucho fades into existence.
Your defensive spin deflects Tigucho's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tigucho's slash.
Your defensive spin deflects Tigucho's slash.
You parry Tigucho's cleave.
You parry Tigucho's slash.
Your defensive spin deflects Tigucho's slash.
You parry Tigucho's cleave.
Tyraan parries your electrical discharge.
Tyraan dodges your electrical discharge.
Tyraan has a few scratches.

(524/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Sylerion stops using a thief's dagger.
Sylerion wields a short sword named "Khazid'hea".
Tyraan has a few scratches.

(524/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Sylerion utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
Sylerion thrusts his paw forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches toward you.
Sylerion's lightning bolt MANGLES you!
Tyraan has a few scratches.

(439/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Xelilgu has arrived.
Tyraan has a few scratches.

(439/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Tigucho tries to disarm you, but fails.
Your bash misses Sylerion.
You fall flat on your face!
Tyraan has a few scratches.

(439/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
You dodge Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Sylerion's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
You parry Sylerion's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Tigucho's cleave.
You parry Tigucho's slash.
You parry Tigucho's slash.
Tyraan dodges your electrical discharge.
Tyraan parries your electrical discharge.
Tyraan has a few scratches.

(439/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Tyraan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Tyraan's bash mauls you.
Sylerion stops using a black shield.
Tyraan has a few scratches.

(418/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Sylerion's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Tigucho's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tigucho's slash.
You parry Tigucho's slash.
Your electrical discharge EVISCERATES Tyraan!
Your electrical discharge EVISCERATES Tyraan!
Tyraan has some small but disgusting cuts.

(418/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Xelilgu closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Xelilgu is surrounded by a white aura.
Tyraan has some small but disgusting cuts.

(418/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Sylerion wears a black shield as a shield.
Tyraan has some small but disgusting cuts.

(418/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Tigucho tries to disarm you, but fails.
Tyraan has some small but disgusting cuts.

(418/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Tyraan's cleave EVISCERATES you!
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Tigucho's cleave.
You parry Tigucho's slash.
Your defensive spin deflects Tigucho's cleave.
You parry Tigucho's cleave.
Your electrical discharge MASSACRES Tyraan!
Your electrical discharge EVISCERATES Tyraan!
Tyraan is covered with bleeding wounds.

(367/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Tyraan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Tyraan's bash injures you.
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt grazes you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Someone closes its eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Someone's feet rise off the ground.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
You parry someone's slice.
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's cleave.
Your electrical discharge DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone dodges your electrical discharge.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) flee
No way! You are still fighting!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) They aren't here.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) flee
No way! You are still fighting!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) They aren't here.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) You do not have that item.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) You get in one more shot on someone as it flees.
Your parting blow MASSACRES someone!
Someone leaves.
Someone has fled!
No way! You are still fighting!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) They aren't here.
You dodge someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Someone parries your electrical discharge.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) You slam into someone, and send it flying!
Your bash scratches someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) flee

Someone tries to disarm you, but fails.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
You parry someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's cleave.
You parry someone's slice.
You parry someone's slice.
Someone parries your electrical discharge.
Your electrical discharge EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

(348/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Someone's bash grazes you.
Someone is gushing blood.

(342/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Someone parries your electrical discharge.
Your electrical discharge DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone parries your electrical discharge.
Someone is gushing blood.

(342/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Someone has arrived.
Someone is gushing blood.

(342/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Someone tries to disarm you, but fails.
Someone is gushing blood.

(342/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) flee

Your defensive spin deflects someone's cleave.
Someone's cleave MASSACRES you!
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's slice.
Someone parries your electrical discharge and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's cleave MASSACRES you!
Someone is gushing blood.

(197/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Someone's bash hits you.
Someone is gushing blood.

(187/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM) flee

Someone has arrived.
Someone is gushing blood.

(187/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Someone leaves east.
Someone is gushing blood.

(187/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 8 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's cleave.
You parry someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Your electrical discharge DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

(187/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Someone closes its eyes and hums for an instant.
Someone is surrounded by a protective shield.
Someone is writhing in agony.

(187/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Someone utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
Someone thrusts its hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches toward you.
Someone's lightning bolt devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone is writhing in agony.

(155/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 9 AM)
You parry someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects someone's slice.
Your electrical discharge EVISCERATES someone!
Someone dodges your electrical discharge.
Your electrical discharge EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

(155/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Someone's bash wounds you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

(135/703hp 370/436mp 547/615mv 12230 9 AM)
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Tyraan is convulsing on the ground.

(123/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM) flee

You deflect Sylerion's spell!
Your spellbane devastates Sylerion!
You DISMEMBER Sylerion!
Tyraan is convulsing on the ground.

(123/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Tyraan's cleave.
You parry Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Tyraan dodges your electrical discharge.
Tyraan is convulsing on the ground.

(123/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Tigucho looks at Tyraan.
Tyraan is convulsing on the ground.

(123/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Tigucho leaves.
Tyraan is convulsing on the ground.

(123/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
You get in one more shot on Sylerion as he flees.
Your parting blow MUTILATES Sylerion!
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Your defensive spin deflects Sylerion's slice.
Sylerion's sword makes a burning scratch on your arm!
You feel momentarily ill, but it passes.
Your electrical discharge MUTILATES Tyraan!
Your electrical discharge EVISCERATES Tyraan!
Tyraan dodges your electrical discharge.
Tyraan is convulsing on the ground.

(123/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM) flee

You fail to get in one more shot as Sylerion flees.
Sylerion leaves west.
Sylerion has fled!
Tyraan is convulsing on the ground.

(123/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Tyraan sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Tyraan's bash wounds you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Tyraan is convulsing on the ground.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Tigucho has arrived.
Tyraan is convulsing on the ground.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
You parry Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Tyraan parries your electrical discharge.
Tyraan is convulsing on the ground.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
You yell 'Die, Tigucho, you sorcerous dog!'
You deflect Tigucho's spell!
Your spellbane MUTILATES Tigucho!
You MANGLE Tigucho!
Tyraan is convulsing on the ground.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tyraan's cleave.
Your defensive spin deflects Tigucho's slash.
Your electrical discharge EVISCERATES Tyraan!
Tyraan is DEAD!!
You hear Tyraan's death cry.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Demoli gets sword of the Ninjitsu from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets a black iron broadsword from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets a fat purple berry from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets a golden necklace set with emeralds from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets a black silk cape adorned with a blood-red spider from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets a wide, black leather belt from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets a pair of black steel gauntlets from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets a pair of blue dragonscale boots from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets serpent-scale leggings from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets a Big Ol'Pack Sack from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets flawless pectoral plates of red hematite from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets the helm of Kazzal-Bak from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets a silver coin from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets 91 copper coins from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Demoli puts the helm of Kazzal-Bak in the girdle of endless space.
Demoli puts a Big Ol'Pack Sack in the girdle of endless space.
Demoli puts serpent-scale leggings in the girdle of endless space.
Demoli puts a pair of blue dragonscale boots in the girdle of endless space.
Demoli puts a pair of black steel gauntlets in the girdle of endless space.
Demoli puts a golden necklace set with emeralds in the girdle of endless space.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Demoli gets gleaming adamantite leggings from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets an adamantite bracer from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets a piece of drift wood from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.
Demoli gets a pitch-black ring from the burnt corpse of Tyraan.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
Demoli puts a pitch-black ring in the girdle of endless space.
Demoli puts a piece of drift wood in the girdle of endless space.
Demoli puts an adamantite bracer in the girdle of endless space.
Demoli puts gleaming adamantite leggings in the girdle of endless space.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
You fail to get in one more shot as Tigucho flees.
Tigucho leaves.
Tigucho has fled!

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM) e

Sylerion has arrived.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM) e

Sylerion leaves east.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM) e

Syuusakayai pops back into existence.

(103/703hp 371/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM) You feel tough!

(103/703hp 321/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM) e

Demoli wears a black silk cape adorned with a blood-red spider about his body.

(103/703hp 321/436mp 556/615mv 12230 9 AM)
The rain ceases.

(103/703hp 321/436mp 556/615mv 12230 10 AM) You aren't fighting anyone.

(103/703hp 321/436mp 556/615mv 12230 10 AM) You aren't fighting anyone.

(103/703hp 321/436mp 556/615mv 12230 10 AM) ber
You aren't fighting anyone.

(103/703hp 321/436mp 556/615mv 12230 10 AM) You aren't fighting anyone.

(103/703hp 321/436mp 556/615mv 12230 10 AM) You aren't fighting anyone.

(103/703hp 321/436mp 556/615mv 12230 10 AM) You aren't fighting anyone.

(103/703hp 321/436mp 556/615mv 12230 10 AM) Birkota tells you 'I aid you.'
You aren't fighting anyone.

(103/703hp 321/436mp 556/615mv 12230 10 AM) Approaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin

(103/703hp 321/436mp 555/615mv 12230 10 AM) A Stone Bridge Across the River Erinin

(103/703hp 321/436mp 554/615mv 12230 10 AM)
Someone has arrived.
Approaching a Bridge Over the River Erinin

(103/703hp 321/436mp 553/615mv 12230 10 AM) Along the Eastern Road

(103/703hp 321/436mp 552/615mv 12230 10 AM) Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

(177/703hp 291/436mp 502/615mv 12230 10 AM) e

You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding hits you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

(171/703hp 293/436mp 511/615mv 12230 10 AM) Along the Eastern Road

(171/703hp 293/436mp 510/615mv 12230 10 AM) e
People near you:
Kadinar A Large Crossroads
Tyraan Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Sylerion Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Demoli Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Xelilgu Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Birkota Along the Eastern Road
Syuusakayai Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Joushin Along the Eastern Road

>>>Birkota, Demoli, Xelilgu, and Wakonas are all Imperials. Wakonas is in the shadows. All in my range while I was fighting the two APs and the non-cabaled warrior.<<<
19262, RE: Well
Posted by robturner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I again enjoyed our fights, and each time figured I'd be able to kill you the next time, but you switched tactics it seemed. Maybe the next time we can fight on the same side.
19266, Indeed
Posted by Joushin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We certainly had some good fights as I said in your goodbye. I'm not sure when I will roll another character up. It will be a bit of time at least. All I know as a defensive spec, swords are not what you want to fight. Though, I must ask, why you never flurried me?
19274, RE: Indeed
Posted by robturner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To be honest I hated flurry. Was son damn hard to get better at and the lag was huge. I figured in our fights that if I flurried and missed (as I often did) you would have a lot of time to do some damage. Maybe next time I will though :) Later man.
19283, A conflict in roles
Posted by Feolin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Joushin and Feolin were WAY different role-wise. I enjoyed the difference and conflict in views, ways of doing things, etc. You were the upstanding, honorbound warrior-type and I was the drunken, ####-talking, loudmouth that likes to fly by the seat of his pants. I hope whatever is taking all of your time is relaxing and fun, not a stressful and irritating situation of some sort.

19318, RE: Well
Posted by Urgarg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry it took so long to reply but alas work is kicking my ass. I hate browsing the forums and seeing a delete post from yet another villager who I favored. Your role was a pain in the ass but I liked your style of play enough to try to work around it. Having to prove mobs had no honor before you would assult them in a group made for some creative sessions. I thought you fought well and played even better. See you back in the fields again soon..
19449, RE: Well
Posted by Zylundak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and I didn't get a chance to interact too much, but I liked you, and I am pretty sure I know what your talking about with several things that you dont like. I am a pain in the but to alot of people, its good to see people I dont have to be as much of a pain to. All in all, pretty well done, hope you come back for more.
