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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Anlon the Uki Goshi
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19159
19159, (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Anlon the Uki Goshi
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jul 15 01:46:21 2003

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 2nd of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Anlon perished, never to return.

Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light

19184, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Anlon the Uki Goshi
Posted by Sarkarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you were quite a young punk assassin. I loved your guts and balls. Being an assassin the the Fortress is often like wearing a glowing "Assassin is Here" sign with all the duergar black knights in the Empire. It is pretty hard to do the stuff you're trained to do without 3-4 people swarming you. I know what you mean abut never being able to fight an opponent alone...never have.

Yes, you left corpses everywhere. That's your legacy: You were a fighter who fought with or without clothes...your naked majesty was quite (un)inspiring.

Keep it up, and for cripes sake, don't join the other side...you'd be a pain in the ass.

Luck to you Anlon

19188, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Anlon the Uki Goshi
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm going to miss interacting with you man. There were a few times I was down about getting ganged all to hell, and you'd come along and say something really stupid, or die a really stupid death (like when you dusted that shifter who came to help us at the fortress, LOL!!), and I'd just sit here and LAUGH my ass off and feel all better. You were a giant help man.
19244, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Anlon the Uki Goshi
Posted by Sarkarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey! The shifter wasn't there when I closed my eyes and charged! Trust me, I held my head and groaned at dusting a pissed of tiger.

You still haven't got any feet.

I'll save some fish for you.

19171, Anlon: Knock off the pissing contests. (n/t)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

19174, For the love of christ what was wrong with THAT post? nt
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
19162, Well ####.
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I figured this was going to happen. I started seriously playing Anlon again about a month ago. At the time I had 20 con and 2 or 3 trains. The Imperials were on the rise, and the Fortress wasn't so much in power, so I figured it would be a good time to start playing again. Then the gangbangs started. Now, for a sphere Honor guy who never intentionally hit anyone with more than fair odds, who generally travelled even ranking, alone, this sucked the big one. But whats a guy to do, you know? Honor dictates I suck it up and keep on plowing ahead, chin up, and don't bend my knee to anyone or lower myself to their tactics. And so I died. A LOT. There's a tiny number of people who can say they ever beat me alone, and for that I'm pleased. There's something warm and fuzzy about having people come at you in larger numbers than you have items of clothing on. I think the one that amused me the most was a 5 on 1 by Imperials, who aren't supposed to break the laws, in Tar Valon, when I had on a poisoned dagger, a snow worm shield, and a pair of leather leggings. Ahh well, whatever.

On to the thank you's.

First and foremost to Vyn. Vyn you were my first contact in the fortress. I was in my teens, and you basically told me to get to 20 and then see you. So I did, and then you told me to talk to a Leader. So off I went to Yaofhil, and I was his last Squire. You always gave good immteraction, and I liked you all around. I hope things are going really well for you, you're a good guy IC and OOC and you deserve all the goodness life can give you.

Shokai. Damn good interactions with you, as per usual. I've had my problems with you in the past, but they were always greatly outnumbered by the good times that I've had because of you, so it all works out. You're good people in my eyes. I DO wish I had noticed you made me a full maran sooner than I did. I felt like a dink when Lariya noticed before I did. Heh. I always tried real hard not to let you down, and fought and RP'd as if you were always looking over my shoulder, because I didn't want to disappoint. If it helps any, I died my last death trying to save a paladin being ganged out in the streambed.

Jahaar. I've still got no clue what you wanted me to look for when you gave me my con quest. Short of doing some VERY un-Maranly things, I doubt I would have been able to accomplish the goals you set for me. I do wish I had been able to finish the quest, because the character was really just starting to hit a good solid groove for me. Also I had planned all along to become a full Maran, and THEN approach you for your tat, after having accomplished something of that magnitude alone.


First the fortress.

Aemelius. You never knew it, but I would hide and sneak out of those meetings on tactics, sit in the inn, have a few drinks, and sneak back in just in time to be dismissed. Sorry but it bored the hell out of me since I always fought alone. Also I spent a good quarter of my characters life towards the end, cleaning up for your giant blunders. You kept pissing off the people/mobs who were there to further things with the Talia story line, and they would leave without giving us the information we needed. I always went to them behind your back, and played diplomat. I did a lot of things in service to the light that I found distasteful, but I saw that as my role, to keep others from having to do those things. You made my job a LOT harder.

Jhanderin. You helped me and for that I was grateful. But I always thought you had the wrong mentality for your position, when it came to how you treated the other lightwalkers.

Sarkarian. You were an inspiration. You fought alone, you kept your chin...err beak up, and you helped me relax those times when I would get ganged all to #### and seriously contemplate deletion. I swear you got ganged almost as much as me.

Sheilica. You deserve a lot better than you get from your brothers and sisters in the light. You ARE a good woman, you do your very best, and to me thats what an Acolyte is all about. To your detractors, I give a hearty #### you.

Elrys. I saw you I think twice in my characters whole life. *shrug*

Yaofhil. Damn you for deleting. You were THE man. You made Anlon swell with pride everytime you would call me "your squire" in front of people. I was like "Yeah thats right bitches, I'm his squire. Step off yo" or something like that. You were the BEST.

Furian. You were a great bard, and a good friend. I wish you had held on just a LITTLE longer, but I can understand why you left when you did.

Zacharyn. You're a good strong presence in the Fortress, and I hope you continue to be.

Coronado. I have some very mixed feelings about you. You did some things that made me seriously question your fitness to even be a squire, let alone a full Maran, but at other times you did things that were 100% Maran, through and through. You were like Dr. Jackass and Mr. Maran, and I never knew what to expect from you. Overall I had good interactions with you and think you're good for the Fortress.

Vorondel. Congratz on the cardinalship. I think you'll do an excellent job, and I wish I had had time to get to know you better. Another good, strong player.

Cersai. You don't back down, and you always push yourself to do well, no matter the odds. I respected you. Keep up the good work.

Jirash. Damn you died just before I did. I log in just before dying for the last time and see your fuzzy little corpse at the altar. You were fun to hang with though.

Gwyntwhateverthehellyournameis. You really pissed me off, just about everytime I ever saw you on. When the Fortress is under attack, and a fellow Squire calls, you COME. Even if all you can do is grab the things from the corpse, you get off your ass and put in an appearance, ESPECIALLY when asked for. I'm really pleased that you weren't around much after that incident, because I doubt I would have been able to hold my tongue for very long in your presence.

Finally, Sylvrin. I wish we had had more time pretty lady. Things were just starting to get really interesting there, and I feel bad because I know Anlon dying like this will do icky things to your character. I really did try to hang around, but you know, I couldn't just let that 3 on 1 happen without stepping in.

Warlocks. Who? Earlier today we retrieved the orb. One of my last 2 deaths went there to the retrieval. Then right afterwards, one of the others says over the cabal channel "The warlocks request our aid in retrieving the grimoire once we are rested". Where the hell were you guys when WE were raiding for our item? You sure asked for help an awful lot, but I never saw any of you rushing to help US out.


Docrrann. I respected you as an enemy. You would fight me alone, and I ended things being one up on you. ;) Always a good fight either way, and we had a good understanding between us. Players like you are a good addition to the mud.

Fraznel. You too I respected. We had some great fights. You had the edge in ranks and backup, but I still generally managed to hold my own with you. Good fights.

Gurgudu. Sorry about looting you that one time, but necessity is what it is, and I was naked. Also after all the smack you talked, I was obligated to teach you a bit of a lesson. For the record, everytime you cried to me about "having your things" it was stuff someone else had given me. The only thing I ever took of yours directly was a hammer pendant. I was always more than glad to tell you who had your things, but you kept insisting it was me. Heh.

To the rest of you. I really don't think too many of the rest of you deserve an individual space here. CF has taken a huge downturn in how fights are handled in the last year or so, and it's pretty badly degenerated into a "who has the biggest gang on their side" mud. First it was the goods running around, ganging everyone to #### and full looting, and now its the Empire. For christs sake people, grow some ####ing balls and learn to do some fighting without 500 people backing you up. Would it kill you just once to say "Don't help me with this, I've got him" when you see a lone opponent? Are you such chicken####s that you refuse to even a slight risk to your shiny suit of eq? I spent a good 75% or more of my time wearing a poisoned dagger, and a shield, and I still killed a lot of people, and accomplished a lot of my goals as a Maran. And I did it ALONE. #### this is such a pet peeve of mine I can't even begin to tell you. The day I got my full maran status, I had been ganged no less than 4 on 1 at least 6 times that day. I actually had just been in the process of deleting, when we were raided, and I figured "#### it, I can't delete when they have the orb". After that I calmed down, and figured I'd see the character through to the bitter end.

And for ####s sake, I wish the Imperials would remember the Imperial laws about not breaking the laws of the towns. Aside from all the huge ass gangbangs on me in town, I once watched a highly placed imperial loot a fallen tribunal in town. Thats the kind of #### that makes me mad, and shows me how so many of you are only RPing enough to get into the cabal, and nothing beyond that. Jesus, if I stick to my role enough that it con kills me, I think you all could stick to your supposed roles enough to not go against the things you're supposed to hold most dear.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with this character. I had a lot of frustration as well, but mostly fun. I'll be seeing you all again REAL soon.

19165, I really don't understand how you became a Maran
Posted by Vansia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lots of respect for the whole solo fighting thing, but I think that was the major reason I didn't think you character deserved to be a Maran. Not directly, of course going out solo would help, but from your attitude after your attacks I think made you very Un-Maranly.
Whenever I talked to you you seemed very aggressive, and I think the reason for this is because your multiple gangings/deaths put you in a bad mood. However, for the amount of deaths you suffered you did keep your role (Except for getting angry) and you do have my respect for that. From what I've read and been told, I always thought the Maran weren't ment to let their hate and anger drive them, but this is what I always saw in you.
A perfect example is that Tribunal incident, I won't go into it because the character in question is still active, but you know what I mean.
Maybe I've I got it all wrong, I'm not a Maran pro, far from it. Maybe it's in your role to be agressive. Maybe you shouldn't drink so much when you play. I don't know, but that was just my view of Anlon.

Anyway, good luck with whatever you play next, maybe a not so gangable character?
19167, Ugh, you bugged me in so many ways.
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Lots of respect for the whole solo fighting thing, but I
>think that was the major reason I didn't think you character
>deserved to be a Maran. Not directly, of course going out solo
>would help, but from your attitude after your attacks I think
>made you very Un-Maranly.

Pointless flaming deleted by moderator.

>Whenever I talked to you you seemed very aggressive, and I
>think the reason for this is because your multiple
>gangings/deaths put you in a bad mood. However, for the amount
>of deaths you suffered you did keep your role (Except for
>getting angry) and you do have my respect for that. From what
>I've read and been told, I always thought the Maran weren't
>ment to let their hate and anger drive them, but this is what
>I always saw in you.

We spoke maybe two times. Both times YOU were trying to harp on ME about what it meant to be a good person. No offense, but this really turned me off of your being even considered for membership. When you're trying to get into an exclusive club, walking up to a charter member and trying to explain to them why they don't understand the rules of the club is just not condusive to good feelings. It's just NOT going to make you any friends. Especially when the entire reason for your bitching is totally off base.

>A perfect example is that Tribunal incident, I won't go into
>it because the character in question is still active, but you
>know what I mean.

This "incident" as you call it, was really the only time I ever bothered to speak to you, because you so completely turned me off with your attitude. You were lecturing me on why I should forgive and forget with the guy in question LONG after he and I had already made nicey nice, and hugged and made up. I kept asking him why you were still bothering the hell out of me, telling me I needed to let go of my hate and go and be nice to him, when I already had.

Pointless flaming deleted by moderator.

>Maybe I've I got it all wrong, I'm not a Maran pro, far from
>it. Maybe it's in your role to be agressive. Maybe you
>shouldn't drink so much when you play. I don't know, but that
>was just my view of Anlon.

Maybe you just don't know what you're talking about. I find that a lot closer to the truth. Sorry if thats cold, but it's the truth. You kept bugging the hell out of me for almost an hour after the little incident, telling me I should forgive the guy, when I had already done so a LONG time before. That tells me you just don't know whats going on around you. Before you break out your soap box, you might want to be sure you aren't setting it down in a big pile of ####. It tends to turn off the audience.

>Anyway, good luck with whatever you play next, maybe a not so
>gangable character?

Well when I rolled Anlon, there weren't hoardes of duergar AP/shamans and gangs of thieves/assassins running around. *shrug*

19169, Hmm...
Posted by Vansia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't see what's Maranly about swearing you'll tear the heart out of a non-evil repeatedly when all they wanted to do was say sorry and make up. When you claimed you had said sorry, as far as Vansia could tell you hadn't. You kept spouting stuff like "I will not touch my armor after it has been in his foul hands.", to Vansia, you still hold a lot of dislike for one of her best friends and one of the kindest people she knows.
19173, The long and short of it is...
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You just don't have as good an understanding of the situation as you seem to think you do. Maybe thats because it didn't involve you, and you were very clearly trying to interject yourself where you weren't needed, wanted or appreciated. Either way, being an outsider to what was going on in every possible way, you were reacting to things based on opinions formed without the full information. and it showed.

I hope that response was cuddly enough to stay up since the first one wasn't.
19166, Now who is Sylvrin going to "spar" with?
Posted by Sylvrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well isn't that just like real life...you just get to know a guy well enough to "spar" with him he up an dies on you. Just kidding ...real life isn't that bad.

I don't think I have to say much here, you know what Sylvrin thought of Anlon. She really was drawn to him for many reasons. He was honorable, brave, chivalrous, and darned good looking. She'll miss his warm amrs around her at night in the cold Fortress, I can assure you of that.

As far as a a player, you are an excellent rp'er and I absolutely loved your witty flirty banter with Sylvrin in tells...that was some of the most fun I've had with her, so thanks a lot for that...I do wish it could have lasted longer though.

Do come back to the Fortress...we need you.

19168, Damn
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a lot of fun with you. Anlon hooking up with you was totally unexpected, since Anlon was raised in a monastary, but it was just really natural, from the beginning. I felt bad about his dying on you like that, but...well it was ignore the paladin being ganged, or break my role. I'm not one for role breaking, so here we are.
19175, Hmm..
Posted by Gwyythinniel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't really know what your problem is, but when I am able I to come and defend I do so. I can't count the times when I woke op slept people or come and haste the maran or whatever.. In fact, I can't even recall that specific occasion that you mention.. perhaps I was late and you were already dead, whatever..

Peace man, it's just a game
19180, Newp...
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My problem is, when you were asked to come help you said "Nothing I can do there, I can't hit them or heal you." And that was the end of it as far as you were concerned. That really pissed me off. I lived for quite some time after I asked you to come, but you never bothered. That made it hard for me to deal with you in the Fortress the few times I saw you after that, because it made me feel you didn't take being in the Fortress very seriously.
19183, Well what was he supposed to do?
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Watch you die so he could loot some of your gear? Cheer you on as you flee? He couldnt harm your enemies, nor help you in any way.....whats the problem?
19186, Lots of things you can do out of range.
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grab disarmed wepons, give advice on directions if fleeing blind, copper if running to the healer and out of coins, loot my corpse if I fall, all of the things I did for my fellow Fortress dwellers any NUMBER of times.
19189, RE: Lots of things you can do out of range.
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well keep in mind alot of HEROS get tired of constantly having to hold the younger ones hands. My last fortress charactor had to listen to near non-stop "Im jacked in galadon", "Im slept again outside galadon', "I worded, but am slept again" "I teleported luckily but am now lost" "I have fallen and cant get up".

Responding non stop to someone who shouldnt be in a cabal in the first place is annoying. Holding your hand a few times I can understand, but running to the aid of a near-naked death worthy charactor grows old fast.
19190, Plus...
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why should Gwytthiniel drop everything to come watch you die for the umpteeth time in day? Perhaps if you picked fights better, avoided fights you cannot win, use strategy instead of running around near naked all the time, you might have succeeded with this charactor instead con-dying before reaching your 40's.

You complained about people ganging you, whined about never getting fair fights, but now complain that heros should be at your beck and call to heal, sanc, and help you out non-stop. Get over it.
19194, in Anlon's defense though
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was a time in warlocks when -everyone- had to come each time we were raided, even if no one in their pk was raiding.

I subsequently altered that a little to make it that you had to come unless specifically told by the defenders that you weren't needed, or unless you were guaranteed to die.

It did prove reasonably helpful to have someone to grab weapons when the angel disarmed, or to loot corpses if multiple raiders were around, or simply to answer questions from those about to pile in who wanted to know exactly what they were facing, when those actively fighting the defense were too busy to answer.

Equally, I do agree with you that sometimes it can get a bit much. It is why I cannot see myself playing another paladin, unless he is a deaf paladin. When the same guy asks you to come and save him from starvation for the third time, you really want to brain him with your mace in the hope he might remember to buy food next time.
19197, RE: in Anlon's defense though
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your post makes 100% sense. Which is why it pisses me off that me asking for help was ignored, since it's something I did MAYBE a total of three times in my characters entire life span. If I were someone who asked for help regularly, yeah I could see blowing me off. But to say "Sorry I can't do anything at all to help" when someone is alone defending the cabal is just BS.
19176, I hope you learned something from this character.
Posted by Nakterius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some mistakes I saw Anlon make regularly :

Arrogance, he would die, then talk massive garbage to the person who slew him. That whole, "You're pathetic, I almost slew you naked" 'conversation' following your two deaths to me were irritating from two standpoints. One, you showed nothing but hatred and loathing for not just evil, but just about everyone. Two, you were arrogant, snotty and just plain incorrect in many of your statements. I've had quite a number of Maran, over the years, and I'll tell you that you were definately not a Yaofhil, Balrahd, etc. You didn't show any humility or even care before your fellow man.

Even on your death note, you simply talk a lot of ####. No offense, but you were neither fearsome nor elite enough to make such bold statements. Anlon is one character I certainly won't miss, and I hope you at least learned something about what it is to be a Maran mascquerading as one the last week or two. The trend in this whole goodbye note is : If you managed to die to me, I respected you. If not you're a ####. Doesn't that sound odd to you?
19177, I hope you learned something from this character.
Posted by Nakterius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some mistakes I saw Anlon make regularly :

Arrogance, he would die, then talk massive garbage to the person who slew him. That whole, "You're pathetic, I almost slew you naked" 'conversation' following your two deaths to me were irritating from two standpoints. One, you showed nothing but hatred and loathing for not just evil, but just about everyone. Two, you were arrogant, snotty and just plain incorrect in many of your statements. I've had quite a number of Maran, over the years, and I'll tell you that you were definately not a Yaofhil, Balrahd, etc. You didn't show any humility or even care before your fellow man.

Even on your death note, you simply talk a lot of ####. No offense, but you were neither fearsome nor elite enough to make such bold statements. Anlon is one character I certainly won't miss, and I hope you at least learned something about what it is to be a Maran mascquerading as one the last week or two. The trend in this whole goodbye note is : If you managed to die to me, I respected you. If not you're a ####. Doesn't that sound odd to you?
19181, RE: I hope you learned something from this character.
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Some mistakes I saw Anlon make regularly :
>Arrogance, he would die, then talk massive garbage to the
>person who slew him. That whole, "You're pathetic, I almost
>slew you naked" 'conversation' following your two deaths to me
>were irritating from two standpoints. One, you showed nothing
>but hatred and loathing for not just evil, but just about
>everyone. Two, you were arrogant, snotty and just plain
>incorrect in many of your statements. I've had quite a number
>of Maran, over the years, and I'll tell you that you were
>definately not a Yaofhil, Balrahd, etc. You didn't show any
>humility or even care before your fellow man.

Never claimed to be humble with this role. Anlon was most assuredly NOT a humble man. As for the "person" who slew him, make that people. Since you want correctness in your statements, lets make the point that you never fought alone, and did in fact nearly die to me when all I had on were a pair of weapons anyway. Those are simple facts.

Did I claim to be a Yaofhil or a Balrahd? No. Stop putting words in my mouth.

>Even on your death note, you simply talk a lot of ####. No
>offense, but you were neither fearsome nor elite enough to
>make such bold statements. Anlon is one character I certainly
>won't miss, and I hope you at least learned something about
>what it is to be a Maran mascquerading as one the last week or
>two. The trend in this whole goodbye note is : If you managed
>to die to me, I respected you. If not you're a ####. Doesn't
>that sound odd to you?

Actually, if you reread my note, 90% of it is telling people how much I appreciated them. You seem to focus on the negative however, and thats your perrogotive.

I make the bold statements I make, because apparently I was fearsome and elite enough that most people, yourself included, refused to fight me alone, no matter how poorly dressed I may have been. Now, having said that, I never claimed eliteness, I simply claimed that the mud had degenerated in how people fight, and that very few people gave me the pleasure of a one on one combat. You can take that for what it's worth.
19200, RE: I hope you learned something from this character.
Posted by Nak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where I come from, 458 hp isn't nearly dead...Though, I'll grant you I was gushing and at 200 hp in the first bout. Then again, I gear for health so its a bit different then if a warrior type is gushing. I didn't refuse to fight you alone, either, since you *initiated* the attack. I'm more then content letting a naked newbie assassin alone. I fought you about 80% solo the first fight as well, not sure what your beef is.
19178, Oh well
Posted by Rjezrit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked the times we spoke, and had more planned for it. I wanted to see how far I could work with a Maran before we would be forced to duke it out. Peace man, and thanks for being a sport and actually bothering to interact. Most of the times I try to speak with Marans all I get is "Die you ignorant evil fool" and the like.

19179, RE: Oh well
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I liked what we had too. We did have that one fight on East Dairien, but it was never completed. Then we talked, and realized we had some of the same goals. I was perfectly content to let you go hog wild killing the Imperials. But I knew someday it would come down to having to kill you. In a way I'm glad it didn't, in another I'm sorry we didn't have a chance to finish what we started.
19182, RE: Well ####.
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I figured this was going to happen. I started seriously
>playing Anlon again about a month ago. At the time I had 20
>con and 2 or 3 trains. The Imperials were on the rise, and the
>Fortress wasn't so much in power, so I figured it would be a
>good time to start playing again. Then the gangbangs started.
>Now, for a sphere Honor guy who never intentionally hit anyone
>with more than fair odds, who generally travelled even
>ranking, alone, this sucked the big one. But whats a guy to
>do, you know? Honor dictates I suck it up and keep on plowing
>ahead, chin up, and don't bend my knee to anyone or lower
>myself to their tactics. And so I died. A LOT.

Kudos for sticking to it and con-dying your char. I probably would have deleted.

>To the rest of you. I really don't think too many of the rest
>of you deserve an individual space here. CF has taken a huge
>downturn in how fights are handled in the last year or so, and
>it's pretty badly degenerated into a "who has the biggest gang
>on their side" mud.

There are one-on-one fights out there. You just have to be patient and observant in order to find them.

>First it was the goods running around,
>ganging everyone to #### and full looting, and now its the
>Empire. For christs sake people, grow some ####ing balls and
>learn to do some fighting without 500 people backing you up.

Full agreement here.

>Would it kill you just once to say "Don't help me with this,
>I've got him" when you see a lone opponent? Are you such
>chicken####s that you refuse to even a slight risk to your
>shiny suit of eq? I spent a good 75% or more of my time
>wearing a poisoned dagger, and a shield, and I still killed a
>lot of people, and accomplished a lot of my goals as a Maran.
>And I did it ALONE. #### this is such a pet peeve of mine I
>can't even begin to tell you. The day I got my full maran
>status, I had been ganged no less than 4 on 1 at least 6 times
>that day.

Unless it is in your RP to fight at all odds, you might want to think about running. Cliche as it may be, "discretion is the better part of valor."

>I actually had just been in the process of deleting,
>when we were raided, and I figured "#### it, I can't delete
>when they have the orb". After that I calmed down, and figured
>I'd see the character through to the bitter end.
>And for ####s sake, I wish the Imperials would remember the
>Imperial laws about not breaking the laws of the towns. Aside
>from all the huge ass gangbangs on me in town, I once watched
>a highly placed imperial loot a fallen tribunal in town. Thats
>the kind of #### that makes me mad, and shows me how so many
>of you are only RPing enough to get into the cabal, and
>nothing beyond that.

As an evil, I know I would try to bend the "rules" as much as possible to get what I wanted. This is a viable evil RP.

>Jesus, if I stick to my role enough that
>it con kills me, I think you all could stick to your supposed
>roles enough to not go against the things you're supposed to
>hold most dear.

See above.

Just my thoughts.
19187, RE: Well ####.
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Kudos for sticking to it and con-dying your char. I probably
>would have deleted.

Thanks. :) It wasn't easy. I've never once rage deleted before, but I actually did delete and return with this character once. I damned near rage deleted again that night. It's strange for me to get so pissed off over a death.

>There are one-on-one fights out there. You just have to be
>patient and observant in order to find them.

Yeah, other than the few I mentioned, just about every person I fought had a group with them.

>Full agreement here.

I just don't see what fun it is to have so many people helping you land a kill. Thats just not my idea of fun.

>Unless it is in your RP to fight at all odds, you might want
>to think about running. Cliche as it may be, "discretion is
>the better part of valor."

In this case, it was. Anlon didn't see horrible odds as much of a deterrent, he saw them as a challenge.

>As an evil, I know I would try to bend the "rules" as much as
>possible to get what I wanted. This is a viable evil RP.

Way way back when the imms used to care about things like multikilling and stuff, I once killed someone 2 times in an hour, and got a trans to good old 1212. While explaining to the imm that I was perfectly within my rights to kill someone who I saw as my prey, they gave me a little bugget of wisdom. "The world can't ALL be homocidal maniacs." In this case, I'd say they can't ALL be wanting an orderly society, then repeatedly break their own laws.

>Just my thoughts.

And good ones, really. Not necessarily my own thoughts, but I can see where you're coming from too.
19192, A few things.
Posted by Jahaar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Jahaar. I've still got no clue what you wanted me to look for
>when you gave me my con quest. Short of doing some VERY
>un-Maranly things, I doubt I would have been able to
>accomplish the goals you set for me. I do wish I had been able
>to finish the quest, because the character was really just
>starting to hit a good solid groove for me. Also I had planned
>all along to become a full Maran, and THEN approach you for
>your tat, after having accomplished something of that
>magnitude alone.

You were fairly close to finishing the con-quest, but you'd missed a few important details. Having uncovered the whole of it myself back in the day as a mortal long before I was an Imm, I don't think it should be that difficult, even staying in role as a Maran - but I'll leave the full of that for Shokai to discuss if he wants, since that aspect is his bag. I'm sorry it didn't work out, though.

I was sort of disappointed that you came out and started by mentioning that you wanted to follow me, because it meant that instead of just dealing with Jahaar the Wise Master that anyone who comes to just talk or chat will find, you ended up having to deal with the much sterner Jahaar the Honor God.

As far as my tattoo goes, odds were very strong that you weren't going to get it. Don't take offense to that, because I've got a feeling that very few people, if any, could really manage to pull off a true sphere honor character, if only because it's been so long that nobody has examples to rely on. I like that though, because I'd much rather the people I do eventually grant powers to actually understand honor throughout, rather than just mimicing what other people have said to pass an interview. As for Anlon specifically, while I'm sure you tried hard to live and fight honorably, from what I saw there were aspects that were still lacking, and which you would have had to answer for, as well as a number of very difficult problems you would have had to address.

It's probably worth mentioning for those who do remember the old days, that Honor hasn't really changed since Cador's and Balgrimnr's time. While I'm not going to tell someone that if they're sphere honor, they must do it my way, if they want to be a true follower of mine, with all that entails, there are some very difficult standards to be lived up to. This includes for empowerment, too.

As a side note, sphere reason is a little different, at least where it comes to empowerment. Anyone looking to reach the same status as one of the Honor followers can, but must then follow the same standards.
19193, RE: A few things.
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You were fairly close to finishing the con-quest, but you'd
>missed a few important details. Having uncovered the whole of
>it myself back in the day as a mortal long before I was an
>Imm, I don't think it should be that difficult, even staying
>in role as a Maran - but I'll leave the full of that for
>Shokai to discuss if he wants, since that aspect is his bag.
>I'm sorry it didn't work out, though.

It's alright. You gave good interactions. It was fun.

>I was sort of disappointed that you came out and started by
>mentioning that you wanted to follow me, because it meant that
>instead of just dealing with Jahaar the Wise Master that
>anyone who comes to just talk or chat will find, you ended up
>having to deal with the much sterner Jahaar the Honor God.

Yeah, but Anlon was a pretty upfront kind of guy, damn the consequences. *sigh*

>As far as my tattoo goes, odds were very strong that you
>weren't going to get it. Don't take offense to that, because
>I've got a feeling that very few people, if any, could really
>manage to pull off a true sphere honor character, if only
>because it's been so long that nobody has examples to rely on.
> I like that though, because I'd much rather the people I do
>eventually grant powers to actually understand honor
>throughout, rather than just mimicing what other people have
>said to pass an interview. As for Anlon specifically, while
>I'm sure you tried hard to live and fight honorably, from what
>I saw there were aspects that were still lacking, and which
>you would have had to answer for, as well as a number of very
>difficult problems you would have had to address.

I figured, but I would have addressed the points and answered for whatever was necessary. If nothing else, it would have given a new part to the character, as I tried to work both the religion and my cabal, and balance each one.

19161, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Anlon the Uki Goshi
Posted by Tylandrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How did you die that last death?
19163, As if you didn't know.
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because I jumped into the fight with you ganging the hell out of a paladin.
19160, you gotta be kidding me.....
Posted by Kertaki on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
god damn you died alot! didn't you ever realize when it wasn't a good time to go solo raid empire!? :P

Only talked to you a handful a times, but sorry I wasn't about suiciding into multiple axe wielding duergars like that. You had alot of heart though when you fought, and never seemed to bitch about death IC (wish I could do the same)

gonna miss having another assassin/thief not hunting me, but ah well thats the way it goes I guess. come back and stop being so suicidal :)
19164, RE: you gotta be kidding me.....
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, playing sphere honor was kind of a pain, and playing a role like this was doubly so. I didn't see those horrid odds as being insurmountable, just as a really big challenge. And I'd have to say I overcame some pretty nasty odds frequently. I didn't mind dying IC, because I generally managed to accomplish my goal in the process of dying.