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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Vhenelcar the Champion of the Templars
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19135
19135, (DELETED) [None] Vhenelcar the Champion of the Templars
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jul 14 00:00:12 2003

At 10 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Vhenelcar perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:32% (closer to 100% is better)

19136, And so ends the great elf paladin experiment, part deux.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had fun with this character, for the first 40 lvls.

But around lvl 42 is where the exp penalty really started to hurt. Over the last couple weeks, I think I died 6 times for every kill I landed (a real problem for paladins, btw). Before that, I had to have a PK ratio in the %60s-70s. But that's not really important.

I won't say any goodbyes, cause really, I wasn't around that long. But I have to say, Elven paladins are really underrated. Unbelievable tanks (shield ded), above-average damage, good healing, great dam redux, and even a little maledicting. Only downsides were the massive exp penalty (which really didn't matter, until upper ranks), and the scary lack of HP (476 natural on deletion).

Made me feel good when people would run from one-on-one fights with me, even if it was just cause they expected me to spam wrath on them. I think to a few people I proved elf paladins weren't completely powerless.

I had good days and bad days with this character. Some days I spent more time as a ghost than not, other days I was surprisingly slippery. Law of averages, I guess.

I went through a particularly bad stretch for the last several days, and I had another character idea I've been itching to get started, so I decided to end it with a nice suicide attack on the Empire. I almost won too, or so I thought.. briefly.

Oh well, not a memorable character in most people's eyes, but I'm proud of myself for having as much success as I did (in my opinion), with a weakly considered combo.

An elf paladin in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing could be a beast though, mark my words.
19139, Earlier than expected
Posted by Ahtanri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Vhenelcar was a good friend, I'd hoped to keep seeing him around.

Good luck with the next, and all that
19140, couple of tips
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If a fight looks like it might last a while, as ours did, you might want to throw in an angel's wing or something before switching to the wrath attacks. In our case, I think what you needed was to throw in a weaponless one to remove spellcasting abilities.

I'm curious though, did I drain you of mana and moves? I noticed you didn't renew sanc after I wimpied from your shield jab, and I'm pretty sure you must have been out of moves.
19145, RE: couple of tips
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah.. I was out of mana/moves there. Well played on your part, I got cocky after you fled all those times. I figured you teleported, and was wondering why I didn't get a tracking message when you came back and kicked my ass.

I should have did angelswing, yeah.. but I expected to drive you off again with a few wraths, then teleport or something. But sanc fell, and I kind of panicked. I did plenty of things wrong there, but you did well.

Seems the almighty drow AP combo is a touch better than the hefty elf paladin. At least in our case.
19142, RE: And so ends the great elf paladin experiment, part ...
Posted by Jirash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh phooey

Didn't know you for long, but I was looking forward to seeing more of you. Elf pallies are quite fun to be around, they make for excellent bait if nothing else :P

Oh well, good luck on your next and all that.

19144, hehe from an ex elf-pally.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hey compared to me you did great. :) thought your char was interesting at least. when i did my elf-pally it surprised me, i fully expected him to be nothing but meat from a class/race standpoint, but he wasn't (he was meat because i am one of the worst pk'ers out there) :) the race/class rocks well at least as a shield ded. heh.
i agree with jirash on one thing though. great bait hehe.
i even used you for bait once. :) sorry no offense.
19147, Just gimme the gauntlets!
Posted by Racli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really wasn't killing you for the armor, it was because you disrespected me. I guess it was in your RP to be cocky and proud or whatnot, but you had to be taken care of with extreme prejudice lol.
19150, Heheh..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously, I don't know what you were talking about when I disrespected you.
Maybe you were hidden and whispering or something. I kind of talked #### to people who were hiding alot. Vhenelcar thought nearly all thieves/assassins were cowards, unless you showed him different.

And yes, Vhenelcar was very proud. But in his mind, he was just stating facts, rather than boasting.

Anyway, you kicked my ass, repeatedly.. one of only a few people who did that alone, consistently. Good job, I guess.
19152, RE: And so ends the great elf paladin experiment, part deux.
Posted by Edeana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>But around lvl 42 is where the exp penalty really started to
>hurt. Over the last couple weeks, I think I died 6 times for
>every kill I landed (a real problem for paladins, btw). Before
>that, I had to have a PK ratio in the %60s-70s. But that's not
>really important.

That's why you power to hero like a mad man. With an elf paladin and buddy invoker (Ahtanri) I'm guessing it would have been easy-peasy. Even with the exp penalty.

Sorry to see you go. I would have helped w/ regearing had you ever asked. Not that a shield paladin really needs much help.
19154, Yeah..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ranking should have been easy. I couldn't go 15 minutes without someone asking me to group. Especially with the allies I had, it should have been a breeze.

Only problem was, every time I got a group together, we were either attacked, or I was called to defend the fortress or something crazy like that. And I couldn't maintain my RP and still say I'd rather go out with my group or whatever and let imperials and scions run loose.

Just one of those things where role gets in the way.
19155, RE: Elf Paladins
Posted by Cartherlen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There have already been a number of rather impressive elven paladins. You should have been able to raise your base hp a significant amount if you'd taken the time to think things out. The only downside to the class is their vuln, which can be dealt with with a few minor preps and a smart approach. There really isn't anything weak about this combination, and it's been proven time and again, and will continue to be proven so.
19196, RE: And so ends the great elf paladin experiment, part ...
Posted by Javaco on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Traveled with you one time and I really liked your character shame you wont be around anymore