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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AUTO) Huromhaur the Priest of Rhegma
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18984
18984, (AUTO) Huromhaur the Priest of Rhegma
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I had hoped that right about now I'd be able to come back and play again, but wisely some immortal denied huromhaur after I logged in and out a few weeks back to keep him going. I have to say, I was so in love with this character it was hard to let him go but I understand why I had to. Its about time to delete the Pfile. (Though I wouldn't mind my awful pk ratio and hours, I don't remember them)

Huromhaur was created suddenly when I noticed an empty Minotaur space on evening. I play most often in off-peak hours but try to push into american peak times when i can. His roleplay was based on what little I could gather from Rhegam, Karakan and the old Minotaur legends. It was not easy.

The first thing I did was create a hate for humans because of their enslavement of Minotaurs. Secondly, I took a page from the orc book and create a hierarchy based on strength and little titles like 'priest' for wisemen. Then I waited, hoping a bunch of warriors would be in tow.

After my painfully long empowerment process (I stuck it out until lvl 21 or so until I finally got empowered) I was quickly off. About lvl 30 I decided I hated humans too much to rank or even do anything other than hunt with them, I even glared at halfies. This slowed me down but gave me more hunting opportunities. Unfortunately, it really did #### me over. I restricted myself to eating only flesh and blood, I sought human flesh if possible and always kept some blood skins to drink from. This roleplay almost killed me a few times but I did keep it up except the few times that some edible item peaked my curiousity. (Catnip being one of them, crazy stuff!)

The Minotaur race lacks two things. One, something for players to create a solid background on. There were so many different ways to play one open that with the few numbers there were, its hard to imagine any of them ending up too alike. I hoped I kinda would set a standard and encourages lowbie minotaurs to act more like me. The problem the roleplay groove thing sets is that they NEED to stick together. Hopefully all up and coming minotaur will praise Rhegma because that seemed to be the only thing I had in common with most.

Now I come to chatting about the Horned Lord. Slow to pick up, but when he finally did... wow. I have no idea how to thank you, I stuck it out as much as possible and I'm sorry to have let it slide when RL interrupted Huromhaur's spree. I couldn't get back to him intime to see all his enemies and allies die, its best I let him die now as the world has changed too much for him. Perhaps... in the far future... But I diverse, Rhegma is a good god to follow but I felt the religion did need to be more precise in what it asked from its followers, perhaps something more than 'seed spreading' and general minotaury stuff. Its understandable you'd want to keep it general for now, but the Minotaurs can still choose to follow Rhegma or not. Please, make a more detailed religion!!! I even got non-minotaurs to start following you under the idea you empowered Strength (the orc style thing I loved). Still, thanks again. I have to ask... did the tattoo do anything at that time?

To all those others, here's a goodbye to the ones I remembered:

Beroxxus: HA HA HA HA HA HA! I was in STICHES I TELL YOU! No, but seriously. Learn to speak minotaur. he he. Thanks, you were good.

Ghuljun: Another one I loved because of that joke, something like this:

Ghuljun looks at a grazing cow.

Ghuljun looks at you.

Ghuljun looks at a grazing cow.

*com 'demonfire' cow*

Ghuljin shrugs.

It can't be easy being cold + funny, glad I gave you an opportunity.

Ulzoth: Good roleplaying and pking, all round tough char with nasty race/class combination. Sheesh, I thought gore was annoying to me...

Zharaluzar: Your good, real good. Tough spirited too!!!

Malfikar: He, I did kill you before you became a scion. Sorry, but you were weak at the time. You can't say I didn't prove it and Huromhaur HATES weak people. Still, the mace spec had you coming back hard.

Blachmianan: Can we say, pointless? How long did we spend fighting before I gave in and just constantly ran from you? Your a good char, one of the few who were willing to speak to me. I loved giving everyone a taste of mino-speak. It was what really kept me going through all the #### times.

Other sylvans, fortress and stuff: Nice hunting, keep it up. I don't think you over did it but you could have eased up a little when I at least killed one of you. Sheeesh, I was really hunted to the end. Wow, its ouch. Collectively, as a group you got me about 5-6 times. I'm surprised its so low, but I became real good at hiding ;P

Air-forms: Damn you! Stop chasing me! Nice to be in constant fear, eh?

Other IMM who at some point rewarded me for my desc + roleplay: Thanks LOADS, if it wasn't for that boost when I was lvl 11, I would have given up sooner. Having someone tell you that you're doing good is impossibly rewarding. I liked having my desc commented on and each new char I play it happens, its soooo damn helpful. Cheers.

Well, can't think of more to say so I'll do it as you reply. I really did try to give everyone a shot at Huromhaur as I know people loved trying to figure out what the hell I was saying. Later ppl, lets hope I have more time to play soon!!!

Yhorian, Huromhaur, Hycteran, Anduin, Ademusian.
19008, RE: (AUTO) Huromhaur the Priest of Rhegma
Posted by Zargu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sigh, i was wondering where you went... I would helped you hero you know?! ;)

Bah, good char and great RP even i just... HATE... minotaur speak... I mean for one who doesnt have english as native language, a ####ed up type english like minotaur can really put your patience on test... ;)

Anyways, good luck with mr. next...

19000, Great Character
Posted by Eluna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought you a couple times mostly one on one and when I knew there was lots hunting you, I left you well alone because there wasn't much fun in that. I also don't understand anything minotaurs say, else I would have spoken to you more.

19012, If only I could have landed more withers. Muha!
Posted by Huromhaur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your char has great fighting potential, the maledictions did get irritating but not really much vs a shaman with a good hiding spot. I would often have to wait hours for them to wear off though, thats why my role ended up so incredibly long. I had PLENTY of time to work on it. Thanks for the ass romping! (psssh, you could have let me solo rank though when you always caught me by the mountain. Again I say! Psh!)

18993, Good job.
Posted by Malfikar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't like dying to you under those conditions. But a dagger spec can't really do much when blinded and in a closed area. You really owned me that first fight. But when I finally got my second spec, I sent you packin, eh. :) Good fights. You were a good companion to have against the goodie masses. Luck.
18992, I am a glutton for punishment...and roleplaying
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Karakan was already an imm when I came into range or imm'd shortly thereafter, so when you came about, I just wanted to interact. Yes, your speech gave me some fits, but, I wouldn't leave anyone hanging who spoke with me. As for pointless, well, my whole goal was just to try to make you eat up your mana enough so that if anyone else caught you, you wouldn't be very effective. I agree with your actions though. No real reason for a shaman to stand toe to toe with a healer who has the saves and protection I used. Good luck with your next.
18986, RE: (AUTO) Huromhaur the Priest of Rhegma
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Beroxxus: HA HA HA HA HA HA! I was in STICHES I TELL YOU! No, but seriously. Learn to speak minotaur. he he. Thanks, you were good.<<

Actually that drove me nearly insane. I was like WTF?? Why should I, an immortal have no freakin clue what you saying. Luckily tells seemed to filter that out. I really felt bad about the whole thing and I think it hurt the role-playing moments. You did a good job role-playing even though I didn't understand half of what you said you bastard cow! Anyway, good luck with your next.
18989, An aside on mino-speak
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had to deal with Onglaurst's mino-speak. It becomes easier to understand with time. There was only one time I was at a total loss. It was something like Ruhlethnethth. I sat there at my computer actually saying it out loud as it was spelled. Roo-leth-neth. Ruthlessness.

That's when I discovered that the trick to mino-speak is saying the words out loud as they appear on the screen. Nine times out of ten it's close enough to figure out.

That said, minotaurs should keep their words simple. One syllable if possible. :)
18990, I know when I played a mino I didn't
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was because my minotaur was convinced he spoke perfectly (I never had problems understanding other minos) and refused to talk in short words for others to understand. I consider that minotaurs are probably intelligent enough to use long words, even if they aren't genuii.
18991, You think that's bad?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even a minotaur immortal can't understand minotaurs, or at least couldn't.