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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Pupmancur the Weaponsmaster
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18936
18936, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Pupmancur the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jul 8 16:15:16 2003
At 10 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 2nd of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Pupmancur perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
PK Ratio:23% (closer to 100% is better)
18937, Hrm...
Posted by Pupmancur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well okay goodbies:
Never heared of you/seen you so cant say anything.

Delithraldor: You were fun.

Vorondel: It was cool to hang around you but while hanging around you i felt not too well cause that kinda proved me that i'm sucha n00b etc:)

Aemelius: I dont know your role and didn't bother to find out but you were playing an elf kinda role, looking at everyone from above and stuff

Mehkoa: Man Luvd you.

Jhanderin: You got me confused while commanding me and as you were the marshal/captain(mind your own(acolyte) business):D

Cersai and others : I dunno much about you, you just were around

Haaslett: hated you.

Astilamos: Hated that you always ran when you got your ass kicked.

And to Imperials: Hated you all cause I had to change my role(kinda) and go in Fortress instead of Battle cause of your bandwagon.

And I know I'm forgeting many but I cant remember everyone, and yeah, guys thank for making the game fun.
18938, Peace
Posted by Grik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
C'mon man...where's the dwarven unity? I tried a couple of times to RP with you but you were always occupied...especially when I sought you out, repeatedly, for my recommendation. You seemed to talk the talk, but then nothing ever came of it. Wish you'd have stuck around...it gets boring playing a dwarf when no one seems to appreciate dwarven humor (except maybe a couple current Maran/Squires I can think of).

For some reason, I was convinced Pupmancur was a part of the fortress before the whole Imperial Uprising, but I could be wrong. The bandwagon only really errupted like two-three weeks ago.

Oh well...best of luck on your next.

18939, Pupmancur got caught in the 1st level sitting group
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Then he got to be a hero for the second wave, who did hero. Lucky him.
18940, Remember me?
Posted by Sylvrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember when we first talked, I thought you were cool, but a bit rough around the edges. Not bad for a dwarf though, so I gave you the thumbs up to the Fort. I still remember the time you died in the Tar Valon Temple when you were mid 20's and there was absolutely nothing I could do to save you because your attackers were too low for me to touch, so I took your ills and got deafened for what seemed like forever...then you died at my feet anyway. I had tried to send a call out over cb to Jhanderin to come help, but it was just too late. I really felt bad for you at the time because I knew you were in such a bad pk range with hordes of Imperials on your butt.

I liked Pup's attitude about it all though. I'm sure OOC it had to be hard for you as a player, especially if you're new, but the stubborn dwarf that Pupmancur was kept his spirit up and kept going. When I would express sympathy or whatever you were always pretty optimistic about everything, which I found very admirable.

Even though I'm sure you died a lot, I hope you enjoyed the character...I know I did.
18941, RE: Remember me?
Posted by Pupmancur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, well I've never quit in that range cause well I just pushed on, and yes Ive had fun with this char untill I heroed and had nothing to do, and my role went out and stuff :)
Was fun to have you.
18943, Well,...
Posted by Haaaslett on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really hope i helped you learn how to fight better. I'm not sure how you were going to go battle then switched to the fortress, seeing as you were always around the fortress when we were both young. You helped them out a lot. Anyway, we had some good ones, but your legacies must not have been the right ones for fighting shamans.

18944, RE: Hrm...
Posted by Aemelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought pupmancur was great fun. Obviously a newbie, but someone who was havingfun and willing to put the time in to figure it out. Never knew if you'd get us killed or win the day, but never doubted you'd be there fighting no matter what.

Roll up another warrior. There is nothing better than using what you learn immediately to set it in stone. Think of all the things you regretted with Pup, fighting wise and choice wise, and now you can use your knowledge to make it better. I think you'll have a blast.
18945, heh
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Jhanderin: You got me confused while commanding me and as you
>were the marshal/captain(mind your own(acolyte) business):D

Making sure squires/maran didn't die with great regularity is Acolyte business. :P
18985, RE: heh
Posted by Sylvrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But darn it all, Jhanderin, you could be SOOO BOSSY about it. It's one of the things I really liked about you though. I would still like to wring your neck for deleting! Heeheehee.
18964, So long Pup
Posted by Vorondel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Vorondel: It was cool to hang around you but while hanging around you i felt not too well cause that kinda proved me that i'm sucha n00b etc:)

Heheh, thanks for the compliment. But you know, I'm quite an average player to be honest. An average player who plays alot, that is.

I thought you did a good job with Pup, considering it was obvious this was not your 17th warrior hero :) You were brave, dedicated, and I greatly admired that despite the fact that sometimes you would throw yourself to a certain death, which Vorondel didn't consider wise. I'm sure you learned alot with this char, and I hope that you enjoyed the ride. Now you should perhaps roll up a goodly conjurer and explore, then come back with another warrior and kick major ass :)
