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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Zdenhoi the Leader of the Crusades
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18866
18866, (DELETED) [None] Zdenhoi the Leader of the Crusades
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jul 6 08:53:01 2003
At 6 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 16th of the Month of the Grand Struggle
on the Theran calendar Zdenhoi perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
18966, Why did I delete?
Posted by Zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, a number of reasons.

First, I waited till I was at 32 hours to get empowered. That was harsh. I understand Bria was having some internet troubles, and I don't blame her in the least. Then, after ranking for awhile, I made the hugest mistake I could have made.

I put it into my role that I would ask Bria for her permission to join the Fortress. It fit Zdenhoi's personality to do it, it made sense ic...but ooc it was just about the kiss of death, what with Bria dissapearing. After 20 ranks, and 65 or so hours of trying to get an audience with Bria, she posts that she has been without internet for a while, and it should be fixed soon....good stuff...I couldn't wait...

Then another week, another 20+ hours of trying to get in contact with her...and she posts again that she should be up soon...

I decided not to rank anymore, ic, because if I enter hero range, I will rank out of range of the 30+ empires and aps and various evil characters that I have now.

But, at this point, with zero chance of getting in contact with my imm...with some very important ic friends deleting, and being rank 41 with 30 or so enemies with all my friends going away...I started to think maybe I'll just wait for a while until bria comes back.

You see...I might be way off...but I've looked at paladins above rank 40 like this...

3 virtues: tip top, very standout, very rare.
2 virtues: good, well respected, liked, good example of paladinhood.
1 virtue: decent, above average, maybe even average.
0 virtues: sub par in some way, been wayed and judged and found lacking in some way...

Basically, I was tired of being a no-virtue paladin with no chances that I could see of getting a virtue (yes, I understand that is a really unhealthy attitude to have when you play a paladin...but I'm being honest)...it was getting increasingly difficult to hang in a one on one fight with 3-4 shamans in pk, with healers gating to me, with highly prepped a-ps.... and I didn't want to resort to walking around in Gangs like so many other lightwalkers did....it wouldn't be fun, and it really would break role.

So, I roll another character, a mindless, role-less character, just to pass the time for a week until bria sais she is back online...

Well, as the fates would have it, a week into this char, on a role I make up on the spot, I'm inducted into a cabal and start having immteraction....a week later (two weeks into the char) I've put near 130 hours into this "pass-the-time" character, and have been having more immteraction with this one character than I've had with my past 10 put together...including my empowerees.

You see, you can almost name an imm that has left cf, and I will have had either an empoweree, or a prospective empoweree, of that imm when they left.
Arvam...had a paladin of him when he left. Kasty, had a prospective of him, mayeesha...yup...Justin...yup...Andaren...yup....Intronan...yup.
So, when I had this role Idea for another paladin, someone said "Pick someone who is always there, someone high up in the imm structure...someone like bria"....so I did...
And what happens? *chuckle* Her internet goes down for three weeks.
*************end sidebar********

So I am 2 weeks into my other character, but still wanting to play the paladin....and I see a new provost...that means bria is back.

So, I send an email to Bria, outlining the situation with why zdenhoi has been absent, basically asking if she thinks it would be possible to make a comeback with him after being absent so long.

But, my email won't go through.

I log on zdenhoi, and I see noone that zdenhoi was friends with, only people I know with the other character....and I figure the paladin is doomed.

Maybe if I hadn't put my application to the fortress as riding on permission with Bria, I would have had something to work towards and for in her absense rather than just sitting and marking time....I figure that me putting that into my role is the main reason I've deleted.

While Zdenhoi was infinately patient, I as a player just couldn't take yet another imm dissapearing on my empowerment char, bringing yet another role that I liked to a complete halt (I do NOT blame bria at all).

In light of my history of empowered characters (I've only had one successful one, an old shaman high-priest a long...LONG...time ago)... I just think it just isn't for me. I doubt I will ever play another character that relies on immteraction for anything role-related.

Yeah, that probably means I won't have any more fortressites or empowered chars of any flavor, but my own personal experiances tell me that immteraction, while great when it happens, is just far too random and iffy to base ANY part of a character around.

Oh yeah...

I think the straw that made me realize it was time to delete zdenhoi was actually the new role contest....

You see, I've been a "mention" or "honorable mention" in the past three....and when I saw the role contest, I just didn't think zdenhoi's was up to par to even compete this time...that made me realize that I probably had very little chance of getting a virtue, and even less chance of getting Maran should I ever actually become a squire...so I decided to cut my losses and concentrate on the other char that I have.
18967, Interesting stats?
Posted by Zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shield jab stats: 474/1963
That is 474 that fully lagged the opponent, out of 1963 total jabs

blockNegate: 55
I perfected shieldmastery about rank 19...from 19-41 I hit through an opponents shield block 55 times....(including mobs)

-- Bashstats: 98/232
from rank 20-41, out of 232 bashes on me, I was able to lessen the effects 98 times

During my life, I saw 93 seperate characters who were affiliated with the empire (bloodoath and up).
18968, maybe if you made an add-on to your role to avoid...
Posted by quid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
waiting for Bria? I can think of numerous ways to overcome that off the top of my head without even getting creative.
18970, The problem is right here...
Posted by zden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
role + A short time ago the leadership of the Fortress sent a scroll out inviting
role + those of the Light to apply. Although Zdenhoi had, before this, had a
role + nebulous idea of what the Light would require of his life as repayment for
role + his youth, upon reading the scroll it became clear to him what path he
role + needs to work towards. But, he knows now that he is not his own
role + Master, and will seek out his Liege lady to ask permission to pursue the
role + life of the Maran.

I had already had that in my role for quite some time, and had told numerous people that I was waiting to get permission.

I had also already once totally switched something that was in role (the solo-ranking thing). If I changed something already in my role and obvious to people who knew me...just so I can get inducted because of some ooc knowledge...

Sure I could have thought of something ic to finagle it...but ...it would have remained a "Finagle"...which didn't seem to fit the Paladinly life Zdenhoi was living.
18971, How I would have gotten around it
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Add to your role and tell everybody that you received a sign, or had a vision. Something like "I saw a hummingbird in the skies flying over the fortress looking down on me with approval". If Bria calls you on it, say it must have been the grape flavored crack ;)
18969, sc, prac, desc, role.
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**I'll post the log of my empowerement if anyone is interested, unless Bria asks that I don't**

Zdenhoi the Leader of the Crusades
Level : 41 Sex : male Race : storm
Ethos : Orderly Align : Good Class : paladin
Practices: 10 Trains : 2 Hometown : Tar Valon
Exp : 484649 To Level : 9751 Sphere : Justice
Age : mature, 215 years old (129 hours)
Hit Point: 636 /636 Mana : 564 /666 Move : 448 /582
Str : 24(24) Int : 17(17) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 17(17) Con : 21(21) Chr : 18(18)
Carry # : 23/30 Weight : 288 lb 14 oz (Max 552 lbs)
Gold : 22 Silver : 1 Copper : 1211
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 18 Damroll : 25
AC pierce: -106 Divinely armored AC bash : -119 Divinely armored
AC slash : -105 Divinely armored AC magic : -88 Superbly armored
vs Spell : Divinely protected vs Paralysis : Barely protected
vs Breath: Somewhat protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are dedicated to fighting with shields.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -10 for 42 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 5 for 42 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -10 for 42 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 5 for 42 hours.
Commune: 'righteousness' for 22 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 21 hours.
Commune: 'protection' for 20 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 24 hours.
Commune: 'detect invis' for 24 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 5 hours.


Level 1: mace 100% polearm 75%
sword 100% staff 75%
parry 100% rescue 80%
recall 100% shield block 100%
Level 4: enhanced damage 100%
Level 6: second attack 100%
Level 7: hand to hand 96% fast healing 89%
Level 10: charge 1% disarm 100%
shield bash 100% lay hands 75%
shield mastery 100%
Level 12: haggle 76%
Level 13: third attack 95%
Level 14: meditation 95%
Level 15: shield jab 93%
Level 19: lore 75%
Level 20: pen 1%
Level 22: pugil 1%
Level 24: flank attack 85%
Level 28: track the wicked 83%
Level 32: angels wing 100%

==636/636hp 564/666m 473/582mv=9751tnl=4 AM== sup

Level 1: cure light 10 mana detect evil 5 mana
Level 2: armor 5 mana
Level 3: create food 5 mana
Level 4: create water 5 mana know alignment 9 mana
Level 5: cure serious 15 mana
Level 6: bless 5 mana detect invis 5 mana
Level 7: cure blindness 5 mana
Level 10: cure critical 20 mana flamestrike 20 mana
Level 11: call lightning 15 mana protection 5 mana
Level 13: remove curse 5 mana
Level 17: cure deafness 35 mana
Level 19: locate object 20 mana
Level 20: wrath 20 mana
Level 21: summon 50 mana
Level 22: crusade 40 mana
Level 24: remove taint 100 mana
Level 25: turn undead 35 mana
Level 27: sanctuary 75 mana
Level 29: heal 40 mana
Level 32: word of recall 40 mana
Level 33: righteousness 10 mana
Level 37: redemption 50 mana
Level 38: holy word 100 mana
Level 40: sanctify room 100 mana

==636/636hp 564/666m 473/582mv=9751tnl=4 AM== prac
armor 90%( 90%) bless 84%( 84%)
call lightning 75%( 75%) charge 1%( 1%)
create food 97%( 97%) create water 79%( 79%)
cure blindness 75%( 75%) cure critical 94%( 94%)
cure light 1%( 1%) cure serious 1%( 1%)
detect evil 93%( 93%) detect invis 87%( 87%)
flamestrike 85%( 85%) heal 92%( 92%)
holy word 76%( 76%) know alignment 1%( 1%)
locate object 82%( 82%) protection 82%( 82%)
remove curse 75%( 75%) sanctuary 86%( 86%)
summon 83%( 83%) word of recall 76%( 76%)
mace 100%(100%) polearm 75%( 75%)
sword 100%(100%) staff 75%( 75%)
disarm 100%(100%) enhanced damage 100%(100%)
hand to hand 96%( 96%) parry 100%(100%)
rescue 80%( 80%) second attack 100%(100%)
third attack 95%( 95%) shield bash 100%(100%)
pugil 1%( 1%) angels wing 100%(100%)
fast healing 89%( 89%) haggle 76%( 76%)
meditation 95%( 95%) recall 100%(100%)
track the wicked 83%( 83%) wrath 100%(100%)
lore 75%( 75%) shield block 100%(100%)
turn undead 75%( 75%) lay hands 75%( 75%)
cure deafness 75%( 75%) sanctify room 75%( 75%)
redemption 75%( 75%) remove taint 75%( 75%)
righteousness 75%( 75%) pen 1%( 1%)
crusade 79%( 79%) shield mastery 100%(100%)
shield jab 93%( 93%) flank attack 85%( 85%)
You have 10 practice sessions left.

==636/636hp 564/666m 448/582mv=9751tnl=5 AM== rem all
You stop using a scimitar named 'Wave Dancer'.
You stop using plate vambraces decorated with red enamel.
You stop using the boots of stealth.
You stop using an ivory bracelet.
You can't remove **SOMETHING***
You stop using a gold embroidered red sash.
You stop using a Templar's crown.
You stop using a silver-gray bracer.
You stop using a wooden holy symbol.
You stop using the plate of protection.
You stop using a shark tooth necklace.
You stop using some leggings from the snow worm.
You stop using a serpent ring.
You stop using a serpent ring.
You stop using a shaman's robe.
You stop using gauntlets of ogre power.

==636/596hp 578/511m 489/567mv=9751tnl=5 AM== drop all
You drop a scimitar named 'Wave Dancer'.
You drop some shark bait.
You drop some shark bait.
You drop a small yellow root.
You drop a shimmering ornate silver scepter.
You drop plate vambraces decorated with red enamel.
You drop a girdle of many pouches.
You drop a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You drop the boots of stealth.
You drop an ivory bracelet.
You drop a gold embroidered red sash.
You drop a Templar's crown.
You drop a silver-gray bracer.
You drop a wooden holy symbol.
You drop a Crusader's Sword.
You drop the plate of protection.
You drop a shark tooth necklace.
You drop some leggings from the snow worm.
You drop a serpent ring.
You drop a serpent ring.
You drop a shaman's robe.
You drop gauntlets of ogre power.

==636/596hp 578/511m 489/567mv=9751tnl=5 AM== ' Keep those out of darkwalker's hands.
You say 'Keep those out of darkwalker's hands.'

==636/596hp 578/511m 489/567mv=9751tnl=5 AM== delete
Type delete again to confirm this command.
WARNING: this command is irreversible.
Typing delete with an argument will undo delete status.
If you confirm the delete, this name will be unusable.
You will need to talk to an implementor to use it again.

Time to throw away 129 hours, 41 levels and 472800 experience.


Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...

****first desc
Desc + This Storm giant stands tall, even with a perpetual slouch that might
Desc + even be called a “slump”, and is quite gaunt for members of his race.
Desc + His visible skin, while still turquoise in tint is very pale and lacks
Desc + the deep, healthy hue that most Storm giants obtain from a long youth
Desc + ingesting rich sea and lake nutrients. Deep, metallic blue eyes peer
Desc + out of a severe, angular, and mostly expressionless face with the only
Desc + clue on what this giant might be thinking being the dark bags under
Desc + the puffy eyelids that surround eyes that are very bloodshot. All
Desc + sorts of symbols, some recognizable as Holy symbols, some obviously
Desc + arcane symbols of power, and some that do not look like any other
Desc + symbols that are commonly seen in Thera are tattooed about his almost
Desc + hairless head, barely concealed underneath a light fuzz of closely
Desc + cropped, bright-emerald hair. In his shield hand he is clutching a
Desc + small symbol with a noticeably iron grip, as though his very existence
Desc + hinges on keeping it close.

****second desc, after empowerment( 31 hours)
Desc + This Storm giant stands tall, even with a perpetual slouch that might
Desc + even be called a "slump", and is quite gaunt for members of his race.
Desc + His visible skin, while still turquoise in tint is very pale and lacks
Desc + the deep, healthy hue that most Storm giants obtain from a long youth
Desc + ingesting rich sea and lake nutrients. Deep, metallic blue eyes peer
Desc + out of a severe, angular, and mostly expressionless face with the only
Desc + clue on what this giant might be thinking being the dark bags under
Desc + the puffy eyelids that surround eyes that are very bloodshot. All
Desc + sorts of symbols, some recognizable as Holy symbols, some obviously
Desc + arcane symbols of power, and some that do not look like any other
Desc + symbols that are commonly seen in Thera are tattooed about his almost
Desc + hairless head, barely concealed underneath a light fuzz of closely
Desc + cropped, bright-emerald hair. About his thick neck is a long cord
Desc + of thickly wrapped twine that hangs down onto his chest on the outside
Desc + of his armor, suspending two strange objects. It passes through a small
Desc + square hole in a very worn coin of white-gold that appears like it

Your role is:
Added Fri May 9 10:49:30 2003 at level 1( 0 hours)

role + Every man has a line he will not cross.
role +
role + What happens to a man who never believed that, when he finally comes to that
role + line?
role +
role + What happens to a man when he finds out that Love does not conquer all?
role +
role + What happens when the proudly indifferent are violently disabused of their
role + notions of Love and Peace?
role +
role +
role + **
role + Zdenhoi's personality is based in large part on three things. First is the
role + movie "Mother Night" with Nick Nolte, second is the animated film "Prince of
role + Egypt", and third is the lyrics to the song "Paint it Black" by the Rolling
role + stones...particularly these verses....
role +
role + ..
role + I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
role + I have to turn my head until my darkness goes
role + ..
role + With flowers and my love both never to come back
role + I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
role + Like a new born baby it just happens ev'ry day
role +
role + I look inside myself and see my heart is black
role + ..
role + Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts
role + It's not easy facin' up when your whole world is black
role +
role + No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue
role + I could not foresee this thing happening to you
role +
role + If I look hard enough into the settin' sun
role + My love will laugh with me before the mornin' comes
role + ....
role + **
role +
role + **************Backstory************************
role +
role + Zdenhoi was born in a fairly large city in a far away land. He was Orphaned
role + as a toddler in what that city called "The Great Chaos". The great chaos was
role + a time when lawlessness and crime became rampant in the city and the
role + surrounding lands, until a group of wealthy merchants and powerful
role + adventurers established order with an Iron Fist and became the "City
role + Fathers". They established peace by violently crushing any and all
role + resistance, and set up many social programs that increased the standard of
role + living in the city...like building orphanages and putting the poor to work in
role + labor camps that became farms that fed the city.
role +
role + Zdenhoi grew up believing, as all children were taught, to never question the
role + City Fathers who had saved the city. Indeed, he personally had much to be
role + thankful to the City Fathers for, and as he grew to manhood, he was trained
role + and became one of the most popular "Voices of the Fathers" who would explain
role + to the citizens the policies of the City Fathers.
role +
role + LOVE
role + It was during his training that he met his wife. An amazingly beautiful
role + storm giant female that he had never seen before. While the city was large
role + and very metropolitan, containing populations of almost every race, Zdenhoi
role + thought that he knew all of the Storm giants in the city. It turns out that
role + she, like most of the other Storm giants in the city, was orphaned in the
role + great chaos...but instead of being placed in an Orphanage, like all of the
role + other Storm giants in the city had been, she was raised by friends of her
role + parents who were dwarves, of all things.
role +
role + Their love was story-book, love at first site, true love. They waited barely
role + enough time for it to be decent, and were married and soon his wife was with
role + child.
role +
role + It was late in her pregnancy and soon after his son was born that things
role + began to change for him.
role +
role + The city fathers were never very secretive about their methods of keeping
role + order, but Zdenhoi had never really bothered to think about it, as he had
role + never really witnessed the oppression and the utter savagery with which the
role + city fathers dealt with any who spoke out against them. But in his position
role + in their government, he was increasingly exposed to the realities of the city
role + fathers.
role +
role + Out of selfish interests, mostly, he rationalized away his uncomfortableness
role + with the oppression, telling himself that if the greater good of order and
role + peace was served...then what he was witnessing was a small price to pay. Not
role + to mention the fact that he was still very much in love, and nothing,
role + absolutely NOTHING could seem important to him next to the love of his Wife
role + and small child. Although the fact that it seemed that his wife had none of
role + the uncomfortableness that he experienced when witnessing the truths of the
role + methods of the City Fathers seemed to him a strange thing, and for quite some
role + time he strived with all of his being to obtain that...Indifference to the
role + suffering of others, as long as it served the interests of the City.. And it
role + did not take long before he had suppressed his uncomfortableness out of his
role + conscious waking life, for he saw that indifference as honorable, although he
role + did have quite a few nightmares.
role +
role + It is not exactly accurate to say that he "thought"...but more like that he
role + "knew", "balls to bones", without even ever truly thinking about it, that
role + he would do anything and everything for his budding family....anything
role +
role + He had a few years of this ignorant bliss before one fateful day violently
role + disabused him of that notion.
role +
role + One early morning he was supervising a large construction crew when a pillar
role + being erected fell through the wall of the Inner sanctum of the City Fathers.
role + He had the crew, 1300 strong, enter the building and remove the pillar and
role + then rebuild the wall as fast as they could. But it was too late. He and
role + his lieutenant had seen the records of the truth. The truth was that their
role + city had been run peacefully and justly by the Storm giants before the Great
role + Chaos...and that the Great Chaos was in fact a time when some wealthy but
role + corrupt merchants who were ejected from the city hired an army and invaded
role + the city and took it over, slaying all of the adult and older children of the
role + Storm giants.
role +
role + Both he and his lieutenant were struck numb for a time with disbelief. When
role + they broke free of their numbness, they reacted in different ways. Zdenhoi,
role + thinking only of his wife and his child, wished to keep this knowledge
role + secret, while his lieutenant grew extremely angry...filled with a righteous
role + rage...and began to spread the word. It did not take long before the City
role + Fathers heard about this, and their reaction was all too predictable. All
role + who had heard this story, and all of their families, were to be put to death.
role + Zdenhoi, and his wife, because they were valuable to the City Fathers, were
role + to be spared...but not their infant son.
role +
role + Zdenhoi raced home...only in time to see his Wife, who always believed in the
role + City Fathers, hand over their son to the squad of enforcers and to watch them
role + carry out the sentence.
role +
role + That was the last he ever saw of the love of his life. For he began to run.
role + All of the studied indifference that he had carefully adopted shattered away
role + and his inner loathing of the City Fathers and their brutal tactics came to
role + his blood and almost threatened to carry him away into a berserk rage.
role +
role + MERCY
role + But no. He could not afford the comfort of a rage like that. While he would
role + do much damage to the forces of the City fathers in such a rage, he could not
role + let the lives of all of those other condemned families be put onto his soul.
role +
role + He offered quick prayers to the Gods of the Light, that he had tried so hard
role + to ignore for most of his life, to help him, and his wish was granted. With
role + their divine help, he was able to claw his way out of his blinding red rage
role + enough to act with a purpose. Although he could not save all of the families
role + that were condemned, he gathered all of the children that he could and he led
role + them out of the city through the sewers. Thrice guards were sent after him,
role + and thrice the Gods of the Light used him and granted him the strength to
role + overcome them. The Third group of guards were led by his Brother in law, his
role + Wife’s brother. And Zdenhoi slew him and all of his soldiers.
role +
role + That was the last that he saw of that city. With the aid of the Gods of the
role + Light, he was able to find enough food for the children and to protect them
role + in the wild as he led them far away from the lands of the City Fathers. He
role + found a small village of his own race, and they gladly took in all of these
role + orphans. Here he had wished to stay, to wallow in his misery and to help to
role + raise all of these children as he would have raised his own son.
role +
role + JUSTICE
role + But he was not allowed that comfort. He was plagued by visions from the Gods
role + of the Light. He had not completely redeemed himself as of yet, as he still
role + had many sins weighing on his soul, and he came to the realization that in
role + return for their aid in helping him pull out of the burning rage, and their
role + acceptance of him as their tool to save the lives of those children, he had a
role + price to pay.
role +
role + A price that could never be fulfilled. He realized that he was being called
role + to become a tool for the Light, to live the rest of his life...until death
role + and beyond, in it's service. In that village was an old, retired campaigner
role + of a Paladin from whom he gained a rudimentary training in the guild, and he
role + then set off to follow wherever the Light called him.
role +
role + ***********************************************
role +
role + ***********explaining his personality**********
role +
role + Zdenhoi Azh Okhai is a Tormented man(the last name, Azh being “Orphan”
role + and Okhai being “True” in the language of his youth, and is a name he has
role + given himself to show the world just how removed his is from his roots, for
role + he does consider himself a “true orphan” in a number of different ways.
role +
role + He is tormented five fold in his emotions...
role +
role + *First, he is eternally shamed by his attempted Indifference.
Role +
role + *Second, he longs for his son.
Role +
role + *Third, he still longs for his wife, and a return to the pure love and
role + happiness that they shared.
Role +
role + *Fourth, sometimes, late at night, he sometimes thinks that it was his
role + turning to the light that destroyed the life of complete love and happiness
role + that he had.
Role +
role + *Finally, he knows that the above thought is not true, he knows that it was
role + his attempt at turning from the light to indifference that led to his
role + loss...but he has a hard time controlling the thought when he wakes up in the
role + middle of the night in a cold sweat, having re-lived the slaughter of his son
role + while his Wife looked on peacefully.
role +
role + This inner turmoil causes Zdenhoi to be very much a "loan wolf" type of man,
role + uncomfortable in the company of others as he works towards repaying his debt
role + to the Light that can never be repaid.
role +
role + This leads him to have a strong tendency to try to work without the aid of
role + his peers.
role +
role + He does not choose to learn and advance alone out of a strict view of
role + religion or penance, it is just merely a result of his uncomfortableness
role + with the casual camaraderie that comes from adventuring about with others.
role + But indeed one of his goals is to advance to becoming a Hero in his guild
role + without joining with any of his peers, but he does not take that goal to the
role + extreme of refusing to use tactics and well-coordinated strikes in the war
role + against the darkness.
role +
role + **the below view of where I see Zdenhoi going is of course subject to
role + modification based on IC interactions**
role + I see him as growing from this tormented, very emotional youth, into a young
role + man who's inner torment has scabbed over his emotions (if only on the
role + surface), turning him into a very hard and strict man. And I see this
role + "hardness" and disgust at his own path turning into an almost burning need to
role + bring down oppression and the evil that gives oppression ground to flourish.
role +
role + I see him of two very different dispositions regarding the "neutral" of
role + Thera. On one hand, he has a knee-jerk disgust at those who are
role + "indifferent", because of his own path and because he knows what kind of evil
role + that indifference leads to.
role +
role + On the other hand, he often sees in them something of himself, leading him
role + to desire to help them choose the Light before disaster falls upon them, as
role + it did for him.
role +
role + Also, he has a great distrust for any who use the cry of "It is for Order"
role + to justify their actions as that was the argument the City Fathers used to
role + justify their extremely brutal rule. It was also the rationalization that
role + he used in himself to justify his indifference.
role +
role + Indeed, he sees that whole "Sure I don't like seeing that kind of thing,
role + but order must be kept, for the good of all" argument as "The Great Lie",
role + and he will not hesitate to refer to it as such.

Added Mon May 12 22:17:01 2003 at level 10: (12 hours)

Role + Zdenhoi was traveling, learning the lands, when he came upon a small
Role + fortress of light on the borders of the evil lands of the so-called Empire.
Role +
Role + As he walked the halls of this fortress, the Lord of the place, Gharis,
Role + asked for Zdenhoi’s aid in rooting out a traitor. Of course Zdenhoi
Role + agreed. Using a hint from Gharis, Zdenhoi found an evil merchant
Role + and …”convinced” him to reveal a clue on who the inside traitor was.
Role + Zdenhoi entered the keep and found that a bookkeeper by the name of
Role + Darius.
Role +
Role + And then something occurred that took Zdenhoi completely by
Role + surprise. Zdenhoi took the knowledge of the traitor, along with the
Role + proof, to the Lord Gharis…and Gharis refused to act! It was as if
Role + Gharis all of a sudden decided to not care about a traitor to the light
Role + in the midst of his Fortress.
Role +
Role + This angered Zdenhoi greatly. First, he told Gharis that if he would
Role + not act, that he would. Still, Gharis did nothing. So Zdenhoi acted and
Role + brought the Traitor to Justice. But not just in the name of Justice…for
Role + to leave a traitor in the walls who had acted already to destroy the
Role + peace of the Keep, and to leave the subjects of this somnolent lord
Role + Gharis in constant danger would be an evil of non-action.
Role +
Role + After Zdenhoi made sure that the people of the keep would be safe by
Role + seeing that Justice was done, he returned to Gharis and lectured him
Role + shortly on the duties of a Lord. For Lordship brings more than just
Role + privileges, but also responsibilities. Zdenhoi was unable to convince
Role + so elderly and strong a Lord that he had responsibilities to his own
Role + people, so he swore to Gharis that he would return when he was
Role + more powerful to give him lessons on being a better Lord, and at
Role + that time, Gharis would listen and learn, or would be removed for
Role + himself betraying his own people. For because of Zdenhoi’s past,
Role + he has almost zero tolerance for those he sees as abusing a
Role + leadership position.

Added Tue May 13 14:17:04 2003 at level 10: (17 hours)

Role + One day, while traveling across the sea after spending some time
Role + in prayer to his Goddess, Zdenhoi witnessed something that
Role + troubles him greatly.
Role + He witnessed the sylvans Corthy, Grumby, and Blachmianan
Role + leap upon the Magi of Light by the name of Gherian with
Role + a frothing bloodlust in their eyes. Zdenhoi was not surprised
Role + by this, as much as saddened, for he knew the Sylvans as
Role + led by Indifferent mortals, and following Indifferent Gods,
Role + so seeing them fall to the work of evil was but furthor proof
Role + for Zdenhoi’s ideas that there is no middle-ground in the
Role + war between the Light and the Darkness.
Role + What troubled Zdenhoi the most, was seeing the Elf Meladori, the
Role + Fela Misha, and the Paladin Karun stand by and watch this assault,
Role + doing nothing but asking with words for the Evil Indifferents to
Role + “please stop”. Again and again they yelled out their request, and
Role + again and again the Indifferents totally ignored them.
Role + That is what troubled Zdenhoi. He did not see fellow lightwalkers
Role + leap to the aid of a Lightwalker obviously beset by evil on all sides.
Role +
Role + All of this has only served to cement his resolve to grow in the Light,
Role + so that he might grow to have the strength to bring Justice for those
Role + who he sees all about who are beset by the Darkness.

Added Sat May 24 01:02:50 2003 at level 10:(24 hours)

Clarification of elements in his description.

As to the tattoos on his head. In that village he first escaped to, the
elders of that village were the first to help him on his path back to
the Light. They believed that these symbols and tattoos of power
would aid in keeping evil thoughts and influences from his mind, as
long as they remain visible to all. He is not sure that he believes
in them, but he also believes that he can't leave anything to chance,
so this is why he always keeps his hair close-cropped...and will
never wear any headgear that would totally cover his tattoos such
as helmets or hats, although some crowns do not cover them so he
might wear them and other things that might not cover the tattoos.

The small symbol that he carries in his shield hand always and
clutches is just a white-gold coin, on one side is etched the name
of his son, Zeffednak, and on the other side was etched the name
of his wife, Mrysila...but his constant rubbing of the coin with his
thumb has long since rubbed that side of the coin smooth.

*********Empowerment, rank 10, (31 hours)
Added Thu May 29 14:02:04 2003 at level 18: (50 hours)
role +
role + His audience with Bria served as quite a revelation for Zdenhoi, for
role + he was convinced that he would have to live the rest of his life without
role + knowing Love. For quite some time he walked about in a warm daze,
role + shocked at the love he felt flowing from his Goddess, so much so that
role + he hardly noticed when three times the Light chose to use him as the
role + tool by which an evil soul was delivered to judgement. Indeed he has
role + been quite successful and blessed by the light in his early career.
role +
role + But recently, a melancholy has been creeping into the haze of happiness
role + of his existence. This deep sadness has two sources, really. First, the
role + surprise of feeling Love again when he had not thought to feel it ever
role + again has unfortunately served to remind him more poignantly of what
role + he has lost. Secondly, his good fortune so far has filled him with a
role + measure of guilt, for deep-down he is not sure he deserves such good
role + fortune.
role +
role + Because of this mixture of sublime happiness and deep sadness, he finds
role + it increasingly difficult to be fair of speech, especially to those of Dark
role + souls and those Indifferents he sees aiding the Darkness...which is almost
role + all of the Indifferents that he has seen. And because of this difficulty, he
role + has tried to keep his words as short and as formal as possible, so as not
role + to sound course.
role +
role + A short time ago the leadership of the Fortress sent a scroll out inviting
role + those of the Light to apply. Although Zdenhoi had, before this, had a
role + nebulous idea of what the Light would require of his life as repayment for
role + his youth, upon reading the scroll it became clear to him what path he
role + needs to work towards. But, he knows now that he is not his own
role + Master, and will seek out his Liege lady to ask permission to pursue the
role + life of the Maran.

Added Tue Jun 3 17:57:02 2003 at level 22: (69 hours)
Role + Today Zdenhoi was attempting to grow in strength in order to better
Role + serve the light, when he had a conversation with a young elven healer
Role + by the name of Anadriewien that truly changed much of his outlook.
Role +
Role + After turning down the offer of camaraderie in slaying the darkness
Role + made my Anadriewien and her friend, Anadriewien asked specifically
Role + why.
Role +
Role + Zdenhoi answered that the reasons were two-fold, and somewhat
Role + personal. He said that, due to the past to be honest, he is somewhat
Role + of an introvert, and not at all at ease with the casual friendship offered
Role + in such gatherings. He also said that, due to his past which he would
Role + not go into, he believed that he had a great debt to repay to the Light,
Role + and that he had hoped that the difficulty of the quest of growing in his
Role + guild alone would help to repay his debt.
Role +
Role + It was then that the young Healer offered two thoughts that had not
Role + passed through Zdenhoi’s mind.
Role +
Role + First, he posed the question that, What if he as a healer, denied helping
Role + others with his prayers…for “personal reasons”…or for whatever…
Role +
Role + Immediately Zdenhoi saw the point that Anadriewien was trying to
Role + make….and was shocked. He was supposed to be a Champion of
Role + the Light…and he might be failing in that calling by refusing his gifts
Role + from others who were in need of aid in growing in the Light so that
Role + they might be better able to stand against the Darkness and strike
Role + back.
Role +
Role + His other argument was based upon the Fortress, which Zdenhoi
Role + indeed hopes to gain leave from his Liege to join. He argued that
Role + what is a sword, who will not stand with his shield, and that it was
Role + the way of the Fortress to help spread Love and the Light through
Role + the Maran and the Acolytes standing together.
Role +
Role + While Zdenhoi could have argued that this second argument did not
Role + bear directly on the conversation at hand, that of growth in the
Role + Light. But it is when the Healer was making this argument that
Role + Zdenhoi had a realization that there was actually a hidden third
Role + reason why he had hoped to grow in his guild alone…the Sin of
Role + Pride. He was proud of being perhaps unique in these times and
Role + in his guild, and he was proud of the renown that this path might
Role + bring him in the future.
Role +
Role + This realization hurt Zdenhoi greatly. He retreated to his Lieges
Role + Holy place and spent time in personal reflection and prayer, and
Role + although he knew that his turning from his quest of growing alone
Role + he no-longer believed that his reasons for attempting such were
Role + reason enough to continue to deny the gifts that the Light had
Role + given him from those who would benefit from them.
Role +
Role + And so, he penned this scroll to his Liege, the Lady of Justice,
Role + and resolved to do more to help others grow in the strength of the
Role + light.
Role + ***********
role + On this day, Lady of light, a young elven healer by the name
role + of Anadriewien aksed me directly why I had turned down his, and
role + friend's, offer to join our gifts against evil.
role +
role + I will not repeat the conversation here, for I know you must be
role + busy beyond my understanding, but the short of it is that she
role + presented an argument that I had not considered. And it revealed
role + to me a third reason on why I have been attempting to grow
role + in my guild alone....that of Pride. I was proud that I was
role + perhaps unique in my choice in these times, and I was even hoping
role + to gain reknown for it.
role + These realizations about myself have hurt me greatly.
role +
role + Lady of Light, I am fully aware of how this may look. And that
role + I may be marked as one who can not finish what he has started...
role + Perhaps even that I am an opportunist...
role +
role + Unfortunately, I must risk these judgements, because I nolonger
role + believe in my heart that I am serving the Light to the best of
role + my ability by refusing to use the gifts granted to me to help
role + others grow in the strength of the Light.
role +
role + Lady of Justice, my Liege, I pray that you may forgive me the
role + pride that I have been guilty of. I also pray that you may forgive
role + me for abandoning the path that my pride had lead me to follow,
role + that of the growth in my guild with no help from others...also
role + giving no help to others in THEIR growth in the Light.
role +
role + With Love,
role + Zdenhoi.
Role + ************
Role + As the note to the Lady Bria stated, he hopes that she may
Role + forgive him for both his transgression of Pride, as well as
Role + the abandonment of his stated quest.
18947, first some logs, before I do the goodby thing.
Posted by Zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
first pk fight with this pally, didn't go well at all.

==100%hp 69%m 100%mv=5793tnl=12 AM== where
People near you:
Vitionis The High Altar of the Great Temple
Malicifatum The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi Tower of Blessed Swords
(PK) Karak Tournament and Practice Yard

==100%hp 69%m 100%mv=5793tnl=12 AM== where
People near you:
Vitionis The High Altar of the Great Temple
Malicifatum The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi Tower of Blessed Swords
(PK) Karak Tournament and Practice Yard

==100%hp 69%m 100%mv=5793tnl=12 AM== tell Karak So. Are we going to just sit here and look at each other, or do something about it.
You tell Karak 'So. Are we going to just sit here and look at each other, or do something about it.'

==100%hp 69%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== where
People near you:
Malicifatum The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi Tower of Blessed Swords
(PK) Karak Tournament and Practice Yard

==100%hp 69%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== affect
who pk
You are affected by:
Commune: 'detect invis'.
Commune: 'detect evil'.
Commune: 'bless'.
Commune: 'bless'.
Commune: 'protection'.
Commune: 'armor'.

==100%hp 69%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== <22 Gnome Inv> (PK) Owogwyn the Student of Invocation
<24 H-Drw Thi> (PK) Zajelgrak the Lookout
<20 Human War> (PK) Ranister the Knight
<21 Arial Asn> (PK) Kaltuna the Mistress of Atemi Waza
*18 Storm Pal* (PK) Zdenhoi the Truthful
<24 Fire War> (PK) Karak the Master Gladiator
<26 Svirf War> (PK) Teriniua the Greater Demon Slayer
<25 Arial War> (PK) Virod the Demon Slayer
<24 Fire War> (PK) Beldern the Master Gladiator
<22 Felar Asn> (PK) Legedri the Master of Kotegaeshi

Players found: 10
put up ......CRUSADE.
put up ......SANCTUARY.
Half Drow......1

==100%hp 75%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== where
People near you:
Malicifatum The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi Tower of Blessed Swords
(PK) Karak Tournament and Practice Yard

==100%hp 75%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM==
Karak tells you 'I could not agree more.'

==100%hp 75%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== where
People near you:
Malicifatum The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi Tower of Blessed Swords
(PK) Karak Tournament and Practice Yard

==100%hp 75%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== where
People near you:
Malicifatum The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi Tower of Blessed Swords
(PK) Karak Tournament and Practice Yard
Karak tells you 'After you, princess.'

==100%hp 75%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== reply Indeed.
You tell Karak 'Indeed.'

==100%hp 75%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== quaff flight
You quaff a potion of flight.
Your feet rise off the ground.

==100%hp 75%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== ewq

==100%hp 75%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== You are using:
<worn on finger> a ring set with a single ruby
<worn on finger> an opal ring
<worn around neck> a Gaidin medallion
<worn around neck> a white cloak with an embroidered golden sunburst
<worn on body> A blue dragonscale torso
<worn on head> (Glowing) a Templar's crown
<worn on legs> a pair of steel chain leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel chain boots
<worn on hands> a pair of black steel gauntlets
<worn on arms> a set of earthen sleeves
<worn as shield> a huge shield marked with a templar's cross
<worn about body> (Glowing) a shaman's robe
<worn about waist> the girdle of endless space
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) sapphire bracelet
<worn around wrist> an engraved bracer
<wielded> (Glowing) a massive silver-etched sword

==100%hp 75%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== d
Better stand up first.

==100%hp 75%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== wake
You stand up.

==100%hp 75%m 100%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== d
Chapel of the Paladins

==100%hp 75%m 99%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== s
Overlooking the square

A woman clad in a white and red cloak stands here.

==100%hp 75%m 98%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== w
North balcony

==100%hp 75%m 98%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== d
Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz

A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.

==100%hp 75%m 97%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== e
The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall of Creation

A statue of the dead god Nasheer stands here upon a small altar.

==100%hp 75%m 97%mv=5793tnl=1 AM== s
The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz

A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.

==100%hp 75%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Funerae Inside the Bahiyaa Gate
Malicifatum The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz
(PK) Karak Tournament and Practice Yard

==100%hp 75%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== e
Eastern steps of the Great Temple

A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A leprous beggar shuffles around here, begging for food.
An elderly woman squats here, begging for coins.
A leprous beggar shuffles around here, begging for food.

==100%hp 75%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== e
The Southwestern Market Square

A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
An alley cat sits here watching you.
A nomad trader walks the city streets.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.

==100%hp 75%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM==
Karak tells you 'And who is the ranger?'

==100%hp 75%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Funerae Inside the Bahiyaa Gate
Malicifatum The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi The Southwestern Market Square
(PK) Karak Tournament and Practice Yard

==100%hp 75%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== whois fu

You are thirsty.

==100%hp 77%m 100%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== No one of that name is in Thera.

==100%hp 77%m 100%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== whois fu
No one of that name is in Thera.

==100%hp 77%m 100%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== where
People near you:
Malicifatum The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi The Southwestern Market Square
(PK) Karak The Mercenary's Guild

==100%hp 77%m 100%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== e
The Southern Market Square

A pelican flies over the surface of the sea.
A perfumed woman dressed in a revealing shift eyes the crowd.
A perfumed woman dressed in a revealing shift eyes the crowd.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.

==100%hp 77%m 99%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== where
People near you:
Malicifatum The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi The Southern Market Square
(PK) Karak Intersection of Eastern Al Abbas and the Street of Guilds

==100%hp 77%m 99%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== e
The Southeastern Market Square

A dark-skinned sword-for-hire pushes his way through the crowds.
A stinking minotaur stands here, snorting with menace at those that pass.
A stinking minotaur stands here, snorting with menace at those that pass.
An overfed merchant from overseas wanders through the crowds.
Karak has arrived.

==100%hp 77%m 98%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== com flamestrike karak
Karak yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Karak's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Karak devastates you!
Karak devastates you!
Karak looks at you.
Karak is in perfect health.

==82%hp 74%m 98%mv=5793tnl=2 AM==
Karak parries your freezing bite.
Karak's cleave devastates you!
You parry Karak's cleave.
Karak is in perfect health.

==72%hp 74%m 98%mv=5793tnl=2 AM==
Karak tries to thrust both his swords at you, but they get crossed.
Karak's thrust misses you.
Karak's thrust misses you.
Karak is in perfect health.

==72%hp 74%m 98%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== disarm
You fail to disarm Karak.
Karak is in perfect health.

==72%hp 74%m 98%mv=5793tnl=2 AM==
Karak dodges your freezing bite.
Karak's cleave mauls you.
Karak's cleave misses you.
Karak is in perfect health.

==65%hp 74%m 98%mv=5793tnl=2 AM==
Your freezing bite DISMEMBERS Karak!
Your shield blocks Karak's cleave.
You parry Karak's flaming bite.
You parry Karak's cleave.
Karak has some small but disgusting cuts.

==65%hp 74%m 98%mv=5793tnl=2 AM==
Karak dodges your freezing bite.
Karak dodges your freezing bite.
Karak's cleave maims you!
Karak's flaming bite MUTILATES you!
The Southern Market Square

A pelican flies over the surface of the sea.
A perfumed woman dressed in a revealing shift eyes the crowd.
A perfumed woman dressed in a revealing shift eyes the crowd.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.
You flee from combat!

==42%hp 74%m 98%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== w
The Southwestern Market Square

A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
An alley cat sits here watching you.
A nomad trader walks the city streets.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
A woman in dull-colored cloaks and wraps is here.

==42%hp 74%m 97%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== Eastern steps of the Great Temple

A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A leprous beggar shuffles around here, begging for food.
An elderly woman squats here, begging for coins.
A leprous beggar shuffles around here, begging for food.

==42%hp 74%m 97%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz

A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.

==42%hp 74%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== com 'cure critical'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==51%hp 68%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== com 'cure critical'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==57%hp 61%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== com 'cure critical'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==64%hp 55%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM==
Malicifatum has arrived.

==64%hp 55%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== n

Malicifatum leaves east.

==64%hp 55%m 96%mv=5793tnl=2 AM== where
The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall of Creation

A statue of the dead god Nasheer stands here upon a small altar.

==64%hp 55%m 96%mv=5793tnl=3 AM== w
People near you:
Malicifatum The Southern Market Square
(PK) Zdenhoi The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall of Creation
(PK) Karak The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Estrive Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall of Enlightenment

==64%hp 55%m 96%mv=5793tnl=3 AM== Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz

A quiet servant fades into the background.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.

==64%hp 55%m 96%mv=5793tnl=3 AM== s
The High Altar of the Great Temple

A large steel key lies on the ground here.
Vitionis is here.
(Invis) (Red Aura) Kignnia is resting here.
An old woman kneels here in prayer.
(White Aura) The Enlightened Master of the Temple is here, praying for the weak.
Karak has arrived.

==64%hp 55%m 96%mv=5793tnl=3 AM==
Karak sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Karak's bash hits you.
You yell 'Help! Karak is bashing me!'
Karak has some small but disgusting cuts.

==61%hp 55%m 96%mv=5793tnl=3 AM==
Karak dodges your freezing bite.
Karak parries your freezing bite.
Karak's cleave maims you!
Karak's flaming bite misses you.
Karak's cleave misses you.
Karak has some small but disgusting cuts.

==51%hp 55%m 96%mv=5793tnl=3 AM== heal heal

You are thirsty.
Karak has some small but disgusting cuts.

==52%hp 57%m 100%mv=5793tnl=3 AM== You pay the Enlightened Master 1565 copper coins.
The Enlightened Master closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Your freezing bite MANGLES Karak!
You parry Karak's cleave.
Karak's flaming bite EVISCERATES you!
Karak's cleave devastates you!
Karak is covered with bleeding wounds.

==58%hp 57%m 100%mv=5793tnl=3 AM==
Estrive has arrived.
Karak is covered with bleeding wounds.

==58%hp 57%m 100%mv=5793tnl=3 AM==
Karak tries to strike the same place with both his swords.
Karak's thrust EVISCERATES you!
Karak gets in one more shot as you flee.
Karak's parting blow MUTILATES you!
Alas, you cannot go that way.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Karak's thrust MANGLES you!
That really did HURT!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Karak gets in one more shot as you flee.
Karak's parting blow devastates you!
You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
You can't see anything but stars!
You flee from combat!

==-2%hp 57%m 99%mv=5793tnl=3 AM== heal heal
You are hurt far too badly for that.

==-2%hp 57%m 99%mv=5793tnl=3 AM==
Karak yells 'Be lucky, I have pity.'

==-2%hp 57%m 99%mv=5793tnl=3 AM==
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Karak!'
Karak's cleave maims you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
18948, second pk with zden
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
==94%hp 27%m 95%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== n

You no longer see invisible objects.
The red in your vision disappears.

==96%hp 28%m 100%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== Through the Foothills

==96%hp 28%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== where
com 'detect evil
People near you:
(PK) Trexarus In the Valley
Rathjin Redhorn Gate
(PK) Zdenhoi Through the Foothills

==96%hp 28%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle with a red aura.

==96%hp 27%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== com 'detect invis
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You lost your concentration.

==96%hp 26%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== com 'detect invis
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle.

==96%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== where

Trexarus has summoned you!
In the Valley

(Red Aura) Trexarus is here.

==96%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== People near you:
(PK) Trexarus In the Valley
(PK) Zdenhoi In the Valley

==96%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== com flamestrike hausool
They aren't here.

==96%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== com flamestrike hausool
They aren't here.

==96%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== You yell 'Die, Trexarus, you sorcerous dog!'
Trexarus utters the words, 'noselacri'.
You easily avoid Trexarus's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
You decimate Trexarus!
Trexarus parries your divine power.
Trexarus has a few scratches.

==96%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM==
Trexarus's slash mauls you.
Trexarus parries your divine power.
Trexarus has a few scratches.

==89%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== disarm
You fail to disarm Trexarus.
Trexarus has a few scratches.

==89%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== Trexarus utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Trexarus has a few scratches.

==89%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM==
Your shield blocks Trexarus's slash.
You parry Trexarus's slash.
Your divine power maims Trexarus!
Your divine power decimates Trexarus!
Trexarus is covered with bleeding wounds.

==89%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== shield

Trexarus utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Trexarus is covered with bleeding wounds.

==89%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM==
Trexarus's slash decimates you!
Your divine power devastates Trexarus!
Trexarus parries your divine power.
Trexarus is covered with bleeding wounds.

==82%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=2 AM== You slam your shield into Trexarus, and send him to the ground!
Trexarus looks stunned by your shield bash.
Your shield bash grazes Trexarus.
Trexarus is covered with bleeding wounds.

==82%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=3 AM==
Trexarus's slash mauls you.
Trexarus dodges your divine power.
Trexarus is covered with bleeding wounds.

==75%hp 24%m 98%mv=2624tnl=3 AM==
Trexarus's slash devastates you!
You easily avoid Trexarus's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
Your divine power mauls Trexarus.
Trexarus is covered with bleeding wounds.

==68%hp 26%m 100%mv=2624tnl=3 AM== shield

Trexarus utters the words, 'noselacri'.
You are blinded!
You slam your shield into someone, and send it to the ground!
Someone looks stunned by your shield bash.
Your shield bash wounds someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==68%hp 26%m 100%mv=2624tnl=3 AM==
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash.
Your divine power maims someone!
Someone parries your divine power.
Your divine power MUTILATES someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

==68%hp 26%m 100%mv=2624tnl=3 AM== shield

Someone's slash mauls you.
Your shield blocks someone's slash.
Your divine power devastates someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

==62%hp 26%m 100%mv=2624tnl=3 AM==
Someone leaves west.
Someone has fled!
But you aren't fighting anyone!

==62%hp 26%m 100%mv=2624tnl=3 AM== com 'cure blind'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You can see again.
Your vision returns!

==62%hp 24%m 100%mv=2624tnl=3 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi In the Valley
18949, another one gets away
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
==100%hp 77%m 100%mv=11271tnl=3 AM== gr
Zdenhoi's group:
<20 Pal> Zdenhoi 100% hp 86% mana 100% mv 130329 xp

==100%hp 86%m 100%mv=11271tnl=4 AM==
From the towers of the Great Temple, horns sound to call the devout to prayer.

==100%hp 86%m 100%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== where
In your dreams, or what?

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== wake
You wake and stand up.

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== People near you:
(PK) Korthek Inside the Gate of Sihaam
Vael The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi Tower of Blessed Swords

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek Intersection of the Avenue of Abedim and North Khalid Road
Vael Inside the Great Temple
(PK) Zdenhoi Tower of Blessed Swords

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek The Avenue of Abedim
Vael Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall of Enlightenment
(PK) Zdenhoi Tower of Blessed Swords

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== d
Chapel of the Paladins

==100%hp 100%m 99%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== s
Overlooking the square

A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
(White Aura) A woman clad in a white and red cloak stands here.

==100%hp 100%m 98%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek Western steps of the Great Temple
Vael The Northwestern Market Square
(PK) Zdenhoi Overlooking the square

==100%hp 100%m 98%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== w
North balcony

==100%hp 100%m 98%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== d
Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz

(Red Aura) Korthek is here.

==100%hp 100%m 97%mv=11271tnl=5 AM==
Korthek leaves south.

==100%hp 100%m 97%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== com wrath korthek
They aren't here.

==100%hp 100%m 97%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== s
com wrath korthek
The High Altar of the Great Temple

A vest of padded armor lies unused here.
A case of Proudfoot Pale Ale sits here, tempting you.
( 2) A dainty looking seed-cake is lying here, waiting for you to eat it.
(Red Aura) Korthek is here.
An old woman kneels here in prayer.
(White Aura) The Enlightened Master of the Temple is here, praying for the weak.

==100%hp 100%m 97%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== com wrath korthek
Korthek yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Korthek's direction.
Your heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Korthek!
Korthek has some small but disgusting cuts.

==100%hp 85%m 97%mv=11271tnl=5 AM==
Your shield blocks Korthek's slice.
Your shield blocks Korthek's slice.
Korthek's slice wounds you.
Korthek parries your divine power.
Korthek dodges your divine power.
Korthek dodges your divine power.
You quickly strike Korthek with the edge of a huge shield marked with a templar's cross.
Your shield jab devastates Korthek!
Korthek has some small but disgusting cuts.

==94%hp 85%m 97%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Korthek's direction.
Your heavenly wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** Korthek!
Korthek is covered with bleeding wounds.

==94%hp 70%m 97%mv=11271tnl=5 AM==
Korthek leaves north.
Korthek has fled!

==94%hp 70%m 97%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== n
Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz

==94%hp 70%m 97%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== com wrath korthek
com wrath korthek
They aren't here.

==94%hp 70%m 97%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== They aren't here.

==94%hp 70%m 97%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== e
The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall of Creation

A statue of the dead god Nasheer stands here upon a small altar.
A leprous beggar shuffles around here, begging for food.

==94%hp 70%m 96%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Korthek The Avenue of Abedim
(PK) Zdenhoi The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall of Creation

==94%hp 70%m 96%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== s
The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz

==94%hp 70%m 96%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== n
The Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall of Creation

A statue of the dead god Nasheer stands here upon a small altar.
A leprous beggar shuffles around here, begging for food.

==94%hp 70%m 96%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== w
Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz

==94%hp 70%m 96%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== Great Temple of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Hall of Sea and Fire

A statue carved from a single chunk of volcanic glass is here.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.

==94%hp 70%m 95%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== s
Inside the Great Temple

A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.

==94%hp 70%m 95%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== w
Western steps of the Great Temple

Calling to the crowds, an evangelist proclaims the glory of the Light.

==94%hp 70%m 94%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== where
The Avenue of Abedim

A soldier of the Sultan's army stands here, on guard duty.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
An elderly woman squats here, begging for coins.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.
Tied to a hitch, a camel stands here, spitting into the crowd.

==94%hp 70%m 94%mv=11271tnl=5 AM== People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi The Avenue of Abedim

==94%hp 70%m 94%mv=11271tnl=6 AM== n
The Avenue of Abedim

A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A man dressed in the loose clothes of a sailor argues with the traders.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
Sitting cross-legged in the dirt, an ascetic sits here muttering prayers.

==94%hp 70%m 94%mv=11271tnl=6 AM== n
Inside the Bahiyaa Gate

east south west]
A boy dressed in peasant clothes lounges here.
A soldier of the Sultan's army stands here, on guard duty.
A guard stands here, watching the gate.
A guard stands here, watching the gate.
A guard stands here, watching the gate.
A guard stands here, watching the gate.
A brightly-dressed man with a broad smile is here talking.

==94%hp 70%m 93%mv=11271tnl=6 AM== w
Outside the Bahiyaa Gate

==94%hp 70%m 92%mv=11271tnl=6 AM== Approaching the Gates of Hamsah Mu'tazz

==94%hp 70%m 91%mv=11271tnl=6 AM== People near you:
(PK) Korthek Along the Eastern Road
Vael Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Zdenhoi Approaching the Gates of Hamsah Mu'tazz

*snip me chasing down eastern*

==100%hp 72%m 72%mv=11271tnl=9 AM== s
An opening in the forest trail

(Red Aura) Korthek is sleeping here.

==100%hp 72%m 71%mv=11271tnl=9 AM== com wrath korthek
Korthek yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Korthek's direction.
Your heavenly wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** Korthek!
Korthek is writhing in agony.
18950, Ana talks me zdenhoi out of solo ranking
Posted by Zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
==93%hp 100%m 94%mv=6887tnl=5 PM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Greetings Brother of the light.'
The screaming, filthy harpy is convulsing on the ground.

==91%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=6 PM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Might I ask why it is you wish to learn alone?'

==91%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=6 PM== reply Greetings, honored Healer.
You tell Anadriewien 'Greetings, honored Healer.'


==97%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=8 PM== reply Well, friend, there are two reasons, really.
You tell Anadriewien 'Well, friend, there are two reasons, really.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=9 PM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Well, that's not going to work.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=9 PM== reply I have trusted everyone, and made sure everyone can summon, if you are trying to gate.
You tell Anadriewien 'I have trusted everyone, and made sure everyone can summon, if you are trying to gate.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=10 PM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Yes, I will try again when im rested.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=10 PM== reply Perhaps if I remove some of my clothing, and sleep?
You tell Anadriewien 'Perhaps if I remove some of my clothing, and sleep?'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=10 PM==
Anadriewien tells you 'We can speak like this for now.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=10 PM== reply Alright.
You tell Anadriewien 'Alright.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=11 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Inside the crevasse

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=11 PM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Im sure it's your crusade and blessings more than anything.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=11 PM== <25 Human Nec> (PK) Rasser the Apprentice Animator
<29 Cloud War> (PK) Cylandrael the Underlord
*22 Storm Pal* (PK) Zdenhoi the Cavalier
<27 Human War> (PK) Stajen the Dragon Slayer
<28 Fire A-P> (PK) Hausool the Knight of the Inverted Cross, Bloodoathed of the Empire
<26 Felar Asn> (PK) Legedri the Student of Kamae
<25 Arial Asn> (PK) Jalinir the Master of Kyusho
<30 Arial War> (PK) Yoponaun the Overlord
<29 Cloud War> (PK) Shakurad the Underlord
<26 Arial Asn> (PK) Katanomsi the Student of Kamae


==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=11 PM== reply Aye.
You tell Anadriewien 'Aye.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=11 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Inside the crevasse

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=11 PM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Let ask you this.. your reasons are personal?'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=12 AM== reply As for the first reason, well, I must admit that the circumstances of my past have rendered me somewhat of an Introvert, not very comfortable with easy comeraderie.
You tell Anadriewien 'As for the first reason, well, I must admit that the circumstances of my past have rendered me somewhat of an Introvert, not very comfortable with easy comeraderie.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=3 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Let me say this.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=3 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Inside the crevasse

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=3 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'What if I, as a healer, denied helping others with my prayers?'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=4 AM== reply My second reason, is a bit more complex.
You tell Anadriewien 'My second reason, is a bit more complex.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=4 AM==
You feel less righteous.

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=4 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'What I had personal reasons...'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=4 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'What if, even..'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=4 AM== emote grasps the coin hanging around his neck in a tight grip.
Zdenhoi grasps the coin hanging around his neck in a tight grip.

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=4 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'That I would never cure anyone's disease..'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=4 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'For whatever reason.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=5 AM== reply Your words do indeed cut me, friend.
You tell Anadriewien 'Your words do indeed cut me, friend.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=5 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Now, as a champion of the light..'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=5 AM== reply I see your point.

Anadriewien tells you 'Which you are.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=5 AM== You tell Anadriewien 'I see your point.'

Anadriewien tells you 'You withhold your blessings from those in need.'

==100%hp 98%m 100%mv=6810tnl=6 AM==


==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=7 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'You seek the fortress as well?'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=7 AM== reply I do hope to gain the leave of my Liege to apply for the Life of the Maran, yes.
You tell Anadriewien 'I do hope to gain the leave of my Liege to apply for the Life of the Maran, yes.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=8 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'What is a sword, who will not stand with his shield? The Fortress way, is a way of cooperation.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=8 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'We must spreak Faith and Hope.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=9 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Spread, even.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=9 AM== reply Indeed, I am not against standing next to others in the face of the growing tide of darkness...
You tell Anadriewien 'Indeed, I am not against standing next to others in the face of the growing tide of darkness...'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=9 AM== reply I just have believed that the growth in my guild a more...personal...quest...for another reason.
You tell Anadriewien 'I just have believed that the growth in my guild a more...personal...quest...for another reason.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=10 AM== reply Because of my past, which I am not comfortable explaining....I admit I have much to repay to the light.
You tell Anadriewien 'Because of my past, which I am not comfortable explaining....I admit I have much to repay to the light.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=11 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Then lets stand as one, and grow so we may gather more power to strike at the dark, and give hope to those withtout'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=11 AM== reply And I have thought that the obviously tough struggle of learning alone would help to atone...
You tell Anadriewien 'And I have thought that the obviously tough struggle of learning alone would help to atone...'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=11 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Sacrafice is indeed a worthy atonement.'

==86%hp 86%m 100%mv=6810tnl=3 PM== reply I admit, your argument is one I have not yet thought of.
You tell Anadriewien 'I admit, your argument is one I have not yet thought of.'

==90%hp 92%m 100%mv=6810tnl=5 PM== reply And the possibility that I have been holding my gifts back from the light cuts me to the quick.
You tell Anadriewien 'And the possibility that I have been holding my gifts back from the light cuts me to the quick.'

==90%hp 92%m 100%mv=6810tnl=5 PM==
Anadriewien tells you 'You have done much, to learn so much on your own so far.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=6810tnl=11 PM== reply Young friend, you have given me much to think on and consider.
You tell Anadriewien 'Young friend, you have given me much to think on and consider.'

*Very long snip, finishing the harpies then moving to Bria's shrine*

==100%hp 91%m 62%mv=5837tnl=9 PM== emote moves quickly to the south and kneels amid the flowers.
Zdenhoi moves quickly to the south and kneels amid the flowers.

==100%hp 91%m 62%mv=5837tnl=9 PM== pray Bria my Liege, on this day the words of a young healer have brought about a realization in me that has hurt me to the quick, I pray for the strength to do what is right.
You pray to the heavens for help!

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=5837tnl=6 AM==
Anadriewien tells you 'We are outside the Cwealin keep, when are concluded.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=5837tnl=6 PM==
Anadriewien tells you 'Eh?'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=5837tnl=8 PM== reply At this time, young healer, I am penning a scroll to my Liege, attempting to explain myself.
You tell Anadriewien 'At this time, young healer, I am penning a scroll to my Liege, attempting to explain myself.'

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=5837tnl=4 AM== note show
Zdenhoi: The words of a young Healer have cut me to the quick.
To: Bria

On this day, Lady of light, a young elven healer by the name
of Anadriewien aksed me directly why I had turned down his, and
friend's, offer to join our gifts against evil.

I will not repeat the conversation here, for I know you must be
busy beyond my understanding, but the short of it is that she
presented an argument that I had not considered. And it revealed
to me a third reason on why I have been attempting to grow
in my guild alone....that of Pride. I was proud that I was
perhaps unique in my choice in these times, and I was even hoping
to gain reknown for it.
These realizations about myself have hurt me greatly.

Lady of Light, I am fully aware of how this may look. And that
I may be marked as one who can not finish what he has started...
Perhaps even that I am an opportunist...

Unfortunately, I must risk these judgements, because I nolonger
believe in my heart that I am serving the Light to the best of
my ability by refusing to use the gifts granted to me to help
others grow in the strength of the Light.

Lady of Justice, my Liege, I pray that you may forgive me the
pride that I have been guilty of. I also pray that you may forgive
me for abandoning the path that my pride had lead me to follow,
that of the growth in my guild with no help from others...also
giving no help to others in THEIR growth in the Light.

With Love,

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=5837tnl=5 AM== note post
18951, Winning(somewhat) a debate with a sylvan.
Posted by Zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
his name removed cause I am not sure if he is still about.

==628/628hp 480/574m 388/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM==
Someone tells you 'greetings, paladin. Care to travel with a warrior and a druid?'

==628/628hp 497/574m 428/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM== re turns and moves away from the box before going to his knees and closing his eyes.
Zdenhoi turns and moves away from the box before going to his knees and closing his eyes.

==628/628hp 512/574m 468/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM== reply I must decline, for I will not use the gifts of my Liege to aid those who have not pledged themselves to the light in the growth of their guilds.
You tell someone 'I must decline, for I will not use the gifts of my Liege to aid those who have not pledged themselves to the light in the growth of their guilds.'

==628/628hp 512/574m 468/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM==
It starts to rain.

==628/628hp 512/574m 468/576mv=23109tnl=9 PM==
The white aura around your body fades.

==628/628hp 543/574m 516/576mv=23109tnl=9 PM==
Someone tells you 'I am of the light. And the light, for the druid, is watching over the forest'

Someone tells you 'A noble, goodly cause I would have to say'

==628/628hp 562/574m 564/576mv=23109tnl=10 PM==


==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 PM== reply I have seen too many of the Grove jump upon elves with evil and bloodlusty looks on their faces, to wish to aid a Druid in growing in his guild.
You tell Someone 'I have seen too many of the Grove jump upon elves with evil and bloodlusty looks on their faces, to wish to aid a Druid in growing in his guild.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 PM== reply And the Light is not subjective, Someone.
You tell Someone 'And the Light is not subjective, Someone.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 PM== tell Someone He would not call "protecting the forest" a thing of the Light.
You tell Someone 'He would not call "protecting the forest" a thing of the Light.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 PM== reply He would claim that is supercedes the light, and it is that Indifference ot the Light that the Darkeness uses to snare unwary souls.
You tell Someone 'He would claim that is supercedes the light, and it is that Indifference ot the Light that the Darkeness uses to snare unwary souls.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM==
Someone tells you 'Being of the forest myself, I consider the only true light to be protecting the forest from the rapacious nature of Imperials and those'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM==
Someone tells you 'of civilized society'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 AM== tell Someone Then you have alligned yourself with the Indifferent who assault the Light, and I will pray for your soul.
You tell Someone 'Then you have alligned yourself with the Indifferent who assault the Light, and I will pray for your soul.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 AM==
The red in your vision disappears.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM== reply And I must tell you, that if I saw you assaulting a Warlock elf, I would have to side with the Warlock, for he is one who follows Gods of the Light, while you have pledged your life to following dark Gods and indifferent mortals.
You tell Someone 'And I must tell you, that if I saw you assaulting a Warlock elf, I would have to side with the Warlock, for he is one who follows Gods of the Light, while you have pledged your life to following dark Gods and indifferent mortals.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM==
Someone tells you 'Paladin, I respect your religious zeal, but when you see a lightwalker cut down a tree, or burn a forest, how can this further the cause of light?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM==
Lightning flashes in the sky.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== reply I am not saying that the destruction of Nature is a good thing, Someone.
You tell Someone 'I am not saying that the destruction of Nature is a good thing, Someone.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM==
You no longer see invisible objects.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM== reply I am saying that the Assault on those pledged to the Light is a bad thing.
You tell Someone 'I am saying that the Assault on those pledged to the Light is a bad thing.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM== com 'detect invis
Better stand up first.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM== wake
You stand up.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM== com 'detect invis
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle.

==628/628hp 569/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM== com 'detect evil
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle with a red aura.

==628/628hp 564/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM== reply Especially by an elf who has pledged himself to Dark gods, and dark Mortals.
You tell Someone 'Especially by an elf who has pledged himself to Dark gods, and dark Mortals.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 AM==
Someone tells you 'And when a warlock calls on the spiritless to aid them, how is this good? The spiritless care nothing for good and evil, as they have no true conscience'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 AM== reply Angels and Archons care nothing for good and evil?
You tell Someone 'Angels and Archons care nothing for good and evil?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM==
Someone tells you 'They are constructs of a power we know nothing of. They do as they are told, not as they choose'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM==

You are hungry.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM== reply Here we must disagree, for I do believe Angels are beings of the Light, and you call them soulless and evil.
You tell Someone 'Here we must disagree, for I do believe Angels are beings of the Light, and you call them soulless and evil.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM== get bread girdle
get bread girdle
You get some unleavened bread from a girdle of many pouches.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM== You get some unleavened bread from a girdle of many pouches.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM== eat bread
eat bread
You eat some unleavened bread.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM== You eat some unleavened bread.
You are full.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM==
You are thirsty.
You feel less righteous.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 AM==
Someone tells you 'I call them soulless, and against nature'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 AM== wake
You are already standing.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 AM== com bless
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel righteous.

==628/628hp 569/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 AM==
You are thirsty.
You feel ready to crusade against the darkness again.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM== com crusade
You prepare your group for a crusade against the darkness.

==628/628hp 534/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM== drink canteen
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You are full.

==628/628hp 534/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM==
The lightning has stopped.

==628/628hp 534/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 PM==
You feel less protected.
You feel less armored.

==628/628hp 552/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 PM== tell Someone Someone, Where we disagree is that you believe that Nature supercedes and encompases and equates to the Light.
You tell Someone 'Someone, Where we disagree is that you believe that Nature supercedes and encompases and equates to the Light.'

==628/628hp 552/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 PM==
Someone tells you 'and soulless creatures, whether created by light or dark, have no conscience to know the difference. They do as they are told'

==628/628hp 552/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 PM== reply I see the relationship between the Light and Nature as opposite.
You tell Someone 'I see the relationship between the Light and Nature as opposite.'

==628/628hp 569/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 PM== reply Just as some elves believe that Order is the Light....They are just as wrong as those who say that Nature is the Light.
You tell Someone 'Just as some elves believe that Order is the Light....They are just as wrong as those who say that Nature is the Light.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 PM== reply The Light is above and encompassing of both of those things.
You tell Someone 'The Light is above and encompassing of both of those things.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 PM==
Someone tells you 'I say that my servitude to the light equates to helping Nature. Not the two are one and the same'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 PM== reply And to deny this, and to focus only on one thing to the exclusion of all else, will lead to the slippery slope.
You tell Someone 'And to deny this, and to focus only on one thing to the exclusion of all else, will lead to the slippery slope.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 PM==
Someone tells you 'just as an elf who serves order serves, in his mind, the light'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 PM== reply Let me tell you a story.
You tell Someone 'Let me tell you a story.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 PM==
Lightning flashes in the sky.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 PM== reply Once there was this young man, who thought that Order was the most important thing, as with Order children are fed...etc.
You tell Someone 'Once there was this young man, who thought that Order was the most important thing, as with Order children are fed...etc.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 PM==
Someone tells you 'indeed. I love a good story. As you speak, though, I shall be camouflaging in the wilds. Many try to speak to me, but I focus solely on you'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM== reply With that outlook, he became forced to "overlook" some of the Methods that total order needs to use to stay in effect.
You tell someone 'With that outlook, he became forced to "overlook" some of the Methods that total order needs to use to stay in effect.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM== reply Those who do not conform must be forced to conform.
You tell someone 'Those who do not conform must be forced to conform.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM== reply Those who speak out against these tactics must be silenced.
You tell someone 'Those who speak out against these tactics must be silenced.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM== hwere

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM== reply For most of his young life, he did not see a distinction between Order and the Light.
You tell someone 'For most of his young life, he did not see a distinction between Order and the Light.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM== reply Until one day, he approached the Line.
You tell someone 'Until one day, he approached the Line.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM== reply And there is, most definately, a line, between the Light and the Dark.
You tell someone 'And there is, most definately, a line, between the Light and the Dark.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 PM==


==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 PM== reply He was forced to make a decision, to hold onto what he held dear, Order, at the cost of his soul and never look back....
You tell someone 'He was forced to make a decision, to hold onto what he held dear, Order, at the cost of his soul and never look back....'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 PM== reply Or realize that the Light superceded the Ideals of Order, and suffer the loss of everything he held dear just to keep himself from crossing that Line.
You tell someone 'Or realize that the Light superceded the Ideals of Order, and suffer the loss of everything he held dear just to keep himself from crossing that Line.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 PM== reply Let me please warn you, the day will come when you have a choice...when you will reach the Line.
You tell someone 'Let me please warn you, the day will come when you have a choice...when you will reach the Line.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 PM==
Someone tells you 'The Line, for me, and it shall always in my mind serve the Light, is Nature'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 AM== reply On one side, will be lightwalkers serving Gods of the Light, and on the Other will be Gods of Indifference to the Light, and Mortals who would as soon bathe in Elf blood as Drow.
You tell someone 'On one side, will be lightwalkers serving Gods of the Light, and on the Other will be Gods of Indifference to the Light, and Mortals who would as soon bathe in Elf blood as Drow.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 AM== reply The choice will not be easy, but I will pray for your soul that you choose to throw in with the Light.
You tell someone 'The choice will not be easy, but I will pray for your soul that you choose to throw in with the Light.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM==
Someone tells you 'I reply to your story, with a couple of simply questions... Will you bear with me?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM==
Someone tells you 'simple questions, even'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM== reply Indeed.
You tell someone 'Indeed.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM== People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM==
Someone tells you 'would you slay a drow child to feed a starving village of elves?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 AM== reply As long as you allow me to ask you one question in return.
You tell someone 'As long as you allow me to ask you one question in return.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 AM==
Someone tells you 'I reply to the best of my ability'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 AM==
The lightning has stopped.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 AM== reply I will slay any who's soul is given over to the Darkness. But that will not feed a village, my Liege has already given me the gift of asking for Divine food.
You tell someone 'I will slay any who's soul is given over to the Darkness. But that will not feed a village, my Liege has already given me the gift of asking for Divine food.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM==
Someone tells you 'let us pretend, for a moment, that you've not dedicated your life to the Gods of Light, but you are still a goodly soul'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM==
Someone tells you 'how about a fire giant child to feed a village of storm giants?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== reply On such a thing I can not even speculate, for I can only answer for myself as I am.
You tell someone 'On such a thing I can not even speculate, for I can only answer for myself as I am.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== reply As I replied, the Light has called me to give all who are given to evil a chance for their soul to be judged, if this soul that is given to evil is an immature giant, so be it.
You tell someone 'As I replied, the Light has called me to give all who are given to evil a chance for their soul to be judged, if this soul that is given to evil is an immature giant, so be it.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM==
You are thirsty.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 AM== drink canteen
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You do not feel thirsty.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 AM==
Someone tells you 'I shall comment on your previous answer about answering to yourself in a moment, but first...'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 AM==
Lightning flashes in the sky.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM== where


==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM== People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM==
Someone tells you 'would you slay an elven child to feed a village of drows, on the chance that the drow might turn from their evil ways?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM== reply No.
You tell someone 'No.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 AM==
The lightning has stopped.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM==
Someone tells you 'is the sacrafice of one goodly soul to redeem a village of lost ones not worth it?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM== reply It is not the decision of any mortal to make that judgement.
You tell someone 'It is not the decision of any mortal to make that judgement.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM== reply It is only for us to deliver the Dark ones to the Justice of the Light, and hope that Justice will be served.
You tell someone 'It is only for us to deliver the Dark ones to the Justice of the Light, and hope that Justice will be served.'
Someone tells you 'but you just decided'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM== reply I must answer truthfully, it is hard for me to answer truthfully what I would do, in situation that can not, and will not ever I believe, occur.
You tell someone 'I must answer truthfully, it is hard for me to answer truthfully what I would do, in situation that can not, and will not ever I believe, occur.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM==
Someone tells you 'in the first two questions I asked you, I did not specify whether the child was innocent or not. You merely assumed that they were evil and you were willing to slay it'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM== reply No. You are wrong.
You tell someone 'No. You are wrong.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 PM== reply I am gifted with the Ability to see those who have given their souls to Evil. And I said that I would indeed send any who are guilty in their souls of evil to the Justice of the Light, nomatter their age.
You tell someone 'I am gifted with the Ability to see those who have given their souls to Evil. And I said that I would indeed send any who are guilty in their souls of evil to the Justice of the Light, nomatter their age.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 PM== reply I can not immagine a scenario where I could not be able to tell, on one hand, let alone where my action would determine if a village could eat.

Someone tells you 'but how do you know the elven child was not evil?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 PM== You tell someone 'I can not immagine a scenario where I could not be able to tell, on one hand, let alone where my action would determine if a village could eat.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 PM==
Lightning flashes in the sky.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 PM== reply If you wish a truthful response on how I would react to a scenario, I would ask that first you outline exactly what the scenario is, and at least have one that is at least plausible, and not impossible.
You tell someone 'If you wish a truthful response on how I would react to a scenario, I would ask that first you outline exactly what the scenario is, and at least have one that is at least plausible, and not impossible.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 PM== reply For speaking words on what you would or would not do, in a scenario that could never happen, is useless, in my eyes.
You tell someone 'For speaking words on what you would or would not do, in a scenario that could never happen, is useless, in my eyes.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 PM== reply If the Elf child was evil, I would slay it. If it was not, I would not, the fact that the fictitious village of others were being starved by this immaginary child would lead me to believe that it would be evil, yes?
You tell someone 'If the Elf child was evil, I would slay it. If it was not, I would not, the fact that the fictitious village of others were being starved by this immaginary child would lead me to believe that it would be evil, yes?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 PM==
Someone tells you 'Alright, a better example. I slay duergar and anti-paladins and drow and necromancers. These are considered evil, and I know them to be so. This is agreed, correct?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 PM== reply Almost all drow and Anti-paladins and duergar are evil, yes.
You tell someone 'Almost all drow and Anti-paladins and duergar are evil, yes.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 PM== reply There have been notable exceptions.
You tell someone 'There have been notable exceptions.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM==


==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM==
Someone tells you 'indeed. I know neutral drow that I neither hunt nor communicate with'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM== ' And would you slay one such as Drizzt? Even though he is of the light, because he is "spiritless" or "soulless"? ...or however your dark gods define Drow...
You say 'And would you slay one such as Drizzt? Even though he is of the light, because he is "spiritless" or "soulless"? ...or however your dark gods define Drow...'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM== reply And would you slay one such as Drizzt? Even though he is of the light, because he is "spiritless" or "soulless"? ...or however your dark gods define Drow...
You tell someone 'And would you slay one such as Drizzt? Even though he is of the light, because he is "spiritless" or "soulless"? ...or however your dark gods define Drow...'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM==
Someone tells you 'to hunt these vile abominations, I rely on the forest and my knowledge thereof to aid me. Without which, I am not powerful enough to slay the evil ones. My Dying does not serve the cause of Light, correct?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM==
The lightning has stopped.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 PM==
Someone tells you 'I will answer that question in a moment'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 PM== reply I would say that you are a Warrior, and there are many warriors of the Light who have been Maran who have been able to slay evil in massive quantities, without using the forest.
You tell someone 'I would say that you are a Warrior, and there are many warriors of the Light who have been Maran who have been able to slay evil in massive quantities, without using the forest.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 PM==
The red in your vision disappears.
You no longer see invisible objects.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 PM== com 'detect evil
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle with a red aura.

==628/628hp 569/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 PM== com 'detect invis
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle.

==628/628hp 564/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 PM==
Someone tells you 'The Maran fight the way they know how to, as do I, as do you. Just as you could not imagine being anything outside yourself, I was born into a tribe. I cannot see myself outside of being a tribesman'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 AM== reply Indeed, I can see that.
You tell someone 'Indeed, I can see that.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM==
Someone tells you 'so when the Warlocks lay siege upon the Grove and take our source of power, my ability to make war upon the darkness is hindered'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 AM==
You feel less confident in your righteousness.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 AM== reply I believe you are confusing cause and effect.
You tell someone 'I believe you are confusing cause and effect.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 AM== reply It was the Grove who first began the war against the Tower.
You tell someone 'It was the Grove who first began the war against the Tower.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM== com righteousness
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You feel secure in your righteousness.

==628/628hp 563/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 563/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM==
Someone tells you 'yes, but the Warlocks are dedicted towards goodness. How is it good that they take power away from Nature when our enemies most are the same.'

==628/628hp 563/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM==
You are hungry.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== get bread girdle
get bread girdle
You get some unleavened bread from a girdle of many pouches.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== You get some unleavened bread from a girdle of many pouches.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== eat bread
eat bread
You eat some unleavened bread.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== You eat some unleavened bread.
You are full.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== reply Let me get this straight....
You tell someone 'Let me get this straight....'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM==
Someone tells you 'and you have that confused. We hunt the conjurers. The Tower cannot accept such'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM==
Someone tells you 'and so the Tower starts its war with us'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM==


==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM== reply Warlocks are evil, because after the Grove declared war, they took an action so that they were not left vulnerable to the Scions and bereft of the Gifts given them by Goddesses of the Light.
You tell someone 'Warlocks are evil, because after the Grove declared war, they took an action so that they were not left vulnerable to the Scions and bereft of the Gifts given them by Goddesses of the Light.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 AM== reply I believe your grasp of history is not accurate.
You tell someone 'I believe your grasp of history is not accurate.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM==
Someone tells you 'Warlocks are not evil. We fight them because they fought us. We have tried to make peace with them, but they cannot accept that we still hunt their conjurers'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 AM== reply It is the Grove who will never accept peace, because the Tower accepts Warlocks into it's ranks. The Tower has other goals than War with the Grove.
You tell someone 'It is the Grove who will never accept peace, because the Tower accepts Warlocks into it's ranks. The Tower has other goals than War with the Grove.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 AM==
Someone tells you 'even the villagers can accept that we hunt their duergar'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 AM==
You feel less righteous.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM== reply I do not believe you are being accurate, and I take my belief from my talks with Druids who have led the Grove.
You tell someone 'I do not believe you are being accurate, and I take my belief from my talks with Druids who have led the Grove.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM== com bless
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel righteous.

==628/628hp 569/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM== reply Let me ask you this...
You tell someone 'Let me ask you this...'

==628/628hp 569/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM==
You feel ready to crusade against the darkness again.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 AM==
The rain ceases.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM== reply At least two goddesses of the Light, as well as the God Shokai and at least four other Gods of the Light, have declared that Conjuring Angels and Archons and elementals is not in and of itself evil......
You tell someone 'At least two goddesses of the Light, as well as the God Shokai and at least four other Gods of the Light, have declared that Conjuring Angels and Archons and elementals is not in and of itself evil......'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM== reply Yet Gods who would just as likely side with evil as the Light have declared that those same actions are evil....
You tell someone 'Yet Gods who would just as likely side with evil as the Light have declared that those same actions are evil....'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 PM== reply Is not siding with those dark gods against the statements of the Gods of Light in an of itself an accusation that the Gods of the Light are lieing?
You tell someone 'Is not siding with those dark gods against the statements of the Gods of Light in an of itself an accusation that the Gods of the Light are lieing?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 PM==
It starts to rain.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 PM==
Someone tells you 'Do the Gods say that conjuring angels and archons is goodly and right?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 PM== reply They have said that those actions are not evil.
You tell someone 'They have said that those actions are not evil.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 PM== reply Yet those who profess to follow the light, yet have pledged themselves to the Dark, bloody gods of the Grove...will assault elven warlocks for these actions....calling them evil.
You tell someone 'Yet those who profess to follow the light, yet have pledged themselves to the Dark, bloody gods of the Grove...will assault elven warlocks for these actions....calling them evil.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 PM==


==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 PM==
Someone tells you 'then by standards, being not evil nor goodly, that would make conjuring neutral. Would you side with creatures that could side with darkness?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 PM== reply Who should I believe more, gods who do not care for the Light, or Gods of the Light, when I ask "Is doing this evil"?
You tell someone 'Who should I believe more, gods who do not care for the Light, or Gods of the Light, when I ask "Is doing this evil"?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 PM==
Lightning flashes in the sky.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM== reply Condemnig those conjurers of the Light to death...just because there are other conjurers out there who use those actions to advance evil...would be equivalent to me declaring that all rangers must die, because there have been a few evil rangers.
You tell someone 'Condemnig those conjurers of the Light to death...just because there are other conjurers out there who use those actions to advance evil...would be equivalent to me declaring that all rangers must die, because there have been a few evil rangers.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM==
Someone tells you 'If conjuring them is good, then it is an endeavor that no gnome or neutral being could undertake'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM== reply Is camoflauging yourself in the Forest an act of good, or of evil?
You tell someone 'Is camoflauging yourself in the Forest an act of good, or of evil?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM== reply I have not said that conjuring those being was an act of good.
You tell someone 'I have not said that conjuring those being was an act of good.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 PM== reply I said that conjuring them, in and of itself, is not an act of evil.
You tell someone 'I said that conjuring them, in and of itself, is not an act of evil.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 PM==
The lightning has stopped.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 PM== reply Just as hiding in the shadows like an assassin, in and of itself, is not an act of evil.
You tell someone 'Just as hiding in the shadows like an assassin, in and of itself, is not an act of evil.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 PM== reply It is what you choose to do with it....not the act itself.
You tell someone 'It is what you choose to do with it....not the act itself.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 PM== reply On one side, we have Gods of the Light who have said this act is not Evil. On the other, you have Dark gods who ask you to slay fellow lightwalkers for doing this act....
You tell someone 'On one side, we have Gods of the Light who have said this act is not Evil. On the other, you have Dark gods who ask you to slay fellow lightwalkers for doing this act....'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 PM== reply And in who have you put your trust? The Dark Gods.
You tell someone 'And in who have you put your trust? The Dark Gods.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 PM==
The rain ceases.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 AM==
Someone tells you 'I'll admit your logic is good. You have much learning within you. However, how are the Spirits of the Forest evil?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 AM== reply I called them not Evil gods...I called the Dark gods.
You tell someone 'I called them not Evil gods...I called the Dark gods.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM==
You are thirsty.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 AM==
Someone tells you 'alright, how are they dark?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 AM== reply For they claim indifference to the Light.....
You tell someone 'For they claim indifference to the Light.....'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 AM==
You are thirsty.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 AM== reply And I, unfortunately from personal experiance, have found that Indifference is just a mask that the Darkness uses to lure unsuspecting souls down a slippery slope to damnation.
You tell someone 'And I, unfortunately from personal experiance, have found that Indifference is just a mask that the Darkness uses to lure unsuspecting souls down a slippery slope to damnation.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 AM== drink canteen
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You do not feel thirsty.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 AM==


==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM==
Someone tells you 'then conjuring is indifference. Not being of light, nor evil, it can only be indifference'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 AM==
It starts to rain.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM==
Someone tells you 'Even still, the conjurations turn on the conjurers if not properly controlled'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== reply Actions are to be judged by the use to which they are put.
You tell someone 'Actions are to be judged by the use to which they are put.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== reply I can swing a sword just as a Duergar can.
You tell someone 'I can swing a sword just as a Duergar can.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== reply Does that make the act of swinging a sword evil? because Duergar can swing one?
You tell someone 'Does that make the act of swinging a sword evil? because Duergar can swing one?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 AM== reply No, because the purpose to which I swing it is one of the Light.
You tell someone 'No, because the purpose to which I swing it is one of the Light.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM== reply Much like your hiding in the Forest.
You tell someone 'Much like your hiding in the Forest.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM== reply There have been evil rangers....and they have used that hiding for much evil in the history of Thera.
You tell someone 'There have been evil rangers....and they have used that hiding for much evil in the history of Thera.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 AM== reply There has even been an evil Druid, who used her knowledge of the Wilds to create much havoc against the Light.
You tell someone 'There has even been an evil Druid, who used her knowledge of the Wilds to create much havoc against the Light.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 AM== reply But, that does not cause me to condem all rangers for their ability to hide in the Forest.
You tell someone 'But, that does not cause me to condem all rangers for their ability to hide in the Forest.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 AM== reply Indeed, there are some actions that are inherently good, or inherently evil.
You tell someone 'Indeed, there are some actions that are inherently good, or inherently evil.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 AM==
The rain ceases.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 AM== reply Such as sacrificing yourself for a greater good, would be an action of the Light, and raising a zombie, an action of the Darkness.
You tell someone 'Such as sacrificing yourself for a greater good, would be an action of the Light, and raising a zombie, an action of the Darkness.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=9 AM== reply But, as the Gods of the Light, in who I have put my trust, have stated, Conjuration, in and of itself, is not evil.
You tell someone 'But, as the Gods of the Light, in who I have put my trust, have stated, Conjuration, in and of itself, is not evil.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM==
Someone tells you 'alright, another hard question. An elf conjurer conjures an archon, but does not control it. It begins to attack those around it without reservation. The elf, indirectly, ends up slaying himself and his groupmates, also of the Light'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 AM== reply I believe that that would be called an "accident".
You tell someone 'I believe that that would be called an "accident".'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 AM== reply Are you now claiming that having an accident may make you evil?
You tell someone 'Are you now claiming that having an accident may make you evil?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=11 AM==
It starts to rain.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM== ' If I were to accidently drop my sword, and it were to accidently cleave the head of a young elven babe...would that make me evil?
You say 'If I were to accidently drop my sword, and it were to accidently cleave the head of a young elven babe...would that make me evil?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM== reply If I were to accidently drop my sword, and it were to accidently cleave the head of a young elven babe...would that make me evil?
You tell someone 'If I were to accidently drop my sword, and it were to accidently cleave the head of a young elven babe...would that make me evil?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM== reply Truelly, I would do anything within my power to keep that from happening...
You tell someone 'Truelly, I would do anything within my power to keep that from happening...'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 PM==
Lightning flashes in the sky.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 PM== reply But I am mortal, and accidents do happen as none of us mortals are Perfect.
You tell someone 'But I am mortal, and accidents do happen as none of us mortals are Perfect.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 PM== where

Someone tells you 'would your Gods of Light accept that excuse. Having an accident?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 PM== People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 PM== reply I am not saying I would not have to attone for it, but would I be declared evil, and to be hunted by all Maran till the end of my days for it?
You tell someone 'I am not saying I would not have to attone for it, but would I be declared evil, and to be hunted by all Maran till the end of my days for it?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=2 PM==


==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 PM==
Someone tells you 'I have known those who had one too many misfortunes and had themselves hunted for it'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=3 PM==
You no longer see invisible objects.
The red in your vision disappears.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 PM== reply What if I was walking down the road, and some necromancer rendered me asleep with his magic, and toppling over, I with my big bulk squashed an innocent bystander.
You tell someone 'What if I was walking down the road, and some necromancer rendered me asleep with his magic, and toppling over, I with my big bulk squashed an innocent bystander.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 PM== reply Is his death on my soul, or the Necromancer's?
You tell someone 'Is his death on my soul, or the Necromancer's?'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 PM== com 'detect evil
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle with a red aura.

==628/628hp 569/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 PM== com 'detect invis
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle.

==628/628hp 564/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 PM==
Someone tells you 'anyway, I suppose I go too far off the subject and my mind grows weary. Let me summarize our postiions:'

==628/628hp 564/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=4 PM== reply Indeed.
You tell someone 'Indeed.'

==628/628hp 564/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi A Clearing

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=5 PM==
Someone tells you 'You say that you are of the Light. I respect your opinions and beliefs, and I feel that even though you live in a world where evil exists and can happen around you, I do not believe you to be evil'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 PM== reply Aye.
You tell someone 'Aye.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=6 PM==
The lightning has stopped.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=7 PM==
Someone tells you 'I say that I am of the Forest. I follow the Spirits of the Forest to serve the Light my way. Though there may be times where I have to hurt the ones who claim to have a goodly soul, I believe that my actions serve the Light in whole'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=8 PM== reply And I say that while you are of the Light now, you have pledged to Gods who care nothing about the Light, and I will pray for your soul that you never come to the point where you must choose, either follow your pledge to those Gods, or stay within the Light.
Line too long.
You tell someone 'And I say that while you are of the Light now, you have pledged to Gods who care nothing about the Light, and I will pray for your soul that you never come to the point where you must choose, either follow your pledge to those Gods, or stay withi'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 PM==
Someone tells you 'I, too, live in a world where evil exists, yet I do not become evil. I am still of the Light, and if I should have to hunt a member of the Light, I do so with sorrow in my heart'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 PM== reply within the light.
You tell someone 'within the light.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=10 PM==
You are hungry.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 AM==
Someone tells you 'I believe my actions are for the greater good, just as you believe that of yourself'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=12 AM==
You are hungry.

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM== reply Indeed, The difference is that my beliefs are based on the Teachings of the Gods of the Light, and yours on the teaching of Gods who care nothing for the Light.
You tell Someone 'Indeed, The difference is that my beliefs are based on the Teachings of the Gods of the Light, and yours on the teaching of Gods who care nothing for the Light.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM== reply I wish I could continue our conversation, but it is past time I spend some time in prayer to my Liege.
You tell Someone 'I wish I could continue our conversation, but it is past time I spend some time in prayer to my Liege.'

==628/628hp 574/574m 576/576mv=23109tnl=1 AM==
Someone tells you 'It is well. Perhaps we shall speak again one day.'
18953, RE: Winning(somewhat) a debate with a sylvan.
Posted by CaptainAverage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did win. I realized early on that I couldn't logically form how protecting the forest was within the light. Of course, my Sylvan character was always one to take on challenges, whether it be in battle, or intellectually. You thoroughly presented your point and I tip my hat to the fact that you won, but I was going to make sure it wasn't admitted IC. Nice to see there are actually people with minds out there instead of just a PKer with fast fingers. Interested to see who you play next. Maybe we'll meet again under different names. I put that character on the back burners because ever time I went anywhere, I was slain. Which was fine with me, and I prefer one on one combat, but I wouldn't even be half-equipped before ten separate people or groups would start hunting me. Heh. Fun.
18956, Another close call.
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
==100%hp 100%m 96%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Grabenor On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Hausool On the Aryth Ocean
Wingaelf On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Zdenhoi In the Aryth Ocean

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== u
On the Aryth Ocean

A smiling female cloud giant is here.

==100%hp 100%m 97%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== sacn all

==100%hp 100%m 97%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
(Red Aura) A large dragon lurks in the water waiting to tear you apart.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A young cloud floats here playing.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

==100%hp 100%m 97%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== e
On the Aryth Ocean

A young cloud floats here playing.

==100%hp 100%m 96%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== On the Aryth Ocean

A young cloud floats lazily here.

==100%hp 100%m 94%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== e
On the Aryth Ocean

(Red Aura) A pale young storm swims around avoiding the light.

==100%hp 100%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== com summon hausool
You lost your concentration.

==100%hp 93%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== com summon hausool
Hausool arrives suddenly.

==100%hp 79%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== com wrath hausool
Hausool yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Hausool's direction.
Hausool looks very uncomfortable.
Your heavenly wrath MANGLES Hausool!
Hausool has some small but disgusting cuts.

==100%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Hausool fades into existence.
Your shield blocks Hausool's cleave.
Your shield blocks Hausool's caustic slime.
You parry Hausool's caustic slime.
Your divine power maims Hausool!
Hausool has some small but disgusting cuts.

==100%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Hausool utters the words, 'noselacri'.
You are blinded!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==100%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
You parry someone's cleave.
Someone's caustic slime EVISCERATES you!
Your shield blocks someone's cleave.
Someone parries your divine power.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==89%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==89%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== com 'cure blind'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You lost your concentration.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==89%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== com 'cure blind'

Someone's cleave maims you!
Your shield blocks someone's caustic slime.
Your divine power EVISCERATES someone!
Someone parries your divine power.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==80%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==80%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You can see again.
Your vision returns!
Hausool is covered with bleeding wounds.

==80%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Hausool's cleave maims you!
Your shield blocks Hausool's caustic slime.
You parry Hausool's cleave.
You parry Hausool's caustic slime.
Your divine power maims Hausool!
Hausool is covered with bleeding wounds.

==72%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== shield

Hausool utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
Hausool thrusts his hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches toward you.
Hausool's lightning bolt MUTILATES you!
Hausool is covered with bleeding wounds.

==62%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== You slam your shield into Hausool, and send him to the ground!
Your shield bash hits Hausool.
You parry Hausool's cleave.
Hausool's caustic slime EVISCERATES you!
Your divine power maims Hausool!
You quickly strike Hausool with the edge of a huge shield marked with a templar's cross.
Your shield jab wounds Hausool.
Hausool is gushing blood.

==50%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Lightning flashes in the sky.
Hausool is gushing blood.

==50%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
Hausool's cleave decimates you!
Your shield blocks Hausool's caustic slime.
Your shield blocks Hausool's cleave.
Your divine power maims Hausool!
Hausool is gushing blood.

==43%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
Hausool utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
Hausool thrusts his hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches toward you.
Hausool's lightning bolt injures you.
Hausool is gushing blood.

==40%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== shield

You parry Hausool's cleave.
Hausool's caustic slime MUTILATES you!
On the Aryth Ocean

You flee from combat!

==30%hp 72%m 91%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== But you aren't fighting anyone!

==30%hp 72%m 91%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
You feel less righteous.
You feel ready to crusade against the darkness again.

==32%hp 75%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com crusade
You prepare your group for a crusade against the darkness.

==32%hp 64%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com 'cure critical'

Hausool has arrived.

==32%hp 64%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
Hausool looks at you.

==32%hp 64%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==40%hp 59%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool

You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Hausool!'
You parry Hausool's cleave.
Hausool is gushing blood.

==40%hp 59%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
Hausool's cleave maims you!
Hausool parries your divine power.
Hausool parries your divine power.
Hausool is gushing blood.

==31%hp 59%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Hausool's direction.
Your heavenly wrath MASSACRES Hausool!
Hausool is writhing in agony.

==31%hp 54%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
Hausool utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
Hausool thrusts his hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches toward you.
Hausool's lightning bolt injures you.
Hausool is writhing in agony.

==27%hp 54%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool

You parry Hausool's cleave.
Your shield blocks Hausool's caustic slime.
Hausool's caustic slime DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Hausool's caustic slime.
Your divine power MUTILATES Hausool!
Hausool parries your divine power.
Hausool is writhing in agony.

==12%hp 54%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Hausool's direction.
Your heavenly wrath MASSACRES Hausool!
Hausool lands a lucky blow!
You parry Hausool's cleave.
Hausool leaves north.
Hausool has fled!

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== s
On the Aryth Ocean

(Red Aura) A pale young storm swims around avoiding the light.

==12%hp 48%m 96%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== s
On the Aryth Ocean

A piece of drift wood floats here harmlessly.
A large female cloud giant carefully watches your actions.
A larger male cloud giant floats observing his child play.
A small arial child flies around playing with a cloud giant.
A young cloud floats here playing with a young arial.

==12%hp 48%m 94%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== On the Aryth Ocean

A piece of drift wood floats here harmlessly.

==12%hp 48%m 93%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== com 'cure critical'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==20%hp 43%m 93%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== com 'cure critical'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==25%hp 38%m 93%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== d


==29%hp 40%m 99%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== In the Aryth Ocean

==29%hp 40%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== People near you:
(PK) Grabenor On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Zdenhoi In the Aryth Ocean

==29%hp 40%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== com 'cure critical'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==36%hp 35%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== com 'cure critical'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==44%hp 29%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== gt we drove each other apart

Grabenor yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the sea dragon!'

==44%hp 29%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== where
You tell your group 'we drove each other apart'

==44%hp 29%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== People near you:
(PK) Grabenor On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Zdenhoi In the Aryth Ocean

==44%hp 29%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM==
Grabenor yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the sea dragon!'
18957, Boring fight, but a turning point ic and ooc.
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ic, this was the first time I was grouped during a pk...and ic he realized that the evil one got away because he was following others.

ooc, I realized it's better to lead myself when chasing a pk.

==92%hp 46%m 94%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Graesork Trade Road
Iklobaide Carnation Drive
(PK) Zdenhoi Carnation Drive
Anadriewien Carnation Drive
(PK) Jirash Carnation Drive

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== gt Graesork
You tell your group 'Graesork'

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM==
Iklobaide says 'Now...nobody help meh till you are certain all of dem are on meh...'

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Graesork Trade Road
Iklobaide Carnation Drive
(PK) Zdenhoi Carnation Drive
Anadriewien Carnation Drive
(PK) Jirash Carnation Drive

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== where

Iklobaide says 'Okie?'

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== People near you:
(PK) Graesork Trade Road
Iklobaide Carnation Drive
(PK) Zdenhoi Carnation Drive
Anadriewien Carnation Drive
(PK) Jirash Carnation Drive

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== ' NO
You say 'NO'
Anadriewien says 'Cant harm.'

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== hwere

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> an opal ring
<worn on finger> an opal ring
<worn around neck> a Gaidin medallion
<worn around neck> a white cloak with an embroidered golden sunburst
<worn on body> A blue dragonscale torso
<worn on head> (Glowing) a Templar's crown
<worn on legs> a pair of steel chain leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel chain boots
<worn on hands> a pair of black steel gauntlets
<worn on arms> a set of earthen sleeves
<worn as shield> a huge shield marked with a templar's cross
<worn about body> (Glowing) a shaman's robe
<worn about waist> the girdle of endless space
<worn around wrist> a charred leather bracer
<worn around wrist> a woven leather bracer
<wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) mace of holy empowerment

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== ' Graesork

Iklobaide scans east.

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== You say 'Graesork'

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Graesork Dark area of Carnation Drive
Iklobaide Carnation Drive
(PK) Zdenhoi Carnation Drive
Anadriewien Carnation Drive
(PK) Jirash Carnation Drive

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Graesork Carnation Drive
Iklobaide Carnation Drive
(PK) Zdenhoi Carnation Drive
Anadriewien Carnation Drive
(PK) Jirash Carnation Drive

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM==
The edges of Iklobaide's being stretch and twist and he becomes a swift-looking gazelle.

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=6 PM==
It starts to rain.

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
They aren't here.

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
They aren't here.

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
They aren't here.

==94%hp 47%m 100%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==94%hp 47%m 99%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==94%hp 47%m 98%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==94%hp 47%m 97%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Dark area of Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A pilgrim is here, resting from his travels.

==94%hp 47%m 97%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Dark area of Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==94%hp 47%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Main Intersection

A giant bowl-shaped cistern stand here. Each time it rains,
more water is added to it.

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.

==94%hp 47%m 95%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==94%hp 47%m 94%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork

Graesork has arrived.
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==94%hp 47%m 94%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
You are thirsty.

==96%hp 49%m 99%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.
A magnificent white winged stallion is here, prancing proudly.
A magnificent white winged stallion is here, prancing proudly.

==96%hp 49%m 98%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Centre Square

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
An arial warrior guard stands firm.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.

==96%hp 49%m 98%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
The Gates of The City In The Clouds

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A magnificent white winged stallion is here, prancing proudly.

==96%hp 49%m 97%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== They aren't here.
Jirash tells the group 'I can't harm him'

==96%hp 49%m 97%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== They aren't here.

==96%hp 49%m 97%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== They aren't here.

==96%hp 49%m 97%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== gt stop
They aren't here.

==96%hp 49%m 97%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== You tell your group 'stop'

==96%hp 49%m 97%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

==96%hp 49%m 97%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves down.
Jirash leaves down.
You follow Jirash down.
The Clouds

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==96%hp 49%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Graesork Centre Square
a swift-looking gazelle The Clouds
(PK) Zdenhoi The Clouds
Anadriewien The Clouds
(PK) Jirash The Clouds

==96%hp 49%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle scans up.

==96%hp 49%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork

Graesork has arrived.

==96%hp 49%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves down.
Graesork yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Graesork's direction.
Your heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Graesork!
Graesork is covered with bleeding wounds.

==96%hp 44%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
You parry Graesork's cleave.
Your divine power MUTILATES Graesork!
Graesork parries your divine power.
You quickly strike Graesork with the edge of a huge shield marked with a templar's cross.
Your shield jab devastates Graesork!
Graesork is gushing blood.

==96%hp 44%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle has arrived.
Graesork is gushing blood.

==96%hp 44%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
Graesork leaves up.
Graesork has fled!

==96%hp 44%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== They aren't here.

==96%hp 44%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
They aren't here.

==96%hp 44%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
They aren't here.

==96%hp 44%m 96%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
A swift-looking gazelle leaves up.
Jirash leaves up.
You follow Jirash up.
The Gates of The City In The Clouds

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
(Red Aura) Graesork is here.
A magnificent white winged stallion is here, prancing proudly.

==96%hp 44%m 95%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== Graesork yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Graesork's direction.
Your heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Graesork!
Graesork leaves north.
Graesork has fled!

==96%hp 39%m 95%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
com wrath graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Centre Square

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
(Red Aura) Graesork is here.
An arial warrior guard stands firm.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.

==96%hp 39%m 95%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork

Graesork utters the words, 'hzrzsafh'.

==96%hp 39%m 95%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== Graesork yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Graesork's direction.
Your heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Graesork!
Graesork is writhing in agony.

==96%hp 34%m 95%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
Graesork's cleave hits you.
Your shield blocks Graesork's cleave.
You parry Graesork's cleave.
Graesork parries your divine power.
Graesork is writhing in agony.

==93%hp 34%m 95%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
Graesork leaves north.
Graesork has fled!

==93%hp 34%m 95%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
They aren't here.

==93%hp 34%m 95%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
(Red Aura) Graesork is here.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.
A magnificent white winged stallion is here, prancing proudly.
A magnificent white winged stallion is here, prancing proudly.

==93%hp 34%m 94%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork

Graesork leaves north.
They aren't here.

==93%hp 34%m 94%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== They aren't here.

==93%hp 34%m 94%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== They aren't here.

==93%hp 34%m 94%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
They aren't here.

==93%hp 34%m 94%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.

==93%hp 34%m 93%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
They aren't here.

==93%hp 34%m 93%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== They aren't here.

==93%hp 34%m 93%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==93%hp 34%m 92%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== They aren't here.

==93%hp 34%m 92%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
They aren't here.

==93%hp 34%m 92%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
They aren't here.

==93%hp 34%m 92%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== com wrath graesork
com wrath graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==93%hp 34%m 92%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Main Intersection

A giant bowl-shaped cistern stand here. Each time it rains,
more water is added to it.

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.

==93%hp 34%m 91%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Dark area of Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==93%hp 34%m 90%mv=9399tnl=7 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Dark area of Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A pilgrim is here, resting from his travels.

==93%hp 34%m 89%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== You find it impossible to contact your deity from here.

==93%hp 34%m 89%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== You find it impossible to contact your deity from here.

==93%hp 34%m 89%mv=9399tnl=7 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Graesork Lang Park Road
a swift-looking gazelle Dark area of Carnation Drive
(PK) Zdenhoi Dark area of Carnation Drive
Anadriewien Dark area of Carnation Drive
(PK) Jirash Dark area of Carnation Drive

==93%hp 34%m 89%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==93%hp 34%m 89%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==93%hp 34%m 88%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==93%hp 34%m 87%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==93%hp 34%m 86%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==93%hp 34%m 86%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Lang Park Road

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
(Red Aura) Graesork is here.

==93%hp 34%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
You slam your shield into Graesork, and send him to the ground!
Graesork looks stunned by your shield bash.
Your shield bash wounds Graesork.
Graesork yells 'Help! Zdenhoi is bashing me with his shield!'
Graesork is writhing in agony.

==93%hp 34%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
You parry Graesork's cleave.
Your shield blocks Graesork's cleave.
Your divine power EVISCERATES Graesork!
Graesork is convulsing on the ground.

==93%hp 34%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
You are thirsty.
You feel less protected.
Graesork is convulsing on the ground.

==95%hp 38%m 100%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
Graesork's cleave injures you.
Your shield blocks Graesork's cleave.
Your divine power EVISCERATES Graesork!
The gods protect Graesork from Jirash.
Graesork is convulsing on the ground.

==92%hp 38%m 100%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
You slam your shield into Graesork, and send him to the ground!
Your shield bash grazes Graesork.
Graesork leaves south.
Graesork has fled!

==92%hp 38%m 100%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
Jirash gets a haunch of dried warg from a cowhide knapsack.

==92%hp 38%m 100%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A warm feeling fills your body.

==100%hp 38%m 100%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 99%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 98%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 97%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
(Red Aura) Graesork is here.

==100%hp 38%m 97%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

Graesork leaves south.
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
(Red Aura) Graesork is here.

==100%hp 38%m 96%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Dark area of Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A pilgrim is here, resting from his travels.

==100%hp 38%m 95%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

Graesork has arrived.

==100%hp 38%m 95%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork

Graesork leaves south.

==100%hp 38%m 95%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork
shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Dark area of Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 94%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Main Intersection

A giant bowl-shaped cistern stand here. Each time it rains,
more water is added to it.

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.

==100%hp 38%m 94%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
(Red Aura) Graesork is here.

==100%hp 38%m 93%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

Graesork leaves south.
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
(Red Aura) Graesork is here.

==100%hp 38%m 92%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

Graesork has arrived.
A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.
A magnificent white winged stallion is here, prancing proudly.
A magnificent white winged stallion is here, prancing proudly.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork
They aren't here.
Jirash eats a haunch of dried warg.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
A swift-looking gazelle scans north.
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
A swift-looking gazelle scans south.
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork
shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork
A swift-looking gazelle scans north.
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== where
A swift-looking gazelle scans south.
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 91%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.

==100%hp 38%m 90%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 89%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Carnation Drive

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 88%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 88%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 88%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 88%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Main Intersection

A giant bowl-shaped cistern stand here. Each time it rains,
more water is added to it.

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.

==100%hp 38%m 88%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== People near you:
(PK) Graesork Trade Road
a swift-looking gazelle Main Intersection
(PK) Zdenhoi Main Intersection
Anadriewien Main Intersection
(PK) Jirash Main Intersection

==100%hp 38%m 88%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Palace Way

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A pilgrim is here, resting from his travels.
Slitthroat, Ariana's pet dog lies here.

==100%hp 38%m 87%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Palace Way

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 86%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Palace Way

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Palace Way

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 85%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Palace Gates

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 84%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 84%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 84%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 84%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 83%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 83%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 82%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 82%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 82%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
The Second Gatehouse

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
An arial royal palace guard is barring the way to the palace.
An arial royal palace guard is barring the way to the palace.
An arial royal palace guard is barring the way to the palace.
An arial royal palace guard is barring the way to the palace.

==100%hp 38%m 81%mv=9399tnl=8 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Entrance To Palace

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.

==100%hp 38%m 81%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A diplomat is here, trying to be diplomatic.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=8 PM== shield graesork
A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== where

A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A diplomat is here, trying to be diplomatic.

==100%hp 38%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.
Entrance To Palace

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.
A large, trained, warrior guard, stands here.

==100%hp 38%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.
The Second Gatehouse

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
An arial royal palace guard is barring the way to the palace.
An arial royal palace guard is barring the way to the palace.
An arial royal palace guard is barring the way to the palace.
An arial royal palace guard is barring the way to the palace.

==100%hp 38%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 38%m 77%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== People near you:
(PK) Graesork Western Outlook
a swift-looking gazelle Courtyard
(PK) Zdenhoi Courtyard
Anadriewien Courtyard
(PK) Jirash Courtyard

==100%hp 38%m 77%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
You are thirsty.

==100%hp 41%m 83%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Palace Gates

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 41%m 82%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.
Palace Way

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 41%m 81%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 81%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Trade Road

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A small man scurries to set up his stall for the coming markets.
A small man scurries to set up his stall for the coming markets.

==100%hp 41%m 81%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Trade Road

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A diplomat is here, trying to be diplomatic.
A small man scurries to set up his stall for the coming markets.

==100%hp 41%m 81%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Trade Road

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.
A small man scurries to set up his stall for the coming markets.

==100%hp 41%m 81%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 81%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 81%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Trade Road

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A small man scurries to set up his stall for the coming markets.

==100%hp 41%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Trade Road

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 41%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Trade Road

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.

==100%hp 41%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 41%m 80%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves north.
Jirash leaves north.
You follow Jirash north.
Entrance to the Druid's Cloud

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.
(Translucent) (White Aura) A druid stands here guarding the entrance to her Guildhall.

==100%hp 41%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
The druid says 'You aren't allowed in there!'
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== A swift-looking gazelle leaves south.
Jirash leaves south.
You follow Jirash south.

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 41%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Eastern Outlook

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Eastern Outlook

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A pilgrim is here, resting from his travels.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 79%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Eastern Outlook

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Eastern Outlook

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Eastern Outlook

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.
Eastern Outlook

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 78%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.
Eastern Outlook

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 77%mv=9399tnl=9 PM==
A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.
Eastern Outlook

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A pilgrim is here, resting from his travels.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 77%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.
Eastern Outlook

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 77%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 77%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 77%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 41%m 77%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 77%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.
Western Outlook

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 76%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.
Western Outlook

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
(Red Aura) Graesork is here.
A pilgrim is here, resting from his travels.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 76%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork

A swift-looking gazelle leaves west.
Jirash leaves west.
You follow Jirash west.
Western Outlook

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 76%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 76%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 76%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 76%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Western Outlook

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A pilgrim is here, resting from his travels.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 76%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 76%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 76%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.
Western Outlook

Anadriewien is here.
Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.
A citizen of Arial City is here, scrutinizing you closely.
An old, weary adventurer stands here, reminiscing.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
A swift-looking gazelle leaves east.
Jirash leaves east.
You follow Jirash east.

Jirash is here.
(Translucent) A graceful gazelle leaps across the path, not even slowing down for you.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
A swift-looking gazelle growls ferociously.
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== shield graesork
shield graesork
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== where
A swift-looking gazelle leaves up.
They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== They aren't here.
Anadriewien says 'Gone'

==100%hp 41%m 75%mv=9399tnl=9 PM== People near you:
a swift-looking gazelle The Clouds
(PK) Zdenhoi Junction
Anadriewien Junction
(PK) Jirash Junction
18958, First Raid, ...
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Also the second and last time Zdenhoi entered a pk while grouped (I definately was not a ganger)

==492/492hp 370/432m 434/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== w
The Imperial Palace Square

==492/492hp 370/432m 432/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi The Imperial Palace Square
(PK) Anadriewien The Imperial Palace Square

==492/492hp 370/432m 432/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== n
The Gates of the Palace

(Translucent) (White Aura) Zacharyn is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Sheilica is here.
(White Aura) Erenthell is here.
(Red Aura) (Black Aura) The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

==492/492hp 370/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== where
People near you:
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat A Hallway
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Amadalie The Sect Hall of Divine Guidance
Wilhath A Hallway
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace

==492/492hp 370/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== where
People near you:
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat A Hallway
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Amadalie The Sect Hall of Divine Guidance
Wilhath A Hallway
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace

==492/492hp 370/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== com summon amadalie

Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Amadalie arrives suddenly.

==492/492hp 320/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM==
Amadalie leaves north.

==492/492hp 320/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM==
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's searing light EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to make a feint at the Imperial Vanquisher but it sees right through it.
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
The Imperial Vanquisher's kicked dirt scratches Erenthell.

==492/492hp 320/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== where
People near you:
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat A Hallway
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Amadalie The End of the Hallway
Wilhath A Hallway
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace

==492/492hp 320/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== where
People near you:
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat A Hallway
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Amadalie The End of the Hallway
Wilhath A Hallway
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace

==492/492hp 320/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM==
Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's slash misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.

==492/492hp 320/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM==
Erenthell's searing light devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's slash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.

==492/492hp 320/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM==
Anadriewien says 'Do it gain'

==492/492hp 320/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM==
Zacharyn rescues Erenthell from the Imperial Vanquisher!

==492/492hp 320/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== com summon amadalie
You lost your concentration.

==492/492hp 295/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== com summon amadalie

Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash hits Zacharyn.

==492/492hp 295/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== Amadalie arrives suddenly.

==492/492hp 245/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM==
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!

==492/492hp 245/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM==
Amadalie yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Anadriewien!'

==492/492hp 245/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM==
Amadalie leaves south.
Amadalie has fled!

==492/492hp 245/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM==
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn strikes the Imperial Vanquisher with the edge of the shield of darkness.
Zacharyn's shield jab wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
The Imperial Vanquisher's kicked dirt scratches Zacharyn.

==492/492hp 245/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== com wrath amadalie
com wrath amadalie
They aren't here.

==492/492hp 245/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== They aren't here.
Amadalie has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
Amadalie yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Anadriewien!'

==492/492hp 245/432m 431/448mv=3598tnl=3 PM== com wrath amadalie
com wrath amadalie
Amadalie yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Amadalie's direction.
Your heavenly wrath decimates Amadalie!
You have become better at wrath!
Amadalie has a few scratches.

==492/492hp 225/432m 431/448mv=3578tnl=3 PM==
Amadalie leaves south.
Amadalie has fled!

==492/492hp 225/432m 431/448mv=3578tnl=3 PM==
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's searing light misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.

==492/492hp 225/432m 431/448mv=3578tnl=3 PM== They aren't here.

==492/492hp 225/432m 431/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== Saving...Character saved. Remember, CF does autosaving.

==492/492hp 225/432m 431/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== com wrath amadalie
Saving...Character saved. Remember, CF does autosaving.
Amadalie has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'

==492/492hp 225/432m 431/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== armor 85%( 85%) bless 82%( 82%)
call lightning 75%( 75%) charge 1%( 1%)
create food 91%( 91%) create water 76%( 76%)
cure blindness 75%( 75%) cure critical 93%( 93%)
cure light 1%( 1%) cure serious 1%( 1%)
detect evil 89%( 89%) detect invis 82%( 82%)
flamestrike 84%( 84%) heal 1%( 1%)
know alignment 1%( 1%) locate object 75%( 75%)
protection 79%( 79%) remove curse 75%( 75%)
sanctuary 75%( 75%) summon 77%( 77%)
mace 100%(100%) polearm 75%( 75%)
sword 90%( 90%) staff 75%( 75%)
disarm 100%(100%) enhanced damage 100%(100%)
hand to hand 94%( 94%) parry 100%(100%)
rescue 80%( 80%) second attack 97%( 97%)
third attack 88%( 88%) shield bash 100%(100%)
pugil 1%( 1%) fast healing 84%( 84%)
haggle 76%( 76%) meditation 85%( 85%)
recall 100%(100%) track the wicked 75%( 75%)
wrath 86%( 86%) lore 75%( 75%)
shield block 100%(100%) turn undead 75%( 75%)
lay hands 75%( 75%) cure deafness 75%( 75%)
remove taint 75%( 75%) pen 1%( 1%)
crusade 75%( 75%) shield mastery 100%(100%)
shield jab 83%( 83%) flank attack 78%( 78%)
You have 12 practice sessions left.

==492/492hp 225/432m 431/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== Amadalie yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Amadalie's direction.
Your heavenly wrath EVISCERATES Amadalie!
Amadalie yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Anadriewien!'
Amadalie has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 205/432m 431/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== com wrath amadalie

Erenthell's slash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your shield blocks Amadalie's slice.
You easily avoid Amadalie's attempt to block your attack with her shield.
Your divine power wounds Amadalie.
You quickly strike Amadalie with the edge of a huge shield marked with a templar's cross.
Your shield jab injures Amadalie.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.
The Imperial Vanquisher tries to disarm Zacharyn, but fails.
Amadalie has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 205/432m 431/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
Amadalie narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
Amadalie has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 205/432m 431/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Amadalie's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your shield blocks Amadalie's slice.
Your divine power decimates Amadalie!
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.
Amadalie has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 195/432m 431/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== com wrath amadalie

Erenthell wipes the dirt from his eyes.
Zacharyn wipes the dirt from his eyes.
Amadalie's hunger grazes her.
Amadalie has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 210/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Amadalie has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 210/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
Zacharyn sweeps aside the Imperial Vanquisher's arm with his shield, driving a mithril-bladed bastard sword into its side.
Zacharyn's wrath maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Amadalie has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 210/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
Amadalie leaves north.
Amadalie has fled!

==492/492hp 210/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's slash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's slash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.

==492/492hp 210/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== com wrath amadalie
They aren't here.

==492/492hp 210/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== They aren't here.

==492/492hp 210/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.

==492/492hp 210/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== com wrath amadalie
They aren't here.

==492/492hp 210/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== where
People near you:
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat A Hallway
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Wilhath A Hallway
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace

==492/492hp 210/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's searing light devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.

==492/492hp 210/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== com summon amadalie
You failed.

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
Wilhath has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== where

Wilhath sings 'Like one, that on a lonesome road
Doth walk in fear and dread
And having once turned round walks on;
And turns no more his head
Because he knows, a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread.'
Jegrael steps out of the shadows.
Sheilica's crush mauls Wilhath.
Erenthell's searing light maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Sheilica's crush injures Wilhath.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Jegrael's drowning wounds Wilhath.
Seizing upon a flaw in Jegrael's tactics, Wilhath swiftly kicks him!
Wilhath's kick DISMEMBERS Jegrael!

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
Erenthell's kicked dirt misses Wilhath.
Wilhath yells 'Die, Erenthell! You dirty fool!'

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
The Imperial Vanquisher moves to block Jegrael's path.

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== People near you:
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Jegrael The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Wilhath The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
The Imperial Vanquisher moves to block Jegrael's path.

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher tries to disarm Zacharyn, but fails.

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
The Imperial Vanquisher moves to block Jegrael's path.

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM==
Jegrael leaves south.
Jegrael has fled!
Mazaufat conjures a cloud of purple smoke.
Anadriewien is revealed!
Anadriewien is covered with glowing purple dust.
You are revealed!
You are covered with glowing purple dust.
Erenthell is revealed!
Erenthell is covered with glowing purple dust.

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=4 PM== whois jeg

Zacharyn sweeps aside the Imperial Vanquisher's arm with his shield, driving a mithril-bladed bastard sword into its side.
Zacharyn's wrath maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
<51 Human Asn> Jegrael the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== where

Wilhath sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Wilhath's fiery doom *** DEMOLISHES *** Sheilica!
Wilhath's fiery illusion mauls Erenthell.

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== People near you:
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Wilhath The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Wilhath's slash mauls Sheilica.
Seizing upon a flaw in Sheilica's tactics, Wilhath swiftly kicks her!
Wilhath's kick wounds Sheilica.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Sheilica thrashes around screaming as she is consumed by fire!
Sheilica's immolation scratches her.

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Vidros has arrived.

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== l
The Gates of the Palace
You stand between two huge open portcullis, one to the north and
one to the south. A ceiling lofts above you, held up by a series
of stone arches. The walls to the east and west are covered with
black scorch marks and pocked from splattered acid. The stone
floor is cracked and broken from countless upheavals and eternally
stained with the deep red of dried blood. You can continue
further into the Palace to the north, or leave to the south.

(Red Aura) (White Aura) Vidros is here.
(Red Aura) (Black Aura) Wilhath is here, fighting Sheilica.
(Red Aura) (Black Aura) Mazaufat is here, fighting Sheilica.
(Translucent) (Purple Aura) (White Aura) Anadriewien is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zacharyn is here, fighting the Imperial Vanquisher.
(Translucent) (Burning) (White Aura) Sheilica is here, fighting Wilhath.
(Purple Aura) (White Aura) Erenthell is here, fighting the Imperial Vanquisher.
(Red Aura) (Black Aura) The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.
Wilhath's slash devastates Sheilica!

==492/492hp 160/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== where

The white aura around your body fades.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
The Imperial Vanquisher moves to block Sheilica's path.
People near you:
Vidros The Gates of the Palace
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Wilhath The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Mazaufat drives his spiked boot into Sheilica's body!
Mazaufat's kick MASSACRES Sheilica!

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Zacharyn stretches out his hand towards the heavens.
Zacharyn utters a word of divine power!
The gods protect Vidros from Zacharyn.
The gods protect Wilhath from Zacharyn.
Mazaufat yells 'Die, Zacharyn, you sorcerous dog!'
Zacharyn's divine wrath DISMEMBERS Mazaufat!
Zacharyn stretches out his hand and places it upon Anadriewien's head.
Anadriewien gets a wild look in her eyes!
Zacharyn stretches out his hand and places it upon Anadriewien's head.
You feel more powerful.
Zacharyn stretches out his hand and places it upon your head.
You are filled with holy wrath!
Zacharyn stretches out his hand and places it upon your head.
Zacharyn stretches out his hand and places it upon Sheilica's head.
Zacharyn stretches out his hand and places it upon Erenthell's head.
The Imperial Vanquisher looks very uncomfortable.
Zacharyn's divine wrath DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Wilhath sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Wilhath's fiery illusion maims Sheilica!
Wilhath's fiery illusion EVISCERATES Erenthell!

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Erenthell's searing light maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to make a feint at the Imperial Vanquisher but it sees right through it.
Zacharyn's wrath injures the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn strikes the Imperial Vanquisher with the edge of the shield of darkness.
Zacharyn's shield jab decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== gt White
You tell your group 'White'

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Sheilica thrashes around screaming as she is consumed by fire!
Sheilica's immolation scratches her.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Vidros closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Imperial Vanquisher.
Vidros stretches out his hand and places it upon the Imperial Vanquisher's head.
The Imperial Vanquisher gets a wild look in its eyes!

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Erenthell's searing light maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's slash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's slash MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's slash MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Erenthell fails to rescue Sheilica.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== k vanquisher

Sheilica closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== Your divine power injures the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== Telfolan steps out of the shadows.
Telfolan tries to hit Wilhath in the throat but misses.
Telfolan's tiger claw misses Wilhath.
Wilhath yells 'Help! Telfolan tried to jab my throat!'
Sheilica thrashes around screaming as she is consumed by fire!
Sheilica's immolation scratches her.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's slash MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to make a feint at the Imperial Vanquisher but it sees right through it.
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.
Mazaufat sweeps Sheilica's legs out from under her!
Mazaufat's trip injures Sheilica.
Telfolan's claw maims Wilhath!
The razor sharp blades attached to Telfolan's gloves slice at Wilhath!
Telfolan's claw MUTILATES Wilhath!
The Imperial Vanquisher dodges your divine power.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher tries to disarm Zacharyn, but fails.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== where
People near you:
Vidros The Gates of the Palace
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Telfolan The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Wilhath The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== flank
You are unable to find an opening to initiate a flank attack.
Wilhath sings 'I don't exist when you don't see me,
I don't exist when you're not here
What the eye don't see won't break the heart
You can make believe when we're apart
But when you leave I disappear
When you don't see me'
Sheilica thrashes around screaming as she is consumed by fire!
Sheilica's immolation grazes her.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Zacharyn circles the Imperial Vanquisher, keeping his shield between them.
Erenthell's searing light devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
The headdress of Galadriel flashes pure white!
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.
Telfolan tries to attack some empty air near Wilhath.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power injures the Imperial Vanquisher.
Wilhath's slash decimates Sheilica!
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Erenthell rescues Sheilica from Wilhath!
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Striking with his thumb and forefinger, Telfolan hits Wilhath in the throat!
Telfolan's tiger claw wounds Wilhath.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Sheilica thrashes around screaming as she is consumed by fire!
Sheilica's immolation scratches her.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath injures the Imperial Vanquisher.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.
The Imperial Vanquisher dodges your divine power.
You smash the edge of a huge shield marked with a templar's cross into the Imperial Vanquisher, knocking the Imperial Vanquisher off its feet.
the Imperial Vanquisher IS KNOCKED DOWN!!!WOOOOOOOT
Your shield jab wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Zacharyn delivers a savage blow to the Imperial Vanquisher's exposed flank.
Zacharyn's flank attack maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Mazaufat closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Wilhath.
Wilhath leaves north.
Wilhath has fled!
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Anadriewien looks at Sheilica.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Sheilica closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Sheilica's crush hits Mazaufat.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near Mazaufat.
Erenthell's searing light devastates Mazaufat!
Mazaufat is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Mazaufat's blow swings wildly and misses.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.
Mazaufat's staff makes a loud crack as it strikes Sheilica squarely in the head!
Mazaufat's blow STUNS Sheilica!
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at Sheilica.
Sheilica thrashes around screaming as she is consumed by fire!
Sheilica's immolation grazes her.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== flank

Vidros leaves south.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM== You stand your ground, looking for an opening to attack the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near Mazaufat.
Erenthell's searing light decimates Mazaufat!
Mazaufat is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Mazaufat's blow swings wildly and misses.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power injures the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Vidros has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Sheilica thrashes around screaming as she is consumed by fire!
Sheilica's immolation grazes her.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Erenthell tries to trip some empty air near Mazaufat.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Mazaufat yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Telfolan!'
Telfolan's claw mauls Mazaufat.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
Anadriewien looks at Erenthell.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=5 PM==
You block the Imperial Vanquisher's attack with your shield, advancing on its exposed side.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Erenthell's slash misses Mazaufat.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near Mazaufat.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Sheilica thrashes around screaming as she is consumed by fire!
Sheilica's immolation scratches her.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Telfolan tries to mountain storm kick some empty air near Mazaufat.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Completing the manuver you swiftly strike the Imperial Vanquisher's exposed flank.
Your flank attack mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's searing light decimates Mazaufat!
Erenthell's searing light decimates Mazaufat!
Sheilica tries to attack some empty air near Mazaufat.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn strikes the Imperial Vanquisher with the edge of the shield of darkness.
Zacharyn's shield jab mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Mazaufat's smash wounds Sheilica.
Telfolan's claw mauls Mazaufat.
Telfolan's claw decimates Mazaufat!
Telfolan's claw decimates Mazaufat!
Your divine power injures the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher tries to disarm Zacharyn, but fails.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Mazaufat has fled!
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 172/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM== flank

The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
The glowing purple dust rubs off.
The glowing purple dust rubs off of Anadriewien.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Vidros looks at the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM== You are unable to find an opening to initiate a flank attack.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn strikes the Imperial Vanquisher with the edge of the shield of darkness.
Zacharyn's shield jab mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's slash MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's slash MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher parries your divine power.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM== Sheilica closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM== hwere

Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power injures the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Sheilica closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
You smash the edge of a huge shield marked with a templar's cross into the Imperial Vanquisher, knocking the Imperial Vanquisher off its feet.
the Imperial Vanquisher IS KNOCKED DOWN!!!WOOOOOOOT
Your shield jab wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash hits Zacharyn.
The Imperial Vanquisher's kicked dirt misses Zacharyn.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Sheilica closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM== where

Erenthell's searing light EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's searing light maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher dodges your divine power.
The Imperial Vanquisher parries your divine power.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Vidros leaves south.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM== People near you:
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Wilhath The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM== You stand your ground, looking for an opening to attack the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Vidros has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher has some small but disgusting cuts.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's searing light decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power injures the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
You block the Imperial Vanquisher's attack with your shield, advancing on its exposed side.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Vidros looks at the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Completing the manuver you swiftly strike the Imperial Vanquisher's exposed flank.
Your flank attack devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM== where

Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's slash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
You smash the edge of a huge shield marked with a templar's cross into the Imperial Vanquisher, knocking the Imperial Vanquisher off its feet.
the Imperial Vanquisher IS KNOCKED DOWN!!!WOOOOOOOT
Your shield jab wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Zacharyn circles the Imperial Vanquisher, keeping his shield between them.
Anadriewien looks at the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM== People near you:
Vidros The Gates of the Palace
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Wilhath The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM== flank
You stand your ground, looking for an opening to attack the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM== Vidros leaves south.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's slash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher parries your divine power.
Your divine power wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Vidros has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=6 PM==
Zacharyn delivers a savage blow to the Imperial Vanquisher's exposed flank.
Zacharyn's flank attack DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
You block the Imperial Vanquisher's attack with your shield, advancing on its exposed side.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Sheilica closes her eyes for a moment and nods at Erenthell.
Erenthell is surrounded by a white aura.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher parries your divine power.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Telfolan looks at the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Completing the manuver you swiftly strike the Imperial Vanquisher's exposed flank.
Your flank attack devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Vidros looks at the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Zacharyn sweeps aside the Imperial Vanquisher's arm with his shield, driving a mithril-bladed bastard sword into its side.
Zacharyn's wrath maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher parries your divine power.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Vidros closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Vidros is surrounded by a white aura.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM== where
People near you:
Vidros The Gates of the Palace
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Telfolan The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Wilhath The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM== You are unable to find an opening to initiate a flank attack.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's searing light devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
The headdress of Galadriel flashes pure white!
Your divine power injures the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Amadalie has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Zacharyn sweeps aside the Imperial Vanquisher's arm with his shield, driving a mithril-bladed bastard sword into its side.
Zacharyn's wrath devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Amadalie leaves north.
Erenthell's searing light devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn strikes the Imperial Vanquisher with the edge of the shield of darkness.
Zacharyn's shield jab decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your divine power injures the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Vidros looks at the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Amadalie has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Amadalie yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Anadriewien!'
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
You yell 'Die, Amadalie, you sorcerous dog!'
Amadalie narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
You are blinded!
Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone's slice devastates someone!
Your divine power wounds someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Someone looks at someone.
Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone's slash MUTILATES someone!
Someone's slash devastates someone!
Someone's slash maims someone!
Someone's wrath decimates someone!
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone strikes someone with the edge of something.
Someone's shield jab wounds someone.
Someone's ring flares with a bright white light!
Someone's shocking grasp hits someone.
Your divine power injures someone.
Someone parries your divine power.
Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches someone.
Someone's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Someone sweeps aside someone's arm with its shield, driving something into its side.
Someone's wrath MUTILATES someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 214/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM== com 'cure blind'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
The attempt failed.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 209/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Someone leaves north.
Someone has fled!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 209/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM== com 'cure blind'

Someone has arrived.
Someone says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
Someone yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Anadriewien!'
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 209/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Someone's searing light EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's slash MUTILATES someone!
Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone's wrath decimates someone!
Someone opens a massive wound in someone!
Someone's slice devastates someone!
Someone's slice misses someone.
Your divine power injures someone.
Someone's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 209/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM== You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
The attempt failed.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 204/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in your direction.
Someone has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Someone's torments mauls you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==468/492hp 204/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Someone closes its eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==468/492hp 204/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM== com 'cure blind'

Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone's wrath wounds someone.
Someone's slice devastates someone!
Someone's slice decimates someone!
Your divine power injures someone.
Your divine power injures someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==468/492hp 204/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Someone sweeps aside someone's arm with its shield, driving something into its side.
Someone's wrath EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==468/492hp 204/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM== You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
The attempt failed.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==468/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=7 PM==
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in someone's direction.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==468/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=8 PM==
Someone's searing light maims someone!
Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone is misled by someone's cunning feint.
Someone's wrath decimates someone!
Someone's slice maims someone!
Someone parries your divine power.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==468/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=8 PM== gt I am blind

Someone narrows its eyes and glares in someone's direction.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==468/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=8 PM== You tell your group 'I am blind'
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==468/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=8 PM==
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in someone's direction.
Someone looks very uncomfortable.
Someone's searing light devastates someone!
Someone's searing light MUTILATES someone!
Someone's searing light misses someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone's slice MUTILATES someone!
Someone's slice misses someone.
Your divine power wounds someone.
Someone's blow swings wildly and misses.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==468/492hp 199/432m 448/448mv=3578tnl=8 PM==
You have become better at meditation!
Someone continues to bleed from its wounds.
Someone's bleeding wounds it.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 223/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in someone's direction.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 223/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM== Saving...Character saved. Remember, CF does autosaving.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 223/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM== Saving...Character saved. Remember, CF does autosaving.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 223/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM== gt I can't cure it
armor 85%( 85%) bless 82%( 82%)
call lightning 75%( 75%) charge 1%( 1%)
create food 91%( 91%) create water 76%( 76%)
cure blindness 75%( 75%) cure critical 93%( 93%)
cure light 1%( 1%) cure serious 1%( 1%)
detect evil 89%( 89%) detect invis 82%( 82%)
flamestrike 84%( 84%) heal 1%( 1%)
know alignment 1%( 1%) locate object 75%( 75%)
protection 79%( 79%) remove curse 75%( 75%)
sanctuary 75%( 75%) summon 77%( 77%)
mace 100%(100%) polearm 75%( 75%)
sword 90%( 90%) staff 75%( 75%)
disarm 100%(100%) enhanced damage 100%(100%)
hand to hand 94%( 94%) parry 100%(100%)
rescue 80%( 80%) second attack 97%( 97%)
third attack 88%( 88%) shield bash 100%(100%)
pugil 1%( 1%) fast healing 84%( 84%)
haggle 76%( 76%) meditation 86%( 86%)
recall 100%(100%) track the wicked 75%( 75%)
wrath 86%( 86%) lore 75%( 75%)
shield block 100%(100%) turn undead 75%( 75%)
lay hands 75%( 75%) cure deafness 75%( 75%)
remove taint 75%( 75%) pen 1%( 1%)
crusade 75%( 75%) shield mastery 100%(100%)
shield jab 83%( 83%) flank attack 78%( 78%)
You have 12 practice sessions left.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 223/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM== You tell your group 'I can't cure it'
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 223/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone's searing light devastates someone!
Someone's slash maims someone!
Someone's searing light maims someone!
Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone's wrath wounds someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone's slice devastates someone!
Someone parries your divine power.
Your divine power injures someone.
Someone's punch hits someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 223/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 223/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone scores another deep wound in someone.
Someone's slice devastates someone!
Someone's slice maims someone!
Someone parries your divine power.
Your divine power wounds someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 223/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone looks at someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==492/492hp 223/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM== flee
You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!

==492/492hp 223/432m 447/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM== n
You can't see a thing!

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone closes its eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone's slash MUTILATES someone!
Someone's wrath decimates someone!
Someone's wrath wounds someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone parries your divine power.
You quickly strike someone with the edge of something.
Your shield jab mauls someone.
Someone has a few scratches.

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM== flank
You are unable to find an opening to initiate a flank attack.
Someone leaves north.
Someone has fled!

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone closes its eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone's searing light MUTILATES someone!
Someone is misled by someone's cunning feint.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone's blow swings wildly and misses.

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone sweeps aside someone's arm with its shield, driving something into its side.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone leaves south.
Someone's searing light EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's slash devastates someone!
Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone's searing light EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's wrath mauls someone.

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone has arrived.

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM== com 'cure blind'

Someone tries to attack some empty air near someone.
Someone's wrath wounds someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone tries to jab some empty air near someone.

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone looks at someone.

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone sweeps aside someone's arm with its shield, driving something into its side.
Someone's wrath mauls someone.

==492/492hp 223/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM== You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
The attempt failed.

==492/492hp 218/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM==
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You can see again.
Your vision returns!
Erenthell's searing light MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's slash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.

==492/492hp 218/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=8 PM== l
The Gates of the Palace
You stand between two huge open portcullis, one to the north and
one to the south. A ceiling lofts above you, held up by a series
of stone arches. The walls to the east and west are covered with
black scorch marks and pocked from splattered acid. The stone
floor is cracked and broken from countless upheavals and eternally
stained with the deep red of dried blood. You can continue
further into the Palace to the north, or leave to the south.

(Red Aura) (White Aura) Vidros is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Anadriewien is here.
(Translucent) Zacharyn is here, fighting the Imperial Vanquisher.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Sheilica is here.
(Purple Aura) (White Aura) Erenthell is here, fighting the Imperial Vanquisher.
(Red Aura) (Black Aura) The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

==492/492hp 218/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM==
Erenthell's searing light maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.

==492/492hp 218/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM==
Vidros conjures a cloud of purple smoke.
Zacharyn is revealed!
Zacharyn is covered with glowing purple dust.
Sheilica is revealed!
Sheilica is covered with glowing purple dust.

==492/492hp 218/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.

==492/492hp 218/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM== com wrath amadalie
com wrath amadalie

Sheilica looks at the Imperial Vanquisher.
They aren't here.

==492/492hp 218/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM== where
They aren't here.

==492/492hp 218/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM== People near you:
Vidros The Gates of the Palace
Erenthell The Gates of the Palace
Sheilica The Gates of the Palace
Zacharyn The Gates of the Palace
Mazaufat The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Amadalie The Imperial Throne Room
Wilhath The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace

==492/492hp 218/432m 446/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM==
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's slash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's searing light maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.
Anadriewien continues to bleed from her wounds.
Anadriewien's bleeding wounds her.

==492/492hp 233/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM==
Erenthell's searing light MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell's searing light MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Zacharyn's wrath EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!

==492/492hp 233/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM== gr
Zdenhoi's group:
<30 Pal> Zdenhoi 100% hp 53% mana 100% mv 279642 xp
<31 Hea> Anadriewien 95% hp 64% mana 100% mv 239924 xp

==492/492hp 233/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM== Zacharyn sweeps aside the Imperial Vanquisher's arm with his shield, driving a mithril-bladed bastard sword into its side.
Zacharyn's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!

==492/492hp 233/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM== l
The Gates of the Palace
You stand between two huge open portcullis, one to the north and
one to the south. A ceiling lofts above you, held up by a series
of stone arches. The walls to the east and west are covered with
black scorch marks and pocked from splattered acid. The stone
floor is cracked and broken from countless upheavals and eternally
stained with the deep red of dried blood. You can continue
further into the Palace to the north, or leave to the south.

(Red Aura) (White Aura) Vidros is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Anadriewien is here.
(Translucent) (Purple Aura) Zacharyn is here, fighting the Imperial Vanquisher.
(Translucent) (Purple Aura) (White Aura) Sheilica is here.
(Purple Aura) (White Aura) Erenthell is here, fighting the Imperial Vanquisher.
(Red Aura) The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

==492/492hp 233/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM==
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell's slash *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!

==492/492hp 233/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM== shield vanquisher

Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
Erenthell tries to attack some empty air near the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is misled by Erenthell's cunning feint.
Zacharyn's wrath DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Zacharyn's wrath EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's blow swings wildly and misses.

==492/492hp 233/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM== You slam your shield into the Imperial Vanquisher, and send it to the ground!
Your shield bash grazes the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==492/492hp 233/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM==
Vidros conjures a cloud of purple smoke.
The Imperial Vanquisher is revealed!
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with glowing purple dust.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==492/492hp 233/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM== where

The animation leaves Jegrael's body.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==492/492hp 233/432m 448/448mv=3558tnl=9 PM==
Zacharyn yells
18974, Just one thing...
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How in the HELL do you play with all this self-imposed spam? You even have echos for when people send you tells?! I mean, come on... this one really blew me away though.

You have become better at wrath!

18975, Laugh, I knew someone would comment on that.
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Both of those things that you mention are there because of laziness.

About 4 years ago, I tried an invoker, and I put in that tell thing so I could see when people were talking to me through the spell-spamming triggers.....I just haven't bothered to get rid of it really.

And that "save save prac" originated a LONG while ago when I played my first paladin {a knight}....back when there were crashes every other hour or so and I more than once came back from a crash a level down or 7% down in some skill.

It just happens that when I rolled Zden, I used the same Char file in zmud as that char...and never bothered to clean up some of the old, useless, triggers.

As for the ones on the skills such as shield jab and whatnot, that just helps me keep track of what's going on.
18959, Me learning not to play the "flee, spam sleep" game.
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
==513/513hp 615/690m 313/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM== People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Eastern Al Abbas
Schameron North end of the Street of Guilds

==513/513hp 615/690m 313/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM== e
Eastern Al Abbas

An alley cat sits here watching you.
A soldier of the Sultan's army stands here, on guard duty.
A leprous beggar shuffles around here, begging for food.

==513/513hp 615/690m 311/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM== Street of Dahab

==513/513hp 615/690m 309/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM== e
Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz

A nomad trader walks the city streets.
A sailor wanders through the crowds.

==513/513hp 615/690m 307/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM== e
Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz

A rusty sword is here, covered in dirt.
A dirty seagull hops through the crowd searching for scraps of food.

==513/513hp 615/690m 305/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM== e
Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz

(Red Aura) A gibbering ghoul stalks new flesh here, its yellowed fangs bared.
(Red Aura) A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) Tirrarraeor is here.
A dirty seagull hops through the crowd searching for scraps of food.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.

==513/513hp 615/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Mogalior Yasir Row
Schameron North end of the Street of Guilds
(PK) Tirrarraeor Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz

==513/513hp 615/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
Tirrarraeor yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Tirrarraeor's direction.
Your heavenly wrath MANGLES Tirrarraeor!
Tirrarraeor has some small but disgusting cuts.

==513/513hp 595/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM==
Kisrithian tells you 'Travel with me and choranek?'
Tirrarraeor has some small but disgusting cuts.

==513/513hp 595/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM==
Tirrarraeor parries your divine power.
You quickly strike Tirrarraeor with the edge of a huge shield marked with a templar's cross.
Your shield jab mauls Tirrarraeor.
You parry Tirrarraeor's slash.
Your shield blocks Tirrarraeor's slash.
Your shield blocks a ghoul's claw.
Your shield blocks a ghoul's claw.
You parry a flesh golem's smash.
A flesh golem's smash hits you.
Tirrarraeor has some small but disgusting cuts.

==502/513hp 595/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor

A ghoul rescues Tirrarraeor from you!
A ghoul is in perfect health.

==502/513hp 595/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM== Tirrarraeor yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Tirrarraeor's direction.
Your heavenly wrath MASSACRES Tirrarraeor!
A ghoul is in perfect health.

==502/513hp 575/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM==
A ghoul's claw misses you.
You parry a flesh golem's smash.
Your divine power MANGLES a ghoul!
Your shield blocks Tirrarraeor's slash.
Tirrarraeor's slash grazes you.
A ghoul has some small but disgusting cuts.

==494/513hp 575/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
You narrow your eyes and glare in Tirrarraeor's direction.
Your heavenly wrath *** DEVASTATES *** Tirrarraeor!
A ghoul has some small but disgusting cuts.

==494/513hp 555/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=7 AM==
Tirrarraeor leaves west.
Tirrarraeor has fled!
A ghoul's claw hits you.
You parry a ghoul's claw.
A flesh golem's smash injures you.
A ghoul parries your divine power.
Your divine power DISMEMBERS a ghoul!
A ghoul leaves east.
A ghoul has fled!

==469/513hp 555/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==469/513hp 555/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== They aren't here.

==469/513hp 555/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.
You parry a flesh golem's smash.
You parry a flesh golem's smash.
Your shield blocks a flesh golem's smash.
A flesh golem parries your divine power.
A flesh golem dodges your divine power.
A flesh golem is in perfect health.

==469/513hp 555/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== They aren't here.
A flesh golem is in perfect health.

==469/513hp 555/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.
A flesh golem is in perfect health.

==469/513hp 555/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== They aren't here.
A flesh golem is in perfect health.

==469/513hp 555/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.
A flesh golem is in perfect health.

==469/513hp 555/690m 303/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.
A flesh golem is in perfect health.

==493/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== They aren't here.
A flesh golem is in perfect health.

==493/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== They aren't here.
Mogalior has arrived.
A flesh golem is in perfect health.

==493/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor

A flesh golem's smash hits you.
You parry a flesh golem's smash.
Your divine power MANGLES a flesh golem!
A flesh golem leaves east.
A flesh golem has fled!

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== They aren't here.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== They aren't here.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== They aren't here.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM==
Mogalior glances at you.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== fkee

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== flee
You aren't fighting anyone.

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Mogalior Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Schameron Workshop

==481/513hp 576/690m 405/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== w
Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz

A rusty sword is here, covered in dirt.
A dirty seagull hops through the crowd searching for scraps of food.

==481/513hp 576/690m 403/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Mogalior Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Schameron Workshop

==481/513hp 576/690m 403/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== e
Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz

(Red Aura) Mogalior is here.
A dirty seagull hops through the crowd searching for scraps of food.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.

==481/513hp 576/690m 401/490mv=9361tnl=8 AM== e

The sky is getting cloudy.

==481/513hp 576/690m 401/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM== Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz

(Red Aura) A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
(Red Aura) A gibbering ghoul stalks new flesh here, its yellowed fangs bared.
A dirty seagull hops through the crowd searching for scraps of food.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A man dressed in rich silks stands here with a sword in either hand.

==481/513hp 576/690m 399/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM== com turn
You lost your concentration.
Mogalior has arrived.

==481/513hp 559/690m 399/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM== com turn

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

==484/513hp 573/690m 433/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM==
Mogalior looks at a flesh golem.
A dirty seagull has arrived.

==484/513hp 573/690m 433/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM==
Mogalior looks at a ghoul.

==484/513hp 573/690m 433/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM== You lost your concentration.

==484/513hp 556/690m 433/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM==
Mogalior pokes a ghoul in the ribs.

==484/513hp 556/690m 433/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Mogalior Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Schameron Guild of Carpenters

==484/513hp 556/690m 433/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM== com turn
You stretch out your hand towards the heavens.
Your holy wrath *** DEVASTATES *** a flesh golem!
A flesh golem leaves north.
A flesh golem has fled!
Your holy wrath *** DEVASTATES *** a ghoul!
A ghoul leaves west.
A ghoul has fled!

==484/513hp 521/690m 433/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM==
Mogalior leaves west.

==484/513hp 521/690m 433/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM== w
com turn
Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz

(Red Aura) Mogalior is here.
(Red Aura) A gibbering ghoul stalks new flesh here, its yellowed fangs bared.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.

==484/513hp 521/690m 431/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM== You stretch out your hand towards the heavens.
Your holy wrath === OBLITERATES === a ghoul!
A ghoul leaves west.
A ghoul has fled!

==484/513hp 486/690m 431/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM== w

Mogalior leaves west.

==484/513hp 486/690m 431/490mv=9361tnl=9 AM== where

It starts to rain.

==484/513hp 486/690m 431/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz

A rusty sword is here, covered in dirt.
(Red Aura) Mogalior is here.
(Red Aura) A gibbering ghoul stalks new flesh here, its yellowed fangs bared.
A dirty seagull hops through the crowd searching for scraps of food.

==484/513hp 486/690m 428/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Mogalior Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Schameron Blind Samir's Brewery
(PK) Tirrarraeor The Southwestern Market Square

==484/513hp 486/690m 428/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== com turn
You stretch out your hand towards the heavens.
Your holy wrath >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a ghoul!
A ghoul leaves west.
A ghoul has fled!

==484/513hp 451/690m 428/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor

Mogalior leaves west.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== where
They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Mogalior Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Schameron Blind Samir's Brewery
(PK) Tirrarraeor The Southern Market Square

==486/513hp 462/690m 462/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== w
Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz

(Red Aura) Mogalior is here.
(Red Aura) A gibbering ghoul stalks new flesh here, its yellowed fangs bared.
A nomad trader walks the city streets.
A sailor wanders through the crowds.

==486/513hp 462/690m 459/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== w
Street of Dahab

A soldier of the Sultan's army stands here, on guard duty.

==486/513hp 462/690m 456/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== w
Eastern Al Abbas

An alley cat sits here watching you.
A leprous beggar shuffles around here, begging for food.

==486/513hp 462/690m 453/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== Eastern Al Abbas

A dirty seagull hops through the crowd searching for scraps of food.
A sailor wanders through the crowds.

==486/513hp 462/690m 450/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Eastern Al Abbas
Mogalior Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Schameron Blind Samir's Brewery
(PK) Tirrarraeor The Southeastern Market Square

==486/513hp 462/690m 450/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== w
Intersection of Eastern Al Abbas and the Street of Guilds

A sailor wanders through the crowds.
A dark-skinned sword-for-hire pushes his way through the crowds.

==486/513hp 462/690m 447/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 447/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==486/513hp 462/690m 447/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM==
Mogalior has arrived.

==486/513hp 462/690m 447/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Intersection of Eastern Al Abbas and the Street of Guilds
Mogalior Intersection of Eastern Al Abbas and the Street of Guilds
Schameron Blind Samir's Brewery
Nagant The High Altar of the Great Temple
(PK) Tirrarraeor Eastern Al Abbas

==486/513hp 462/690m 447/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM==
Tirrarraeor has arrived.

==486/513hp 462/690m 447/490mv=9361tnl=10 AM== w

You yell 'Die, Tirrarraeor, you sorcerous dog!'
Tirrarraeor utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
You devastate Tirrarraeor!
You MUTILATE Tirrarraeor!
You quickly strike Tirrarraeor with the edge of a huge shield marked with a templar's cross.
Your shield jab mauls Tirrarraeor.
You have become better at shield jab!
Tirrarraeor has some small but disgusting cuts.

==486/513hp 462/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== No way! You are still fighting!
Tirrarraeor has some small but disgusting cuts.

==486/513hp 462/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
Saving...Character saved. Remember, CF does autosaving.
Your divine power EVISCERATES Tirrarraeor!
Tirrarraeor's slash hits you.
Your shield blocks Tirrarraeor's slash.
Tirrarraeor is covered with bleeding wounds.

==474/513hp 462/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== Saving...Character saved. Remember, CF does autosaving.
Tirrarraeor is covered with bleeding wounds.

==474/513hp 462/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== armor 85%( 85%) bless 82%( 82%)
call lightning 75%( 75%) charge 1%( 1%)
create food 96%( 96%) create water 76%( 76%)
cure blindness 75%( 75%) cure critical 94%( 94%)
cure light 1%( 1%) cure serious 1%( 1%)
detect evil 90%( 90%) detect invis 83%( 83%)
flamestrike 84%( 84%) heal 75%( 75%)
know alignment 1%( 1%) locate object 75%( 75%)
protection 79%( 79%) remove curse 75%( 75%)
sanctuary 78%( 78%) summon 79%( 79%)
word of recall 75%( 75%) mace 100%(100%)
polearm 75%( 75%) sword 93%( 93%)
staff 75%( 75%) disarm 100%(100%)
enhanced damage 100%(100%) hand to hand 94%( 94%)
parry 100%(100%) rescue 80%( 80%)
second attack 98%( 98%) third attack 91%( 91%)
shield bash 100%(100%) pugil 1%( 1%)
angels wing 78%( 78%) fast healing 85%( 85%)
haggle 76%( 76%) meditation 87%( 87%)
recall 100%(100%) track the wicked 76%( 76%)
wrath 93%( 93%) lore 75%( 75%)
shield block 100%(100%) turn undead 75%( 75%)
lay hands 75%( 75%) cure deafness 75%( 75%)
remove taint 75%( 75%) righteousness 75%( 75%)
pen 1%( 1%) crusade 76%( 76%)
shield mastery 100%(100%) shield jab 87%( 87%)
flank attack 85%( 85%)
You have 2 practice sessions left.
Tirrarraeor is covered with bleeding wounds.

==474/513hp 462/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Tirrarraeor's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Tirrarraeor is covered with bleeding wounds.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor

Tirrarraeor leaves north.
Tirrarraeor has fled!

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.
Mogalior leaves north.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor
They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Intersection of Eastern Al Abbas and the Street of Guilds
Mogalior Street of Guilds
Schameron Blind Samir's Brewery
Nagant The Southwestern Market Square
(PK) Tirrarraeor Street of Guilds

==474/513hp 452/690m 447/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== n
Street of Guilds

(Red Aura) Mogalior is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) Tirrarraeor is here.

==474/513hp 452/690m 444/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== com wrath tirrarraeor

You yell 'Die, Tirrarraeor, you sorcerous dog!'
Tirrarraeor utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue overwhelms you with the beckoning temptation of sleep.

==474/513hp 452/690m 444/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM== In your dreams, or what?

==474/513hp 452/690m 444/490mv=9341tnl=10 AM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'

==474/513hp 452/690m 444/490mv=9341tnl=11 AM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'

==474/513hp 452/690m 444/490mv=9341tnl=11 AM==
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.
The red in your vision disappears.
You no longer see invisible objects.

==487/513hp 507/690m 490/490mv=9341tnl=11 AM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your dreams are twisted by a wretched, unclean feeling.

==487/513hp 507/690m 490/490mv=9341tnl=11 AM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Agonizing pain claws at your eyes, and you feel them roll back.

==487/513hp 507/690m 490/490mv=9341tnl=11 AM== affect
who pk
You are affected by:
Spell: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 11 for 23 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -5 for 23 hours.
Spell: 'blindness' modifies hit roll by -4 for 12 hours.
Commune: 'protection' for 10 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'sleep' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 2 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'infravision' for -1 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 4 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 4 for 5 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 5 hours.
Commune: 'righteousness' for 40 hours.

==487/513hp 507/690m 490/490mv=9341tnl=11 AM== *34 Storm Pal* (PK) Zdenhoi the Templar Captain

Players found: 1
put up ......DETECT EVIL.
put up ......DETECT INVISIBLE.

==487/513hp 507/690m 490/490mv=9341tnl=11 AM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'

==487/513hp 507/690m 490/490mv=9341tnl=11 AM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You howl as the pores of your skin start to bleed profusely.

==487/513hp 507/690m 490/490mv=9341tnl=12 PM== eq

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.
The white aura around your body fades.
You howl in pain as blood flows through the pores of your skin.
Your burning, weeping sores MUTILATES you!

==448/513hp 475/690m 456/490mv=9341tnl=12 PM== You are using:
<worn on finger> something.
<worn on finger> something.
<worn around neck> something.
<worn around neck> something.
<worn on body> something.
<worn on head> something.
<worn on legs> something.
<worn on feet> something.
<worn on hands> something.
<worn on arms> something.
<worn as shield> something.
<worn about body> something.
<worn about waist> something.
<worn around wrist> something.
<worn around wrist> something.
<wielded> something.

==448/513hp 475/690m 456/490mv=9341tnl=12 PM== wake
You can't wake up!

==448/513hp 475/690m 456/490mv=9341tnl=12 PM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You choke back nausea, fighting off the poisonous taint.

==448/513hp 475/690m 456/490mv=9341tnl=12 PM== affect
who pk
You are affected by:
Spell: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 11 for 22 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -5 for 22 hours.
Physical malady: 'crimson scourge' modifies strength by -8 for 11 hours.
Spell: 'blindness' modifies hit roll by -4 for 11 hours.
Commune: 'protection' for 9 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 7 hours.
Skill: 'sleep' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'infravision' for -1 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 4 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 4 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'righteousness' for 39 hours.

==448/513hp 475/690m 456/490mv=9341tnl=1 PM== *34 Storm Pal* (PK) Zdenhoi the Templar Captain

Players found: 1
put up ......DETECT EVIL.
put up ......DETECT INVISIBLE.
put up ......SANCTUARY.

==448/513hp 475/690m 456/490mv=9341tnl=1 PM==
You are hungry.
You are starving!
You are thirsty.
You are dying of thirst!
You howl in pain as blood flows through the pores of your skin.
Your burning, weeping sores MUTILATES you!

==409/513hp 426/690m 408/490mv=9341tnl=1 PM== wake
You can't wake up!

==409/513hp 426/690m 408/490mv=9341tnl=1 PM== wake
You can't wake up!

==409/513hp 426/690m 408/490mv=9341tnl=1 PM==
You can't see anything, you're sleeping!

==409/513hp 426/690m 408/490mv=9341tnl=1 PM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Horror overwhelms you, and rattles you into thoughtless panic.

==409/513hp 426/690m 408/490mv=9341tnl=1 PM== com 'cure blind'
In your dreams, or what?

==409/513hp 426/690m 408/490mv=9341tnl=1 PM== affect
who pk
You are affected by:
Spell: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 11 for 21 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -5 for 21 hours.
Physical malady: 'crimson scourge' modifies strength by -8 for 10 hours.
Spell: 'blindness' modifies hit roll by -4 for 10 hours.
Commune: 'protection' for 8 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'sleep' for 5 hours.
Spell: 'forget' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'infravision' for -1 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 4 for 2 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 2 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 4 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'righteousness' for 38 hours.

==409/513hp 426/690m 408/490mv=9341tnl=1 PM== *34 Storm Pal* (PK) Zdenhoi the Templar Captain

Players found: 1
put up ......DETECT EVIL.
put up ......DETECT INVISIBLE.
put up ......SANCTUARY.

==409/513hp 426/690m 408/490mv=9341tnl=1 PM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'

==409/513hp 426/690m 408/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== wake

You are hungry.
You are starving!
You are thirsty.
You are dying of thirst!
You slowly float to the ground.
You howl in pain as blood flows through the pores of your skin.
Your burning, weeping sores MUTILATES you!

==369/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== You can't wake up!

==369/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== flee
In your dreams, or what?

==369/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> something.
<worn on finger> something.
<worn around neck> something.
<worn around neck> something.
<worn on body> something.
<worn on head> something.
<worn on legs> something.
<worn on feet> something.
<worn on hands> something.
<worn on arms> something.
<worn as shield> something.
<worn about body> something.
<worn about waist> something.
<worn around wrist> something.
<worn around wrist> something.
<wielded> something.

==369/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== wake
You can't wake up!

==369/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Someone's word of death *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Someone says 'You aren't allowed in there!'
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Someone has a few scratches.

==256/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM==
Someone looks at someone.
Someone has a few scratches.

==256/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== flee
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Someone has a few scratches.

==256/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== flee
Someone says 'You aren't allowed in there!'
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Someone has a few scratches.

==256/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM==
Someone parries your divine power.
You quickly strike someone with the edge of something.
Your shield jab devastates someone!
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash.
Your shield blocks someone's claw.
Your shield blocks someone's claw.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==256/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== flee
Someone says 'You aren't allowed in there!'
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==256/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== com wrath
You can't remember anything!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==256/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== shield

Your shield blocks someone's claw.
Someone's claw mauls you.
Your divine power EVISCERATES someone!
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==232/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM==
Someone utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
Someone's cold touch drains some of your life away!

Someone's deathly touch DISMEMBERS you!
Someone says 'You aren't allowed in there!'
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==178/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== Huh?
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==178/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM==
Someone's claw wounds you.
Someone says 'You aren't allowed in there!'
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
You parry someone's claw.
Your divine power devastates someone!
You parry someone's slash.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==160/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM== shield
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==160/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=2 PM==
Someone's claw mauls you.
Someone says 'You aren't allowed in there!'
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Someone's claw mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone says 'You aren't allowed in there!'
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Your divine power MUTILATES someone!
Your divine power misses someone.
Your shield blocks someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==114/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=3 PM==
A ghoul rescues Tirrarraeor from you!
Someone is writhing in agony.

==114/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=3 PM==
Your shield blocks someone's claw.
You parry someone's claw.
You parry someone's slash.
Your divine power MASSACRES someone!
Your divine power MASSACRES someone!
Your shield blocks someone's slash.
Your shield blocks someone's slash.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

==114/513hp 374/690m 356/490mv=9341tnl=3 PM== com wrath

You are hungry.
You are starving!
You are thirsty.
You are dying of thirst!
You howl in pain as blood flows through the pores of your skin.
Your burning, weeping sores MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your thirst hits you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your hunger hits you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of its skin.
Someone's burning, weeping sores MUTILATES it!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

==56/513hp 322/690m 304/490mv=9341tnl=3 PM== You can't remember anything!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

==56/513hp 322/690m 304/490mv=9341tnl=3 PM==
Someone utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
Someone's cold touch drains some of your life away!

Someone's deathly touch MANGLES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
You feel some of your vitality drain out of you with this death.

==1/478hp 1/415m 304/490mv=9341tnl=3 PM== com wrath
18960, Some of the mid point of a cluster frick raid
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This log is why I began carrying 9-10 shields on me...until I got a certain other shield.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Crasner The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Cersai The Gates of the Palace
Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace
a hairy orangutan The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Astilamos The End of the Hallway
Mazaufat The Imperial Throne Room
Parcan The Gates of the Palace
Gherian The Gates of the Palace
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
A hairy orangutan swings wildly at the Imperial Vanquisher but misses
A hairy orangutan's punch misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher thrashes around screaming as it is consumed by fire!
The Imperial Vanquisher's immolation mauls it.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Anadriewien goes to sleep.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash misses a hairy orangutan.
Your divine power MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your divine power MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Parcan fades into existence.
Parcan's burning touch misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
Gherian fades into existence.
Gherian's burning touch misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'unsoojry'.
Someone creates an onslaught of water, drowning the Imperial Vanquisher!
Crimthann fades into existence.
Crimthann's onslaught of water >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
Astilamos has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
Gherian utters the words, 'iaza'.
With hands outstretched and face to the sky, Gherian opens his mouth in a
Soundless scream as waves of heat roll out from him.
The Imperial Vanquisher is seared by the blistering heat of Gherian's spell.
Gherian's nova <<< ERADICATES >>> the Imperial Vanquisher!
The gods protect Astilamos from Gherian.
The gods protect someone from Gherian.
The gods protect you from Gherian.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==649/649hp 453/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
Astilamos yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Your heavenly wrath mauls Astilamos.
Astilamos utters the words, 'noselacri'.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==649/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash misses a hairy orangutan.
Your divine power devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your divine power DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
A hairy orangutan's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A hairy orangutan's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your shield blocks Astilamos's flaming bite.
Astilamos's flaming bite wounds you.
Parcan fades into existence.
Parcan's burning touch MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Gherian fades into existence.
Gherian's burning touch misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
Crimthann fades into existence.
Crimthann's burning touch DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher thrashes around screaming as it is consumed by fire!
The Imperial Vanquisher's immolation wounds it.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Anadriewien wakes and stands up.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
A hairy orangutan swings wildly at the Imperial Vanquisher but misses
A hairy orangutan's punch misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Astilamos leaves south.
Astilamos has fled!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash misses a hairy orangutan.
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash misses a hairy orangutan.
Your divine power MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your divine power EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
You quickly strike the Imperial Vanquisher with the edge of a shield from the hide of a snow worm.
Your shield jab MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Parcan fades into existence.
Parcan's burning touch MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Gherian fades into existence.
Gherian's burning touch MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Crimthann fades into existence.
Crimthann's burning touch misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Crimthann utters the words, 'unsoojry'.
Crimthann creates an onslaught of water, drowning the Imperial Vanquisher!
Crimthann's onslaught of water === OBLITERATES === the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher thrashes around screaming as it is consumed by fire!
The Imperial Vanquisher's immolation wounds it.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Astilamos has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Astilamos leaves north.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== h astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== They aren't here.
Gherian utters the words, 'iaza'.
With hands outstretched and face to the sky, Gherian opens his mouth in a
Soundless scream as waves of heat roll out from him.
The Imperial Vanquisher is seared by the blistering heat of Gherian's spell.
Gherian's nova <<< ERADICATES >>> the Imperial Vanquisher!
The gods protect you from Gherian.
The Imperial Vanquisher is gushing blood.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Your divine power MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your divine power maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A hairy orangutan's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A hairy orangutan's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Parcan fades into existence.
Parcan's burning touch DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Gherian fades into existence.
Gherian's burning touch MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Crimthann fades into existence.
Crimthann's burning touch misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Crimthann utters the words, 'unsoojry'.
Crimthann creates an onslaught of water, drowning the Imperial Vanquisher!
Crimthann's onslaught of water >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher thrashes around screaming as it is consumed by fire!
The Imperial Vanquisher's immolation wounds it.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
Anadriewien glances at you.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos

A hairy orangutan swings a giant fist at the Imperial Vanquisher.
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash misses a hairy orangutan.
Your divine power maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your divine power EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A hairy orangutan's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A hairy orangutan's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite MUTILATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Parcan fades into existence.
Parcan's burning touch misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
Gherian fades into existence.
Gherian's burning touch MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Crimthann fades into existence.
Crimthann's burning touch MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
Crimthann utters the words, 'unsoojry'.
Crimthann creates an onslaught of water, drowning the Imperial Vanquisher!
Crimthann's onslaught of water >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is convulsing on the ground.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
The Imperial Vanquisher thrashes around screaming as it is consumed by fire!
The Imperial Vanquisher's immolation mauls it.
The Imperial Vanquisher is convulsing on the ground.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is convulsing on the ground.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The Imperial Vanquisher is convulsing on the ground.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Gherian utters the words, 'iaza'.
With hands outstretched and face to the sky, Gherian opens his mouth in a
Soundless scream as waves of heat roll out from him.
The Imperial Vanquisher is seared by the blistering heat of Gherian's spell.
Gherian's nova <<< ERADICATES >>> the Imperial Vanquisher!
The gods protect someone from Gherian.
The gods protect you from Gherian.
Your divine power EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your divine power maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A sifaka lemur's bite maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Parcan fades into existence.
Parcan's burning touch MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Gherian fades into existence.
Gherian's burning touch DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Crimthann fades into existence.
Crimthann's burning touch *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is convulsing on the ground.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Lao has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
The Imperial Vanquisher is convulsing on the ground.

==631/649hp 433/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath
You narrow your eyes and glare in the Imperial Vanquisher's direction.
The Imperial Vanquisher looks very uncomfortable.
The Imperial Vanquisher trembles under the force of your wrath as you tear deeply into the soul of the wicked.
Your heavenly wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Anadriewien closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Crimthann utters the words, 'unsoojry'.
Crimthann creates an onslaught of water, drowning the Imperial Vanquisher!
Crimthann's onslaught of water >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is DEAD!!
You hear the Imperial Vanquisher's death cry.
Crimthann sacrifices the corpse of the Imperial Vanquisher to the gods.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== com wrath astilamos

Lao leaves north.
They aren't here.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== People near you:
Lao A Hallway
(PK) Crasner The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Cersai The Gates of the Palace
Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace
a hairy orangutan The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Astilamos The Imperial Throne Room
Mazaufat The Imperial Throne Room

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Cersai sits down and rests.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== affect
who pk

Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at someone.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== You are affected by:
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 12 hours.
Commune: 'protection' for 12 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 5 for 8 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -10 for 8 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 5 for 13 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -10 for 13 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 16 hours.
Commune: 'detect invis' for 16 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 0 hours.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== <45 Human Bar> (PK) Crasner the Student of History, Imperial Citizen
*40 Storm Pal* (PK) Zdenhoi the Crusader
<40 Felar War> (PK) Zhabrinyhai the Master of Copper
<40 Cloud War> (PK) Boigeran the Master of Copper
<42 Gnome Dru> (PK) Choranek the Lord of the Hunt
<41 Duerg A-P> (PK) Astilamos the Evil Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
<40 Human Ran> (PK) Kaladar the Ranger Knight
<38 Fire War> (PK) Karak the Baron of Lightning

Players found: 8

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
A hairy orangutan rises off the ground.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Someone sits down and rests.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
Someone is surrounded by a resistance to mental attacks.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM== where
People near you:
Lao The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Crasner The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Cersai The Gates of the Palace
Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace
a hairy orangutan The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Astilamos The Imperial Throne Room
Mazaufat The Imperial Throne Room

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
A hairy orangutan sits down and rests.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Someone's shield of earth crumbles to fine dust.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=7 AM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You become resistant to mental attacks.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM== bow
You bow deeply.
A hairy orangutan stiffens up and points northward.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
Someone is surrounded by a resistance to mental attacks.

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM== where
People near you:
Lao The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Crasner The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Zdenhoi The Gates of the Palace
Cersai The Gates of the Palace
Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace
a hairy orangutan The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Astilamos The Imperial Throne Room
Mazaufat The Imperial Throne Room

==631/649hp 413/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
The white aura around your body fades.
A shadowy spirit departs from someone and enters Cersai!

==648/649hp 431/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'gpuzre ay zabrahp'.
Someone is encased in a shield of earth and it looks more solid suddenly.

==648/649hp 431/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
Someone stands up.

==648/649hp 431/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM== com sanc
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'yucandusgpuzre'.
For a brief moment, someone is surrounded by a corona of fire.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
Astilamos has arrived.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue overwhelms you with the beckoning temptation of sleep.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You feel unclean.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You are shielded from earth.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM== trustall
You no longer trust everyone with questionable spells/supplications.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You are blinded!

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM== trustall
You now trust everyone with questionable spells/supplications.
You are shielded from air.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
You are shielded from fire.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
The magic of your fireshield spell unravels.
The magic of your armor spell unravels.
The magic of your protection spell unravels.
The magic of your blindness spell unravels.
The magic of your crusade spell unravels.
The magic of your crusade spell unravels.
The magic of your bless spell unravels.
The magic of your bless spell unravels.
The magic of your detect evil spell unravels.
The magic of your sleep spell unravels.
The magic of your sanctuary spell unravels.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
You are shielded from lightning.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
You are shielded from ooze.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM== wake
You wake and stand up.
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
The curse wears off.
You feel better.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'yfaghgpuzre'.
You are shielded from frost.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=8 AM==
Astilamos has summoned you!
The Imperial Throne Room

(Humming) A black circle of summoning is inscribed upon the ground.
A magical spring flows from the ground here.
The drowned corpse of Lao lies here, the flesh loose and waterlogged.
The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(Ghost) (Black Aura) Lao is here.
(Black Aura) Astilamos is here.
(Black Aura) Crasner is resting here.
(Black Aura) An awoken shawtaby consort is here, prepared to serve her master.
(Black Aura) An awoken shawtaby is here, prepared to serve his master.
(Black Aura) Mazaufat is here.
A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
(Black Aura) The Centurion Omegus stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(White Aura) The Imperial Healer keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM== com 'cure blind'
com wrath astilamos

Crasner sings 'Cold be hand and heart and bone,
And cold be sleep under stone:
Never more to wake on stony bed,
Never, till the Sun fails and the Moon is dead.'

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Lao looks at you.

==648/649hp 356/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM== You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You aren't blind.

==648/649hp 351/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
The Imperial Healer closes its eyes for a moment and nods at Lao.

==649/649hp 364/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
You maul Astilamos.
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==649/649hp 364/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Mazaufat closes his eyes and hums for an instant.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==649/649hp 364/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's flaming bite.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's flaming bite.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==649/649hp 364/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM== You are already fighting!
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==649/649hp 364/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Astilamos looks very uncomfortable.
Your heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Astilamos!
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==649/649hp 344/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Crasner looks at you.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==649/649hp 344/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Crasner sings 'O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being,
Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead
Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing..
Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;
Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear!'
Crasner's wild wind EVISCERATES you!
You yell 'Help! Crasner attacked me!'
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==604/649hp 344/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Astilamos leaves down.
Astilamos has fled!

==604/649hp 344/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
You parry Crasner's infernal power.
The gods protect you from a shawtaby consort.
The gods protect you from a shawtaby.
The gods protect you from Mazaufat.
Crasner parries your divine power.
Crasner dodges your divine power.
You quickly strike Crasner with the edge of a shield from the hide of a snow worm.
Your shield jab injures Crasner.
Crasner has a few scratches.

==604/649hp 344/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Astilamos has arrived.
Crasner has a few scratches.

==604/649hp 344/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Lao looks at you.
You manuever your shield in front of you as Astilamos slams into you, partially deflecting his powerful bash!
Astilamos's bash scratches you.
You yell 'Help! Astilamos is bashing me!'
Crasner has a few scratches.

==602/649hp 344/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
You parry Crasner's infernal power.
The gods protect you from a shawtaby consort.
The gods protect you from a shawtaby.
The gods protect you from Mazaufat.
Crasner parries your divine power.
Your divine power injures Crasner.
Crasner dodges your divine power.
You dodge Astilamos's flaming bite.
Astilamos's flaming bite decimates you!
Crasner has a few scratches.

==577/649hp 344/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM== flee
The Chamber of the Council of Four

A High Centurion stands here, prepared to die for the Empire.
You flee from combat!

==577/649hp 344/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM== com sanc
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

==577/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Astilamos has arrived.

==577/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Someone has arrived.
Someone has arrived.
A hairy orangutan has arrived.

==577/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
You decimate Astilamos!
You devastate Astilamos!
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==577/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Anadriewien sits down and rests.
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==577/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Your divine power MUTILATES Astilamos!
Astilamos's flaming bite hits you.
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==565/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM== angel

Anadriewien stands up.
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==565/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM== You are unable to find the opening to execute the maneuver.
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==565/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Astilamos leaves west.
Astilamos has fled!

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES a High Centurion!
A hairy orangutan's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** a High Centurion!

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM==
Astilamos has arrived.

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM== com wrath astilamos

Astilamos leaves up.

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=9 AM== com wrath astilamos

Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A warm feeling fills your body.

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== com wrath astilamos

A High Centurion's slash MUTILATES a hairy orangutan!
A hairy orangutan's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** a High Centurion!
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES a High Centurion!

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
A hairy orangutan swings a giant fist at a High Centurion.
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES a High Centurion!

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== They aren't here.

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES a High Centurion!
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES a High Centurion!
A High Centurion is DEAD!!
You hear a High Centurion's death cry.
A hairy orangutan sacrifices the corpse of a High Centurion to the gods.

==649/649hp 269/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==

You are hungry.

==649/649hp 278/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== com protection
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You feel protected.

==649/649hp 273/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Someone leaves down.

==649/649hp 273/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== where
People near you:
Lao The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Crasner The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Zdenhoi The Chamber of the Council of Four
Cersai The Gates of the Palace
Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace
a hairy orangutan The Chamber of the Council of Four
(PK) Astilamos The Imperial Throne Room
Mazaufat The Imperial Throne Room
A hairy orangutan leaves down.

==649/649hp 273/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== affect
who pk
com 'detect evil
You are affected by:
Commune: 'protection' for 24 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 15 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 15 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 15 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 15 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 15 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 15 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 15 hours.
Spell: 'airshield' for 15 hours.
Spell: 'earthshield' for 15 hours.
Commune: 'resist mental' for 7 hours.
Commune: 'detect invis' for 13 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 4 hours.

==649/649hp 273/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== <45 Human Bar> (PK) Crasner the Student of History, Imperial Citizen
*40 Storm Pal* (PK) Zdenhoi the Crusader
<40 Felar War> (PK) Zhabrinyhai the Master of Copper
<40 Cloud War> (PK) Boigeran the Master of Copper
<42 Gnome Dru> (PK) Choranek the Lord of the Hunt
<41 Duerg A-P> (PK) Astilamos the Evil Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
<40 Human Ran> (PK) Kaladar the Ranger Knight
<38 Fire War> (PK) Karak the Baron of Lightning

Players found: 8
put up ......ARMOR.
put up ......BLESS.
put up ......CRUSADE.
put up ......DETECT EVIL.

==649/649hp 273/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle with a red aura.

==649/649hp 268/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Someone has arrived.

==649/649hp 268/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== com crusade
You prepare your group for a crusade against the darkness.

==649/649hp 228/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== com bless

Someone nods at someone.

==649/649hp 228/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel righteous.

==649/649hp 223/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== com armor

Someone sits down and thinks deeply.

==649/649hp 223/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== where

Someone nods.

==649/649hp 223/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Astilamos has arrived.

==649/649hp 223/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel armored.

==649/649hp 218/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
You hit Astilamos.
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==649/649hp 218/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== com wrath astilamos

Astilamos parries your divine power.
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==649/649hp 218/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
A hairy orangutan has arrived.
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==649/649hp 218/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== People near you:
Lao The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Crasner The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Zdenhoi The Chamber of the Council of Four
Cersai The Gates of the Palace
Anadriewien The Gates of the Palace
a hairy orangutan The Chamber of the Council of Four
(PK) Astilamos The Chamber of the Council of Four
Mazaufat The Imperial Throne Room
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==649/649hp 218/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Your heavenly wrath mauls Astilamos.
Astilamos wildly swings mace of despair, and pain rips through your leg as it connects!
Astilamos's crippling strike hits you.
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==638/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
You quickly strike Astilamos with the edge of a shield from the hide of a snow worm.
Your shield jab hits Astilamos.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==638/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
A hairy orangutan leaves down.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==638/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Astilamos's crush hits you.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==628/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== shield
You slam your shield into Astilamos, and send him to the ground!
Astilamos looks stunned by your shield bash.
Your shield bash scratches Astilamos.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==628/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Someone leaves up.
Someone yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Centurion Omegus!'
Someone leaves up.
Someone yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Centurion Omegus!'
Someone yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Centurion Omegus!'
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==628/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Mazaufat yells 'Die, Gherian, you sorcerous dog!'
A shawtaby consort yells 'Augh! Crimthann is spraying me with grease!'
A shawtaby yells 'Augh! Crimthann is spraying me with grease!'
Mazaufat yells 'Augh! Crimthann is spraying me with grease!'
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Astilamos parries your divine power.
You quickly strike Astilamos with the edge of a shield from the hide of a snow worm.
Your shield jab grazes Astilamos.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's crush.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
Astilamos's crush hits you.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==618/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== shield

Crasner has arrived.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==618/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Crasner leaves up.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==618/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==618/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Astilamos looks at you.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==618/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== You slam your shield into Astilamos, and send him to the ground!
Your shield bash scratches Astilamos.
Astilamos utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==618/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Crasner has arrived.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==618/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Amadalie yells 'Help! Jirash just tripped me!'
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==618/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Crasner leaves up.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==618/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM==
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Astilamos's crush grazes you.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's crush.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==610/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=10 AM== angel

Astilamos utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==610/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Parcan has arrived.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==610/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==610/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM== You block Astilamos's attack, sweeping his arm to the side with your shield you connect a powerful blow to his shoulder.
Your divine power mauls Astilamos.
Mazaufat yells 'Die, Crimthann, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==610/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Astilamos utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==610/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
A hairy orangutan has arrived.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==610/649hp 198/629m 577/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
You are hungry.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Crasner has arrived.
Crasner yells 'Heelp ssoomeeoonee iiss aattaackiing mee!'
Someone utters the words, 'iaza'.
With hands outstretched and face to the sky, someone opens its mouth in a
Soundless scream as waves of heat roll out from it.
Crasner is seared by the blistering heat of someone's spell.
Parcan fades into existence.
Parcan's nova MANGLES Crasner!
The gods protect Astilamos from Parcan.
The gods protect you from Parcan.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Crasner's infernal power grazes Parcan.
Your divine power wounds Astilamos.
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
Parcan fades into existence.
Parcan's burning touch decimates Crasner!
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Crasner leaves south.
Crasner has fled!
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Astilamos utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM== angel

Mazaufat yells 'Die, Gherian, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Your divine power mauls Astilamos.
Your divine power mauls Astilamos.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's crush.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
A hairy orangutan leaves south.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Crasner yells 'Heelp! II aam beeiing aattaackeed by aa haaiiry ooraanguutaan!'
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM== You block Astilamos's attack, sweeping his arm to the side with your shield. You feel a satisfying crunch as mace of holy empowerment crushes Astilamos's bone.
Your divine power decimates Astilamos!
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Astilamos kicks dirt at you, but your earthshield deflects it.
Astilamos's kicked dirt misses you.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Lao has arrived.
A shawtaby has arrived.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'qpaiizr pzah'.
Crasner yells 'Diiee, Criimthaann, yoouu ssoorceeroouuss doog!'
Crimthann utters the words, 'ozlgzf'.
Crimthann creates a geyser aimed at Crasner!
Crimthann's geyser mauls Crasner.
A shawtaby yells 'Die, Crimthann, you sorcerous dog!'
A shawtaby is unaffected by Crimthann's geyser!
Lao yells 'Die, Crimthann, you sorcerous dog!'
Crimthann's geyser MUTILATES Lao!
Mazaufat yells 'Die, Crimthann, you sorcerous dog!'
Crimthann's geyser MUTILATES Mazaufat!
The gods protect Astilamos from Crimthann.
The gods protect you from Crimthann.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Crasner's infernal power grazes Crimthann.
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
Lao's crush grazes Crimthann.
Lao's claw scratches Crimthann.
A shawtaby's pound hits Crimthann.
Mazaufat's smash grazes Crimthann.
Crimthann fades into existence.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Mazaufat has fled!
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM== shield

Lao's cranial hit misses Crimthann.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Crasner leaves west.
Crasner has fled!
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Gherian has arrived.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Your divine power hits Astilamos.
Lao's crush grazes Crimthann.
Lao's claw grazes Crimthann.
Lao's crush injures Crimthann.
Lao's crush hits Crimthann.
A shawtaby's pound hits Crimthann.
A shawtaby's pound misses Crimthann.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
Crimthann fades into existence.
Crimthann's burning touch EVISCERATES Lao!
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
Lao gets in one more shot on Crimthann as he flees.
Lao's parting blow hits Crimthann.
Crimthann has fled!
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM== You slam your shield into Astilamos, and send him to the ground!
Astilamos looks stunned by your shield bash.
Your shield bash scratches Astilamos.
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==634/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=11 AM==
A shawtaby leaves up.
Lao leaves up.
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
Your divine power wounds Astilamos.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's crush.
Astilamos's crush hits you.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==625/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
A pendant formed from a shard of violet gemstone flares brightly as someone calls on the power of its ancient magic!
Someone utters the words, 'gqajfoz'.
Crasner yells 'Heelp ssoomeeoonee iiss aattaackiing mee!'
Crasner turns slightly green, but it passes.
Gherian fades into existence.
Gherian's Scourge of the Violet Spider injures Crasner.
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==625/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
A hairy orangutan has arrived.
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==625/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== shield

Crasner has fled!
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==625/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==625/649hp 222/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
You are hungry.
The elite dwarven guard has arrived.
The elite dwarven guard checks the ground for tracks.
The elite dwarven guard leaves east.
The elite dwarven guard has arrived.
The elite dwarven guard checks the ground for tracks.
The elite dwarven guard leaves east.
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== You slam your shield into Astilamos, and send him to the ground!
Your shield bash scratches Astilamos.
Astilamos leaves north.
Astilamos has fled!

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== Lao has arrived.
A shawtaby has arrived.
A shawtaby consort has arrived.

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Lao yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a hairy orangutan!'
A hairy orangutan's punch maims Lao!

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Crasner yells 'Heelp ssoomeeoonee iiss aattaackiing mee!'
Someone utters the words, 'uwwarahuai'.
Softly chanting, someone steps up to Crasner with its hand outstretched.
Like a lover's caress, it slowly traces a line down Crasner's arm.
Gherian fades into existence.
Gherian's immolation EVISCERATES Crasner!

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Crasner yells 'Heelp ssoomeeoonee iiss aattaackiing mee!'
Someone utters the words, 'iaza'.
With hands outstretched and face to the sky, someone opens its mouth in a
Soundless scream as waves of heat roll out from it.
Crasner is seared by the blistering heat of someone's spell.
Parcan fades into existence.
Parcan's nova *** DEMOLISHES *** Crasner!
A shawtaby consort yells 'Die, Parcan, you sorcerous dog!'
A shawtaby consort is seared by the blistering heat of Parcan's spell.
Parcan's nova *** DEVASTATES *** a shawtaby consort!
A shawtaby yells 'Die, Parcan, you sorcerous dog!'
A shawtaby is seared by the blistering heat of Parcan's spell.
Parcan's nova *** DEVASTATES *** a shawtaby!
Mazaufat yells 'Die, Parcan, you sorcerous dog!'
Mazaufat is seared by the blistering heat of Parcan's spell.
Parcan's nova DISMEMBERS Mazaufat!
Lao yells 'Die, Parcan, you sorcerous dog!'
Lao is seared by the blistering heat of Parcan's spell.
Parcan's nova *** DEMOLISHES *** Lao!
The gods protect you from Parcan.
Crasner's infernal power wounds Gherian.
Lao's crush decimates a hairy orangutan!
Lao's hammer pendant glows briefly.
A shawtaby's pound hits Parcan.
A shawtaby consort's pound hits Parcan.
A shawtaby consort's pound hits Parcan.
A shawtaby consort's pound hits Parcan.
Mazaufat's smash grazes Parcan.
Mazaufat's smash grazes Parcan.
Parcan fades into existence.
Gherian fades into existence.
Gherian's the ring of regeneration glows bright blue!

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Crasner snorts.

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Mazaufat closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Crasner.

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos

Lao leaves up.
Lao has fled!
Crasner leaves east.
Crasner has fled!
Astilamos has arrived.

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Astilamos leaves up.

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos

A shawtaby's pound hits Parcan.
A shawtaby's pound hits Parcan.
A shawtaby consort's pound misses Parcan.
A shawtaby consort's pound hits Parcan.
A shawtaby consort's pound grazes Parcan.
Mazaufat's tattoo of a skull swarmed by hornets glows a bright yellow, as hornets spew from it to strike Parcan!
Mazaufat's swarm of hornets wounds Parcan.
Parcan fades into existence.
A hairy orangutan's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** a shawtaby!
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES a shawtaby!

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Crasner has arrived.

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Crasner sings 'Like one, that on a lonesome road
Doth walk in fear and dread
And having once turned round walks on;
And turns no more his head
Because he knows, a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread.'
Gherian fades into existence.
Gherian's burning touch decimates Crasner!
You yell 'It's just like in my nightmares! Get away from me!'
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer is in perfect health.

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
Mazaufat closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
The phantasmal killer is in perfect health.

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is in perfect health.

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is in perfect health.

==641/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
You try to convince yourself despite your fear that the phantasmal killer only exists in your mind.
The phantasmal killer flickers momentarily.
Crasner's infernal power injures Gherian.
The phantasmal killer dodges your divine power.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES a shawtaby!
A hairy orangutan's punch MANGLES a shawtaby!
A shawtaby's pound hits Parcan.
A shawtaby's pound hits Parcan.
A shawtaby consort's pound hits Parcan.
A shawtaby consort's pound misses Parcan.
Mazaufat's smash grazes Parcan.
Parcan fades into existence.
Parcan's burning touch misses a shawtaby.
Gherian fades into existence.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==630/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos

Gherian utters the words, 'szbbrz ha bajroculof'.
Gherian tosses a small pebble at Crasner.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
The huge boulder narrowly misses Crasner.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==630/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
Crasner yells 'Diiee, Paarcaan, yoouu ssoorceeroouuss doog!'
Parcan utters the words, 'iaza'.
With hands outstretched and face to the sky, Parcan opens his mouth in a
Soundless scream as waves of heat roll out from him.
Crasner is seared by the blistering heat of Parcan's spell.
Parcan's nova *** DEMOLISHES *** Crasner!
A shawtaby consort is seared by the blistering heat of Parcan's spell.
Parcan's nova === OBLITERATES === a shawtaby consort!
A shawtaby is seared by the blistering heat of Parcan's spell.
Parcan's nova MANGLES a shawtaby!
Mazaufat is seared by the blistering heat of Parcan's spell.
Parcan's nova MASSACRES Mazaufat!
The gods protect you from Parcan.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==630/649hp 252/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Mazaufat closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Crasner.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Suddenly struck by the impossibility of defeating the phantasmal killer, you turn and run.
The End of the Hallway

(Red Aura) The floor is spattered with fresh drops of blood.
You flee from combat!

==618/649hp 252/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==618/649hp 252/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== affect
who pk
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -10 for 44 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 5 for 44 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -10 for 44 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 5 for 44 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 38 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 22 hours.
Commune: 'protection' for 22 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'airshield' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'earthshield' for 13 hours.
Commune: 'resist mental' for 5 hours.
Commune: 'detect invis' for 11 hours.
Physical malady: 'crippling strike' modifies dexterity by -3 for 2 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 2 hours.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==618/649hp 252/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== <48 Human Shf> (PK) Melinda the Grand Eldress of Changelings
<45 Felar War> (PK) Lao the Master of Mithril, Imperial Blade
<45 Human Bar> (PK) Crasner the Student of History, Imperial Citizen
*40 Storm Pal* (PK) Zdenhoi the Crusader
<40 Felar War> (PK) Zhabrinyhai the Master of Copper
<40 Cloud War> (PK) Boigeran the Master of Copper
<42 Gnome Dru> (PK) Choranek the Lord of the Hunt
<41 Duerg A-P> (PK) Astilamos the Evil Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
<40 Human Ran> (PK) Kaladar the Ranger Knight
<38 Fire War> (PK) Karak the Baron of Lightning

Players found: 10
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==618/649hp 252/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==618/649hp 252/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Astilamos has arrived.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==618/649hp 252/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
A shawtaby consort yells 'Die, Gherian, you sorcerous dog!'
A shawtaby yells 'Die, Gherian, you sorcerous dog!'
Mazaufat yells 'Die, Gherian, you sorcerous dog!'
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==618/649hp 252/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
You hear the snapping of great jaws and the slap of a mighty tail!

Parcan yells 'Help! Crasner attacked me!'
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==618/649hp 252/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'judifgz'.
You feel unclean.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==618/649hp 252/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos

Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==618/649hp 252/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== Astilamos yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Your heavenly wrath EVISCERATES Astilamos!
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==618/649hp 232/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
The phantasmal killer parries your divine power.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
You dodge Astilamos's crush.
You parry Astilamos's crush.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==606/649hp 232/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Hausool has arrived.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==606/649hp 232/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Hausool leaves up.
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==606/649hp 232/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Astilamos leaves south.
Astilamos has fled!
The phantasmal killer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==606/649hp 232/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== h astilamos
com wrath astilamos
com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You try to convince yourself despite your fear that the phantasmal killer only exists in your mind.
The phantasmal killer flickers momentarily.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
Your divine power misses the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 232/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
Astilamos has arrived.
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 232/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== Astilamos yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Your heavenly wrath EVISCERATES Astilamos!
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos

Crasner yells 'Diiee, Paarcaan, yoouu ssoorceeroouuss doog!'
A shawtaby consort yells 'Die, Gherian, you sorcerous dog!'
A shawtaby yells 'Die, Gherian, you sorcerous dog!'
Mazaufat yells 'Die, Gherian, you sorcerous dog!'
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Astilamos leaves east.
Astilamos has fled!
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos

Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer dodges your divine power.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is covered with bleeding wounds.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos

Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
Astilamos has arrived.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

==606/649hp 212/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
Astilamos yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Your heavenly wrath mauls Astilamos.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

==606/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos

Parcan yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Centurion Omegus!'
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

==606/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

==594/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Astilamos leaves up.
Astilamos has fled!
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

==594/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
The phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

==582/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
You hear the snapping of great jaws and the slap of a mighty tail!

A pool of blood crumbles into dust.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

==582/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

==582/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

==582/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos

Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
The phantasmal killer's mental assault misses you.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
The phantasmal killer dodges your divine power.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

==559/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
Someone has arrived.
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

==559/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== Gherian yells 'Help! Crasner attacked me!'
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

==559/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

==559/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Someone utters the words, 'gpuzre ay xazzg'.
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

==559/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

==559/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos

You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

==559/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

==559/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== com wrath astilamos

Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

==559/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM== They aren't here.
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

==559/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=12 PM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
The curse wears off.
You feel better.
Someone says 'Healing?'
The phantasmal killer is writhing in agony.

==559/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=1 PM== com wrath

You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is convulsing on the ground.

==536/649hp 192/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=1 PM== You narrow your eyes and glare in the phantasmal killer's direction.
The phantasmal killer does not seem to be affected.
Your shield blocks the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer is convulsing on the ground.

==536/649hp 172/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=1 PM==
Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
You dodge the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer is convulsing on the ground.

==536/649hp 172/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=1 PM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A warm feeling fills your body.
The phantasmal killer is convulsing on the ground.

==636/649hp 172/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=1 PM==
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You parry the phantasmal killer's mental assault.
The phantasmal killer's mental assault injures you.
Your divine power scratches the phantasmal killer.
You smash the edge of a shield from the hide of a snow worm into the phantasmal killer, knocking the phantasmal killer off his feet.
the phantasmal killer IS KNOCKED DOWN!!!WOOOOOOOT
Your shield jab scratches the phantasmal killer.
The phantasmal killer is convulsing on the ground.

==623/649hp 172/629m 615/616mv=18074tnl=1 PM==
You are hungry.
Someone shivers and suffers.
Parcan fades into existence.
Parcan's poison grazes him.
The phantasmal killer is convulsing on the ground.

==627/649hp 182/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=1 PM==
You hear the snapping of great jaws and the slap of a mighty tail!

The phantasmal killer is convulsing on the ground.

==627/649hp 182/629m 616/616mv=18074tnl=1 PM==
Anadriewien closes her eyes for a moment a
18961, Me learning why fighting shamans 8 ranks up on you is a bad idea.
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
==499/619hp 384/589m 443/576mv=18074tnl=3 AM== n
The Open Sea

==499/619hp 384/589m 439/576mv=18074tnl=3 AM== eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a serpent ring
<worn on finger> a serpent ring
<worn around neck> a shark tooth necklace
<worn around neck> a shark tooth necklace
<worn on body> (Glowing) (Humming) the plate of protection
<worn on legs> some leggings from the snow worm
<worn on feet> firewalker boots
<worn on hands> gauntlets of ogre power
<worn on arms> a pair of armguards from the snow worm
<worn as shield> (Glowing) a gleaming silver shield
<worn about body> (Glowing) a shaman's robe
<worn about waist> a girdle of many pouches
<wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) A glimmering longsword

==499/619hp 384/589m 439/576mv=18074tnl=3 AM==
Haaslett has arrived.

==499/619hp 384/589m 439/576mv=18074tnl=3 AM==
Haaslett scans north.
Haaslett scans south.
Haaslett scans east.
Haaslett scans west.
Haaslett scans up.
Haaslett scans down.

==499/619hp 384/589m 439/576mv=18074tnl=4 AM==
You yell 'Die, Haaslett, you sorcerous dog!'
Haaslett narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
The magic of your crusade spell unravels.
The magic of your crusade spell unravels.
The magic of your bless spell unravels.
The magic of your bless spell unravels.
The magic of your armor spell unravels.
The magic of your protection spell unravels.
The magic of your detect evil spell unravels.
The magic of your detect invis spell unravels.
The magic of your sanctuary spell unravels.
You easily avoid Haaslett's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
You injure Haaslett.
Haaslett parries your wrath.
Haaslett has a few scratches.

That happened every time he tried it. I do not think anything on me ever resisted a dispel from him.
18962, Another tumble with Asti..and a buggy type thing.
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
==619/619hp 313/574m 281/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== where

You feel less armored.
You feel less protected.

==619/619hp 328/574m 321/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== People near you:
Sargtlin Merchant Way
Mortrigus Merchant Way
Quhmnari Merchant Way
(PK) Zdenhoi In a House
Nesnah Common Road

==619/619hp 328/574m 321/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== com protection
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You feel protected.

==619/619hp 323/574m 321/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== com armor
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel armored.

==619/619hp 318/574m 321/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== open w
You open the door.

==619/619hp 318/574m 321/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== w
Tower Road

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.

==619/619hp 318/574m 320/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== n
Rogosh's Square

A bloody clump of hair from a citizen lies here.

==619/619hp 318/574m 317/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== w
Bridge Road

==619/619hp 318/574m 314/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== Alas, you cannot go that way.

==619/619hp 318/574m 314/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== where
People near you:
Strantor The Cathedral
(PK) Astilamos Tarlomen's Square
Sargtlin At the Altar
Mortrigus At the Altar
Quhmnari At the Altar
(PK) Zdenhoi Bridge Road
Nesnah Common Road

==619/619hp 318/574m 314/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== s
Northeast Corner of White Tower Wall

A dockman is here moving cargo from the ships to the warehouses.
A sailor is here trying to sing his lungs out.

==619/619hp 318/574m 311/576mv=23064tnl=9 PM== w
Wall Road

A beggar is here asking for alms.

==619/619hp 318/574m 308/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== w
Wall Road

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
A ships' captain is walking through here.

==619/619hp 318/574m 305/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== where
Wall Road

(Invis) A sister of the Brown Ajah is here.
(Red Aura) A bodyguard is here making sure his employer gets to the White
Tower safely.
(Red Aura) A bodyguard is here making sure his employer gets to the White
Tower safely.
A rich merchant is being carried through here.

==619/619hp 318/574m 302/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== People near you:
Strantor Tower Road
(PK) Astilamos Tarlomen's Square
Sargtlin At the Altar
Mortrigus At the Altar
Quhmnari At the Altar
(PK) Zdenhoi Wall Road
Nesnah Common Road

==619/619hp 318/574m 302/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== w
Northwest Corner of White Tower Wall

(Red Aura) A Youngling is striding through here.

==619/619hp 318/574m 299/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== affect
who pk
You are affected by:
Commune: 'righteousness' for 29 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 24 hours.
Commune: 'protection' for 24 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -10 for 17 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 5 for 17 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -10 for 17 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 5 for 17 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 5 hours.
Commune: 'detect invis' for 3 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 2 hours.

==619/619hp 318/574m 299/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== <46 Cloud War> (PK) Mampf the Master of Adamantite
<41 Duerg A-P> (PK) Astilamos the Evil Lord, Imperial Dread Lord
*40 Storm Pal* (PK) Zdenhoi the Crusader

Players found: 3

==619/619hp 332/574m 339/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== wear sword
You stop using a Crusader's Sword.
You wield A glimmering longsword.
A glimmering longsword feels like a part of you!

==619/619hp 332/589m 339/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== n
Bridge Road

(Red Aura) There is a panhandler here trying to shake the money out of you!

==619/619hp 332/589m 336/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== w
Tarlomen's Square

A small fountain is here.
(Invis) (Red Aura) Astilamos is here.
A sailor is here trying to sing his lungs out.

==619/619hp 332/589m 333/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
Astilamos parries your wrath.
Astilamos is in perfect health.

==619/619hp 332/589m 333/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== com wrath astilamos
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Astilamos looks very uncomfortable.
Your heavenly wrath MASSACRES Astilamos!
Astilamos fades into existence.
Astilamos's flaming bite mauls you.
You easily avoid Astilamos's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
Your wrath wounds Astilamos.
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==596/619hp 312/589m 333/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM==
Astilamos looks at you.
You parry Astilamos's flaming bite.
You parry Astilamos's flaming bite.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from Astilamos's weapon.
Astilamos's ghostly flame decimates you!
You easily avoid Astilamos's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
Your wrath injures Astilamos.
Astilamos parries your wrath.
You quickly strike Astilamos with the edge of a gleaming silver shield.
Your shield jab injures Astilamos.
Astilamos has some small but disgusting cuts.

==570/619hp 312/589m 333/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== com wrath astilamos
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Your heavenly wrath MASSACRES Astilamos!
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==570/619hp 292/589m 333/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM==
Astilamos shatters your shield with a mighty blow from his axe!
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==570/619hp 292/589m 333/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM==
A deathly chill seeps into you from Astilamos's axe!
Astilamos's flaming bite mauls you.
You parry Astilamos's flaming bite.
Astilamos's flaming bite decimates you!
Your wrath injures Astilamos.
Your wrath wounds Astilamos.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==520/619hp 285/589m 329/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== flee
Merchant Way

You flee from combat!

==520/619hp 285/589m 326/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== s
Merchant Way

Nesnah has arrived.

==520/619hp 285/589m 323/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== g
Market Square

==520/619hp 285/589m 320/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== Merchant Way

==520/619hp 285/589m 317/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== Get what?

==520/619hp 285/589m 317/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== get shield girdle
You get a large metal shield from a girdle of many pouches.

==520/619hp 285/589m 317/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== wear shield
You wear a large metal shield as a shield.

==520/629hp 285/589m 317/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM==
Astilamos has arrived.

==520/629hp 285/589m 317/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM==
You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
Astilamos parries your wrath.
You quickly strike Astilamos with the edge of a large metal shield.
Your shield jab hits Astilamos.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==520/629hp 285/589m 317/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== eat prep
You're too busy fighting to think about food.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==520/629hp 285/589m 317/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM==
You parry Astilamos's flaming bite.
You parry Astilamos's flaming bite.
You easily avoid Astilamos's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
Your wrath mauls Astilamos.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==520/629hp 285/589m 317/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== flee
Farmer's Market

A farmer is here selling some of his crop.
You flee from combat!

==520/629hp 285/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== n
Alas, you cannot go that way.

==520/629hp 285/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== eat prep
That's not edible.

==520/629hp 285/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.

==520/629hp 285/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.

==520/629hp 285/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.

==520/629hp 285/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.

==520/629hp 285/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== com wrath astilamos

Astilamos has arrived.

==520/629hp 285/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM== Astilamos yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Astilamos trembles under the force of your wrath as you tear deeply into the soul of the wicked.
Your heavenly wrath MASSACRES Astilamos!
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==520/629hp 265/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=10 PM==
Astilamos leaves west.
Astilamos has fled!

==520/629hp 265/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM==
Astilamos has arrived.

==520/629hp 265/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM== com wrath astilamos

You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
You miss Astilamos.
You hit Astilamos.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==520/629hp 265/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Your heavenly wrath maims Astilamos!
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==520/629hp 245/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM==
You parry Astilamos's flaming bite.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's flaming bite.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's flaming bite.
Astilamos parries your wrath.
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==520/629hp 245/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM== com wrath astilamos

Sargtlin has arrived.
Quhmnari has arrived.
Mortrigus has arrived.
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==520/629hp 245/589m 316/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Astilamos trembles under the force of your wrath as you tear deeply into the soul of the wicked.
Your heavenly wrath maims Astilamos!
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==556/629hp 258/589m 436/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM== Astilamos leaves west.
Astilamos has fled!
Nesnah has arrived.

==556/629hp 258/589m 436/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM== com wrath astilamos

Sargtlin glances at you.

==556/629hp 258/589m 436/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM== com wrath astilamos

You sense the wicked presense of Astilamos near A trail through the frigid wasteland.

==556/629hp 258/589m 436/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM== com wrath astilamos
com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.

==556/629hp 258/589m 436/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM== w
They aren't here.

==556/629hp 258/589m 436/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM== They aren't here.

==556/629hp 258/589m 436/576mv=23064tnl=11 PM== com wrath astilamos
They aren't here.

**snip running to him**

==594/629hp 232/589m 161/576mv=23064tnl=3 AM== People near you:
(PK) Astilamos The top level of a watchtower
(PK) Zdenhoi A trail through the frigid wasteland

==594/629hp 232/589m 129/576mv=23064tnl=3 AM== u
The top level of a watchtower
This part of the tower is as sparsely furnished as the ground floor is. A
small fire roars here, keeping the room barely above freezing, and a couple
of arrow-slits in the walls offer a narrow view of the surrounding forests,
although they let in a little too much of a cold breeze.

(Glowing) A blazing fire roars here, warming the room.
(Red Aura) Astilamos the duergar is here.
A sentry rests here, watching for any suspicious activity from the wasteland.

==594/629hp 232/589m 128/576mv=23064tnl=3 AM== com wrath astilamos

You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
Astilamos parries your wrath.
Astilamos parries your wrath.
Astilamos parries your wrath.
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Your heavenly wrath maims Astilamos!
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==594/629hp 212/589m 128/576mv=23064tnl=3 AM== com wrath astilamos

You parry Astilamos's flaming bite.
You parry Astilamos's flaming bite.
A watchtower sentry screams and attacks you!
You parry a watchtower sentry's pierce.
A watchtower sentry's pierce injures you.
Using a wooden shortbow, a watchtower sentry disarms you and sends A glimmering longsword flying!
Astilamos parries your punch.
Your shield blocks a watchtower sentry's pierce.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

*****Right there, good mob, jumps a lawful paladin along side an Anti-paladin....just doesn't seem right.

==579/629hp 212/574m 128/576mv=23064tnl=3 AM==
Astilamos leaves down.
Astilamos has fled!
They aren't here.

==579/629hp 212/574m 128/576mv=23064tnl=3 AM== get sword

Astilamos has arrived.

==579/629hp 212/574m 128/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM== You get A glimmering longsword.
Your shield blocks a watchtower sentry's pierce.
A watchtower sentry is in perfect health.

==579/629hp 212/574m 128/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM== wera sword
A watchtower sentry is in perfect health.

==579/629hp 212/574m 128/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM== com wrath astilamos
Astilamos yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Astilamos trembles under the force of your wrath as you tear deeply into the soul of the wicked.
Your heavenly wrath MUTILATES Astilamos!
A watchtower sentry is in perfect health.

==579/629hp 192/574m 128/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM==
Your shield blocks Astilamos's flaming bite.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's flaming bite.
Your punch devastates a watchtower sentry!
A watchtower sentry's pierce injures you.
Your shield blocks a watchtower sentry's pierce.
A watchtower sentry has a few scratches.

==565/629hp 192/574m 128/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM==
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone has a few scratches.

==564/629hp 192/574m 128/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM==
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
A watchtower sentry has a few scratches.

==576/629hp 202/574m 168/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM== com wrath astilamos
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Your heavenly wrath MASSACRES Astilamos!
A watchtower sentry has a few scratches.

==576/629hp 182/574m 168/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM==
Astilamos's flaming bite injures you.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from Astilamos's weapon.
Astilamos's ghostly flame maims you!
Your punch DISMEMBERS a watchtower sentry!
Your punch MUTILATES a watchtower sentry!
A watchtower sentry's pierce misses you.
A watchtower sentry has a few scratches.

==527/629hp 182/574m 168/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM== wear sword
You wield A glimmering longsword.
A glimmering longsword feels like a part of you!
You parry Astilamos's flaming bite.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's flaming bite.
A watchtower sentry dodges your wrath.
Your shield blocks a watchtower sentry's pierce.
Your shield blocks a watchtower sentry's pierce.
A watchtower sentry has a few scratches.

==527/629hp 182/589m 168/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM==
Astilamos narrowly misses cleaving your shield.
A watchtower sentry has a few scratches.

==527/629hp 182/589m 168/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM== h astilamos
You start aiming at Astilamos.
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==527/629hp 182/589m 168/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM== com wrath astilamos
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Astilamos trembles under the force of your wrath as you tear deeply into the soul of the wicked.
Your heavenly wrath maims Astilamos!
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==527/629hp 162/589m 168/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM==
You parry Astilamos's flaming bite.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's flaming bite.
You easily avoid Astilamos's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
Your wrath injures Astilamos.
You parry a watchtower sentry's pierce.
Your shield blocks a watchtower sentry's pierce.
You parry a watchtower sentry's pierce.
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==527/629hp 162/589m 168/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM==
You parry Astilamos's flaming bite.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's flaming bite.
You easily avoid Astilamos's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
Your wrath mauls Astilamos.
Astilamos parries your wrath.
You parry a watchtower sentry's pierce.
Your shield blocks a watchtower sentry's pierce.
You parry a watchtower sentry's pierce.
A watchtower sentry trips you and you go down!
A watchtower sentry's trip scratches you.
Astilamos is gushing blood.

==525/629hp 162/589m 168/576mv=23064tnl=4 AM== shield

Astilamos leaves down.
Astilamos has fled!

==525/629hp 162/589m 168/576mv=23064tnl=5 AM== com wrath astilamos

Your shield blocks a watchtower sentry's pierce.
A watchtower sentry has a few scratches.

==525/629hp 162/589m 168/576mv=23064tnl=5 AM== com wrath astilamos

You sense the wicked presense of Astilamos near Up a tree.
A watchtower sentry has a few scratches.

**I knew where that was, but I wasn't about to go after him there.
18963, some quick fun.
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
was told of raid, I got there too slowly to help...so I decided to do some hunting.....

==624/624hp 416/654m 477/571mv=20421tnl=6 AM== affect
who pk
You are affected by:
Commune: 'righteousness' for 60 hours.
Commune: 'detect invis' for 20 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 20 hours.
Spell: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for 19 hours.
Spell: 'frenzy' modifies armor class by 30 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'frenzy' modifies damage roll by 6 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'frenzy' modifies hit roll by 6 for 12 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -10 for 5 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 5 for 5 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 3 hours.
Commune: 'protection' for 3 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -10 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 5 for 3 hours.

==624/624hp 416/654m 477/571mv=20421tnl=6 AM== <45 Arial Bar> (PK) Mothaiba the Student of History
<35 Fire A-P> (PK) Hausool the Field Marshall of Legion, Black Servant
<40 Arial War> (PK) Urgarg the Master of Copper
<34 Fire A-P> (PK) Jolytorax the General of Legion
<46 Gnome Dru> (PK) Choranek the Druid of Frost
*40 Storm Pal* (PK) Zdenhoi the Crusader
<40 Duerg A-P> (PK) Broghild the Evil Knight, Bloodoathed of the Empire
<36 Fire A-P> (PK) Ancruhljin the Lady of the Apocalypse, Initiate of the Scarab, Cursed by the Ill Omen
<40 Duerg War> (PK) Tonhao the Master of Copper, Chosen of Talia
<40 Fire War> (PK) Karak the Master of Copper
<46 Felar War> (PK) Javaco the Master of Adamantite
<36 Duerg A-P> (PK) Beridarion the Knight of the Apocalypse
<45 Human Ran> (PK) Ildareen the Warder of the Glade
<48 Dwarf Pal> (PK) Rogardian the Slayer of Infidels

Players found: 14

==624/624hp 416/654m 477/571mv=20421tnl=6 AM==
Aemelius gets a potion of return from the girdle of endless space.

==624/624hp 416/654m 477/571mv=20421tnl=6 AM==
Cersai leaves.

==624/624hp 416/654m 477/571mv=20421tnl=6 AM==
Zacharyn has arrived.
A Maran Tara'bal says 'Protect the light my brother.'
A Maran Tara'bal says 'Protect the light my brother.'
A Maran Tara'bal says 'Protect the light my brother.'

==624/624hp 416/654m 477/571mv=20421tnl=6 AM==
Anlon wields "Alabast" the legendary clabbard of Stee Hoarns.

==624/624hp 416/654m 477/571mv=20421tnl=6 AM==
Ildareen sacrifices a pile of feathers from Sarkarian to the gods.

==624/624hp 416/654m 477/571mv=20421tnl=6 AM== s
Redhorn Gate

Riddled with stab wounds, the corpse of Gurgudu lies here.
The severed eye of Gurgudu lies here.
Cersai is here.

==624/624hp 416/654m 474/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM==
Cersai leaves.

==624/624hp 416/654m 474/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Redhorn Gate

==624/624hp 416/654m 474/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== w
Near Redhorn Gate

A crudely made scimitar of steel is lying here.
Some crudely made leather leggings are crumpled on the floor.
A crudely made leather tunic is lying crumpled on the floor.

==624/624hp 423/654m 488/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== In the Mountains

==624/624hp 423/654m 480/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== w
In the Foothills

==624/624hp 423/654m 473/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== w
In the Foothills

==624/624hp 423/654m 467/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== w
In the Foothills

( 5) A steak of the corpse of the warg is lying here.

==624/624hp 423/654m 461/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

==624/624hp 423/654m 461/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== Along a Dried Streambed

==624/624hp 423/654m 456/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== s
A Dried Streambed

==624/624hp 423/654m 452/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== Rocky Plains

==624/624hp 423/654m 447/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== A Farm Yard

A cow stares at you and chews its cud.

==624/624hp 423/654m 440/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== s
Lush Farmland

A sheep stands here eating grass.
A farmer works diligently on his crops.

==624/624hp 423/654m 434/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== s
Lush Farmland

==624/624hp 423/654m 428/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== Lush Farmland

A large ram stands here watching over his herd.
A sheep stands here eating grass.

==624/624hp 423/654m 422/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Lush Farmland
Sarkarian Rugged Foothills

==624/624hp 423/654m 422/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== s
Jualdhe Village

==624/624hp 423/654m 418/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== Jualdhe Road

==624/624hp 423/654m 417/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Jualdhe Road

==624/624hp 423/654m 417/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== e
Jualdhe Road

==624/624hp 423/654m 416/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== where
Jualdhe Road

==624/624hp 423/654m 415/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== Jualdhe Road

==624/624hp 423/654m 414/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== On the Northwest Bridge

An elite militiaman is here, guarding the baron's keep diligently.
(Red Aura) There is a panhandler here trying to shake the money out of you!

==624/624hp 423/654m 413/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== Bridge Gate

(Red Aura) A bodyguard is here making sure his employer gets to the White
Tower safely.
(Red Aura) A bodyguard is here making sure his employer gets to the White
Tower safely.
A rich merchant is being carried through here.
A guard of Tar Valon is here watching the people coming into Tar Valon.

==624/624hp 423/654m 410/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== People near you:
(PK) Hausool At the Altar
(PK) Zdenhoi Bridge Gate
(PK) Broghild At the Altar
Demoli The Golden Heron
Rahnac Tarlomen's Square

==624/624hp 423/654m 410/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== e
Tarlomen's Square

A small fountain is here.

==624/624hp 423/654m 407/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== Bridge Road

A small silver ring lies here.

==624/624hp 423/654m 404/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== tell anadriewien Found two in tar valon
She can't hear you.

==624/624hp 423/654m 404/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== Alas, you cannot go that way.

==624/624hp 423/654m 404/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== s
Northwest Corner of White Tower Wall

==624/624hp 423/654m 401/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== e
Wall Road

==624/624hp 423/654m 398/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== e
Wall Road

==624/624hp 423/654m 395/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== e
Wall Road

A beggar is here asking for alms.

==624/624hp 423/654m 392/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== where
Northeast Corner of White Tower Wall

==624/624hp 423/654m 389/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== People near you:
(PK) Hausool At the Altar
(PK) Zdenhoi Northeast Corner of White Tower Wall
(PK) Broghild At the Altar
Demoli The Golden Heron
Rahnac Bridge Road

==624/624hp 423/654m 389/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== n
Bridge Road

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.

==624/624hp 423/654m 386/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== Rogosh's Square

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.

==624/624hp 423/654m 383/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== s
Tower Road

south ]
A farmer from the fields is relaxing here with some friends.

==624/624hp 423/654m 380/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

==624/624hp 423/654m 380/571mv=20421tnl=7 AM== open e
close w
You open the door.

==624/624hp 423/654m 380/571mv=20421tnl=8 AM== In a House

A farmer from the fields is relaxing here with some friends.
A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of

==624/624hp 423/654m 379/571mv=20421tnl=8 AM== You close the door.

==624/624hp 423/654m 379/571mv=20421tnl=8 AM== com summon broghild
Broghild arrives suddenly.
Broghild utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

==624/624hp 377/654m 399/571mv=20421tnl=8 AM== com wrath broghild
Broghild yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Broghild's direction.
Broghild looks very uncomfortable.
Your heavenly wrath === OBLITERATES === Broghild!
Broghild is gushing blood.

==624/624hp 357/654m 399/571mv=20421tnl=8 AM==
Broghild parries your wrath.
Your wrath DISMEMBERS Broghild!
You smash the edge of a shield of pure light into Broghild, knocking Broghild off his feet.
Your shield jab MUTILATES Broghild!
Broghild's pound wounds you.
Broghild's slash misses you.
Your shield blocks Broghild's pound.
Broghild is writhing in agony.

==605/624hp 357/654m 399/571mv=20421tnl=8 AM== com wrath

Broghild parries your wrath.
Your wrath MASSACRES Broghild!
Your wrath DISMEMBERS Broghild!
Broghild's pound mauls you.
Your shield blocks Broghild's slash.
You parry Broghild's pound.
Broghild is convulsing on the ground.

==583/624hp 357/654m 399/571mv=20421tnl=8 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Broghild's direction.
Broghild trembles under the force of your wrath as you tear deeply into the soul of the wicked.
Your heavenly wrath *** DEVASTATES *** Broghild!
Broghild is DEAD!!
Broghild's arm is sliced from his dead body.

==583/624hp 337/654m 399/571mv=20421tnl=8 AM== com summon hausool
You failed.

==583/624hp 287/654m 399/571mv=20421tnl=8 AM== hwere

==583/624hp 287/654m 399/571mv=20421tnl=8 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi In a House
Birkota Tower Road
Xelilgu Tower Road
Demoli Tower Road

Hausool, beridarion, and broghild all gave me some very nice fights, I am not sure any of them actually closed on me, I might have closed on them once or twice.
18965, prepped/well clothed asti whups on mostly unprepped pally
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
FINALLY convinced him to fight me again, told him I would not let anyone else interfere.....

never saw my wrath do so little damage on someone without Black aura...makes me think he had at least shield..maybe aura/barrier.

==621/636hp 529/681m 541/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM== People near you:
(PK) Zdenhoi Ar'atouldain
(PK) Astilamos Old Forest Path

==621/636hp 529/681m 541/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM==
Aemelius tells you 'Indeed. Slay him, noble kin.'

==621/636hp 529/681m 541/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM== s

A wood-elf wanders here, singing merrily.

==621/636hp 529/681m 536/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM== s
Old Forest Path

(Red Aura) Suspicious eyes glint in the shadows, belonging to a shady looking man.

==621/636hp 529/681m 534/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM== w
Old Forest Path

A wood-elf wanders here, feasting on the food provided by the elf-king.
A small squirrel lies in a fork of branches, curled up.
A wood-elf wanders here, singing merrily.
A black snake lies coiled up on the ground.

==621/636hp 529/681m 532/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM== w
Old Forest Path

==621/636hp 529/681m 530/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM== w
Old Forest Path

(Invis) (Red Aura) Astilamos is here.

==621/636hp 529/681m 528/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM== w

Astilamos fades into existence.
Astilamos's cleave maims you!
You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you butchering fool!'
Astilamos is in perfect health.

==585/636hp 529/681m 528/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM== No way! You are still fighting!
Astilamos is in perfect health.

==585/636hp 529/681m 528/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM==
Your divine power wounds Astilamos.
You easily avoid Astilamos's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
Your divine power mauls Astilamos.
You parry Astilamos's freezing bite.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's freezing bite.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==585/636hp 529/681m 528/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM== angel
You are unable to find the opening to execute the maneuver.
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's freezing bite.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==585/636hp 529/681m 528/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM==
Astilamos looks at you.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==585/636hp 529/681m 528/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM==
Astilamos parries your divine power.
You easily avoid Astilamos's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
Your divine power wounds Astilamos.
A deathly chill seeps into you from Astilamos's axe!
Astilamos's freezing bite wounds you.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==567/636hp 523/681m 519/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM==
Astilamos attempts to break your shield, but it is unaffected.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==567/636hp 523/681m 519/582mv=11716tnl=12 AM== angel

Astilamos parries your divine power.
Astilamos parries your divine power.
Astilamos's freezing bite mauls you.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's freezing bite.
Astilamos's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==545/636hp 523/681m 519/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== You block Astilamos's attack, sweeping his arm to the side with your shield you connect a powerful blow to his shoulder.
Your divine power mauls Astilamos.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==545/636hp 523/681m 519/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
You slowly float to the ground.
Astilamos is in perfect health.

==569/636hp 538/681m 579/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Your divine power injures Astilamos.
You quickly strike Astilamos with the edge of a shield of pure light.
Your shield jab hits Astilamos.
Astilamos's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==569/636hp 538/681m 579/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Astilamos's kicked dirt misses you.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==569/636hp 538/681m 579/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== angel

Astilamos parries your divine power.
Astilamos parries your divine power.
A deathly chill seeps into you from Astilamos's axe!
Astilamos's freezing bite injures you.
Unthinkable cold saps your strength at the cruel touch of Astilamos's weapon.
You parry Astilamos's freezing bite.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==555/636hp 533/681m 578/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== You are unable to find the opening to execute the maneuver.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==555/636hp 533/681m 578/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Your divine power mauls Astilamos.
You quickly strike Astilamos with the edge of a shield of pure light.
Your shield jab hits Astilamos.
You parry Astilamos's freezing bite.
Astilamos has a few scratches.

==555/636hp 533/681m 578/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone has a few scratches.

==553/636hp 533/681m 578/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone parries your divine power.
You easily avoid someone's attempt to block your attack with its shield.
Your divine power wounds someone.
Your shield blocks someone's freezing bite.
You parry someone's freezing bite.
Someone has a few scratches.

==553/636hp 533/681m 578/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== com wrath
You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction.
Your heavenly wrath decimates someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==553/636hp 513/681m 578/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone tells you 'Do you fight brave knight?'
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==553/636hp 513/681m 578/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== com wrath

You easily avoid someone's attempt to block your attack with its shield.
Your divine power mauls someone.
A deathly chill seeps into you from someone's axe!
Someone's freezing bite injures you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==538/636hp 504/681m 575/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction.
Your heavenly wrath EVISCERATES someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==538/636hp 484/681m 575/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Using something, someone disarms you and sends something flying!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==538/636hp 484/666m 575/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone parries your punch.
You easily avoid someone's attempt to block your attack with its shield.
Your punch injures someone.
Your shield blocks someone's freezing bite.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==538/636hp 484/666m 575/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== com wrath
You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction.
Your heavenly wrath decimates someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==538/636hp 464/666m 575/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone parries your punch.
You quickly strike someone with the edge of something.
Your shield jab hits someone.
A deathly chill seeps into you from someone's axe!
Someone's freezing bite injures you.
Unthinkable cold saps your vitality at the cruel touch of someone's weapon.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==523/636hp 458/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone gets something.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==523/636hp 458/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==523/636hp 458/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== com wrath

Someone parries your punch.
Your shield blocks someone's freezing bite.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==523/636hp 458/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction.
Someone looks very uncomfortable.
Your heavenly wrath decimates someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==523/636hp 438/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==523/636hp 438/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone parries your punch.
A deathly chill seeps into you from someone's axe!
Someone's freezing bite hits you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==511/636hp 432/666m 570/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== com wrath
You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction.
Your heavenly wrath decimates someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==511/636hp 412/666m 570/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==511/636hp 412/666m 570/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone parries your punch.
Someone parries your punch.
A deathly chill seeps into you from someone's axe!
Someone's freezing bite injures you.
Your shield blocks someone's freezing bite.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==496/636hp 405/666m 566/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== com wrath

Something crumbles into dust.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==496/636hp 405/666m 566/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction.
Your heavenly wrath decimates someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==496/636hp 385/666m 566/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==496/636hp 385/666m 566/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone parries your punch.
Someone parries your punch.
Your shield blocks someone's freezing bite.
A deathly chill seeps into you from someone's axe!
Someone's freezing bite mauls you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==475/636hp 380/666m 559/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Someone parries your punch.
Your shield blocks someone's freezing bite.
Someone's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==475/636hp 380/666m 559/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM== com wrath
You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction.
Your heavenly wrath devastates someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==475/636hp 360/666m 559/582mv=11716tnl=1 AM==
Someone parries your punch.
You dodge someone's freezing bite.
Someone's freezing bite injures you.
Unthinkable cold saps your vitality at the cruel touch of someone's weapon.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==459/636hp 360/666m 559/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
You feel unclean.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==459/636hp 360/666m 559/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM== flee
You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!

==459/636hp 360/666m 557/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM== flee
You aren't fighting anyone.

==459/636hp 360/666m 557/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM== e

You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
You feel yourself shrink back to normal size.
You feel solid again.

==463/636hp 366/666m 577/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM== e
Old Forest Path

(Red Aura) Astilamos is here.
Astilamos leaves west.

==463/636hp 366/666m 575/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM== Old Forest Path

==463/636hp 366/666m 573/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM== Old Forest Path

A wood-elf wanders here, feasting on the food provided by the elf-king.
A small squirrel lies in a fork of branches, curled up.
A wood-elf wanders here, singing merrily.
A black snake lies coiled up on the ground.

==463/636hp 366/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM== get yellow girdle
You get a small yellow root from a girdle of many pouches.

==463/636hp 366/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM== eat yellow
You eat a small yellow root.
The world and everything around seem to grow smaller.
You are already as strong as you can get!

==463/636hp 366/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM==
Astilamos has arrived.

==463/636hp 366/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM== wear wave
You wield a scimitar named 'Wave Dancer'.
A scimitar named 'Wave Dancer' feels like a part of you!

==463/636hp 366/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM==
You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
Astilamos parries your drowning.
You easily avoid Astilamos's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
You injure Astilamos.
You smash the edge of a shield of pure light into Astilamos, knocking Astilamos off his feet.
Your shield jab injures Astilamos.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==463/636hp 366/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM== angel
You are unable to find the opening to execute the maneuver.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==463/636hp 366/666m 571/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM==
Astilamos parries your drowning.
You parry Astilamos's freezing bite.
A deathly chill seeps into you from Astilamos's axe!
Astilamos's freezing bite injures you.
Unthinkable cold saps your strength at the cruel touch of Astilamos's weapon.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==447/636hp 357/666m 570/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM==
Astilamos utters the words, 'sraojz'.
You scream in agony as plague sores erupt from your skin.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==447/636hp 357/666m 570/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM==
Astilamos parries your drowning.
You quickly strike Astilamos with the edge of a shield of pure light.
Your shield jab hits Astilamos.
You parry Astilamos's freezing bite.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's freezing bite.
Astilamos's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==447/636hp 357/666m 570/582mv=11716tnl=2 AM==
Astilamos utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You feel a momentary chill.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==447/636hp 357/666m 570/582mv=11716tnl=3 AM== com wrath
You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Your heavenly wrath decimates Astilamos!
Astilamos parries your drowning.
You parry Astilamos's freezing bite.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's freezing bite.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==447/636hp 337/666m 570/582mv=11716tnl=3 AM==
Astilamos utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You feel a momentary chill.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==447/636hp 337/666m 570/582mv=11716tnl=3 AM== com wrath

The white aura around your body fades.
You writhe in agony from the plague.
Your sickness scratches you.
Astilamos shrinks back to normal size.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==445/636hp 312/666m 551/582mv=11716tnl=3 AM==
Your drowning injures Astilamos.
Astilamos's freezing bite decimates you!
Unthinkable cold saps your strength at the cruel touch of Astilamos's weapon.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's freezing bite.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==420/636hp 312/666m 551/582mv=11716tnl=3 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Astilamos's direction.
Your heavenly wrath maims Astilamos!
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==420/636hp 292/666m 551/582mv=11716tnl=3 AM==
Astilamos utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You feel your life slipping away!
Astilamos's energy drain mauls you.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==399/636hp 146/666m 275/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM==
Astilamos parries your drowning.
Astilamos parries your drowning.
You parry Astilamos's freezing bite.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's freezing bite.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==399/636hp 146/666m 275/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== flee

A wood-elf wanders here, laughing merrily.
(Red Aura) A glint of light reflecting off metal is what you see about this human.
(Red Aura) An angry grumbling reveals the position of this duergar in the dark.
A wood-elf wanders here, singing merrily.
You flee from combat!

==399/636hp 146/666m 270/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== w

(Glowing) A cheery campfire burns in a fire pit here.
A magpie sits on a nearby branch peering down on you.
A wood-elf patroller is here, keeping an eye for any intruders.
A single wood-elf sits in the center of the clearing, harping merrily.

==399/636hp 146/666m 265/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== w

A wood-elf patroller is here, keeping an eye for any intruders.
A magpie sits on a nearby branch peering down on you.

==399/636hp 146/666m 260/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== Ar'atouldain

(Glowing) A cheery campfire burns in a fire pit here.
A magpie sits on a nearby branch peering down on you.
A wood-elf patroller is here, keeping an eye for any intruders.
A single wood-elf sits in the center of the clearing, harping merrily.

==399/636hp 146/666m 255/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== com heal

A wood-elf patroller is here, keeping an eye for any intruders.
A magpie sits on a nearby branch peering down on you.

==399/636hp 146/666m 250/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== Ar'atouldain

(Glowing) A cheery campfire burns in a fire pit here.
(Red Aura) Astilamos is here.
A magpie sits on a nearby branch peering down on you.
A wood-elf patroller is here, keeping an eye for any intruders.
A single wood-elf sits in the center of the clearing, harping merrily.
Astilamos leaves west.

==399/636hp 146/666m 245/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== Ar'atouldain

(Red Aura) Astilamos is here.
A wood-elf patroller is here, keeping an eye for any intruders.
A magpie sits on a nearby branch peering down on you.
You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
Astilamos parries your drowning.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==399/636hp 146/666m 240/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==499/636hp 106/666m 240/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== flee

Astilamos parries your drowning.
You easily avoid Astilamos's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
Your drowning injures Astilamos.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's freezing bite.
You parry Astilamos's freezing bite.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==499/636hp 106/666m 240/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM==
Astilamos utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You feel a momentary chill.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==499/636hp 106/666m 240/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== Ar'atouldain

A tattered scrap of parchment sits here.
A black hood lies here, forgotten.
A pile of pitch-black cloth lies here.
You flee from combat!

==499/636hp 106/666m 235/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== e

(Red Aura) A giant black spider crouches here on eight hairy legs.

==499/636hp 106/666m 230/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== e

==499/636hp 106/666m 225/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== Ar'atouldain

A black snake lies coiled up on the ground.

==499/636hp 106/666m 220/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== com 'remove curse' self
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You failed to remove your curse.

==499/636hp 101/666m 220/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== com 'remove curse' self
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
The curse wears off.
You feel better.

==499/636hp 96/666m 220/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM==
Astilamos has arrived.

==499/636hp 96/666m 220/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM==
You yell 'Die, Astilamos, you sorcerous dog!'
Astilamos utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!
Astilamos parries your drowning.
Astilamos parries your drowning.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==499/636hp 96/666m 220/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM==
Astilamos parries your drowning.
You easily avoid Astilamos's attempt to block your attack with his shield.
Your drowning hits Astilamos.
Astilamos parries your drowning.
Your shield blocks Astilamos's freezing bite.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==499/636hp 96/666m 220/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== angel
You block Astilamos's attack, sweeping his arm aside with your shield, you drive a scimitar named 'Wave Dancer' under his arm.
Your drowning MUTILATES Astilamos!
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==499/636hp 96/666m 220/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM==
Astilamos utters the words, 'judifgz'.
You feel unclean.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==499/636hp 96/666m 220/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM==
Astilamos parries your drowning.
Astilamos is covered with bleeding wounds.

==499/636hp 96/666m 220/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM==
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==496/636hp 96/666m 220/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM==
Someone parries your drowning.
Someone parries your drowning.
Your shield blocks someone's freezing bite.
You parry someone's freezing bite.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==496/636hp 96/666m 220/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== flee
You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!

==496/636hp 96/666m 215/582mv=11826tnl=3 AM== s
You can't see a thing!

*and I get away*