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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Ancruhljin the Herald of War, Flame of the Scar
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18834
18834, (DELETED) [None] Ancruhljin the Herald of War, Flame of the Scar
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Jul 2 19:52:47 2003
At 10 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 33rd of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Ancruhljin perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:94% (closer to 100% is better)
18933, RE: (DELETED) [None] Ancruhljin the Herald of War, Flame of the Scar
Posted by Menzaen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I talked to you expecting some cool RP from the Flame of Scarab.

What I got was comparable to the average pre-10 groupmate.

I chose to brush you off for the rest of your life.

I guess you're the kind of person who's really good at RPing what someone wants to hear, I can't think of any other way you've been a scarab so often.
18978, Yep, I only interacted with those whom I thought were worth a squirt of piss. nt
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Obviously you know what I thought about you then.
18979, Your response defies logic.
Posted by Menzaen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not state that you did not interact with me. I stated that your interactions were piss poor, and therefore I ceased to put myself in a position where I had to interact with you.

Regardless, roleplay is not a faucet to be turned on and off based on your opinion of someone.
18981, Yeah, well, it is for me.
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To be honest I didn't want to interact with anybody period. That's why I played a mute for as long as I could. I whispered my first word at level 30 (I couldn't get a group anymore with just emotes). And when people wanted to kiss my ass for an interview, I basically told them to get stuffed. Cabal means just that. Sue me.
18982, Err...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So you didn't want to interact with anyone. Why log into a mud then? Interaction is part of the whole mud experience. Go play doom or something. Just be sure not to use the cheat codes, since you're above that sort of thing.
19021, I'll tell you why...
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>So you didn't want to interact with anyone. Why log into a
>mud then? Interaction is part of the whole mud experience.

Because I don't care much for the players here and choose not to interact with them (though I still treat them with respect). I just want to play the game and not have to deal with other players beyond standing over their dead corpses. I just want to be left completely alone when I play this game. Everything was outlined in detail in my role, and I stuck to my role.

>play doom or something. Just be sure not to use the cheat
>codes, since you're above that sort of thing.

I would but everybody else uses hacks so what fun is there in that? Though I am sure you are quite familar with IDKGOD or whatever.

18920, You got the title Flame of the scarab and were still clasified as uncaballed? n/t
Posted by Quid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18854, RE: (DELETED) [None] Ancruhljin the Herald of War, Flame of the Scar
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, one final go round. This one was fun but it rapidly deteriorated to the same old thing. I simply got too bored to continue. The same facet of the game which probably attracts many people to the game and to cabals is ultimately what lead to my utter disinterest…people grouping up together in teams. Some people love cabal wars and the team spirit, I hate them. I simply am not a team player. It would be an entirely different thing if the teams were even, but in a dynamic game such as CF with people logging on and off at all times, the chances of having even teams are virtually nil.

I love to simply compete against others on an even playing field, no preps, no cabal powers, just pure skills pitted against each other, mano a mano. How many times did I get this? Much too few for my liking. So few in fact, that I lost interest in the game. It simply became a bore to log in and that is when you know it is time to go. In the end, I no longer cared and went out in a suicidal bang. Never would I go near a level 51 Elven bard and a paladin while at level 43 (some things you just do not do as a fire giant). But I said ‘what the hell’ and did it and got ganged down like I knew I would. Easy come, easy go.

Becoming powerful is a double-edged sword. It was fun as I slowly grew in power but then I simply ran out of opponents. No one would come near me, none. I could be on for hours without finding a single person in pk range sometimes. Numerous times my pk range went from 15 to 3 in ten minutes. I attacked all cabals and was afraid of no one as I think it should be for a Scarab (though, as Astilamos said, I did avoid most people who could possibly land a cheap spell on me. I simply had nothing to gain by killing you Astilamos since your axes always sucked, but if by fluke you landed that sleep spell, I was done because I knew you would summon your hoard of imperials to come gang me. I simply weighed things. I had nothing to gain from you, but everything to lose. But, if I knew I could get the jump on necros, bards, or ap’s, I would certainly go after them and I managed to kill almost every a-p of worth out there, even you Master DDD though it was the nightgaunt that did you in the underdark. The other time we met, you had A/B/S and I had no preps as I usually don’t and we fought to a draw so I bailed as we were both gushing).

Then I hit level 43 with 35 people in PK, 90% of them wanting my head but most too afraid to come by themselves (though I tip my hat to Mehkoa who came once while we were ranking, but then hid out in the boonies after we raided the fortress and crushed everyone there.) It was either 10-15 imperials or 10-15 fortressites, a few villagers who never wanted a piece of me, a few warlocks, and some nexuns who I don’t even know what the hell they do in this game except gang villagers. Now this normally wouldn’t be too bad but with hero conjurers gaunting me and invisible hero invokers shielding people to come after me together, things were pretty tough for me. I leveled at 3 in the morning and I could have made it to hero this way in a few days but my interest was quickly waning. Finally I said, #### it, this isn’t for me anymore, it’s time for me to go.

Astilamos, I know it would have been funner if I got a certain Scarab power but then everyone would just say I needed scarab powers to PK like they have done before. All I had were some robes but people were saying all sorts of funny things in the game about all these powers I had. Me and Scarabaeus would laugh at them.

Incidently would you have gone anywhere near me if you knew I had it? Would any bard or mage? No, and it was hard enough finding opponents as it was so that power would actually have been curse rather than a blessing.

Mostly I just got annoyed trying to find people. I would look for hours but they were off in some remote corner of the world doing whatever it was they did. So I would ask thieves to keep an eye open and let me know if they saw anyone. I only really talked to two or three. But this just annoyed me further because I like to rely only on myself. I felt degraded having to ask for others to scout for me but I had no choice, so few were my willing opponents.

So with that, my CF experience draws to a close. There were some good times and some bad times. In all my years, I simply wanted to be the badest of the badass PKers who played clean (I know this reduces the eligible people to less than half of all the players out there, but that is just CF). In my eyes, I think I have finally accomplished this or come close enough for my liking though I am sure many will disagree (not that I care what others think). And with that, I don’t really feel I have anything else to prove here.


Scarabaeus: My favourite Immortal. You only disappointed me once in the past but I will not get into that. Loved our interactions. You always kept things interesting. Sorry I had to disappoint you by deleting after becoming Flame, but my heart just wasn’t in it anymore and I won’t compromise a character by playing them half-assed, especially the Flame. Take care and good luck. Hope you recovered well from your illness.

Beroxxus: I also enjoyed my interactions with you thoroughly. Being the Cursed of the Ill Omen was entertaining and all those power word pains and plagues amused me. I especially enjoyed the one in Scar’s Temple where Scar got pissed. That was awesome. Sorry I didn’t roleplay with you in the end when I lost my axe to that gang. I know you tried to roleplay with me, but I was on my way out at that point. Good work and have fun with your religion.


Astilamos: to accuse me of ALWAYS perma-ing with thieves is just too funny. Would any of these thieves please come forward? Maybe they were just so good that I never saw them in the shadows beside me? Like I said, only five of my kills were done with another person.

Amadalie: I think me and you have a different conception of what evil really is. Some people think some eery emotes and some macabre language make a character appear evil though I don’t think people really care. I’ve always been a believer that actions speak louder than words. When I entered the realms, I wanted people to notice. When I entered your area, I wanted people to scatter. I wanted people to avoid me like a walking plague. I unnerved people so much that even people I confided in were very reluctant to come near me and stayed away. When you actually make the person on the keyboard’s heart race a little faster when they see you, that is fear. That is the kind of impact I wanted to make on others. To me that is pure evil (Sometimes this simply requires an obscene bodycount to accomplish). Hopefully, this is the effect I had on some people and by the number of people that ran in the opposite direction when they saw me makes me think I was somewhat successful. If you knew how many people tried to talk to me to kiss my ass so I would not attack them, you would understand why I did not reply to you and attacked you. If I didn’t attack people who tried to befriend me, I would have very few people to kill. As well, it was part of my role to be very quiet and I kept talking to a minimum. You three ganged me and earned the axe. I didn’t deserve it back and preferred to start over. I wouldn’t have minded my food and water back though. A pity you could not even hold onto the axe for a single day without dying.

Garguza: Grats on the Beast. Good luck.

Eilathen: was brief but enjoyable. Good luck.

I don’t want to compromise any active characters so to those very few I associated with, thanks and good luck.

To any others that respond, I will reply when I can.

Drucyrus, Flame of the Scarab
Drugadath, Initiate of the Scarab
Ancruhljin, Flame of the Scarab

18855, RE: (DELETED) [None] Ancruhljin the Herald of War, Flam...
Posted by Lesta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were an inspiration to me in many ways. Here's to you coming back, someday, somehow.

Just remember, changing things in CF for the better isn't up only to the IMMs in my opinion. It's something that is up to the players as well.

18856, Dude seriously...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You need to do something about that chip you lug around on your shoulder. Every single time you delete, it's the same "I was a badass, I'm the best" crap. This was my very favorite part...

"Then I hit level 43 with 35 people in PK, 90% of them wanting my head but most too afraid to come by themselves"

It was amusing to see you log in, and based on who else was on to see just how fast you could log back out again. Noone is denying you're a good player, but jesus, NOONE could be as good as you think you are, or try to make yourself sound. You really don't seem to enjoy this GAME, you just seem like you have something to prove. You've even said so time and time again "And with that, I don’t really feel I have anything else to prove here."

Why did you feel you had something to prove to begin with? It's an online game, designed for people to log into and have fun. You always play with such a huge chip on your shoulder, and such a "I must be the best, no matter what" attitude, I just can't imagine that you actually have any FUN with the game.

I'm glad that you're "done with CF", not because you ever had any impact on me, or because I don't want you playing, but because it just doesn't seem to be healthy for you. I hope you find yourself a nice hobby, maybe needlepoint or gardening or something. Just please whatever it is you decide to move on to, don't feel the need to run around with your loom, or garden trowel or whatever implement of your new hobby, beating people on the head with it screaming "I am the best! All lesser needle point people/gardeners should see this! BOW BEFORE MY GREATNESS!" Just do something you can enjoy, relax at, and have fun.


18857, RE: Dude seriously...
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Holy #### Vlad, you were coherent. Agree 100% with you.

18869, I third that, oddly enough. nt
Posted by Cartherlen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18934, So true
Posted by Menzaen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
nothing else to be said for it.
18876, Buddy, we just have different views.
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You need to do something about that chip you lug around on
>your shoulder. Every single time you delete, it's the same "I
>was a badass, I'm the best" crap.

The chip was placed there by players like you who can't play straight up. I simply was appalled at the amount of cheating going on. Now I accept it and deal with it and played despite it. I wished only to do well according to my standards, not yours.

>"Then I hit level 43 with 35 people in PK, 90% of them wanting
>my head but most too afraid to come by themselves"
>It was amusing to see you log in, and based on who else was on
>to see just how fast you could log back out again.

You are right, out of sheer boredom. I could fight a handfull of imperials or a handfull of goodies. It's not like I was ever going to get a 1v1 so I said, nah, I'd rather not play. I won't give the gangbangers the satisfaction. Finally I just had enough and went out and died.

Noone is
>denying you're a good player, but jesus, NOONE could be as
>good as you think you are, or try to make yourself sound.

Hey, I'm not perfect. I died four times and lost two axes. But my performance is acceptable in my eyes because I know I did it clean and was quite effective. I try to make myself sound like nothing, my record speaks for itself. Don't put words in my mouth. I wanted to reach a level that 'I' was statisfied with, no one else.

If you wish to set a standard of mediocrity and use OOC means to attain it, by all means do so and feel good about it. No one is telling you to do anything else. I set a standard of excellence (not perfection) and attained it completely on my own, and for that I am proud and that is enough in my eyes and that is all that matters to me.

>really don't seem to enjoy this GAME, you just seem like you
>have something to prove. You've even said so time and time
>again "And with that, I don’t really feel I have anything else
>to prove here."

Yes, I wanted to prove something to myself. I wanted to prove to myself that I could play a successful character that was a total loner, didn't need to use preps, didn't need to cheat, could go toe-to-toe with the cheaters, treated everyone with respect, gave almost everyone all their items back, went up against harsh odds for most of their life, didn't need overpowered cabal powers to do it and had a decent level of roleplay. That is what I wanted to prove and I think I attained that. And I did enjoy doing it until I couldn't find opponents anymore. Thing is, even doing this, people like you will still come out and criticize one and accuse one of permaing, having special powers, playing the easy side or whatever just to knock one down. I learned this long ago and that's why your words are like water off a duck's back to me.

>Why did you feel you had something to prove to begin with?

Why? It's called setting lofty goals and woking your ass off to achieve them. I do this in life, with my career, my education, in the sports I play and in the games I play. It motivates me to do better. I don't play things to lose. I never have. People who are content with losing are just that, losers. We all want to win, everyone is competetive deep down inside. Half the people here will even cheat to try and win. If someone beats me fair and square, then I respect them and strive to be like them. I wanted to prove to myself I could do well, bottom line.

If you are content to go through life aimlessly, with no goals, to not strive to improve yourself, that is your perogative. If you want mom to cook you dinner, do your laundry, pay your bills while you tap away on a keyboard to strive to be completely ordinary, all the power to you. I am here to prove things to myself, not you.

>It's an online game, designed for people to log into and have
>fun. You always play with such a huge chip on your shoulder,
>and such a "I must be the best, no matter what" attitude, I
>just can't imagine that you actually have any FUN with the

On the contrary, I have tons of fun at the beginning when no one knows anything about me. Its when I get a rep and everybody is too attached to their sets to go and mix things up and fight a good opponent by themselves, that's when it gets boring for me. I don't have to be the best, I just have to meet my own expectations, which I set quite high for myself.

>I'm glad that you're "done with CF", not because you ever had
>any impact on me, or because I don't want you playing, but
>because it just doesn't seem to be healthy for you.

It was totally healthy for me. Competition is healthy. It's when you have to cheat to compete that it is no longer a good thing.

I hope you
>find yourself a nice hobby, maybe needlepoint or gardening or
>something. Just please whatever it is you decide to move on
>to, don't feel the need to run around with your loom, or
>garden trowel or whatever implement of your new hobby, beating
>people on the head with it screaming "I am the best! All
>lesser needle point people/gardeners should see this! BOW
>BEFORE MY GREATNESS!" Just do something you can enjoy, relax
>at, and have fun.
Again, you can go through life with your ordinary, underachiever attitude. That is totally fine. It is no secret that to get somewhere in life, you have to work your ass off (unless you want to take the easy road and #### as many people as you can over along the way). Myself, I will continue to challenge myself and strive to better myself without ####ing others over, both in games and in life in general. I will walk the straight and difficult road and even if I fail, I will still have my integrity which is more than I can say for many.

18880, RE: Buddy, we just have different views.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The chip was placed there by players like you who can't play
>straight up. I simply was appalled at the amount of cheating
>going on. Now I accept it and deal with it and played despite
>it. I wished only to do well according to my standards, not

"Players like me"? Scuse me Mr. Flame of the Scarab who got his lame ass denied, I've never lost a character, or even gotten so much as a warning for cheating. So you can take that particular aspect of your attitude and cram it.

>You are right, out of sheer boredom. I could fight a handfull
>of imperials or a handfull of goodies. It's not like I was
>ever going to get a 1v1 so I said, nah, I'd rather not play. I
>won't give the gangbangers the satisfaction. Finally I just
>had enough and went out and died.

In other words, you logged out to avoid being ganged by both good and evil, and only stayed on to face the masses once you decided to quit playing the game anyway. Some of us actually stay on and take up the challenge of staying alive AGAINST the odds. We don't only play when everything is in our favor.

>Hey, I'm not perfect. I died four times and lost two axes. But
>my performance is acceptable in my eyes because I know I did
>it clean and was quite effective. I try to make myself sound
>like nothing, my record speaks for itself. Don't put words in
>my mouth. I wanted to reach a level that 'I' was statisfied
>with, no one else.

Dude, I'm not putting any words in anything. By your own statements you clearly think you are the pinnacle of elite CFness, and want everyone around to also think this.

>If you wish to set a standard of mediocrity and use OOC means
>to attain it, by all means do so and feel good about it. No
>one is telling you to do anything else. I set a standard of
>excellence (not perfection) and attained it completely on my
>own, and for that I am proud and that is enough in my eyes and
>that is all that matters to me.

Then why do you feel the need to keep coming to the forums, tooting your own horn with one hand, and denying you care what anyone thinks with the other?

>Yes, I wanted to prove something to myself. I wanted to prove
>to myself that I could play a successful character that was a
>total loner, didn't need to use preps, didn't need to cheat,
>could go toe-to-toe with the cheaters, treated everyone with
>respect, gave almost everyone all their items back, went up
>against harsh odds for most of their life, didn't need
>overpowered cabal powers to do it and had a decent level of
>roleplay. That is what I wanted to prove and I think I
>attained that. And I did enjoy doing it until I couldn't find
>opponents anymore. Thing is, even doing this, people like you
>will still come out and criticize one and accuse one of
>permaing, having special powers, playing the easy side or
>whatever just to knock one down. I learned this long ago and
>that's why your words are like water off a duck's back to me.

I never accused you of permaing, having "sepcial powers" or anything. I did point out that I saw you log in, and log right out of the range was even slightly scary for you, which you admitted to. And why in the name of god if you "only feel the need to prove anything to yourself" do you insist on coming to the forums and trying to beat into everyones heads that we should all adore you, and aspire to be just like you someday when we all grow up?

>Why? It's called setting lofty goals and woking your ass off
>to achieve them. I do this in life, with my career, my
>education, in the sports I play and in the games I play. It
>motivates me to do better. I don't play things to lose. I
>never have. People who are content with losing are just that,
>losers. We all want to win, everyone is competetive deep down
>inside. Half the people here will even cheat to try and win.
>If someone beats me fair and square, then I respect them and
>strive to be like them. I wanted to prove to myself I could do
>well, bottom line.

You consider playing a text based game better than some other people, to be a lofty goal? Do you understand just how sick these statements make you sound?

>If you are content to go through life aimlessly, with no
>goals, to not strive to improve yourself, that is your
>perogative. If you want mom to cook you dinner, do your
>laundry, pay your bills while you tap away on a keyboard to
>strive to be completely ordinary, all the power to you. I am
>here to prove things to myself, not you.

Considering that I've been out on my own since well before I started playing CF int he first age, you can fix yourself a nice big glass of shut the #### up. Your attitude about a text based game, having something to do with peoples life goals is just another of those really REALLY sick things you say that make me very glad I don't know you OOC. You're probably one of those freaks who beats his kids with a curtain rod if the creases on the bedspread aren't aligned perfectly with the seams on the edge of the pillow. You really do sound unhealthy when you go off on these perfection rants of yours.

>On the contrary, I have tons of fun at the beginning when no
>one knows anything about me. Its when I get a rep and
>everybody is too attached to their sets to go and mix things
>up and fight a good opponent by themselves, that's when it
>gets boring for me. I don't have to be the best, I just have
>to meet my own expectations, which I set quite high for

By logging out when presented with a challenge? Err, ok.

>It was totally healthy for me. Competition is healthy. It's
>when you have to cheat to compete that it is no longer a good

No, I honestly don't think it was a healthy experience for you. Matter of fact I think you should avoid all things involving competition that aren't work related.

>Again, you can go through life with your ordinary,
>underachiever attitude. That is totally fine. It is no secret
>that to get somewhere in life, you have to work your ass off
>(unless you want to take the easy road and #### as many people
>as you can over along the way). Myself, I will continue to
>challenge myself and strive to better myself without ####ing
>others over, both in games and in life in general. I will walk
>the straight and difficult road and even if I fail, I will
>still have my integrity which is more than I can say for

Man, whatever sickness you have, I pray to god it's not catching, and that you don't have any kids. Thats all I can say. If you really honestly can't see just how unhealthy these statements of yours are, in relation to a freaking text based game, then I fear for the people in your life.

18882, agree to disagree?
Posted by Quid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
put this in perspective. Ancruhl is a very good player, other players are very good players but Anchrul got too strong for them to beat solo, they resort to ganging because they are afraid to run up and die in vain. So who are you to tell them they have to come at you solo when they know they will lose? sounds very ooc to me.

though Ancruhl is right that there is alot of cheating that goes on, and he sought to see how well he could do against those odds, and in his and my opinion he did quite well. though I don't deem it necessary to bring up gangers and cheaters in every goodbye post ;) don't condemn him for stating how he feels Vlad.
18891, RE: agree to disagree?
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>put this in perspective. Ancruhl is a very good player, other
>players are very good players but Anchrul got too strong for
>them to beat solo, they resort to ganging because they are
>afraid to run up and die in vain. So who are you to tell them
>they have to come at you solo when they know they will lose?
>sounds very ooc to me.

I honestly don't believe for one second that was the case. I don't think he "got too strong to fight" because other AP's have had more charges in the past, had more advantages than he did, and were taken down. I believe, and he even admitted, to logging out when faced with uncomfortable odds. I'm not disputing his being a good player, and never once have. However, I don't think he is as good as he seems to think he is. Sure he killed some good people, but he also killed a great ####load of people who weren't tough kills, who were wearing jack #### (yes, eq DOES make a difference) or who just outright sucked.

>though Ancruhl is right that there is alot of cheating that
>goes on, and he sought to see how well he could do against
>those odds, and in his and my opinion he did quite well.
>though I don't deem it necessary to bring up gangers and
>cheaters in every goodbye post ;) don't condemn him for
>stating how he feels Vlad.

Yes, there is a lot oc cheating that goes on. There's no denying that. Yes he did quite well. However, logging in and out in the manner (self admittedly) did is considered cheating according to the rules. So, by his own admission he was cheating. Plain and simple. As for condemning him for how he feels, ehh, you may have a point there. However I'd be a lot more inclined to not say anything if it wasn't always "I deleted because I have proved to you all what a true badass I am. You know you all wish you were me. I'm so damned sexy I don't know how I keep from touching myself. You all cheat and I am Ms. Lilly White".

I'd take one Derexal, Talia (the original), Sassmi, Wemnar, Satinka or Loborguz over 10 Ancruhl's. Why? Because they all stuck to their roles for a LONG time, stayed for the duration, and hung in there without deleting before a character even hits old age. I'd rather have one fully fleshed out character who has the balls to stay and be a part of the world we play in, than ten who log in and out to suit their comfort level, delete before even out of maturity, and obsess over PK ratios. I'd simply rather play with people who are more interested in being well remembered personas than remembered for their PK ratio.
18894, Oh please...
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I'd take one Derexal, Talia (the original), Sassmi, Wemnar,
>Satinka or Loborguz over 10 Ancruhl's. Why? Because they all
>stuck to their roles for a LONG time, stayed for the duration,
>and hung in there without deleting before a character even
>hits old age.

I did this with Drucyrus, and it was too boring for my liking.

I'd rather have one fully fleshed out character
>who has the balls to stay and be a part of the world we play
>in, than ten who log in and out to suit their comfort level,

No, I had no balls at all. I only played when things suited me.

A small pile of fangs is here, tied in together with a woven string.
A diabolical figure casting three shadows hovers here in silence.

<1155hp 663m 203mv> (7 AM) (civilized) (waning) whis me have been serving the Temple well me Lord.
You whisper 'me have been serving the Temple well me Lord.'

<1155hp 663m 203mv> (7 AM) (civilized) (waning)
Scarabaeus whispers 'In difficult times, no less.'

<1155hp 663m 203mv> (7 AM) (civilized) (waning) whis yuh, indeed.
You whisper 'yuh, indeed.'

<1155hp 675m 244mv> (8 AM) (civilized) (waning) whis be tough road.
You whisper 'be tough road.'

<1155hp 675m 244mv> (8 AM) (civilized) (waning) whis but me no stranger to pain.
You whisper 'but me no stranger to pain.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'You would perhaps make a fitting Flame.'

You whisper 'me would like to be Flame me Lord.'

You whisper 'me think me do well so far.'

Scarabaeus whispers 'I agree. Very well.'

Shut your bloody hole if you have no idea what the #### you are talking about. I played against ####ty odds my whole char's life and I only logged off after logging in during a four day period at the very end when the boredom became too much for me and I decided it was time anyway. As Valg said, I was not pulled aside because it happened maybe three times over four days when my pk looked like this...

<1242hp 967m 599mv> (1 PM) (civilized) (full) <46 Arial Asn> (PK) Gieldon the Sensei
*43 Fire A-P* (PK) Ancruhljin the Herald of War, Flame of the Scarab
<48 Storm Pal> (PK) Coronado the Slayer of Infidels, Defiant Priest
<48 Felar Shf> (PK) Thrawn the Grand Elder of Changelings
<51 H-Elf Bar> (PK) Sylvrin Luna, the Singer of Hope, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
<51 Cloud War> (PK) Oblain the Weaponsmaster, Magistrate of Galadon
<47 Gnome Tra> (PK) Karapikuiba the Master of Mutation
<44 Cloud War> (PK) Augus the Master of Steel
<51 Gnome Inv> (PK) Kucerael Pidirillics, Elder Magus of Nexus
<51 Felar War> (PK) Ozlif the Weaponsmaster
<51 Human Tra> (PK) Munro Morgenthau, Defender of the Rift
<51 Human Con> (PK) Elrys Camarizio the Planewalker, Elder Prophet of the Light
<51 Human Con> (PK) Darch Datton the Planewalker
<51 Human Hea> (PK) Sheilica the Protector of Faith, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
<51 Arial Bar> (PK) Futaleufu the Grand Mistress of Artistry
<51 Elf Tra> (PK) Vorondel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
<47 Arial Thi> (PK) Ocelevan the Secret
<51 Storm Pal> (PK) Zacharyn Rengate the Avenger of the Righteous
<47 Cloud War> (PK) Ftokruk the Captain
<51 Storm War> (PK) Mehkoa the Weaponsmistress
<51 H-Elf War> (PK) Cersai the Weaponsmistress, Acolyte of the Golden Sun

<51 Human Bar> (PK) Furian the Grand Master of Artistry, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
<51 Cloud War> (PK) Boigeran the Weaponsmaster
<42 Duerg War> (PK) Clevrin the Master of Brass
<42 Felar War> (PK) Mogalior the Master of Brass
<51 Felar Asn> (PK) Quezzumpliet Meidh, Lord Elder of Nexus
<48 Svirf Thi> (PK) Theaus the Mystery
<43 Elf Hea> (PK) Llauriele the Living Touch, Herald of Talia
<36 Storm Pal> (PK) Gahorus the Templar General
<48 Elf Tra> (PK) Delithraldor the Master of Dimension

Players found: 30

What am I going do do in that? Diddle myself in my cabal? Absolutely nothing is what I would end up doing so I stayed on for a few minutes, read my notes and logged off and went to the gym. Whoop de doo.

>I'd simply rather play with people who are more interested in
>being well remembered personas than remembered for their PK

Ahhh, but that is a pk ratio better than any you could ever produce and one done clean and solo to boot ;). Try it, you might like it.


P.S. I dunno why my other post got removed but I simply said that how one plays this game reflects on what kind of person an individual is IRL. You #### others here, you #### others in real life. You may think it is just a game, but it speaks volumes about your character. Nuff said.
18895, RE: Oh please...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I did this with Drucyrus, and it was too boring for my

Yes, how dare anyone expect you to actually stick with one character and see it through. Shame on us.

>No, I had no balls at all. I only played when things suited
**Snip big pointless Scarab convo**

Means nothing. You apparently did enough logging out to piss off people enough that it was fairly widely noticed. Something you were also called on with your other chatacters, which you denied THEN too.

>Shut your bloody hole if you have no idea what the #### you
>are talking about. I played against ####ty odds my whole
>char's life and I only logged off after logging in during a
>four day period at the very end when the boredom became too
>much for me and I decided it was time anyway. As Valg said, I
>was not pulled aside because it happened maybe three times
>over four days when my pk looked like this...

Oh for the love of christ, do you see how many other people on the thread are saying "I barely knew who you were. I wasn't scared of you. But I saw/heard you log out a lot when things looked tough."? It's not just me. Somehow I doubt you were important enough for the entire mud to have gotten together and conspired over, just to muddy your "good" name. I believe Valg said "Logging in, checking your PK range, and logging back out immediately was noticed, and is a rules problem. Had it continued (we don't pull people aside immediately... sometimes, people legitimately have to go unexpectedly), you would have been pulled aside and warned. "

He's saying you were seen doing it, and if you had kept doing it you would have been talked to. You deleted first. I seriously doubt all of the complaints of you doing it came in a 4 day span, since you were pretty well known for doing it even before then.

***Snip irrelevant PK range***

>What am I going do do in that? Diddle myself in my cabal?
>Absolutely nothing is what I would end up doing so I stayed on
>for a few minutes, read my notes and logged off and went to
>the gym. Whoop de doo.

It's called staying and playing. Other people do it, why are you too good to do what everyone else does? I have nothing but respect for a few people who will hang in there and take their chances even when disgustingly outnumbered.

>Ahhh, but that is a pk ratio better than any you could ever
>produce and one done clean and solo to boot ;). Try it, you
>might like it.

And here you go again, thinking that some PK ratio in a text based game is a real achievement. Also the fact is, you DIDN'T do it clean, you logged to suit your own sense of when you could safely play and when you would face a challenge. I'd much rather stay and play, even at sickening odds (and I have, plenty of times) than quit out and wait for an "easier" time to play. Thats called cheating.

>P.S. I dunno why my other post got removed but I simply said
>that how one plays this game reflects on what kind of person
>an individual is IRL. You #### others here, you #### others in
>real life. You may think it is just a game, but it speaks
>volumes about your character. Nuff said.

And you may bitch about other people who take the easy road, but you chose when to play based on who else was on. That does indeed tell us what kind of a person you are IRL.

18900, For the record...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm done with the topic. No matter who says what, you'll still be you, I'll still be me, and we still won't see eye to eye on this, so, #### it. Take care of yourself.
18903, RE: Oh please...
Posted by Boldereth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not going to go into whether its relevant or not, to be honest. Ancruhl certainly is an arrogant guy. Thats not really a new thing, I'd say a great large chunk of people who play this game are arrogant (myself included). He's also not in the loop, you can imagine how irritating things must seem if you don't know the backstory. Granted, some of it may be paranoia, but read that range. What fun is that range? As an AP, there is NO fun in that range. That range, you will die if you stick around. You will lose your fat axe, contained within it being a month or 3 weeks of hard earned charges. You'll get full looted, then some schmuck will naturally send you a tell about how you were so weak and pathetic.

He has no real cabal powers except for revenants. Those won't stop 11 people from killing him, even in the temple. In addition, he's foes with Imperials (because Imperials for the most part attack non-imperials) and etc. He also made this bed for himself, and perhaps he should lie in it. This is, after all, what being a scarab is all about.

Now to the real point of my post, would not this sort of range make you log out an AP? I was there with my AP, at a few points, and I hid in a cave for the most part until things got easier. Airforms coming at you, nightgaunts every 3 seconds, people gating to you, tesseracting to you, let alone god forbid you stumble down through an area to find 6 goodies looking for you...that #### really wears on your nerves. Goodies are real wusses. This is even compared to Imperials. Having had a few evils, several neutrals and a slew of goodies, I will tell you that, short of raiding situations, very few times can you find more then 2-3 evils willing to group with you for the sole express purpose of hunting one dude down and ganging him (with exception to "challenge kills" ala liches and such). A goodie will do this because frankly, they sit around on their ass alot doing nothing. They'll go gather gear, etc. Evils hunt, but they don't like to share their loot. They also don't want to help out the weaker people in their cabals, since why should they donate their spoils to some incompetant fool who will probably lose them? No, for the most part its the goodies who get the largest ganging parties.

So here you have something like 10 or so people out for your blood. You have no real allies. You can't see hidden. You don't feel like sitting in a cave for your whole night, and even if the 'bad guys' overtake the goodies, you'll still have the Empire on your ass.

APs are not meant for solo work. They're like orcs. They're gangers. You've never seen a Palan or Tikar who didn't have a permagroup, or at least a decent cabal behind him. You've certainly never seen one who has everyone itching to kill them. You're not defensively built to withstand that sort of heat. He made a bad tactical choice as far as combo for what he was looking to achieve. He wanted a challenge, and unfortunately it worked out to be slightly too large. Thats admirable, but can you really blame him for pulling out? As an AP, over 36, the only way you keep around is to not die. The more you die, you'll rage delete faster. He shouldn't be forced into a situation where he's gonna wind up pissed beyond belief and probably delete his character. If you've never been in that situation yourself you probably don't know how tedious it is to deal with. If he got kicked from his cabal, thats one thing. I certainly don't think it should be a rules violation to, on occassion, log out rather then fight 30 foes who are too #### to play the non-winning side. You do have to realize, for every comment you can make about how he didn't stick out his character, you can direct as well to every goodie deleting now that the going is getting a bit rough. I'd rather someone log out prior to engaging me, but when they do see me fight me with full force, then pull an "Astilamos" and teleport as soon as I walk within three rooms of them or get them to a few scratches.

Summary :

Ancruhljin - stop being so arrogant.
Vladimir - stop condemning people who have natural dislike for unwinnable situations.
18907, On the subject of tough situations...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played Joachim, at a time when Scions held supreme power. Not only did they hold supreme power, but we had a giant ####ing hole outside of our cabal, that spewed out high level, aggressive plague mobs. I was summoned into those ####ing locusts no fewer than 50 times in 3 weeks, and this doesn't even begin to count how many gangbangs I had to stand up to in that same time. Yes I have been there, yes it sucked, but yes I toughed it out. Thats part of the game. You never know what "life" on CF will throw at you. You shouldn't go quitting out to avoid it.
18912, RE: On the subject of tough situations...
Posted by Boldereth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a goodie. No goodie can compare the sense of loss from losing a set as you'd feel from losing a high powered unholy or sack full of phylacs. There's a difference between losing your gear and losing your lifeblood. Imagine every time you died all your defenses were reset to 50, thats sorta like how it is.
18927, Guess again
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Try something on the order of 40 mob deaths just from logging into the damned mud, being told by your leaders to come to the cabal because you were being raided, and running smack into a dozen plague spamming high level locusts. I dug myself out of probably 8 or 9 seperate 150k xp holes.
18906, I would also like to point out a key word here...
Posted by TSM- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would also like to point out a key word here...Ratio. I don't know why he thinks hes such a great pk'er with a 94% ratio and 4 deaths. Thats what? 65-75 kills? for four deaths? Not overly impressive, though if he really never did use preps as an AP (which isn't true at all since you can see him with several up in his logs) I would be more impressed. Either way...ratio isn't really a very accurate measure of one's skill. Just my opinion.
18899, RE: Buddy, we just have different views.
Posted by Circuits Edge on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Repeat after me my friend, 'this is a game'.

>overpowered cabal powers to do it and had a decent level of

Well if you consider the standard giant idiot talk to be decent RP, then so be it.

>If someone beats me fair and square, then I respect them and
>strive to be like them. I wanted to prove to myself I could do

I remember Nafae beating you fair and square, with no OOC connections what so ever, yet you whined like a 4 year old that had his candy stolen (and sacced).

You're a good player, in terms of PKing anyway, but you gotta stop being a paranoid ####er thinking that everyone is against you.

18954, RE: Dude seriously...
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'm glad that you're "done with CF", not because you ever had
>any impact on me, or because I don't want you playing, but
>because it just doesn't seem to be healthy for you. I hope you
>find yourself a nice hobby, maybe needlepoint or gardening or
>something. Just please whatever it is you decide to move on
>to, don't feel the need to run around with your loom, or
>garden trowel or whatever implement of your new hobby, beating
>people on the head with it screaming "I am the best! All
>lesser needle point people/gardeners should see this! BOW
>BEFORE MY GREATNESS!" Just do something you can enjoy, relax
>at, and have fun.

Other gardeners email each other and coordinate their hoeing efforts instead of meeting up in the garden! I wanted to show that I could be the best gardener, without using mulch or herbicide, without knowing any other gardeners, and without using any tools aside from a small stick I found. Ten minutes after my 300lb tomato was stolen by other gardeners, it's picture was emailed to the entire gardening community. But whatever, I'm tired of dealing with the haters. I've proven that I'm the best at gardening, and I'm out. Peace.
18955, oww. My sides hurt from laughing nt
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18972, But it took at least four of them to steal my Goddam tomato. *wink* nt
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18973, RE: But it took at least four of them to steal my Goddam tomato. *wink* nt
Posted by Krivohan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Haven't you quit twice now because of all the cheating? I would think someone in the military would understand sometimes you just have to suck it up and move on. I would be a hell of a lot more impressed with you anti-paladins if you took them all the way. Yes, I remember Drucyrus sticking it out, but I also remember him deleting shortly after bloodthirst was changed. Are you good? Yes. Are you as good as you think you are? I personally don't think so, but hey if we don't think we're great who will. Now though the character is gone move on with life and role that next character we all know you will. Everyone of us here has played long enough to know the addicts when they see them post and you sir need a fix.
18977, Where the hell is all this cheating crap coming from?
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Haven't you quit twice now because of all the cheating? I
>would think someone in the military would understand sometimes
>you just have to suck it up and move on.

I don't understand where all this cheating crap came form? I never mentioned anything in my farewell post about cheating. I simply burned out and got bored and said it was time to go. We all know the cheating occurs, we aren't fools. I simply accepted it and played despite it. I saw tons of it, turned my head and kept playing. I would just note it and avoid those people until I could get them alone, and I got the ones I wanted. I simply said I played clean, when not many do, and I was satisfied, finally, with my performance.

I would be a hell of
>a lot more impressed with you anti-paladins if you took them
>all the way. Yes, I remember Drucyrus sticking it out, but I
>also remember him deleting shortly after bloodthirst was

Heh, okay, if you want to call it a recommended deletion. I actually asked to be denied because I thought the new bloodthirst was overpowered ;P.

Are you good? Yes. Are you as good as you think
>you are? I personally don't think so, but hey if we don't
>think we're great who will.

Good point

Now though the character is gone
>move on with life and role that next character we all know you
>will. Everyone of us here has played long enough to know the
>addicts when they see them post and you sir need a fix.

Heh, no thanks. As with Druc, I've gotten my fix enough to last a long while. You never know though, I just might get curious one day and take a trip down memory lane again in a few years (if everyone is still here.)

Luck to ya.
18983, For the record, I quite liked this char n/t
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18980, lol!!
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude I just saw this and about fell out of my chair I laughed so hard.
18863, It's weird. I didn't even notice or hear about this character.
Posted by Jake on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Until you were gone at least.

I saw the logs and it looked like you steamrolled a lot of people
but I can't honestly remember anyone even talking about you, and
I was in your PK and would have been one of your enemies if our
paths ever crossed.

I did enjoy the two previous characters though.


18870, I can say virtually the same thing
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Wilhath I knew of him, but I didn't know that he was considered a bad ass. He never attacked me, perhaps because I was a bard, and I never attacked him. People would say "There's Ancruljhin." and nothing more. Not "Look out, there's the badass Scarab." The only thing I knew of him aside from his race/class/cabal was that people bitched about him logging in and then logging off almost immediately.

As far as I knew he was a puss.
18881, well well, seems the funs over
Posted by Kertaki on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
was gonna just copy and paste my dios reply but what the hell I'll make this one fresh.

You were one scary mutha F-ing AP and I just thank god you couldn't see me ;) As Drugadath you hosed my old char quite a few times so actually killing you on this one brings a smile to my face :-P

That whole corpse looting thing that we talked about was 100% honest btw. I gave back what I took and still had but planned on looting it all cause someone IC told me that you full-looted everyone. Either he was a damned idiot or he had you mixed up with one of the other AP's, nonetheless thats for something Ker will figure out IC

That whole alliance thing you struck with me so quickly after I assassinated you kinda took me off guard. Didn't know if I could trust you or not, so any interaction after that was kept at a safe distance while hidden :) Though as a player I seriously wished I decided to sac your axe cause I was tired of seeing you kill allies that I have, but Kertaki has a bit more to his personality than I do ooc so he respected you for who you were after that conversation...hope that made sense heh.


buh bye and hope you decide to come back

-Kertaki Steel-Beak, hated by orcies and whatnot
18885, RE: (DELETED) [None] Ancruhljin the Herald of War, Flame of the Scar
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) Knock off the flamewars. You're provoking people.

2) Logging in, checking your PK range, and logging back out immediately was noticed, and is a rules problem. Had it continued (we don't pull people aside immediately... sometimes, people legitimately have to go unexpectedly), you would have been pulled aside and warned. The reason it's illegal is that it leads to the dominant side staying dominant artificially, which is precisely what you are accusing others of manipulating.

3) If you have evidence that someone else is cheating, email it to imms@carrionfields.com and someone will look into it. Whether or not you do have evidence, don't make accusations about active characters on these forums.

18886, curious....
Posted by Quid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I admit myself sometimes while at school, or about to go out or something when I have no time to play I'll log on my char (or chars) to check the pk range to basically see if anyones ranked up and to maybe check notes if I have the time. Not sure if this is frowned upon/not allowed but if it's not it may look bad nonetheless to any IMMs noticing. any thoughts?
18887, RE: curious....
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd really only pull someone aside for a warning if it was clear if they were doing to it make sure they only play at favorable odds, and it was a regular occurence.

18889, I reported numerous things anonymously
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not one thing was addressed in months nor was anything done to offenders.


Flamewars are a part of CF Valg. We all know this. I am entitled to my opinion and I stick to my guns.
18890, RE: I reported numerous things anonymously
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not one thing was addressed in months nor was anything done to offenders.

As you are personally aware, we do investigate accusations of cheating. As you are also personally aware, we're willing to deny people who break major rules.

All I'm seeing from you is a couple of bug reports (which were promptly fixed). Feel free to email me with your unaddressed accusations.

Flamewars are a part of CF Valg. We all know this.

Not here.

18892, What, no conspiracy theory about your axe?
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, another big reason I deleted is that someone ####ed with my axe and it no longer gained charges like it used to.

NNNNNN is worth 0.70 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
OOOOOO is worth 0.41 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
PPPPPP is worth 0.53 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
QQQQQQ is worth 0.57 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
RRRRRR is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
SSSSSS is worth 0.80 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
TTTTTT is worth 0.54 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
UUUUUU is worth 0.83 charges; Ancruhljin gains 1
VVVVVV is worth 1.10 charges; Ancruhljin gains 1
WWWWWW is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
XXXXXX is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
YYYYYY is worth 0.62 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
ZZZZZZ is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0

The last 13 people you killed. 2 charges. And almost all of them weren't worth jack.
18893, Well I think "someone ####ed with my axe"
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thats sort of a conspiracy theory. Without coming right out and saying so anyway. I mean, how many people could have ####ed with his axe? C'mon Zulg, you know you changed it to material type_peanut butter, didn't you?

Hrmm...on a side note, would a giant be resistant to peanut butter?
18896, I thought fractions were supposed to be good?
Posted by Boldereth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From this I see all of one charge being less then 1 full charge...out of 12 misfits. Bad luck or unfriendly alogorithm?
18898, Bad luck.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Last 15 kills, all APs and all opponents, in randomized order:

Victim is worth 3.80 charges; AP gains 4
Victim is worth 0.34 charges; AP gains 0
Victim is worth 0.51 charges; AP gains 1
Victim is worth 0.33 charges; AP gains 0
Victim is worth 1.52 charges; AP gains 1
Victim is worth 0.72 charges; AP gains 1
Victim is worth 0.33 charges; AP gains 0
Victim is worth 1.20 charges; AP gains 1
Victim is worth 0.64 charges; AP gains 1
Victim is worth 0.50 charges; AP gains 1
Victim is worth 0.49 charges; AP gains 0
Victim is worth 0.69 charges; AP gains 1
Victim is worth 0.41 charges; AP gains 1
Victim is worth 4.21 charges; AP gains 4
Victim is worth 1.26 charges; AP gains 1

Mean expected: 16.95.
Observed charges: 17
Charges/kill: 1.13 (*gasp* Bigger than 1 as usual!)

Now, you might ask: "But Ancruh sure had a bad streak!" This is data selection at work, conscious or unconscious. If he had an average streak (like above), he wouldn't be posting to complain, and no one would have heard about it. Likewise, I don't think anyone would start a big forum debate if they were getting more charges than normal, especially because it's often hard to judge how tough someone you just pummeled really is against the field. But of course the one guy with bad luck is often going to be the one guy who complains the loudest about the system.

I'd be willing to bet I could find a string of Ancruh's kills where he did much better than suspected if I dug as well.

Quoth Richard Feynman:
"I was coming here, on the way to the lecture, and I came in through the parking lot. And you won't believe what happened. I saw a car with the license plate ARW 357. Can you imagine? Of all the millions of license plates in the state, what was the chance that I would see that particular one tonight? Amazing!"

In other words, you can't verify an idea by using the same data that suggested the idea in the first place.

18904, Cool. nt
Posted by Boldereth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18924, No, but that's pretty ####ty of you actually.
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can you honestly tell me that after killing 100 people, you failed to get a charge only 9 times, (but received more than 9 extra charges for killing tougher opponents so averaged about 1.2 charges per kill)
then...all of a sudden
you miss 11 charges after killing the next 13 people,
you would think that nothing peculiar was going on?

Yes, I think you too would feel that something was up. Especially after an IMM had personally requested your axe saying it was the only way to remove my curse. I wasn't sure what to think so I posted a note asking if it was a bug. I got told it wasn't. So I killed some more people and still got no charge so I figured maybe Beroxxus placed a curse on it for whatever roleplay reasons he wished. I would have understood and went along with it. I even went so far as to roleplay it with Scarabaeus saying that the Ill Omen had cursed my blade, but then it fed once and I wasn't so sure. I know IMMs can certainly remove the effects of fireshield without an echo in the middle of a fight and they can pretty well do whatever they want so I could see someone toying with my axe for roleplay reasons. But no, I did not think it was a conspiracy in the least. Most of the Imms here now are pretty decent.

It is obvious you do not like my forum persona, fair enough, but I have done nothing but thank you IMMs for a job well done and played straight up with the exception of taking over someone's character a long time ago for which I lost two characters. I have reported bugs to you, I have reported many, many cheaters to you, I play decent characters with meaning, I don't OOC, I am respectful to all the IMMs and especially to the players here in game (whom I let keep their items), don't gang and don't multikill. I do not jump on bandwagons and fight fairly. Basically, I treat others how I wish to be treated but I know it is a little too much to ask for that in return so I will leave it at that. I just didn't appreciate your patronizing remark there when I have done nothing but praise the IMMs and condemn foul players. I would think you IMMs would enjoy players like me playing your game, but you are all entitled to your opinion. Shrug

>Oh, another big reason I deleted is that someone ####ed
>with my axe and it no longer gained charges like it used

>NNNNNN is worth 0.70 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>OOOOOO is worth 0.41 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>PPPPPP is worth 0.53 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>QQQQQQ is worth 0.57 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>RRRRRR is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>SSSSSS is worth 0.80 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>TTTTTT is worth 0.54 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>UUUUUU is worth 0.83 charges; Ancruhljin gains 1
>VVVVVV is worth 1.10 charges; Ancruhljin gains 1
>WWWWWW is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>XXXXXX is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>YYYYYY is worth 0.62 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>ZZZZZZ is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>The last 13 people you killed. 2 charges. And almost all of
>them weren't worth jack.

If you use your math skills, you can see that I was extremely unlucky in only getting 2 charges out of all that. I was also told that partial charges do exist and I was under the impression that they were additive. Since whenever I failed to get a charge with Drugadath, almost without exception, I got one on the next kill, leading me to believe they were additive. I had never, in about 250 kills with two ap's, seen or heard of such an unlucky streak as what I experienced there. That's about it. Now I know that I was just extremely unlucky, thanks for clarifying.

18928, RE: No, but that's pretty ####ty of you actually.
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interesting title...it's ####ty of me? You posted it on other forums, I'm just responding to your words. Yeah...####ty of me.

>Can you honestly tell me that after killing 100 people, you
>failed to get a charge only 9 times, (but received more than 9
>extra charges for killing tougher opponents so averaged about
>1.2 charges per kill)
>then...all of a sudden
>you miss 11 charges after killing the next 13 people,
>you would think that nothing peculiar was going on?

Something peculiar...possibly, but I wouldn't just to imm conspiracy as your original post seemed to hint at.

>Yes, I think you too would feel that something was up.
>Especially after an IMM had personally requested your axe
>saying it was the only way to remove my curse. I wasn't sure
>what to think so I posted a note asking if it was a bug. I got
>told it wasn't.

No clue why someone would have to see your axe to figure anything out. We log all anti-paladin charges and it's simple enough to go through them and see why (as I did and posted).

>So I killed some more people and still got no
>charge so I figured maybe Beroxxus placed a curse on it for
>whatever roleplay reasons he wished.

Which isn't even possible.

>I would have understood
>and went along with it. I even went so far as to roleplay it
>with Scarabaeus saying that the Ill Omen had cursed my blade,
>but then it fed once and I wasn't so sure.

The random number generator can be a fickle mistress. Everyone's been on the short end of the stick (and probably on the good end as well, but those are less noticable).

>It is obvious you do not like my forum persona, fair enough,
>but I have done nothing but thank you IMMs for a job well done
>and played straight up with the exception of taking over
>someone's character a long time ago for which I lost two

Your forum persona? Nah, I could care less about your forum persona. I'm just trying to point out that what you think is someone ####ing with you is the random number generator ####ing with you which nobody has control over.

>I just didn't appreciate
>your patronizing remark there when I have done nothing but
>praise the IMMs and condemn foul players.

Again...just taking your words and tossing them back at you. If you can't take it, don't dish it.

>>Oh, another big reason I deleted is that someone ####ed
>>with my axe and it no longer gained charges like it used

>>NNNNNN is worth 0.70 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>>OOOOOO is worth 0.41 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>>PPPPPP is worth 0.53 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>>QQQQQQ is worth 0.57 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>>RRRRRR is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>>SSSSSS is worth 0.80 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>>TTTTTT is worth 0.54 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>>UUUUUU is worth 0.83 charges; Ancruhljin gains 1
>>VVVVVV is worth 1.10 charges; Ancruhljin gains 1
>>WWWWWW is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>>XXXXXX is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>>YYYYYY is worth 0.62 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>>ZZZZZZ is worth 0.33 charges; Ancruhljin gains 0
>>The last 13 people you killed. 2 charges. And almost all
>>them weren't worth jack.
>If you use your math skills, you can see that I was extremely
>unlucky in only getting 2 charges out of all that.

Yup, you were unlucky on a couple of those, and a couple of those it doesn't surprise me at all.

> I was also told that partial charges do exist

Which is correct.

>and I was under the impression that they were additive.

Which is incorrect.

>I had never, in about 250 kills with two ap's, seen
>or heard of such an unlucky streak as what I experienced
>there. That's about it. Now I know that I was just extremely
>unlucky, thanks for clarifying.

Yup...I'd guess in that same time you had a couple of lucky streaks similar to these, but again, you wouldn't really notice those.
18929, Not to open THAT can of worms again, but:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I know IMMs can
>certainly remove the effects of fireshield without an echo in
>the middle of a fight

Actually, no they can't.

I freemly admit it would be relatively trivial (probably less than an hour of code time including compile and testing) for me to add an immcommand to do just that, but as of last time I was paying attention to the code, no way of doing that yet exists.
18901, RE: (DELETED) [None] Ancruhljin the Herald of War, Flam...
Posted by Beast on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For the sake that I don't care to start a flame war or wish to belittle what you did because it is a big thing to become Flame of the Cult, I will have to say a few things (take it in a constructive way, please.)

-I was completely surprised you got Flame because of the way you acted. On several occasions, you're attitude was far from being anything I would ever "fear" or consider a Flame. As noted by others, you're logging in or out based on range, or fear of ranking (which I will add in to pour salt on the wound, I ranked you to 43 and purposely quit so you'd have to deal with fighting harder odds since you seemed to be lacking a challenge), or the times I would even say "Out" for no reason and you'd instantly teleport or ask for word of recall from Eilathen for fear of dying (quite demeaning of the Flame infront of two members of the Cult), or finally the time you took my kill I had hunted/started and you wanted a ring I looted, then started to bitch and moan about how you had left me a ring in the Temple earlier and you wanted my ring - I didn't owe you anything, I wanted the ring, and you had a LOT of nerve whining about me taking it. I had to leave right then, or I probably would have attacked you right there in the Temple for such weakness. But on a more positive note...

-I will tip my hat to you for hunting alone a lot, but quite honestly I never saw you take any chances personally. The axe became too much for you in the sense that you earned it but I think you were beginning to forget about your role as Flame and more about keeping a nice shiny axe. I'm more scared of the man who never stops, who goes until the end and dies a few times then the one who fights only when odds are on his side and he will obviously win - sometimes I'll go into fights knowing I'll have to flee or I might die in, but the fact that I charged in knowing that and THEY know that, makes it better I think because most of the time when I die, there are corpses at my feet or I showed them something they might not understand. Maybe I'm wrong, but there's something better about the madman compared to the bully. Apples and oranges, beast and flame I guess. I think one of the worst things they did to APs was require a bodycount like that with no limit because now everyone needs to just survive and gain charges for more damage/hp - new abilities would be nice like the controls, but not the equation that is in everyone player's head that power=charges.

-You've done well before as Drucyrus, but as others have noted you're always out to prove something and want everyone to know this. You need to play the game for your enjoyment, not for other people's reactions. I could get everyone in the game to hate or fear me, but personally that's not enjoyable and not the point of "wining the game". The game is a story and to continue on a legacy as big as the Cult is more than just who I can beat, a pk ratio, or some internet pride. It's about the interaction, what you learn and what you can show others... sometimes through pain :) Try naming the top members of the Cult and you'll notice that some were good pkers, but most were not. This is a pk mud which you will point out in return, but first and foremost it's a mud and not counter-strike. Remember that and maybe next time you'll make a character for enjoyment and interaction - not a ratio and fame.

Good luck if you do decide to return and I hope you take this with a grain of salt. I was trying to be constructive, not destructive. Congrats on Flame once again and hopefully you will either return with a new mind or enjoy another adventure,

Garguza the Beast

18925, I would reply with the truth but I am not allowed. nt
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18932, Too bad.
Posted by Ilrahsek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a shame that you got so bored. And here I went thinking that
you might stick it out, considering the prestige of your obviously
well-off character. Maybe you should tweak your roleplay when things
get stagnant, or try to drum up some interaction, or a self-created
quest. You'd be suprised how many Immortals would take you up on it,
if you were to put forth the effort.

Well, that doesn't really matter now, so I'll just say that you were
a beast, and your absence will be felt in the near future.

18952, Sorry to see you go.
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would have gladly fought with you, had I not deleted a titled character and quit for a month. That seemed to have killed my ability to maneuver through the lower ranks and keep decent con (The playerbase has definitely become more skilled overall, there are people that can PK that don't know where the chessmaster's tower, Kidiana Rah, or FoN's new location are.) Coupled with a dial-up connection, I'm far rustier than I used to be. Got dsl connection recently, it helped alot with issues of timing, like flee, return and sleep or even just fleeing and then singing sleep as they arrive, and a versatile class that's not assassin, so we'll see how that goes.

Apparently the playerbase hasn't improved enough to strategize how to kill you though without removing all difficulty altogether. Ranked with that voker, and since I usually saw you as Druc alot, it was nice to know you were lurking out there somewhere. Would have liked to be on a support end for you, but that's not to be now. See you around then.
18987, RE: (DELETED) [None] Ancruhljin the Herald of War, Flame of the Scar
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Beroxxus: I also enjoyed my interactions with you thoroughly. Being the Cursed of the Ill Omen was entertaining and all those power word pains and plagues amused me. I especially enjoyed the one in Scar’s Temple where Scar got pissed. That was awesome. Sorry I didn’t roleplay with you in the end when I lost my axe to that gang. I know you tried to roleplay with me, but I was on my way out at that point. Good work and have fun with your religion.<<

I'm glad you had fun. When you first came to me after my religion appeared I was like, ok, not really one of my spheres, but I will see where this ago. Then either our times did not meet up or you quit playing for a bit (or even a mixture) I totally lost sight of you. Then I took a small vacation, came back and saw initiate of the Scarab. I was like, well damn, ok, lets see how this will go. I'm glad you rolled with it, and when I asked for the axe I was gambling you wouldn't give that up. I thought you did well in our interactions, but I saw little of you outside of that as I was working on other things. Anyway, good luck on wherever your endeavors take you.