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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject[DEL][BATTLE]Kriack the Master of Iron, Axe Swinging Ally of the Boss
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18774
18774, [DEL][BATTLE]Kriack the Master of Iron, Axe Swinging Ally of the Boss
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, where to begin. (This is my first graveyard post, so don't be pissed that I have a whole boo-hoo story here plz. Thanks.)

First of all, I am a complete and utter newbie. This is my second "major" character. My first was a very laughable AP named Polazt.

The story behind Kriack:

I moved to Oshawa to escape a bad household situation. The only connection I had at my apt was dial up. Now you see, I used to *fiend* a Dragonlance based MUD back a few years ago and it helped me get out of some very depressing life situations (gg entertainment!). Seeing as I was in a very depressing situation once more, I instinctively went back to what helped me keep sane last time - MUD. Now, the MUD I played earlier was frequented from people from carrionfields so I decided to check it out periodically. Obviously, I could not get into it as I was much too attached to the other MUD. However, in January /03 it closed down - for good. Desperate beyond all means (haha, not really..) I went to the next source of RP/PK enjoyment, Carrionfields.

I remember rolling Kriack at my friends house. The first thing I usually ask myself before I roll something is my character and what hes going to be like / what I would like to play at the time. I noted the nice advantages of the Duergar race, but what really turned me was the fact that I could talk like a drunken scotsman. Who would ever pass up the chance for that!? :D

So I rolled him up not knowing anything about CF. I didn't know about preps, weapons, vulns, resistances, spells, classes, races or anything else. But what I sought out to do with my character, I think I accomplished (to a point).

I achieved a tattoo (something I strived and strived to do at the other MUD but failed no matter how good I was), was inducted into the BattleRagers, gained somewhat of a fan movement from various races/clans and even got some notes on this very board itself! I don't know what this means to the expert character in CF, but to me - this is amazing. I cannot thank anyone who was involved in Kriack's life enough. Thank you so much.

Kriack was supposed to be a mix between Flint and Bupu from Dragonlance. Talkin' like da moron fer da bit eh. (Yes, I talked IC on boards - to hide who I was OOC, something I picked up from previous PK MUD's). I pictured a short, light skinned dwarf with the greasiest beard you would ever see, tied into twin beards to make it even more disgusting. It was great. For his talk, well, I just kind of listened how other Villagers spoke and threw in how I think a pirate/stupid gully dwarf would talk in my head. I think it worked out well? (?)


Anyone who knew I was a nub, knew because of a few things. First, I didn't know equipment worth a "crud". Second, my specs were very badly picked out. Third, my skills weren't mastered (MISTAKE #1) - I know how big of a difference having parry/dodge/spin mastered makes now.Fourth, my battle skills were quite lacking.

An Immortal tells you '44%'

I think thats simply incredible. To me, thats quite impressive for my first character. Still, I fscked alot of battles up simply because I didn't know the game code well enough. Ah well, thats the breaks? :D

Why did I delete? Well, I got frustrated. I think people who cross-cabal gangbang are the lowest players in the world. I died to a Warder avalanching and a Nexan disrupting me, while getting stuck in quicksand all in one round - to have my weapons and most of my armor looted. 2 other battleragers died in a span of a second, as well. This frustration is obviously very newbish, so I don't expect much sympathy. However, I still find it very unplayerable (new word!) to be so goddamned stupid with clan wars. Put together, EVERY SINGLE CLAN except Heralds (and maybe even so!) would have a reason to fight the BattleRagers if it suit them. I find this quite absurd. But whatever, thats just my 0.1 cents!

Now to the goodbyes, fashioned after what I usually read here:


Khasotholas - DA BOSS! Dood, I cannot thank you enough. I really can't. Come to Canada and I'll buy you a beer and show you how us gully's drink. You gave me a mission when I didn't know what to do, gave me a TAT! when I didn't think Imm's cared, you gave me immteraction and such a sweet role.. I really cannot thank you enough. I'm sorry, SO SORRY that I couldn't last it. I logged in day in and day out, trying to find a good time to rank so I could see what you had awaiting me.... but I failed man, I'm so goddamned sorry. I feel really bad about this (can't you tell?) because I can see how much time you guys put into this game, only to have it messed up with a silly human emotion - frustration. I'm sorry dood. Email me at sarafanpriest@hotmail.com if you want to chat or something, I would love to talk more!

Kastellyn - Talked to very little

Sabiene - Good job! Your a great person to talk to and get inspiration from, I think you would make a great cabal leader and religious leader. You kind of remind me of Princess Di (haha I know, shuddap Jaynus :D).

Gherian - You were a very effective Pk'r. Thanks for not taking my things the last time you killed me. Even though I really hated your guys IC, I knew you were experienced and hence - deserved to kick my arse. Good job on IMM'ng, have fun! Don't be so hard on the Villagers now ;)

Grogim - Didn't get to talk to you too much, too bad eh?

Onglaurst - You kind of seemed stupid. But I guess its because you punked me off when I asked you a question. I dunno how minotaurs are played in CF.. but you would be a perfect DragonLance minotaur ;)

Moligant - Haha, congrats on your IMM'ng as well. I didn't know if you thought I sucked so much, but I thought your mafia-style play was hilarious. Great stuff dood. If you wanna chat or something, email me at the above address for sure!

Any others if I forgot, VERY sorry! Reply back and I will *FOR SURE* reply!


Drahkul - Great work dood, too bad you deleted though. I thought you were a great RP'r and PK'r, something to definately look up to. You gave me chances when I really shouldn't have had them and kept me going. Top notch induction.. what else can I say? Thanks for all the fun times and I definately hope to play with you again! :))

Stampar - Smelly arial. We talked, but didn't. I dunno how to explain it. Your some sort of beast though, going around eating Quezzumpliet's everytime? Where do you come from?

Feolin - HAR TO YER!! Great character, very happy on your tat! Too bad on disappointing to with deleting, I really think that your going to smack some Nexite arse when you hero! Good luck and keep fighting!

Theaus - Little brother O' mine, almost. We interacted quite alot when I was young, but not enough when I was older. I'm pretty sure your finding it damned hard to play a svirf thief in Battle, but keep at it - I know you'll get it! Rock on!

Gieldon - Thanks for defending me from Ancruhljin that one time on Eastern. You rock dood, I hope to play with you again!

Kugnar - I hear ya missed me when I left for a bit? Don't worry, I'm gonna miss your 'Oi dere dirt face' everytime I logged in. Har har, have some stout for me!

Urgarg, Legedri, Zhabrinyhai, Ezrail - I know your all strong fighters but I never got to really talk to any of you. Sad perhaps, but thats war?

Zylundak - Strong character!

Sayangu - Didn't talk to you, but I'm sure your pretty experienced. Good luck to you


I'm just going to say to you right now that even though I am a newbie and hence, my opinon worthless, I find your cabal very pointless. Seekers of balance? I never saw you do anything other then gangbang Battle. Give me a break. I refuse to give you anything other then this note in my post.


Cuthul - Interacted much but then you deleted. Yes, I stole your axe then ;)

Ishraek - Thanks for not looting me. Still, ganging me 4v2 wasn't very nice now was it? :)

Didn't know anyone else?


Ancruhljin - Damn, one MEAN ass bitch! I originally thought you were a newbie like me because.. well, I'm not too sure. I just kind of guessed. How wrong I was. You constantly and consistently wiped the floor clean with me. I give you my respects for being so goddamned tough!


Fought some of you, no interaction.


Interacted with some of you but forgot how and when/what, please post and I'll reply!


Tchiwhatever - I found what you did tonight VERY unimpressive. You talked about how good you were to fight 4 ragers, but then again, you fail to see our lack of the head AND your preparation on the matter.

Whomever else, I really don't understand how you can consider a Duergar a defiler. He lives underground, dorks =p. Regardless, I like the idea of this Cabal and maybe will try it out!


Didn't care for you too much. You did roam around in gangs quite alot


Astilamos - Damn, we were sort of arch-enemies for a while eh? You always seemed to have goddamned barrier though.. welp, your still a dork!

Slindarnok, Garandon, other Duergar AP's - Thanks for boosting up my PK ratio!

Tirrarreor - You too! :)

Others - I usually either fought against you or with you, otherwise - I found your cabal interesting but overfilled. Have fun.


Asheziel - Awesome RP'ng, fun times! I wish we could have interacted more, I really tried to make you laugh :)

Misha - Likewise with you. Email me above to chat if you want!

Darch - Interesting character to say the least..


Kertaki - Hehe, my first PK. You always seemed 'around', but it was good knowing you wouldn't be after me. You still around? Well whatever, have fun!

Anyone else, caballed or not, who interacted with me - drop me a line @ my email or here and I will be sure to reply!

To end:

Sorry for making this so big, but I'm semi-excited posting this. I really had a fun time with Kriack, so fun I really didn't want to delete him. I don't think he'll be coming back though, unfortunately.

I took Renewal of Spring, which was to keep me alive - quite crappy in my opinon, definately not worth it. My specs were Axe (dwarves can't go without axes!) and Spear (Found out that dwarves, especially duergar, can go without axes for a while.. to survive?). Berserker of the BattleRager cabal.

My choice of the cabal was actually pretty sad. Simply put, I didn't know any prep locations. As well, I played something similar to a Villager in the other mud very recently so it was quite easy to slide into the role once more. However, I think the odds are stacked VERY high against the Village, and I wish all the "Brudders" the best of luck with fighting the war! :)

Thanks Immortals for the game, thanks players for playing it with me, and I will DEFINATELY be back! Take care everyone!

<17hp 16m 175mv 21200 civilized> delete
Type delete again to confirm this command.
WARNING: this command is irreversible. You will lose all your limited gear.
You will go into dormancy for a week before actually deleting.
Typing delete with an argument will undo delete status.
If you confirm the delete, this name will be unusable.
You will need to talk to an implementor to use it again.

Time to throw away 162 hours, 44 levels and 393050 experience.

Death tells you 'DON'T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE.'

<17hp 16m 175mv 21200 civilized> cb To da war
Kriack: To da war

<17hp 16m 175mv 21200 civilized> cb G'bye brudders, dun burn ma hut too fast
Kriack: G'bye brudders, dun burn ma hut too fast

<35hp 28m 219mv 21200 civilized> delete
Admitting crushing defeat to the fruit seller, you go into hiding.
You will be able to reactivate by logging this character in again within the next week.
the Destructor: Kriack has left the fray of battle.
Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...

Kriack, Axe Swinging, Pus Dripping and Poison Dropping Ally of the Boss.
18946, Ummm...
Posted by Ilrahsek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Ishraek - Thanks for not looting me. Still, ganging me 4v2 wasn't very nice now was it? :)

It was four at the Destructor. You and Feolin didn't have to come, but
chose to. You also stuck around for a very long time, allowing yourself
to succomb. It's hardly a "gang" if it's a cabal raid...especially
against two villagers where they're strongest. And no, I'm not nice. :)
18879, No Prob, was just trying to buy you some time to run..Sry to see you go
Posted by Gieldon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hope you make another rager, I remember that run-a-way. I attacked and launched my ass out of there soon as I saw how stupid it was for an assassin attackin an a-p. Well see ya around man.
18883, RE: No Prob, was just trying to buy you some time to run..Sry to see you go
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unfortunately (or maybe not!) I'm not going to make a rager for some tie. I figure, like in other muds, that the mage classes are much better at exploring and finding out some things. I plan to do that just that. I will, however, return a smarter man to the Village - to lead it to victory! ;)

Drop me a line!
18841, Uhmmm...
Posted by Slindarnok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You killed me only once as I recall. One kill is hardly padding a pk ratio. And that was while i was spamming west on eastern road. After how quickly I fell I avoided you after that. And stopped spamming for that reason. Got paranoid. I had checked eastern as I entered from hamsah...noone in site...spam west...then bam! Oh well...lesson learned.
18813, RE: [DEL][BATTLE]Kriack the Master of Iron, Axe Swinging Ally of the Boss
Posted by Circuits Edge on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to ask my friend, who the #### is the Boss? Pus and poison dropping? What's that?
18803, RE: [DEL][BATTLE]Kriack the Master of Iron, Axe Swinging Ally of the Boss
Posted by Zylundak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your char quiet a bit, many times I saw you headin off
to a battle odds were against ya. Funny thing is I think that
one of my past chars killed Polzat a few times every time I did
you kept saying you wish to give up magic... Not sure if I am
right or not about that but you made one heck of a villager.
18802, RE: [DEL][BATTLE]Kriack the Master of Iron, Axe Swinging Ally of the Boss
Posted by Theaus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh damn you to hell...seriously tho, really gonna miss you. We didn't get to see enough of each other after awhile but you always were there to make me laugh. Never once did I think you were a newb either.
Luck on the next bro and see ya in the fields.
18800, Well, glad you had fun.
Posted by Feolin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For this being your second "real" character, I think you did very well. Life as a rager is tough, very tough, but that goes along with the design of the cabal. The advantage of playing a rager every once and a while is that it truely teaches you that equipment comes and goes and how to find more pretty quickly. I'm glad you enjoyed your days in the village and hope you continue enjoying your "CF experiance." Sorry I didn't take your whole "quest" thing at the end there, but that just isn't Feolin's role. Actually, that would have been the total opposite of what he is about, so I wasn't just being a ####.

Feolin DustyBeard!

I'm still just sitting here thinking about what a complete and utter turd my second character on CF was.
18797, hahaha
Posted by Kertaki on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah yeah, my most pathetic showing of all right there. too damned cocky in that fight and spammed. Next thing I know you f*ckin whirled me and knocked me down to light no HP and next round I was dead. Sat there for like 2 minutes slappin myself for being so stupid :)good showing there btw anyway. Was planning on basically multi-killing you but then I saw you die like 5 times in one day and felt bad, and then you joined battle so then either way I probably wasn't gonna be able to beat you. Good to have another duergar that wasn't hunting me 24/7 anyway. Good job overall, later

-Kertaki Steel-Beak "hunted by smelly orcies"
18795, RE: [DEL][BATTLE]Kriack the Master of Iron, Axe Swinging Ally of the Boss
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You found the easiest way to overcome being a newbie... roleplaying. It doesn't take game skill, it doesn't take incredible game knowledge... it just takes a willingness to do it. And I thought you did it extremely well. I really enjoyed our conversations, and completely enjoyed your role. I love roleplaying, and when someone does it right along with me, it makes it 10 times easier for me. Sorry you deleted early, would have had some interesting things in store in the future, but I understand. Good job man.

18790, RE: [DEL][BATTLE]Kriack the Master of Iron, Axe Swinging Ally of the Boss
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, at first I wondered who the hell were you and what you wanted then you talked to the ''Boss'' and well..some stuff happened which was hilarious. Got it logged too! You seemed to do well from my point of view although as the boss asked, I could not help you much with gear heh...you know...con-dying and all. Good luck with the next one!
18787, good and bad to say about Kriack
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Good was very good. You showed true rager newbie/stalwart style in your play. By that I mean that you took the knocks and kept on going. In the battle cabal its only the rager stalwarts and the newbies that seem to do that as the middle ground folk who are expecting a cake-walk delete very quickly. I liked Kriack in the beginning and wanted to see you do well as I knew you were a newbie (mostly due to your dying often plus the statement above about newbie/stalwarts). The the going got really tough with a good few of the ragers not logging on, probably making imperials when the cabal resurfaced, leaveing you and a few others to take the brunt of the pain. You then sent a note about not having fun and how you were not going to be around until things get better, or words to that effect, and this annoyed me greatly. The village does well and has the brotherhood and family it does because of the living, fighting and dying together in the good times and especially the bad and your leaving would only serve to see others in the cabal die more often because you did not want to die so often. In future, just delete if your like that as all your doing is occupying a limited space in the village and weakening it and unfortunately, this was the last impression you gave me and I was hoping to catch you online to uninduct you for it but your deletion has saved me that.
That one last, bad impression aside, I did like Kriack and hope you stay in CF and enjoy yourself.

18793, RE: good and bad to say about Kriack
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmm. Well,

the note was actually semi-RP'd, not that it matters really. I did it for a few reasons actually :)

First, an OOC reason like you said (a big no-no, I see now). I was in the mid 40's range and I had ALOT of goodie heroes, as well as annoying Nexan's on me CONSTANTLY, not letting me level or do anything playable of a sort. I could honestly sit in the shrine and wait 10 minutes for a raiding party to come. So I wrote the note to stop myself from rage deleting after I died to that party, as well as letting the rest of Battle catch up to my ranks AND let the beast Drahkul return. I do see now it wasn't exactly the right thing to do, but I thought anything but a rage delete was better.

Second, I really wanted to take a break from Kriack anyways. My computer had just recieved BugBear from a newly installed router (and connection) at my house back in Toronto and trying to get zMUD to work without everything exploding was very painstaking. I remember one day, after trying to re-raid from Nexans.. I think I died twice to two different clans because of my bad link. I thought that if I could take a break, I could fix it then return in style. *shrug*

Well, sorry to disappoint you there. Part of me still wants to play Kriack but I know that returning would just be so pointless now. I'd still have the same problems before, and along with this, keep your Village occupied when you could let some real kickass people in!

ps = I never really thought you watched me, heh.
18786, RE: [DEL][BATTLE]Kriack the Master of Iron, Axe Swingin...
Posted by Misha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish you would've stuck in there. You showed the right spirit on all accounts from what I saw. And I did have quite fun there in the Inn as well, though I doubt I'd ever get to impale you on a spit and roast you }(

Good luck with the next. You came a long way for a first high-level character and have everything going for you to do it again.


18783, Just my 500€'s
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Put together, EVERY SINGLE CLAN except Heralds (and maybe even so!) would have a reason to fight the BattleRagers if it suit them. I find this quite absurd. But whatever, thats just my 0.1 cents!

The ragers should unpansify and go to war with everyone that doesn't hate like they do. And not just a 1 day inquisition or whatever they should do it constantly. So what if they get slaughtered, atleast they would get the funstick back as compensation for all the shaftings they have to endure.
18849, RE: Just my 500€'s
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not enough ragers logging on to do that.
18897, Only need one. n/t
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18781, Sad to see you go. n/t
Posted by Ikemaksuka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18780, Just a few things.
Posted by Tichniktil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was 4 villagers against 3 of us (I only came because they had 2 and there was 2 duergars), just because you got there before the others doesen't mean it was a gang, even if,

I thought we botched it when you walked in, though. Figured you'd warn the others, but either they weren't smart enough or you weren't fast enough.

Anyhow, sorry about the cheap kill, but for me it's cheap kills or regearing. That, and what mage can resist a chance to fight villagers without the head?

Good luck with the next.
18788, the incident in question.
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a risky play on your behalf as it was sylvans attacking villagers on raids and near the village that started the last war between them. As a rule it is often better to let those who took an enemies item, defend the item regardless of the odds they face. If you start a fight with a country, dont expect other countries to help you when they come after you. He was a duergar and I suppose you could smack him and walk the line on the right side of it but it gets a little thinner if you harm any of the other ragers who are NOT seen as defilers. Just my tuppence worth.

18798, Hrm..okay, but...
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Please don't take this the wrong way, but, I would almost be disappointed in a sylvan mage who didn't take that type of advantage as long as they did not do it anywhere inside of the village. I have yet to hear of any of our mages state, "What a nice villager, let me walk right on by without doing anything." The ally aspect of the sylvan/ragers is more because of two common enemies. Without going into too much ic detail, battles outside of cabals are going to happen between us. And we all know that taking advantage of weaknesses when available is sound tactics. The fact that Kriack was a duergar is a bonus. There have been many times when the roles have been reversed when fighting warlocks. I can't tell you how many times we have taken the grimoire only to send the head back to the village.
18808, no cheeky intro here, just a reply
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no problem with the warder hitting the duergar but I said it is ropey to do this when in a time of war with another cabal, especially one that is not really an ally of the warders as they accept, half-drow and conjurers so are most likely on as good terms as the village is with the warders. The village does not wait by the chasm and imperial palace to jump sylvan mages if they tried for their sapling but I see it as fine to fight them anywhere else. You also will not see a duergar/minotaur/half-drow/drow rager running along to the sylvan grove to kill a mage because they know the empire or the scions or the tribunals or th warlocks raid them. This is the only point I was highlighting.
The village should never, as a general rule, accept any cabals item that they have not participated, actively, in getting. The amount of times paladins would offer me the codex and I would decline until I could go and get it myself, were inumerable. I am not condeming tich's actions unless he took it to attacking more than the duergar and aided the defense of the rift as it is a very fine line to walk. That was all I was saying about it.

18811, Okay, and my reply to that.
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kriack died in the tunnel in the dwarven forest. I can only give you a rough estimate of how many times warder mages have been attacked in the weald by ragers. The amount of time it takes to run from the giant to the tunnel is no different than the amount of time it takes to run from ranger to the weald. And yes, it has happened while we have had the scepter and grimoire.
18812, Uhm, no he died near the Sentinel
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The log clearly shows that Tichnitkil waited for him just outside of the Nexus cabal.
18817, Just noticed.
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just noticed it as a tunnel, didn't really look at it. Main thing was that it wasn't in anyone's cabal when it happened. As for shielding the outer guardian to prevent the villagers from retrieving, I wasn't logged nor can we tell from the log if that happened. The fine line is this...it is a Mage assisting against Battleragers. This is not a warder/sapling,rager/head,nexite/link issue. The fact that it was a duergar was just a bonus. If Tich could have harmed every villager that walked into that room, and all he did was use his spells as an invoker, that again is fine. Kriack was a duergar and he was chameleoned before the attack, that is fine. IF he had called a beast upon a villager who is not a defiler or used one of his sylvan powers against the non-defiler, then there might be a reason for this to be an issue.
18838, RE: Just noticed.
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I repeat, he shielded all of the nexans involved and the nexans outer guardian. He also killed a svirnebli thief and another duergar warrior, effectively STOPPING THE RE-RAID.

The log, edited to show the moment "In question":

<822hp 351m 301mv 7407 civilized> pincer munro
A shallow cave
In the darkness you hear the water flowing to the east, and the beach you
stand upon seems to end in blackness to the north south and west.

Quezzumpliet the felar is here.
(Translucent) Munro the human is here.
A man is here acting as Sentinel until a mage requires his services.
You fall into quicksand and begin to sink!
You yell 'Help! I'm sinking in quicksand!'

<822hp 351m 292mv 7407 wilderness>
Someone utters the words, 'azaraiqpz'.
Someone summons an avalanche from the nearby mountains!
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You are crushed under the falling rock!
Tichniktil steps out from his cover.
Tichniktil's avalanche <<< ERADICATES >>> you!
That really did HURT!
The avalanche slides harmlessly off Quezzumpliet's earth shield. <--
The avalanche slides harmlessly off Munro's earth shield. <--
The avalanche slides harmlessly off the Sentinel's earth shield. <--
Tichniktil is in perfect health.

<445hp 351m 292mv 7407 wilderness>
You yell 'Die, Munro, you sorcerous dog!'
Munro utters the words, 'eugfjsh baiz'.
Your bones twist violently within you, wracking you with pain!
Munro's disruption does UNSPEAKABLE things to you!
That really did HURT!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Tichniktil is in perfect health.

<44hp 351m 292mv 7407 wilderness> flee

Your crushing force injures Tichniktil.
You parry Tichniktil's punch.
You parry Tichniktil's punch.
The gods protect you from Quezzumpliet.
Munro's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You have been KILLED!!

I highly doubt Tich failed to put other defenses on the Nexites.
18839, Question for you.
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Were the other two he effectively killed ragers? I see nothing wrong with a mage killing ragers and vice versa. You guys are expected to hate each other and try to do so by whatever skills and tactics you use. There have also been times where we have laid an ambush outside of the village for scions and warlocks and at the fortress for scion and imperials. The villagers war against mages, I see nothing wrong with mages doing what they feel is necessary to fight back regardless of their affiliations.
18851, RE: Question for you.
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I usually take a cabal's idealogy ahead of personal revenge (Which tich said was his motivation, though I never harmed him). He was effectively striking AT THE VILLAGE, rather then Ezrail. This could shake the foundations of peace between Sylvans and Battle. I would agree with you if he hunted me down somewhere not close to another cabal, or laid protective spells on Nexans, because its not personal - its obviously cabal-related then.

18853, Hold up
Posted by Tich on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It wasn't all revenge. Theaus was revenge, and something else I won't get into. Killing duergar is good. Killing villagers is revenge. Killing duergar ragers is good revenge.

See how it works?
18858, Sorry to burst your bubble.
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will keep this simple. Mages hunt ragers. Ragers hunt mages. Sylvan mages hunt ragers. Ragers hunt sylvan mages. As long as it is not happening INSIDE a cabal, that is the life they lead. Tichniktil used excellent tactics by seeting up a trap for you. You may not like it. You may think it is poor form. But, no mage should accept the existence of any villager. Just as no villager should accept the existence of any mage.
18859, It was inside the cabal
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you do a "where moderator" at the Sentinel (which is seen shielded by your invoker in the log) you will see the Moderator. The Moderator is obviously INSIDE the cabal, therefore this trap was set up INSIDE the cabal.

Nobody is saying your mages can't hunt battleragers. They're saying, and YOU'VE SAID, that it should not happen INSIDE, or in some cases near, a third-party cabal.

I hope one of the ragers who were killed in this event become the leader and declare war on the Grove. I'd like to see more ranger ragers.
18871, in some senses it is not inside the cabal
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You base your boundary on the where command.

One could also argue that "inside the cabal" is where you are after the outer (ie outside) guardian has been bypassed. This is supported by only cabal members being able to walk past it.

The where command only means you are inside the area.

By your argument, you are inside the spire when you are standing on the tribunal walkway. That would make it a crime to be there.
18872, Come on
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is a discussion about how far a person from Cabal A should go in a cabal war between Cabals B and C, which he/she is not involved in, to land a kill.

This person got involved enough that he had to shield the outer guardian of Cabal B. As soon as he typed "c "Xshield" Sentinel" he stepped into the war between Nexus and Battle. To me that's too far. Had he killed Kriack in Tar Valon, or even on the Erinin River I wouldn't have as much of a problem. However, he waited at the outer guardian of a cabal he's not in and so therefore, got involved in a war he has no place in.

To me that calls for an immediate declaration of war by the Village on the Grove.

18873, Huh?
Posted by Tichniktil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"...got involved in a war he has no place in."

Once again, I told them after I killed them, that I wasn't keeping the head from them. I have no place in the mage/villager war? I'm a mage, they're villagers, I like to kill them. Sayangu recently attacked me on the way to the Palace, how many sylvans are whining about it?

If you can't take a cheap death, you probably shouldn't be playing CF.
18874, Forget it, as you were.
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope they declare war.
18976, They won't.
Posted by Boldereth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not now at least. In truth, any rager that would let a mage go past them when they saw them in the vicinity would surprise me. I've never seen, nor would I expect to see, anything other then hatred or at least pity and disgust at mages. As a mage, you realize that these are people that gloat over the severed head of one who studies your art. They hunt down your guildmates, yourself, and anyone who practices magic like you. Sylvans can be as much barbarians as villagers, even the mages. That sort of clash against clash, pride against pride, when dealing with two very brutal cabals (sylvan in a cheap, no honor type way and ragers in a devastating bloodthirsty way) should naturally have each other at each other's throats. A mage killed a rager, thats all that should matter, no real villager would *want* a mage to show them mercy.
18814, RE: no cheeky intro here, just a reply
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just to note:

Tichiniktil also earth shielded (and I'm assuming used the rest of his spells) on the Sentinel, Munro and Quezzumpliet. He also killed Theaus and Feolin (svirf/duergar) to effectively STOP THE RAID.

Do I have any hard feelings? OOC, no, but if I was still IC, yes, because its being cheated.

See you all in the fields :)
18807, You're forgetting something
Posted by Tichniktil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm a mage, and they're villagers. They don't try to sip tea with me, they try to kill me. Killing them, regardless of race, would be fine in my opinion.

I told them I wasn't keeping them from getting the head (not all of them, but enough). I just wanted to get a little revenge, which I did.
18776, farewell
Posted by someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad you enjoyed the character. I couldn't tell you were new really, and I can remember Polatz too!

Anyway, regarding that nexan/warder gangbang you described. It sounds like there were 2 mages only from what you say, against three of you guys? There is no reason that a mage from the grove (ie hunted by village) should not group with a mage from nexus (ie hunted by village) to kill villagers. Nexus and Warders probably don't have a problem with each other right now since Empire is quite strong.

Speaking of cross cabal gangings, I killed you once in self-defense, and you tried to round up some people to kill me some time later, or at least that's what they were telling me. They weren't battle (although they weren't caballed either), so the line isn't a clear one anyway even if people agree mixed ganging is bad.
18792, RE: farewell
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I don't really remember or know who you are, so I can't exactly say anything in my defense here. If you were a real problem before I joined Battle, then yeah I probably tried and round up some people after you. I don't think this is exactly bad, once in a while, because its realistic that if you become a pain to so many people they will just gather up and kill you.

It's when clans get together to raid you, or gangbang you with 3:1 ratios (3v1, 6v2 etc). I know this just contradicted myself, but what I'm trying to say is that "Once in a while is OK". Even though there is no way in hell anyone can control outrageous gangbangs, I think its sort of a OOC player honor code thingie to not just keep multi-killing, full looting and gangbanging a single player.

Ah well.

Thanks for the compliment, and man wasn't Polazt crap? :D