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Topic subject[Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18772
18772, [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS.
Posted by Dex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, it was bound to happen soon anyway. Thanks for giving me an out Elrys. I started this guy months ago it seems, played a little here and there, got to level 32 or so, got in the Fortress, and got uninducted by Aemelius two days later for attitude problems. So I stopped playing him for a while, and took some time off. Came back later, got reinducted by Jhanderin, and everything was cool for a while. Got made an Acolyte, and figured I was home free from having to listen to the crap that spewed out of Aemelius's mouth on a regular basis. Guess I was wrong. I really shouldn't have brought him back. I was bored with him at level 20 or so, but just kinda went with the flow of things, and ended up playing him until the end. When I came back though, I really tried for a little while. Did the whole speaking before attacking routine, and it surprisingly worked on a few, but not many. When I was made an Acolyte, it was out of the Blue, I was walking across the Strange Island, and it just happened. So thanks to the Imm that did that. I always play my goodies with a little bit of a temper edge on them just to mix things up a bit, but I am burned out on Bards, and I am way burned out on Dawnies/Acolytes. It was probably evident that I didn't really care much as I stupidly waged into 7-8 on 1 raids only to promptly die. I died alot, killed a few. It was fun for a few hours, but then it was just old. It was the same thing I've done so often lately. Gotta move to something else, something evil maybe. We'll see.

There's got to be a happy medium somewhere. It seemed last weekend like the Imperials were coming on strong, with 8-10 guys in the hero range, then it sorta died off. When I was logged on, it was always pouring for one side or the other. It would be 2 imperials and 15 fortress members, or 2 fortress and 10 imperials. Kinda odd balancing, but I figure it'll even out soon enough.

I don't have many goodbyes, but there are a few.


The talia Imm - Thanks for including me in that whole deal, it was fun, but it seemed like lately talia has been less and less which was a shame, I was looking forward to some more good interactions.

Beroxxus - I can only guess it was you because the mob had your tattoo, Thanks for bringing around azuranda, it made the more stale moments of fortress life lately spring up a little. I had fun, hope you did too.

Shokai - I am fairly certain that was you over CB when I told Coronado to stick that missive where the sun doesn't shine. I've never been one that stays away from raids, and I almost hate it when people do that very thing. I wish we coulda seen you vis once or twice, but other than that comment, I don't think we had much else. Unless you were the one who promoted me.

Calradian - I love you man, but it just seems like you are never there. I know we did that one thing at the Inn with llauriele, but drop a line somewhere, let an acolyte know you're out there. If you are?

Kastellyn - You are way too lenient. If I woulda been a god and those missives were written to me with all those cut downs. I woulda been hanging a storm head on my belt as a trophy or something. Even though we didn't talk, I am a firm believer in IC respecting of Immortals, and I found that a little distasteful.


Elrys - The end was kinda lame. No need for it. Just my opinion. I've had enough leaders in that cabal to understand that differing opinions aren't enough for what you were throwing at me. Was I rude? You better believe it. Is that grounds for dismissal? I don't think so, but to each their own. Good luck with whatever is next for you. Good Job as Prophet.

Cersai - Not much to say here, you are RPing a snobbish, uppity half elven chick pretty decently. Had fun, wish we coulda done more.

Sylvrin - Keep on Truckin' you flirt.

Zacharyn - Dude, for real? No clue man. Keep on going. Maybe one day, I hope. God only knows you're probably older than the new fortress.

Erenthell - Liked you alot, thanks for the hook-ups when they came, wish you coulda stuck around, at least then the maran would have one decent leader.

Coronado - Keep it up, Defiant boy. Nice interacting with you, wish I had given a damn about this character, then maybe things woulda worked out better.

Rogardian - My boy. You sir, rock. I like your style of play, and your take on dwarves. Glad we could pretty much grow up together, I got to see alot out of you, and I hope to see more soon enough.

Sarkarian - Dude, you really need a pair of those real feet. I got bitched at for following the Cardinal's lead and telling you to get in there when we were at the Palace. Imagine that. It was fun though, keep it up.

Paw - I love your character, just wish you were around more, we could heroed your sorry butt.

Calisha - Enjoyable experience with you, thanks for playing a well thought out, well fleshed out character. Folks don't know what they are missing if they don't get a shot of Calisha.

Anlon - Heh, little witty jokes on CB are fun, keep up the strong work in the mid levels, scourge of the empire, boy.

That other felar thief(forgot your name) - You seemed strong when we walked together, had a good head on your shoulders, I bet money you'll be tearing #### up here in the near future. Good luck.

And last but not least on the Goodie side....

Aemelius - I don't know what to say here really, except you utterly suck. I hated every second under your character, I think you're a poor leader, and I find your ability to bitch in a hybrid IC/OOC sense disheartening. I am willing to bet that a group of maran really don't give a damn if your morale won't raise from low to normal, or that you failed 11 weaponbreakers on that last skeleton. So what? Stop crunching numbers and play something thats not *YOU* in a blue suit. I was right on the money, wasn't I smirky boy? You can deny me all you want, but you know I was. Kick me outta the fortres, whatever, it doesn't matter, I was wrong, so what. I couldn't keep myself inside anymore. You are just plain old fashion annoying. And I am almost certain that my demotion at the end was heavily brought on by you speaking in Group tell. I wish you had stayed deleted. Damn that piece of code for being put in.


Ilrahsek - You get the greatest moment so far in CF history award from me. That move with that scroll was classic. I hope you know I got a great chuckle out of it. I'm glad to see you heroed, and I'm glad to see you coming around when others don't. Strong character. Thanks for interacting with me.

Verlizyl - Tough Conjie, with a big heart. Dude, you gotta swallow your pride at some point. That one day at the maran had me scratching my head. Conjies aren't the best for fighting fiends, but you just kept coming. Good job. Good Luck.

Astilamos - No, I don't care if the demon finished you off. You still died.

Darthiel - If I was you, I'd have been gunning for me everytime. Our fights were fun. Thanks for showing up when others don't.

Menzaen - I slept you, and not a single song worked. Drow assassins gotta be the ultimate in bard killing. Nice character.

Hukalon - Damn those centurions, I woulda had you. :P

Zalennon - Enjoy the preps(I actually collected some this time) and enjoy the gear, you deserve it.

I am drawing blanks, anyone I missed, feel free..It was not that fun, I am burned out on Dawnies and Bards. Its time to do something evil.

Fun stats.

<827hp 742m 766mv 24900tnl> prac
dagger 93%( 93%) mace 100%(100%)
sword 100%(100%) staff 81%( 81%)
dirt kicking 80%( 80%) disarm 93%( 93%)
dodge 88%( 88%) enhanced damage 100%(100%)
hand to hand 81%( 81%) kick 1%( 1%)
parry 89%( 89%) trip 80%( 80%)
second attack 100%(100%) roundhouse 100%(100%)
pugil 1%( 1%) fast healing 96%( 96%)
haggle 91%( 91%) meditation 100%(100%)
pick lock 80%( 80%) sneak 100%(100%)
scrolls 83%( 83%) staves 75%( 75%)
recall 100%(100%) lore 100%(100%)
shield block 75%( 75%) sing 100%(100%)
a capella 79%( 79%) pen 75%( 75%)
altruism 75%( 75%) spirit sight 71%( 71%)
succor 74%( 74%) spiritual link 75%( 75%)
favor of the sun 77%( 77%) curse of radiance 70%( 70%)

<827hp 742m 766mv 24900tnl> rehearse
Level 6: beautify 88% 10 mana
Level 7: heal my heart 79% 10 mana
Level 9: travel tune 100% 10 mana
piercing sweet music 1% 20 mana
Level 10: shield of words 79% 10 mana
Level 11: we come we come 86% 30 mana
Level 14: galadriel 92% 15 mana
Level 15: life to the dying 100% 15 mana
Level 16: cold be sleep 100% 30 mana
Level 17: weak time of year 75% 20 mana
Level 18: resisting 100% 30 mana
Level 19: reveal all 79% 20 mana
greensleeves 75% 30 mana
Level 20: marriage song 75% 150 mana
wake now my merry lads 78% 30 mana
Level 21: better days 77% 40 mana
Level 22: come hither child 100% 25 mana
Level 26: life is a dream 76% 40 mana
Level 27: tears 75% 25 mana
Level 28: dance with jak o the shadows 85% 120 mana
Level 29: heavy heart 76% 20 mana
Level 32: wild west wind 75% 40 mana
Level 33: nightmare 75% 40 mana
Level 34: fire and ice 99% 30 mana
Level 38: dome of illusion 75% 60 mana
Level 40: when you dont see me 100% 20 mana
Level 42: lifes tomb 1% 40 mana
Level 45: frightful fiend 75% 150 mana

You have 58 rehearsal sessions.

<827hp 742m 766mv 24900tnl> sc
Furian the Grand Master of Artistry, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : human
Ethos : Neutral Align : Good Class : bard
Practices: 58 Trains : 1 Hometown : Tar Valon
Exp : 527700 To Level : 24900 Sphere : War
Age : mature, 37 years old (144 hours)
Hit Point: 827 /827 Mana : 742 /742 Move : 766 /766
Str : 20(20) Int : 18(18) Wis : 19(19)
Dex : 19(19) Con : 18(20) Chr : 19(23)
Carry # : 23/31 Weight : 222 lb 6 oz (Max 377 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 1 Copper : 43
Wimpy : 100 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 11 Damroll : 23
AC pierce: -76 Superbly armored AC bash : -87 Superbly armored
AC slash : -71 Heavily armored AC magic : -94 Superbly armored
vs Spell : Protected vs Paralysis : Protected
vs Breath: Barely protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are affected by:

Akashia the Assasin Heroine, Strengthener of the Status quo
Braiden the Assassin Hero, Apostle of the Dawn
Derexal the Ancient late midsummer Disciple, Apostle of the Dawn
Sahvik the Stormcrow, Apostle of the Dawn
Masaryk the Grand Master of Artistry, Servant of the Dawn
Sabrian the Hand of the Unseen, Sounder of the Clarion
And last but not least
Furian the Grand Master of Artistry, Acolyte of the Golden Sun.

19004, RE: [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS.
Posted by Ilrahsek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Ilrahsek - You get the greatest moment so far in CF history award from me. That move with that scroll was classic. I hope you know I got a great chuckle out of it. I'm glad to see you heroed, and I'm glad to see you coming around when others don't. Strong character. Thanks for interacting with me.

Hey, don't post the log of that until I'm a distant memory (not that
I am planning to take the "dive", or anything), because its a bit
embarrasing, you know? Hehe, well I'm man enough to laugh my ass off
over that one too.
18988, RE: [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS.
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Beroxxus - I can only guess it was you because the mob had your tattoo, Thanks for bringing around azuranda, it made the more stale moments of fortress life lately spring up a little. I had fun, hope you did too.<<

I'm glad you enjoyed it. You are the type of person Azuranda liked, which is why you generally had a more positive interaction (though still evil being done). You did well as an Apostle from what I could tell, but looking back at your past characters there, it really shouldn't be a surprise. Good luck on your next.
18840, RE: [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS.
Posted by Verlizyl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But the Maran was so close to dead! Didnt mean to die that many times, or at all really. Just kept getting word off to slowly once you had me dirted. Enjoyed having you around.
18837, RE: [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS.
Posted by Elrys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Elrys - The end was kinda lame. No need for it. Just my
>opinion. I've had enough leaders in that cabal to understand
>that differing opinions aren't enough for what you were
>throwing at me. Was I rude? You better believe it. Is that
>grounds for dismissal? I don't think so, but to each their
>own. Good luck with whatever is next for you. Good Job as

As a player, I liked Furian, and I liked the fact that he didn't back down, and had strong opinions. The rude things you're talking about made me smile as a player.

However, the rudeness only figured very slightly into the discussion we were having, and I'm quite surprised you think that's what it was all about. I thought I'd made clear that you weren't about to be uninducted, and that the rudeness was a minor issue.

To Elrys, it seemed that some of the ways you behaved didn't match the oath of the acolytes, and that's what she was trying to address. Then again, since Shokai says Furian was leadership material, obviously that was a mistake on her/my* part.

* depending on how you look at it.

Honestly, if you hadn't deleted, I think things would've turned out fine, but since you say you were burned out anyhow, maybe it doesn't matter.

Anyway, thanks for the compliment, though it's surprising to hear you say that you think I'm doing a good job, given what you've said here, and IC just before you deleted, but I appreciate it, and wish you luck also.
18826, RE: [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS.
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahh man, this sucks. I always relied on you to have my back on all those trips into the imperial lands, or defenses in the cabal, where I was so badly outnumbered. Now I'm going to have to use that much more caution. *sigh* You will be missed.
18810, RE: [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS...
Posted by Sarkarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey now. Nothing wrong with my feet.
Well, I'll miss you and your testicular fortitude. My first memory of you is with Jirash and myself in the Past. When we warned you about the "bad boys" in the area, you planted your butt on the ground and waited for them. Slept them and sent them running one by one. Balls.

Outspoken? Yes, but that was you.

18823, RE: [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS...
Posted by Furian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know what? You remember that story you told at the funeral for Jhanderin? The one that was semi-inspirational with the Words, "Get in there!"? I tried to pick up on that, the day we were all at the Palace, and somehow that got turned around as me being unbecoming of a Servant(or part of it anyway). Keep up the strong work. That day in the past, I had actually gotten up to go grab a coke when those jags came through and waxxed me the first time. Its tough coming back with that nice, cold Coca-Cola and seeing the words, You have been Killed!! as the last thing on your monitor. So I think we got a few things, came back, and by that time, I was miffed and just plain too lazy to walk back. So I figured, what the hell, lets see what happens. I was lucky, no two ways about it. But luck is always a nice thing to have on occasion.

18805, this will probably shock you...
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You were actually on my short list of possible replacements for Jhanderian. Shocking eh? I know I'm not visible or 'visibly around' much...it's something that at times I try to rectify, but the sad truth is, there's always just one more thing I have to do before I vis. I've said it all before, so I won't waste a goodbye line rehashing all the reasons I'm never vis, but for anyone out there who ever feels like I'm not around...I assure you, I am.

That out of the way, I liked Furian. In a strange Theran sort of way you reminded me of a Southern Baptist preacher who was ready to start yelling about fire and brimstone and permanant damnation, but was willing to knock down a few on a Saturday night with the boys. Not that your character was overly zealous or anything, but was kinda the same flair you put off. It was me who piped up on the cb when you and Coronado were chatting...mainly since, I kinda sat right inbetween both of you on the issue at hand, and was enjoying the conversation until it seemed that the two of you were about to boil over and go for each other's throats...hence the intervention.

I also witnessed more than a few arguements you and Aemelius got into...at least one of them was an inspiration for the dream I sent a handful of people. I won't say a lot more, since I dislike discussions that include a 'living' character. I will say that Furian had a lot of heart, and as I've said many many times, I dig characters with heart.

good luck with whatever's next man.
18820, Yep, I'm shokked.
Posted by Furian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for replying Shokai, and thanks for the cool words. It actually makes me feel like I did something right with this character when I read that. Anyway, I could have done better, I'm sure of it. I've spent too damn much time playing Dawnie/Acolytes. Its time to thrust myself fully into other aspects of the Game. Including your own maran. The RP there is a hell of a lot more interesting than the old hope and faith thread. Also, I figured you were there, its just always a nice thing to see the immortals on occasion. Again, thanks for the words, and strong work on that Mikey B. fan club.

18796, well well well........
Posted by Kertaki on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sorry to see ya go. Fun ranking and talking with you. Remember how funny it was when I had my lowbie in the inn and you got charmed by Talia but alas I deleted that guy.

Anyway woulda had some more fun if I could find a decent group and rank up some more, was shocked to see you hit hero so fast after ranking up so slowly for a while. anyway have fun with whatevers next!

-Kertaki Steel-Beak, "Hated by dem smelly orcs and whatnot"
18825, RE: well well well........
Posted by Furian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, it was fun man. Thanks for the travelling, and all that. Good kill on ancruhljin too. I remember talking about that IC because he had killed one of your buddies. Next time though, go goodie :P. It'll work out much better.

18794, RE: [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS.
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Traveled a bit with you with Oshubacyl.

I liked your charactor. You did seem a bit too ballsy at times during fights but hell, thats the funnest way to fight. Give the fortress a rest a bit...

18819, RE: [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS.
Posted by Furian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah yeah, Oshu, good god, I can't believe I forgot you. It was fun, oddly enough, I found out you deleted, hit inventory and had a nice pair of custom red mittens that I had made for you from somebody at the Inn. Whether they woulda fit is a whole different story. Thanks for everything.

18785, RE: [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS...
Posted by Jirash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>That other felar thief(forgot your name) - You seemed strong
>when we walked together, had a good head on your shoulders, I
>bet money you'll be tearing #### up here in the near future.
>Good luck.

I suspect this would be me :P

On the few occasions we traveled it showed you knew your bard, little surprise there if looking back at your previous characters. And all things are not what they seem, not everytime at least but I do my best ;)

Anyway, hope you'll get back into the game with something new and refreshing for all of us. Good luck

18821, RE: [Delete] [Acolyte] Furian the utterly worthless POS...
Posted by Furian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is indeed you Jirash, sorry, I was a little angry when I wrote that farewell, so the list of names was clouded in my head. Just from watching you though, I am willing to bet anything you're going to be awesome. It was fun, and take care.

18778, Who's fat?
Posted by Sylvrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well dangit! You made being in the Fortress fun! You brought a bit of levity and lightheartedness that I really needed, especially when things were going rough for me. I really liked your sense of humor and the way you teased Sylvrin. Who started that whole flirting thing anyway was it me or you? Well anyway it was fun. Sad to see you go, but if you're bored and burned out I guess it's time to do something different.

Going evil, huh? So does this mean we are going to be flirting as enemies now? *wink*

See you in the Fields.

18822, RE: Who's fat?
Posted by Furian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dunno, I heard that half-elf is fat. Thats just what rogardian is telling me anyway. Yeah, it was fun, thanks for being there for some light-hearted fun at times, I enjoyed it. As far as evil? Maybe, Maybe not, for all you know I could already be back into the fortress. I'm a sucker like that sometimes.

18777, they'll miss you
Posted by Sossaphrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You played a good bard and a good acolyte from what I saw and heard. I didn't seriously expect you to stand back while I killed your buddy by the way, ooc. It was just an issue for Sossaphrin ic.
18824, RE: they'll miss you
Posted by Furian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An "Honor" dirt elf AP. I shudder at the thought of that combo. Takes some serious balls. Hope it all works out for you the way you want it to. Oh, an hell no am I gonna sit by and watch him get spelled up :P. It was fun, have a good one.

18773, Well... sorry to see you go
Posted by Llauriele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will miss you. Obviously I can't say a whole lot of anything personal right now, but I really liked Furian. You seemed to have a strong character, very fleshed out, and didn't go about every situation as if it were a game of 20 questions. Thank you for the few interactions we had, and I hope you have more fun with your next character.
18818, RE: Well... sorry to see you go
Posted by Furian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, yeah, elfkin. Good stuff. You have some solid ability, I was glad we got to play around too. If it ever happens again, I'll stick it out to the end. I was just really tired of some things going down on my end. Anyway, well done, and good luck, maybe I can find a way back into that whole ordeal.
