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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18643
18643, (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright I regretted doing this about five minutes after I did it. I logged in with a throwaway char to see if it could be undone. Nope. Oh well I made my bed, I will sleep in it.

In my nine years of playing CF this is my first leader, first goodie of any significance, and my 6th or so healer. My pipe dream was to imm this char but if I cannot handle dip####s as a mortal there is no way I could handle dip####s as an imm, so nuff of that. And if I couldnt do that I was hoping to age death an elven leader.

This was a rage delete, but not after a pk, so I am done.
Time to throw away 502 hours, 51 levels and 592000 experience.

I thought I would do something majorly floofi and give myself a report card on how I thought I did.

Healer: A
I made some really amazing saves on people who didn't even ask for help. Ulzoth can attest to this. Some people died, but I think I did alright keeping people alive.
Acolyte: A
I am fairly certain that I had a very strong grasp as to what an Acolyte was/is
Cardinal: C
I had an itchy induct trigger finger and I did not play well with others.
Bria follower: B-
I acted like a hummingbird, but I did not preach enough.
Elf: B
I always imagined elves being somewhat arrogant and cocky, but I should have toned it down a bit.



Shokai: Thanks for the opportunity, I really appreciate it.
Bria: I wish I could have done more with you, but thank you for giving empowering me.

And I really did not interact with anyone else except for a few brief conversations with Karithia and Kastellyn. Anyhow thanks to the rest of you for the game and thanks for all those dreams that I kept having.

SYLVAN: Didn't really talk to any of you.

Dacheal: I never really knew what to think of you.
Starkad: I was really pissed off at you when you killed Jarold after I prepped your group to kill a lich but then you ran into warlocks instead.
Corthy: To me, it comes off as ic whining when you try and tell others cabals how they are supposed to act.


Sayangu: I thought that was really weak, especially after we had that conversation and what not.
Aidamo: I loved your char and those talks we had in the halfling bar I kind of wish you had not disappeared.

SPIRE: Not many of you

Blrindelfrin: I tried, you tried.
Oblain: A well played "neutral" but you can see why that did not work between us.

EMPIRE: Already said things to the slew of you who deleted.

Faeras: Good luck man
Didn't really talk to anyone else.


I really think that you guys should have done something to us. Or if the scales were balance as you all often said they were then the balance system needs to be changed. Maybe make it so higher level chars "weigh" more. I found it suspicious when some of you asked for my aid when the light tipped the scales. But I was not one to decline healing someone who was dying.


Ghuljun: I really respect what you are trying to do/doing. Takes a lot of guts to approach the necro class the way that you are doing it.
Jolaerg: I felt bad helping people kill you. You were always alone and what not but you never logged out. I almost agreed with you when you told me " you need to give me a breather"


Gherian: I love you man. Always willing to help out and I hope I returned the favor in your eyes. It was really hard to not get frustrated when I traveled with other invokers because they couldnt hold a candle to your decrepit ass. :P

Synbendorial: I think I had to get you out of the whirlpool like three times in one day. Heh good luck man, have fun with that walrus.

Parcan: I really appreciated what you were trying to do.

Apalri: Way to disappear you chump! :P


Eluna: Thought I would make my own category for you. You beat some serious ass. Good luck with what you are doing.

FORTRESS: Mixed bag

Erenthell: I thought you were great. We pretty much went through the ranks together and from a very early point I thought that you were going to be the next Captain. This was before you were even a squire. I just wish I had seen as much of you as I saw others. In no way do I mean that you are absent, I just play too much. :P

Elrys: Cool, calm, and resolved. You are the true acolyte. I really wish I could have had your demeanor. And about your vocabulary, I liked it. However, at times it seemed like you would write something and realize that it did not make any sense. Heh Either way, it wont be me who carves your tombstone. ;)

Aemelius: Hey look at me, I'm roleplaying!! Just kidding, you aren't a number cruncher. You are such a great roleplayer I think you can add a few new moves to your rp resume. Maybe you could try playing a char that isn't patronizing or maybe try a char who can listen to other people's opinions. Oh oh oh I know! Maybe you could play a mute and impress the #### outta all of us.

Cersai: I really liked you. I felt that at times you were a bit new but you were always very eager to learn. You were a joy to travel with and I wish you luck with your future as Cersai. Oh and if I had any suggestions for you, feel free to take a bit more initative every once in awhile. It was not nescessary to ask me about things beforehand.

Jdenskyn: I knew you were new when I had to explain to you how the cabal channel works. But if you want my honest opinion, I do not think the CF learning curve applies to you. You learned so fast it was unbelievable. Good luck.

Sheilica: Hey, I had every intention of letting you back in someday. But the way you went about it was soooo wrong.

Zacharyn: I am sorry man. I really have no idea what is going on. But if you ask me, I think you are one of the better acolytes out there.

Lruthlor: You were always a maran. When I made that slip and called you one a maran when you were a squire, that was an ooc mistake. I just could never think of you as a squire.

Oshubacyl: Heh I liked your speech style.

Pupmancur: Keep pluggin away man. It hurts but the longer you stick around at hero the more you learn.

Mehkoa: Oooosh, I loved everything about you, you sharkwrangling mofo.

Jirash/Rahnac/Anlon/Sarkarian: Knew all of you about the same amount. Stick around, the Fortress needs your kind.

Alright I know I am forgetting a boatload of people, sorry. Post and I will respond or send me an email. I need a break.

Jhanderin, Gastaad, Kavuul, Phaistus, Jekeb, Adrhesa, Daishan


19939, Farewell
Posted by Parcan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'm sorry to see that you are gone, if there were two people that I really would have liked to see around when I got back to playing, it was you and Karun. I hope Karun doesn't let me down.
This is the first time I've been able to get on the internet in about 3 weeks. You did a very good job, and it was you and Karun that gave Parcan the strength to go about his course of action. I won't go into that too long though, because hopefully Parcan will still be around when I can get back on and play and I will continue the course that I set out on.
19981, Heh
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You must have been reading the battlefield from oldest to newest because Karun just age died. Oh well, I had fun with you.
18712, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector ...
Posted by Gorthalon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess I didn't even warrant a mention, huh? I liked your roleplay a good bit, mostly because you never really got mad with me (I think). There were a bunch of times I know you thought "Holy sh*t, another complete newbie" because I would do something stupid. I'm not a complete newbie, but pretty close.

Some of those times you got upset, especially when people were asking for your aid left and right, I tried to do my best to defend you. Having played a healer, I understand the difficulties with something like that. Some people just became a little to dependent when you were around, myself included. Your character and your abilities, to me at least, exuded an air of confidence. That coupled with the fact that I didn't die once when travelling with you, caused those feelings.

Again, a well played character.

18703, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by Telfolan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I have to admit, you were a good healer. Always willing to heal and keep people fighting alive (Just remember to tell the person you just told to have faith in you not to have faith when fighting six opponents at once!) Thanks for all the sanctuarys and heals you sent my way. They were greatly appreciated and I have fun with your next character. I can say as everyone else will, you'll be sorely missed.

18687, Adios
Posted by Lruthlor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well as I said before, great character. Always enjoyed interacting with you and always knew if (Lruth's RP was going to allow it) that if I called for help I wouldn't die. I know there were a few occassions where you got miffed when I didn't and croaked, but the odd RP death is warranted I feel. I think I died maybe 4 times for pure RP alone. One of them at your feet =0)

The fortress will definitely feel your passing, I know I was always happy to see you around when I logged in.

Good luck with whatever is next.
18686, Jhanderin says 'Well that wasnt nice'
Posted by Deavr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe, right after Jolaerg broke your mace.
Jhanderin says 'let me see if I have another, ok?'
Jhanderin says 'No I dont'
You say 'I only got axes.'

I continued to wack you and you continues to heal yourself till you could get some help along.

I was always upset that you uncovered my favorite hiding place, but it forced me to make sure I had a few more from that point on.

I was never upset at you aiding in Jolaergs many deaths and I enjoyed that you would talk to me. Jolaerg tried of course to try to buy himself space and some goodies did give him room at times.

I am pissed however that you were also Gastaad ;) I do hope that no Gastaad knowledge passed to Jhanderin, even though I can't think of any info that you could have put to use anyhow. I'm glad I guess that you got to see Jolaerg from both sides.

What do you mean 'so I am done?' don't leave man, although I would guess you have another character on the boil.

Good luck.
Sarendylson, Jolaerg, *secret*
18701, RE: Jhanderin says 'Well that wasnt nice'
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I am pissed however that you were also Gastaad ;) I do hope
>that no Gastaad knowledge passed to Jhanderin, even though I
>can't think of any info that you could have put to use anyhow.
> I'm glad I guess that you got to see Jolaerg from both

Nah. I really did not know any of your little secrets anyways except for how you roleplayed. The beard trimming n all. Was interesting seeing you die your last death at the hands of Erenthell when we did a decent amount of killing on our own when I was Gastaad.
18685, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, this sucks. And how did you forget me man :P. You will be seriously missed. See ya around. We had some good times and some bad but we always had each others back. I can't believe you up and deleted on us.

18682, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by Ildareen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice work there. You saved my ass soooo many times. One thing Ildareen never got (but I as a player sure did) was why you were always trying to tell the some of the marans how to fight. In Ildareen's opinion, that wasn't your place. But as a player, that helped me, the only characters I've ever had in hero range are arial assassins, so I'm sure its obvious I have no clue how to play a ranger. But I am gettin better, thanks to you, and other members of the fort. Anyways, I agree with Floofi there about the flaring up of temper, but I think you did a very good job of everything. You will be sorely missed, and good luck with your next.
18680, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was in truth elated OOC. I was tired of having Corthy watch himself around the Acolytes but I felt obligated to act in an indignant manner when you and Anadriewien struck at us. I am sorry we did not get to RP more, I love to find those who can actually accomplish it. I try to talk to as many goodies as I can. Though, in my opinion those players of the light and those of the dark are basically cookie-cut outs. There is only so many ways you can act within an alignment. Balanced is the way to go. Oh, Gastaad you thieving bugger. I remember you well! Hee hee!
18679, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector ...
Posted by Furian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could strangle you for doing this, just so you know. It started out slow, but things are going better now. Thanks for letting me back in. I really wanted to run with you as a hero, but I suppose thats not going to happen anymore. I thought you did a good job as a Cardinal, and I never really saw the elf RP, guess thats just me though. Thought you were a kick-ass healer, and a good acolyte too. Thanks for everything, good luck, and get your ass back in here.

18678, Damn It
Posted by Eluna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Eluna: Thought I would make my own category for you. You beat some serious ass. Good luck with what you are doing.

Well thanks for my own catagory, I'm sure not to many others would have been mentioned. I have a few things in mind that I want to do and one of them really involved having you around. You were one of the consistant people around all the time that I could rely on if I needed aid. I liked your character and our talks we had, I always had the vision of a high elf talking snot to me.

Take a breather, come back.

18677, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by OBLAIN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well yeah, Its really frustrating being the 'neutral' and stuff and besides you were the only one who would even listen other's just go ahead and attack. I could see you trying out a arrogant elf role, specially when you came worded me at the novices when I was in my early thirties and what not. It was irritating at first but then I realised what you were upto and took it rather smoothly. Nice charecter, what else can/should I say ? I really liked Kaavarus and Gastaad (I went with you to hell when you were playing Gastaad but you hated that char of my IC ;) ) Oddly enough I also remember Kaavarus(arial voker?) being with us, heehee. Oblain saw the light rise to power under you, certainly something that made it to his role. Appreciated and Adored. Good luck with the next one.

18676, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by Karun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn! Not another one! I really liked our interactions and IC Karun
was sotimes glad you are around espetialy when younger then he almost hated you at the end for your not understanding his way of Priesthood.
Good luck with whoever next! More when i die :)
18669, well...damnit.
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I dug Jhanderin, I thought that outside of some of the faults you already mentioned. Namely itching induct, and what I'll call 'short temper syndrome'. There were several times I saw you react with a sort of OOC flare-up. (IE Many times when you and Aemelius butted heads) It seemed that you got annoyed at how you as a player were being treated and not so much you as a character. Hard disctinction to make, I know, but something to work on in the future perhaps.

I really thought you brought a lot to the Fortress, and thought you made a helluva Cardinal, sad to see you go...but if you learn not to rage delete from this, I'd say that Jhanderin was worth the lesson. Good luck to you and whatever you play next. For what it's worth I thought you not only had a good grasp of AColytes but also a really good grasp of how Maran and Acolyte interact.
18683, You will be missed.
Posted by Zacharyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, thank you for the support with Zach, and you will be missed by many. Good Luck on your next character.

18668, Luck favors the Felar.
Posted by Faeras. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
EMPIRE: Already said things to the slew of you who deleted.

Faeras: Good luck man


Always count on it. ;) I interacted with you as a couple of characters. After the first, a good align, I thought you had pretty interesting RP and hoped to interact with you as Faeras (of course, an evil align), but it didn't go so well. In hindsight, I probably approached it the wrong way, and there was never time for a second chance.

Game mechanics wise, although perhaps some would disagree, you and a certain other good-align tome-toter anchored the hero range simply because you were so effective, so willing to mix it up, and were constantly logged in. Once that other character is gone, as well, I have a feeling the range will turn. I think you are probably the second most effective healer I've seen, behind Maz (who really could turn things around even when greatly outnumbered).

Anyway, good luck with the next.
18664, No, Cardinal...not you too! WHY!!!!????
Posted by Sylvrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sheesh I thought for sure I would die long before you!

Don't ever rage delete because of other players. I learned that lesson with my first one. Now to say goodbye...

Sylvrin loved Jhanderin so much...I don't think you actually ever knew how much. Not really. Sylvrin looked up to him in every way and would have done anything for him. She always felt she was unworthy of him though, so the fact that he didn't return her feelings was something she just lived with. And the wierdest thing was...I got to thinking after Lruthlor died, how people sometimes die unexpectedly and you never get the chance to really tell them goodbye or how much you care for them. Just like in real life, we don't always express those feelings often enough. So I was going to have Syl talk to you about that tonight and tell you once more how she felt about you. She went and got a fishing pole for you just today because you told her about how your dad loved to fish and she wanted to give it to you to give to your father. This is going to put her in a deep depression for a long time I think! Well I'll have her keep that fishing pole as a remembrance...or maybe she'll get a blanket and keep that.

As a player, in my humble newbie opinion, Jhanderin was an excellent healer, Acolyte, Cardinal, and elf. It surprises me at how people can say he was too bloodthirsty. I don't think I ever witnessed him being that way even once. Though his temper and frustration I saw quite a few times...which only made him more realistic to me. The Fortress will simply not be the same without him.

And you were Gastaad, too?! Now that is funny! Remember our conversations? Gastaad telling Sylvrin the Empire was bad news and that it would get her killed one day. Hehehe so true, so true! Did you think she would end up an Acolyte when we had that talk?

You are so much fun as a player and roleplayer. Don't let other people's opinions ruin that for you. I really hope you'll be back.
18700, Yeah
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah thanks for all the attention, even though it seemed like I wasn't real keen on it. You learned a lot with Sylvrin and I am sorry about all those times that I got frustrated with you.
18662, Great character, great player,
Posted by Mehkoa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved Jhanderin, wish we'd been able to get more interaction rather than spending all our time with you saving my ass when I was a lowbie. I also have to say I've loved a number of the other characters you have had. Very well done. Oh and btw, thanks for trying to get me to be less wreckless, but it aint gonna happen!
18661, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector ...
Posted by Erenthell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good healer. I understood your roleplay in a sense, I always pictured you as a grumpy no nonsense type cardinal, not the generic soft and sweet type. I watched your actions, and noted you did what was right, and at least in my eyes, never acted vindictively. I was certainly more keen to take tactical risks when I knew you were in the land, such as fighting a lich blind and cursed. Good luck in your next.
18660, maybe my memories going out but...
Posted by Quid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
did you have Jhanderin and Gastaad both heroed at the same time? I mean I remember seeing you both around alot and having them both up in hero range musta took alot of playing time. either that or (this is probably the real answer) I'm just an idiot and can't keep track of time.

Quiddie :)
18659, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by Synbendorial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well Hell that sucks, thought you would be around alot longer then that, Oh well we live and we learn. Thanks by the way for mentioning the whirlpool thing, don't think I will ever live that down now. It was fun interacting with your character, helping me hero and all. You will surely be missed, oh yea dont worry about the old man, I will keep him breathing a little longer. Take care and good luck with your next.

18658, Not another one
Posted by Elrys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Elrys: Cool, calm, and resolved. You are the true acolyte. I
>really wish I could have had your demeanor. And about your
>vocabulary, I liked it. However, at times it seemed like you
>would write something and realize that it did not make any
>sense. Heh Either way, it wont be me who carves your
>tombstone. ;)

Hey, thanks. I thought Jhanderin was great, and in many ways precisely what an Acolyte should be. I was glad when you became cardinal, and though you didn't rate yourself very highly, I thought you did a pretty good job. A little more patience and understanding might have helped, yeah, but I think you handled most situations very well.

Great job, all around.

Well, back to being the lone gunman.
18656, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by Gherian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God damn son of a ! Now why the hell would you go and do this eh? Who am I going to spend my last boring hours with now? Remind me to beat your next character sensless for this. Luck with the next...except the part were I kill you that is.
18650, I really didn't like you.
Posted by A maran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think there ought to be a fine line between a Maram and an Acolyte. Maybe it's the Dawnie in me thinking this way, maybe not, but to me you were just far FAR too bloodthirsty for an Acolyte, especially an elf Acolyte and ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY for a Bria follower Acolyte cardinal of healing. You seemed to want to run amok, killing, looting, pillaging and destroying, but you were a freaking HEALER.

Discussion of active characters snipped by moderator.

I knew this character with several of mine, and I can honestly say I never saw you as anything other than a big evil bully in an elf healer suit.

18651, I like posting flame-y subjects but a moderator doesn't.
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I think there ought to be a fine line between a Maram and an
>Acolyte. Maybe it's the Dawnie in me thinking this way, maybe
>not, but to me you were just far FAR too bloodthirsty for an
>Acolyte, especially an elf Acolyte and ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY
>for a Bria follower Acolyte cardinal of healing. You seemed to
>want to run amok, killing, looting, pillaging and destroying,
>but you were a freaking HEALER.

This is untrue on so many levels.

Discussion of active characters snipped by moderator.

You obviously do not know the whole story here. And you obviously
chose to only listen to one of the reasons I chose to uninduct her.

>I knew this character with several of mine, and I can honestly
>say I never saw you as anything other than a big evil bully in
>an elf healer suit.

That's rich, way to stay anonymous
18654, Kinda funny
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though I found that an amusing critism of Jhanderin, Id like to point out, that he did a great job as an Acolyte. He killed a few people and I dont think looted anything. Wasnt too concerned about gear... From what I saw of Jhanderin, he was repentant about having killed someone. Once after gating and killing someone, he said to me he felt sick and needed to go pray. I found he did a good job dealing with it. ####, its a PK mud. What the hell else can someone do all day. They are going to have to fight once and a while.

Flaming of an active character removed by moderator. Knock it off.

Funny stuff anyhow.
18652, RE:
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>This is untrue on so many levels.

No, this is an observation. Whether you agree with it or not, this is what I think of you, based on what I saw from this character.

>You obviously do not know the whole story here. And you
>chose to only listen to one of the reasons I chose to uninduct

Discussion of stuff best left IC snipped.

>That's rich, way to stay anonymous

Yep, since I'm still currently active and not deleting.
18655, RE: I like posting flame-y subjects but a moderator doesn't.
Posted by Death_Clawish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree 100% with the maran. You were an asshole, far too much so even for an elf. You bitched about everything (which was fine, being a priest) but then you had to take it a step further and make threats as if the Maran were your personal bodyguards. While you made a good thief, you made a poor goodie and I suggest you evaluate what the difference between a neutral/evil healer and a goodie healer are before you flame my opinion of your character.
18657, I would love to see a log..
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I agree 100% with the maran. You were an asshole, far too
>much so even for an elf. You bitched about everything (which
>was fine, being a priest) but then you had to take it a step
>further and make threats as if the Maran were your personal
>bodyguards. While you made a good thief, you made a poor
>goodie and I suggest you evaluate what the difference between
>a neutral/evil healer and a goodie healer are before you flame
>my opinion of your character.

I would love to see a log where I started making statements that lead anyone to believe that I was saying I would throw the Maran at anyone for something I did not like. I will even happily post a log that shows how 90% of conversations went when I spoke to people from "opposing" cabals. As for "bitching" I am not sure what you are talking about. As for me being an asshole, well I will admit that my "lovin" rp kinda went out the window when ic arguments started becoming non ic arguments.
18663, RE: I would love to see a log..
Posted by DC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<803hp 640m 741mv 8963tnl wilderness> whe
People near you:
Vaessima A trail going along the Mountainside
(PK) Gevanter A trail going along the Mountainside

<803hp 640m 741mv 8963tnl wilderness>
Jhanderin tells you 'I will keep what you have done from the Maran'

<803hp 640m 741mv 8963tnl wilderness>
Jhanderin tells you 'But if I find out that you have broken our deal'

<803hp 640m 741mv 8963tnl wilderness> gt Aye, brokered a deal wit de healer. We won't slay storms, he won't lecture us on armor.
You tell your group 'Aye, brokered a deal wit de healer. We won't slay storms, he won't lecture us on armor.'

<803hp 640m 741mv 8963tnl wilderness>
Jhanderin tells you 'Rest assured they will know'

-What part of that is non-threatening?
18665, Even better...
Posted by DC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jhanderin tells you 'You wish to test me?'

Jhanderin tells you 'Or do you wish to stick to our bargain?'

You tell Jhanderin 'Half de world wants me dead, but I am a ghost, I hardly exist enough to be fought.'

Jhanderin tells you 'We have three rangers you know'

-This was all in reference to me fighting elite storm soldiers, when you gated to me and attacked me, then threatened to sick the maran on me as if they were your dogs.
18667, Why dont you go ahead and post the whole log? n/t
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18670, Because he posted the pertinent parts?
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You asked for a log, and got one. You may just have to face the fact that not everyone else on the mud thought as highly of your role as you did, or that maybe you weren't quite as loving and good and shiny as you thought. Frankly I don't need a log of 5000 rounds of them killing storm giants, you showing up, fighting and then all the talking. He filled in the blanks already.

18671, That came off harsher than I intended...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What I meant was that maybe some people saw you differently than you saw yourself. It doesn't make either of you right or wrong, just means you see things differently. I think the really big nasty that stuck in my craw was the one thing I mentioned about how you treated that one person, and your timing. That just realy didn't seem to mesh with the image you were trying to portray.
18672, Fair enough
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And about the log, it wouldnt have mattered if he posted the whole thing anyways. The reason I was there was because some maran, MIGHT have been Aemelius but I am thinking it was someone else, wanted to mark Gevanter as an evil bastard to be hunted down. I told whoever it was to hold off and went to talk to them. The whole reason for my being there was so that we wouldnt start fighting the grove. The reason I said what I said about the maran is because the maran were the ones that wanted to do the killin, not me.
18673, RE: Fair enough
Posted by DC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After having played what? 5 Marans? I found it rather amusing the whole situation. What stuck in my mind was "Ok, this healer attacked me...then in mid fight ordered me to flee....what...the..huh?" I don't really care, if thats how you wanted your character to be then fine but I always got the impression that you were the puppetmaster in that whole situation and not the reverse. Why would I be marked for *defending* myself? Thats just silly, Shok would never mark a neutral for that in this situation and, more likely, would give the Maran in question a talking to regarding what the purpose of the Maran is. Then again I've never played a Maran that didn't need induction from the Shokster himself, maybe now its like Village with a golden aura, a ton of justification and very little desire to adhere to the schema of the intention of the cabal. If you're saying the truth about the Maran then I'm even more fond of my choices regarding that character, and even more stalwart in my opinion that many of the lightwalkers have forgotten the main differences between good and evil. Either way, what I said probably came off harsher then it was meant to anyway. Cheers.
18649, Loved the talks and fights and everything.
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think we talked piece at times but would stop after a bunch of the Fortress ganging me. Some talks, many fights. Was fun. Good job and good luck with your next

Sakard the long dead shaman.
18648, Thanks for the help!
Posted by Josephus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I seem to stumble into a NOEXIT room about once a week and would probably have lost at least a point of con if it hadnt been for your help. thanks again.
18646, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by Fahnrore on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah! I was hoping to get my character heroed before you deleted so that we could travel. Damn you! Well, I said alot in my goodbye, but I guess I should refresh your memory. By far, the most important mortal to Fahnrore during his life. Great character. Great concept of Acolytes. Good luck!

####in Gastaad...you stole so much crap from me...*Mutter*
18647, Heh
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was one of the reasons I decided to make an acolyte. I felt so bad for robbing the fortress blind.
18645, RE: (DEL) [ACOLYTE] Jhanderin Meridannon the Protector of the Faith, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Posted by Aemelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not going to get into ic things here. Suffice to say I think you were being very one sided, and I think it probably was a lot due to the way you played the arrogant/cocky elf. Which is good. I thought he was an excellent acolyte and healer and cardinal, but obviously we disagreed on several things. Rather than discuss them here, however, I have emailed you at the address you provided. My email is Aemelius@hotmail.com if you don't get the one I have already sent.

Terrific job.
18644, Hell
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice charactor. Interacted with you with Briessa. Helped me get alot of kills with your auras and healing gusto. My new charactor hasnt had a chance to interact with you as much, but will reveal that one later.

I thought you did a good job as a healer. Plus, you even toughed out a few kills I witnessed and sent the Lich packing a few times...*chuckle*

Take care.