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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(Auto)Erinphalis Kraolin, Lord Elder of Nexus
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18561
18561, (Auto)Erinphalis Kraolin, Lord Elder of Nexus
Posted by Kaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I figured since the Rift just died this would be appropriate. Man, I hate what happened with Erinphalis. Real life slew me. I was so into the character, enjoyed every last minute of his life. Then I got a job and bills to pay. Slowly my time began dwindling, until nothingness. I don't wanna go into goodbyes just because I'd strain to remember everyone that I interacted with. I just want to say something to Kahosarin. Thank you very much. This was my first leader, and I was sure Punblinpo would get the position instead of me. I'm truly sorry for letting you down in the end. I've not written a farewell simply because I dreaded this apology. I don't understand why you wouldn't at least talk to Seekers, but I do know that you trusted me, and while I was there I think I did a decent enough job of keeping us alive. Well with the Rift gone I don't know what I'll do. Seems every time I find something I truly enjoy in CF, it dies. It started with the Ehren Guard, now the Rift. Next thing you know you'll destroy shapeshifters :P Thanks for a great game, and I hope to find time and the love that I'll always have for CF again. Please reply to me and I'll respond as often as I can to those who post. Thanks everyone.

18763, Urzkoo....
Posted by Kaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd really like to get ahold of you, drop me an email at solarknight@hotmail.com if you would. Thanks man, latez.
18690, RE: (Auto)Erinphalis Kraolin, Lord Elder of Nexus
Posted by Punblinpo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You were a great leader. I can honestly say Erinphalis made a much better leader than Punblinpo would have. I didn't know much of anything about the cabal or how all the tipping stuff worked, and you really helped straighten me out. Watching the dragon bite a few people helped too. Hehehe. We did have some good times. Anyway, great job on your first leader. I wouldn't have guessed it was your first. You did a good job of managing the responsibility. Hope you find time to play soon.

P.S. Nexus isn't dead
18702, punblinpo
Posted by Kaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't wanna look like I keep bumping this up to the top, so I was going to say that if anyone wanted to say something to me about my roleplay, etc, please send me an email at solarknight@hotmail.com As for you pun, you were awesome, and your roleplay was stellar. Well done.

18635, RE: (Auto)Erinphalis Kraolin, Lord Elder of Nexus
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well first, the Rift aint gone, and I think you did an Exclent Job when you were around, as Leader. Sad to see you go, Rogedax
18674, Rogedax...
Posted by Kaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never really knew what to think of Rogedax, you were dedicated. You were damn good in combat too. But I kept thinking, "I didn't induct this guy, and he used to be a villager...." Heh. Well thanks for all the fun and stuff, latez yo

18562, Have to give at least one prop
Posted by Kaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Urzkoo. You are so the man. You and a few others, Kucerael, Braoldan, and Punblinpo, made the whole experience worthwhile. Thanks for everything guys, you were super-troopers and I was so glad to be by your sides.
18573, I miss you, man.
Posted by Kucerael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and I bonded were brutal. Once you hit them with 'when you...' they just didn't have a chance--deathblows hitting empty air, invoker shields on us both, resisting, jack...oh it was just deadly.

Also, Nexus isn't dead. You misinterpreted the events I guess, and not surprisingly so. Maybe it's in the works, but currently, it's still up and running.

Thanks for all of the trust you gave me, and the recommendations for Elder. I really enjoyed our times together, and hated to see you going the way of Auto-deletion. It really sucks. Erinphalis was a real and lifelike character. One emote of yours sticks out in my mind, and that was something to to the effect of you sitting on a rock and kicking your feet over the edge of the falls, watching the city below you. Just great, and perfectly visual.

Come back when you can!
18610, A few more to add to the list
Posted by Kaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bumping, ain't it grand? *smirks*

Sabiene. You rocked. Seriously. If I had to choose my favorite enemy, it would be between you and D...D....bah! I forgot his name! He was an arial, and wasn't Dalayr. At any rate, you seriously made me laugh so many times. Also I'd like to give a special mention to Aidamo, I heard you were really hard to kill, maybe I just always caught you at bad times? Anyhow well played and I'm still boggled about the whole female? thing. Latez.
18860, heh thanks
Posted by Urzkoo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always had a lot of fun when you were around, and you helped me keep going with the char. Glad you did, he still is a lot of fun to play. I was always glad to see someone else willing to fight solo fights, and you always had the guts for a good attack. Its a shame to see you go this way, I was hoping to see you Imm. And still not sure what you mean the Rift is gone, still in the same place heh.
See you in the fields,
18865, RE: heh thanks
Posted by Kaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I made the mistake of simply going off echoe's and reading "The end of the Rift" on Dio's event board. At any rate You truly deserve a lot of respect, I entirely enjoyed my times with you. Latez.
