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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omem
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18417
18417, (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omem
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thus ends my impersonation of a chaotic evil drow necro of destruction. Was fun. Not sure why all these evils are up and deleting. Too much challenge I guess.

A disclaimer real quick: Ulzoth was an evil donkeyhole. I am not. This is the first evil character I've had in about 3-4 years. This is the first character that full looted anyone (yes anyone) in 3-4 years. This is the first character that hurled insults nonstop in 3-4 years. Playing an evil donkeyhole character does not mean in RL I punt little kittens through goalposts, or whatever. I wasn't trying to ruin CF for anyone. It was a role. I was roleplaying. Moving on...

When I rolled Ulzoth, I wanted to play an extremely evil evil character. I was tired of the Drugadath's, Darian's, and Jhaelryna's. People who, without the alignment system, you'd probably never know they were evil. I wanted Ulzoth to be a real villian. Someone you loved to hate, truly despised, and rejoiced when you killed him. When applicants to Maran were being interviewed and were asked, "What is evil?", I wanted them to have a nice long list of stuff for reference. I think I did a pretty good job. I was also trying to challenge the seemingly common misconception that it is hard to play truly evil characters because of burning bridges with other evils. Ulzoth pretty much walked around with foot-in-mouth-disease and I had a great time. There were a LOT of people that I attacked and/or killed and/or full looted, and then later grouped with them.

Most of the basic stuff is explained in the role, which I'll post in a moment. If you've got any questions or comments, holler at me and let me know.


Gurgudu: You're a great orc. At first the only reason I talked to you instead of attacking was because I was hurt, then after the respect you showed, Ulzoth took a liking to being called "boss". Thanks for all the tip-offs and the fights we shared. Was looking forward to seeing you in the hero levels, but I guess it isn't going to happen.

Cuthul: You are one of the very, very few I never attacked (I don't think I did) and actually openly helped. It had a lot to do with the respect you gave Ulzoth, and Ulzoth thought you were competent too. Probably the closest Ulzoth had to an ally. Really wish you hadn't deleted.

Malfikar: Liked you too. Btw, that time we were grouped with Sahzmina, I was telling Cuthul where we were so he could come try to kill you. Then you ended up killing him. I was chuckling about that one. Oh, and I was the one that took your hammer pendants and embossed ring when you died to Immolation among the ugruks. I teleported, gave them to an elf, and Cuthul summoned the elf and got them. Sorry. Enjoyed the character though.

Huromhaur: I think things would have worked out better between us if I had been Chancellor. Ulzoth had a problem with authority and he felt his opinion was more important than Ghuljun's. So, I had to kill you for not obeying. I always picture CE sort of ruling though intimidation and demonstration of power, so that's what Ulzoth did.

Ghuljun: OOC I love the character, and think you're doing a great job. IC, well, Ulzoth told you what he thought of you :P. To be honest, after our talk in the Underdark, I was expecting you to uninduct me after you got Chancellorship.

Jhaelryna: Thanks for the induction. Wish I had gotten to know the character better.

Miradur: 9 out of 10 times you should have killed me, yet it seemed as though the opposite happened. Few tips: Try tripping or lashing necros more often. A few times after I missed my sleep on you, if you'd lashed me I would have easily died. Was fun, hope you enjoyed it.

Zylundak: You really destroyed me in two fights. Nice job. Sorry about that cheap kill in the graveyard, but have to take advantage of Rager's limitations when we can. Even then, it wasn't easy. Miradur needs to take some lessions from you. Then again, he was a defender... Btw, you're one of the very, very few who left any eq. That's cool.

Ezrail/Gieldon/Stampar: Good Ragers, enjoyed our fights.

Oh, and Findlebisk: Thanks for this tell, it made my day:
Findlebisk tells you 'Yup! yup! you sure did give me a hard time, sure did! yup! hadn't been for you, nope! I'd not have most of the hatred I feel for magicians, yup!'

<51 Gnome War> (WANTED) Findlebisk Toadfoot the Weaponsmaster, Commander of Battle

You tell Findlebisk 'Good for you.'

You tell Findlebisk 'Feed the hatred.'

> reply If you wish to direct me to any more young warriors, I'll feed their hatred as well.
He can't hear you.

> who pk
<43 Fire War> (PK) Siktar the Master of Iron
*36 D-Elf Nec* (PK) (WANTED) Ulzoth the Malefic
<45 Duerg Thi> (PK) Navarro the Lurker
<37 Felar Shf> (PK) Kyrissa the High Eldress of Shapeshifting
<41 Gnome Dru> (PK) Grumby the Lord of Nature, Druid of the Harvest Moon
<37 W-Elf War> (PK) Kelsenoro the Baron of Ice
<38 Arial War> (PK) Zylundak the Baron of Lightning, Apprentice of the Hammer
<32 Min Sha> (PK) Huromhaur the Spirit Catcher
<44 Human Asn> (PK) Cole the Master of Owaza

Players found: 9

> reply If you wish to direct me to any more young warriors, I'll feed their hatred as well.
They aren't here.

> whois f
<19 Human Shf> Folinbil the Grand Sorcerer
< 6 Dwarf Sha> Fundin the Acolyte

Grumby: My favorite Sylvan. About the slow pain thing, that wasn't just an IC thing, but probably the best way to kill Ulzoth, meaning, lull me into hanging around longer than I should with your consistent lesser damage, then zap me dead with a sunray + call lightning.

Dacheal: You're mediocre, but I get the feeling you think you're the bestest. I hope that's just the role talking. Keep on plugging.

Zuou: You know what you're doing. Sucks when I've got like 300 hps natural and your call lightning is doing OBLITs through wraithform. Ouch!

Quezz: Sorry about being an donkeyhole to you. The war I declared on Nexus didn't really manifest in any new way, except for a little attack on Jumalde. I kept attacking Kucueral as I had before. I thought I did a pretty good of being a really mean guy in that deal. That was yet another case of foot-in-mouth-disease that I enjoyed. "Either help me get my lich quest items or I'll kill every Seeker I see!" Hehe.

Kucerael: Never really got to know you with this char, though my previous character gave you something shiny and important right before he died. Ha!

Socherion, enjoy my paranoia? Thanks for helping me get the lich quests items even though it amounted to nothing. Oh well. Oblain too. And Tuamuto or whatever your name was, for leveling me. That was awesome. Still not sure why a bunch of tribunials were helping out a CE who had been a criminal several times before, and even attacked some Tribunials?

Jhanderin: You seemed to do a very good job of saving people, and were extremely hard to sleep. I'll never understand goodies talking so much trash though.

Aemelius: You really came off like a poor roleplaying number cruncher. I mean, threatening to tell the Imms on me because I was heckling you? *boggle* Then turning on quiet, as an inducting goodie Leader? *double boggle*

Zacharyn: You seemed cool. I hope you rub off on the rest of the Fortress guys.

Sylvrin/Cersai: Thanks for actually pointing out that Ulzoth was bad and you were good, instead of lowering yourself to slinging insults.

The Rest
Ziggurith: You never should have stopped leveling.

Khrinsil: We made a deadly pair.

Mortug: We made a deadlier pair.

Kyam: Was fun.

Great game. Was loads of fun. This char didn't turn out like I had planned, but that's the way it goes. Thanks for all the goodies (you know what I'm talking about). Thanks to Beroxxus for the tattoo. This makes 3 tattoos I've gotten when I've rolled without a specific Imm patron of my religion, versus only 2 I've had when I rolled trying to follow a specific Imm. Heh. Thanks for the chats Narissa. Oh, I had a Spectre in Masters a long time ago and never got a Lich quest, so this time I figured I wouldn't pray more often than every 45 minutes, but I was going to pray so much you'd give me a lich quest to shut me up. Hehehe, looks like it worked. I do have one question about that: The robe of invocation wasn't the right robe, was it? If you all enjoyed Ulzoth half as much as I did, then I know you enjoyed it immensely.

I ended up with 110 kills, and 56 deaths. Last death was to Beroxxus, so without it, that makes exactly 66.66666% Not bad, considering it was a drow necro and odds against me.

Back to playing something a little less devious...
18511, RE: (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omem
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was fun talking to you and fighting against you. Props for sticking it out even when the odds were always against you. Was a pain fighting you cause I could never keep you from running when I was alone :P.

18699, RE: (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omem
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Was fun talking to you and fighting against you. Props for
>sticking it out even when the odds were always against you.
>Was a pain fighting you cause I could never keep you from
>running when I was alone :P.

Summoners with eyes always bothered me. With most classes I could flee, run a few steps, vampiric touch something, and keep fighting, but summoners were definitely a thorn in my side. Especially when you did bring others to keep me from fleeing. One word of advice to those Maran laggers out there: Sometimes it is better to lead off with a cranial than to let eyes do their trick, otherwise they can just flee and teleport.
18510, Son of a bitch...
Posted by Kucerael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Kucerael: Never really got to know you with this char, though my >previous character gave you something shiny and important right >before he died. Ha!

I never would have known! The only time I made any teeny connection, then shrugged it off, was when you hit me with plague. Great character dichotomy.

You, along with Poti's 14 hour knockout trap was the biggest "Oh well, I know I'm screwed now" kind of thing I've had happen to me in a long time. And casting 'Forget' on an invoker? Consider me dead. That's got to be one of the most brutal spells ever made to use against mages. The time in Mortorn, Forget almost wore off...but then all the maladeptions hit their final blow on the same tick that Forget was going to wear off, and it was curtains for me.

I just thought Ulzoth was a stupid ####, and a worthless paranoid idiot. Very different from your last.

Good job on being a prick!
18697, RE: Son of a bitch...
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I never would have known! The only time I made any teeny
>connection, then shrugged it off, was when you hit me with
>plague. Great character dichotomy.


>You, along with Poti's 14 hour knockout trap was the biggest
>"Oh well, I know I'm screwed now" kind of thing I've had
>happen to me in a long time.

I suppose since all the involved characters except you are dead now, we can let the cat out of the bag: It was Mortug, not Poti. When we were talking in TV afterwards, Mortug kept stepping west, then going out the shadows, and then back east. I missed like half of what you were saying, and I thought for certain you were going to see him with a "where". Heh.

>And casting 'Forget' on an
>invoker? Consider me dead. That's got to be one of the most
>brutal spells ever made to use against mages. The time in
>Mortorn, Forget almost wore off...but then all the
>maladeptions hit their final blow on the same tick that Forget
>was going to wear off, and it was curtains for me.

Yeah, plague + crimson scourage + forget is nasty on anyone. Especially with an energy drain or two.

Everyone I fought fell into two categories: 1) Hard to sleep, 2) Not as hard to sleep. With my old Master Spectre, used to be only Ragers in category 1, but now Marans and Warlocks are too. And no more scourge of the violet spider for necros dealing with ragers. Really makes necros more difficult to play than they used to be. So it was nice to fight people like Kucerael from time to time who fell into category 2.

>I just thought Ulzoth was a stupid ####, and a worthless
>paranoid idiot. Very different from your last.
>Good job on being a prick!

18505, RE: (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omem
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good role players, I suppose, and a good player in general, however I am tried of cookie cut out necromancers and their "Feel the pain, ooooh, feel the suffer!" schtick. Thought I would regale us all with my last battle with you. Most exciting recent battle.
Ulzoth has summoned you!

<681hp 1266m 727mv 13312tnl> Ulzoth yells 'Die, Corthy, you sorcerous dog!'

You narrow your eyes and glare in Ulzoth's direction.

You create some fire seeds and hurl them at Ulzoth!

Your fire seed smolders Ulzoth!

Ulzoth narrowly avoids the rest of your fire seeds.

Ulzoth has a few scratches.

<681hp 1241m 727mv 13312tnl>

Ulzoth parries your smash.

Ulzoth fades into existence.

Ulzoth's cleave misses you.

A ghoul's claw DISMEMBERS you!

A flesh golem's smash MASSACRES you!

Your shield blocks a flesh golem's smash.

Ulzoth has a few scratches.

<555hp 1241m 727mv 13312tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ulzoth's direction.

You create some fire seeds and hurl them at Ulzoth!

Your fire seed CHARS Ulzoth!

Ulzoth narrowly avoids the rest of your fire seeds.

A flesh golem's smash DISMEMBERS you!

You parry a flesh golem's smash.

A ghoul's claw EVISCERATES you!

A ghoul's claw EVISCERATES you!

You parry a ghoul's claw.

Your smash MUTILATES Ulzoth!

Ulzoth parries your smash.

Your shield blocks Ulzoth's cleave.

Ulzoth has some small but disgusting cuts.

<403hp 1216m 727mv 13312tnl>

Ulzoth utters the words, 'noselacri'.

A sudden agony makes you briefly clutch at your eyes, but it passes.

Ulzoth has some small but disgusting cuts.

<403hp 1216m 727mv 13312tnl>

A flesh golem's smash DISMEMBERS you!

A ghoul's claw EVISCERATES you!

Your shield blocks a ghoul's claw.

Ulzoth parries your smash.

Your smash MUTILATES Ulzoth!

You parry Ulzoth's cleave.

You parry Ulzoth's cleave.

Ulzoth is covered with bleeding wounds.

<293hp 1216m 727mv 13312tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ulzoth's direction.

You create some fire seeds and hurl them at Ulzoth!

Your fire seed singes Ulzoth!

Ulzoth narrowly avoids the rest of your fire seeds.

Ulzoth is covered with bleeding wounds.

<293hp 1191m 727mv 13312tnl>

Ulzoth has fled!

<293hp 1191m 727mv 13312tnl>

A flesh golem's smash DISMEMBERS you!

A ghoul's claw DISMEMBERS you!

<178hp 1191m 727mv 13312tnl>

Your shield blocks a flesh golem's smash.

Your shield blocks a flesh golem's smash.

You parry a flesh golem's smash.

A ghoul's claw EVISCERATES you!

<131hp 1191m 726mv 13312tnl>

You yell 'Die, Ulzoth, you sorcerous dog!'

Ulzoth utters the words, 'grzzs'.

A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!

Ulzoth parries your smash.

Ulzoth is covered with bleeding wounds.

<131hp 1191m 726mv 13312tnl> You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.

You feel better!

Ulzoth is covered with bleeding wounds.

<201hp 1171m 726mv 13312tnl>

Your smash mauls Ulzoth.

Ulzoth's cleave misses you.

The red ring of Ulzoth's tattoo flares a deep crimson, slowly engulfs you.

Ulzoth's infliction of pain injures you.

<186hp 1171m 725mv 13312tnl> You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.

You feel better!

<249hp 1151m 725mv 13312tnl>


You slowly float to the ground.

Deep pain courses throughout your body.

Your infliction of pain injures you.

<250hp 1199m 727mv 13312tnl>

A flesh golem has arrived.

A ghoul has arrived.

<250hp 1199m 727mv 13312tnl>

You yell 'Die, Ulzoth, you sorcerous dog!'

Ulzoth utters the words, 'grzzs'.

A wave of fatigue surges through you, but you somehow fight it off!

You maul Ulzoth.

Ulzoth is covered with bleeding wounds.

<250hp 1199m 727mv 13312tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ulzoth's direction.

You create some fire seeds and hurl them at Ulzoth!

Your fire seed singes Ulzoth!

Your fire seed TORCHES Ulzoth!

Ulzoth narrowly avoids the rest of your fire seeds.

Ulzoth is gushing blood.

<250hp 1174m 727mv 13312tnl>

Ulzoth parries your smash.

Your smash wounds Ulzoth.

A ghoul leaves east.

A flesh golem leaves east.

Ulzoth has fled!

<250hp 1174m 727mv 13312tnl>

A flesh golem has arrived.

A ghoul has arrived.

<250hp 1174m 727mv 13312tnl> You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.

You feel better!

<311hp 1154m 727mv 13312tnl>

You yell 'Die, Ulzoth, you sorcerous dog!'

Ulzoth utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.

Ulzoth's cold touch drains some of your life away!

Ulzoth's deathly touch MASSACRES you!

Ulzoth is gushing blood.

<242hp 1154m 727mv 13312tnl>

Your smash decimates Ulzoth!

Ulzoth dodges your smash.

You parry Ulzoth's cleave.

Your shield blocks a ghoul's claw.

You parry a ghoul's claw.

Your shield blocks a flesh golem's smash.

Your shield blocks a flesh golem's smash.

Ulzoth is gushing blood.

<242hp 1154m 727mv 13312tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ulzoth's direction.

You create some fire seeds and hurl them at Ulzoth!

Your fire seed smolders Ulzoth!

Ulzoth narrowly avoids the rest of your fire seeds.

Ulzoth is gushing blood.

<242hp 1129m 727mv 13312tnl>

A flesh golem's smash MASSACRES you!

Your shield blocks a ghoul's claw.

A ghoul's claw EVISCERATES you!

You sure are BLEEDING!

You parry a ghoul's claw.

Ulzoth parries your smash.

You parry Ulzoth's cleave.

You parry Ulzoth's cleave.

Ulzoth is gushing blood.

<126hp 1129m 727mv 13312tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ulzoth's direction.

You create some fire seeds and hurl them at Ulzoth!

Your fire seed TORCHES Ulzoth!

Ulzoth has fled!

Ulzoth narrowly avoids the rest of your fire seeds.

<126hp 1104m 727mv 13312tnl>

You parry a flesh golem's smash.

Your shield blocks a flesh golem's smash.

You parry a ghoul's claw.

You parry a ghoul's claw.

Your smash devastates a flesh golem!

Your smash MUTILATES a flesh golem!

A flesh golem leaves east.

A flesh golem has fled!

<126hp 1104m 727mv 13312tnl> They aren't here.

<126hp 1104m 727mv 13312tnl> You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.

You feel better!

Ulzoth has arrived.

You parry a ghoul's claw.

You parry a ghoul's claw.

A ghoul dodges your smash.

A ghoul is in perfect health.

<50hp 1084m 727mv 13312tnl>

A ghoul's claw EVISCERATES you!

You sure are BLEEDING!

A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.

You flee from combat!

<1hp 1084m 726mv 13312tnl> You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.

You feel better!

<77hp 1064m 726mv 13312tnl>

Ulzoth has arrived.

A ghoul has arrived.

<77hp 1064m 726mv 13312tnl> You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.

You feel better!

<149hp 1044m 726mv 13312tnl>

You yell 'Die, Ulzoth, you sorcerous dog!'

Ulzoth utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.

Ulzoth's cold touch drains some of your life away!

Ulzoth's deathly touch MANGLES you!

You sure are BLEEDING!

Ulzoth is covered with bleeding wounds.

<67hp 1044m 726mv 13312tnl>

Your smash mauls Ulzoth.

Your shield blocks Ulzoth's cleave.

A ghoul's claw EVISCERATES you!

You sure are BLEEDING!

Your shield blocks a ghoul's claw.

A flesh golem's smash DISMEMBERS you!

You have been KILLED!!
18696, RE: (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill ...
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Good role players, I suppose, and a good player in general,
>however I am tried of cookie cut out necromancers and their
>"Feel the pain, ooooh, feel the suffer!" schtick. Thought I
>would regale us all with my last battle with you. Most
>exciting recent battle.

Thanks. Hey, you're more than welcome to play your necromancer with a "Feel the love, ooooh, feel the floofi!" schtick :) As far as the fight, I was lucky to get the summon off on my first try, other than that, it makes a necromancer's life difficult when you save against all his spells. Thanks for posting it though, I didn't bother to log it.
18500, RE: (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omem
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I hope you had fun with the character. You were very close to liching. When you approached me about a vitality quest, I was heading out of town for a few days and I had to come up with something. When I got back you were already down to 3 deaths and then Ghuljun whacked you and got your lich items. At that point I decided not to run a vitality quest. I hope you enjoyed the echoes and I wish I could have done more with you. Well good luck on your next.

18694, RE: (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omem
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Well I hope you had fun with the character. You were very
>close to liching.

I had a blast. I'm not sure how close I was to liching though...

>When you approached me about a vitality
>quest, I was heading out of town for a few days and I had to
>come up with something. When I got back you were already down
>to 3 deaths and then Ghuljun whacked you and got your lich
>items. At that point I decided not to run a vitality quest.

Ugh. That sucks. I kinda went after him because I was bored and didn't have much to do. The lich quest was pretty daunting.

>I hope you enjoyed the echoes and I wish I could have done more
>with you. Well good luck on your next.

The echoes were great. Thanks for everything.
18494, Har.
Posted by Dallevianish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good fun. I was in your corner hoping you would get the lichquest. A shame I had to leave CF for a while, else I'd probably have aided you in finding your items. You're the first non-dane I know of to spectre a drow (and do rather well), so cheers!

Oh, and I'm laughing about the Cuthul/Malfikar incident, especially finding out that was Urden. I swear, we always end up fighting somehow. And mudsexing later.

Hasta luego. Bra.
18692, Har.
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Good fun. I was in your corner hoping you would get the
>lichquest. A shame I had to leave CF for a while, else I'd
>probably have aided you in finding your items. You're the
>first non-dane I know of to spectre a drow (and do rather
>well), so cheers!

Yay me! Cheers all around! I had high hopes for Malfikar too. Would have been nice to have one person to help who knew what they were doing.

>Oh, and I'm laughing about the Cuthul/Malfikar incident,
>especially finding out that was Urden. I swear, we always end
>up fighting somehow. And mudsexing later.
>Hasta luego. Bra.

That was pretty funny. Man, I do wish you two had stuck around. We would have raised some hell on the goodie patrol. After the fighting and mudsex of course.
18484, Great Character
Posted by Eluna1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eluna was never scared of your character, because most drow crumpled before her. But that all changed the day you threw everything but the kitchen sink at me. I wasn't scared but I knew you had skills when you wanted to give it. So I tried to plan for everything when I came for you a few times after.

I also enjoyed our little quips back and forth. I tried to ease off of the attacks on you though when there was just too many of the light to count.

Do come back soon, with another character.
18691, RE: Great Character
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> But that all changed the day you threw everything but the kitchen sink at me.

Yeah, I knew with a pk range like that all I had to do was sit back and wait and someone would show up. Lucky you. :P

Eluna seemed like a cool character. Looks like the arial mace spec can work well.

> Do come back soon, with another character.

Yeah, I've got one I'm dabbling with already. *sigh*
18461, You did a fine job with your character....
Posted by Quezzumpliet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... and I didnt take your being a 'donkeyhole' personally.
I actually wanted to help you Lich but couldn't until you
ceased hostilities on Seekers. I actually laughed when you
threatened your 'war' on us. I knew you were playing a pushy
bastige but that cracked me up since you were already attacking
seekers with regularity. I stalked you the next day and was
about ready to assassinate when you left right in front of me,

From a player standpoint i'm sorry you didnt Lich, from an RP
standpoint i'm happy you didnt. Ahh the wonderful dychotomy of
Carrion Fields.

18483, Hehe
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At first I was trying to get around your bargain, making excuses and stuff. Then I thought to myself, "wait a minute, maybe my char should get tired of people taking advantage of his desperation to Lich to try to push him around" and from that point on he was a lot less agreeable.

Kinda wish I had gotten to know Quezz a little better. Nice job on getting Elder.
18460, SCARY DUDE!!!!!
Posted by Sylvrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You played a very scary, very evil character. Sylvrin was very much afraid of you. If I ever saw you in the area I did my best to get out of there right away.

I loved our little chat after one death though, when you said something about trying to break her spirit and bring her to your god. Sylvrin saw that as a personal challenge to her faith, and swore you would never break her spirit no matter how many deaths you might inflict upon her.

Very impressive roleplay.

I hope we meet again in your next life. :)
18482, Thanks
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad I was able to contribute to your character's development in some way. I enjoyed your poems too. You're a terrific bard.
18453, RE: (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omem
Posted by Aemelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Aemelius: You really came off like a poor roleplaying number cruncher. I mean, threatening to tell the Imms on me because I was heckling you? *boggle* Then turning on quiet, as an inducting goodie Leader? *double boggle*"

I had enormous respect for you, particularly in the early years of our tangling. You and I shared the same sphere and often - in the first half of our interactions - we would discuss that to some extent, you trying to make me turn to the dark side, etc. Unfortunately you were on the short end of the stick when it came to our fights (a maran storm warrior has a lot of advantages over a drow necro, it's just a bad matchup for you) and so I think after you kept dying you got more and more upset. That's when I began losing respect for you, at least insofar as your roleplay. It's clear from your post above that you don't like full looting as a player. I think you let your ooc person slip into your role here and because of your personal ooc anger at being full looted often by me, you changed your trash talking from real rp to just the one liner "teach me how to full loot." It was obviously an ooc influenced comment, and one I think was born of frustration. That was particularly disappointing because you were one of the only evils who would stand up and fight, who would use interesting tactics, and who had fun and interesting things to say before and after dying/fighting. You didn't log off, you stuck around through very hard times. I had and have great respect for that. But once you went from your real rp to the one liners about learning to full loot, it left a sour taste.

And I never threatened to talk to the imms about your heckling during the first 150 hours of our interactions (and scores of fights). It was only when you would not stop with the changed ooc looting spam.

As for turning on quiet, there is nothing wrong with it, be you a level 3 nobody or a maran leader. It's a question of how long and why and who else is around, and all the other factors you can think of. Sorry if you didn't like it, but so be it.

Good luck in your next character.
18456, Aemelius lemme ask you something?
Posted by Mazaufat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Have you ever in the history of your cf career ever had anything positive to say about any person?
You of all people shouldnt preach about letting your ooc persona slip into your chars eh. You sound very much like a hypocrite, last i heard you hated those.

Much Love

18457, ME!!!! nt
Posted by Fahnrore on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
bah bah black sheep...
18458, Let me rephrase that
Posted by Mazaufat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Have you ever had anything decent to say to a char that did not play on your team?
18459, Actually....
Posted by Urden_X on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you read the post? Did you see what he was responding to from
Ulzoth? I think he did fine in his response, and was far less scathing
about it than some people would be.

18462, Let's delve into this a little further, then.
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>"Aemelius: You really came off like a poor roleplaying number
>cruncher. I mean, threatening to tell the Imms on me because I
>was heckling you? *boggle* Then turning on quiet, as an
>inducting goodie Leader? *double boggle*"
>I had enormous respect for you, particularly in the early
>years of our tangling. You and I shared the same sphere and
>often - in the first half of our interactions - we would
>discuss that to some extent, you trying to make me turn to the
>dark side, etc. Unfortunately you were on the short end of
>the stick when it came to our fights (a maran storm warrior
>has a lot of advantages over a drow necro, it's just a bad
>matchup for you) and so I think after you kept dying you got
>more and more upset. That's when I began losing respect for
>you, at least insofar as your roleplay. It's clear from your
>post above that you don't like full looting as a player. I
>think you let your ooc person slip into your role here and
>because of your personal ooc anger at being full looted often
>by me, you changed your trash talking from real rp to just the
>one liner "teach me how to full loot." It was obviously an
>ooc influenced comment, and one I think was born of
>frustration. That was particularly disappointing because you
>were one of the only evils who would stand up and fight, who
>would use interesting tactics, and who had fun and interesting
>things to say before and after dying/fighting. You didn't log
>off, you stuck around through very hard times. I had and have
>great respect for that. But once you went from your real rp
>to the one liners about learning to full loot, it left a sour

I don't think you understood Ulzoth's character. He tried to instigate other people. To hurt, anger, fluster, confuse, incite hatred and rage, and hopefully break them. It wasn't a player thing. It was a character thing. I actually felt really bad when someone told me, 'You know assholes like you make a guy wanna rage delete, thanks for ruining my night. Have a good night.'

Ulzoth tried this a number of different ways with Aemelius. Tried to comment on your seemingly over-eagerness to kill evil and how you must like it, must like spilling blood like Ulzoth, and various things like that for a while, like you mention. The idea was to take something that may or may not be true, emphasis/exaggerate it, and make you feel like a hypocrite or moron or the same as Ulzoth or worse than Ulzoth or something like that. For most of it, you'd reply with seemingly canned, lackluster responses that left little room for pressing it. That is, until I commented on the full looting thing. I forget what you said, but it was clear it bothered Aemelius. So I said, "Ah ha!" and kept pushing the topic. I was trying to leave a sour taste in your character's mouth. The whole point was to get under your skin, so you'd know how evil Ulzoth was. Then you threatened to go OOC. That blew my mind. I was speechless. Here I was thinking, "At last my character is making progress with this guy" and then you pulled that stunt. Very poor showing on your part, in this player's opinion.

>And I never threatened to talk to the imms about your heckling
>during the first 150 hours of our interactions (and scores of
>fights). It was only when you would not stop with the changed
>ooc looting spam.

It wasn't OOC. Few things to think about:
- Dark elves are weak. Ulzoth was even weaker, only had a 17 strength. Couldn't carry much. Had to often take into consideration how heavy something was when deciding to wear it or not. Couldn't carry many spare weapons because of it. Often was running around with only 15-20 pounds of spare weight. Ulzoth couldn't loot much himself, even though he would have loved to stuff his bags full, like you.
- Storm giants are strong. The simple fact that you could loot so much of my equipment so easily IS something that would be appealing to a weak drow. He was envious.
- Robbing corpses was something Ulzoth enjoyed. It is even mentioned in his role.
- The comments bothered Aemelius. That made it even more desirable to heckle about it.

Imagine the irony of a dirty, evil dark-elf necromancer begging a big, strong, leader of the Good Guys to teach him the finer points of robbing graves and corpses. That's what made most of Ulzoth's taunting so fun: I often used that same kind of irony. It is only OOC as far as we try to bring some semblance of good and evil and their characteristics from OOC to IC. Yes, as a player, I do think full looting is beneath good-aligned characters. Apparently you do too to some degree, or else you would have shrugged it off like you did all of Ulzoth's other taunts instead of taking it personal.

>As for turning on quiet, there is nothing wrong with it, be
>you a level 3 nobody or a maran leader. It's a question of
>how long and why and who else is around, and all the other
>factors you can think of. Sorry if you didn't like it, but so
>be it.

If you say so...

>Good luck in your next character.

Thanks, you too.
18467, RE: Let's delve into this a little further, then.
Posted by Aemelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>"Aemelius: You really came off like a poor roleplaying
>>cruncher. I mean, threatening to tell the Imms on me because
>>was heckling you? *boggle* Then turning on quiet, as an
>>inducting goodie Leader? *double boggle*"
>>I had enormous respect for you, particularly in the early
>>years of our tangling. You and I shared the same sphere and
>>often - in the first half of our interactions - we would
>>discuss that to some extent, you trying to make me turn to
>>dark side, etc. Unfortunately you were on the short end of
>>the stick when it came to our fights (a maran storm warrior
>>has a lot of advantages over a drow necro, it's just a bad
>>matchup for you) and so I think after you kept dying you got
>>more and more upset. That's when I began losing respect for
>>you, at least insofar as your roleplay. It's clear from
>>post above that you don't like full looting as a player. I
>>think you let your ooc person slip into your role here and
>>because of your personal ooc anger at being full looted
>>by me, you changed your trash talking from real rp to just
>>one liner "teach me how to full loot." It was obviously an
>>ooc influenced comment, and one I think was born of
>>frustration. That was particularly disappointing because
>>were one of the only evils who would stand up and fight, who
>>would use interesting tactics, and who had fun and
>>things to say before and after dying/fighting. You didn't
>>off, you stuck around through very hard times. I had and
>>great respect for that. But once you went from your real rp
>>to the one liners about learning to full loot, it left a
>I don't think you understood Ulzoth's character. He tried to
>instigate other people. To hurt, anger, fluster, confuse,
>incite hatred and rage, and hopefully break them. It wasn't a
>player thing. It was a character thing. I actually felt
>really bad when someone told me, 'You know assholes like you
>make a guy wanna rage delete, thanks for ruining my night.
>Have a good night.'
>Ulzoth tried this a number of different ways with Aemelius.
>Tried to comment on your seemingly over-eagerness to kill evil
>and how you must like it, must like spilling blood like
>Ulzoth, and various things like that for a while, like you
>mention. The idea was to take something that may or may not be
>true, emphasis/exaggerate it, and make you feel like a
>hypocrite or moron or the same as Ulzoth or worse than Ulzoth
>or something like that. For most of it, you'd reply with
>seemingly canned, lackluster responses that left little room
>for pressing it. That is, until I commented on the full
>looting thing. I forget what you said, but it was clear it
>bothered Aemelius. So I said, "Ah ha!" and kept pushing the
>topic. I was trying to leave a sour taste in your character's
>mouth. The whole point was to get under your skin, so you'd
>know how evil Ulzoth was. Then you threatened to go OOC.
>That blew my mind. I was speechless. Here I was thinking,
>"At last my character is making progress with this guy" and
>then you pulled that stunt. Very poor showing on your part,
>in this player's opinion.

Actually, I think you have completely missed the point, unfortunately. You got no rise out of aemelius because of the full looting. Aemelius couldn't possibly care less about that and wasn't bothered at all. Because it smacked - and still smacks - of being ooc. I reacted as I did to your comment because it was so absurd and obviously ooc, not because it had any ic meaning. As for the responses you'd received from your earlier taunting, you might think they are canned or lackluster, yet it obvoiusly worked because *you* became frustrated that you couldn't rile me. What's more, why must there be some great complex response when you seek to taunt someone? Especially someone who just killed you? Repeatedly? Must there be some grand eloquent discussion post-pk disgorging roles and philosophies and dialectic debate? Come on.

>>And I never threatened to talk to the imms about your
>>during the first 150 hours of our interactions (and scores
>>fights). It was only when you would not stop with the
>>ooc looting spam.
>It wasn't OOC. Few things to think about:

Yes, I think it was. Say what you will.

>- Dark elves are weak. Ulzoth was even weaker, only had a 17
>strength. Couldn't carry much. Had to often take into
>consideration how heavy something was when deciding to wear it
>or not. Couldn't carry many spare weapons because of it.
>Often was running around with only 15-20 pounds of spare
>weight. Ulzoth couldn't loot much himself, even though he
>would have loved to stuff his bags full, like you.
>- Storm giants are strong. The simple fact that you could
>loot so much of my equipment so easily IS something that would
>be appealing to a weak drow. He was envious.
>- Robbing corpses was something Ulzoth enjoyed. It is even
>mentioned in his role.
>- The comments bothered Aemelius. That made it even more
>desirable to heckle about it.

They didn't bother him in the slightest. They bother me, the player, because it's ooc. Let's delve, as you say. Your entire point in the section above is that drow are weak physically and storms are strong. Great. Absolutely. How does that have anything to do with you asking to be taught how to loot? If anything it is exactly why it was absurd and ooc for you to make such comments. There was nothing for him to teach you, you were simply physically incapable of carrying as much. Which of course you and your character knew very well. But you were upset at being fully looted each time and you like most people you lashed out. Had you said things like "I am envious of your ability to take all my things" or "Do you feel strong able to carry all the spoils or your handiwork" or something like that, then perhaps, perhaps, it might have smacked a little less of ooc griping. But to ask to be taught how to loot? Puh-leese.

>Imagine the irony of a dirty, evil dark-elf necromancer
>begging a big, strong, leader of the Good Guys to teach him
>the finer points of robbing graves and corpses. That's what
>made most of Ulzoth's taunting so fun: I often used that same
>kind of irony. It is only OOC as far as we try to bring some
>semblance of good and evil and their characteristics from OOC
>to IC. Yes, as a player, I do think full looting is beneath
>good-aligned characters. Apparently you do too to some
>degree, or else you would have shrugged it off like you did
>all of Ulzoth's other taunts instead of taking it personal.

I have no idea where this grave robbing thing comes from, having never done it or spoken about it or heard about it, but see above re corpse looting. There was no irony there. And I'm well acquainted with irony. And I as a player am very comfortable with full looting or not full looting. But you do not, and let it show in the game. That's the point. It was the one thing I saw that made me respect less what was in all other ways a very good character.

>>As for turning on quiet, there is nothing wrong with it, be
>>you a level 3 nobody or a maran leader. It's a question of
>>how long and why and who else is around, and all the other
>>factors you can think of. Sorry if you didn't like it, but
>>be it.
>If you say so...
>>Good luck in your next character.
>Thanks, you too.
18470, RE: Let's delve into this a little further, then.
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>What's more, why must
>there be some great complex response when you seek to taunt
>someone? Especially someone who just killed you? Repeatedly?
>Must there be some grand eloquent discussion post-pk
>disgorging roles and philosophies and dialectic debate? Come

Doesn't have to be. But Ulzoth liked to hurt, anger, fluster, confuse, incite hatred and rage with words if he could. Your character doesn't have to say a thing. Could be mute. Up to you.

>Because it smacked - and still
>smacks - of being ooc. I reacted as I did to your comment
>because it was so absurd and obviously ooc, not because it had
>any ic meaning.
>They bother me, the
>player, because it's ooc. Let's delve, as you say. Your entire
>point in the section above is that drow are weak physically
>and storms are strong. Great. Absolutely. How does that have
>anything to do with you asking to be taught how to loot? If
>anything it is exactly why it was absurd and ooc for you to
>make such comments.
>And I as a player am very
>comfortable with full looting or not full looting.
>But you do not, and let it show in the game.

What is the difference between the following statements, from Ulzoth to Aemelius:
A) "You enjoy seeing the spray of blood as you swing your axe, as it tears into my flesh, don't you? I know I do."
B) "I'm impressed by how quickly and how much of my armors you are able to strip from the dead body. Teach me how you do it?"

Follow-up question, What makes one OOC and the other not?

By the way, it wasn't a game mechanics question. I wasn't expecting you to respond with "type: g all corpse;put all girdle;g all corpse". THAT would be OOC. Quite frankly, I'm failing to see what makes it OOC. I'm picturing a giant leaning over a dead body and jerking everything off, basically robbing it, stuffing things in huge bags across his back, balancing cloaks and robes on his huge shoulders, and going back for the undergarments too. The equipment doesn't magically appear on you. It isn't just number crunching, just some combination of dex and strength that determines how much loot you get. The question was about the action your character was taking. If Ulzoth asked about how quickly Aemelius swung his mace, it isn't OOC talk about fourth attack and dual wield, it is talk about the motions and actions of your character.

For a moment, stop saying "Because you as a player don't like full looting, it is OOC to talk about taking everything from a corpse" and explain to me why talking about taking everything from a corpse is OOC.
18472, Don't waste your finger energy.
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is apparent some concepts are beyond certain people. Like separating IC and OOC.

In these cases, I implore you to not waste your finger energy.

Case in point: http://forums.carrionfields.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=4&topic_id=17107&mesg_id=17130
18476, For what it's worth:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was some discussion of this when prayers and such started to mount, and the consensus of the staff was that you were well within the bounds of good roleplay, Ulzoth. Don't worry about it.

If Ulzoth asked about how quickly Aemelius swung his mace, it isn't OOC talk about fourth attack and dual wield, it is talk about the motions and actions of your character.

'Zactly. *blows the whistle* Game on.

18492, My opinion
Posted by Nightgauntish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From what I've heard from this discussion you like to roleplay alot, but dislike when others roleplay does not match.

Why would my storm bother to talk to a babbling weakling elf that I've just killed.

And the full looting comment, full looting is not a evil thing in Thera. Its like you talking about "Oh yeah, you need to learn me how to eat that bread stormgiant!"

So it was obviously ooc, but of course you will deny it because you are a supah roleplayah

18497, RE: My opinion
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>From what I've heard from this discussion you like to
>roleplay alot, but dislike when others roleplay does not

I don't like it when they threaten to tell the Imms on me. Anything else is fine. I'd prefer talking to a mute person than what Aemelius did.

>Why would my storm bother to talk to a babbling weakling elf
>that I've just killed.

I could give you reasons to, or not to. Looking for some role ideas?

>And the full looting comment, full looting is not a evil thing
>in Thera. Its like you talking about "Oh yeah, you need to
>learn me how to eat that bread stormgiant!"
>So it was obviously ooc, but of course you will deny it
>because you are a supah roleplayah

So... talking about how much a storm giant eats is obviously OOC? In real life, have you never heard one person comment to another person about how much (or how little) the other eats? I had a friend who could pick up full kegs of beer above his head and carry them places. It wouldn't be unusual for me to say "That's cool. Hey, can you teach me how you do that?" He might even have responded with something like, "Sure, you lean down, grab this end with your left hand, the other end with your right hand...." as he gave a demonstration, even though both of us know I'll never be able to pick up a full keg above my head.

Maybe one day you'll think of your characters as flesh and blood rather than a bunch of numbers and commands.
18498, RE: My opinion
Posted by Me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's exactly because we think of our characters as flesh and blood and not as the people behind them or numbers that we know you didn't.
18501, I agree, full looting is evil.
Posted by Findlebisk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like in normal life when someone kills another person likely they rob them. I have always viewed full looting as robbery. Only the sickest, meanest....evil guy full loot everything. Hence most Orc beliefs. Our opinions may differ, but full looting that piece of bread is evil, time consuming for the victim, but evil.
18452, tsk tsk
Posted by Vyalrindur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Forgot about me eh? We had a few interesting fights and quibble-quabble conversations. It's always fun to talk to enemies, great character. :)
18475, Yeah, I left out lots of people
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hard to hit everyone. I also missed Erenthell, Vashka, Tirrarraeor, Zuhladyn, Sahzmina, Mehkoa, Mheeko, Chasillia, Tzaric, Corealis, Eluna, Parcan, Kelsenoro, Mazaufat and dozens of others I'm sure. I love you guys!

>Forgot about me eh? We had a few interesting fights and
>quibble-quabble conversations. It's always fun to talk to
>enemies, great character. :)

Yeah, you were cool. Except when you ran into Darsylon to call me a coward. :P
18488, RE: Yeah, I left out lots of people
Posted by Vyalrindur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Yeah, you were cool. Except when you ran into Darsylon to call me a coward. :P

Heh, that was pretty funny actually. I thought the first place I saw you was in the vale, not Darsylon. Ah well, what can you do.
18451, *groan*
Posted by Ziggurith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, I agree. I shouldn't have stopped levelling. I am
beginning to wonder if I should have gotten employed after my
degree as well... all this... work stuff is not exactly
conducive to my CF playing time. I haven't logged in over 10
days already, even the weekends are not a sanctuary of play

Be that as it may, I enjoyed lingering around Ulzoth. I had
seen you/killed with you lots and lots of people that you
ended up travelling with afterwards. This, in and of itself, 
was enough to make me believe with utmost certainty that I
will find myself at the wrong end of 'grzsss' phrase one of
these days. It never came. Superb roleplay.

Take care,

18474, RE: *groan*
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Yes, I agree. I shouldn't have stopped levelling. I am
>beginning to wonder if I should have gotten employed after my
>degree as well... all this... work stuff is not exactly
>conducive to my CF playing time. I haven't logged in over 10
>days already, even the weekends are not a sanctuary of play

Oh. I'm pretty lucky with the work I do. Though it pays close to nothing, the hours are very flexible. Well, if CF isn't entertaining you these days, I hope something is. Good luck with that... work stuff.

>Be that as it may, I enjoyed lingering around Ulzoth. I had
>seen you/killed with you lots and lots of people that you
>ended up travelling with afterwards. This, in and of itself,
>was enough to make me believe with utmost certainty that I
>will find myself at the wrong end of 'grzsss' phrase one of
>these days. It never came. Superb roleplay.

Yeah, well, you (like Cuthul) had a good attitude about things. Until you took the oath. After we had our little chat about that, Ulzoth took a few steps to try to set in motion your becoming anathema. He was doing what was best for you, you see. If you weren't thrown out, Ulzoth probably would have taken matters into his own hands against you...

Anyway, great char. Thanks for calling me the Trespasser. ;)
18449, RE: (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omem
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I truely enjoyed fighting you alot of the time, it was a great challenge, about the most fun I have had fighting any necro besides Zorz with one of my past chars... great role, I loved that you would still attack me, even just for the chance to kill me even though half the time I was rather ready for you. you did an exclent job playing an all out evil char, Congrats man.

Zylundak DarkTears Apprentice to the Hammer.
18473, *chuckle*
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I truely enjoyed fighting you alot of the time, it was a
>great challenge, about the most fun I have had fighting any
>necro besides Zorz with one of my past chars...

And I was sitting here thinking about how horribly lop-sided most of our fights were, especially compared with my old Master Spectre. Oh how I miss scourge and brew. Thanks for the complement.

>great role, I
>loved that you would still attack me, even just for the chance
>to kill me even though half the time I was rather ready for
>you. you did an exclent job playing an all out evil char,
>Congrats man.

Yeah, for me, ballsy is fun. Kinda why I like playing Ragers. Got me killed a lot though. I also hate practicing. Losing concentration on word of recall finished me off on two occassions. Too bad the village closed its doors, or I might have rolled up an applicant. ;) Ok, I'll stop rambling now.

Keep on making the Ragers look good.
18438, RE: (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill ...
Posted by Cuthul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awww damn. I thought you were gonna go the distance...and I was even
getting to a point where I would have been able to help you out--with
another entity. I guess Scions just have bad timing--I deleted Urden
right before I was about to get a cool ability (I think), I finally
tried to come back to Scions, but with a class that totally didn't
work for me (shaman), and now you con-died probably within a hare of
getting your Lichdom. Not to be a pessimist, but the whole thing
reminds me of that old farewell post by Hifflio, one of the last
leaders of Master...don't know if you recall, but he went his whole
life as a transmuter without a major form because he was roleplaying
a way to get the Dragon form. Well.....in his farewell some Imm
posted a log of the form in action, and he was apparently about to
give it to him. Anytime you feel bummed about not Liching your Spectre,
think of that little story and you'll feel better. ;-)

18471, Urden?!
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought Urden with a Maran (you splattered me) and a Rager (I splattered you). Urden was one of the first characters that made Scion seem appealing to me, all mysterious and shadowy. That's cool. Then with Cuthul, you make me seriously consider rolling up a cleric of Valguarnera. Too bad I'm jaded against empowerment classes. You do characters that seem to have all kinds of crazy fun from where I'm sitting.

Is there anything against the rules with wanting to roll up characters that hang out with your characters? :P

>and now you con-died probably within a hare of getting your Lichdom.

From what Valg was saying, I doubt it. Unless some cloaked figure was going to pop up out of nowhere and give me some tips.

Do you ever play non-evil chars?
18479, RE: What did I do?!
Posted by UrdenX on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought Urden with a Maran (you splattered me) and a Rager
(I splattered you). Urden was one of the first characters
that made Scion seem appealing to me, all mysterious and
shadowy. That's cool. Then with Cuthul, you make me
seriously consider rolling up a cleric of Valguarnera. Too bad
I'm jaded against empowerment classes. You do characters that
seem to have all kinds of crazy fun from where I'm sitting.

--Hehe, which rager?!?! I remember Tobeldest smeared me in like...two
seconds one time, because I stupidly neglected tripping-protection.
And thank you, by the way. I don't make characters that don't have
little quirks and shhhtuff. I can't have fun without a mix of RP, PK,
and Exploration...so I really don't make trash characters. And yeah,
I usually have a good deal of fun. I recommend Valg for cool Imm-
teraction--sure, he may have a stick up his undead arse sometimes, but
it's so chilling!! He never cracks a smile....uh...I guess he can't,
but um...yeah. Moving on!

Is there anything against the rules with wanting to roll up
characters that hang out with your characters?

Seriously though, you could probably easily identify me now that you
have seen two of my characters...unless I am playing a goodie, in
which case no one will know, because I'm totally different. (I'd like
to think...otherwise I'd make for a really ####ty good-guy.)

Do you ever play non-evil chars?

--Well, it's been a long voyage to the dark side, and I guess that is
because I, like you, didn't dabble with evils for a long time, so
when I finally did, I had a LOT of pent up aggression...add in the
fact that I had a hero'd invoker...and well, the charm of brutally
slaying people just kinda grew on me. My last goodie was Malur, a
Maran. Before him was Loranessa, and before her was Ravenoth.

Urden, getting the hang of that HTML goodness
18481, Psst.
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>--Hehe, which rager?!?! I remember Tobeldest smeared me in
>seconds one time, because I stupidly neglected

I didn't actually kill you. *blushes*

Drop me a line: punblinpo@yahoo.com

We'll start the Secret Society of Valguarnera Lackeys! Muahahaha!
18435, Nothin but love
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Jhanderin: You seemed to do a very good job of saving people,
>and were extremely hard to sleep. I'll never understand
>goodies talking so much trash though.

Oh come now I didn't really talk "insulting" trash really. Mostly saying things in rp wise right? Except for the times that I tried to insult you for all those failed sleep attempts. :P

I have more respect for you than I have for anyone now playing or recently dead, except one guy. But still you took on those odds with a smile and you had fun with it, or so it seemed to me.

Much respect
18465, RE: Nothin but love
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Oh come now I didn't really talk "insulting" trash really.
>Mostly saying things in rp wise right? Except for the times
>that I tried to insult you for all those failed sleep
>attempts. :P

Hee hee hee. Yeah, that kind of thing, and the mocking and put downs. *cries softly*

>I have more respect for you than I have for anyone now playing
>or recently dead, except one guy. But still you took on those
>odds with a smile and you had fun with it, or so it seemed to
>Much respect

Thanks. Yep, I enjoyed it. Kudos to you too.
18430, Awww... I'm all alone now
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Heh. Thanks for the chats Narissa.

Looks like the offer was rejected and will never be fulfilled. Could have been a hell of a session and glad we managed to chat. Didn't know about your character till the lich quest started and I began to take interest in. Was also interested if you could survive the low con and the last item. Was hoping you would have done it.

I'm glad you enjoyed your character. You needn't wait till a year or more to try another. I'm sure you are already thinking out a new character and role; go on, meet the Wise Old Gnome and Hidden Lord(Narissa cheers you on! You feel so loved!). Nice chats too.

Hope to see you around.
18463, Don't fret, I'll be back! :-) n/t
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
no text
18427, RE: (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omem
Posted by Gherian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn were you a ballsy/slippery one. You would actually come at me time and again, and manage to escape nearly every time. Strange to think you con-died really, did not notice you dying overly much, and always had the hardest time finding you when you were on the run. Glad you were never able to actually get me to sleep, rather sure that would have been bad. Very bad.
18429, See ya, Gherry
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the compliment. You were pretty hard to kill too, not all that slippery, just quick on the immolation. Oh, and by the way, I know of two times I would have died to you if you had cast a spell doing at most 100 hps worth of damage, instead of trying to pebble me and missing. I think one of those I escaped with something like 35 hps. As far as con dying goes, I logged a good many of my deaths (and hardly any kills for some odd reason), at least in the early years, so you'll see how easy it is to lose con as a drow necro.
18422, Very fun character.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) At first, I kept pointing and laughing at people who died to d-elf necro. Then I realized that you were crazy and/or good enough to pull it off with some regularity, despite having few allies and a truly awful PK range your whole life. Somewhere, Nepenthe is still asking himself "D-elf necro killed someone? They can DO that?!?!?"

2) It's a good thing for Ghuljun he uninducted you when he did, or he would have had to put up with you as a co-leader. At the time, it was coming down to you or Cuthul, and despite your rapidly fading CON, you were higher level and had been around longer. Then you got uninducted and Cuthul deleted. Phooey.

3) I give Ulzoth an "A" in taunting. Very funny stuff, and well-chosen topics.

4) You had 3 of your 4 items correct. Based on your conversations with other mortals, you were way off on the 4th. The 4th item (the hardest of your set by design) was something that you would be 100% sure about if it was in your hands, but getting to that point is tricky. It wasn't the hardest to get, but it was the hardest to find.

5) The post-kill discussions were a great gimmick. Well-executed, and worth more than the free XP I threw at you.

6) Gnome guards are dumb as rocks. Cactus spines hurt. Yellow dragons are mean.

18428, You helped make it fun, Valg
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1) At first, I kept pointing and laughing at people who died
>to d-elf necro. Then I realized that you were crazy and/or
>good enough to pull it off with some regularity, despite
>having few allies and a truly awful PK range your whole life.
>Somewhere, Nepenthe is still asking himself "D-elf necro
>killed someone? They can DO that?!?!?"

The weird part is, with Ulzoth, I'd look at a huge enemy pk range, and think, "Cool, there's a good chance I can find someone to kill by teleporting around." or "It's going to be fun trying pick them off without dying." Sometimes I wonder if I'm a masochist.

>2) It's a good thing for Ghuljun he uninducted you when he
>did, or he would have had to put up with you as a co-leader.
>At the time, it was coming down to you or Cuthul, and despite
>your rapidly fading CON, you were higher level and had been
>around longer. Then you got uninducted and Cuthul deleted.

THAT would have been fun. I would have been spamming "induct Ghuljun none"!

>3) I give Ulzoth an "A" in taunting. Very funny stuff, and
>well-chosen topics.

I typically play characters that hold their tongue, so it was several years of pent up taunts coming out. Tried to make the best of it.

>4) You had 3 of your 4 items correct. Based on your
>conversations with other mortals, you were way off on the 4th.
> The 4th item (the hardest of your set by design) was
>something that you would be 100% sure about if it was in your
>hands, but getting to that point is tricky. It wasn't the
>hardest to get, but it was the hardest to find.

Oh wow. Harder to find than X on an underwater hidden mob, or Y in the room description object after getting beat up by mob A? Oh man. Must have been in Hell, Silent Tower, or something like that. Or some level 15 thief. Ugh, that's rough. Oh well. Maybe in another 3 years...

>5) The post-kill discussions were a great gimmick.
>Well-executed, and worth more than the free XP I threw at

I enjoyed those too, but tried to change some of it being chaotic and all. I actually enjoyed more the ones where I used the healing staves to keep people alive as I talked to them and they slowly died from scourge/poison/plague. Hard to pull off, but very fun. At some point I was hoping to see how long I could keep someone near death without dying, but never got around to it.

>6) Gnome guards are dumb as rocks. Cactus spines hurt.
>Yellow dragons are mean.

18421, Role, desc, score
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here's most of my role, bad spelling and all.

<691hp 1058m 609mv 25100tnl indoor civilized 3 AM> role
Your role is:
Added Thu Mar 6 00:32:29 2003 at level 12:
Ulzoth is extremely distrustful of everyone. He refuses to unknowingly accept
anything from strangers. Due to his distrust, he does not look for two others
when he seeks to impress his guildmaster with killing, as is commonly done by
the rest of Thera. It is possible he might gradually grow to trust certain
individuals in time. Although he would never admit it or even acknowledge it
to himself, it would be slightly less difficult for a female to gain his
trust. He enjoys the forcefulness of the darkness and has forsaken wearing
anything that glows. And perhaps he does this somewhat because he does not
wish to be reminded of the ring (see Background). The exception to this is if
it glows with the power of his deity: Zurcon, the Demon-God of Annihilation.
Ulzoth views these as an obvious display of Zurcon's power and authority to
the imbecilic masses. The Scions of the Eternal Night intrigue him.

Added Thu Mar 6 22:49:46 2003 at level 13:
As a child, Ulzoth spent an unusual amount of time alone in quiet alcoves
reading aloud to himself. He did enjoy engaging in biting humor, acidic
debates, and exerting control by torturing various creatures like the other
children, but he preferred listening to the sound of his own voice in the
darkness of the Underdark as he searched the arcane tomes incessantly for
(Hit Return to continue)

hidden secrets and, more importantly, power.

Upon reaching adolescence, Ulzoth began preying on nearby young female High
Elves on the surface. Because of a lack of contact with any dark-elves in
many ages, a misconception had developed among these secluded elves that
portrayed drow as huge horned demons, especially among the younger elves. To
Ulzoth's amazement, it wasn't even that difficult find one alone, woo and
charm her, then guide her away from the stream she was using to gather water.
At some point, they would always balk at his aggressive advances. He would
take them by force and then kill them. The elves became concerned after three
of their children disappeared in the early morning darkness, and measures
were taken to ensure that none left their homes until the sun was high in the
sky. Ulzoth was always back underground by this time. A long time passed
before Ulzoth came across another young elven girl in the long, dark hours of
the morning.

Ulzoth began the encounter just as he had every time previous: feigned
surprise followed by gentle, kind, humorous, and then flattering words. This
one was different, Ulzoth noticed. She was much more open to the presence of
a dark-skinned elf. It did not take long before they were both laughing
tearfully as Ulzoth told the story of a decapitated squirrel and his
(Hit Return to continue)

possessed walnut. Although incredibly funny to Ulzoth, he had never felt that
other elven girls would be comfortable with this type of story. As dawn
encroached on the horizon, he beckoned her away into the woods. It seemed as
though she did so more willingly than the others, and without a single
question. When Ulzoth made his aggressive advances, to his shock and delight,
she submitted completely to him. Ulzoth was in love. She agreed to meet him
the next night. And the next night.

When she stopped showing up, Ulzoth continued going to the meeting place. One
night he came across her body there. The throat was slit in the style of a
quick, quiet, elven assassination. This type of elf-on-elf execution was only
spoken of in private among the most zealous of the High Elves. Ulzoth sat
some distance away and stared at her for many hours not knowing how to deal
with the emotions swirling around inside. The corner of a small book caught
his eye, sticking out from one of her bags. Flipping through the personal
diary, he read aloud as it described the recent events. It also described a
ring she had placed in the bag as a token of her love for him. She hoped the
ring would always show the light of their love for all to see. She did not
understand why the elders were so upset after having learned of their
relationship. After they declared her an outcast, she wrote, she made plans
to return to Ulzoth. She continued by saying that although she didn't know
anything about dark-elves, she did know she loved this elf. Ulzoth stopped
(Hit Return to continue)

reading when he realized tears were running unchecked down his face.

He turned the bag upside down and a glowing ring fell into his hand. His skin
began burning painfully from the metal. Ulzoth fought all his instincts to
drop the ring, but the pain was insufferable. His legs gave way beneath him
and he fell to his knees, but still held his palm up, letting the ring sink
further into his flesh. His vision went black. He cried out a horrid howl, a
beastly wail, as a rush of rage and pure fury flooded his very being. It felt
like an eternity as thoughts of violence and vengeance raced through his mind
fueled by the pain and anger. Then the darkness took him completely and he
fell unconscious next to her body.

The next day he carried her corpse to Arkham to have her corpse embalmed, and
joined the necromancer guild. Does he hope to learn to care for her embalmed
corpse, or to discover the power to relight the spark of life within her?
Does he subconsciously despise himself and secretly long to wear the mithril
ring on bony fingers? Do great forces of the Darkness spur him onward to
bring wrath to the elves? Does he seek to personally inflict on others a
hundredfold the agony and suffering he has experienced himself? Does he
thirst for more power? The guildmaster notes Ulzoth already has basic
knowledge from his previous studies and has a remarkable aptitude though
(Hit Return to continue)

lacking in the strict discipline that he feels is necessary to excel. The
guildmaster concludes that Ulzoth had been preparing to join the guild for
some time. Maybe he is right.

Added Sat Mar 29 02:17:03 2003 at level 22:
Ulzoth seems to be moving more in a direction of uncontrollable rage.
He feels that Jhaelryna has ignored his efforts, ignored the
literally hundreds of storm giants and elves Ulzoth has slain.
Ulzoth grows angrier at his feelings of weakness, and his anger
drives him to lash out more and more, recklessly and wantonly trying
to do all he can to satisify his hunger to watch others suffer.

Added Sun Apr 6 22:57:51 2003 at level 22:
Ulzoth was covered in the blood of his foes, his mine wrecked, when
the large orc, Gurgudu, burst onto the scene, hacking and bashing
with abandon. Soon the corpses were piled high, and Ulzoth was too
weak to fight the orc, so he instead bartered and traded with him,
trying to buy time and get some gold from the orc's desires for an
axe. The orc proved to be a gullible trader, with Ulzoth easily
having his way with few threats. Ulzoth turned to leave, and noticed
the orc falling in step behind him. Mindful of a trap, Ulzoth ran
with great speed away. The orc continued to treat Ulzoth with
(Hit Return to continue)

respect, as a lost puppy dog treats any sole that bothers to pet it.
After some talk of slaying elves, Ulzoth agreed to join the orc in
hunting, though was ever wary of the orc. Ulzoth has come to admire
the zeal of a blood thirsty orc.

Added Wed Apr 9 21:53:45 2003 at level 22:
Ok, after 87 hours, still level 22, solo leveling isn't working out
for this character and his role (trying to level in Darslyon).
Ulzoth will start looking for others to advance him, though still
very untrusting.

Added Tue Apr 29 03:06:10 2003 at level 38:
'Death to Ulzoth the Trespasser!' yelled the elven guard. Ulzoth paused
and considered the words, for but a moment as the elf fell to the ground
dead. "Ironic," Ulzoth thought to himself. "I am the Trespasser."

Fed up with the Chancellor's asinine requests, Ulzoth could take no more
of her and begin to ignore her set guidelines for gaining her attention.
Instead, Ulzoth stepped up his aggressiveness and continued to hound her
directly. She seemed more receptive, and Ulzoth embraced his anger toward
her and it fueled his words as he spoke of what he sought to accomplish.
(Hit Return to continue)

She seemed impressed, and he was inducted rather quickly, or so it seemed
to Ulzoth after so much time trying. Strangely, the Chancellor did not
speak as though she had earned respect, had earned her position. Rather
than try to intimidate Ulzoth into obeying her, it appeared to Ulzoth as
though she encouraged him to one day take her position from her, as though
she was admitting defeat and weakness to Ulzoth.

In a startling turn of events, the manifestation of Pain and Suffering
has been ushered divine power. Not only that, but in Ulzoth's eyes the
very symbol of this Immortal is strikingly similiar to that of Zurcon.
Ulzoth wonders if this is a form of Zurcon that his worship has brought
about. Ulzoth is contemplating embracing this Lord to bring more agony
into the world, and see where that leads.

Added Wed May 28 19:11:35 2003 at level 47:
Suppose I should toss in some tidbits in here that aren't obvious to the
casual observer.
"Work": All Ulzoth's acts concerning negative energy, be it the slow and
painful destruction of another, attempting to animate a corpse after a gank,
or even standing toe-to-toe completely exhausted with nothing but hatred in
his heart, blood on his face, and a sword in his hand. Ulzoth considers all
of this Work. Ulzoth enjoys Working.
(Hit Return to continue)

"Walk": When Ulzoth wanders common roads and locales looking for Work.

Ulzoth spent no time practicing haggle, as he thinks arguing with people over
a few copper as a waste of breath. Either you pay the price or don't. He
isn't above robbing young adventurer's corpses of a gold piece or two though.
It is much easier dealing with the dead. Ulzoth didn't practice lash
because there is always something better to do than wearing a whip and
lashing unless you're just a follower in a large group. Ulzoth has never used
power word kill on a PC. He may given certain situations, but he prefers
trying to cause people extreme pain, and make them see slow destruction by
Ulzoth as inevitable rather than over before it begins. It also lacks blood,
which Ulzoth likes.

A few more notes of interest:
Ulzoth hates Ghuljun. Ulzoth had planned to uninduct him if Ulzoth was made
Chancellor. Ulzoth has been cultivating a small group of followers that he
believes acknowledge himself as more powerful and their superior. Ulzoth may
try to use these to overthrow Ghuljun or branch off of Scion, should the
opportunity present itself. He was intrigued to find what is supposedly the
Torch of Shadows on display behind the Inn. His interest was further aroused
(Hit Return to continue)

when the Immortal Scarabaeus made it known to all that he was a Shadow.'He
tried speaking to Scarabaeus, but the Lich was listening to none. Ulzoth
prayed to the Whisperer, but nothing. Later within the Chasm, in a fit of
rage and using acidic remarks, Ulzoth voiced his thoughts of Ghuljun and of
Ghuljun's direction of Scion to Ghuljun and was ejected from the cabal. Three
that Ulzoth was planning on using to overthrow Ghuljun have disappeared.
Ulzoth sees this as the perfect opportunity to place more of his attentions
on himself and the Becoming, to investigate the Shadow, and serve the Ill

(((Editor's note: I added one more paragraph to this much later about Ulzoth being under extreme pressure from failing health and obsession with the lich quest that he had reached a point of desperation and was even asking complete strangers to help him with his lich quest. I don't seem to have this logged anywhere.)))

<691hp 1058m 609mv 25100tnl indoor civilized 3 AM> desc
Your description is:
He wears his robes tightly, as though fearing the air itself
seeks to sufficate him. Yet, he still moves with an uncommon
grace and fluidity, reminding you of dust dislodged from its
resting place as he glides to and fro, never seeming at ease
with simply standing, or sitting. His eyes are most restless
of all, continually looking, searching, judging, and on rare
occasions you notice his gaze stop and stare intently, as if
he could bring about events with sheer concentration and his
internal intensity. His skin is a black; an ashy black with
a somewhat odd blue hue. The figure's hair is a dirty white,
very thick and clumpy. He has it chopped sharply just as it
hangs reaching the tops of his shoulders. On the palm of his
right hand, you see an indented scar in the shape of a ring.

Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omen
Level : 47 Sex : male Race : dark-elf
Ethos : Chaotic Align : Evil Class : necromancer
Practices: 0 Trains : 0 Hometown : Arkham
Exp : 503080 To Level : 25320 Sphere : Destruction
Age : middle-aged, 465 years old (358 hours)
Hit Point: 46 /400 Mana : 968 /968 Move : 620 /620
Str : 17(17) Int : 24(24) Wis : 21(21)
Dex : 22(22) Con : 3 (3 ) Chr : 13(13)
Carry # : 1/34 Weight : 29 lb 15 oz (Max 297 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Copper : 0
Wimpy : 250 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 2 Damroll : 5
AC pierce: 25 Somewhat armored AC bash : 25 Somewhat armored
AC slash : 25 Somewhat armored AC magic : 25 Somewhat armored
vs Spell : Not protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Not protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are affected by:

I didn't log a practice list either. That would be fun to show. I never got word of recall to 100%. Heh. Btw, is there anyone that I fought that doesn't want me to post a log of it?
18420, Damn you.
Posted by Falstaff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were the sole reason my character hated the forget spell. Bane of my existance for a while, even made it into my role. Something to the effect of "Seems to enjoy doing foul things with corpses of me."

Everytime I was off somewhere sleeping, you showed up. You had my character paranoid, which to me is the sign of a well played enemy. The fact that you spoke to me about our fights (during some and after others) fleshed out your character more in my opinion. It's a quality lacking in most of the people I fight these days, and one I like.

Well done. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

18426, Re: Damn you!
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You were the sole reason my character hated the forget spell.
> Bane of my existance for a while, even made it into my role.
>Something to the effect of "Seems to enjoy doing foul things
>with corpses of me."

Awesome. Ulzoth was supposed to be exactly that type of character.

>Everytime I was off somewhere sleeping, you showed up. You
>had my character paranoid, which to me is the sign of a well
>played enemy. The fact that you spoke to me about our fights
>(during some and after others) fleshed out your character more
>in my opinion. It's a quality lacking in most of the people I
>fight these days, and one I like.

Glad you enjoyed it.

>Well done. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

I've been working on two awesome roles for a certain cabal, but they don't need any help right now so I'm going to have to brainstorm some more. Might take some time to read some books I've been putting off reading.
18419, RE: (CON)[None] Ulzoth the Spectre, Servant of the Ill Omem
Posted by Erenthell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well played necromancer. You killed one of my lower level characters and I got a taste of the evil roleplaying that you mention. As Erenthell, you were slippery, and I also had to be carefully when fighting you, as I could count on you to capitalise on any slip I make. My worry has always been that people who overly roleplay evil, will be affected by it in real life. You may not be punting kittens, but you might have given it a fleeting consideration..
18425, Thanks, and a response
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Well played necromancer. You killed one of my lower level
>characters and I got a taste of the evil roleplaying that you
>mention. As Erenthell, you were slippery, and I also had to be
>carefully when fighting you, as I could count on you to
>capitalise on any slip I make.


>My worry has always been that
>people who overly roleplay evil, will be affected by it in
>real life. You may not be punting kittens, but you might have
>given it a fleeting consideration..

Ok, I consider myself a pretty hardcore roleplayer (in another life I'd love to have been an actor), and here's my thoughts on the fleeting considerations affecting real life. There was one time I was flipping through the channels on TV and saw a special on some channel like Discovery about Serial Killers. Normally, this wouldn't interest me, but at the time I thought it may be neat to get some insight to the kind of stuff going on in crazy killers' heads for playing Ulzoth. Then I kept on flipping and watched something else. That is about as much of a fleeting consideration as I've had, and I don't think that kind of consideration should worry anyone. Does that help?
18490, On Evil Roleplaying, IC and OOC
Posted by Erenthell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I read your interaction above with Aemelius with interest. My take of the situation, which may be similar to Aemelius's point, is that whether or not you were upset OOC or OOC extracting pleasure from provoking, you used your IC roleplay device to try and annoy the OOC Player of Aemelius.

Theoretically, IC and OOC feelings and responses should be kept separate. In the ideal world, we would all be perfectly stoic and/or open minded and easy going about what happens to our characters, roleplay evil characters while being decent folk in real life, and despite having nasty IC things said to our characters, but be totally unaffected by them OOC.

Unfortunately, most of the time this isn't the case. When someone in the game betrayed me, I, the player, was OOC upset by it. I felt that the person was manipulating roleplay loopholes to do something selfish and greedy, and getting away with it. However, IC, I had to control my reactions. It was important that I separated my OOC and IC feelings in that case. I pondered how Erenthell would act, and acted accordingly.

When you set about being evil, trying to hurt, confuse, and provoke people through your IC reason, I don't think you can honestly say, that you weren't trying to provoke people's OOC emotions. From my reading of the Aemelius thread, you jumped on the fact that his response to the looting issue appeared to be something he was touchy about. Now. Either this means that A) Player Aemelius is RPing that he is touchy about looting or B) Player Aemelius himself is touchy about the looting issue. It seems to me that it was irrelevant to you whether the touchiness was OOC or IC, you just went ahead with your continued provocation when you sensed some touchiness.

You start off this whole thread stating that you are not a "donkeyhole" and that you felt bad when someone complained it was people like you who made him rage-delete. But I can't help but feel that despite these assertions, you went ahead and provoked people, reckless as to whether they were IC offended or OOC offended. Since you must know that some people are going to be OOC frustrated and hurt, and you went ahead and did it anyway, you should at least take responsibility for that, and admit that you do not care if they were OOC upset by your actions.
18491, An IDEA along these lines:
Posted by Imperial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Reading your post, and following a few "roleplaying" experiences I've had, I'd actually be in favor of a command that would allow you to silence tells/replies from a specified character. There's no real IC way to handle it when someone is OOC spamming you, when you tell them to stop, and they continue.
18499, RE: On Evil Roleplaying, IC and OOC
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is a good post.

>I read your interaction above with Aemelius with interest. My
>take of the situation, which may be similar to Aemelius's
>point, is that whether or not you were upset OOC or OOC
>extracting pleasure from provoking, you used your IC roleplay
>device to try and annoy the OOC Player of Aemelius.

Trying to elicit an emotional response from the character of Aemelius does not necessarily mean I was trying to annoy the player. And, that isn't what he's complaining about. He thinks it is poor roleplay for one character to ask another "Will you teach me how you take so much from corpses?"

>Theoretically, IC and OOC feelings and responses should be
>kept separate. In the ideal world, we would all be perfectly
>stoic and/or open minded and easy going about what happens to
>our characters, roleplay evil characters while being decent
>folk in real life, and despite having nasty IC things said to
>our characters, but be totally unaffected by them OOC.

Nah. Some carry over is good, in my opinion. You read a good book, you carry the same feelings with you for a little while. You watch a good horror movie, you're a little nervious that night. Ulzoth was supposed to be the equivalent of a good stylish horror movie for the other players and myself, while maintaining some taste.

>Unfortunately, most of the time this isn't the case. When
>someone in the game betrayed me, I, the player, was OOC upset
>by it. I felt that the person was manipulating roleplay
>loopholes to do something selfish and greedy, and getting away
>with it. However, IC, I had to control my reactions. It was
>important that I separated my OOC and IC feelings in that
>case. I pondered how Erenthell would act, and acted

I do kinda think like that about roleplaying loopholes, but wouldn't get as upset if it was feasibly in the character's roleplay to betray.

>When you set about being evil, trying to hurt, confuse, and
>provoke people through your IC reason, I don't think you can
>honestly say, that you weren't trying to provoke people's OOC
>emotions. From my reading of the Aemelius thread, you jumped
>on the fact that his response to the looting issue appeared to
>be something he was touchy about. Now. Either this means that
>A) Player Aemelius is RPing that he is touchy about looting or
>B) Player Aemelius himself is touchy about the looting issue.
>It seems to me that it was irrelevant to you whether the
>touchiness was OOC or IC, you just went ahead with your
>continued provocation when you sensed some touchiness.

I can honestly say, I wasn't trying to provoke extreme OOC emotions. I wanted them to enjoy the horror movie, not get up and leave. Or at least convincingly pretend to get into it.

I'm fairly certain I know the forum handle of Aemelius's player, and uh... don't think too highly of his way of playing the game. This isn't something new with me having played Ulzoth though. I'm not trying to get him to leave CF or anything like that, but I was trying to force him to look through his character's eyes while staying in character myself. Aemelius isn't alone in this. There are other characters that I tried to encourage roleplaying through the "roleplay device" as you call it. I remember someone else in particular I spent quite a bit of time talking to, trying to spark the player's imagination as it pertained to what was going on in character.

If my character spends a lot of time talking to someone about how his blood flowed beautifully, or discussing how the horde chasing me must be the envy of every orc in Thera, or commenting on the massive amounts of platemail giants can carry, it was both roleplaying and me OOC trying to get people to think about these kinds of things as they play. Most people were great, and they'd say something cool and insightful back, which would increase my own enjoyment of the game. Aemelius didn't. That, in itself, is not poor roleplaying. Maybe it is his role to be bland. It was my character's role to try to add some color. It was like a challenge to try to evoke a colorful response from the bland figure. Then he cracked and I got the impression it was not a bland role but he was a poor roleplayer.

>You start off this whole thread stating that you are not a
>"donkeyhole" and that you felt bad when someone complained it
>was people like you who made him rage-delete. But I can't help
>but feel that despite these assertions, you went ahead and
>provoked people, reckless as to whether they were IC offended
>or OOC offended. Since you must know that some people are
>going to be OOC frustrated and hurt, and you went ahead and
>did it anyway, you should at least take responsibility for
>that, and admit that you do not care if they were OOC upset by
>your actions.

There are limits to how far offensive I would go. I generally didn't cuss, and sexual topics were treated very, very lightly (and very, very rarely). Killing someone with full looting was fair game. That's a part of the game. I think there are certain things that are a part of the CF experience, and that we all agree help to create the atmosphere that is here. I tried to act within those bounds, with the understanding I was helping create an enjoyable experience for myself and other players. I don't want people to quit CF. Yet, at the same time, I don't want to play a MUD where the evil characters can't say mocking or mean things. If someone gets upset and deletes because they died to a mob and I looted everything then laughed at them, then I don't feel good. It isn't because I feel I'm provoking them to delete, it is because I feel they have inaccurate expectations of the challenge that is CF.

I hope that makes sense. Thanks again for the post.
18418, Well done, from what I saw
Posted by Mehkoa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were definitely a psycho villain, that was obvious. I loved the way you talked and the way you handled yourself, definitely unique.
18423, Thanks, and good luck.
Posted by Ulzoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was a fun final death. Makes me wish I had 2 more hps. Heh. I'll post the log sometime soon.