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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectMazaufat Dead: "Enter the flame"
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18279
18279, Mazaufat Dead: "Enter the flame"
Posted by Mazaufat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know I already regret doing that. I let the massive gang bangs of today get to me. 3 deaths pretty much back to back Ahh well thats life. It wasnt the loss of eq or the deaths that bugged me it was the insane numbers. It had come to a point that everyone in my pk would just run around in hoards looking for me. It was either log in and hide or log in and fight and die. Towards the end I got tired of logging in and hiding for hours upon end. One of the things that left the worst taste in my mouth was yesterdays defense against the warlock raid. I sat there upwards of an hour at the omegus fighting off 3 invokers and an orangutan. With a healer, warrior paladin waiting at the vanquisher. While im doing that I know this is it, ive got no backup coming and more and more goodies keep logging on. That was pretty much the story of my life 20-30 minute window when enough non heros would be on to go grab an enemy item, maybe kill one or two peeps. But within minutes of that there would be mass logins and boom. I am sure a lot of you are sitting there giggling and feeling good about making me delete. Kudos to you, you guys were good at what you did, which was play the numbers game. If it was even a remotely fair fight goodies wouldnt fight it. You all know who you are and you all know just as soon as Empire starts kicking ass each and everyone of you will hop on the bandwagon and make Imperials. A big hearty #### you for that


Khasotholas: You are the man, we started off rocky but as things progressed I totally dug all the interaction we had. Thanks for giving me a chance and giving me some of that promotion and tattoo loving. Sorry I didnt stick around to follow through on my promise

Zulgh: No real interaction other than the ooc stuff that took place but thanks for the pep talk and the fixes. You may have sold us old schoolers out but some of us still love you.

Ong: 90% of the time I had no freakin clue what the hell you were saying, so I adopted the approach that I use with my gf. Smile and nod. P.S {For any and all minotaur players, if you are going to play a minotaur do not try and impress the CF playerbase with your amazing vocabulary. Keep your sh*t simple.

Shadow-sect imm: Thank you for not interacting with me.

Wilhath: We had some fun, but in the end pretty much the same thing got me too.
Yanacek: You rizzok, I would have loved to have you at hero so we could properly tool some of the hero bitches.
Astilamos: Biggest freaking panzy in empire, you have been sitting out of hero range for like ages. You are so lucky I rage deleted before getting emperor.
Rest of you, Lao, Haaslett, Faeras, Crasner, Amedelia, and company. Keep on trucking, this crap isnt gonna get better. But maybe it will change before you rage delete. ;)

Sylvans: No interaction at all outside your gang bangs, so got nothing to say.
Maran: You guys have some of the biggest trash talking idiots in the cabal. Got anywhere from 2-3 people taunting me at any given time for not raiding against 17 goodies. Yay Aemelius, learn to function without backup. You as you always have been are the panziest badass i've ever seen but thats just the norm with your chars. Erenthell you were fun to fight, you actually came after me alone if you saw me somewhere. But a lone healer is pretty much outclassed by everyone.
Warlock: You guys were always a thorn in my side, I killed a whole mess of you or took part in your killing anyway. Gherian score was 2-0 in my favor. You are damn good though, gotta give you props for playing a badass warlock voker.
Scion: Ghuljun we did soo much trash talking back and forth but in the end we pretty much left each other alone. Both of us had other things to worry about, like staying alive. Ulzoth you were the only necro that worried me, you slept me everytime we fought. Shame you decided to back out on my offer, I woulda helped you get lich.
Tribs: My only backup outside of what little empire had to offer, my only friendly heros. Morrilion, Oblain, Blindelfrin, thanks for keepin me alive :)

On imperial imms as a whole. Baby steps are fun and all but try and keep the players in mind when you guys decide to do something like put a new cabal in. I can understand the reason for keeping scion and empire at odds but did anyone thing to look at the sylvan/maran/warlock before you guys decided on it? Yeah I know I rage deleted yeah I know i probably pissed you guys off by asking for emperor as often as i did. But it was something I felt I had earned and seeing imms dragging their feet as they normally tend to do just added to my frustration. I thought hey if I make my self the obvious choice, lvl to hero, do my bit, donate like maniac, actually lead the cabal, have the support necessary to get the throne. I'd get it. Obviously not, yeah I know it was in the works. But when everything is going against you its nice to be thrown a bone to keep a loyal dog happy. Oh well good luck with what ever you guys are trying to do. I hope it plans out like you want it to.

Maz signing out.

Much Love
Acidic Parv

Posted by OBLAIN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Man I was thinking you'd make it to Emperor but I guess somewhere along the line the number of people who rolled up goodies to kill all those who'll join the empire bandwagon just went out of control.
Oblain would have helped you because he saw you as a ally of sorts and knew with you and Socherion there was a great promise in the future but sadly neither you nor Socherion are to be seen now (where the hell are you Socherion ?). But I guess even Socherion got fed up of the spire having no leader since.... forever..

I'm sure that was quite a ride you had, being the lead of the empire with so many of them jumping in, it must be hard to stand out. Beside the fact that you lead areas like a god you were pretty cool, have fun in what ever you play next, maybe a tribunal ? (hmm jk)

Oblain kun Quinslin.
18436, Good work always
Posted by socherion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah a shame, that last time we grouped together, I actually resolved not to log in two days myself and then group with you and move around. Thanks for the sceptre, lost it in a gang.

We have been together since long, rank 40 starting, had lots of fun everywhere we went, ranking and gathering eq and all. The goodies did prove to be a killjoy, especially that time when I got shattered and we were so close to killing the lich.

But that is that, hunker down. grin. Good work, excellent stuff. See more of you around. :D
18409, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Uelveyye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally, I thought you raised the bar on Evil Healers. 10xs the Character that Thorn was and thats for certain.
I would have loved to see you get Emperor and kick Astilamos' lamo ass out on his ear.

Anyway I hope you are not too soured, perhaps roll something and get in the level sitter's range, then force them to climb up with you.
Who knows?
This I do know though, looking forward to the next.
18387, Ug.
Posted by Elrys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since my internet access is (should be) returning tonight, I figure I'll check the forums from work, and to my dissapointment it seems like all my opposition is dieing. This situation sucks. There's a lot more I'd like to say about it, but not as a living Elrys.

Anyway, for what it's worth, I liked what interactions we had and found you interesting.

18385, Ah, parv
Posted by Phraenduell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Worthwhile character, well done, and it's a pity you didn't have more backup. You did some cool healer tricks, but with a big giant or something, you can do cooler ones.

mmmmm black sanctuary... lucky sot

18384, You had balls
Posted by Kisrithian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I do agree, if you try to raid the grove. "Most" tell the fortress and stuff. But one of my fondest memories of you was when you where fighting the druid, I had sang when you don't see me, and couldn't damage you cause of sanc and the rest, and you couldn't hit me. That was a fun fight you have to admit(at least I liked it) I actually did interact with you with other char's and if there where maybe some evil invokers the empire would be unstoppable(it's no fun fighting gherian and the rest without an invoker of your own) but still it was fun and good luck on the next.
18375, Yick
Posted by Rooqweaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hearing a loud cry from outnumbered evil hordes
I was about to make a warrior for Empire
to crash some heads.
But the lastest changes to protection/preparation
forced me to give up on that idea :)
I don't have enough inventory to carry haste or stone skins
nor I have fun gathering them after each skirmish.

"Prays to Heaven"
Make things convenient!
No... not overpowered...
Just convenient :)
18378, You tell em!
Posted by Felgaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18372, Sorry man
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You, Wilhath and Lao all deleting at the same time is really going to put a blow to this first generation of imperials. I have been waiting to fight imperials for nearly 450 hours and it doesn't look like that is going to be happening anytime soon. It's really a double edged sword right now. I think the majority of goodies would love to have a hero range packed with imperials I would love to see you all get ranks so we can have a real war going on, but it is also terrible rp to not do anything when someone says the imperials are at Kiadana Rah or wherever. I know it is hard to believe when I say I know where you are coming from and I know how much it sucks.. Either way, I am sorry you are gone.
18371, You will be missed.
Posted by Pont Max on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We heroed together and were allies ever since.

It was clear to me that you were skilled. I understand completely that you dont want to play Sm with the goodie gangs, their numbers exceed any kobold tribe ( and they behave quite similar). I shall try to avenge you ;).

Good luck on your next.
18368, Like the char
Posted by Haaaslett on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shame you went out like that. The crappy thing is, that was the second time I died without even being connected. My stupid cable modem has dropped twice now, and both times I've come back naked, oh what fun. Oh well, thats how it goes sometimes. Anyway, you were doing well I thought, didn't mind you too much, though you were of course competition.

18359, RE: Mazaufat Dead: A little something more
Posted by Mazaufat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A big up to Scarab for letting me lead my first hell trip. YaY! Me and blrindelfrin pingponged through first 3 circles to die on 4th. That was a blast, i'l be posting a log of it on the log board. :P
Easy Sacer just a joke. Down boy. Thanks for the Helltrip and thanks for that nifty healer sup too it saved my ass on more than one ocassion.

Much Love

18355, Well..
Posted by Wakonas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I just assumed you would be the first Emperor mainly because you are the only sect leader I ever see. I dont think you led the cabal as a whole at all but I dont see any real leadership rising up as of yet mainly because the sect rivalry seems pretty rich. There is a TON going on behinds the clear cut scenes politics wise. I love it!

I of course didnt want a Divine to get Emperor but just assumed it was in the cards with you. To bad. Ive fought against you with other chars, and now in Empire seem you in action. You did well.
18338, Man, that sucks.
Posted by Faeras on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry to see you go.

I think if you'd stuck it out another couple of weeks, you would have been Emperor. Honestly, I've never played with a healer that could be so effective - and that's the honest truth. I'm quite impressed. A player like you, though, with the kind of successes you've had, I can understand why the experience of repeated hordes would bring you down.

Good luck with the next.
18322, I'm pissed at you now.
Posted by Gevanter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shouldn't have deleted, but, truth be told I sure as hell can't blame you.

18318, I have to ask this
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What exactly do all you imperials plan to do (not suggesting you are an ooc band, simply directing this to all the recently deleted imperials via this thread) now that you have deleted?

Do you plan to roll non-evils so you don't get ganged? More evils and hope that things have changed by the time you rank up? Evils that level sit (I don't have a problem with it really), but as Kastellyn says, only a hero can ultimately prove themselves against the alleged best in the land (bar distention)?

Or something else.

I am seriously curious because I can't see how deletion helps anything except (and this is a BIG except) give you a fresh start when you were sick of how things were going with the old character. But until some of the goodies forget their ganging (and similarly the sub-hero ganging evils who drive goodies to hero), the problem could be there for your next character, unless you hop on the bandwagon.

I can see you imperials are going through a tough time, but it is a shame to see you all go at once. I think it is true to say also that the lower ranked evils could hero if they made a united effort, despite the one who pops into hero pk getting jumped before the others pop into pk. It would take co-operation though, and therein we have the weakness of evils (but also their strength).
18333, Being conkilled and seeing nothing happening for your efforts is call, not fun
Posted by Felgaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
period. You forgot the third option, delete and stop playing.
18324, This is my plan
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm going to roll up a new character and I'm going to take my time ranking up. I'm going to master all of my ####, rank alone a lot, build up an incredible bank account, smell the roses, and legitimately multi-kill every goody in my range. Then, when I see about 20 names of Fortress/Sylvan/Warlock members on this board I'll rank up to hero. When I get there I'm going to continue to multi-kill every goody who enters my range with groups of 10+. After I have this character good and situated at the top of the dung heap I'm going to roll another character to sit in his teens and multikill every goody who enters his range. Player A will age die while Player B ranks once per month to avoid distending into hero range.

#### you goodies.
18326, RE: This is my plan
Posted by Lao on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You stole my plan : (
18327, RE: This is my plan
Posted by Mazaufat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My plan it to move to Dublin and have hot passionate sex with all the immortals that live there. Any questions?

Much Love
18335, RE: This is my plan
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Immortals in Dublin? Well, I already live here, so I better get started! Where did I put those trojans?
18317, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Erenthell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No giggling or laughter when you deleted. When I received the message you went into hiding, and later discover you deleted, there was a sense of elation, the instinctive elation derived from victory your enemy. However, I think you played well, stuck it out against terrible odds, and should be commended for your effort.

18306, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You should regret deleting. You did a good job, and had good things coming to you. I think a more fair balance is in the near future. Right now, the Sylvan/Fortress/Warlock combo is just... immense. And true, we didn't count on them either allying, or looking the other way (wink wink) when a supposed enemy cabal is battling another enemy cabal. At least, not as much as they do.

Anyway, hard to blame you. You grew to power in tough, tough times for the fledgling Empire. I wish you'd stuck it out, because you knew enough of my religion to impress, and game-wise, you knew how to play a healer... something that seems easy, but isn't always.

Good job.

18305, Tough loving indeed.
Posted by Selatiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You sure did stick it out longer then others. And i totally have to agree on that Astilamos is a rank sitting bastid. He's been talking smack for so long and has nothing to show for it, just the crap being kicked out of him by all the lowbie sylvans. And damn I hate that mace!!!!!!!!! nuff said.

Selatiel, wondering when he's gonna jump on the band wagon.
18302, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ridiculous! You cannot complain and whine about gang bangs. Here is an example that happened 100% of the time: Warder A sits in the Grove all alone, holding the Imperial Codex. There are maybe three to four Imperials. Do they come? Nope. Why? You will see. On goes the day, the lonely Warder still waits for the horde of four Imperials. Oh look, two more Imperials log on and finally they get the nerve to come knocking. What I am trying to say is, that you never even tried the easiest of tasks without an army behind you. This goes for all Imperials. Look at Warder raids, how many do we send? Maybe 2-4 tops. Most of the time we pull it off with two. Hands down the truth. Imperials won't raid our item unless all Imperials are logged on and all Sylvans are logged off. Never, and I mean never, have the Imperials made any use on their own. I do give you kudos for those times you gated to me to get your arse kicked. I did not understand that, and it was more stupid than brave, but still, you are the only Imperial to do that.
I will not miss your Shawtabbies. We did not intereact much, but you had a nice char from what I seen. All drow healers are the same to me, though, but you seemed like a good player. Good luck with your next.
18309, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
- Ridiculous! You cannot complain and whine about gang bangs.

Why not? It's everyones God given right to complain about gangbangs.

- Here is an example that happened 100% of the time: Warder A sits in the Grove all alone, holding the Imperial Codex. There are maybe three to four Imperials. Do they come? Nope. Why? You will see. On goes the day, the lonely Warder still waits for the horde of four Imperials. Oh look, two more Imperials log on and finally they get the nerve to come knocking. What I am trying to say is, that you never even tried the easiest of tasks without an army behind you.

100% is a pretty high number. I'm sorry, but I don't think you know what you're talking about.

- Look at Warder raids, how many do we send? Maybe 2-4 tops. Most of the time we pull it off with two.

Okay, maybe you know what you're talking about, but you're on some sort of mind-altering substance.

- Imperials won't raid our item unless all Imperials are logged on and all Sylvans are logged off.

Because an Imperial knows that raiding the Grove, or Fortress, or Tower, can mean dealing with one, two, or three cabals to defend it. Seriously, give the guy credit for sticking it out against huge... yes huge odds, for a long time.

I don't mind a little flame, but at least let it be bright.
18337, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not truly intend it as flame, but your excuse and parrying are not quite up to it. Not only when it comes to raids, but in all cases, the Imperials are: cowards! Okay, maybe it is a little like flaming, but it is all true. Maybe not 100% all the time, and I gave Mazaufat respect for his "bravery" but most of the Imperial chars, visible sylvan or not, are cowards. Sorry.
18339, Okay, here it is, in terms you can understand
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since my excuse and parrying weren't up to it, here's more...

I know infinitely far more than you. I see ten times what you see. It's not all true. You can tell yourself that, but don't sell your horse#### here, fella. How many imms telling you you aren't right do you need, before you believe it?

Just read this, don't respond to it. I'll get angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

18341, Yeah, he'll send you a note reading "Death to Corthy." :)
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And then when you delete he'll say he just forgot to delete it. :)
18352, RE: Yeah, he'll send you a note reading
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn you. That actually made me laugh.
18342, He threatened to bring Sakard once...maybe he's gonna do worst to you! nt
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18344, RE: He threatened to bring Sakard once (((IN HELL)))......
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18340, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
::I did not truly intend it as flame, but your excuse and parrying are not quite up to it. Not only when it comes to raids, but in all cases, the Imperials are: cowards! Okay, maybe it is a little like flaming, but it is all true. Maybe not 100% all the time, and I gave Mazaufat respect for his "bravery" but most of the Imperial chars, visible sylvan or not, are cowards. Sorry.

If i'd of known how braindead you were when i was playing i'd of killed you more often.


18366, Lets also not forget
Posted by Haaaslett on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When the warders have the codex, or anything for that matter, you can not tell how many are about. Many do not move enough at times to even know. I've seen that as well. THinking ok, there are maybe 2 to defend, we show up, and four come out of the woodwork, literally. Its not as nice as you say.


and yes, I know the name is spelled wrong, I need to get something with it fixed
18310, OH boy... a nonranger nonsylvan not being able to tell how many
Posted by Felgaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sylvans are about... what the hell has CF come too!!!!! You don't understand why an imperial cannot tell how many of the gazillion active warders are about? Dude, are you really the ignorant? Sylvans are too numerous to count, and you know it. Don't go off acting all badass because no one can see you. Oh wait... you are BADASS!!!
18312, I let your last post go because I thought maybe were new here
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but now I'm convinced that you're high. The Warder cabal is the hardest cabal to raid with the possible exception of the village. The village is hard because you cannot word while inside and the destructor is mean. The Grove is hard because you never have any idea who will be there to defend (not true for the village), there is almost always somebody with healing power to defend (not true for the village), you can call beasts to help you (not true for the village), and the bear is MEAN.

Moreover, just because you know you're the lone warder does not mean the rest of the world knows you're the lone Warder. As much as you all sit in chameleon it's hard to tell who's coming and going. I raided/retrieved numerous times with even odds. I got promoted for raiding and successfully retrieving the Codex with three Warders against me.

You say that at most you all would send 2 to 4. Of course, that's both false and misleading. It's false because quite often I had to defend against groups of 8 that included at least 2 Warders. True, maybe the Grove only sent 2 of its 15, but the raiding party was still 8 men strong. It's misleading because even if it was just 4 Warders raiding you also had 2 treants and 2 COWs. For the greatest portion of my life those treants and COWs couldn't be slept. If you don't think treants and COWs make for a difficult force you're not only high, you're feeble minded.
18351, RE: I let your last post go because I thought maybe were new here
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I admit my example was feeble. Remember what I said after my example: "Cannot complete the easiest of tasks" I have been in maybe four raids out of hundreds where we had Fortress help. Those days are long gone. Other raids have been us: 2-4 sylvans.
18313, raiding the grove:
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you had the codex it is safe to say you would have had the sapling. That means that it can be quite hard to know how many sylvans are defending. I know I nearly died once when I raided to take the sapling only to get surprised by Sahannara and an axe spec (one of whom I didn't know was on).
18314, This makes me laugh
Posted by Mazaufat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Ridiculous! You cannot complain and whine about gang bangs.
>Here is an example that happened 100% of the time: Warder A
>sits in the Grove all alone, holding the Imperial Codex.

Everyone knows there is no such thing as an alone warder. Its called locate object fool. Smart people know how to tell which warders are about and which not. Mostly I would send people to retrieve if it was worth it. And sometimes there would be anywhere from 4-10 warders in my pk. (Well before Garam and Blidden got the boot and starkad deleted anyway) No way would I send any one to go raid and retrieve if I knew I wasnt gonna be able to stop them from taking it right back. As far as the rest of your flame goes if you didnt have your head up your ass i'd respond but I don't wanna dirty myself like that.

Much Love
Acidic Parv
18316, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Sebeok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're delusional.
Go raid with the Warlocks some more.
You'll like the result.

18345, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright, allow me to a moment for this foot lodged firmly in my mouth. I admit, whole heartedly, that my example was way out of line. It was not meant to be taken completely literally, truthfully. I was just a bit angry at all the accusations flying in and out of game at me that we are gang-bangers. I am angry because this comes from a group of people who have done nothing but gang bang. And also, I sounded very petty and delusional because Maz was sounding petty. After cooling down, I know my words were askew. A better example would be one warder walks down road with one imperial, instead of engaging warder, imperial calls two or three others for backup. Mazaufat was slightly different, as I pointed out, so I apologize to the player of Maz. I will not apologize to Khaso because he sounded petulant. All in all, I apologize to everyone for my comments and I will think before I speak next time.

To Sebeok: Never have I raided with Warlocks. Twice in my life have I arrived at the Imperial Lands to find Gherian aiding Maran. Maran warn me back, so I do not attack Gherian. I am there only for my own little piece of Imperial arse. However, I shouldn't have to explain this here, should I? This is something that should be dealt with IC and not used to insult and threaten me OOC. Thanks.
18357, Ahem:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now, granted, I know barely more than #### all about this other than what I've read in this thread, but I do know this:

If you don't want people to call you on your ####ting and/or trash talk in a public forum... don't talk trash in a public forum.

I personally find it hilarious that you'd have the audacity to be offended that someone would dare call #### on you if it's warranted.
18376, So only attack one enemy...
Posted by Felgaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and it is the enemy everyone else is attacking, while ignoring the other enemy. How is that not ganging when you ignore one enemy to attack another. And imperials don't do nothing but gang dude, you know it. There aren't enough Imperials to do nothing but gang, and it is more true now then ever. You need to get a grip and perhaps open your eyes, a little thought thrown in there might help too.
18388, Petulant?
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not really the petulant sort. What bothered me, and perhaps made my response stronger than it normally would be, was you criticizing the character Mazaufat for actions that others took, not him. While he may have participated in gang bangs, most of the time he was fighting extreme odds. And he did it for a long time. That demands some respect.

As for you apologizing, really I don't care. I'm pretty good at separating game from forum, and never letting them affect each other. Thornarcrull, for one, was a booger on the forums, but I never let that affect how I interacted with him. You're free to speak your mind here, within reason... just be aware that if you spew nonsense, there's a chance you'll be called on it.
18392, RE: Petulant?
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No seriously, with all due respect, look back. I did not accuse Mazaufat of doing this all the time. I gave him respect. I am not being sarcastic. Mazaufat usually only was tied at the hip with Haaslett, and no offense but shamans and healers are hard to kill, but also it is hard to die by them. So, I respect his choice of partner. As for nonsense, I know I did not speak with lucidity, yet my point remains thus, "You shouldn't complain about gang bangs, when you do it so much yourself." And I only carried this on because you sounded very petulant and I did not expect this from an Imm, I apologize truly and will not speak such anymore. (Though, I know you enjoy reading my comments, hee hee, arguing is fun sometimes tis why I started one.)
18400, RE: Petulant?
Posted by Mazaufat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>(Though, I know you
>enjoy reading my comments, hee hee, arguing is fun sometimes
>tis why I started one.)

Sure it is. Lets argue the fact that you sir are a moron. Hasslett was lvl 44 divine, im a darkelf hero healer. We would share maybe 2-3 people in pk out of 18-20 enemies. Main reason i'd be with hasslett would be to either raid/retrieve or lvl him. Tell me when you have ever done that on your own. Any one of those things that is.


I hate being acidic but I guess sometimes you gotta what comes naturally.

Much Love

Acidic Parv
18406, RE: Petulant?
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have raided Empire/Warlock/Scion numerous times allllll by my self with success. Helping people learn? Well, I have taken much time learning myself so I am not yet considered helping others when I go out to learn. Rank forty four and rank fifty one can share a lot of pk. I come around as much as you, I bet. And it was a run on joke in Sylvan that Maz and Haaslett were tied at the hip. Not even a joke I created. And a good number of the wolves at the time could harm you both. But, that is not important. Argument gets boring.
18410, RE: Petulant?
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You (a few posts up): "arguing is fun sometimes tis why I started one."

Yeah, I guess they're fun, but then...

You (in this post): Argument gets boring.

Yeah. But then they get boring when you realize you're just a jackass that shouldn't have started something he had no ground to stand on in regards to in the first place.


Zepachu the Prolonger of Arguments.
18401, My last post! Err, maybe
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now that this argument has become slightly good natured, I'll just speak to what I see as the root of the misunderstanding.

- Mazaufat usually only was tied at the hip with Haaslett, and no offense but shamans and healers are hard to kill, but also it is hard to die by them.

This, basically, is what I've been talking about. Mazaufat was on HUGE insane amounts of time, for the last month. Haaslett's appearances, while not sporatic, were nowhere near as much as Mazaufat's. What does this tell me? You were logging on at around the times Maz and Haaslett were around together... which maybe constitutes 10% of Maz's life. In that other 90%, most of the time... he had no allies. You've got to understand... he plays when you don't... and you can't speak to what happens during that time. It was ugly for him, trust me. I'm around a good bit myself, and saw a lot of that. Now, from your point of view... your comments are right... because you speak to what you're seeing, and that's fine. But keep in mind, a ton of stuff happened when you weren't about... and not much of it was going Mazaufat's way.

So, in a sense, we're both right, but I'm more right than you!

Four legs good, two legs bad.
18405, RE: My last post! Err, maybe
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Four legs good, two legs bad.

If we are going to talk about talking animals....

I much prefer the universal sheep language


four legs good, two legs better.
18432, And truth be told
Posted by Haaaslett on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only within the last week or so could we even travel together. He and I really didn't even know each other much until then, and then I was gone for a week on vacation, so... I also travel alone a lot, but others don't see that much. There are exceptions, but for the most part, we are way outnumbered on a daily basis. I'm sure Maz put up with lots of crap, just seeing that I put up with some and I didn't have it nearly as bad.

18374, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Zargu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, sit in the grove... That is all you do! As i wrote earlier, i logged on one day, no warder in sight, i went one collecting a few things, still no signs of warders, then i go raid, pooooffff, 4 of you coming as you sat just two steps away just waiting for us to come...

Why do we make sure that there are little warders on? Well, we walk alone - oooops, a snare... No biggie... Hmmm, a bard comes to sing... Bah, i can handle 6 hours of sleep and a fiend... Then a shaman comes to dispel, im cool, im cool... Then you see the underground grow, okay, thorns - bah, im small i can flee past them...

Then a druid start the fight with a hunt, while three guys do a call of the wild on you... BOOOM!

End of story!

And know what... You never even got to see who did it!

18300, Ahh well
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seemed to know what you were doing. I killed you with a lame conjurer (Maelsar) by nightgaunting you. Didnt see you much with my next charactor. And my current one fought you a lot. You will fight despite bad pairings and whatnot, so well done. My comments still hold for low ranked evils. Im glad you agreed with me finally re: Astilamos for example. I have many more examples like him. Damn, and after convincing me to roll an evil to 'help out' the best of the batch deletes...

Well done anyhow.
18298, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There were times, as a player, I felt bad for you. As a warder, I want nothing more than the elimination of the empire, scion and warlock cabal. The biggest pro for the empire is also its biggest con. Massive numbers (at lower ranks for awhile) can be overwhelming, but, with those massive numbers, too few will really shine. The empire/scion thing is easy to fix, and I am sure the imms will take care of that soon. So many angles that I can see, but, then again that is all IC and not for here. Good luck with you next, you won't get a flame from me.
18308, Sylvan has the deathgrip on massivbe numbers, don't play coy. nt
Posted by Felgaire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Empire does not have the massive numbers needed....
18331, Well, it wasn't so not too long ago, but, my point is...
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The empire mentality is built around massive amounts of people. The lower ranks had it, but, it obviously wasn't built around experienced players. Warders have the numbers now, but, there is a reason why it works there, that of course is IC.
18297, This is a serious blow
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Empire will sorely miss your black shroud and healing. I actually had to break role to get along with you in the end. Wilhath was made to despise the Divine and Black Sects (moreso the Black) because of what happened with the old Empire. If he had had the power he would have sent you all "to the hole" and then taken your Scepter.

In the end though my frustration level skyrocketed and I began to hang with you just to survive.

I think you should jump back into the Empire cabal. Maybe by the time we rank up to 40th the stranglehold will have eased or perhaps the imms will have done something to break up the anti-Empire love triangle.
18289, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Dafeb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know we were only friends for a short time, but thanks very much for showing me around some areas I'd never been to before. Sorry you felt that I betrayed you, but as a player I hope you can understand why I did what I did. I'm totally pulling for the underdog at all times, but I'm not about to forgo 1) a one-on-one or one-on-two fight the rare times I can find one and 2) the chance to punish a beaten trash-talker. As for the latter, you know who I'm talking about.

I was at odds with myself last night about what to do during the raids and counter-raids until Yanacek made the decision for me. Oh well.

Thanks again for the fun. Good luck on your next.

18288, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Gherian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
2-0 in your favor? If you count those deaths as your favor, then anytime you died was in my favor. That is not the point however. You tried, that is something, it was somewhat amusing when you spoke to me. Usually I would say something to the effect that it was yet another stupid assumption on your part, and you would just not say anything. That last time you just wanted to gloat, and that's fine, I can take it. Just didn't see overly much to gloat about. Balance sucks in the cabal wars? Sure, I don't really like it much, but at least I have the warders to keep me occupied sometimes. Every imperial deleting is not going to swing that balance. As for the comment that everyone will jump on the bandwagon when the empire starts gaining momentum, maybe, maybe not. I have personally been waiting for the empire for awhile, nearly deleted just to roll up something for it...but I didn't want to jump on that bandwagon. This is the first good PC I have played in probablly three years, and had I known the hero ranks were so lopsided I would have done something else, but not about to quit after six hundred hours because of it. You want something bad enough, you'll stick with it.
18291, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Mazaufat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't actually remember ever dying with you in the area let alone in the same room as me. But ok if you insist. And as far as talking to you, god forbid someone try and rp with their enemy for a change. Oh nooo you can't get any cool eq or questies from them why would you do that right? The gloating part was me just feeling good about waxing your ass twice, and if you think I didnt have anything to do with both of your deaths to me.. well lets just let that one go.
18293, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Gherian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't mind talking to people, enemies included. I just said it was amusing. Everytime you spoke to me it was just to put your foot deep into the back of your throat.
18299, Keep telling yourself that. n/t
Posted by Mazaufat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18311, I think he was there a couple times.
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did always have nice gear to loot at least.
18286, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You know I already regret doing that.

I tried to stop you :P

I liked Mazaufat overall, I just wish you had more backup to see what you could have done with the Empire. 18-1 sucks, 'nuff said.

>Zulgh: No real interaction other than the ooc stuff that took
>place but thanks for the pep talk and the fixes. You may have
>sold us old schoolers out but some of us still love you.

Yeah, I'm still trying to work on my interaction with mortal quota, but it always seems like there is some coding/bug-fixing/idea-polishing/etc to do. I didn't sell ya out...I just used you to pay my way ;)

>On imperial imms as a whole. Baby steps are fun and all but
>try and keep the players in mind when you guys decide to do
>something like put a new cabal in. I can understand the reason
>for keeping scion and empire at odds but did anyone thing to
>look at the sylvan/maran/warlock before you guys decided on

Yeah...and at the time we didn't think it was going to blow up as it so obviously has. We were wrong.

>Yeah I know I rage deleted yeah I know i probably pissed
>you guys off by asking for emperor as often as i did. But it
>was something I felt I had earned and seeing imms dragging
>their feet as they normally tend to do just added to my
>frustration. I thought hey if I make my self the obvious
>choice, lvl to hero, do my bit, donate like maniac, actually
>lead the cabal, have the support necessary to get the throne.
>I'd get it. Obviously not, yeah I know it was in the works.

It was closer than you thought probably. Live and learn.

>But when everything is going against you its nice to be thrown
>a bone to keep a loyal dog happy. Oh well good luck with what
>ever you guys are trying to do. I hope it plans out like you
>want it to.

Right now it looks like it's going straight into the crapper :P I've got a couple Empire tweaks I need to toss out for discussion, as with everything...it's a work in progress.

>Maz signing out.
>Much Love
>Acidic Parv

18315, RE: Mazaufat Dead:
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
::Yeah...and at the time we didn't think it was going to blow up as it so obviously has. We were wrong.

What? Admitting your wrong? Is the sky falling?

18321, It was funny for a while, but maybe it's time to brush that chip off
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They're human, they make mistakes. There's no sense being all pissed off over it.
18323, Who the hell asked for your opinion?
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quit trying to hold his hand, Zulg deserves some ribbing now and then and he knows it.

18325, I'm all for a good ribbing, but I'm not going to be the silent majority
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're known for sour grapes where the imms are concerned. Ever since you deleted Navarro you've been foaming at the mouth over the Empire-imms. Whether you want to hear my opinion or not, I imagine the majority agree with me so I'll voice it.
18329, RE: I'm all for a good ribbing, but I'm not going to be the silent majority
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No i'm not foaming at the mouth over the Empire imms. There's this thing called 'getting over it.' look into it.

All the Empire imms are big boys, they can handle what i dish. Zulg's not going to up and delete because i made a poke at him so don't worry.

18334, delete, delete (n/t)
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>All the Empire imms are big boys, they can handle what i dish.
>Zulg's not going to up and delete because i made a poke at him
>so don't worry.
18390, Too bad you changed that Delete Code... (n/t)
Posted by Oops on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18399, Well.
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

... code-wise he didn't rage-delete.
18328, I figured I'd get it on record
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That way you can always point back to it and say "Remember that one time when Zulg admitted he was wrong".

Along those lines, I will always be able to say "I was wrong...once"

18330, Stored in the rolodex of CF firsts. nt
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18332, You may also...
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...want to attach this to the rolodex file, Sir.

A link to a picture I put on my website, just for you!:

18369, Hey, thats not too far from my home! Good pic n/t
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM