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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject[DELETE] Shalashaska the Master of Copper, Anathema to ...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18194
18194, [DELETE] Shalashaska the Master of Copper, Anathema to ...
Posted by Black Death on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where do I begin.Well I rolled this char with the intent of following Beroxxus and joining the Scions to see how they would be doing under new management.Things change.At about rank 7 or so Empire came back and I was like hmm,maybe I'll join Empire instead.Well I joined Empire,being bloodoathed by Knipit.I had already traveled with Knipit and Wilhath and allot of dem others and helped in raids and such.After awhile I had donated allot and was thinking I would be a citizen soon or something.Didnt happen.A "shadowy voice"(I know who) told the cabal that I was a coward and would come and leave(and in that hiding and being a coward).Truthfully I only did it 3 times because when I got on I had to leave because of something came up and I had to work on it.(too bad for me)Then kriack wanted me to join Rager.I said yes,but in my mind I was like no.Finaly I said im tired of shalashaska,he is not going anywhere and deleted.

*Second char to 40(never had a hero)*
*Yea im a newbie.*


Wilhath- You were cool and we ranked together allot.But in the end I just hated you.It was funny to see you get mad when I ganked you,considering thats all Empire does.

Knipit- Thanks for the bloodoath and all the fun times.

Lao- Grouped with you abit,kept being annoying.

Faeras- Your a good char,not on allot.

Astilamos- You wanted to help and we were cool,but when I became Ananthema you somehow always found me.Hate you.Rank up and stop sitting their.

Tirrarraeor- Your a fool,I always hated you and you hated me.Would have killed you a few times during the raids had I not been empire.

Haaslett- We grouped some,you were always "busy".Oh well.

Uzurialla- Helped you out.Didnt talk to much.

Huromhaur- Stupid bovine.We fought allot and one always ended up fleeing,and coming back healed.

Dolomock- We were friends and would have probably heroed had you not had to wait for your second empowerment.Too bad you joined Empire,and had to hunt me.

Lavazariux- Felar,you need to think before you do stuff,you crazy.

Raygumadrex- Need to work on that distance,you arent good at it at all.Your funny though with your dancing everytime you do something.

Onglaurst- Sorry,cant understand you.Try again.

Khasotholas- Dont remember if we talked.Oh well didn know you.

Malakar- I gave you the spiked boots and you were supposed to keep them.Oh well,your loss,not mine.

Kriack- Sorry,no rager for me.You a crazy duergar.

Cuthul- Fought you once with Wilhath and lao.You ran quickly,good thing I got the cranial to put you and your nightwalker to sleep.

Fortress- Was like clockwork.We raid.Your heroes raid.We raid.Your heroes raid.We had no one to defend because Knipit and Mazaufat were always running away from like 5 of you.

Sylvans- Stay in the forest.Was almost like clockwork for you too.

Scion- We decided to go ahead and start the war.Good luck.

Everyone else I forgot- Cya,I might make a new char and try to hero.All you goodies need to type suicide over and over.But good rp all around.I'll post his sorry role and stats in the next post.Cya.

-Dead X-
18197, Pretty much thought you were a newbie
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You made a damn fine bootlicker though and as a higher echelon character I could appreciate somebody who blindly followed like a loyal servant. I don't recall even saying anything to you when you ganged me down. After that I never saw you again though and I was looking forward to watching the fiend destroy you. I was more pissed off about the god damned air major assisting you.

I have no respect for air majors. None.
18196, RE: [DELETE] Shalashaska the Master of Copper, Anathema to ...
Posted by Malakar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks again for the boots but you where fun to be around, I still love how we seemed to be invicible together but I deleted (I still regret it at times) and now you did shame, but no matter what you where fun to be around, good luck on the next.
18195, Role
Posted by Black Death on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tell me what you think of it.Like I said Im a newbie,and I would like to know.

Here is is:

Added Mon May 26 00:07:55 2003 at level 40:
A warrior by choice.Shalashaska uses maces & swords to inflict damage upon opponents.Little is
known about his past and he has chosen to forget it,for it is not important to him.His whole life
changed when he found out that the Empire had returned.His orginal plans was to become a part of
Scion,one of the reasons he decided to live in Hamsah.He wanted to be close to the Chasm,but at
the same time be away from the crowds that flock to Galadon and Tar Valon.But little did he realize
that Hamsah was widely populated and it would also be close to the Palace.He wishes to become
part of the Blade Sect and bring pride to the Empire.Throughout his life he has had his share of
"friends" or close companions who he would learn with occasionally.But now...most are either
gone forever or have betrayed him.He puts his trust in two things : 1.His weapons and 2. His skills
with those weapons.He is slowly beginning to trust other members of the Blade Sect(or soon to be
Blade sect),such as the ones he knows well or has learned much with.He has been taught not to
trust those of the other Sects and to watch for their sneaky ways.Though evil he acts silly
sometimes,but serious when it is the time to be serious.He thinks of himself as the "Bonecrusher"
because his most favorite skill is boneshatter.He also believes that it is his Destiny to become
something great.He believes he can achieve that through the Empire.One thing that he didnt forget
though was his full name,Shalashaska V'tenk Ocelot,the name given to him by his mother.

Added Mon May 26 00:12:30 2003 at level 40:
"Just a misunderstanding..."
The words Shalashaska mutters to himself now that things have changed.He believes it was a
misunderstanding that got him removed from the Empire.He is unsure if he will be allowed to return,and a "friend" named Kriack has offered to help him get into the battleragers.Torn
between two cabals he must choose.For now he is the Ananthema to the Empire and the scales
tip more toward the Battleragers.But In his heart he still loves the Empire.He promised his
heart,his soul,and his life for the Empire.And if theirs a way to rejoin he must find it...

Added Sat Jun 7 17:59:16 2003 at level 40:
Tis the last time I see thera......
Tis my last day....
Death has to be easy,because life is hard....
It will leave you mentally and emotionally scarred...
Its time to go and see my family.
Everyone who has passed on before me.....its time.

Rest of CRAP:

Shalashaska the Master of Copper, Anathema to the Empire
Level : 40 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Orderly Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 0 Trains : 1 Hometown : Hamsah Mu'tazz
Exp : 372400 To Level : 21600 Sphere : Death
Age : mature, 157 years old (78 hours)
Hit Point: 675 /675 Mana : 306 /306 Move : 657 /657
Str : 25(25) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 18(18) Chr : 13(13)
Carry # : 0/29 Weight : 0 lb 0 oz (Max 600 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Copper : 0
Wimpy : 196 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 6 Damroll : 9
AC pierce: 85 Defenseless AC bash : 85 Defenseless
AC slash : 85 Defenseless AC magic : 85 Defenseless
vs Spell : Not protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Not protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You are specialized in sword.
You are specialized in mace.
You are affected by:

Level 1: axe 75% dagger 1%
flail 1% mace 100%
polearm 78% spear 1%
sword 96% staff 1%
whip 1% enhanced damage 100%
hand to hand 80% parry 86%
rescue 1% recall 100%
shield block 1%
Level 3: dirt kicking 93%
Level 5: second attack 100%
Level 6: fast healing 94%
Level 8: kick 1%
Level 10: disarm 81% feint 1%
Level 12: third attack 92% dual wield 100%
Level 13: dodge 79%
Level 14: haggle 75%
Level 15: bash 100% trip 75%
shield cleave 1% pugil 1%
meditation 86%
Level 16: charge 75%
Level 18: berserk 83% lash 1% Level 20: warcry 76% flourintine 77%
parting blow 76% backhand 86%
pen 1%
Level 21: lore 1% retreat 75%
Level 22: cross 81%
Level 23: offhand disarm 1% deflect shield 1%
Level 24: double thrust 81%
Level 25: drive 1%
Level 26: jab 75% cranial 100%
Level 28: boneshatter 100%
Level 29: riposte 76%
Level 30: fourth attack 90% dent 1%
dash 79%
Level 31: flurry 77%
Level 33: drum 100%

-Dead X-
18203, RE: Role
Posted by Kriack on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried!

I tried to see if we could get roleplay with your Anathema situation, but apparently you pissed someone off REALLY bad and there was no way you'd survive past 40. I knew this, I tried however - in my characters interests, he has the same sort of role of an outcast. Regardless, you did OK for a newbie, but I suggest sticking around the lower ranks before just power ranking, you could use the PK knowledge.

Good luck on yer next, yer tall arse!